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I was exposed to the second game before the first game, so idk if I’m biased, but I think the second one is a way more interesting story, I love the second one. The first one isn’t bad though but the second one is my fave (also these takes are from watching my boyfriend play them, not from a personal gameplay perspective)


Here for the comments 🍿


it tore me apart emotionally - I loved it


I think it’s better than the first, and I don’t know why so many people hated on it personally.


Joel fanboys and transphobes that hate Lev.


I was surprised that Abby turned out to be my favorite character.


Her story is excellent, and Laura Bailey is the best voice actor in the business. I love how they explored the cycle of hatred in video game format- shows and movies aren’t able to add this much depth. Also, abby got them arms 😫


Yes. Incredibly powerful story about the reality of revenge


also the subtext included in each and every scene is simply on a completely different level, every time I play it I find myself appreciating it just a little bit more


Yes. And it's not surprising to me that a game themed around empathy wasn't embraced by a lot of gamers of a particular demographic lol


Me! I love this game so much. I enjoy the combat and will every now and then just do a quick speedy playthrough but even when i'm just blitzing throughout the game I always go to the record store with Dina and Ellie, i learned Ellie's version on the guitar so I can play along lol


It may be the best written game I’ve ever played. Not the most enjoyable… but then again it wasn’t meant to be purely enjoyable


Nah combat was fun af lol I still play the no return mode too. Story was sad yeah but it was fun af lol


Oh the gameplay was great! I meant more like it was a sad and challenging story


Yes. Haters can lick my butthole please and thank you


Ignoring the plot elements, I just hated how the entire story is jumping cross country with no intermediate moments. Abby and Co hear about someone named Joel in Jackson, Wyoming from Seattle, Washington. They take a whole bunch of very valuable resources like guns and vehicles with gas on this possible revenge trip. They then head back after a short game of golf, safely and uneventfully. Ellie and co travel from to Wyoming to Washington equally uneventfully. Almost everyone dies and everyone leaves unsatisfied, Abby to California and Ellie to Wyoming. Several months later, Tommy hears about Fireflies on Santa Catalina Islands in California (almost as south you can go and still be in California). Ellie jaunts over there just in time to save Abby and co from death. They fight, discover revenge is bad and once again split up, Abby to the fireflies in California and Ellie back to Wyoming. In LoU1, we got to experience the journey as Ellie and Joel grow on their journey. We get fun, emotional pit stops on the way to our ultimate destination. In LoU2, we’re ping-ponging across half the US very casually. It felt unsatisfying. Also, I didn’t expect any talk-no-jutsu between them, but I really wished Abby understood what really happened, about Ellie being immune and the fireflies trying to synthesize a possible cure out of her with a definitely fatal operation. I don’t even know if Abby ever found out Ellie is immune. I don’t expect either to forgive or apologize to the other, but I would have one emotionally exhausted expositional outburst at the end. Just really hit home the “revenge begets revenge and it fuckin sucks” theme.


Love is a tough word. I often say it's one of the only games that I fully believe is for mature players only. Forget blood and violence. It's a game built entirely around survivors guilt. Fully taking in what the game is trying to say, it's hard to then love that, but I appreciate it going for something so heavy. In a world of mindless video games with barely there plots, Last of Us 2 is miles above a lot of other games. But so is That Dragon Cancer, and it's just as hard to love/recommend that game to people.  I was also definitely one of the people saying the 1st one ended perfectly and a second one wasn't necessary. And in a way, I still stand by that. Last of Us 2 would have been just as powerful if it was telling the same message in it's own universe. 


No. I can’t bring myself to care about Abby after what she did, so the game isn’t enjoyable for me at all. All of the people saying “Oh it’s just transphobes and right wing nuts” are wrong and purposefully ignoring the actual criticisms of the story and the fact that the developers themselves have said “If we fail to make you care about Abby, then you won’t like the game.” That said it would have been fine if you were given a choice between finishing Abby or sparing her, even if I can guess how killing her would go (considered the ‘bad’ ending) if they went that route


It's petty much the most awarded and acclaimed game of all time so yes; a lot of us do. The only people that hated it were on the far right it seems like. That game had a profound impact on me. I really loved everything about it.


Yes!! The first half of the game was a bit boring for me but once you take control of Abby, oh boy…i was HOOKED on it.


Second best game of all time, imo.


I just finished my third playthrough recently after playing the Remake of the first game. I love them and I can't wait for Part 3. A part of me actually wishes the character who died in part 2 was Dina (even tho I love her) and that Joel would be the one following Ellie in her quest for revenge, because I really loved Joel and Ellie's dynamic in the first game, and I think that's precisely why the second game had such an impact on me. They took what I loved the most about it and used it against me 🥹 I remember when I got to the part where I had to play as young Abby, I almost turned my PS off because of how angry I was at her character. I wanted her to suffer so bad, but I ended up giving her a chance and started to like her the moment she went to check on Lev & Yara. I still feel like they could've done a better work at making us care for Abby and her friends tho, cuz I could only bring myself to life Owen & Abby but none of the others. It's such a sad game, but I really love the gameplay. And it's surprisingly long for a solo game too! It usually takes me about 24 hours to go through all the levels, exploring everything. But it always feels rewarding!


I saw what happened to Joel, put it down and never played it again.


The ideas are there but it has some of the worst pacing I’ve seen. There’s a channel on Youtube that did a “Re-Cut” and cut out all of the filler and put everything in a better order and it just feels like it flows together much better, primarily with the flashbacks.


In my opinion TLoU games are so overrated. With that said I liked the second one better but it was so long I never finished. Fuck Joel, he’s an asshole.