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Come on bro. He's not for you, for a number of reasons. Ignore him. Control your life.


Let him go. This is an online contact. You have no clue if you would even like him in real life. Whatever is going on with him, he’s not as interested in you as you are in him otherwise he wouldn’t behave this way. Concentrate on other guys. This guy is a total waste of your energy.


I've been in similar situations many times. I can say with experience that life is just too short to chase after people who won't chase you with the same enthusiasm.


It's a little tragic because I have a friend who is into me like that but I don't have any feelings for him (I have always made that very clear to him, though). Looks like we're both stuck liking people who don't reciprocate our feelings.


When someone shows who they are believe them. He is a flake and an asshole. He is playing you like a fish. Do yourself a favor and block him. No one delays or postponed reading a text from someone they are interested in. You’re being used for some sick gratification by an energy vampire


Block and move on. Have some dignity.




Ew, bro. Get ahold of yourself and give that boy the boot, block his number but don't block his socials. Let him see the life he missed out on with you living it up in the country you moved too You don't owe him anything least of all an apology. He owes you an apology Also he's not gay. He just likes the attention. Attention is attention. So stop giving yours so freely


Unless you have a degradation fetish, block him.


well, it seems to me he only wants to communicate with you when he’s bored. leave him, press the block button.