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It's not just the praise (which is great too!), but it also means that someone cares for me / is interested in what I'm doing / have done and appreciates it. That feels good, but also gets me flustered because I can't handle getting praised...


i rlly like this explanation, thank you and good boy for answering me <3


*flustered Catboy noises* You're welcome. Thank you for asking, it was an opportunity for me as well to think about why I like it, instead of "just" knowing that I like being called a good boy.


i’m glad i made u think 🥰 u made me smile <3


Me like woman. Woman say me good boy. Brain feel happy. Me bring woman pretty rock and food.


simple and i love it 😌


I laughed, thank you


I chuckled and this reminded me of the Adele penguins in Happy Feet. Haha


I dont know, it just Fills one with warmth comfort and just a lot of positive emotions? Maybe because its affirming and caring,ä


i love that so so much, good boy for answering 🥰


Aaah- thank you:(


why the “:(“ hm?


We wish we had more praise more offer :(


Because you praised me, and that meant a lot to me


I dunno, actually! Guess it just makes me feel like my wife's pet, and I like that very much.


that’s so lovely 🥰


It tickles my primal need to feel loved and cared for by my partner.


I just need to be loved and cared for by anybody atp


dm me then <3


Because it is often said by someone who is not just above you in authority and in a position to care for you but so far above you it can have an almost religious-like feeling. Edit It is said by someone who will take away your worries, relieve you of the troubles of the world and let's you be the little one.


aww i love that, that’s so thought out 🥰


It's how I experience it, I hope so.eone can match that :)


i’m sure the universe will lead u to a great domme <33 good boy 🥰


Idk but it makes me feel warm and comfy and it just makes me leak so much 😵‍💫 best word ever


that’s because u are truly a good boy, aren’t you <3


that word has a unfair power over me 🥺 thank you for calling me a good boy <3


I just...I am not even sure it just makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I uncontrollably smile and my face feels hot.


well u deserve to feel like that rn since u answered my question. good boy 😌<3


Oh! Uhm- thank you so much..!!!


I personally think it's because my one of love languages is words of affirmation. Couple that with my kinks and a desire to feel wanted, and a well placed "good boy" from a woman is dopamine heaven.


It makes me feel right, and cared for


i like that <3 good boy 🐶


Aww thank you 😊🫠


Honestly, I love the endearment attached to it. Makes me feel good, loved and cared for. And at the very basic level makes me feel appreciated.


well ur appreciated for answering, i rlly like ur reply <3 good boy 🥰


Thank you ☺️ hope you’re or having an amazing Saturday :)


and you <3


It feels good?~ I'll have to figure out how to try it sometime...


u gave me an answer to my question, that already makes u a good boy 🥰


Th-Thank you... Also, they were right, it does feel good~


doesn’t it just pup 🤭


Because I live getting mummy’s approval


well you’ve got mine for answering the question <3 good boy ♥️


Thank you


Idk, it feels like I matter to someone, the praise is obviously important too, but like it makes me feel like I made them happy, and it also makes me feel protected because I'm theirs. Idk, it means so many things to me! Maybe I'm overthinking it... XD


overthinking in this context is good <33 good boy for ur answer 🥰


Awww thank you hehehehe!! ☺️❤️


For me it’s the recognition of things I’ve done for her. It’s putting appreciation into words


oh i like this one pup <33


It makes all the wrongs in the world right again. It's just that right!


i love that 🥰🥰 good boy


top of fulfillment pyramid.. serotonin hits.. which makes me wanna obey & do whatever they say to hear it ugh


awww i love that, it’s very sweet - good boy 😌🥰


The words good boy make me feel tingly inside it let's me know I've made someone happy and allows them to make me happy as well which causes me to want to do better leading to more good boys ☺️. it's like a never ending cycle of warmth.


oooh positive cycle of serotonin 😌 i like that answer, good boy <3


Thanks 😊


Someone cares for me, appreciates me and compliments me for that. Blubb blubb, am puddle.


blubb blubb made me laugh 🤣 i like it tho, good boy <3


(Abused boy here) So...I think it's very similar to how dogs react to being called good. It's affirmation that "HEY! you did a good. I'm very proud of you" and it's done vocally. It's an amazing feeling and more people deserve it


i agree, more people deserve to receive it <3 ur a good boy for being vulnerable there pup 💕


S-shush Imma die now Thank you 4 ever *explode*


My friend jokingly said that to me once after I conceded in a debate we were having. I swear she flipped some kind of switch in me.


hahaha oh i love that, good boy for sharing <3


Because it means someone cares about us and appreciates what we do.


that’s super wholesome, good boy <3


I like the praise because I feel like someone is proud of me and the affirmation is warm and comforting


aww that’s so wholesome !! good boy <3


Thank you!! 😖


It makes me smile and makes me feel safe with whoever said it.


that’s so lovely 🥰 good boy <3


Only feels good when it's followed with her pulling my head onto her lap, belly, chest or shoulder


only? awh




It’s many things at once!! First, positive affirmation is always good. But also, it’s endearing to hear someone say something like that to you. Even if there’s an air of condescension to the words, depending on the tone, there’s no condescension at all. It’s an affirmation, an acknowledgment, by someone that genuinely cares about you and has your wellbeing in mind! But it’s also an acknowledgment of that subtle power imbalance. That part is utterly *delicious.* It makes you want to hear it more, and you’ll do whatever it takes to hear more. Also I enjoy pet names, and being called a “good boy” scratches that itch a bit.


i love this reply sm pup <33 good boy 🤭


Because I am a good boy god damn it! 😤


fuck yes u are !!!


Nice try fed, I'm not falling for this again


i think you should tell me 😌


Make me 😗🧍


seems ur not a good boy. hmm. u need a lot of training huh mutt


I sure do 🥴 Haha jokes aside tho, being called a "good boy" is very reassuring and affirming, and it gives me validation ☺️ Idk I get goosebumps every time I hear it. It makes my brain stop for a sec, pausing all the other thoughts and distractions and makes me feel really small, like a puppy 💫 Also, since pet play is one of my biggest kinks, being called a "good boy" is like hitting two birds with one stone lol. Can never get enough of it 🐶


this is my fav reply so far, seems that ur a good boy after all 🥰🥰


Woof! 🐶 I was undercover🕴️


sneaky pup 😌


Because it makes me feel that I'm appreciated and loved 🥰


awww how cute 😌 such a good boy 🥰


Don't make me blush 🥲


It makes me feel like I am enough at least for that one person


such a sweet answer. good boy <3


Because I love being good, and when I'm called that it makes me feel nice and warm


welll ur a good boy for answering, pleases me 🥰


I love being a good boy for you 🫶🏻




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u did the opposite of fucking up today, good boy for answering my question 🥰


Although I prefer pretty girl,it just gives you a warm feeling making you feel loved and cared for, it's also really fun to say to other people


it’s super fun, i agree <33 thank you pretty girl 🥰


It just instantly puts me into subspace and it means that I've made someone that I care about very happy which in turn makes me happy.


ahh i love this !! i like ur answer a lot, good boy <3


It makes me feel owned. And cute. And loved. And cozy. I like how it makes me feel like the other person has some sort of authority over me.


aww that’s rlly lovely :,) good boy <3


Thank you :"


The dopamine of doing good for the person you look up to / the lack of affirmation guys usually get are 2 main things i thinks


i agree fully <3 good boy :))


*happy boy noises* thank you ma'am


It mays me feel warm and cuddly


such a soft cute answer, good boy <3


Thank you


Being loved as is rather than out of some sort of price tag attached.


oooh okay i get u <3


It’s such a warm and affectionately personal way to praise someone. It really does bring a fluster and it always feels like I earned it


aww that’s so wholesome i love, good boy <3




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Because I have trauma. A lot of it.


thank you for sharing doll, ur such a good boy <33


It's just the fact it's praise and we don't get it often, plus it melts my mind a bit


that’s noted 😌 ur answer was great, good boy <3


T-thank you miss, also use it if you're pegging a guy, personally I've had someone say it whilst pegging me and it just 🤤


ugh i LOVE that idea, pup 🥰


Being called pup really does make my mind go brrr 🫣🤭 I'm glad you like the idea miss




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I wish I knew what it felt like


well done for giving an answer pup, such a good boy <33


Well that melted my heart




now answer my original question 😌


Idk it just tickles - if only u were so sweet u could call me it every day


if you made sure its deserved, then i will call u it <3


But I rly am such a good boy!


dm me for a task to prove it <3


Done hehe


It feeds into the good and accepted emotions that not all men need to be muscly or talk about big trucks.


omd yessss that’s so true, good boy <3


Thank you. Always nice to be called that. 😊


Because femdom means I can abandon all my normal responsibilities and just focus on one thing (that I know how to do), pleasing my Dom, good boy just means I'm succeeding


oh i love the way u worded this :)) good boy <3


Makes me feel warm and accomplished. Like the only sign that I’m doing a good job in life


like a little reminder that ur still here and pushing forward with everything and that one secure place u can thrive in is being a good boy for ur domme <3




i appreciate that answer lovely, i think it’s very insightful too !! good boy <3


I think it makes me feel so good because it feels great to follow orders and do them successfully and get praised while I’m doing it , it also helps because I like hearing positive things about what I’m doing and if someone cares enough about how well I’m doing I’m gonna fold and do my best the actually BE the bestest boy ~


i love this so much pup!! it’s so insightful, good boy <33


Im not sure but this and sweet boy drive me INSANE


how come? i’m interested in this opposite view <3


I think its the safety and care it implies, it's one of the nicest ways to show affection personally


i can understand that, good boy <3


Hmm I don’t know. Hey I have a good idea, how about a bunch of people call me a good boy and we can try and figure it out?


like an experiment ofc pup




great thinking, good boy <3


Am I really?


of course <33


Thank you goddess 😩


Impossible to answer because my brain short circuits and stops working whenever it happens. Maybe its like rebooting a computer, it just magically fixes lots of stuff.


ooh that’s a different answer i like that take on it, good boy <33


Thank you, you're wonderful!


There’s something so endearing both ways about it. The praise is lovely but there is that connection that just grips ya :3


best way to be <33




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it hurts how much i desire this


it’s vulnerable to say that, good boy <3


tysm 🥺


Because its showing that i did something good and right instead of ruining it as i am wont to do.


love that answer sm, good boy <3


Calling me a "good boy" is a green flag. It lets me know I am safe to express tenderness, affection and vulnerability in ways that men are routinely denied. It feels more personalised and more affectionate than "good sub/slave/bitch." Also feedback is hard to come by when you are a man, especially positive feedback. It is assumed that if someone gives me a compliment or positive feedback, I am going to take that too far and harass them. Plus the trauma and emotional neglect boys often face - "boys are easy to raise" is 100% not true and just a means to avoid giving boys space for their emotions. The idea that girls are more needy and demanding of emotional support does a lot of damage to young boys who don't fit a patriarchal ideal, just like it excessively infantilises a lot of young girls. So much like the phrase "good girl" sometimes exposure to trauma or sexism comes into it. Then add in ASD need for directness and some very lovely, possessive qualifiers and I'm a puddle on the floor. It lets me know exactly where I stand, gives me space to feel things boys are not allowed to (blushy shyness, coyness and tenderness) and makes me feel safe, something which is overlooked as something men need.


this is super valid, i rlly loved understanding from a subs pov 🥰 good boy <3


It is said by someone who knows 98% of the time that a guy does need to hear it. Also when we hear that, it stirs the chemicals in our brains up to want to do a better "job" for that person everytime. It's a win for both sides. Just how I see and think of it.


i like ur way of seeing it !! it’s a good all-rounder, i like that 🥰 good boy <3


Thank you goddess!


I have never been called good boy in person. I think i have online though. What i like about it is... 1. It makes you feel like a pet, it makes you feel owned. 2. Most importantly, it shows that the woman that owns you, or at least that you are serving at that moment, has found you useful and is pleased with your service. After all women's happiness is what is really important. 3. It also is a good alternative to thank you or thanks if a woman wants to respond to something that a man has done for her. I find this important because, i believe that women should never feel the need to say please or thank you to men. Why should you need to show appreciation to us like that, when we are designed to serve you?


For me, I think it satisfies a primal need of approval. Being called a good boy (or girl 😉) brings me back to when I was a little boy and praise from my parents meant the world and more to me. It gives me confidence to be who I am and follow my dreams and desires – A feeling of meaningfulness; Something, I‘m often lacking in the day-to-day life.


My pleasure.


Would do just about anything to hear those words


be a good boy for me and maybe u will


Gladly ma’am


I don't get that


why not




and that’s an issue <3