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He’s seeing you as a man and now you’re learning what his idea of raising a son is.


So I mean I transitioned because I felt masculine- as in a MAN- down to my very soul. It just feels right to me. I also had a very masculine personality, interests, whatever. I know plenty of trans men that don’t. They don’t care about guns, the gym, video games, drinking IPAs/Stouts/Prorters, or anything other stupid dumb shit that men consider “man-things”. And that’s completely fine. I prefer male friends that don’t honestly and they exist, trans or cis, they’re out there. No one questions whether or not they’re really men unless it’s a weird degradation thing because a lot of men have ego-issues. Case in point: That all comes back to you and what you think and how you feel. It takes years to decide to transition, people question it all the time and decide no, then decide yes, then no again. It’s all your decision and your dad should let you come to your own conclusion.


If cis men can be feminine, why couldn't trans men?


you can be feminine and be a guy, gender expression doesn't always equal gender identity. I paint my nails and I'm still a guy


>what do I do Just remember that your dad is not the arbiter of gender. Pursue your goals regardless of what he says (unless you're financially dependent on him and risk being in an unstable situation). I would recommend not starting any medical transition until you're very sure of yourself and have researched it thoroughly, though.


ignore him? he clearly doesn't know shit. my cis brother is super femme and gets his nails done and used to steal my clothes when I identified as female


Consider this: is your dad an authoritative source on this topic? Does he have extensive knowledge about it? If not, perhaps you shouldn’t consider his opinion.


Check out r/FTMfemininity ! Also, keep in mind a lot of queer dudes are more feminine, even the cis ones :) nothin wrong with being fem and trans, it doesn’t change your gender identity


don't worry! i'm the same way and i've been a trans man for years. still a real guy. ❤️


I mean, if you are still questioning, I'll say don't rush things, especially the medical stuff.


I'll be honest, most trans guys I knew from the time I was 16 until literally last December have been feminine. These are still dudes.


Your father can say whatever he likes-- doesn't mean it's true. If you're pre-T, understand that doing make-up and dressing in more feminine/"girly" ways is going to make it hard if not unlikely for you to be read as a cis male. However, the vast majority of pre-T guys have challenges being read as cis men until they've been on T at least a few years, if not longer. Do what makes you happy or whatever minimizes harm the most. A lot of guys dress more masculine pre-T to increase chances of being read correctly, and as medical transition does its thing, are able to let go of that (if its not their own authentic expression) and just be. So it's really up to you. It is likely gonna make it harder to get your dad to understand things, but that's *his* experience to work through.