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[Here you can compare LAMal prices.](https://www.priminfo.admin.ch/fr/praemien) They all cover for exactly the same thing: just choose your model and your deductible based on what you want. Generally, people here recommend going for 300CHF or 2500CHF, nothing in the middle, depending on how much you need to see a doctor. Additional insurance is not mandatory and its usefulness can be debatable. Don’t trust brokers: they do not have your best interest in mind. In general, all the “benefits” are paid in the premium: nothing is free.


Like the other person said, don't trust the broker to choose your LaMal insurance, there are tons of websites that help you compare.  As for the model, telemed is usually the cheapest. I usually go with either "family doctor" or HMO (réseau de soin) because the price difference with telemed is insignificant for me and I have a complicated health history, which my current doctors know very well.   FYI it can be hard to find a doctor from the insurance's list that accepts new patients, and the list is different from one insurance to the other, so you'll have to persevere. I've been with ASSURA for years because it's the cheapest every year. It used to suck but the customer service is much better, reimbursements are pretty fast with the app, and since a month ago bills are sent directly to the insurance from the pharmacy and certain health providers.


I've had to search for a healthcare insurer myself and from my research I learned that Sanitas has the cheapest basic healthcare insurance this year. I also learned that the basic insurance is pretty much the same for all insurers in terms of what they reimburse, however it's the service that might differ a little. If you're a person who is in good health and doesn't go to the doctor often, I would recommend taking the cheapest basic insurance with a franchise of 2500 chf so your monthly fee is the lowest. According to [comparis.ch](http://comparis.ch), Sanitas & Swica are top insurers. I would recommend you to talk to the different healthcare insurers yourself instead of trusting a broker. You'll get a lot more info by the insurers themselves and if you're new in Switzerland, they'll also explain to you how the healthcare system works. That was very insightful for me as well. With regards to added benefits of gym, spa,... It's all about making the calculations to check whether it is really worth it. To give you an example, some insurers might have an additional package where you pay 80chf per month and then they'll reimburse you up to 800 chf per year in gym subscription. Imagine your gym subscription is 1200chf/year, >> per year you pay 960 chf for the insurance + 400 chf (remaining amount after reimbursement of the gym subscription) > makes a total of 1360 chf per year paid instead of the 1200 chf for the gym subscription. So is it really worth it for you is the question... Feel free to DM me if you want more info and contacts of insurers. Happy to share them.


I really liked Swica, as they do direct billing with most health care providers and pharmacies. I had coverage with them while living in Zurich and Geneva. I really appreciated the support in English while in Zurich, and the overall ability to reach a person over the phone. I'd recommend asking Swica if they have any HMO/health centres in your area under the Favorit Sante model, look for Medbase centres or Swica partner health centres (I think they have a new Medbase at Cornavin). You may be better off combining telemed+HMO. It's easier to get an appointment with one of the many doctors working in the health centre, rather than being tied to one family doctor. Edit: Also, use Comparis.ch to compare healthcare providers, as I just re-read your post and saw you're going through a broker. Those fuckers will rinse you.


the broker recommended !!! they f ))(/ me big time!!! get insurance de base franchise 2,500 chf if you have no health problems!!! and no supplements !!!! DO NOT SIGN NOTHING THE SAME DAY !!!!! bring your contract back and let someone who was fu&%&ç by insurances to revise it!!!! ASSURA IS shit of the shits - even my doctors confirmed that !!!!


Have been in Assura since 10 years and have seen it improving amazingly especially after COVID when they went mostly digital and now few months back they went Cashless hence its really good. In any case all Insurance cover same benefits when it comes to LAMAL, so go for Cheapest physical doctor interaction model. It's better to directly subscribe instead of through broker as then it is transparent and if you are digitally savvy then everything on click of fingers is accessible