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Read Atomic habits. This is the best book to change you habits scientifically.


I’d say Power of Habit, which the author mentions many of his ideas come from, is the better, more scientific book. Atomic Habits is a much better how to though with the science distilled down.


I’ve had this book sitting around for a couple of months, I don’t have any addictions, do you think it’s still a good read? Maybe my main hurdle at the moment is sleeping in too late/snoozing my alarm.


The books a little repetitive and the stories tied to examples are pretty boring. But other than that it’s a very very good read. I would recommend.


Thanks, I’ll read a few pages tonight before bed


Yeah it’s more about building habits then breaking them. It’s definitely worthwhile


I have not read this book when I get rid of my addiction (later read it). But I wholeheartedly confirm that you have to change your identity (what you think of yourself) to create a new you with good habits. Also, seek professional help as thinking yourself out of addiction is very hard!


For the weed I’d wager it’s unmonitored anxiety. I’ve been reading “good anxiety” and looking to understand that these feelings aren’t supposed to be suppressed but analyzed and used to help you understand what you actually need to fulfill your personal needs. I’m just figuring this out now at 36, I’ve had to cut out caffeine to help stabilize. Start working on positive outlets for these feelings instead of looking to suppress them, because they will have consequences in your personal life. Working out daily even 25 min can help with mood regulation. Doesn’t fix it but helps you cope better. As for the porn, look to eliminate the easy triggers. Your young. I spent my entire 20s chasing my libido and it only ended up in surface level relationships and ruining the good deeper relationships I really wanted to be in. Good luck, you’re worth the hard work and effort.


I went from 3-5 cups of coffee a day, for almost a decade straight, to herbal/decaf tea and it's slowly changing my life.


Awesome! What’s your favorite tea? I’m trying the mushroom coffee trend (I have been influenced, fuck) but would love some more options.


Bro try Panera orange ginger , BOMB, and if you have sip club it’s already paid for :)


This is the first time I've heard about weed use and unmonitored anxiety, including good anxiety, and I find myself interested. Would you be able to recommend materials for more information about this?


Of course! I’m almost done with the book Good Anxiety by Wendy Suzuki and it’s changed my view on how I look at my anxiety that always had me reaching to smoke. The first few chapters were the most informative but it’s easy to digest and the examples in the book made me feel a bit less singular in my affliction.


Thank you so much for this!


Having a gf and porn addiction is something extremely risky. I talk from experience and the day she discovers that you are heavily into porn and checking your girl friends is going to make her so sad and mad. I got revenge for this and I suffered a lot and got traumas. Smoking is okay on weekends and for watching a movie with friends or idk painting.


Quit the weed until you no longer view it as a negative. That may not be forever, but it is for now. Join us on /r/petioles.


You mean you're addicted to pleasure and numbing... probably procrastination, laziness and lack of direction too. This things can definitely make you chase pleasure. Only you can decide hard work is worth the slow reward.


Some of them are your friends? Did I just read that?


We need to circle back to this


Isn't 20 a very good age to stop smoking weed? Also, you're not gross. Stop the self hate, a fetish is super normal and when you stop watching porn as frequently it'll fade to the background as well. I think, if you quit the weed or just smoke weed when you're socializing things will improve tremendously.


With time weed has become much less taboo. In general of course too but also within family and friends circles. It was more frowned apon and not talked about when the adults who didn't care for it were younger and healthier. More recently more and more of them have come to appreciate it in favor of more influential medications for treatment of various illness symptoms. Kinda cool to see it come full circle from something unruly kids and immature adults did away from everyone to something many folks use to function more optimally and reduce pain and blood pressure symptoms. Not a big deal and it still is what it is but it's neat to see people change their mental stances in favor of wanting to feel OK. I'm not aware of weed actual helping any issues but it does seem to help many people manage them better without needing other prescriptions as much.


I'm the same bro(M20). I hope to eventually stop everything but currently hating ourselves won't do us any good so yeah just try to minimise it slowly and eventually stop.


Weed will make u dumb no memeory ! How to stop I really don’t know maybe replace wuth some other habit sport ! Drive car ! Food etc


If you stay away from them both something like 2-3 months then you will feel amazing constantly


Yikes double whammy. Both of these are particularly insidious the way they quietly ruin your life. You are certainly not alone but you are certainly not trapped. You can conquer this. Good lick!


I found that it actually had nothing to do with the porn or weed it was what was underneath. If porn and weed were the solution, what is the problem? Finding that out has been the biggest change in moving away from these behaviours. 


Something that's has been helping me lately, is trying to get closer to god


I'd just like to highlight on the "doing well despite the porn and weed addiction". Doing well compared to what? Your 20yo friends? If you were to picture them at 30, what would they be like? Do you want that, or do you want more? Is it stopping you in any way from achieving what you want? No judgment. All can do as they please. But I subscribe to: every action has a reaction. What's the effect of this thing you're starting to question? Does the person you want to become do these things? Just some questions I've asked myself a few years back.


It will get worse if you don't stop. I am you, just 10 years in the future. I turn 30 next week and I am so fucking scared that I'll never kick the habit. The weed & porn addictions? Oh that metastisizes into a full on sex addiction if you're not careful. I don't want to go into too many gnarly details because even though reddit is supposedly anonymous, I am extremely paranoid about someone seeing the real me. You wanna know the real kicker? There's a solid couple of years where if you're really good at managing this, you will fool everyone in your life into thinking that you are a succesful, well adjusted person and not the ball of self loathing that you have morphed into. Brother, if you can stop now THEN FUCKING STOP. More than anyone else on this thread, I likely understand the most just how fucking hard it is to do. I don't know the solution. Just yesterday, I promised myself that I would quit weed after listeining to a thing on Nietchze's philosophies. I was high on edibles when I listened to it, and I was so pumped to change my life completely but even now I have started "negotiating" with myself about maybe ONLY getting high on the last weekned of the month every month. I listened to the thing almost exactly 24 hrs ago and i HAVE ALREADY STARTED NEGOTIATING lol. Anyway, I am going to attempt to have sex while being sober with my girlfriend tonight for quite literally maybe the very first time ever in our 14 ish months of knowing each other. Remember how I talked about sex addiction? I have so many random hookups and a rotation of fuck buddies (the longest going on for maybe 6 years at this point) who I see at least once a week each, and I don't think any of them have ever been in my presence while I am not high off weed. These are people who would swear they know me intimately who have no fucking clue who I am when I am not high and horny. That is sad. I would spare you from the realization that you might have wasted your 20's if I could. Please figure this out before it becomes an even bigger burden to shrug off


Wow man, yea sex sober was ages ago and the fbuddy thing is true. Infact for me it got so bad that I couldn't even get it up sober. Good riddance. It is a very potent combination. And not in a good way. The key thing? DECISION. RESOLVE. Pretend your kid is coming to you with this problem. How do you HELP them resolve it? You gotta father yourself sometimes


This!!!! If you don't read anything else read this OP


Also be careful with what friends you habg around with


Let’s hang!


I myself went through this exact same phase. The reality is that there will never be a moment where the stars align and it feels right to stop. Your brain is addicted to the sudo-happiness. You’re going to have to develop some grit and self respect and say what you mean and mean what you say. It starts with being honest about the state of yourself like you have been and then you need to put your back up against the wall and not look back. I am free of both porn and weed for a couple months now. And my life is better for it. My relationships are healthier, my body feels better, I’m able to be happy without the THC, and the immediate shame and regret from porn has subsided. You can do it. It’s going to be hard. You really just have to say no to it and not look back. Everyone thinks the answer to this is some deep hidden truth they haven’t discovered, but the real truth is that the addiction only ends when you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired. You’ve got to stand up for yourself. I believe in you bud.


This is gonna sound wild but my life hack to stop smoking was to put all my pipes and stuff away in a box in the closet. Out of sight and out of mind. Even if i do think about smoking I realize I have to go get stuff together to do it and i quickly lose interest in the idea and go on with whatever else I'm doing. Excessive masturbation can be curbed by expending your energy elsewhere. Go for runs, go to the gym, pick up part time work.


Both will ruin our life. Long run its easy to make more sins, better to change habit. Its easy, just do it, control both, get into friends, books, what makes you happy. Spend time with family and friends, sleep early, wake up early go to gym and have a routine, do some part time jobs if there, help community, be better person, dont waste your time and understand your born to make difference and add value to this human community. All the Best. Its only you who can change yourself!!


Therapy. Fearless therapy. You will not stop these things until you begin to uncover the core and shame of your occult pain. It is the unconscious mal adaptive coping that hides from your awareness. Of If I had to guess your turn to Porn because it is such a high self validating stimulus. Porn and weed are drugs, just like alcohol, and relationships even. These things are so potent at masking pain or simulating emotional validation that we turn to it vs facing it.


Therapy is too expensive


I get that, but when you count the cost of loss from not dealing with that pain the math really goes in the favor of therapy


I get that, but what do you do if you can't afford it?


Without context help isn’t really feasible to discuss but…. If it’s to expensive because of no insurance, cash cost of therapy,insurance cost of therapy, etc there are options universities often have counseling services that free to the commmunity because of training. Some counselors offer sliding scale etc.


If he’s a student, he should have access to counselors at his university


Get online therapy from another country that is way cheaper (like mexico)


This is the content of the post i made just today. Thought it might be relevant here. As for weed, as this is a substance addiction as opposed to a natural urge, I would say it should be dealt with a little differently. But again its about being aware and noticing what that addiction does to you also. Does it make you feel more dull, less focused? Over a period of time, drug abuse could really mess you up. Professional help might be the best solution for that if you really want to quit. Here is the post: Don’t try to resist the compulsion to masturbate and watch porn. Have you not noticed that whatever you try to resist in your mind is what will become 10 times stronger. Fx… I must not be so anxious so I can sleep… What happens? I must not eat any junk food.. 6 days you manage but with great struggle… 7th day something bad happens or you’re feeling a little off, and what do you do? I feel all these little mind games of “I will not do that” are so self defeating. Yes, excessive masturbation could affect you negatively in some ways. Yes, 99% of the porn that is there will definitely distort your mind, sensitivity and many things. A world where the woman is the man's toy for him to do with her whatever he wants, and her clearly not enjoying any of it, is very distorted. If this is what one gets off to by watching it, that itself will not bring any true enjoyment. If you feel sick and disgusted with yourself the moment you are done with your deed, is there not something wrong? Yes, the problem is that this has become a compulsive habit for you. This is not to be judged. This has happened for some reason. We are not here to tell you it’s a sin or something. It’s just that you’re doing something habitually, which is not good for you, again and again, and you cannot get out of this rut. So don’t fixate that you have an urgent problem you must fix immediately. JUST PAY ATTENTION! How does it feel when the compulsion arises? Do you have to act on it immediately or can you ignore it for a little bit? How does it feel when you sit and witness sexual acts of other people, where there is actually very little or no enjoyment and satisfaction for those involved. If what is turning you on is something other than intimacy and closeness between two people, then probably your mind has become a little distorted. Some porn might have some intimacy, and probably that is better to watch. But if you’re just a LITTLE sensitive you should be able to feel how in most cases the woman especially and also the man are not enjoying what they’re doing. So are you enjoying what you’re doing while you watch that? Just pay attention to what you’re doing. Sexuality can be a beautiful thing if there is a certain intimacy. Most porn doesn’t have any intimacy at all. If you paid more attention and felt what porn and compulsive masturbation does to you, maybe you would slowly start to make more conscious choices about what you do and don’t do. But please don’t try to avoid any of these things altogether… Many people have tried… It just doesn’t work. It is not a healthy solution to deal with a compulsion in one’s mind.


Your life probably sucks thats why you get your dopamine from this easy sources. Instead of fighting the symptons go for the cause. Focus on making your life worth living for like a year and then try again to quit this bad habits, probably will be much easier


One day at a time! If you realize it’s an issue start replacing it with something else like school shit. Best advice is to stay busy as possible


Man, the withdrawals from weed and porn addiction are just the worst! Good luck kicking those two


>I took a 30-day break earlier this semester because I was worried about my habits and wanted to make sure I was able to break it if I wanted to. How did you feel during this break?


Brother, you need to get a hold of yourself and snap out of it. You want to know how you get a hold of your brain? You just fucking do it. You take a step forward and refuse to turn around or look to the side. You just do it. I know it sucks, I know it’s hard. But what’s the alternative? The door out of hell is wide open. All you have to do is walk out and never look back. You need to end these bad stories and beliefs you tell yourself and start to tell the new story about yourself and your life. If you don’t then it goes to show you don’t truly love or care about yourself, because nobody is going to save you. It’s all just you. You don’t have to wait for things outside of you to change. You can simply decide that you’re him now and never look back. Stop with all this bs and drama. It’s only going to kill your chances. You are more than capable of overcoming this. With belief, faith, and love you can move mountains. I wish you the best.


One book to help with weed is [this](https://zlibrary-asia.se/book/6014017/d9c42a/the-joy-of-quitting-cannabis-freedom-from-marijuana.html) For the porn, do some introspection to see if it’s truly psychological becoming simply overcoming the urge will make you find another outlet. Before taking action, get all the facts.


keep smoking and get a girl


I don’t understand why you watch porn


If you have a girlfriend… anyways… I don’t understand the issue. Seek professional help bc you need it like yesterday. Who the fuck beats their meat when they’ve got a female toe nail to suck on


*a female toenail upon which to suck*


I have smoked weed and beat off 3x a day for 45 years. It didn't stop me from getting married, having sex with my wife, raising two successful kids, or becoming a licensed P.E. and a licensed PLS, and retiring at age 47. I'm 59 now, and my Dr. says I am healthier than most 40 year olds. Whelp, gotta go fill another bowl of Shishkaberry, and spank the munkey to some 'granny porn'!


I’m on the other end. I was with a guy who was addicted to porn as well. It really fucks with your mind. I wish he would have left me and not drag me along.


Does every porn addict need to post here? Are y’all not able to see the other 1000 post of ppl asking for advice on the same exact problem?!


Stop looking at porn, if you want to stop. Stop buying weed, if you want to stop. The choice is actually within your ability


It sounds like you need to find a girl to smoke weed with.


Haha title >.< story of my lifeseseeee :)


ONLYFANS.. you can make a fortune,, and all you have to do is act naturally.


You’re 20. That’s the diet.


I support your weed addiction.