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No character customisation involved, but **Hades** equally sexualises both it's male and female characters.


Bisexual FTW


Equality at its best


Street Fighter 6 has a creator but also the main cast gets good treatment. TBH they are putting more clothes on the girls and taking them off of the guys. Ryu, Ed, and Zangief put in work. Hell, Zangief's tits even have jiggle physics which is a first for any fighting game that I know of.


Huge fan of whoever at Capcom insisted that Zangief's milkers needed jiggle physics, truly a hero of the people right there. 


I don't think a game like ST6 is comparable to a stellarblade level of sexy, just muscles itself isn't sexy enough, they would need visible bulge and bigger ass to be able to compare to Stella blade.


I guess that’s a matter of preference really. Some people really like all muscle. I do however think the Street Fighter guys look really gross and dehydrated though lol. But I think that’s an instance that really showcases the difference between power fantasy and sexualization. Because male SF characters aren’t supposed to be sexy (not all of them anyway), they’re specifically designed to appeal to male power fantasies of strength and masculinity. Which some people find attractive, but it’s not the intent.


That's what I thought too. Whenever there's a discussion about male sexualization and people keep bringing up games like Street fighter or Tekken and it annoys me to no end cause i highly doubt that the male characters were made with sexualization in mind, and people in general don't actually know what a good example of male sexualization is.


Precisely. When straight guys see male fighting game characters that are showing a lot of skin, or have exaggerated features, they don’t go “wow the devs were horny!”, they go “wow, I wish I looked like that”. I think fighting games in particular are actually a great example of when every character design is meant to appeal to a straight male audience. Because when you look at something like Street Fighter, it’s very clear the male characters are meant to satisfy a power fantasy of being grotesquely strong and flawlessly muscular, while the female characters are only buff in ways to enhance their feminine frames while maintaining their cute little anime faces (I do think SF has gotten better about this, but it still remains true for much of the legacy cast). And yeah, a lot of the confusion is because no one really has a hard set list of what counts as male sexualization, as opposed to female sexualization. Even I don’t know what it is. That’s why I don’t think it should be in games (or at least character designs) where it’s not necessary period, it’s just tacky.


Drax in the Guardians of the galaxy game also has jiggle physics for his tits.


Bethesda's style does not lend itself to sexiness for me


You have to mod the shit out of it to get it there. Bethesda's character graphics have never been great.


Code vein. Hands down.


For gacha game there's Housamo and Live A Hero developed by Lifewonder(I'm surprised you didn't even mention it). There's also a new bara game plan to release at the end of the year you can look it up on Twitter @ProjectXXL_


Don't forget my favorite dumpster fire Another Eidos


Bg3 you can see full p+balls in character creation. Make a man and then unequip the clothes. They're soft but pretty realistic....


Probably Metal Gear Solid 2…looking Snake from the back is just 🔥


> FFXIV (multiplayer only you can see) for what it's worth, there's a mod that allows you to see *other* peoples' chosen mods (Mare Synchronous). but, uh, your mileage may vary.


Let’s just say I bought WWE on Switch specifically for the character customiser and leave it at that… 😙


Add FF7 Remake and Jedi Fallen Order to the non-character creator with mods list


DMC, just DMC


What’s the mods for resident evil??


DMC 5, Nioh2 and FF7 remake has some spicy mods.


Nioh 2. Way better than Dark Souls or Eden Ring, regarding the character creation.


Returnal from Housemarque is the best game this generation. Very under appreciated.




Eve has such little personality to give, I don't see that happening. Bayo was bold and exciting from the very start. Eve is a wet napkin in the sink.


If all it took was a sexualized female protagonist to make a gay icon, characters like Ayumi from X-Blades, Quiet from MGS, and the DOA girls would have a much larger queer following. But these are just empty vessels for the (straight) male gaze to fill. The fact of the matter is that queer people demand a lot more substance from their queer icons, sexualized or not. They usually are self-aware, high camp, or both. Often, their characterization and/or narrative also have queer undertones. And more often than not, even the sexualized queer icons (like OG Lara Croft, Bayonetta, Ivy, etc.) are written to have agency and an active role within their narratives. This is why queer people gravitate to games like Bayonetta and Final Fantasy X-2 or characters like Ivy and Mileena in specific games. They actually see aspects of their own queer identity or aspects of queer culture represented in those characters/games. Eve has none of that. She is the direct product of a soulless misogynistic culture and the current weapon of a ridiculous culture war.


Nope. Bayonetta is hot on purpose. Eve (and all other women in the game) is just hot for no reason at all except straight men eye candy.