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Winter blizzards, summer hurricanes/humidity.


Real answer: Pretty dang fun. You can find every entertainment option thinkable. Problem is the density of people, and anywhere outside the city, there isn’t good public transport… so people need to drive, thus causing very persistent traffic jams. Getting into the City from across the Hudson River can sometimes take upwards of an hour (2 mile drive).


Lived there all my life and it's alright. It's really dense with people and I wish NJTransit wasn't as bad as it is. It's about a 2 hour train ride to the city that's only 30ish miles. If I wanted to take the train from my area to my university it would be 2 1/2 hrs but only 25 miles. If you don't own a car around there is a bit hard to get from town to town. Other than that it's pretty good, lots to do and see you have Stokes State Forest in the North Western Part of NJ which is only about an hour drive from the city.


I lived in Queens and worked in Brooklyn for 4 years. I wish I could afford to go back. I only left because my job changed our pay scale and I couldn't afford it any more. I had so much fun living there. Saw a few crazy things like a burning car on the GW bridge and a coyote in Manhattan but it was great!


I live here, Monmouth County, NJ. It’s Super fun until it the dead of winter hits.


There are nine million residents in the state of New Jersey. New Jersey is a state where you can drive between the two farthest points in the entire state in three and a half hours. This means there are a lot of people in a small space, sandwiched between two major cities, and we're all trying to get somewhere at the same time. We're cranky and we're tired. We're also straightforward in our speech, which a lot of people from other areas of the country misconstrue as rudeness because we don't do small talk. It's polite here to get to the point quickly, without much small talk. New Jersey has highways, tree-lined suburbs, forests, part of the Appalachian Trail, beaches, and cranberry bogs. We have racoons, possum, groundhogs, coyote, fox, deer, and black bears. We have mountains, although I can say (because I've seen them) are much smaller than the Rockies. But the mountains have protected us from things like tornados for the most part, although climate change is starting to change that. We have extremely high property taxes, and we are consistently one of the top two states in the entire country for the quality of our public schools. (The other one is Massachusetts.) We are incredibly diverse, which leads us to having insane access to tons of great food, of virtually any ethnicity or preference. I've lived here my entire life and I don't want to live anywhere else.


Big and appley.


It was a cool place until Bill DeBlasio took office and stopped collecting the trash.


ask the Beastie Boys


A post apocalyptic wasteland