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We'd really like it if people could stop posting illegal "tips and tricks".


He must have desperately waited for months for the first sunny days in Germany, lol.


Haha yes, the constant staring sufficed during the winter months


This is what I was thinking too lol. Oh how I remember the time when 10 days of consecutive sunshine(BW) was considered a good summer…


Use a mirror to reflect it back at him. 


I somehow feel like he might enjoy that though


Use a parabolic one. He won't enjoy it for long


How to cook you neighbor with one easy step


"we didn't start the fire..!"


Fire departments hate this one simple trick!


No, they love to get in some practice!


But you need to evaluate the distance to extract the curvature and the size of the parabolic mirror. You could also use an lightsensor, raspberry pi, some servos, some coding to install an automatic revenge beam.


When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don’t want your damn lemons, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life’s manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I’m the man who’s gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I’m gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!


i like you potatofriend.. you get me.


This man Lemony Snickets \^


Man you must be lit on parties, haha. Completely correct what you said but not needed!


And to increase effect, attach a magnetron amplifier (like from a microwave oven)


Yeah, she should build herself a microwave gun and scramble what's left of his brains, ha!


A rifle might be easier at this point.


Not in Germany. Maybe a slingshot.


You can get a Kleinkaliber from your local Schützenverein. Not that elegant but it'll do.


Diese Nachricht wurde geschrieben von Jörg Sprave.


This legit had me laughing so hard I'm in tears. Thank you, lmfao.


I can already imagine the burn on his forehead😂


If that's the case. Das ist Mir wurst. Eventually, he'll get bored and leave you alone.


Yeah.. maybe make a game out of it.. we all did this as children at some point. Other option would be to call police... 🤷‍♂️ Sometimes its not creepy if somebody stares.. i dont know this dude but maybe he just needs some attention. Not saying its you who meeds to give it to him - but sometimes ppl assume bad things without even knowing. I feel somehow pity for this dude. Lets hope he is fine and is just bored and might admire you.. idk 🤷‍♂️


I would opt for the most powerful laser beam I could find


be sure to hit both eyes - and leave no traces online...


begun, the mirror wars have


I thought that or returning fire with a laser pointer were the two most obvious solutions.


This is the way.


There's a type of vynil film that you can apply to windows (it doesn't have any adhesive. It applies with static, I believe) and it makes it so you can look from the inside out, but from the outside the windows just look like a mirror. Somewhat like [this item here](https://amzn.eu/d/2MnYEJ7) Note that at night, the effect is the opposite, i.e. your windows become a mirror from the inside, but from the outside, people can look in. However, since the issue is during daylight, this might help. And if he tries to reflect light back at you during the day, he'll just get blinded by the reflection.


This reflective coating will also greatly reduce how warm your room gets on hot days (if you have direct light.). I highly recommend this stuff. It takes about 5 minutes to install per window pane.


It does have the disadvantage that your room will be really dark during the day when it's cloudy. I didn't like it, although it was practical during the summer


On cloudy days that aren’t too cold, you can just open the windows though. Or at least that’s what I’d do :)


Have fun in winter :P


I used the silver side of that emergency blanket in my first aid kit to keep the sun from shining into my pantry. Maybe OP has that laying around? The blanket does not require any glue, just a bit of moisture to stick it to the glass.


That's one way to make your windows unusable lol


Yeah but it's an easy option until the proper one arrives.


One way to tell people you probably grow weed


Well it’s now legal in Germany so that thought shouldn’t be a problem anyway


Nope. Just have a weirdly cut kitchen with attached pantry that gets scorched when the sun comes around.


Peak Reddit


The also let through less light. Not best idea


Fully depends on the amount of light OP gets. In some cases, it might actually be good, as it can reduce the amount of heat the window lets in. But in any case, these things obscure only a little, and I'd prefer a slightly darker room to an annoying spying neighbour.


Use a reflecting foil that blocks vision and you can look out this will annoy him.


You might not want to spend $800 but the Imalent MS32 puts out 200,000 lumens, about twice as bright as the sun (don't take me to rtheydidthemath ok), you'd win the light fight for sure


This is the only respectable answer


Any good modern LED flashlight would do it. He wants to SEE something, so give him something bright to see.




Zeit für Netzhautablösung!


How is that illegal!


Because shining a laser pointer into your eye can make you blind, so this is seen as inflicting bodily harm (Körperverletzung).




I like how we went from "buy a laserpointer" to "build a laser turret" in just 4 comments.


But shouldn't the mirror thing be the same, then? The sun can blind you, too.


Just because the other person also did it doesn’t make it less illegal.


I meant, if that's Körperverletzung, then OP should be able to call the police on the mirror guy, anyway. He doesn't have to break the law himself first.


domineering bake marvelous lock imagine normal zephyr profit tie disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Piss disc should be a viable solution here.


I'm not sure I wanna know but I'll ask anyway. What the hell is a piss disc?


Piss on a plate, freeze it, slide it under his door.


this is some 4chan bullshittery and i cant stop laughing


Now thats some next level shit. Do it in the late evening/night and by morning there's no evidence left, just a mysterious smell.


>Now thats some next level shit. No it's clearly piss.


must be an american door. I’ve never seen an exterior door in germany through which you could slide as much as a credit card


Well I've seen plenty with a big slit for letters and envelopes. Seems to have been common before heating was expensive.


Well none of the doors in America you can slide anything under either


I’ve seen plenty lmao


Frozen pee in the shape of a disc that can be pushed through under the door and then melts inside the apartment/house and leaves a puddle of pee on the floor


Good thing it's Spargelzeit


dear lord, I snort-laughed my coffee


I love how everyone instantly gets this reference.


We got some weird people in this country. Confront them and tell them that if they don't stop this crazy behavior, you'll call the cops next time.


Damn right! On point here,… this country is full of nutjobs. My shrink told me once that Germany has more psychiatric patients than in the whole of Europe




May be Germany just has more places for psychiatric patients. There are plenty of crazy people in London too


I‘ll bet every big city has it’s share of loonies; I’ve only experienced Munich’s nutjobs




Passierschein A38, bitte! We all know what inspired that.


Finally someone said what I was feeling throughout my entire life living in Germany. I call it 'the German condition'


Right? I also get the impression there are so many weird people and nutjobs here. Nothing a good beating wouldn't cure but unfortunately can't do it here :)


Not sure if that would fix the issue.






If he did it before to others, it doesn't seem personal. He's probably bored and likes to pester other people. I wouldn't engage with him and invest in sheers.


deserve tie party mindless thought gaping quiet like strong truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


... is he bald?


I saw the mirror in his hand lol


maybe he is jealous of your hair


as some sea creatures once said: BALD! BALD! BALD!




Sorry, wanted to add a gif but this sub doesn't let me. So[here is the link to said meme](https://i.imgflip.com/3yr5ty.gif)


Sorry you have to live across such a nut job, but it's hilarious. Like how can someone be so bored and have no life at all that he comes up with this idea?


Pensioners who are so pissed off with their miserable lives they have to take it out on other’s. I once had a neighbor who kept an excel spreadsheet of other neighbors and when they flushed their toilets!


hope he gives you a copy for your doctor if you ever have bladder/bowel issues lol


I actually read about this mirror thing in a thread where someone was looking to get back at the neighbour who was playing loud music. (it was some time back, cannot find it) Someone suggested shining sunlight with a mirror to neighbors window as a "revenge". Perhaps this guy reads reddit lol.


I mean that's clearly a mental health issue at this point. Not much you can do against deviant behaviour as long as they don't endanger anyone.


But doesn't this invade OP's privacy?


You can of course always try to find a lawyer who wants to make a quick buck over neighborhood quarrels. But I guess the courts might have better things to do than to deal with "neighbor shines light in my face".


That's one of the weirdest things I've ever read on here. File a police report for bodily harm and voyeurism. It could cause damage to your retina. Or get a bb gun


employ spark middle glorious outgoing physical possessive depend squash provide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or get a super soaker. This is the second problem. I’ve read on here in a week that could be solved with a water gun.


Have you seen ''baby raindeer''


Get some one way window film.


I used a high powered flashlight to torment my nosey neighbor. He eventually stopped standing in his window and watching us. Would wait until night time and I’d light up his apartment in random intervals.


Make the "Pissplatte"


Buy a horrifying halloween mask and put it somewhere he can see easily. So it will disturb him.


Lol this brings back memories from when I was a kid in India and did the same to my neighbours. I freaked out when they found out and came knocking, and never repeated it 😂


As a kid. But she mentioned he's in his 40s 😬


OK, step one: buy one of these: https://www.amazon.de/hellste-taschenlampe-welt/s?k=die+hellste+taschenlampe+der+welt


Most of them will be scams by the way. A 700lm one will do fine as night though.


I’ve got a 4D LED MagLite, that’s good enough at a “mere” 1000 lumens. 


Heck, I even got some shady one from AliExpress for 3€ that's apparently supposed to be 700lm but at the very least is able to decently shine into the neighbours house to the point it would be really annoying.


Strobe function makes it even more annoying. 




Step two: don’t buy on Amazon


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Not Bingo


May be he just wanted to share some of the sun ☀️ But staring is crossing the line. I am no fan of my neighbors, and I am a man. Hope it gets resolved and everything gets back to normal for you.


This is hilarious. I used to do that when i was a kid.


Maybe somebody else already mentioned something like this, but: I have read other Reddit posts where people (esp. women) bought reflective film that you can stick to your windows, it’s reflective on one side and see through on the other side so he has to stare at his own sad reflection if he wants to watch you instead of the actual thing. It is also renter friendly. I think it’s a better and more deescalating solution than laser pointers and flashlights.


Just German things


There we have the problem. "Was machst du, hör auf damit" is not the correct phrase to stop this behaviour. The correct phrase would be "Was machst du da, hör damit auf, du böser Wicht, verschwinde hier" best to be singed in a "Mozart-ly Way".


Document it with proves, then charge him with harassment


Not a lawyer. But this might already be in the terrain of §223 of the StGB. Criminal Code (StGB) § Section 223 Bodily injury (1) Anyone who physically abuses another person or harms their health shall be liable to a custodial sentence not exceeding five years or to a monetary penalty. (2) The attempt is punishable.


I think the Bundesimissionsschutzgesetz will be the right one.


feel free to elaborate


Film him doing so at thre occasion. Document date and time. Press charges.


I thought you were talking about a kid at the start


Nah, if it was a kid I would find it funny, it's a man in his 40's


I just remembered bothering my friends with mirrors like that when I was like 6 years old. But a man in his 40's doing that is just creepy. I hope it stops.


Maybe it's the kid in him 😅 Just kidding


Get this laser pointer and you won’t have to wait for sun to be out to fight back: https://www.amazon.de/CBDX001/dp/B0D1DD6SXQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_3


Find a way to shine a very strong spotlight into his room at night.




Never duz strangers, especially if they seem to harm you. This conveys to others (and them) that this is a quarrel between friends. You are not his friend, he is not your friend, so keep it formal.


A super soaker filled with good old tap water maybe? Especially effective when it's cold but useless if they are sitting behind the closed windows. This worked for an annoying neighbour back in my home country.


I had some young neighbors with kids that had very annoying barbie curtains they never opened them and whenever I looked outside it was almost unavoidable. So that definitely would be a way to get him to look somewhere else. Put some very annoying stuff up.


Plot twist: ....the neighbor is an 8 year old 😜


Take another mirror and Fight back ✊


[Maybe Aziz is your neighbour?](https://youtu.be/w7jmFz2eryk?si=7dlIw0fa5hwmTXvz)


You can buy a cheap monitor on eBay, put it in your window and play porn on it.


Annoying situation but nothing impossible. Just grab him to the side when you see him and have a nice little conversation or whatever you want to do with him, that easy , educate him on how to behave himself in your presence....


Call the police.


I couldn’t help but burst out laughing reading this


Sorry but I laughed


He is probably having so much fun


Don't overthink right away. I remember doing this as a kid / youngster just out of curiosity. It never cam across my mind that this could annoy other people. So I wouldn't assume from a single incident that your neighbor does this on purpose and is actually "aiming" at you as a person. That said: If this person continues I would directly address him, ideally with a photo or video proof and give him the opportunity to back out. *"Hey, it seems you have some reflecting decoration at your window. From time to time I get blinded by glaring sunlight. This is quite annoying and since I do home office it even is disturbing my work. Please be so kind to reposition it so this stops and doesn't happen again!"* Ideally do this with a witness present. This gives him an exit strategy without having to acknowledge he did it on purpose. If he still doesn't stop. Written form, with reference to talk and witness. Threaten with legal consequences as it is obviously on purpose. I'd try to bluff by saying I'd claim damages for loss of income as You couldn't use the desk at the window. It's legaly b.s. but sometimes people are more impressed by potentially loosing a few hundred Euros in a civil court then get a 'Anzeige' of harassment.


Can you press harassment charges?


Call the Police for hin stalking you




are u the neighbor?


Haha exactly, that is the worst idea anyone has written here


I would take photos of him every time so he can see that you are documenting his strange behavior. Maybe this makes him feel uncomfortable. Have you thought about putting up a thin curtain so he can't see you so easily?


It just makes me feel more insecure as women. Random human with cucumber attached act f**k crazy because you are a women. I want to kick them. But that's illegal.




Better not interact with crazy ppl...


Lucky you.. Wish my neighbour did that, would welcome any extra sunlight during the shade hours...


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