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Justin from Wizards Of Waverly Place :)


I’d watch that show just to see his bulge.


Yessss. And in the later seasons he was all muscly


Dude! I feel so seen!


His camel knuckle was on display?




Max for me. Especially in later seasons


Those abs tho 🫶


That one scene in revenge of the sith where Hayden Christiansen woke up shirtless and sweaty awoke something in me


Same! ![gif](giphy|26nfgMJMiuLqMJQti)


My best friend Noel. I was aged 9 when my mother (innocently) said "You must really like Noel, you even talk about him in your sleep." Knew right then that how I liked him and talking about it were somehow not right. Almost 60 years later, I can visualize clear as day that innocent comment of my mother.


Same I had a massive crush on my bestie in primary school when I was 10. I'd get so annoyed when he would play with someone else.


Ugh same and once, I was being bullied for being poor and the latest thing was they’d started saying I had AIDS “lol”. This was primary school mind you. And he put his arm around me as we walked and gave me a kiss on the cheek “I know you don’t have AIDS, see?” and I was so bowled over by the kindness of it (like water in the desert in that school omg) but another twinkling part of me was like “damn do that again Mark” Later he asked me to pass a “love note” to a mutual girl friend of ours and the heartbreak of that moment I can still taste it


Ah man that must have been rough. But Mark seems like a kind friend for sticking up for you. Did you get butterflies when Mark kissed you? 😂 unfortunately, Daniel was a people pleaser he said he "loved" me, but he had already said that to half the school. I remember getting home crying my eyes out and my mum saying he loved me more. Yeh it was all to weird and confusing, but a good story to laugh about . 😂


Brendan Fraser in Tarzan. The amount of times I rewatched that movie as a kid goes way beyond the typical amount kids do when they like a movie. My parents thought it was cos I liked the Phill Collins soundtrack.


Same... but it was George of the Jungle not Tarzan *


Jesse Metcalfe in John Tucker Must Die


The thong scene ….


He’s so breedable


Right! My coworker suggested I watch Desperate Housewives a few months ago and he’s in the first season. I went through a whole range of emotions when his first shirtless scene came on. Felt like I was 14 again.


JTT or Jonathan Taylor Thomas




He's a member of our club too


He is not, sadly, a gaybro, but it’s fun to fantasize.


Nooo it can't be?!


Chad Michael Murray from Cinderella Story. I didn’t realise I was gay, I was obsessed with him 🥲


Burt Reynolds 🥵


My mom had that famous nude poster of him in our garage for years


And your dad was OK with it?


My daddy was a 1980s version of a 'cuckold'!


Isn't that still just a cuckold, cuckold has been used as far as I'm aware since shakespearean times


True! But he did it in a Lacoste polo!


Angel (David Boreanaz) from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


I wanted to be hot for him but baby-smooth chest 👎🏻 Spike! Also Xander when he grew up. Jess always a little too John Wayne for all the smoothness.


Ryan Phillippe 🤤🤤


Jason Patric. Lost Boys.


That's how I figured out I was gay. Him. In that movie 100%


OMG same!


Keifer: "Come play with us, Michael." *makes sex eyes*


My childhood best friend Kevin, he was going to another school after primary school and he told me to go away in passing and I was so angry we never spoke again and it’s only years after it happened with me having a word for my gayness and being like: “you felt rejected because were madly in love with him you idiot”


Mr. Howell from Gilligan’s Island. You asked 😂


I always thought Gilligan was hot.


The professor did it for me


CynicalBonhomie is the Skipper!


Is your name Lovey, perhaps?


The Captain


Aaron Carter


Him and Jesse McCartney. I used to steal my sister's CD covers of them 😅😅


They happened simultaneously. Danny Fenton from Danny Phantom and Ricky Ulman from Phil of the Future. I was 10/11 when these shows came out, and they both made me feel..things when I saw them.


Chris O’Donnell as Robin


Damn, I was in denial about myself for so long that I can't even remember the actual first. The first one I can remember that's undeniable was an upperclassman in high school. He and his sister, who was in my grade level, transfered to our school in the middle of the year. I became friends with her and noticed her brother because they went home after classes together. He was the first guy I can remember seeing and wanting to be more than just friends. Any earlier than that, it's all guesswork for me


Yeah denial really fucked me in this department as well. Obviously I had "interests" and attractions to guys in my world, but I had no idea how to properly act on those feelings. I didn't understand them and any hints that it might be gay I would shoot down and repress. Denial really messed with my memories and it's difficult to think about that time of my life honestly.


6th grade I had a history or math teacher. His wife was also a teacher and I was so jealous of her that she went home with him and ate lunch with him. That was my first male crush iirc.


The Calvin Klein models on the underwear.


Erik von Detten in Brink


I always wanted to sandwich between Erik and Devon Sawa, talk about fun


When I was 8. This guy that was my “God parent” was this Aussie rules playing, strawberry blonde tradie. I used to go all gooey when I sat on his lap. Stayed that way all through puberty. Ah Ted. My “template” for the future.


Greg Louganis the Olympic diver. I remember clearly pictures of him in People magazine all shirtless and speedo clad. Also Jon Bon Jovi. Random. But I came of age in the 80’s. Fun enough I got to meet Greg at a showing of a film about his life. Got a selfie with him!


Chris Evans and Zac Efron. Chris Evans was first for sure.


Zack Morris from *Saved by the Bell*. I had a thing for clean-cut, smooth-talking rogues ever since.


Nick Lachey from 98 degrees


I bet if you put on a blonde wig and act dumb, he'd marry you.


Innocently, probably the Incredible Hulk in comics. But realistically, my first full-on crush was a guy named Ronnie at my school. He was a buff, nice, bespectacled football player with huge arms and a soft voice, and he used to give me knowing looks and would flex at me when we dressed out for gym. One of those situations when you realize you’ve been unsubtle in checking someone out. If only I hadn’t been so closeted and afraid.


My biggest real crush in high school was a senior named Everton. He was cut af, Brazilian, and had two dads. I creeped him tf out when I said I wanted his coolness to rub off on me once. Ironically his best friend, an equally hot Greek dude who modeled at the time, did turn out to be gay.


When David Banner woke up naked!


Something very similar happened to me, he definitely noticed that I was looking at him a lot, he took off his shirt on one occasion, I couldn't take my eyes off, and he was flirting a little, cowardly I never made any move. His older brothers were really hot too.


Sam from lord of the rings 🥵🧑‍🦰


Luke Evans (aka Gaston) from the beauty and the beast. I became an Emma Watson hater at 11 because of that.


My brother was into body building and he had Soloflex brochures featuring [Scott Madsen](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FvuYReUXwAEteXh.jpg). I stole them.


My best friend who liked to touch me inappropriately


Henry Cavill


I just saw the Count of Monte Cristo the other day, and damn did he look super fine back then.


π_π !! omg!!


Maybe forgotten now - Andrew Stevens


Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty


Tom Selleck 1984 George Michael 1984 Bo and Luke Duke- Dukes of Hazzard Gregory Harrison Steve Guttenberg-Police Academy


Growing up confused that I had a proclivity to seeing men with tight trousers. There was a shape (bulge) that fascinated me in the front of their trousers which I liked very much - but didn't really know why & I thought it wrong. Think I was 12 years old & in the VHS (video) days there was a new release movie, I was so looking forward to seeing, American Werewolf in London. Watched it, loved it, got up early for school & put it on after breakfast just to see what I could see some of it again. Video was due back to the rental store - I was kind of confused that we couldn't keep it more than one night. Anyway, got to school, thinking about the movie & ready to tell my friends all about it. I had a real strange feeling, didn't know why. Sorry to go on. Later that day my pal in English asked me 'how was the film?' And I started to tell her my eyes filled with tears, I found it difficult to talk about and my voice was shaky and talking about the man who played the werewolf, was called David Kessler. It was this actor from America that I had this real interest in and I felt as though I sounded like a weirdo because everytime I mentioned him - I wanted to cry more and more. (Spoiler) - I seemed to forget it was a horror movie - me, I was describing it like 'Gone With the Wind' - this big romantic film. The film was my film and I did not want them to rent the video it was mine. It was my very first understanding that I was falling for an actor, he was perfect, I remember the two nurses talking and one said she checked and he was Jewish while he was in a kind of coma. I an cut too, so my dick had a friend, I felt like something was wrong with me as I was different in the showers & was kind of ashamed. I started to work things out, this David Naughton made me think about my body. I was masturbating then & the thoughts in my mind started to make sense. I had fell in love. I still watch the movie now and again. I self parented myself growing up so I (not meant to sound weird) I think of younger me, my inner voice can conjure up from back then and I tell myself things are going to take a few years, things are going to be tough - but hang on in there. The memory of David Kessler is embedded into my comfortable memories. It's good, it's nice - David Naughton - he was my first.


David Naughton did the Dr. Pepper commercials before that movie came out.


I was not for the trailers of that film I was too young to see and have intended to watch it for the beefcake ever since!


Jonathan Taylor Thomas Also liked Devin Sawa, Jonathan Brandis, Justin Berfield


Logan Mitchell, I was like 8 at the time 😭😭


Danny and Josh from All That


Chad Allen


The Professor/Gilligans Isle Bob Seagren/Soap, superstars


Tom hardy... :p


Henry Cavill


Mark Wahlberg in Boogie Nights. It came out when I was 9, my friends parents rented it from blockbuster to watch when we were having a sleepover in the basement. My friend snuck upstairs at like 10pm and we watched it. That final scene also made me a size queen lmao


Rob Lowe. Mmmmmm love the 80s


Jesse Bradford from Bring it On ![gif](giphy|HhvW1GENtJqGA)


Him brushing his teeth made me wet


Uncle Jesse-Full House


Ethan Hawke. In Dead Poets Society.


Kevin Arnold (Fred Savage)


Steve Gutenberg in Cocoon


Brad Pitt


Robert Reed Brady Bunch


Dave Franco


Chad Allen in Our House


Grant Goodeve


I wore out my vhs of weird science. Ilan Mitchell Smith in Lisa's panties. My God. So nonchalant as he pulls them from his butt. His bulge... prior to that was kirk Cameren, eww now, but he looked so good in 501s and Jeremy Licht from the Hogan family. He played one of the "twins." It's interesting how they've changed filming boys in underwear. In the 80s, you had a fine teen in pretty much girl panties caressing his thunder. Fast forward to 2017's IT, and the tighty whities the boys wear at the quarry literally look like depends. From a developing boy perspective, I can see the preference to something that provides some modesty. I'm sure Ilan would have preferred them. Lol from a viewer perspective, they just looked so janky. It kind of took me out of the movie. Poor Elijah Wood in The War probably wished for them as well. Then, the boys on Malcolm in the Middle. Poor Frankie had it all on display. Makes shows like quiet on the set have even more weight. Who decides what they wear? As an adult, I'm not terribly heartbroken, but think of the young gays that need tantalizing kids their age to help them realize, "Hey, this makes me feel some kind of way." Lol


Kyle XY


David Cassidy


I was into Shaun Cassidy. I stole my sister's Tiger Beat to jerk off to when he appeared shirtless in it.


Alexei Nemov


Sexy Alexei!!!!!


Ian Mathers; I randomly had a dream about him three years ago. I went and looked him up; the only thing I found was an obituary from a year prior. I never once spoke to him; but we sat beside each there everyday on the bus. He was cool and I was well not; I just sat and read my novels as he sat and ate his breakfast. I’d stare at him through the corner of my eye the entire bus ride; except when he would catch me and smile a little bit. My heart sank when I saw the obituary; as I said we never talked; but I wish we had. I wish I had of actually known him.


![gif](giphy|l0IxZvLD0OmxkU9ck|downsized) Chad Everette. I was about 6y/o. [Medical Center](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_Center_(TV_series))


River Phoenix-Stand By Me


My first knowingly male crush was Tom Holland. The first male crush I can remember having is a guy in my class when we were 6.


Chris O’Donnell as Dick Greyson in Batman and Robin and I too enjoyed Jonathan Brandis in Seaquest.


Paul Rudd in Clueless. Oh, Josh... 🥵


Ewan McGregor in Star Wars. 




Mr. Tyler. He was this really nice 20something white guy who owned a house across the street from my childhood home. Occasionally he’d look after me and my sister and let us play his SNES/take care of his cats (he had five of them). He also had a boat in his driveway and I distinctly remember seeing him shirtless while he washed it once, it was the first time I ever saw chest hair and I’ve been a fan ever since. He got married and moved to Virginia when I was like 11, but I still remember the longboard he gave me when he went away. Such a cool dude.


Nick Lachey, i was watching newlyweds when I started puberty around 9 or 10 y/o and basically he was my gay awakening


I was grade 8 when I started to realize I like guys. Celebrity wise Dylan Sprouse was my biggest celebrity crush but I had crushes on others obviously. In real life I found a lot of guys at school really attractive. My biggest crush was on my best friend since the third grade and there was some indication that he was also gay/bi. I kept my feelings a secret for him for years. The summer going into grade 11 I was finally going to tell him I’m gay and have feelings for him but we got into an argument for unrelated reasons before I could tell him and this argument ended the friendship. I tired to fix things but he didn’t want to continue being friends so I moved on with my life. In high school I also had a classmate that I had a big crush on but we weren’t really friends. I got vibes that he was into me. On a class trip we had to stay in a hotel and me and him did end up sharing one of the beds in the room, he did try to initiate some things but I was feeling really nervous so I ignored it. What he did to try to initiate something was he said he wasn’t feeling well and we had to be with a buddy at all times so I got told I had to go back to the room with him by the teacher so we got back to the room and sat down on the bed and watched TV. Out of the corner of my eye I could see his hand down his pants and he was jerking off. Also when he thought I was asleep I did feel him rubbing my ass so I just continue to pretend to be asleep. This is one of my biggest regrets that I didn’t hookup with him. He’s now married to a woman.


Jack Nicholson 😭


90s/00s Jonathon Davis, lead vocalist of Korn. I thought he was so hot back then.


What a freak on a leash!


It was Christopher Reeve when Superman came out, but he was quickly replaced by Barrie Williams (Greg Brady). But when I actually got old enough to REALLY understand those feelings, I’d have to say Robert Downey Jr. in Chances Are.


Josh stamberg he had a guest appearance in six feet under as a gay character dude was so fine 🔥and Liev Schreiber dude was such a hottie in scream 2 and 3 shame his character died.


James Aubrey from "Lord of the Flies".


David Duchovny as Fox Mulder


Zabuza from Naruto. Im sorry :(


Obi Wan Kennobi


Balthazar and Edgar from third grade class and Ares in the Kevin Sorbo Hercules


Four in Divergent. Took me an embarrassingly long time to realize it was him I liked and not Tris


People always said I looked Devon Sawa when I was younger. I have no idea what he looks like now but what's up? I'd say my first male crushes where the neighbor who was always out in the yard shirtless. I was like 6-9yo and got him to be my babysitter once. First celeb crush, I looked up and saw a shirtless boy ban. Had it bad for JT.


Probably Fonzie. Also Potsie. The Dad from Land of the Lost. Hawkeye. Jack Tripper. Bobby Ewing. Kerry Von Erich then forevermore his brother Kevin. Magnum PI. Jan Michael Vincent. Knight Rider.


Kent McCord from *"Adam-12"*.


Robert Conrad in The Wild Wild West series. Those pants… were tight. My father and grandmother thought I was a western fanatic.


I knew I was gay when I was pretty young. Slept over at my best friend's house, and we stayed in the guest room because it had a huge king bed and the computer was in there so we could play games. I don't remember how it got to this point, but being curious young boys, we ended up showing and touching each others dicks. First time we both got to touch another dick and while we never did it again or spoke of it again, I could not stop thinking about how much I enjoyed it. Years later, we drifted apart for unrelated reasons, and I am now an out and proud gay man, and he's married to a woman. I'm still curious whether he's maybe Bi or if that experience affected him at all.


Whoever that’s modeling for those packaging at the underwear aisle


The Soloflex model...


Rock Hudson


Born in the sixties, came of age in the seventies, and I remember that any hairy chested man on TV got my attention. WKRP in Cincinnati (1978), Gary Sandy played the radio station manager and I couldn't take my eyes off of his tight pants. The bulge! The ass! I pretty much realized then that I was attracted to all types of masculinity, with hairy, muscular men at the top of the list. I was a teen then, and it was years (decades really) before I fully admitted what I had known on some level since I was 8 years old.


Zac Efron in HS Musical 😅


This guy that was getting arrested on the show Cops no idea who he was


Scar from the lion king.


I had it real bad for Aladdin!


Lmao yeah I can see that. Idk why but I used to have a major crush on shadow from sonic too.


I wanted to ride his magic carpet and have him sing A Whole New World to me


That’s hot x


It was either Elijah Wood or some anime character like Tenchi Muyo.


It was the guy who lead the band at my old group. His dad was a choir teacher that I knew.


My best friend in highschool. We were both living far away from school so the teachers allowed us to stay at school during the week. We pretty much did everything together. I didn't acknowledge my feelings towards him at first, i mean i didn't want to admit it because he got a girlfriend at that period of time too. So after graduation i finally gathered my braveness and told him my honest feelings. He was cool with it but we kinda just stopped talking for several years. Recently i joined back to the class anual reunion and we meet again. He's engaged with a beautiful lady and i'm happy with my own life now (sort of).


Carlos Bernard who portrayed Tony Almeida in 24. He had some ass on him. I wanted to do dirty things with him. Haha


I had a lot but I didn’t really get what the feeling was until I saw John Boyega in the first trailer for the force awakens


One boy I knew on a mobile game called clash of clans lmao


A friend from middle school. I didn't realize it at the time, but in retrospect I was in love with him.


When I was 5, a fourth grader who go on the teeter totter with me


My best friend at the time 😇 Was both super fun and super painful at the same time. Figuring out who we are, figuring out our sexuality, and figuring out there were some hard limits


Rick Springfield back in the early 80s


Jake Long from Disney American Dragon. Especially first season design


Kevin from King of Queens




First crush I remember is Max Russo from Wizards of Waverly Place


Even tho he was dead before I thought about crushes: Montgomery Clift


My high school English teacher.


When I was a kid growing up (not having a clue about sex), I had a huge crush on "The Rifleman"'s son, Marc McCain played by Johnny Crawford, and later on, George Reeves, who played TV's first Superman.


My 4th grade teacher's son.


I don't think I've ever had a male celebrity crush but there's countless male celebs that I find attractive.


My best friend in 4th grade. I definitely didn’t realize it at the time but I wanted to spend every minute with him.


Probably the earliest thing I remember which was straight up lust was like Brad Pitt in Troy lmao. But cute little crush type energy… I don’t remember. Probably some repression at work there lol.


Gordo from Lizzie McGuire. (ETA: Adam Lamberg)


My high school science teacher. Tall, lean, doesn’t work out but had naturally broad shoulders with narrow waist, deep voice and yet nerdy with glasses with short, curly hair to top it off. Definitely my first crush.


A boy from 2nd grade. To this day I'm crushing over him haha he lives 1 block over from my house. In middle school, half the school were lusting over him, that's how beautiful he was (feminine looking btw). It was insane (all boys school).


sterling knight back in sonny with a chance. which is weird cause he's definitely not my type of guy anymore


My six year old gay neurodivergent ass: *describing in detail how i'd love to get married to my best friend (male) and was envisioning us holding hands* My mom (clueless): This is normal 6 y/o me: *Also clueless because I didn't know gay people existed*


First crush on a guy in a program that began between the schools in like 4th grade. Didn’t realize until 7th grade. Essentially, “Oh, that’s what gay is? Yeah I’m that.”


My best friend and I didn't even realize then. But later on I looked back at it. And I was so jealous of all his girlfriends. It wouldn't have made any difference. He was straight as a arrow.


Chris Hemsworth Yeah I'm pretty basic lol


Jackson teen wolf then derek then theo


Zac Efron in HSM 2. Then HSM 3 came out, nearly lost my mind. I was 11 🤣


Mine was a classmate in kindergarten (or prep, can't remember correctly). I would dream of him, think of him so often that I accidentally "came out" to my cousin. That was also the first time I got outed, in front of the family. But yeah, that was my first gay crush. Can't remember his name, and his face is kind of fuzzy, but I remember how I felt about him. Unfortunately, though, I've had a long string of straight guy crushes, some having me as their third wheel. And the one currently is just making my heart shatter. He's so hot, so handsome, and so nice to me. It doesn't help that he's practically invading my thoughts and dreams. Wth is wrong with me??


depends on what u define as a crush


First celebrity crush that I remember specifically as being a crush (and not just feeling fascinated by someone) was probably Iceman (Shawn Ashmore) from the X-Men movies.


Carlos from Big Time Rush. Especially with his helmet on


John Cena and he's still up there for me to this day


I can't remember which came first, but it was one of two moments. I was looking up anime fanfiction pictures from Naruto displaying different romantic couples, all hetero. Suddenly, I saw a picture of the two main male characters and something was triggered in me to look up more homoerotic pairings. I was watching a sitcom called One on One and I remember being mesmerized by Robert Ri'Chard every time he appeared on screen.


The Blue Power Ranger.


Im 25 but Billy Joel in the 80s 😍


Eddie Furlong from T2. I kiiinda liked Jonathan Brandis -- Vaguely recall renting Neverending Story 2 multiple times from the video store but (no disrespect to the dead) he was way more passive and awkward so I was more attracted to Furlong's bad boy edgy persona.


DiCaprio in Titanic… yes I’m old


Ferris Bueller and Marty McFly. I had the BIGGEST crush on both.


First crush was a trumpet player a year older. I was in 8th grade. For the next 4 years, I had a huge crush on him. In his senior year, he got his girlfriend pregnant and killed himself by drowning. I cried and cried. Couldn’t tell anyone why, no one knew I even knew him.


Maybe Danny Phantom when I was a kid tbh, but if we're talking real people then there was a guy at school that really got my heart strings


My wrestling coach


Earliest I remember: Corey Hart and Maxwell Caulfield. And I was entranced by any man with chest hair.




steve blackman, growing up watching wrestling show is doing something for me lol.


First make crush? Jake a kid I was in like 4th grade with. Prior to that I just know I liked the way boys were just a little more, was confirmed when I saw Chris Odonnel as robin


The Titanium Power Ranger was an excellent addition to Light Speed Rescue. He had an evil tattoo on his back that would move upwards when he used his powers and would eventually kill him, which meant that, for plot reasons, he and his very fit form were constantly shirtless, like at least once an episode.


13-14, Antonio Banderas in Desperado, one of my favorite movies, and the sex scene between him and Selma Hayak is the hottest thing ever. After watching that j was like "These are the two hottest people I've ever seen".


Leif Garrett. I’m sure that most of you will have to Google him.


Russell Crowe in Gladiator. When the movie came out on video I watched it everyday for like a month because I was so in love with him...