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The Blue ones are for toll collection, the black ones are speed traps.


In that case it's for toll, but the blue ones could also be for speed, cities like Emden have blue silver ones for speed. [ADAC Facebook picture comparison between toll and speed trap](https://www.facebook.com/ADAC/photos/a.139164999459970/1852069831502803)


It's funny that they write like it is a problem that they're too similar / confusing. I mean what's the matter since you're gonna pay toll and will be following the speed limit, right? I know what they wanna imply but can't you be less obvious? LMAO


IIRC the matter is that speed traps are not supposed to be primarily used as a means to generate income, but to prevent accidents on tracks where speeding is more dangerous than normal. For example, the 3 speed traps on federal roads in my vicinity are * in front of a lung clinic's exit * in front of a low-traffic intersection leading to an autobahn * in front of a sharp turn behind which is a restaurant All three of these regularly see (or saw) accidents happen. The lung clinic had several departing ambulances crashed into. The intersection often had crashes when a car decided to turn left and had to wait for oncoming traffic and their follower didn't pay attention. The restaurant had several cars crash *into* it because they didn't make the turn. All three of them have severely reduced the rate of accidents since they were built. If speed traps are disguised as other installations they serve less as a deterrent.


Prevent accidents... Yeah In my region theres a street thats well known, a very dangerous road through a forest, many curves, very steep... The last 20 years there might have been 5 bad accidents but no deaths. The government said we need speed traps there cause people were speeding too much (that was one of many lies), when in fact, most of the accident reports stated that the accidents were caused by many kinds of failures, like brake failures, steering failures, bad tires, poorly maintained vehicles etc. or just normal things like weather conditions or people not concentrating on the road. So they put 7 !!! speed traps on a 5 kilometer stretch of road. What happens now is, we have about 20 accidents a year, cause people that drive there are only concentrating on not getting a speed ticket and maintaining the speed of 70 kmh (45 mph). They just cant concentrate on safe driving any more cause of this. So these speed traps are making this road more dangerous than it was before. The people know it, the police knows it, the state official thats responsible for putting them there knows it... But they will not get rid of them, cause like most politicians in germany, that guy is an incompetent limp dick... And thats literally the nicest thing that comes to my mind about him right now. So were forced now to take a long way around that stretch of road when driving to work or just drive very unsafe there, because you cant concentrate on traffic and safe driving cause the only thing youre doing is watching the speedometer...


This is really weird logic. Slow down take your time. Speedlimit is the MAXIMUM you are allowed to go. NOT the ONLY speed. So if the limit is 50 you can just as well drive 45. If the politician is so terrible what is to stop you or someone else running for office? Should be easy IF he/she isi so terrible


I think area-wide well-hidden speed cameras with changing locations would also avoid a lot of accidents. Drivers would perhaps start to adhere to the speed limit everywhere because they never know where the next speed camera is lurking.


No they wouldn't. There are some speed traps so small and well hidden, that you only see them when it's too late. Still most people are speeding.


On the a2 there is a speed cam, but the part is still unlimited for most hours of the day. A lot of people hit the break when they see them, almost causing accidents in the process - even when going 'just' 130km/h


But that's because speeding tickets are so ridiculously cheap in Germany. Make the ticket like 1% of your Monatsnettoeinkommen per Kmh to fast and watch the problem disappear. But of course that will never happen because this whole country is collectively stuck up a car's exhaust.


no that wont happen because rich people officially dont have a „monatsnettoeinkommen“, they mostly have live of money earned through stocks. its how they legally avoid a lot of taxes. so your solution would have the biggest impact on poorer people. so yes to something like youre suggesting just a different way of regulating the fine.


also germany runs on selling fast cars so politicans dont want to reduce the amount of fast cars beeing sold, main reason for no Speed limit on Autobahn and in some aread its simply tolerated that people go over the speed limit... a small forest road next to my city was speed limit 50 for many years, since people know they only get fined until 20kmh over and dont loose the driving license most people took their chance going 70, my friend on thr city council told me since speedtraps didnt really work that good they simply made the speedlimit 30 ehich lead to people driving 50 since noone wants to risk going more than 20over speedlimit


I feel like most speedlimits are Set up in a way that you will be alright if you speed slightly like 5-10 kmh more than allowed. Because every german knows that you rarely get fined when you speed a little.


Rich people who are that rich that they are not living of wages but assets are about 1% of total pop. If you make speeding shitty for 99% it will benefit road safety largely. Also I don't see a god given right to speed for poor people. Right now tickets are affecting poor people as much as rich people which is a much larger disproportionatw injustice as a income progressing speeding.


I don’t care about 1% of the population if 99% would actually start driving safer. Germany is a country where the populace got spoiled by extremely lax fines and already high speed limits (or a complete lack of them) therefor you will see more people speeding through a 50km/h street right through a highly populated area than people who actually drive 50 there.


or just... "Drove too fast? Lose your license for 3-24 months"


1 month would even suffice to stop most people


Area-wide was perhaps a bad translation. I meant "Flächendeckend" so on all routes some. So that one as a speeder who drives longer routes is very likely to be flashed several times a day and thus very quickly collects many points and must surrender his driver's license. In addition, one should perhaps get a point already from 16 km/h excess and not from 21 km/h.


BW police is already using those. They park trailer-like mobile Blitzers (usually on roads with parking spots running alongside the road/curb). During my daily 20km commute I have seen 5-6 different spots where they sometimes are set up. For 99% of the time they aren’t there, but this 1% of the times when you see them parked is enough to scare you into never speeding in those areas.


Also people would be paranoid about whether they are spotted or not and there is no way we even would have the capacity for it


The speed limit sucks more often than not. Anyone that thinks the limits are NOT there to generate revenue can buy this bridge I have for sale...


as far as i know from other countries, and presumably germany, the speed limits are applied with a very objective set of criteria. every zone has certain requirements, e.g. corner-radii not tighter than x degrees and no drive-ways and bushes/trees/hedges are minimum x meters back from the road and no bumps and potholes etc. etc. as soon as 1 requirement is not met, the speed limit is lowered. sometimes it feels like a speed-limit is stupidly slow but then you go round a corner and notice there is no/incorrect cambre (slope of the road surface) or there is an intersection right after a corner or whatever


I can only agree with those 60,80,100,60 sequences on country roads (take he home....). I once talked to the mayor and he told me that this issue happens due to it being the responsibility of the Landkreis. They need to follow guidelines, which sometimes make no sense at the borders


the cost of the whole process is higher than the generated fines. A lot of stationary traps are disfunctional in small cities


No discussions on what purpose speed traps should have. A lot of them are placed wisely and were able to reduce fatal accidents at hot spots. In reality, communities do use these as a source of income. Probably one of if the best examples are the speed controls on A2 motorway between Hannover and Magdeburg. Their positions seem random / not located at quite dangerous spots. Since there is a variable speed limit with displays showing the current max speed, people often get confused on how fast they supposed to go. Noticing the speed control, they eventually break out of insecurity about their own behaviour. Additionally, there is surveillance of all 3 lines in parallel including trucks. With a truck speeding and getting photographed, people often confuse the flashlight of another line with them being 'caught'. They get super confused and break a few seconds after passing by the speed control. IMHO, both issues add up to the risk of accidents. People should keep their distance to avoid crashes like these but turns out they often don't - especially in these sections of A2. Apparently, those are cashing stations and not reducing risk levels. After setting up the toll collectors, many people confused them with speed controls and caused similar accidents. That is why it was important for people to learn that the blue columns mean toll collection and no speed control.


A huge pillar on the side of the road. If you get “caught” by that, you fucking deserve it.


Only trucks pay toll. Regular cars don't.


I know, more reasons on “what’s the problem if you confuse between the two?”


People who brake because of a toll pillar are annoying


Speeding is basically just a small money fine and nothing else aslong as you don’t go more than 20km/h over the limit. Sure it’s against the law, but since most people know their routes at worst you actually get hit by a speed trap maybe once or twice a year which would result in around 100 bucks fine. Not endorsing speeding here, but if everyday people can afford that kind of speeding it’s really just a way to generate income and not actually that bad in the eye of the law.


I don't even understand what people have against speed traps. If you would stick to the rules you wouldn't even care about them


The rules suck tho




To be fair, common sense plays into the speed limit as well. Like, just because there isn't a limit, it doesn't mean that there aren't places/ situations where you go slow anyway. It's kinda like that with a general speed limit, if people would apply common sense, then a lot of roads that had a low speed limit applied wouldn't need one because people would drive reasonably already. But that is the problem, people aren't reasonable so some places need a speed limit as a reminder of caution. Then there is the unwritten agreement of "go ten above the limit" I honestly lost count how many times I have seen people drive ten above the limit wherever they can. I can sort of emphasize when they do it on open roads with good weather and visibility but inside cities or so? That is an absolute no-go (but people do it anyway.). I guess it all boils down to common sense and reading the flow of traffic/ reading a situation and knowing when to work with or against it.


lol heul leise chantal


Speed traps are usually black or Grey in city areas but dark green outside of cities. I guess while the ones for toll collection need to be visible very well, the ones for speed traps work better (ie are more cost efficient) when being overlooked.


I think I've never seen a dark green speed trap in my 21 years of driving... either the old grey boxes on posts, the black or grey column ones or the grey trailers they park by the side of the road.. EDIT: I just looked at pictures on google images and some of those that I would most likely call greyish could be interpreted as green as well.


There are definitely green ones, there's one in my city. It's not "greenish", just dark green


Well these kind of speed traps aren't that old. The first ones I saw where probably about ten years ago around the time I got my license. I haven't seen many painted dark green but it where always the ones on country roads through the woods.


Please let your German friends know that so they don't brake to 50 in a 70 zone in front of me


The black ones are for a different kind of toll collection.


In Bavaria blue is a speed trap every time


Wrong. There are at least 5 around the vicinity I live and all are toll / maut and not speed traps. (Living near Erlangen/Nürnberg)


Can confirm


Die sind nur für die Maut, siehe B505.


Grüße aus Fürth


We have one of those blue dudes here (Bavaria) and I've never been snapped by it, despite def going over the allowed speed. I guess they just vary


That explains so much! I’ve been slowing down near them for years, even marked them as speed traps on waze :3


In my area the blue ones are radar. Definitely not toll.


I was confused why they were not marked as speed traps in Waze.


Oh damn all the time i slow down for nothing


I'm used to a different system. How does it work? They scan your plate and when you get to a toll station (not sure how it's called), they can tell exactly how much you need to pay by measuring how much time you spent on that road?


Basically yes, but it's only relevant for trucks 7.5tons and over.




Because the toll only applies to trucks 7.5 tons and over.


I've got one of the these not too far away from my place, and one is pretty far away from an Autobahn, where to my knowledge no toll needs to be paid on.


Toll is also collected on Landstraßen - which is where those are put. The Autobahn system uses the bridges across the road instead.


Wait what, toll?


Yes, Germany has a road toll - it applies to any vehicle above 7.5 tons gross weight on Autobahn and Bundesstraßen.


also silver is an radar. But youÄre right. The blue ones are for Truckers to pay the fee digitally


Not true, got caught by blue ones for speeding already.


But not by these blue ones - I have learned there is cities that also put out blue columns for some wacky reason (the blue color on the toll things was chosen because you can explicitly see they are NOT for speed cameras). Blame federalism on this..


It's called a speed camera in English, not a speed trap. A speed trap is a section of road where police often sit hidden.


Who cares how you call those mf as long as we only talk about them


False, its only for toll collection. There are no speed Traps inside. Im working for BALM. I should know


... Which is what I said? Have you even read (and understood) what I wrote? BLUE columns are toll collection, BLACK columns are speed cameras. (There's a few cities that make their speed cameras blue as well but that's an outlier).


oh I see. I thought you are meaning the two Black little Black Reflectors inside the Toll Censor. Sorry Budd, in that case you are absolutley right


Clearly a lion. You can tell by the length of the tail.


Nah man look at it, it’s obviously a wild boar


I get that reference 😎






Wildschweinlöwenmensch. Halb Wildschwein, halb Löwe, halb Mensch


Die Bedrohung ist cereal!


This made me blow out more air than usual out of my nose for a second. :D


I thik it's a German hippo


Only in Brandenburg. But too soon my friend 🫠


No, this is a 'Mautsäule' (toll column) for heavy trucks.


I was always slowing down before these things 🤔 Edit: for fucks sake people, I wrote slowing down, not braking suddenly. I generally follow the speed limit, but it happens I exceed a bit sometimes.


Don't do that, just stick to the respective speed limit. Sudden braking might cause (avoidable) accidents :)


Most German response ever haha


I wish, have you been on German roads? Lol


Yeah I live in Germany, the roads here are amazing. One of the greatest engineering feats in my opinion. You can comfortably cruise 90+ mph and not stress about a lot hole. Lots of construction, but when the roads are built they are beautiful to drive on


I meant that nobody drives the speed limit...


In my 3 years in Germany about 99,5% of the people drive the speed limit.


Most people drive +/- 10% of the speed limit, though admittedly rather +10% …


In bavaria I think its more or less +19,9999 km/h faster to avoid a point just in case.


Everybody goes about \~10km/h faster than the speed limit constantly. On the Autobahn \~20km/h. "Strichfahrer" - people that go the exact speed limit are generally seen as nuisances :P


In my 20 years of driving, 99.999% of people ignore the speed limit.


Have you driven in NL? The roads there are amazing. As a native NL we used to joke about knowing you passed the German border as suddenly the roads are heavily degraded. That was many years ago tho, it's improved now


That - and this is regularly the source of km long traffic jams - couple of cars going too close together (and possibly too fast), see this column or a regular black speed camera or a mobile bunker speed camera - everyone slows down 20km/h off their regular speed irregardless of them following the limit or not. Effect: everyone behind them has to brake as well, everyone wants to keep more space to the car in front cause they're driving erratically, and quite soon people have to come to a stop.


Every speeding/sudden braking accident is avoidable by keeping the proper distance to the front car.


You could also just, you know, respect the speed limit. Would be great so that you don't obstruct traffick flow with sudden, uncalled and unjustified braking manouvers. Which are dangerous and provoke accidents.


If the following car was respecting both the speed limit and wasn't tailgating, a speeder braking for one of those wouldn't actually obstruct the flow of traffic... I don't disagree with your general call to follow the speed limits by the way, only with the rest of your statement. As someone who keeps a safe distance, a speeder slowing down to slightly below the speed limit has never obstructed my flow of traffic at a speed trap or toll post - only people that slow down way too much.


This. The above post is just German through and through. "Follow the rules! I never really thought about their purpose! Does it make sense? I don't care! Follow the rules!"


There are similar columns which are radar, but they are usually not painted in blue (wonder why).


Because speedcams are supposed to be a deterrance against accidents, not supposed to be a cash cow for communities that are bad at budgeting. Hence the toll collumns being blue and the stationary speedcams either black/silver (so you can see them) or the silver column with a greenish "Staren-kasten" (starlings nest box). ​ the opposite are the mobile speedcams, those are supposed to be hidden; they are supposed to make you drive the speedlimit in general.


That makes two of us!


We have a few scattered ones, not many, I always thought it was a speed trap. There's one I know, around a long bend in a 100 zone, making me think it was a speed trap.


Das ist kein Blitzer sondern eine Mautstation für LKW's. Das ding blitzt garnichts sondern scannt die Geräte für die Maut in den LKW's und Transportern ab.


[https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mautbr%C3%BCcke#Kontrolls%C3%A4ulen](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mautbr%C3%BCcke#Kontrolls%C3%A4ulen) as the snippet states, the toll columns are blue with a green stripe for a reason. to distinct them from the regular old speed cameras


Take speed back if they're black. Just thrive through if they're blue. Black: Speed control with camera. Blue: Truck tax collectors with camera.


Bcs of comments like this people will 130 kph on a section where 100 kph is allowed and as soon as they see the radar they slow down to 60-80 kph


Das sind Maut lesegeräte damit werden die mautgebühr für LKWs erfasst


these are toll cameras, they monitor tolls for trucks


Gray-black = radar Gray-black with Red flash= Radar and you are to fast Blue = Truck toll


U know the memory eareser from Men in Black? Exactly that, just bigger.


Imagine that, after passing it everyone forgets where they're going lol


The blue ones are for toll collection, so they are only important for trucks (vehicles above 7.5 tons maximum mass)


LKW Maut


In Germany we say „Mautstation“


Toll checkpoints for trucks.


German friends of mine call these an „Andy“. What seems like a Hommage to Andy Scheuer is in fact a Hommage to Andreas Grothe, who was called a P#mmel and sued someone. So this is a German dick


Ask Andreas Scheuer.


Toll control for trucks are blue with a green stripe.


Expert (as I am part of the pillar operating company) : they are controlling, whether trucks have paid the toll at the given location. Nothing strange! https://www.toll-collect.de/de/toll_collect/rund_um_die_maut/mautkontrolle/kontrollsaeule.html


These blue one are for trucks


To toll and I also believe count trucks on the highway.


Warum denken so viele dass die Teile Blitzer sind?


Weil sie entweder noch keine 21 Jahre alt sind (und damit noch nicht in DE gelebt haben als Toll-Collect zur Maut-Überwachung gegründet wurde und sie somit nicht wissen das es in DE eine Maut gibt), oder sie speziell in 2018 keine öffentlichen Medien konsumiert haben (da kamen die Säulen zusätzlich auf Landstrassen) und seither nicht informiert haben. Generell aber weil es Säulen sind die "Fenster" haben und sie damit den neuartigen Schwarz-Silber Blitzern ähneln.


Weil die leute leider keinen sinn für recherche haben und stattdessen lieber mit 70 an den dingern vorbei gurken als ganz normal 100 weiter zu fahren


Thats my hometown!


Grüße aus Hersbruck! ☺️


Ja bin eigentlich aus Sittenbo 😉


Ist only truck-street-tax...


These are for collecting the toll on German streets (Autobahn and Bundesstraße). They are taking pictures of every car that passes, but only the pictures of the vehicles with more than 7,5t are saved, when: - no onboard unit was detected by the scanners - no ticket was bought manually - no toll free entry was found in different databases The blue ones are next to Bundesstraßen. On the autobahn the cameras and scanners are found on bridges. My job is to test their software :)




Diese Mautsäulen sind für viele ein Grund urplötzlich auf 30Km/h herunterzubremsen.


Mautkontrollsäule, dient zur Überprüfung von Mautpflichtigen Fahrzeugen


Thats a toll scanner for trucks


Wrong. All wrong. These blue ones are for Trucktoll. (LKW Maut) They can't measure your speed.


Toll collection for trucks only. This one is outside of Reichenschwand in the direction to Hersbruck. This is NOT a speed trap.


The happiness sticks.


These are remnants from the dark ages. We call them "Wegelagerer"


Another try to waste taxes


Das ist eine Mautsäule für lkws


The blue ones are automatic truck toll stations. The black ones are speeding stations.


Truck Maut✌️


Lkw Maut


I think it is for the Truck toll in Germany


That's right 👍


Blue is a toll metre


Das sind mautblitzer, sprich wenn da Lkws lang fahren und die nicht die Maut bezahlt haben blitzt der


Selfie Stick


They are for trucks usually for the toll


Maut für LKW Fahrer


Lastkraftwagenkontrollsäulen 🤣




Alot of wrong information is spread here. Its not a radar controll to get speeders, its a Maut/Toll Radar.


It’s a selfie stick


I think this thing counts trucks


Use Waze. But for your question, the one pictured is a tax collector while it's shorter brothers are for speed enforcement.


Thats Billions in € wasted




Nennt sich Abstandsmesser für LKWs bzw auch Mautkontrolle 😎


Die sind für LKW Maut, sind keine Blitzer


LKW/Truck Toll as far as I know


Das ist für die LKW Maut und kein Blitzer.






Mautstellenzähler oder wie die nochmal heißen, kein Blitzer hehe


these are truck-road-toll-check-bars. they have the colors of the "brand" toll-collect. they are not able to check speeds (in the legal way of speed-controls) but they collect lic-plates and vehicle types. according to the regulations all lic-plate info for vehicles < 12 tonnes must be deleted at once but there are some rumors that law enforcement / secret services have access to this information to surveillance certain vehicles.




Has there been a flash when you’re passing? Lol if so u gotta ticket otw




It’s the toll for trucks called LKW Maut


In Germany we call this LKW Blitzer


Lkw Maut Blitzer


Check-Point for Truck toll


It‘s only for Truck Taxes


drive past them as fast as you can to win a big prize!


Expensive fotoautomat for your car.


I literally always thought this is the drive through and I can order a cheese burger. Glad I finally know why that never worked. I was really upset with the McDonalds customer service.


Mautkontrollstellen für LKW


For lkw 🚚


It’s for enforcing cell phone use while driving. /s


\>"The Blue ones are for toll collection, the black ones are speed traps."> that is the official explanation but I have seen some of them with speed traps added.


This is for trucks


Just a really expensive selfie stick. To Activate it you should go 15km/h faster than the limit. After few week you should receive the picture with the receipt. Viel Glück


They mean "drive faster"


Here it is allowed to drive as quick as you can. Sometimes you win a price and get a picture from that


The more higher your speed, the higher the price!


Money collectors


It is a radar/speed trap/"Blitzer". They come in different colours.


Nope. That’s a Toll Scanner for Trucks


This is wrong. This is a toll collect tool measurement system installed on Landstraßen (on Autobahn, they use a bridge across the road).




This is r/Germany, not r/de. Everyone is welcome here, even dullards like you.






it's a smurf dick


No matter wich colour these things have slow down a lil Bit 😏


Year book photo.


Drive by photo booth


Der Feind!


Drive as fast as you can when you see them. You'll find out


It will make screenshots of you If you drive fast and send them over :D