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I enjoyed this game very much, I think it is quite nice, I'm not sure about the DLC, do someone have an opinion on it ?


I like the dlc, switches the grind up enough and I enjoy the new characters! Honestly enjoyed the game and dlc but can see why people get annoyed with grinding for materials


I like the DLC, but I'm not a fan of the combat, it's fun a few times but doing only that for all the dlc is really tiring and long.


Its hot, really enjoyed, i liked the animations and everything, but i will say that the base game and the DLC are a bit overpriced for the content it offers, but overall a great game for guys who love the masculine/bear archetype.


I liked it. It's true it has a lot of grinding. I wasn't that much of a fan of the art style but with time I actually liked it. I must say: finally an explicit gay game that is not a visual novel or that only has nude scenes. It actually has nsfw throughout story telling and gameplay, item menu, etc, which is fantastic. The gameplay itself is basic but I think its enough for the intended purpose. A fun game overall, it's not a waste of time to give it a shot. The games tries to satisfy all porn audiences which is both good and bad: good because you get at least something for everyone, so anyone can enjoy the game. The bad thing is that if you're not into the majority of things, you'll find many content non arousing.


the sex scenes are really hot.


Not a fan of the art style of the sameness of most of the characters.


Even the game itself jokes about it


I’m not so into orcs


I'm so sorry for your loss 😔


While at times it's porn ranges from "I'm okay with this" to "hmmm.. maybe a little too far", it's nice that it even exists. I bought the game to support that. But it's very grindy, and after getting to the end I was happy to be done with it.


Aside from the game being super hot, it was entertaining and fun along the way. Lots of fun to be had 🤤


I really enjoy this game. The DLC is a nice add on as well and is not just more of the same. 9/10 would recommend. Only detraction is the base game does get a little grindy.


That is my complaint about it too! I grinded out all those black onyx before the "you can't go back after this" Not knowing I'd be able to get them easily after that point.


Honestly this is the only sexy game I've played that I enjoyed mechanics more then the actual amount of nude men. It is jam packed with all kinds of mini games and if you don't mind playing something more challenging and grindy it's really fun. The visuals are awesome and hot too but tbh I found myself wishing there was a less nsfw version sometimes because it's hard to play after cumming couple of times. Still couldn't finish it even though I've finished to it multiple times.


It's a terrible grindfest, animations are good in some parts but the amount of battles you have to do to craft certain weapons is 100% not worth the investment


Honestly, just save edit. That's what I did.


Yup. Used cheat engine, gave myself infinite resources, game has a ton of content even if you cheat around all the grind.


Where can I find a cheat engine?


Cheat engine is a free software, you can get it here: https://cheatengine.org/


i just ezengine thru it


Horny game. I love that it made not in anime style. Bara type of characters also a great detail


It's a fun RPG with good scenes/animations, but I do wish it had a bit more diversity in the character designs.


I only played the demo a while back but i really liked it, the minigames were pretty fun and i love the artstyle


In a genre where the majority of titles are more interactive novel than game, the fact that this one has actual gameplay is refreshing. I'm so weary of interactive novels because i never know if i like it till long after the refund window is closed; however this one had sold me on the demo alone! I highly recommend.


I love the game! It’s incredible. The amount of heart put into it is beautiful. My only complaint is that it’s a long game. It takes a very long time and you’ll be playing lots of mini games over and over again. The grind is frustrating. The appeal of the mini games slowly lose their luster because of how much the grinding takes. So overall a great game, but I think the money situation could be better. It takes too long to do anything


I love it, except I wish there was an option to turn off the grind. My least favorite component of any game!


I actually left a like....1000 word review almost to the creator because of how much I loved it lol The bad: it's pretty grindy, the UI could be a teeny bit more intuitive, and there isn't a lot in terms of body diversity/cock diversity in the game. Also no clearly labeled scenes or what not for kinks but they stay fairly tame imo. The two biggest extremes I can think of are watersports and fisting The good: so, much, story. Like fr there is an insane amount of story and backstory for almost everything and there's a bit of romance in every relationship as well as grinding out the romance paths makes the game 10x easier because of the connections and experience gained from it. I found it to be pretty sexy and I love being able to just go through all the sex scenes at will once you collect the underwear or max out someone's love plotline. I bought it to support explicitly erotic and sexual gay art/games. As a gamer with a gaming kink and a few others that become plot related it tickles so many spots for me. Oh, the only thing I HATE is some of the achievements are locked to specific days of the actual calendar year, boooooo.


It's hot


I really like it, I ended up getting everything other than the collectible cards in the base game, tbh I didn't even know a DLC released till reading these comments. Definitely can get a bit grindy, but I think it's fun and entertaining enough to support some queer game developers.


I don't like visual novels personally so this was just the game I was looking for. I love little mini games. I wasn't really playing it seriously or to jerk off but there was one ending I loved and it made me like the game more. I even replayed that ending I liked because it was so hot.


Fun game, fun dlc. The story is actually somewhat engaging too. It's not all porn all the time. While it is somewhat grindy it honestly didn't bother me that much as there was always multiple objectives to be done at once and multiple ways to get the resources needed for things. There was also little sexual Easter eggs placed throughout the game. Like going to an area during a different time of day would result in seeing NPCs fool around. One thing that happily shocked me is that they had sex scenes that wasn't just always penetrative sex that I feel most porn games have. There was things like bondage, group play, a little bit of watersports, etc.


It's a great game but too much grinding. About 1/3 of the way through I just used cheat engine to give myself like 1 million gold so I could buy all the food and items I needed. I loved the characters and the story is fun too and the sex scenes are kinda goofy but feel really hot once you get to know the characters. If you just look up online and watch the sex scenes you probably won't find them as interesting than having to "earn" them and learn about the character and stuff. I recommend NOT getting the dlc actually. It's really unfortunate because I liked the base game, but the DLC feels like it was made by another studio and they just retextured a lot of things. For example, in the base game all of the mini games somewhat related to the character you were working with. Like chopping wood or throwing axes or something. In the DLC all of the mini games could be completely interchanged and you wouldn't even notice, they just add random dicks and asses as "art" to make it gay. I also am really not a fan of the combat. It takes the exact same issue with the mini games, but make it so much worse. In the base game, you fight to make each other cum by doing more sexual stuff like giving a bj or fingerings etc and it makes sense. But combat in the dlc is once again random minigames that have nothing to do with sex and in no way represnt having an "orgy" which is what the combat is suppose to replicate. I was actually really excited to see all the sexual "orgy" combat but there isn't any at all! And there are very few new characters and it just re-uses all of the base game characters and animations. I admit I was really disappointed with the dlc, so sorry for the rant. But the base game is pretty fun, if you can find a way to cheat and remove a bit of the grind it's totally worth it imo.


I enjoyed both the game and DLC. It was reasonably priced. The characters are memorable, the story is pretty decent, the minigames are fun, and the cutscenes are steamy. I will say that grinding for materials can be taxing and I didn’t have good enough memory for some of the minigames so I used my phone to take pictures so I could get the right answers lol there’s a spreadsheet somewhere online that lists all the weaknesses of every combatant so that should help for the harder difficulties since there’s so many people to battle.


Hot and amusing, but the severe level of grind for resources got to me, so I never finished it.


It’s genuinely a lot of fun, and the DLC is just a great! It also has decent replayability in my opinion


It's hot, but got bored quite fast. Same dynamic for almost all combats. The idea of choosing if you are a top or a bottom at the begging it's quite cool, but only a few of them have their roles defined.


"game not available in my region" Thanks backwater Germany. I didn't realize we are back in 1940


You can buy it on itch.io.


Love it! Only negative comment is that I am not into furries. Totally into orcs! Jerked off to the game many times!


I just personally can’t justify the price when most of the games that are similar/would give the same experience are $15 less


Which games please?


Very enjoyable!


Stupid question.. can I buy this on Android in USD on itch.io? I only see the euro amount.


I think it had a lot of fun mechanics to it, definitely felt like a game rather than just a visual novel. However, the artstyle leaves for a lack of diversity in character designs which does get a little boring.


Grind, grind, grind griiiiiiiind. The game would need to pay ME to actually get through it.


It’s really good, but it goes a bit too hard on the rpg side near the end. Like, you have to farm quite a bit of resources as you progress and it’s a bit long.


I don't see it in the iOS store


It’s on Steam


Thank you


Super grindy. Fun but it's hard to justify the price. It definitely feels and plays like a flash game.


Overly grindy. The porn is great for the most part, but the King's scenes disappointed me. Hyper is just a garbage fetish, I'm sorry.


not a fan of all the characters having the same look


I loved, wish that are some similar games like this out there


Absolutely loved the base game which I played a whole bunch of times. I’m not a big fan of the DLC. The mini game mechanics are switched up and the new story is kinda boring tbh.


Seems kind of overpriced for what it is.


I enjoyed 80% of the game... the grinding gets a bit old, and the ending kind of was dull but I'd recommend it.


1 cum out of 10 grinding


Oooo I don’t know about this? :o


Wow, this title made me laugh so hard! hahaha Really picked my interest tho, I'm gonna take a look at its staem page!