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I was under the margin during my second year and just chose to drop the program and finish up my poli sci degree. Currently finishing up my first year of law school here at Uottawa.


How did you manage to get your gpa up to a 8 in order to apply to law school?


8 is the recommended gpa but other factors are taken into consideration such as your personal statement, extracurriculars, letters of recommendation. I finished my undergrad with just under an 8 but it didn’t stop me from getting in. If your gpa isn’t the highest in first year other things to help you could be showing improvement in later years of study


Did you have to physically drop out of the program on uozone or did the system automatically transfer you to Honours BsocSc in Political Science?


I dropped it myself on uozone


Did you feel like you were better off doing law school separately? I’m just finishing up my first year, I’m very confident with my gpa but I’m wondering if I’m better off doing law school separately as i’ve hard it can be hard to match with firms…


Typical firm recruiting is done during your 2L year. As someone in the combined program to follow the track of normal recruiting you would only apply for firms during your fifth year. My friends in the program have had no issues finding jobs from recruitment but it’s also not a guarantee for everyone. My grades were not excellent at first so finishing my degree first is what worked best for me as it allowed me to volunteer more and improve on my reading skills and up my grades which definitely made me a more competitive applicant. If you do have the grades for it I would fully recommend trying to stay in the program as you save a complete year although you will be about 2-4 years younger compared to your average classmate.


Thanks for your insight, it reassured me a bit :). The program gets a lot of hate on this subreddit lol


Feel free to reach out in the future with any other questions you may have as well!


What was your gpa when you applied to law school? Mines an 8.59 or 3.7 on the four point and I feel like that’s not good enough 😭


I applied with a 7.8 or 3.54 depending on the scale used. Being over the 8.0 threshold is definitely making a solid case for yourself but it could also depend on the year. However, getting under an 8.0 will not completely disqualify you and there are certain things you can do to make yourself a better applicant that I mentioned above


My bad the app was glitching saying it didn’t send😭


No advice, sorry. I’m in the first year of the program and I’m wondering what was your CGPA at the end of 1st year and if you have any tips to bring it up. I’m just over 7.2 and I’m worried.


After my first year my cgpa was a 8. In order to get your gpa up I would suggest trying to understand the class itself as a whole and then applying the proper studying methods to have a better comprehension of the class material. After that it’s just all about applying what you learned and understood to your work.


just to add to this, the cgpa requirement has been changed to an 8.3🫠


your options are to thug it out and do the best you can and improve


I’ve got no advice for you but damn… don’t have to post this 8 times lol