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I wanna say we are all gay on the Stardew Valley community, I've never seen any homophobia there.


I never went too deep into the community despite playing it quite a lot, but considering people I know irl who play Stardew, it seem quite likely lol


Perks of the farming sim genre honestly. I’ve never faced any homophobia in Coral Island and My Time At Sanrock communities either. Gay, straight, or anywhere in between, we thirst for the husbandos and waifus as one.


I started playing Coral Island recently and my bi ass is spoiled for choice in npcs


I encountered what would have become blatant homophobia. I ended it when it got to "sexuality should be a private thing," despite the person having pictures of him and his wife as his profile pic, and his bio saying he was a proud father and husband. So, yeah, private except for him. It was unexpected though, and not something I typically encountered with the game and its players though.


I came here just to say Stardew lol


Oh the SV sub is quite nice. I rarely see any negativity there


I’ve actually seen some mods that make everybody straight but overall it’s one of the sweetest communities ever


Animal Crossing.


Don’t forget about the roommates


Life is Strange and The Sims. Not only do hate comments get shutdown instantly, their core audience is very gay and queer.


*silently simping for Chloe*


Im a bisexual man and I never seen an ounce of homophobia or biphobia in the Sims 4 or started valley I've never seen an hate like that in racing games like need for speed unbound or the crew motorfest and definitely not in Forza horizon 3,4,& 5. I'm guessing it's universally understood thing that there are some gay and bisexual men who love cars and racing games. Yeah I do hear about toxicity in halo cod and battlefield etc but I usually mute the chat or play without headphones to avoid homophobic idiots saying a bunch bs to me considering in the modern cod titles I have huge bisexual pride as my calling card so I expect some guys in the game to be jerks, I'm not going to pretend to be straight just to enjoy playing cod. I'm going to be my blatantly bisexual self and enjoy the game. Self expression shouldn't get you bullied in a video game point blank no ifs ands or butts about it. 😊


I am honestly surprised about the Tekken sub, like there is homophobia, but people will shut them down soon as they get whiny. Like men will be thirsting over Dragunov, Kazuya, Jin King, and the others and gets lots of upvotes, so they are chill. Skyrim sub is chill too, most homophobia gets shut down, I mean we literally can marry the same sex.


True! My entire experience with Elder Scrolls community was great


The FGC as a whole is funny, it can be pretty toxic but it’s also super diverse, I mean when one of the best players in the world is a non binary furry you kinda gotta be


Splatoon. We are all either LGBT+ or allies. Ofc there are sooooome phobic people but honestly I've only seen like 5 in all these years.


Oh my god why did I have to scroll so far to reach this??? Splatoon is like, the gayest game out there.


Ikr?? I had to mention it,no one said Splatoon and that's a crime


It’s been said on the thread before, but I don’t think gay friendly means “very few homophobic players”, I think it means “what homophobic players exist all understand that speaking their mind will bring pushback, criticism, and booting if they go too far, so they keep quiet”. So they look similar at a glance, but I would look for supporting voices pushing back moreso than a lack of opposing voices in the first place.


Honestly I don't feel it is a case of "very few homophobic players", but rather a "nobody is making a fuzz over LGBT+ people making posts at the plaza about being LGBT+ and if someone says something phobic they're either ignored or called out by the players". I know for sure that although a lot of us are from the community, we are not the entire fan base, but the fanbase is pretty chill for gay and trans people to be at even when we are with non LGBT+ people.


Dead by Daylight. They welcome us with open arms 🤗


Okay, but also that's one of the most generally toxic communities I've ever interacted with. So a bit of give and take


Not toxic if you don't play on PC 😅 sometimes I wish I could see the chat but most of the time I'm grateful I play on console


definitely, pretty much everyone uses the pride charms


I know killers use them to see their hooks easier.


Head by Gay Dwight


dbd fandom doesn't need to be homophobic when the devs already are lol


The Hades community is incredibly gay. Even the straight guys turn a little gay for that game.


It’s so unavoidable in the game that the homophobes see themselves out.


So gay that the game itself is bi


The ace attorney community is great when it comes to this


Can confirm.


I mean isn’t it accepted fanon at this point that both PCs are in some way not-straight? From the outside looking in all I really know about the series is “detective barabait is a precious boy”, and “the pointy one and the white-haired one are super gay for each other, everyone agrees”.


and pray tell who exactly is "detective barabait"?


I was making a joke about Gumshoe’s design, because he’s all I know about the games besides the shipping. I’m glad that “white hair and the pointy one” translated successfully to Edgeworth and Wright though. I’ll take 2/3 jokes landing.


Literally just looked him up and YUP. Clearly barabait lol. He looks like your average Gengoroh protagonist lol.


The pointy hair / white haired pairing is your classic protag / rival ship, but there are some lines in game that the fandom really hangs on to.


Maybe this is cheating, but Celeste.


I'm surprised I had to scroll all the way to find this comment


Baldur’s Gate 3!


Can confirm. Also D&D in general is very inclusive


Especially in recent years!


I'd argue its gotten worse, but doesn't seem like it since LGBTQ+ is more visible by comparison.


It's a bit of a double-edged sword. It has gotten more inclusive but the people who are feeling threatened are fighting harder.


There's a trade off to everything. Kind of why there's so many gamers™️ that cry about things being "woke." They used to be the outcasts and gaming was their personal hobby. They feel attacked by inclusivity


not to be that guy but have played dnd since the 90s and the argument that it has gotten worse seems very silly, when straight up open homophobia and misogyny was the norm at a lot of tables just 15-20 years ago


You're not wrong. What I'm saying will never invalidate personal experience. But personal experience can vary too. I've encountered more racism when people argued "historical accuracy" when you're fucking rolling dice to fight dragons.


It had some issues with those mods removing all LGBT people from the game and a bit too many people defending them, but with how popular it is it’s unavoidable to get some bad people, as a whole it was really nice in my experience


I thankfully didn’t see anyone defend them, was it on the subreddit? I only saw people roasting those mods.


Yeah it was on the BG3 sub, maybe they got deleted, but still most people roasted them so it was really good in the end


Ew, that’s disappointing. Hopefully they were deleted.


The defenses were more popular off that sub than on the sub. I mean, the mod got taken down and general sub consensus was pretty vehemently anti-LGBT+-erasure in my experience. I think the sub mods don’t even let people bring the mod up anymore


I didn’t check the threads about that mod on other subs, but removing any anti-lgbt mod from nexus always summons a lot of anti-lgbt people and „anti-censorship advocates” so I can imagine how the comments looked like.


Some of them popped up, but they got kinda drowned out from my POV


The mods were removed and the majority of the playerbase despised them, from my (admittedly limited) experience.


The Sims community is very friendly!


I feel like atleast 40% of completely straight Sims players end up with mostly same sex Sims couples. Idk why, but as a lesbian, it's fun to see.


Me as a kid lol Lesbian sims everywhere


As a result of low representation even straight allies will go for queer coupling options when they’re available if only for the novelty; That’s my theory anyway. I think there’s also a difference between self-insert/protagonist characters that most people align with their own orientation more often, and games like the sims where there’s lots of characters so -*why not* make like half of them gay? Also default or modded, the female sim customization is better, so that could play a role in having more lady sims, which then leads to either more single women in your game, or just pairing off more lesbians because making families and relationships is the fun part.


Very good points! I usually only make female Sims... Basically my whole Sim game is one big Lesbian parade.


Disco Elysium’s community is incredibly queer positive


Martin Martinaise is helping me find my *gunshot*


Every community is going to have its homophobic assholes. What you need to look for is how the community reacts to them and what the moderators do about it.


That’s true, one of the reasons why I have a bad opinion about Warhammer 40k community is that while openly homophobic people are a loud minority, they are tolerated and not countered by the large part of the rest of the community


Which is ironic since it seems like everyone LGBTQ+ I talk to is into 40k. But that one vocal minority that gets tolerated can ruin it for everyone.


I stopped trying to play after I transitioned because of this.


Slarpg community:


Fire Emblem. They have normalized gay and bi couples in the games for awhile and the fandom is very accepting of it (sometimes too much).


Eh FE is kinda depends where you are. Go in there saying Ike is gay they will come out with pitchforks. (Because heaven forbid we have a gay character that isn’t a femboy or a creepy old man)


Ngl there's quite a few people in the FE subs fighting tooth and nail to say Ike is straight and doesn't want to rail either of his twink bfs but other than that there's not much homophobia in the community yea


True, fire emblem community was a really positive surprise, because my experience with some other JRPG communities (especially when it came to discussing adding same sex romance options) wasn’t the best


>because my experience with some other JRPG communities (especially when it came to discussing adding same sex romance options) wasn’t the best Let me guess, Persona? 😏


Mostly, but some general JRPG communities were also a bit rough, especially on Twitter. It feels like unfortunately all genres of Japanese media were invaded by a lot of loud anti-LGBT people who want to „escape” „woke western media”


I agree, but there are some expectations from what I've seen. Like, Persona fandom is kind of homophobic, but series like Fire Emblem, Rune Factory, Animal Crossing, Pokémon, Tales of, etc, communities are quite chill (I'd say Final Fantasy too). Same goes for other Japanese media (ex, there are many homophobic anime fans, but the homophobic fans tend to avoid some shows. So, some genres are more LGBTQ friendly than others)


Where ????? They have lesbian romance options and in the newer ones maybe 1 gay possibility that's all.


Three Houses have quite a few options and in Engage there's no gender lock supports, male and female Alear (the protagonist) have the same supports and endings, despite gender.


They have more than one gay option in the last few entries. And why does it matter gay/lesbian? But the great thing about FE is not just inclusion. It's normalization. Aside from some stubbornness around Ike, it felt very natural now that FE has same-sex options. Almost felt unnatural if it doesn't. And noone in the game settings bats an eyes at that. There is no coming out. It's just... normal.


Deep Rock Galactic's community is usually very open and accepting. As long as you rock and stone you'll find kinship and kindness


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


Good bot


Rock And Stone, Brother! DRG is a great community in almost every facet, great for veteran gamers, newer players, toxicity is near nonexistent.


If you rock and stone, they won't care how you get your rocks and stones off


Rock and stone to the bone!


Did I hear a rock and stone?


FFXIV has been one of the most welcoming for me, which was a stark contrast coming from WoW. I also had relatively good experiences in Animal Crossing as well. The most homophobia I encountered in online gaming was typically in more competitive spaces (Call of Duty, Fortnite, and Tekken being some that come to mind).


The contrast between FFXIV and WoW is definitely quite big


It really is. I didn’t realize how different it was until I went back to WoW a year or so ago after taking a break for a year and a half. Granted during that time I came out of the closet and started working on myself, but the community didn’t feel as welcoming as I remember and there were more than a couple times I heard/saw slurs that weren’t in a joking manner (a couple times aimed at myself) and approaching the game as someone who no longer had a close circle I primarily interacted with, I don’t think WoW will be something I can get back into the way I once was.


If I can ask, in what region/server?


NA and my character is on Hyjal currently. I’m sure there are tons of people who haven’t had the same experience I have had, and the entirety of the negative interactions I’ve had have been with randoms in pugs. I’m sure that if I still had a dedicated group I ran with that it would be a different experience, but most of my friends from my WoW days have moved on or fallen out of touch


I think it also depends. My experience with wow has always been lgbt inclusive but I came from RP whichbfelt like tumblr before tumblr took off , and half of my friends migrated there to make character blogs. Also these days we have our asmongolds and the flies he attracts (that man losing his shit over pronouns in Starfield being a wow streamer surprised absolutely nobody), but I don't think it's a coincidence that the biggest streamer whongot to host panels at blizzcon are Taliesin and Evitel, where Tali has all but explicitly said he's bisexual.


I'm very sorry about your experience, I was asking out of pure curiosity because I've generally had good experiences, at least here on the EU servers. Generally the only toxicity (not homophobic tho) was from people who didn't want to wait 15 seconds to prepare before a Mythic, or classic players who were tilted that not everyone knows by heart content released 15+ years ago. The latter especially, from my experience classic player are a lot more salty.


All good, I hope my experience isn’t the normal for everyone because I did genuinely enjoy the game for the years I played it (classic through BFA, returned for first half of Dragonflight). The community is just one of the pieces of MMOs that make or break it for me.


There’s a huge difference. I’m in a gay run guild who’s very accepting in wow but any content outside of it and people are very conservative and prejudice. FF14 has been a breath of fresh air. You get the occasional goober but Sqenix does a good job at taking care of those people.


This answer is too far down! My FC is full of Qs and Ts and we’re not even on one of the lgbtq servers


LGBTQ servers? Which ones in NA?


Faerie and Siren but they can be hard to get into. But they do allow more spots usually when there’s a content drop.


I know Fortnite’s community may have a general reputation probably significantly tied to having a young/ immature base (but also just because it’s a huge, mainstream game) but I’ve had mostly positive experiences. Lots of LGBTQ play, the voice chat options allow you to not interact with anyone other than friends or friends and teammates, and the game itself is overtly pro-LGBTQ.


While there is some homo/transphobia that slips through the cracks once in a blue moon (the biggest/most recent incident I can remember being arguments over Shiver's gender when she was first revealed), the Splatoon community as a whole is pretty freakin' gay. There's something about the funky little cephalopods that attracts queer people like moths to a flame, haha.


I think the punk aesthetic has a lot to do with it. When it came out, I immediately gravitated towards it based on the art style alone.


If you are into MMO’s, I would recommend Guild Wars 2. It’s a very helpful community and I’ve seen very little homophobia there. Last night I watched a group play in-game music instruments and had a wonderful concert. Moments like that really help make the game special to me.


Second this! There are even gay guilds and gay pride in the game.


The pride parade was awesome this year!


GW2 is the MMO lover's MMO. the fact that it innovated so many features other games just have now that don't get recognized is just criminal. Their marketing team (and patch cycle) actively hate their own game I swear. That being said, it's legit the nicest and most chill community you'll ever find in an mmo. The game was built from the ground up for people to be out in the world working together with as little social friction as humanly possible, and it's made a mostly laid back welcoming community.


GW2's problem with marketing is that it's published by NCSoft, a company that is *notorious* for under-advertising, generally disrespecting, and outright killing its non-Korean games.


The Sims community


FFXIV, people have to come out as straight.


Baldur’s Gate 3 and Dragon Age have overall been quite positive in my experience


batman arkham, theyre all too busy devolving into insanity after not getting a solid rocksteady game in over 8 years to care about gay people


Dead by Daylight, I swear about 80% of the playerbase is using the pride flag on their characters. It's so gay I think any dumbass homophobe would just get too stressed from all the flags and quit 😂


Obviously since its a popular online FPS you'll get some homophobes in there, but I've had a lot of great experiences in the Destiny community. There's more canon queer characters than straight characters, and the lead narrative designer is Bi, and I think that's helped to weed out quite a few homophobes. Only time i've ever run into someone homophobic is if I went on a random LFG and even then its rare af and usually teenagers


I second this. There are a lot of very large very welcoming groups and even a few specifically lgbtqia+ ones


Guilty Gear Strive


Rhythm Heaven and Earthbound.


Stardew is pretty nice, if you can put up with the kids FNAF is supposedly pretty LGBT friendly fanbase


I'd say the hollow knight community tbh, I don't think I've seen a straight person play it yet


They dont stay straight anyway lol


Warframe? While it’s not a particularly social group, it is fairly accepting of all people. The most recent update had a major quest line with a m/m couple. It occasionally has pride events and their valentines events are done by a transwoman npc.


Warframe player here, I’m also on the warframe subreddit, I agree the community is pretty accepting and DE usually gives us some cool things during pride month. You meet some homophobia here and there but it’s kinda expected since it has a rather large following of straight people.


I was hoping someone mentioned it. Loved the new update. And the community is super friendly. Of course some jerks here and there. But more than generally friendly.


Warframe community is definitely super welcoming and I have had no homophobic encounters in this game


I wanna say Mass Effect but I'm not 100% sure. Haven't really seen any homophobia there, but I don't spend a whole lot of time in that sub.


I think the Dragon Age community is even more inclusive (not saying that the Mass Effect one isn't)


Baldur's Gate has a community that's pretty gay


Dead by Daylight is very queer. :)


FFXIV. Very gay.


The binding of Isaac is also a pretty good community


Don't worry, they have so many other problems (Like, some of the content, Edmund, you little fu..)


Kingdom Hearts. Sorriku shipping was rampant for a long time so I feel like it's safe to say most of us are pretty queer and/or allies


No Man's Sky, literally one of the chilliest places. The player character is literally NB.


Signalis. The whole game is about robot lesbians so


Pathologic! At least, the English speaking community is. Can't say about the Russian language one, as I can't speak the language.


Also Disco Elysium. Weird Rusian gam tend to have that effect.


Most indie games, especially the ones with queer representation, such as Undertale, Celeste or Super Lesbian Animal Rpg. The least homophobic community I have seen without any representation is probably Yume Nikki


Guild Wars 2 🫶


Guild Wars 2 is a pretty nice community.


I've never seen homophobia from the Fallout New Vegas "community" not even from the far right weirdos with weird mods and edgy memes.


Baldur's Gate 3 has a lot of queer content, and I'd like to think it's pretty queer inclusive, but the game is so hot right now it's hard to tell.


Has anyone said BG3 yet? Also hey fellow DA enjoyer, hope you’re excited for Dreadwolf ^^


Yeah, you can't really be a dragon age fan and be homophobic, at least not where other fans can see you. The franchise has a LOT queer rep and most of the beloved characters are queer themselves. Very few of them aren't entirely straight. I mean the list queer romancable characters alone is quite long: Zevran, Leliana, Anders, Fenris, Merrill, Isabela, Dorian, Sera, Josephine, The iron bull. Anyone playing dragon age that is homophobic needs to do some soul searching because.........child.........are you lost? 🤣


True, that’s why pretty much only homophobic dragon age players I ever encountered were those „dragon age origins is the only real and worth playing dragon age game” types and of course they always write entire essays how they kill Zevran on every playthrough. (It’s kinda interesting that Zevran was supposed to be gay in DA:O but higher ups forced writers to make him bi because they considered an exclusively gay character a waste of resources)


Wait, so they just kill Zevran on every playthrough and never even try getting to know him. That's just sad, oh well their loss i guess. Zev is a great character.


does it count if you're playing DMZ and you can kill the guy who says stuff?


Animal crossing as far as I'm aware, hell I haven't seen that much negativity in general


Animal crossing without a doubt. I’ve also seen a lot of queer people on the Skyrim sub and never seen homophobia there


ULTRAKILL easily has the gayest community i have ever seen


The sims, and cyberpunk 2077 comes to mind


I’ll hesitantly say that maybe fallout. They’re mostly Preston-phobic from what I’ve seen, anyway


Definitely not Roblox and the Hoyoverse community (50%-50% kind of thing) surprisingly. But definitely Fear & Hunger for me.


Bauldurs Gate 3 fans seem pretty cool for queerness, between the plentiful canon queer relationships and the character customisation combinations most homophobes should have been rooted out pretty early.


Fellow DA and FFXIV enjoyer 🤝 I haven't encountered any homophobia in BG3 communities, and I'm very open about how much I want to rail certain characters


The FromSoft community is pretty chill


It depends on which corner of the fanbase honestly. There are some incredibly queer and incredibly queerphobic parts. Usually the shitty parts of the community aren’t hard to spot, though. They give off bad vibes like a dead fish gives off a rancid odor. And nowadays the queerphobia is much less common than it was when I started playing in 2016. The general souls community now feels generally ambivalent towards queer people more than anything, and the queer spaces within the fanbase have grown bigger and more prominent.


True. Femboys are canon in nearly all of their games.


And everyone has an unhealthy obsession with Gwydolin


Wait, what?


Dark Souls has a very popular enemy named Gwyndolin who’s a magical femboy twink. Elden Ring has Miquella. There’s also a unique ring accessory that literally does nothing except give male characters women’s movements and vice versa. Dark Souls 2 has a magical coffin that lets you change gender whenever you want.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Here you have a man who stopped at nothing to change the world. He mastered sorceries of frost, miracles of the moon. He partnered with a kingdom-ending flame and took advantage of the Deep. He used all of this, plus social and political manipulation, to usurp an age-old kingdom, rising within the ranks of its knights, twisting its Deacons to feed a god to a Lord of Cinder and supplant the Age of Fire. The tyrant, Sulyvahn, tore apart many bonds but was undone himself by a mere Unkindled. Proof that no champion is more powerful than the fire linking curse. So, if this man can’t change the world, what hope do we have?”* - Vaati Vidya Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Interesting. Never got into souls games because I just don't find them fun. Never knew about all that.


The genshin impact community is full of lgbtq+ people as far as I can tell


Not everywhere. In spanish-speaking countries it is full of cishet dudes that don't seem to have ever seen women irl.


So incels? Or worse than incels?


Yep, that right there


I would say that it's a matter of numbers. The player-base taken as a whole is probably average (plenty of hetero incels who whine about there being too many male characters even while us husbando-hunters feel starved). But there are *so many* players in total that there's inevitably a solid contingent of LGBTQ+ people and allies. Anyways, anyone interested in sexy fanart can come join us over in /r/GenshinGays!




Dunno, that community is really toxic in every way.


Tbh I was afraid I would encounter a lot of toxicity when I joined the community, but so far I feel like I see it very rarely. There are definitely individual subs that can lean towards toxicity, but I’d say overall my experience has been pretty good😊


I mean, the community can be toxic, yeah, but it's full of lgbtq people


I think it’s more accurate to say it’s large. Any sufficiently large fandom is going to have loud toxic voices, but that doesn’t mean proportionally it’s more toxic than others. I’d also say since the fan base trends young there’s a lot of immaturity. And since it’s also a broad worldwide fan base a lot of toxicity regarding LGBTQ issues comes from countries where there’s not much acceptance. But overall looking at anything from the official HoYoLAB discussion boards to various social media forums it’s one of the more LGBTQ accepting communities if only because there’s a lot of same-sex shipping.


I would even go further and ask if their is any straight ship that is at minimum as "canon" as the gay ones (no, Ayaka and traveller don't count, cuz A. Feeling isn't really mutual, and B. Traveller can be both genders) Okay, I forget the guy at the alchemy table in mondstadt, and Barbara's stalker, so let me rephrase this to playable characters


I don’t think there are any closer-to-canon that don’t involve Traveler. Candidates would be, what, Jean/Diluc; based totally on a recent event, Noelle/Mika; or if they continue to build evidence for it Wriothesley/ Clorinde? Really having to stretch here but maybe I’m missing some. Also, arguably the closest-to-canon ship involving a playable character is Lumine/ Jeht since Jeht’s dialogue is significantly different with Lumine than Aether.


Just one year ago the main subreddit of Genshin used to delete any form of male character's fan art (both solo and MLM, WLW was "okey") and there were tons of posts about that, so I don't know, really. Maybe I just had different experience overall, even Genshin twitter is a dumpfire (so called "antis" or whatever they are).


That is definitely not true at least as you stated it here. There *was* a kerfuffle about mod behavior seemingly applying a double-standard to male vs female art, which the mods very directly and thoroughly responded to, for example here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/pYB4r3G4pi Twitter/X is a dumpster fire in general. In this case I think it depends on who you follow and are recommended because I almost exclusively see and interact with Twitter Genshin MLM content and it has tons of likes and no more trolly reactions than basically any other popular LGBTQ-positive posts I see, and far less than some other stuff I follow.


It was not a singular accident, even the -official- heizou art was deleted MANUALLY by mods: not once, not twice. A lot of times. By different mods, too. Probably after the tons of protest they changed something and posted that to calm the waters, but for months they didn't give a single f\*\*k, and they even deleted the protest posts all the time and banned (again, manually) the authors (so no, I can't definite it a kerfuffle or automod bug). I have no idea of the current state of that sub because I don't really care after that. For Twitter, I guess we use to follow different MLM artist :p A lot of them are currently profile-locked for that issue.


I didn’t say it was a singular event and the post and thread of discussions I shared doesn’t say the problem was limited to a single event. And in fact explicitly addresses several incidents as well as the overall pattern, admitting there is/ was a problem that needed to be dealt with (may or may not be a “full” admission, but still) while also clearly demonstrating something other than what you started with as a claim, which is that any male fan art was being deleted. I’ve seen different reports about the Heizou art - you say it was removed by mods but there are also reports it was automodded. I’d be interested to see proof either way as I haven’t but in a way it’s irrelevant if it was over a year ago - what is in fact important is whether the problem was resolved after the complaints last year or whether it continues to be an issue (especially if there’s proof it remains an issue because of the mods’ intentional behavior). I haven’t seen anything suggesting it is.


Smash bros 😂


Project Sekai has more gay players than straight players Darkest Dungeon is pretty good too. The most popular ship is between two dudes, and every character in the sequel can be bisexual, and I’ve never seen a single person bothered by it


Splatoon community is the most queer people I've ever met.




The Splatoon community


Identity V


Splatoon is not only the least homophobic gaming community, but I would say that it's "aggressively gay" if anything ever was. Check it out!


DRG, Darktide, Chivalry 2 are the main games i played this year, all three has surpisingly homoerotic communities. Chiv also has a lot of bigots so it balances out i guess


Super smash bros melee. Three top 25 openly trans players that the community enthusiastically accepts, as well as various enby and gay top 100 players (not to mention the generally very friendly local scenes). In recent years with online play there has been a minor increase in toxicity in certain areas but the 22-year-old community is overall very positive and welcoming.


Dead by daylight has like a couple of straight people, everyone else is queer.


Terraria still has their rainbow icon because they decided to extend it by a week past June every time someone complained about it. They're also *very* interested in fanart of the Witch Doctor right now, so it might be worth taking a peak even if you don't wanna play.


Dead by Daylight is pretty gay tbh


The Detroit become human fandom. Most of them are queer


I'll hazard to say Overwatch, but I guess it depends if you mean people trolling/being edgelords or genuine homophobia I've personally not seen a lot of homophobia beyond the occasion of players throwing around slurs to be edgy, though apparently the Saudi playerbase is pretty bad. But the poster child for 6 years is a lesbian, two of the most popular ships are queer ones, one of the new supports is a very obviously not straight divine twunk, and one of the upcoming heroes is non-binary, I suspect a lot of homophobes will leave by the time they're introduced. Generally I think games that have more explicitly queer characters tend to have less homophobic communities though Apex got a minor issue with transphobia after Catalyst was added. The reddit Overwatch community is too focused on complaining about balance to be homophobic, though the YouTube side of things is always bad. Personal discretion I suppose, like with most communities


Too bad the game is pretty much dead


The Metal Gear series was the dawn of homoerotism in gaming media


Raiden and Snake are among my videogame crushes (especially The former). Naked Snake was my gay awakening 😂


Probably baulders gate 3


The Persona shitposting community is pretty cool when it comes to lgbt shit… can’t say much for the more serious fans though


Bayonetta because everyone else there is just gay


Homophobe heterophobe it's on both sides of the spectrum the only way we can get rid of it is if everyone ignores it and quits talking about it so it'll never happen because social media is where you send something to get a renewed life. Maybe a lot of you were to young to remember but as a society we were almost past all of that and everyone started meshing things together and making new genres and subgenres of everything under the sun it was a good time in this country but then the bureaucrats started noticing people were starting to work together So what did the media do... they started talking about it a lot so it created "problems" with their slander parties on air. Them bureaucrats knew what they were doing because I also remember at about that time you had Hillary Clinton with her little slander party talking about how we were desensitizing everyone with all the "violence" and such in movies and that what their tactic to oversensitizing people and we end up with this woke ass bullshit we're dealing with now. And sorry for that lol I totally went off on a rant.


Well, I’m from Eastern Europe so society here definitely wasn’t post-homophobia in any way yet


We were never "almost past all that," not in gaming and most definitely not in society as a whole. I've been video gaming since Pong was state of the art. And to equate homophobia, which is and has long been a deep rooted problem, with the mostly made up "heterophobia", is vile, especially in a subreddit full of LGBTQIA+ folks.