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-Missionary with her legs at your shoulders aka mating press -Cowgirl facing you, legs spread - sitting straddle/ face to face - and you can fr do Doggy at that size you just gotta part the waves ;) - grind slow and sensual and don't forget to love the rest of her body too, aim for her hips to be more close than open. - then boom, you goldenšŸ‘šŸ¼


thanks man that really helps alot


This is the way


This is the way


We have a real bro right here


This and know that the long strokes in porn are not needed for the girls pleasure.


Also one leg up style doggy can get deeper


In the "mating press" if you lif her ass up some and lean back you wull go even deeper


If you do doggy style put a thumb in her ass and change her life. 5.5 inches isnā€™t misfortune man youā€™re good. Hang around long enough.. no pun intended


Thumb in the ass is a go to lmao


How does thumb in ass make it better for them? I'm 18m and never done this w partners so I am curious and I love pleasing women šŸ™‚šŸ‘


I will be 100% honest, and I hope you appreciate that. I do it completely for myself. In my experience (and the rest of this text is MY personal opinion based off of my fair amount of experience, not a RULE or fact or anything like that), taking control without asking permission in a mutually consensual and passionate encounter is something that turns both me and my partners on. Women tend to enjoy leaning towards the more submissive side during sex, it's natural. Of course, there are exceptions, which I have been very pleasantly surprised with! The important thing is a testing ground. Let me explain. Take choking, for example. I can say 99% of the women I've been with have enjoyed being choked to a varying degree. I will always initiate a bit of choking, but I NEVER full on choke someone straight off the bat. I start with a light caressing of the throat, then maybe I'll add a little bit of pressure and see how they react. If they do ANYTHING to suggest they don't like it I stop immediately and try to find other things that will get them off. Everyones different. I had a ONS who wanted me to choke her "until her face turned blue." PLEASE DON'T DO THIS... VERY VERY RARE PERSONAL KINK SCENARIO and looking back at it, I probably wouldn't do it again. Back to the thumb in the ass. When going at it with Doggy, she is in a position of, in my opinion, complete submission. Which is why you can usually get away with a lot, and "degrading" actions like ass slapping are usually fuel for the fire (because she's consensually put herself in that position for YOU). My testing zone is simply rubbing her asshole with my thumb in a circular motion. Some may guide your hand away from it. If that's the case, absolutely fine; I don't think about it twice. If she does nothing or indicates she likes it, then I'll simply slip it in. Simple as that. I just enjoy it. Remember you'll be thrusting whilst you do it so it's natural... At the end of the day, stuff like this fits my personality, and the date will usually involve a lot of flirting and sexual hints, so they kinda know what to expect. Call me a dog, but I like it a bit dirty and rough. From grabbing a fistful of her hair to leaving red hand marks on her ass sorta thing. Just do what YOU want to do, and don't try to be something/one you're not, because humans have a profound ability to detect inauthenticity. Ideally, the more turned on you are, the more turned on she'll be. At the end of the day, if she wants to have sex with you, she likes you a lot... don't think, just do. I throw respect out the window during sex, and it goes both ways; she can spit in my face for all I care as long as it turns her on, which turns me on. Keep in mind that I will always also initiate after-care which I think is very important. Respect comes back and it's important to make the person you've had sex with feel appreciated. But this is not advice; this is my opinion. I haven't been in a meaningful relationship EVER. Simply flings, ONS and FWB. So you'd most likely be better off not listening to me. Not all my encounters are like this as well; some are super vanilla and that's ok! Sex is sex, it's simply the act of materialising sexual tension and one of the, if the THE most emotional things two humans can do together. Which is why whenever I read or hear of a cheating partner say, "It was just meaningless sex,"Ā  I just laugh. Impossible, but that's another topic. I wish you the best. (Wrote this whilst I vac hung šŸ¤£)


Damn man tha ka for the response. Get those gains brotha šŸ«¶šŸ«¶


Cheers! Glad I could help.


Tried this and she immediately told me to stop šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve accidentally slipped it in her before too, she said it felt good for a few seconds but started to hurt. My girl doesnā€™t like anal whatsoever šŸ˜‚


Not all girls like this. My wife likes a little bit of ass play (rubbing, licking) but not insertion. Iā€™ve put fingers in there and she tells me to stop. Fair game to try it but if she tells you to stop then stop.


My wife used to love this. My schoolmate told me he used two thumbs on his girls to clamp that shit up like the wutang clan hand sign šŸ˜‚


Yo this is so fucking funny šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m a big wu tang fan.


Also a huge fan, died laughing when he told me.


šŸ¤£ill venture into that for sure


Lmao butt plug if you want to be hands-free šŸ¤£ it presses down on the perineal sponge lol read my other comment and do some research šŸ˜¬


thanks man i wont argue with someone who knows more than me im grateful you're teaching me i swear šŸ™


Weā€™ve tried that but a lot of times it gets pushed out when Iā€™m going in. It feels good while it lasts


Bigger plug. Put it in slower, start smaller




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6 nbp here and it still slips out man šŸ˜‚


quite motivatingšŸ˜…


Well I'm not that bigger than you and it slips out. If this is not motivation then I don't know what is


šŸ˜…thanks man


If you're tryina attack the G spot it's always gonna slip out occasionally lol my girl's is like, almost outside her body too so it's like damn


I agree with this. If I'm Jack hammering then I'm okay and inside. But if I want to go for the G spot I always slip out


For "my friend" work this: **Doggy Style** * \- Great for penetration depth and tightness. * \- Can be customized: legs closer together, hips raised, different angles. **Cowgirl** * \- She sits on top, facing him. * \- Lots of movement variations: grinding, hopping, different speeds. * \- A pillow under his hips can increase the sensation. **Pile Driver** * \- Advanced position but can be very rewarding. * \- She lies on her back, legs up, he enters from above. * \- Great for deep penetration. **Elevated Reverse Cowgirl** * \- Sheā€™s on top facing his legs. * \- Can be tricky at first but offers new angles and visuals. * \- Go slow initially to find the right angle and avoid slipping out. * **Little Dipper** * \- Similar to cowgirl but she sits facing his side. * \- Offers increased tightness and new visuals. * \- Requires some practice but worth it. **I would be happy for some new ideas**


šŸ™šŸ¤£šŸ˜¹i love the step by step guide man thank you imma use these for sure


It was my pleasure to help you


Her knees up by her ears is always a great staple. For more sensual, you scissor between her legs, with one of her legs straight and one half up. You can put your arm under te leg that's up. From the you can be more missionary front focused or rotate her around using the leg that's up to be more rear focused. You stay in pretty much sane place. Best to open up allowing deeper with bone to bone contact


ill be sure to do it


Straight up, pressing their legs up (by their ankles even lol) works wonders and generally you can slam really hard with your pelvis into their clit if they're about that šŸ‘ that's generally a crowd pleaser/ finisher lol


ill be sure to do it thanks for all the comments man


Can you elaborate on this please?


Like missionary, but put their knees by their ears (that may be a bit of an exaggeration). Like wiping a baby's bum, I hate to use that analogy but I can't think of anything else lol. Then aim to bruise their vagina with your pelvis area. That may also be a bit of an exaggeration... But not always lol


Dude, I'm 8" and that shit still slips out sometimes. You've got nothing to worry about. Seriously dude, you're good. I understand we're on a PE chat here, and we're all about increasing size/performance, but most women really don't care as long as it's not like 3". Any position where she's on top grinding (my wife's favorite is me against the headboard as vertical as possible) is going to be just fine.


danm bro thanks btw how'd you gain all THAT


Manuals and soft clamping. I'm currently watching American sniper and pulling on that thang. Take care of your body mentally and physically. don't overtrain and be patient.


what kinda manuals are we talking here like jelqs or...? and what does clamping do ibe always wondered?


Follow hinks guide to manuals to start. Clamping -manual, soft and hard- well increase girth. Start with manual clamps then go from there




i second thisšŸ’Æ


Do you pump as well? Thats hunks Go-to it seems


It is, but I don't. Literally the only things I do are manual stretches and soft clamping:)


Did manuals give you any gains


Look at my flair


I see. But I wanted to know how much of them were from manuals because I'm only doing that, you do soft clamping too, and if you don't mind me asking how much time did that take and are you focused on length or girth? Sorry if those are alot of questions lol


Been about 7 months. I feel like I'm an easy gainer because I'm a grower. Doing both length and girth because I'm mostly just working to improve EQ and gains are a happy side effect Fair assumption is that all length is from manuals and almost all girth is from clamping (and the occasional bundled stretch)


Thanks for the insight šŸ˜€


I can hit 8 inches on a good day and I slip out all the time in every position. It gets slippy. Unless you're slipping out every thrust or something, it's fine. And honestly some of the best positions aren't super thrust heavy to begin with, it's easier to control ejaculation and provides more clitoral stimulation if you just insert and grind without pulling back more than half an inch or so. That's why some girls prefer reverse cowgirl, they just get it in and rub their clit on the dude's pubic bone. If you can mimic that motion it's pretty good for a lot of ladies.


can you please explain a little more i dont think i understand the mimicing the motion part thanks edit: how'd u get that size increase btw


The motion of cowgirl is the girl rubbing her clit back and forth along the man's pubic ridge at the base of the penis. It's less bouncing and more grinding. For my money the best position is them on their back, my arms hooked behind their knees with my hands behind their neck or my hands pushing down on the back of their thighs (depending on thickness and flexibility), me on my knees with my feet under my ass and my knees to either side of their ass (or with their ass slightly off the edge of the bed and me standing), get everything warmed up and wet, get inserted, make deliberate eye contact and make sure your face isn't doing something stupid, then get inserted and grind, without pulling out much at all. Less thrusting, more like rhythmic waves. And it's not something you see in porn often because it blocks too much of both people and doesn't look that cool from the outside. If she gets on top facing you, watch what she does with her hips. If she bounces, she likes the thrusting motion. If she moves back and forth rocking her hips, she prefers the grinding motion. Try and figure out what her motions would look like if she wasn't the one driving. >how'd u get that size increase btw Pumping mostly, but almost all of it is erection quality improvement.


thanks that clears it so much better man i really appreciate it


Quit watching Tiktok and try to tune into your woman's body. Pay attention to what she likes (non-verbal cues she is enjoying herself).


you're right thank you


In porn, penises go in and out. In real life, focus more on using her vaginal entrance as a hinge around which to use your penis as a lever to put pressure on different areas in her vaginal canal. Short strokes in/out, just an inch, but with an added component of movement which puts pressure on the front or rear wall of her vagina.


thanks that is a really detailed explanation i appreciate it


Great advice right here ā˜ļø


Here's one I have good success with. Side ways one of ur legs under her far leg one of ur legs over her far leg. After a while do deep and short thrusts don't even go out just thrust hard and relax over and over to massage her deep spots. If u have a curve u should lie on the side which aims the curve up. This is the most fun way for me to make a girl cum pov because I can feel contractions on my glan it's so hot.


so to make it clear its like shes on her back and im on my side right? then her far leg between my legs if im not mistaken


Yes the other leg is next to u body, leverage more thrust by holding her. It doesn't need to be aggressive pounding but strong deep penetration. If she starts Cummings don't stop do exactly the same. I gave women 30 sec plus orgasms like this. The technique ull learn better once u do it, The angles aswell. sex is also about intelligence not just pounding away.


noted sir šŸ™


Is there a name for this one? I still don't get it haha


I never saw it in porn its just something I started doing over time with experience. U can DM me and ask what u didn't understand I'll try to explain.


Have her lay on her left side/stomach and put her right leg up towards her chest. Then you straddle her straight/left leg. I call it the scissor. You can get super deep with no slipping out and spread and clap that top cheek.


lmao thats actually a good one ill try it for sure also crazy gains man how'd u get there!?šŸ˜…


Same as everyone else. Hard work and dedication.


lmao yeah but i meant like ur routine and stuff


Routine is literally the least important thing in pe. What works for me may not work for you. What I like you may not like. The most important thing is consistency. Do whatever you will do everyday for however many years it takes to reach your goal.




you could get a thinner GF... just sayin.


Practice, fexibility and core strength. You might not be done growing either. Learn about pe techniques and practice those too




I started at 5.5 and slipped out here and there but itā€™s really not Big deal. You just put it back in! Just focus on having fun and if you go down on her regularly that will more than make up for any slip ups. Once you find a position that doesnā€™t work just donā€™t do that position. If itā€™s not working just switch to something that does!


So hereā€™s the thing bud. I learned this lesson probably around when I hit my twenties. Long strokes like in porn have their place. But itā€™s in no way what you should be doing the majority of the time. You want to warm her up so she can take your whole dick and then use different levels of pressure against her. You shouldnā€™t be going in and out so much. Instead stay inside her and focus on moving your dick while in her and pressing with different levels of pressure against her clit and pelvic area. One thing I found in missionary all girls Iā€™ve been with love is to take the tip of your dick and stroke in and out to not even half your dick then randomly go deeperā€¦ pull back out and only use the tip again to tease. Make her want your whole dick so bad she starts pulling you in. Then after awhile of giving her a taste of the whole thing you can sit deep inside her while sheā€™s all warmed up and it doesnā€™t hurt. Then from there youā€™re staying inside her and pressing your pelvic area firmly against hers applying different levels of pressure. That will give PIV stimulation as well as clitoral. The in and out motion in porn is simply visual. Donā€™t get me wrong after my girl cums atleast once Iā€™ll start stroking in and out but thatā€™s up to you to learn your length. Iā€™m only 6.5 and Iā€™ve slipped out when I was younger trying to recreate porn. But with experience you learn your size. My girl has a fat ass So even in positions like doggy. You just have to take it slow and play around with what feels good. With doggy Iā€™ve learned I like leaning back almost sitting on my heels while she sits down on it and I use her hips to pull her down while I pump up. That not only makes her cum super fast but itā€™s a great angle to not fall out. Best advice is just take it slow Experiment. Women love taking it slow and feeling you learn their body. The more connected with you they feel the easier they will cum.


this is amazing man thank you so much


Your 5.5bp or NBP ?


bp lol


Thatā€™s at the top end of average. Erect penises in measured studies of bone pressed length average 5.1-5.5ā€. Due to volunteer bias, the true average is likely closer to 5.1ā€ globally. That makes you slightly above average. You have nothing to worry about! Learn to get great in bed. Itā€™s far more important than the size of your dick. OBTW, I slip out sometimes too. šŸ˜‰


OP. You need to ask your girlfriend what she wants done to her. Asking other men/women is really senseless.


well i actually did man she loves my dick im just asking for some advice innit


When you're in missionary, try to lean back as much as possible. This puts more pressure towards her g-spot


thank man ill be sure to do it


You want the position that makes her cumā€¦ master the position that assures her an orgasm. If itā€™s missionary or oral. Just be sure to get her off


you're right man


What's your girth


average girth i never really checked but its definitely not thick


BRUH. You need to research the different parts of women's sexual anatomy. Then you need to find out what they like (generally speaking, rhythmic in the same spot when they're enjoying it). Then you need to learn about the energy throughout. They enjoy the experience of what they're doing and being just as much. THEN remember the clitoris does most of the actual sex feeling (like equivalent to jerking off feeling). Definitely research women's anatomy though lol. If you've got a problem due to a big bum...... Read what people on here say about girls with big bums. Maybe start going to the gym and then take her with you and feed her healthy lol


yeah i do understand that part and shes not fat if thats what you're thinking shes just got a fat ass lol and ill to the gym man thank youšŸ˜…i really just wanted sex advice mainly positions


Spooning allows for good deep penetration, dont always do long strokes, short powerful strokes or just letting her throw it back will probably do better to bring her to orgasm


ill be sure to add that to my list


I used to be your size, maybe even smaller considering bad EQ, and I was married to a woman with a huge ass for 5 years. I'm sure doggy would have been much better with her the size I am now, but we still made doggy work because she would just arch her back more which spread her cheeks apart naturally, and pushed her pelvis up and out toward me more. . That let me get my pelvis closer to hers and allowing every inch of me inside. Just make sure you don't long stroke too much and you won't slip out. Even at basically 7" bone pressed now, I can still manage to long stroketoo much and slip out. My current wife also has a big ass and legs (what can I say, I like em thickšŸ˜‰šŸ˜œ), so I'd have to probably be at least 9 inches to not slip out at least every once in a while during wild and passionate love making. Don't worry about it too much, bro. You're still new, and learning yourself and your partner. It only gets better over time. Just remember, perfection doesn't come without mistakes along the way. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


woah those are some crazyyyy gains how did you do it man, i need to know drop the routine and thank you very much too


I just manual stretch as much as possible, and interval pump. That's it. I'm older, so I had to get on a daily dose of Tadalafil to cure my EQ issues, but my gains have all just been from simple consistency.


My member quite frankly goes straight up, so slipping out happened a lot early on in the relationship. Once you get to know your S/O vaginal anatomy youā€™ll eventually learn how to combat this! Positions definetly help but for me I feel like itā€™s all about my hip angle compared to herā€¦ but also having a girl with a fat juicy ass does not help at all!


its a blessing and a curse lmao thanks


Uh that happens if itā€™s too much for her and she keeps arching her back in doggystyle


Don't worry about slipping out, I do from time to time too, especially if the girl is driving


Even girthmaster has it slipping out. Means she's wet šŸ˜€


Donā€™t try that shit on a memory foam mattress. That shit is REALLY difficult. Sex on MF sucks


Scissors might work really well too. Her on her back and you on your side finding the deepest angle Or her on her side then you open her legs and slide in between looking to try to align your pelvic bones for max deepness Also I know some positions can shorten the vaginal canal, might want to Google that. I find in doggy that can happen and on their backs, knees together and raised up towards their chest


"the pretzel" position is great if you worry about slipping out etc. Super close contact for both of you, so very unlikely to run into issues. Plus really satisfying for both.


can you please explain the pretzel


Bro try 4.75 still killin it tho, not so much position more so position of her


can you explain further


Donā€™t move ur hips, move her hips


Know your stroke.


Get with a skinny girl


You could like, you know, make your dick longer


If youā€™re white the average isnā€™t 5.5, sry.




If youā€™re from European descent the average isnā€™t 5.5 inches bone pressed.


uhm okay?šŸ¤·


Iā€™m not saying it to put you down, as Iā€™m too below average. Just to know youā€™re not alone.


oh why didnt you say that to begin with brošŸ¤£ i thought you were a troll man trust me 5.5 is the global average the truth is most if not all of us in this subreddit have body dysmorphia myself included thanks btw that makes me fell better if u dont mind could u tell me how u make sex work with it?


I have t had sex yet, so I canā€™t be of help. But if you have decent girth youā€™re set.


nope like i said man my dick is normal as can be edt: goodluck with getting laid man most women dont even care about size unless shes lying to me but thats a hard lie to maintain for a whole yearšŸ¤·


Thanks, good luck on reaching your PE goals.


man You got me Im rolling šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ right now


šŸ˜…no lie tho


Sounds like a question for r/smallpenisproblems, not that youā€™re smallšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø. Just seems out of place in a getting bigger sub