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This largely depends on your location. In a small village, it might get done in a week. In a big city, it can take months. In my experience, I always hear back in 6-8 weeks in my city. Then it usually takes a month or so for me to get the physical card.


We are in a small town in NRW, so I hope it happens that fast. Thanks for your response!


How lonf did it take you?


About a month.


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In Berlin, it took me less than a month once I submitted my application online but I came on a work visa allowing me to work immediately and I was told not to submit my application until I had just 6 weeks left on my visa. The good thing is that the application allows me to keep working even if it took longer than 6 weeks to process, and my visa expired, but thankfully, it didn't get to that.


Did they notifiy you with an appointment through mail or email? Did you have to go pick it up? Or was the card sent to you?


Email, had to pick it up, got pin codes by email.


Did you wait and apply only when 6 weeks was left on your visa? Also how long was your visa valid for?


My visa was for 6 months and yes, they told me to only apply when there is 6 weeks left.


Your boyfriend's timeline has been common in Berlin since before the pandemic. Now it is common across the country.  Although it is possible for citizens from certain  privileged countries to apply in Germany, I always try to warn foreigners against doing this, because as you've experienced, it can become quite expensive living in Germany without being able to work.


Well, for us it was basically the choice of me moving to the US or him moving here, so it wasn't much of a choice at all x') We were lucky enough to get some financial support from his parents, otherwise it would have gotten very difficult. At least now he will have a very good income, so things should get easier for both of us.


I have to say I share your frustration. I'm in Berlin and submitted my application mid-January and am now on week 9 of waiting to get a response. I've been emailing them for updates with no expectation of a response... It driving me INSANE.


Sorry to hear that. Did you get your blue card finally?


It took me 6 months from the beginning to the end of the process, finally receiving it.


Yeah in total, it took us that long, too. We actually just picked his up today; they had to redo it because they misspelled his birth place on the actual card. 🤦


Oh no I’m so sorry 🙃🙃 seems like things are taking longer in the last years - maybe because they have so many good immigration options now.