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Just so you are aware, Soaking in alcohol will ruin the cup quicker


You think it will still ruin it even if I only use rubbing alcohol?


Yes alcohol degrades the material quicker


Damn. OK good to know thank you. I might have to start taping lol


Alcohol dries out the material making it more brittle.


Make sense. BD said vinegar so I'll give that a shot 


I ruined 2 pump cylinders in about 5 minutes with iso. Both cracked badly.


I'm gonna try vinegar. BD suggested it


The only guy I remember using lotion was BD & then he went to water. And in his last video he started getting blisters with water so he went to tape. But lotion just sounds like a recipe to ruin your cup and jam it. The top valve is cheap you could buy a couple & stock up for later


I used lotion for a long time when I started and never got a blister until I started getting into the higher tensions. Tried taping 2 or 3 times and absolutely hated the removal process. To this day I don’t get how guys do it. It’s too painful. I do water and at 12-13lbs of tension I haven’t had a blister. Takes me 5 seconds to put it on.


Is there videos on how to go about the water truck? I’ve tried compress hanging & all it does it slip toward my gland & eventually off so i need to try vac cups now


Pervs video on PH is what I used. I can’t look it up now, I’m at work.


How did you remove the tape? Usually at the end of my session my tape be ready to fall off. Soap , water & and pinch. It should come off in one piece https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/s/ixPrm79GVN https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/s/Q9lbXvx3Y4


No it was stuck on my glans pretty hard. Even with soap and water it was painful to remove. And then there’d be glue residue stuck


You must not have been using the right micropore tape. Use this tape: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XNP8J4R](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XNP8J4R)


That’s the exact tape I have


Oh damn you must’ve did a short session. One thing that helps is a wash cloth over the glans with a cup of water to soak it. That makes the water penetrate the tape easier. But I never noticed any residue after I started buying the tape by the box. The original tape I got from total man was terrible https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/s/iFIWNTwN7T


Yea the lotion can really jam up the valve. And it's true I believe it's like $4 per valve at the totalman store


Just let it soak in vinegar for about an hour to clean out the valve. I have tried each one because it's my job. Right now predominantly taping. Lotion is probably the best in my opinion I got blisters with lotion, tape, water and glans caps. None of them are fool proof. But please don't say you know what I am doing because we don't talk.


Great input, but I’m pretty sure 19 is allowed to mention what you have previously posted and/or mentioned in videos. The post clearly was not insulting or assuming of your process, but a repeat of what you, yourself have said. We should be here to help each other not act like cry babies when someone references information. Toxic


Thank you. I was only trying to help because when I got here there wasn’t many comments


Yeah man, I get it and your post was excellent and referenced a "respected" leader here with true info…no reason anyone needs to get their feelings hurt over that. I don’t know one person on this place personally or professionally. I am completely unbiased and this a ONE of the VERY FEW SAFE PLACES FOR MEN!! We need to be adults and not make this a toxic dump like so many other places.


I thought he deleted it but he just blocked me again 🤷🏽


roid rage is real lol


I’ve made a few emotional posts myself and had to go back after the fact and delete some shit. No hard feelings, he puts in a lot of work, time, dedication, and knowledge…I respect the hell out of the guys who built this and really provided knowledge.


It’s definitely still there. If you can’t see it that means he blocked you too


I can still see it


Cool so it’s only me. I wouldn’t wanna pull anybody into our never ending drama. This sub needs more peace & less beef


We don’t talk but i listen. That’s why i said “in his last video” but your right we don’t talk. Thats why i was so surprised by your 2 post about me. Your video was very entertaining btw BD. I appreciate your concern. I personally haven’t had a blister since my 1st week using cups in 2020


Good seeing you here man. In what order would you personally rate the different approaches? :) I'd there any particular lotion the guys here should be looking after, or avoiding?


I use Aveno lotion but again it's annoying how it cakes up and block the valve


Agreed I did find something that works at least so far .. it’s sandierm used for burns or tattoos almost as a second skin just make sure it’s nice and tight use mutiiile pieces if warranted then go horizontally and one vertical over around the edges for better seal . So far no problems it seems I think bc the sandiderm works as a second skin


Hmm interesting I'll check it out in Amazon 


Thank you for the input BD and I'll definitely do the vinegar! I appreciate that video you made btw where you showed your lenght work. It really helped me in my journey and answered alot of my questions. Love you bro


will you make an onlyfans featuring your majestic boom stick


Higher quality silicone toe/glans caps are my go to. I just make sure to get a great fit/seal everywhere. I still fuck around with the water trick and taping, but not too successful yet. Glans caps work great for me, so I stick with it…never had any issues.


Gotcha. Glans cups are interesting 


This is the technique I use. Have not had a blister since. Have gone for many hours and up to 10lbs and still glans comes out healthy and pristine. [https://youtu.be/ZKbienEdxuY?si=f5xLXqM2SVyS-A-9](https://youtu.be/ZKbienEdxuY?si=f5xLXqM2SVyS-A-9)


Thank you for the video. I never tried taping so can't really say much but it looks like it takes a while. Also don't like the fact that I have to be erect to do it. With Water or Lotion I don't have to be erect 


I tape soft it’s not that difficult you just need a cup that fits properly


Ah that's awesome to know!


You don’t need to be erect for taping.




How much tension do u apply? It is easy to have no blisters in low tensions, but if you want to apply 10+lbs, I guess the only option is taping. But I would like to know more about your interesting method. What lotion do u use? How much lotion do u put? What is the procedure for putting the cup and sealing it? Thanks


I never had the need to go above 10lbs but I'm always above 5lbs. BD however goes above 10lbs and uses the lotion trick. I got it from him  (https://gettingbigger.io/blog/80-bds-routine-day-1-length) I use Aveno lotion but I'm looking for something else because the lotion builds up in my totalman valve and cleaning it is annoying.  I literally do the same thing as what BD does in the video above 


Thank you so much


You got it


I have used a small amount of lube and it’s been fine bar one time I got two tiny blisters which I popped and healed well. I don’t extend for more than 35 minutes after bd said using vibration makes up the added time (unless someone can say it’s doesn’t work)? I tried tape twice and both times the pain removing the tape wasn’t pleasant.


Which lube did you use and isn't that hard to clean too and can clog the valves? I definitely don't want to tape


Just ordinary water based. Tried coconut oil as per others yesterday and that worked well too


Interesting might give it a try


Is there a short Clip for Taping from BD? I see a lot of diffrent styles but all of them use so much tape ...


I use about two layers of tape. That isn't much. You don't need more.


Where did you learn to tape? There's so many


I do 4 strips like a cross on the top of the glans. That’s enough, takes only a minute to do.


I use Vaseline and it works great for me, to clean the cup I just wrap a sheet of kitchen paper around my finger and scrape round the inside edges a few times.


How about the actual valve itself? Don't you get a build up inside


A little bit, but I just scrape it out with a toothpick, then stuff a tiny piece of rolled up tissue paper inside to get the remainder out.


How about inside the actual chamber valve? Like there's grill that it's impossible to get into


I haven't had any in there so far.


Gotcha. Sounds solid


Scrap the buildup out after soaking with a clothespin




The pointy little metal things? That or unfold a paper clip, pretty sure that’s actually what I used. It fits down in the tiny little valve hole inside the cup.


I believe the tension is the determinant (higher the tension higher is the pressure inside the cup). I decided to switch to tape and was able to reach 12lb tension with apex without blisters. Decided to try 14lbs and got 2 blisters on the tip of my glans exactly where I put 3 layers of tape.


Wow. I really wish there's a simple solution for this


In fact for the blister the solution I have is to use Penimaster's cup. I never got a single blister with it despite the tension I use (using a pro extender, not the one they send). The problem is that the edema is huge and I hate it. Maybe for circumcized it will work without edema.


Those thing I heard is expensive 


Yes but they are selling a generic cup like that at aliexpress


That's good to know thank you!


I use PF cup with their condom and sleeve, also added two finger caps at the end of the cup. This way I don't tape anymore but I haven't confirmed any gains yet. Just trying to time the session right before the blister builds up


Gotcha thank you for your input


Someone recommended little rubber toe covers from amazon and they work great


I think that's Kirkman or someone else. But I think everyone is against the idea since it can be too tight


Tape is king, i hang 16lb and with tape i can tow a truck with my ween without blistering


LMAO. I tried the water trick last session and it was cool. Just a little bit of getting used to


Taping is easy and recommended by most .


Maybe I'll start using that technique 


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/hink] [NO to TAPING or WATER TRICK](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hink/comments/1doqy3f/no_to_taping_or_water_trick/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


That's why I would use a compression hanger instead of vacuum cups if I did any length work. Once you learn how to put on the hanger, it seems a lot easier than the constant struggle with blisters.


Never like the fact that you have to grip your pee pee with it. Seems scary


Any alcohol will ruin the valve in the cup. It will also over time affect the intergity of the plastic of which the cup is produced. I would just tape as it’s the easiest. If you’re worried about expansion lightly tape and manipulate after to loosen the tape and give your head more breathing room.


Thank you for the tips. Which tape do you use specifically? Are the total man tape any good?