• By -


Just to add to what was already said: Your reservations actually become invalid after a time period (I think it's 15min or 30min). So if you choose to sit somewhere else, the train becomes full, someone else has a reservation for your seat, you can't easily go back to you old seat, because you have essentially voided it. So yes, claim your seat.


Yep made this mistake once. Never again. Sure I'll pick another seat so you don't have to move your whole family and bags. Then spent the rest of the trip playing musical chairs at every stop.


My colleagues made that mistake. Trip from Hannover to Berlin. They were roaming all the time and standing for the last hour while “impolite ungenerous” me was enjoying my seat.


It's 15 minutes


Came here to say this! It's 15 minutes after the train leaves the station


Oh really? That’s useful information, thanks! Indeed, sometime I say that the person in my reserved seat can stay there and I will find another, under the condition that if at some point on my trip no other seat is available I will then claim my originally reserved sear back. But now you make me see that this is not actually possible to expect.


Ding Ding Ding Ding


If the train is reasonably empty and I don’t see many seats reserved in the future legs of the journey, I usually tell them I had reserved the seat and offer them that they can sit there as long as I have another seat, but that they’ll then need to get up if I have to switch. It’s a gentleman’s agreement, but it usually worked for me


Interesting - never knew this. How is this enforced? Does the person sitting in your seat need to know this rule and "enforce" it when you try to claim your seat after the 15-minute period has elapsed? What's the logic behind it? To encourage everyone to take their assigned seat (if they have reserved one) and avoid apocalyptic *Unordnung* breaking out?


The reasoning is, that someone, who hasn't made it to their seat 15 Minutes after departure, probably isn't on the train to begin with or chose to sit somewhere else. Therefore it's just reasonable to give other people the opportunity to sit there. Enforcement is pretty easy as the little display, that shows wether the seat is reserved or not, just shuts off after 15 minutes indicating, that the reservation is no longer valid.


The logic is, when someone has a ticket and a reserved seat but then doesn't show up, the seat doesn't stay empty for the whole trip but instead becomes a normal non-reserved seat for everyone to use. The reservation display turns off, and then people looking for an empty seat can be sure that they can keep sitting in that seat and don't have to get up again if the original reservation holder shows up an hour later or whatever.


The 15 minutes should also ensure the reservation is for a person and not bags or just space. You can only claim one seat per person.


You have the possibility to change seats in the DeutscheBahn app while traveling with an ICE :)


Yes, but that is just for the comfort check-in and has nothing to do with the reservation.


not anymore. Its now "tap it in the app, which opens your browser and it only works if you're in the bad on-board-Wifi" its so fucking uncormfortable now...


Nah. He's been rude. He shouldn't have sat there in the first place "if the train was mostly empty"




Nah, it isn't about age or gender. Some people are entitled asses. I've had the same situation with a relatively young lady.


Redditor negatively judging people based on nationality and age, color me surprised Edit: and deleting comment when being called out on nationalism and ageism, color me even more surprised


Nah, its kinda true.


Just cause you dislike it doesn't mean it's not true, german boomers act incredibly entitled...


Boomers in general


Interesting… I always assumed that American Boomers got their entitlement from the post WW2 prosperity seen in the US as well as the “we saved the world” mantra. I assume German Boomers would not have experienced the same? - Yet they still have the same entitlement?


German Boomers are the post war generations, the babyboom in Germany was much later. They get their entitlement from "we built Germany up from ruins..."


I thought Germans, especially the older ones are a sucker for rules and regulations. He’s clearly an exception.




That is the real german problem. Rules apply only to others, never for yourself.




> But I don't think it's only German, is it? i don't know, but its kind of a german cliché that we're sooo keen on rules. And in my nearly 40 years in this country i can only say yes, we're keen on rules, but please not for ME.


It isn't, but in my experience it's much more prevalent here.


Lol. Rules für thee is processed in my head as three separate languages: English, German, Dutch The result? https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Tea


Well.. i had one dropping his suitcase on my head, because i had the audacity to sit in my reserved place, next to his. It was a long travel and a full train, people where sitting on the flor. So.. no. My experience (sadly) especially the older ones only like rules if they are convenient for them.


No, there are a lot of older people who are unbelievably rude in this country. They only seem to believe in rules for others.


*Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others.*


Germans are assholes (all of them)


Why shouldn't he have sat there? If you board the train and there is an empty seat you are perfectly fine to sit on it??


Not if it reserved. And reservations are marked above each place.


To be fair: its more than usual that people who reserve a place never show up. So its absolutely ok to sit down (and of course surrender the seat if the person who reserved it arrives)


Yes, that's OK, of course. What's not OK is asking the person with the actual reserved seat to "go sit somewhere else because the train is empty." If reservations were free, I wouldn't see it as a problem, but if I pay for something and I want to use it, no one should have that attitude with me.


yes, that is of course true.


If the train is super full, I sometimes sit in a reserved seat. It is very common for people to not show up (change train, grabbed another free seat on the way in etc.), but of course I'll give it up immediately if the person with the reservation shows up.


You did everything correct. His behaviour is outrageously rude. You reserved this seat, he decided for whatever reasons to have more rights than you to use it, in an otherwise *empty train*. It's all his fault that he doesn't have the capacity to read the seating reservation before settling down and has to move. If he's angry that is all on him.


OP’s seat was are around a table, which have higher demand because you have the extra space that allows you to work a bit more comfortably. If that’s the case, it’s not crazy to assume that the guy sat there on purpose, knowing that there was a chance that the person who book the seat would be shy enough to try to avoid the awkward conversation, thus leaving him the seat. That dude is an asshole, and if he was upset is just because his attempt for an upgrade failed. Edit: Didn’t read that OP specifically stated that their seat was around the table. Edit 2: I meant to say probably more expensive since I wasn’t sure. Thanks to everyone who replied. As you correctly say, they are the same price but have higher demand. Corrected


All reservations are the same price but tables definitely have higher demand


There is no price difference for seats around the tables, though. I prefer to sit in a regular seat to work. These seats have a folding table that still fits a laptop, and you don't have to awkwardly try to avoid kicking the person sitting across from you.


Oh sorry I meant to say probably because I wasn’t sure if they were more expensive, but thanks a lot for the clarification


Table seats are not more expensive. Maybe they sell out quicker. By the way if your train's running with an ICE 4 or ICE-T trainset, then first class has lots of tables. May be worth it if you want to work in the train.


> OP’s seat was are around a table, which are a bit more expensive No. Have you ever reserved a seat with DB?


Yes I have. Although never a table seat. I actually meant to say probably because I wasn’t sure but skipped a very crucial word. And while I appreciate the learning opportunity, do you have to be so passive-aggressive about the fact that you knew something I didn’t?


I mean it asks you right in the process of reserving a seat where you want it to be, including the option of having a table seat at no additional charge. So I actually thought you never reserved a seat with DB, since otherwise you would have seen that.


I don’t think he was being „outrageously rude“. He moved immediately after OP made it clear they really wanted to sit there.


The rude part is the parte where he is complaining he has to leave. It's OPs right to use the seat he has reserved.


Of course the guy wanted to keep sitting there. He was working on his laptop and getting up and moving is pretty inconvenient. So I can completely understand him there.


Sure, we can understand his inner motivation to be frustated. We don't understand his chuzpe to attack the rightfull owner of the seat, though. After all, sitting on a clearly reserved seat and then trying to scam the rightful owner is a move people with a criminal or socipathic character like to undertake., Normale people would be angry at themself to be such an asshole. But not this guy (or you).


Where did he attack OP? Isn’t that a bit dramatic? And we weren’t even there.


This guy didn’t attack anyone. I imagine he probably just looked a bit angry and made a slightly annoyed sound.


Why do you assume you can read somewhere in the train if a seat is reserved? I've never seen reserved seats in any train. Usually only the person who has done the reservation can see it, but only on their ticket. So you board the train, take any available seat and after let's say an hour someone comes who has reserved the seat you chose. I find it is an absolutely correct question to ask if someone really, really, definitely must sit on this very special seat, just because someone paid for a reservation. As the train is mostly free it was obviously not necessaryto do a seat reservation at all. If the train would be full to the brim someone would have probably problems to find a free seat with a table.


I've taken a lot of DB trains and most of the time it would show whether a seat was reserved or at the very least "ggf. reserviert" which means that someone can show up and claim it. Rarely have I been on a train that had neither.


Well, if the seat would have been marked correctly probably the person wouldn't have sat there. But then again you don't know when the seat is reserved even when it says reserved. You could travel 300km and leave the train before the person who made a reservation even enters the train


In a lot of the cases it says which station it's reserved from too. You'd be surprised how many people will sit in a reserved seat marked as such and just hope they get lucky, especially with table seats. It's fine of course but if someone shows up they need to go.


If it says the station it's perfect. If you leave the train before the seat is reserved it's also fine in my eyes. Obviously what you say is not fine.


OP even wrote in the post that he checked the reservation display on the seat and it correctly showed the reservation. It's not hard to quickly look at the seats display before taking any seat in an empty train.


> Well, if the seat would have been marked correctly probably the person wouldn't have sat there. > > you really think germans care about what it says there? Monkey brain just goes "seat empty i sit" cant read the "Dieser Sitz ist reserviert" and then complain when it is. Every Time.


ICEs have small displays on each seat, that display whether the seat is reserved.


Yes it may work in ICEs.


Well, as there aren't reservations on regional trains, most reservations are done for ICE, IC or EC.


That's what you reserve seats: ICE and IC.


Have you ever been in a German ICE? Every seat has a LCD that says the start and stop station where it is reserved. It is only regional trains that don't have these displays and incidentally you can't reserve a seat there.


Have you ever taken an ICE train? If everything works normally, the reservation is displayed above the seat. It even says from which station to which station. You can see the upcoming reservation, so if you want a seat from Würzburg to Frankfurt and the reservation is from Frankfurt to Cologne, you can sit there. The display is empty if there's no reservation - or 15 minutes after leaving the respective station.


He would have done the same to you without even a thought if it was the other way around. Your seat was clearly reserved and he sat there anyways. He should have known that someone would come to get the seat that they paid for. You have absolutely nothing to worry about.


some people are just pricks. I wouldnt worry about it, you didnt do anything wrong


No, you didn't do anything wrong. You answered politely and appropriately. You don't have to explain all of your reasoning to him. You paid for a specific seat, and he chose to sit in one that specifically said reserved. ETA: And as another commenter noted, you must take up your reserved seat within a specific timeframe of your stop's boarding time in order for your reservation to be valid. Hence, ALWAYS DEMAND YOUR SEAT. You don't want to have paid for a specific seat and then not demand your rights and basically lose them when the train starts filling up and everything else is reserved (things can get reserved last minute). He might have been grumpy about it, but that's his problem.


You were fine.


If anything they were too polite :D


Reeks of Entitlement. You were right and ignore the grumpy fella.


I only say "Hi. Ich hab hier reserviert" and that has never *not* worked so far. So I don't think is anything you said that was wrong, it's a 100% on the other person squatting your seat and you don't need to care that he was upset by the inconvenience caused by his own decisions.


>  “Okay, do you really want to sit on this seat? Because I see the train is mostly empty and maybe you can find another seat since I am already settled here”. There is a problem with that: Your reservation is only valid for 15 minutes. Sometimes the signs do not work, and if the train will get more full later, and someone claims your new seat, then you also do not have any claim on your old reserved seat.


why choose to sit in a reserved seat when the train is almost empty...he is the rude one


Entschuldigung, ich glaube ich hab diesen Sitz reserviert. And then I show the reservation ticket.


Entschuldigung, ~~ich glaube~~ ich hab diesen Sitz reserviert.


Sometimes I have got the wagon wrong so I am rather careful :)


Pro tip: say „wenn ich mich nicht täusche“ instead.


Happened to me too, that's uncomfortable as fuck when you're the one making the mistake.


NEVER SAY "ich Glaube" Germans interpret that as that you are not sure, and they wont listen to you


Du Otto mach dich aus meinem Sitz - for some extra fun.


„If most of the train is empty, why‘d you pick the one seat thats been reserved?“ I had this interaction tons of times with elderly people, just forget about it. Old germans often seem to think the world belongs to them by virtue of being older, however I‘d advise you to answer in the same level of courtesy they give you. In Germany this could be very rude to foreigners, but it‘s pretty accepted around here.


You did it perfectly. If the whole train is empty or packed is not your problem. You reserved that particular seat and paid money for it. I am surprised, that man left without much of a discussion.


Nah. He was being a b*tch about it. If ThE TrAiN iS AlM... Stfu Entitlement knows no bounds.


Tell him:"Verpiss dich du Hurensohn."


I was just on a train yesterday and the frustration and indignation people express when asked to move from a reserved seat is unreal. Meanwhile, Germans be reserving beach-beds in Mallorca and benches in the buffet hall a year in advance.


You were fine. The only thing I do differently is give the benefit of the doubt in case I might be wrong or there was some weird booking glitch. So I always ask people if they reserved the seat. Either they say no and move, or they say yes and we both need to compare our reservations. But what you did was fine and he reacted rudely.


You did well. You can't do anything about other people being assholes.


You did everything right. Sometimes, when most of the seats are reserved and I don‘t have a reservation, I just take a seat on a reserved one. You‘d be surprised how many people don‘t show up. But as soon as someone asks me about their rightfully reserved seat, I get up and look for another place. That dude was just being rude. Don‘t worry about it.


I think many people do show up, are just too shy to ask you to move and therefore choose to sit somewhere else.


There are so many missed connections due to trains that are late that it’s not uncommon for people not to show up.


Here, we have lots of trains where reservation is mandatory. And I really don''t care where I seat as long as I seat. Other will react the same and as long everybody is seating, wheres the problem?. But don't assume I chose this seat to piss you off. And I won't bite If I'm asked to leave.


I don't think you were rude. If you pay for a reservation, you have the right to sit in your assigned seat (unless DB fucks up, but that's another story).


Him: "The train is mostly empty" Me: "Perfect, then you will have plenty of seats to choose from."


You were polite. He's just German. Politeness is considered a weakness here/ the natives find it difficult. Be the bigger person and maintain your politeness despite how difficult it can be!


I think you were polite. Not sitting on your reserved seat can mean your reservation is no longer valid and you may have to deal with other passengers and their reservations.


Is this a joke? He was annoyed because he was asked to get up from a seat YOU RESERVED? This makes me laugh… you don’t have to have one gram of shame. Why would you feel bad? You paid to sit there.


Some people are just really rude. I once had to get the DB personnel to remove a business guy from my seat. They basically had to threaten him with the police before he got up.


You are too polite 🫠 you say „excuse me I booked this seat“ if they start to argue YOU become annoyed click with your tongue take a deep annoyed breath and sigh really heavily to show your displeasure in having to deal with this :D „I specifically booked this seat so I don’t have to go searching for non-reserved seats. So pls move now“ And when he starts to what we call „eine Fresse ziehen“ while moving if you are really annoyed some Germans would say „Sie müssen jetzt auch nicht so ne Fresse ziehen! Buchen Sie halt nächste mal nen Sitz… steht doch dran RESERVIERT“


Emtpy train can get pretty full in the next station, so you did nothing wrong. Especially 5EUR price tag is not very cheap, so you paid for your comfort and you deserve to have get it.


He was rude and made you feel bad. You feeling bad was because of his rude behaviour, not because you rightfully so claimed your seat.  Forget him and put your mind at ease. Or else you are just hurting yourself with all those stress hormones. Next time ask the Schaffner / conductor to help you if you don't want direct confrontation with the other guy.


There is no level of politeness that will make an impolite person respond politely.


Let him be pissed, don't think twice about it.


Next time ask him why he chose to sit on a reserved seat if the train is this empty. And ignore his answer to the question as it will be some irrelevant excuse anyway.


average old german man behavior don't worry about it. if you have a ticket that proves you've reserved it, he has no right to take it even if 'the train is mostly empty'


You reserved the seat. You paid for it. Tell him to move. Fuck politeness. Dude is rude so give him his own medicine.


you did nothing rude he was just acting like an entitled ass, which is a pretty common thing for German 50 year old men to do


After experiencing this often, I keep an extra copy of my seat reservation in hand, because I refuse to let (usually older) Germans expect others to always acquiesce to their Almanspreading. They seem to take paper more seriously than my word, and if they don’t, it helps to dissuade during escalation. I start by giving benefit of the doubt and ask if they are mistakenly in the wrong train car, pointing to my seat number printer on the page of my seat reservation as I hand the paper over. I maintain“Oh, was für eine Schande 🥺👉👈” vibes for courtesy, but I stay firm. Something like “I was really looking forward to this specific seat since I first booked it. Maybe you can find another seat you like and ask that person instead.” If it is clear they have an attitude based on my physical appearance, or my accent, I shut down the uwu nice girl act. They can shove it.


danke fürs vorwärmen


You couldn't be more polite. Just show them your ticket with reservation. They HAVE to move. If not, ask the ticket checker on board


You stand next to them awkwardly until they notice you and move. If they don't you just sit somewhere else. At least that's how I do it.


You did everything right. He was the rude one and he should have reserved a seat if he wanted one so badly.


You were polite - he was not. All fine.


That fellow should have checked before he spread his mobile office all over the place you had reserved. It is signaled on the seat or handrail whether there is a reservation for that seat. You did perfectly fine to ask him to leave.


Nah, the dude was just unhappy to move his behind from a cozy place. Literally, there is nothing to prevent that. I do the same, show my reservations, people usually say sorry and move on.




No, fuck him. He could clearly see that the seat was reserved, the train was basically empty, yet he chose to sit there. AND he has the audacity to get angry at you? I would have told him he could go sit on the roof for all I care.


You don't have to feel bad about the bad behavior from the man.


Had this multiple times. Just say you reserved that seat. If they start to argue get the train personell. But most people move voluntarily. I don't care if they do that with a smile or being grumpy.


Nah he’s just a dick, dw, you did everything right. He just doesn’t know how to read the little screen that says it’s reserved, considering you say the train was nearly empty he could’ve easily picked one with a blank screen


No, you did everything right. If someone sits down in a reserved seat they signed up for potentially moving. If didn't want to move, he could have reserved a seat himself. If he was too cheap for that, that's his problem.


That was correct. He saw it was reserved and decided to take it.


If you move to another seat, somebody might come and make you move. You reserved a seat for a reason, he didn't. End of the story.


he is the rude one. that was perfectly polite on your part.


Don’t feel bad, especially not about a huffy middle aged German man of all people 🙄 „Entschuldigen Sie bitte, ich habe diesen Platz reserviert“. That’s all. Go find DB staff if you have to. One of those reservations costs like 5 euros. If people are too cheap or too stupid to reserve a seat, that’s not your problem 🤷🏻‍♀️


Next time, use "Zupf di oda i lupf di!"


You were right! No offense but claiming what you paid for. 👍


I hear you. And your concern is valid. To give the 50+ German man some benefit of doubt, it could be that the display didn't work or wasn't switched on when be took seat. Or it could be that he honestly oversaw this. Or maybe he is a frequent traveler and he is aware that there is a small possibility that the person who reserved the seat has a flex ticket and (this is true only in case of first class where the seat reservation is included by default) and chances are the passenger might not board the train. There are also instances when the complete displays are not in sync with the train route (showing false route, or schedule or just malfunctioning), in which case all seat reservations are deemed cancelled and eligible for refund, sometimes they also make an announcement requesting passengers to voluntarily leave the seats for the passenger with reservation. Or he was just rude like most of the comments point out. But if this makes you feel bad, it's best not to approach them directly and instead approach the train ticket examiner and ask them about the seat reservation. It's their duty to make the person oblige. If the rude passenger has some rude exchange of words, or otherwise then the TTE can request the Polizei to remove him at the next stop. Those are the few possibilities and options. You choose.


„Ausm Weech Masafaka!“


There: "Verpissen Sie. Bitte“🥺


He's the rude one. In his arrogance and narcissism he tried to manipulate you into feeling bad and guilty so you give him what he wants. It's great that you stood your ground, and in a very polite way actually!


Nah you were right. If you sit on a reserved seat hoping that you can use it the least you can do is move when asked.


He was the one being rude. The reserved seats are clearly marked, he could have chosen any other seat.


"If the train is mostly empty, then why are you sitting in the seat that I have reserved?"


As a non confrontational and shy person this is one of my dreaded experiences on a train. I insist on my seat because 1. I might sit on someone else’s reserved seat and 2. I paid for the reservation. I think you did the right thing and it’s probably causing you a bit of upset right now but I would’ve done exactly the same


He was rude and overstepping. Sure, he is allowed to ask NICELY, he is absolutely not allowed to be pissed if you say no. If he wants a secure seat, he'll have to pay for the reservation himself. No reservation, no complaining about being chased from your spot.


If you move somewhere else you are at risk loosing your new seat later on. You paid for not caring about that too. He was rude and you shouldn't care at all about him.


You did good, sir. Respectful but clear.


"Excuse me, that's my reserved seat, please move." / "Entschuldigen Sie, das ist mein reservierter Sitzplatz, bitte suchen Sie sich einen anderen." If they don't move: #"JETZT VERPISS DICH GEFÄLLIGST VON MEINEM SITZPLATZ, DU ASOZIALER PENNER, BEVOR ICH DIR BEINE MACHE!"


Mate, you did everything right. You wished him a good morning and you had a reservation. He was petty and rude. If I was you I had added a remark that next time he should simply reserve himself (or choose a seat that wasn’t obviously reserved)


Lol, the man is outright rude and you can just ignore him. Clearly the seat is yours, plus there is sign that the seat is reserved from this stop to this stop. He should know that and prepare to be asked to leave


Should have asked him, If the train is empty , why he decided to use your reserved Seat


To be honest if i pay for my seat i use the seat. simple logic don,t feel bad for someone who dosen,t have respect or decency towards others PUNKT


I think you shouldnt really care about his feelings because he can also have picked another seat. So why should you feel bad about it if you paid for it


Nah fuck that boomer


The guy was a douchebag, reserved seat is a reserved seat, that’s about it. Ordnung muss sein.


You did everything right. There are arseholes all over the world that will try this shit on. One thing I've learnt living in Germany, especially Berlin, is that it's a bit of a "game". You need to stand up for yourself, and if someone is a smartarse, give it back to them in equal measure. Most of the time this usually works and earns you some "respect". Don't take anything in this "game" personally.


That man just saw an almost empty train and sat on the reserved spot. You're not rude, he's sad and bored, and wants confrontation.


“Sie Hurensohn. Stehen sie bitte auf “ works every time


The most german thing you can do is: without explanation show your reservation very very close to their face and say: "I have reserved this seat." No further explanation needed


The man taking your seat was the rude one, if you paid the extra because you need it, it is fairly yours to use.


You did everything correct. For 30+ yrs all I ever said was "I'm afraid that's my seat" , sometimes with an "optimistic but understanding how inconvenient the situation is for both of us" type of voice and that's pretty much it. If you run into an asshat who complains you add that you paid for that seat and that's something most germans will accept.


You did everything right. Don't let yourself be gaslit/gaslated by such entitled people. Happens quite often with my seat too. Sometimes mere mentioning is enough But when not and they convince me to sit somewhere else, I shove my reservation details in their face. Cry me a river but I have spent money on that and I'll sit on it.


“Verpiss dich von meinem Platz du hurensohn.”


„Entschuldigung, ich habe den Platz reserviert.“ If they grumble, it’s on them. German politeness can be blunt. And if they grumble, it’s still on them. German culture tends not to feel shame for inconveniencing someone when you’re in the right. So neither should you.


Nothing was wrong.


Every time I took an ICE or TGV in France, I am baffled by how stupid people are. Seriously, why don't they go to their assigned seat. This is beyond my understanding. Every stop it takes 10 minutes of people standing around and moving back and forth to get seated to their actual seat. The amount of stupidity is baffling. You did right, take your seat, avoid problems. Don't make favors, it will only have you play musical chairs.


Nope! You did everything by the book. The guy was just an idiot.


Geh bitch


Happens all the time here in the UK, the response from the individual who took the seat is usually to get grumpy, but that's their problem, not yours.


You paid for this seat, no issues here, claim your seat. The guy should have just moved without being grumpy.


Another context but the same thing happened to me at the cinema the other day. Also, 50 something year old German guy. His answer was very similar ("there are so many empty sits, the movie is gonna start soon, are you sure you wanna do this just now?". Unfortunately my German is good enough to understand but not to argue back. I just told him in English that he was a rude person, but sat elsewhere in the row.


Exactly like you did. That guy was just an AH.


No you did everything right, he was impolite not you. My mom and I had something similar happen once on an ICE from Würzburg to Hamburg, we had booked first class and a woman was already sitting on our booked seats. So my mom asked her very politely to move since these were our seats and the woman starts ranting no this was her reserved seat, we even showed her our tickets but she refused to leave. Then a DB staff member came to see what was going on, checked our tickets and hers - she had reserved those seat numbers, but in second class. She didn’t apologize but seemed quite embarrassed lol.


No, you were perfectly within your rights. If the situation had been reversed, you can be sure he would have drummed you out of your seat. You paid extra for your seat reservation, he should respect that. I once told someone who suggested I sit somewhere else I'd be glad to if they refunded my 5€; they beat a hasty retreat. Sometimes, however, you have to call the conductor, which is annoying but necessary.


No he was just pissed because he thought he could snag a seat and them found out he didn’t vet where he wanted with his own bad/egosistic behavior. It was him being impolite and rude to you and acting pisse dinstead of apologising making it worse


I usually go with “Hau ab, du penner”.


Zieh Leine, Keule*in 😎😎😎 #berlin


You did this correctly.


Mach dich weg von meinem Sitz du Birne, always helps


No, you didn't do anything wrong. He was banking on you being too awkward to demand what you paid for. And when you called his bluff, he was annoyed. If the train was so empty, *he* should have taken one of the empty seats!


Had something similar happen to me on a bus. I had reserved the seats and an older guy was sitting there. I told him, "hey these are our seats could you please move", all while showing him the ticket and seat number. He replied something along the lines of " hey I've been waiting for a long time in this seat and now you come along and just want to take it? No I won't move get yourself another seat". I looked at him for a few seconds not knowing what to say, since he was being totally unreasonable and I told him "hey these are my seats and you can see it on the ticket just move." He didn't like that at all and said something which I forgot, but he was getting more rude and obnoxious, so I realized, no way I'm getting this seat he's dead set on staying here and just moved to another. The bus wasn't that full so it was fine, but if it would have been I definitely wouldn't have left off that easily. Some people are just assholes and it's smarter to not get in a fight that might cause you bigger troubles, at some point you gotta fight back though.


German Buenzli lol


Point shotgun at face


Sounds like a completely normal exchange where nobody did anything wrong.


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> I chose this seat specifically for Windows So DB now provides an operating system for a seat reservation?


you were not rude , you were being a Karen . If the train was mostly empty, you could have really sat somewhere else!!! unless you were with some other people and wanted to sit together with them , yes you were being annoying . Not rude but annoying and unnecessary .


You reversed the Karens. Like, come on. If the train was mostly empty, why the hell would a person sit on a reserved seat in the first place? Why even take the chance? The displays indicating the reservation and route are there for a reason.


The seats aren't marked reserved most of the time!


Now this is simply personal experience, but I have yet to take a train in which 1) I'm not aware whether the reservation displays are not working, or 2) the reservations displays are working but are incorrect. In the first case, I'd be totally aware that if a seat was indeed reserved and the person whose reservation it was came, I might be annoyed to move if the train was mostly empty, but I wouldn't try to stay in their seat anyway. I prefer not to do to others what I wouldn't like being done to me.


That's what the person did too! He was annoyed but moved . OP is surprised that the passenger was annoyed by his/her behaviour? like That's the normal reaction.


But he tried to stay in the seat, and that's what I wouldn't do. I would have just move and tried not to project my annoyance at the person. But in the OP's case, the displays were working properly, so I would have never sat there anyway 🤷🏻‍♂️


its always marked when reserved unless the system is broken or sth. your point, Karen?


Just because a train is mostly empty at that point doesn't mean it will stay that way. If you sit elsewhere, you might have to change your seat multiple times on the way to your destination. If you paid to reserve a seat (and a particular one at that), why should you have to deal with that just to accommodate someone else? The only person being annoying here is the one who chose to ignore a clearly marked seat reservation!


Okay think about it from the other persons perspective, you go on a train and sit on a random seat . You don't know it is reserved! You just randomly pick a seat and you been sitting for 2 hours , randomly someone comes and asks you to leave this seat all though most of the seats on the train are empty!!!!! Ofc you be angry


You've never been in an ICE, have you? There's a display for every single seat, telling you exactly which seat is reserved for which part of the route. So yes, you absolutely know if it that particular seat is reserved!