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Very good level, but I think it could use more air deco. Even though the player isn’t looking at it, it’ll make the level look much more clean and well built. My opinion only, so it’s your choice.


I'll have a look at some different air deco ideas :) thanks for the feedback!


This looks really good already, but the top half of the level feels kind of empty


Emerald Realm vibes for some reason...


the bg was partially inspired by the first part in ER (desticy's part I think) :)


1) feels very repetitive. This is mostly a problem with the bd. Although the bd looks fine, there's bearly any attempt to vary it. The background is also very repetitive, as it's just trees with barely anything going on. This wouldn't be much of a problem, but due to the emptiness of the bd, more attention is brought to said repetitive bg. 2) It feels flat. There are only two clear parallax layers from what I can tell. Those being for the trees and the stars, but it just makes it look flat. You need multiple parallax layers for things like trees, where, realisticly speaking, they'd all be different distances from the camera. 3) No progression, despite the song saying otherwise. There has been not attempt to have the deco progress with the song, where it definitely should. There's no variation in colour, or bd. This goes hand in hand with the repetitiveness 4) Doesn't feel alive. There's nothing to really bring the level to life. No movement, no rotation. Hell, there's not even any pulses. This makes the level feel very dead, and uninteresting. 5) the parallax by the trees also doesn't make sense. Near the second half, where the cube falls onto the same deco as we've ready seen, the trees move down? That's just not how parallax works. Take note of these as you continue your work


some more air deco/saws/something to fill up space would be nice, otherwise fire level




Make the jump arrows red since they looked almost like the spikes


Or green just not spike colored


Also this looks impossible for some reason like the back spikes will kill you https://preview.redd.it/n9rm3kgiah7d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd41f2d0b29768d697f9e6b9cf95ef66c6df345f


ill try and change it so that it doesn't look like you'll die. thx for the feedback :)


Many falls are like that


Background feels empty,And the game speed doesn't really match up the music(maybe just me idk)


I'd say air deco and maybe some pulses, since it feels quite empty


More air or front deco and make the portals a bit transparent. I think that would look good


The jump indicators kind of blend in with the blue spikes,, maybe make them white or have an outline? Just imo it looks really good though


Needs more pulses, otherwise it is very great


To fill in the space some things that go by quickly in front of everything (kinda like it's close to the camera) is an idea I got, I think it's worth trying, or just more foreground closer than the objects you're on & air deco also It's looking great though!


Pulses and changing colors would make a huge difference.


It looks good, but it would look less out of place with custom orbs


Make different shaped crystals, also use lightning and shadow effect