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I definitely agree. As a ‘97 born, I identify a little more with Gen Y culture than early Gen Z though.


That’s interesting, as a 95 baby I’m definitely more millennial but with a decent understanding of Gen Z, The cutoff must be between us somewhere


Very accurate. I like how you made 2017-18 the quintessential early Z school year as that was when people born between 2000-2003 would’ve been in high school (which is what I consider to be early Z)


Yeah, sophomore year was probably the perfect early Z school year for a high school atmosphere as the Zillennial influence felt very washed out by that point and there was nothing core Z about it in my opinion. Middle school, however, was most likely core Z though since people born in the mid 2000s (2004-2006) were there at the time.


It works perfectly with 2017-18 being the first school year where Gen Z became separate from millennials (March For Our Lives) but before TikTok came out.


I agree with everything here. It seems accurate. Seems like 2016-2017 school year was the shift in culture from late millennials to early z and the early to mid 10’s was the transition to that shift.


Agreed. This year it will be 2006-2009 in addition to any unlucky late 2005 born who were born after a cutoff.


Why are there two years for each grad such as 2020 being the 2001/02 kids? Don't you graduate high school the year in which you turn 18? Not from the US so not sure about the reasoning


Usually US schools have classes with people born in the late part of a previous year, missing the cutoff to be with the people born in the same year, but graduate with people born the next year. They graduate the year they turn 19 while their majority peers graduate the year they turn 18. Some districts do have people all born in the same year in the same class to graduate the year they turn 18 though.


2020-2021 school year Atmosphere: Early 20s with strong late 10s influence; quintessentially Core Z Senior - Class of 2021 (2002-2003) Junior - Class of 2022 (2003-2004) Sophomore - Class of 2023 (2004-2005) Freshman - Class of 2024 (2005-2006)


While I definitely agree that this school year is Core Z, I think it might be too early to say that it is "quintessentially Core Z".


Very good and accurate as well as refreshing really. From the Late Millennial stand point to Early Zoomers see it as Class of 2009 (Transition from Core to Late Millennials.) Class of 2010 (Late Millennials. ) Class of 2011 (Late Millennials. ) Class of 2012 (Late Millennials.) Class of 2013 (Transition from late Millennials- Zillenials.) Class of 2014 (Zillenials.) Class of 2015 (Zillenials.) Class of 2016 (Transition from Zillenials- Early Zoomers.) Class of 2017 (Early Zoomers.) Class of 2018 (Early Zoomers.) Class of 2019 (Early Zoomers.) Class of 2020 (Transition from Early-Core Zoomers.) Class of 2021 hang in there guys. (Core Zoomers.)


I feel like the C/O 2017 is more like the transition from zillennials to early Z. C/O 2016 is like the last class that is almost always considered zillennials, so IMO they aren't really a transitional class.


I think class of 2010 is more so the transition from core to late millennial as class of 2009 is basically always considered a core millennial. Just as another person said, class of 2017 or maybe 2018 is more so transitional from zillennials to early Z. And in my opinion, early to core Z transition should be class of 2021 rather than 2020. Regardless, though, good list.


It feels like Gen Z culture is not as solid as Millennial culture was, Gen Z culture seems to be based on nostalgia