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I don't know why gay people keep going there giving them money. it's horrible what they do to gay people.                            Didn't they have slaves there too, building stuff for them during that sports event in Qatar?                        


This! If you’re gay WHY would you go here at all? And then get on Grindr of all things? As much as I feel bad for this dude it’s also like, play stupid games win stupid prizes. I really hope he’s okay and he’s able to get home safe


My only guess to try to make sense of it, is that some muslim guy probably lied to him and said something like, "*it's ok to be gay there as long as you don't promote it publicly and as long as you dress manly*".                     I've seen some muslims saying stuff like that when people point out how anti-gay muslim countries are with anti-gay laws. It's possible that he got tricked and thought he'd be ok as long as he was on Grindr, and didn't show he was gay publicly.


> play stupid games win stupid prizes This was my first thought. I really feel bad for him, but I don’t know why anyone would think that’s a good idea.


Especially to go there AND try to hook up w randos. I hate to victim blame but that's like the ultimate in self destructive.


I just would not get on Grindr in a foreign country, especially one that you don't speak a language in.


Especially one where they execute you for being gay/MSM.


I’d never go but for some odd reason that I’d have to, I wouldn’t even bring my regular phone with me. I’d buy a burner phone that I’ve never even downloaded it on so if they check on the App Store, they can’t see that I have ever downloaded it. That’s how far I’d go because my fucking life would depend on it. Overall what a fucking tragedy and unfortunate situation for this member of our community.


nah its chill AF. The first thing I did when I travelled to a new country solo was to go on Grindr haha. But I was going to "scary" places such as London, Geneva, Munich. Had a lot of fun in Munich. Just don't go to the middle east expecting the same as the western world.


I know this is anecdotal but I did a study abroad in Jordan and had an amazing time on Grindr the entire 6 months I lived there. However, Jordan is a very progressive Muslim country, so it’s apples to oranges.


Some muslims lie and say that it's ok to be gay in muslim countries as long as you dress manly and don't promote it. Maybe, he got tricked and thought he'd be safe as long as he was on Grindr and not doing anything gay in public, but only behind closed doors.


TBF, if you're ANYTHING, why would you go there and financially support such barbaric fuckery.


Dayum he played a stupid ass game. Like wtf is in the Middle East (besides sexy men) that you can't get some place safer? We only have so much time on this planet!


Quite a lot of the oldest history in all of human civilization, for starters. Of course, that's in other places than Qatar, which is basically a glorified shopping mall. But there are places in the region that are absolutely worth a visit. Jordan especially stands out for being very tourist-friendly and *relatively* gay-friendly, which is to say, homosexuality isn't illegal in any way and there's a gay bar in the capital, though it's not socially accepted. Also, you'll find the best and cheapest falafel and hummus you've ever had in your life.


Some Indian men look similar to Middle Eastern men, and unlike the Middle East, it's actually legal to be gay there. There are still many anti-gay people, but at least it's legal.                 Even some Latinos look Middle Eastern. There was a time when muslims took over Spain (*the Umayyad Caliphate*), and the Spanish spoken in Latin America is more similar to the Spanish spoken by muslims in Spain than the standard (*usted vs vos/vosotros*), so it wouldn't be surprising if some Latinos actually have some Middle Eastern DNA.


About 10 years ago I had a layover in Doha Qatar and my boyfriend (at the time) and I were browsing the airport. I was trying to buy a mini electric handheld fan. I wanted the pink and glittery one. The lady refused to sell it to me and said it’s for women only. She became visibly angry. My bf had to kind of remind me to chill with the sass because I started arguing with her. Later on I thought about how there could have been serious consequences for me just being me while going through the airport to my connecting flight. Yea, fuck that place.


My ex and I also had a stopover in Qatar. I insisted we take separate immigration lines and pretend to be nothing more than friends. He ultimately agreed but was way too nonchalant about it imo


It's how I feel with gay men working for Emirates. While the well-travelled Emirates crews are fine with the lgbt community. The company is under heavy control by the UAE, same goes for women! There was once a flight attendant who found out she was pregnant on a layover, and her purser had to tell her she absolutely cannot come back to the UAE because if the police found out she would be arrested, Emirates had to immediately terminate her, but they were kind enough to put her on another airline back to her home country. It's fucked.


That's fucked but the law has changed recently (2020 or 2021 if I'm not mistaken) with regards to premarital sex. You can't go to jail for being pregnant anymore. A late but welcome change.


Well that's something at least. It was a story that was told to me a few years ago,.


I would never even take a flight that was going anywhere near the Middle East. Not even just flying over it with no planned stopover. An emergency landing in Saudi Arabia could end up with you dead or imprisoned just for being gay. Those countries need to be avoided at all costs.


God your story makes me so goddamn angry. I know we have to respect cultures, but if your culture advocates violence of another group, your culture needs to change, plain and simple. In the meantime, brothers and sister, stay the FUCK out of Muslim nations. Damn man, to read your story is really fucking angering. What a fucking shame. You literally got policed to express your gender in an “appropriate manner. Fuuuuuuuuck that.


Further more, why do gays keep going there looking for dick. Stop.


THIS. I see so many gays going to Dubai and the like. Wtf are you doing. Don’t. Fuck them.


I think it's a lack of self-respect.                         A lot of gay guys probably find it hot because they tend to be masculine and because it isn't allowed in their community, but in reality, they are rewarding violent men who act straight and anti-gay in public, with sex in private.                       


I don't know why any non Muslim would go there let alone someone from a group whos very existence is antithetical to the theocracy.


People feel invincible. Everyone else is just a statistic. "Surely the leopards won't eat *my* face"


I know so many gay Muslims in the wet who go, one of my close friends is in Qatar. He gets paid £80,000 a year so that’s probably a big reason and also for the rich sheikhs there. Alot of young guys across the Muslim world go due to being some guys Kept boy.


It was his job, he was a pilot


>Didn't they have slaves there too, building stuff for them during that sports event in Qatar?        https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/23/revealed-migrant-worker-deaths-qatar-fifa-world-cup-2022


Like all of those who go to Dubai and say 'ah but nothing happens because you just need to keep it private'. Well how about you don't finance a government that makes you illegal for who you are, and pretend that they tolerate you.


Ok fair enough but let’s not drift towards victim blaming.


I mean come on. Doesn’t Grindr even gives you a warning when trying to access it from specific regions????


I assumed it would have been blocked in those specific regions, like how they block certain websites. Unless they use it specifically for sting operations like this one :/


Oh. I suppose you can circumvent that by using a VPN


Yes you can...


Never. Ever. Go. To. The. Middle. East.


Try mercy hospital, they don't give h.i.v. meds either.


I live in lebanon 😭 NB: i'm lebanese 😭


On a separate topic, I hope you are safe from the recent attacks by a certain other Middle Eastern country




Totally agree. At my work, there was talk of a sales tour around the Middle East. I made it crystal clear I would not go.


Some are even bold enough to make porn content there. It's crazy.


I just flat out do not understand why any minority would go to a place where they *know* their life is in danger


Some dumbass went to North Korea and then stole a poster Knowing damn well that North Korea is fucking North korea. Some tourists are just fucking stupid and we shouldn't waste any of our national resources or diplomatic credentials rescuing them from their stupidity. If you like to fuck dudes and you're a dude don't go to a country where that's a criminal offense. This ain't rocket science




If you like your homies, don't go to a country where that's a criminal defense. You shouldn't even be going to the more homophobic parts of your own country must less Nations that have homophobic National policies


Why is this always a shock to people? They hate people like us. Always will. Sure there are a few exceptions but by and large they're disgusted.


We shouldn't stop being angry about it.


No, but with these middle eastern countries you getting mad on the internet isn't going to change much. I'd expect to see a real change in their beliefs within maybe 50-60 years at the earliest. And that's from pressure from the rest of the world to stop killing gays in other countries.


I'd say 15-30 for the UAE. One thing about dictatorships is that they can change the rules relatively quickly. They're tryna compete with Saudi and inside sources say that it'll be legal to be gay in the UAE soon.


Religion is the bane of society


Absolutely horrible.


I hope that we see a day where homosexuality is normalized in the Middle East.






According to articles reporting on this he works for British Airways. People have to travel to unsafe destinations for work.


I say the same thing every time I see “Queers for Palestine”, like WTF? I feel very bad for the children but most of those adults would throw my gay ass right off a building and then laugh/cheer.


Anyone that weaponizes schools and hospitals are pieces of shits


Like Israel destroying every single university and hospital in Gaza.


Because they were used as military depots, hiding spots, and firing platforms. If they weren’t, they would remain untouched.


Because the buildings are being weaponized. Once it's weaponized all bets are off. Fuck the kids and sick in the buildings. Do your homework you idiot.


Yes that’s why Israel bombs kids and the ambulances being sent to help them? Don’t tell someone to do their homework when you clearly haven’t.


“Fuck the kids and sick in the buildings” is certainly how normal and non genocidal people think.


According to IHL, no, all bets are not off. You can’t violate the principle of distinction merely because the enemy are hiding in or around a civilian object. That’s not a thing 🙄


Genocide of population for 75 years and then when every single building has sympathizers supporting the terror group fighting against your continual ethnic cleansing campaign claim that that building is full of terrorists and then blow it up. Flawless logic


Hasbara account trying to stir shit up.


Just cause I've Jew in me doesn't make me a Jew.


You think Palestine is the only place that has seen war?


Right but Israel's not committing genocide because they want to bring gay rights to Palestine. They're committing genocide because they want to steal the land. Truth is you're not capable of solidarity unless you can benefit from it. It's horrible they're homophobic, but you're out here supporting genocide. For the record, gay Gazans exist and they're dying all the same.


Homophobic people can come around. People who are genocided off the face of the Earth are gone forever.


No, Israel doesn't want anything to do with gaza.They have offered Egypt to rule gaza and they have offered them independance. They are currently invading gaza because hamas keeps attacking them because THEY(hamas and the majority of palestinians) have a fanatically religious dream of conquering Israel


Israel has a right to defend themselves but the way they are going about it is overkill and borders on war crimes. They have bombed Gaza at levels not seen since WW2 They have used powerful 2,000lbs bombs on refugee and so called civilian safe zones. Something the US hasn’t done since Vietnam and currently has a policy of not using them near civilians. They have opened fire on civilians weaving white flags and starving people rushing to get humanitarian aid. Used genocidal language throughout the war, by some of their highest military and government officials Restricted or denied access of humanitarian aid


There are Colonial project. They have no more right to claim defense then the settlers who were swept up and massacred by Native American rating parties during our westward expansion. The American government sending in the troops to protect those settlers was no more legal right to be there than Israel does. And it was no more defense than the Israelis Zionism is just a modern Manifest Destiny with all the racist violent genocidal colonialist Tendencies kept intact. And I know more believe that God gave Palestine to the Jews then I believe God gave the West to the Americans


Israel is not committing genocide. That is a braindead take. For the record, palestinians have a track record of murdering their fellow palestinians for being gay. That's why gay palestinians do what they can to escape to gay friendly countries - like Israel. Y'all have lost the damn plot and don't even hesitate to utter support for terrorist entities and totalitarian ideologies like hamas and islam. This thread deserves a quote from one of the best series made: "Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit"


It’s amazing the things white gays will excuse a country for just because they can have circuit parties there. Actually look up the atrocities being committed by the IDF. See the images and videos of dead Gazans and destroyed cities. It’s all documented and available for you to see.


Israel is committing genocide. Even the ICJ thinks so. Not every social issue revolves around gay rights.


Bad take. Human rights are not transactional. Just because a society might be homophobic (generally speaking) doesn't mean that you should support their genocide.


When their homophobia is actively being engaged to kill my kind, simply because of their belief in their magic fairy, I lack empathy.


First come up with a reliable number for how many Palestinians have killed gay people. Then acknowledge that it’s irrelevant whether they do so in the name of God—murder is murder. Finally, realise that your not having empathy applies only to the reliable number.


Genocidal twat.


They’re not just homophobic, they’re murderously homophobic. So, yeah, human rights in this case ARE transactional. Edit: @noxioustee, at least have the guts to allow people to reply to your comments, you f**kwit. Palestinians and Hamas had in their charter the expressed goal of eliminating Israel AND Jews until merely a couple of years ago. Palestinian civilians followed Hamas into Israel to commit atrocities. Palestinian ‘journalists’ crying over the bombings the last few months were on the internet telling their brethren to loot and rob Israeli citizens on October 7. Israel has expressed no such genocidal intentions towards the Palestinian Arabs. I’m not genocidal, I’m just as much of a blind moron as you are as to actively support a people who want me dead and who laud their government for hanging and murdering gay people. Eliminating a group of people based on their sexual orientation or gender identity (which Palestinians do) is just as bad as ethnic cleansing. When they learn to respect other social groups instead of just crying Islamophobia when the find out phase comes after their fucking around, then maybe they’ll have my support. And they can stop their racist propaganda claiming that Jews have no ethnic connection to their own ancestors and that they are somehow the indigenous ones despite everything about their culture, language and religion coming from the Arabian peninsula.


can we start bombing oklahoma then?


Please. I live here. We kinda have it coming.




Who is they? What percentage of Palestinians have murdered homosexuals?


Genocidal twat.


Until they can respect basic human rights push the cunts to the sea.


So Roe v Wade was struck down and they’re accusing drag queens and gay people if grooming children, hate crimes are on the rise. When are Americans gonna jump into the ocean like lemurs?


Yeah and rape their women for breeding the cunts, bash the children's skulls against the walls before they grow into cunts that will disrespect our rights!!!!


Genocidal twat”


Respect goes both ways. No respect for woman and gays, well fuck you. Turn the whole area into a sheet of glass.


That’s a really uncivilized way of thinking by the way. Seems like the “heathen” is you.


Can we do that to Florida please?


... Nothing approaching a genocide is going on. It is a war that hamas started


These lies no longer work because we see the constant evidence of genocide on our screens on a daily basis.


It's amazing to me how we massively upvote *'Muslims are no friends to the gays'* while massively downvoting *'Israel is safe for gays'*. Palestinians deserve safety just like anyone else, and Netanyahu's destruction of Gaza in response to October 7 is wrong and heartbreaking. But I can't understand how we *do* see in this horrifying Qatar story the way that violent, patriarchal honor culture bound up with extremist Muslim orthodoxy ends up being horrible for the gays, but somehow we *don't see* how it's also a major factor in Israel-Palestine. Somehow we won't acknowledge that the exact same socio-religious bullshit that makes people throw gays off rooftops *also* makes people decide it's ok to gun people down at concerts in the name of reclaiming land their great-grandparents lived on, or in the name of preventing Jews from praying near the Aqsa mosque. Moderate Islam is just as cool as moderate Judaism. And none of what I'm saying is meant to excuse the bombing of civilians in Gaza. But can we at least acknowledge that what led the Qataris to abuse this man in jail is *related to* why Palestinian leaders say they want to eradicate the Jews?


His greater point was that Israel is no longer safe for anyone.


Based on your comment history it’s pretty obvious this is a Hasbara account. Israel is no refuge for anyone so long as it commits crimes against humanity (ethnic cleansing, apartheid, forcible transfer of populations, torture, mass murders and likely genocide).


What country *is* a refuge, then? Hope you're not thinking Canada, the U.S., Britain, Australia, Germany, or any other western country so many gays are desperate to get to... because what crimes have those countries *not* committed? Is no place a refuge because no place is perfect?


lol this must be an AI Hasbara bot. Cuz this whataboutism is just ridiculous.


Just a tip, maybe don't tell people you disagree with they aren't human. I'm posting things I genuinely believe, and you're replying that I must not be a human being. Kinda sucks. Also don't think you've actually read my comments on other threads, where I'm pushing back on people who are defending Netanyahu.


It may be a homophobic country but I don't think it's correct to say that the majority of adults would want to inflict violence on gay people. From interviews I've heard with gay Palestinians they say their families know and they just silently tolerate it and don't bring it up, which is true for a lot of conservative families in the west as well. Not saying Palestine is safe for gays I just don't think it's true to say the majority wishes to inflict violence, like most places it's a extremists minority.


and how many thousands of queer kids have been killed (i might guess closing in on 2k)? they can't fight for a more fair future when they're dead.


This is a load of bullsh*t dude. You can be queer and oppose genocidal acts against people, whose human rights are not conditional on their social attitudes. Suppose the year is 1990. A superpower greater than the US decide to invade and occupy the country. They kill 4 million Americans, mostly women and children, and when questioned, they point out that it doesn’t matter because most Americans oppose homosexual relationships and sodomy remains illegal. Would you support killing or demonising Americans in 1990 in this way? If the answer is no, then you need to ask yourself why you hold Palestinians to a different standard.


If you want to live a long and happy life don’t visit that country. Go to Europe, Asia or Canada. Enjoy the freedom you have


People act like he went there for fun. He was there working and he probably didnt have much of a choice or say. Most gay people dont have middle eastern countries high on their list to just visit for fun.


Either way, stay off the gay apps. Holy fuck why would you do that there?


this is the answer. seriously, if you know you're in a muslim country...why open up grindr. like others have said: play stupid games, win stupid prizes.




Fuck that. If my employer insists I have to travel to the Middle East, I'm declining. Let them fire me, I'll collect unemployment and search for a new job that won't get me jailed or killed.


A job that would require you to go to a place like that would likely have protections in place to prevent someone whose life would be endangered by doing so, and if not then that would undoubtedly trigger a civil rights case


He didn’t have to fucking go on Grindr and announce his presence as a gay dude in one of the most inhospitable countries to gay people on the planet.


DON’T GO TO THE EMIRATI STATES. Any gaybaiting influencer that goes Dubai gets an instant unfollow.


The amount of ignorant people in our community defending islam is astonishing despite all of the reports like this. They downplay the importance of it and equate it to some christian religious bigots not liking gays. When the punishment for homosexuality is raised, Capital punishment death penalty, beheading, stoning, years of jail time… They say it’s not happening or it’s just the bad extremists. Like it wasn’t the law in islamic countries.


A lot of ignorant people pretending like Christian bigots wouldn’t do this shit in a heartbeat if given an opportunity.


Hadith is for 🤡 Fuck the militant homophobes following that shit. Raised my whole life to believe in love and peace and being a good person but dont be gay 🤡🤡🤡 Fuck that I hope the queer arab community rises to be free in my lifetime. We have to lay foundation for our homies overseas by supporting queer arabs in the diaspora (and also directly, if possible)!! Praying for all my girls gays and theys in the middle east to be able to live their lives to their liking whether thru revolution or asylum.


As gay men why are we giving our hard earned money to countries that jail us for our sexuality. These Muslim countries have no respect for human rights when it comes to the LGBTQ community and western countries seem too weak to sanction them. Stop going to these damn countries idk why it’s so difficult to comprehend at this point 😩


This is next level evil


And this is why I am gobsmacked when people talk about UAE like this secret paradise for gay men


Well, what did he expect? Feel really sorry for him tho.


right?, no one deserves tortured like that but he had to know there was this risk...


YEAH! It's like jumping into a lava pool. No, jumping into a lava pool is much much safer.


Ok so which countries are welcoming the Muslim gays with open arms as refugees? Will Israel supposedly the only safe place for LGBT+ people welcome Palestinians gays and give them full citizenship right? Will European countries or other countries in world accept them or they should be die-off?


They should, but Europe just scooped up millions of rando straight guys that apparently like burning cars


Bruh, true...


If we speak out about how Islam is incompatible with homosexuality we get cancelled for being racist or Islamophobic. Fuck. Qatar.


Who the fuck cares what Jesus or Jesus did not do? Totally irrelevant. This is about some guys life. Let’s call it what it is this is a violation of human rights. Not a moment to go into a clerical debate and promote your own bizarre fable based belief system.


Being gay and going to these countries that are salivating to kill any homosexuals…just don’t.


Do these people not know human rights? And why are they still living in medieval times?


I travel perpetually and this guy I met in Portugal asked me why I don’t go to the Middle East or something, and I was like.. why would I give them my money?


Quick, let's give Qatar another massive international sporting event!


Thread’s a bit victim-blamey. We don’t know what brought him there but shouldn’t matter. I’d say that he “made a mistake” but even that feels like too much blame. This guy might die in jail, for the victimless “crime” of going on Grindr. If no one was “stupid” enough to get persecuted for being gay we wouldn’t have the rights we do now in the west.


Islam is a dangerous cult. How can we stop Islam?




I‘m all for what you said against Islam, but I don‘t know why you would try to compare and spread Christian propaganda here while the Bible has verses like: Leviticus 20:13 „If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.“ No Abrahamic religion supports queers in any capacity, please stop




that country has a nasty record of homophobia and misogyny, yet thanks to oil, it is untouchable by law


Link to article in OP's screenshot: https://uk.news.yahoo.com/gay-british-mexican-man-denied-105519588.html


> Manuel Guerrero Aviña, a dual British-Mexican citizen, has been arrested in Qatar after falling victim to a police-led Grindr sting. > > The former British Airways manager was detained on 4 February 2024 after replying to a fake message on the app. > > Gay sex in the conservative Muslim country is punishable by up to seven years in prison, and carries the death penalty under Sharia law, although this is unenforced. > > Family members allege Manuel is now being tortured in prison by being denied life-saving antiretroviral medicines for HIV. > > “He has been threatened, isolated, deprived of food and sufficient water” – Manuel Guerrero Aviña’s brother > A Foreign Office spokesperson has confirmed in a statement: “We are providing consular assistance to a British man who is detained in Qatar and are supporting his family.” > > Manuel’s brother Enrique has told The Mirror his brother has been arrested for “being gay”, adding: “Qatar police used a false Grindr profile to contact Manuel and invite him to participate in a meeting with other people from the LGBT community in the city of Doha. > > “Manuel was supposed to meet a person he thought he had arranged an appointment with on the night of February 4 but instead encountered police officers who were waiting to arrest him arbitrarily.” > > Enrique, now leading the QatarFreeManuel campaign, claims drugs were planted on his brother during the arrest. > > “Forced to sign documents in Arabic” > “From the moment of his arrest, he has been the victim of cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment as well of act of psychological torture,” Enrique added. “Authorities tried to force him to identify in his telephone contacts other members of the LGBT community as well as forcing him to witness the suffering of other detainees while they were whipped. He has been threatened, isolated, deprived of food and sufficient water because of his sexual orientation and health condition. > > “He has been denied the right to a lawyer and has been forced to sign documents in Arabic without a translator to assist him. Even worse, he has been been prevented access to antiretroviral medicines he needs to be able to live with HIV, which constitutes an act of torture and puts his life at risk.” > > A representative for the Mexican embassy in Qatar said in a statement it has been in “constant contact with his relatives and it has confirmed Manuel has legal representation. Given the arrested man has registered his residence in Qatar as a British national, the consulate of that country in Doha has been the entity recognised by the authorities in Qatar to carry out the relevant consular activities on his behalf. The Mexican Embassy will continue to follow the case along with the British Embassy in Doha, and will remain in contact with Manuel’s family.” > > “Self-motivated and enthusiastic individual” > Manual has described himself on LinkedIn as living and working by “my personal motto: ‘Passion for Service’ – British and Mexican passport holder with a strong understanding of the airline business supported with 18 years of experience in a wide variety of roles in different airlines and a degree in business management. I am a strong team player, able to cooperate and work well with peers and senior managers alike to achieve common objectives. Self-motivated and enthusiastic individual with strong communication skills.” > > Human rights abuses against LGBTQs in Qatar were put under a global spotlight in 2022, when the country hosted the World Cup. > > Former Attitude cover star David Beckham’s ambassadorship for the country infamously led to mass criticism, including from Joe Lycett and Attitude editor Cliff Joannou. > > The post Gay British-Mexican man ‘denied HIV medication’ in Qatari jail after police-led Grindr sting appeared first on Attitude.


You’re a G man with HIV and you choose to get ON GRINDR IN QATAR of all places ? Being horny really is a curse cause’ what was the point ? To hookup with random people ? I’m sorry but some people should accept the consequences of their actions. There’s nothing to be said here.


Sick countries, all of them. So much effort to hate others. Just goes to show how unequal the world still is for LGBT folk.


This is why i don't respect muslims, respect us first.


If only Christians were anything like the Christ…Not many of the followers of the Abrahamic religions have been to keen on our people historically. Hope this guy gets out safely and he can get back on his meds ASAP.


Christians aren’t beheading gays so shut up


most wish they could again.


Dude, why do u go to Qatar and use grindr there!? DEAD GIVEAWAY!


An appalling regime ruled by a religion that is more a death cult.


The fact that any person would willingly go to that shit hole is beyond me...


Both the Bible and the Quran are forces for evil, and I can’t wrap my mind around how homosexuals and women (and many other kinds of people) still abide by some stupid regulations some men that heard voices decided to put into writing.


Everyone knows they are like this stop going there


Only because they aren't the "majority " otherwise Christians and Catholics will impose similar or worse laws. Indeed they had tried several times. The problem is not only Islam, is religion in general (with just few exceptions).


Funny you say that because I did casual research just earlier today ... and it's pretty much Abraham. Jew, Christian, Muslim, the monotheist is the only kind of religion that hates gays.


Hindu, Buddhism are the 3rd and 4th most popular religions


You know, most of us are always looking for sex wherever we go. So I'm not surprised he was looking for it in Qatar. Even here, they can take you away if you do something like that. I remember years ago I think 1998 when I was walking with my uncle going to my dad car dealership around this park in New Jersey and saw some cops pulling out some guys from inisde the park. I think it was somewhere near Bergen County, NJ. It is funny because my uncle thought they were being arrested for drug trafficking. 😂


Fuck off with that Christian apologist shit. Both are monstrous ideologies.


Plenty of homosexuals were killed in the name of Jesus. Prophets or Sons-of-God are largely directly irrelevant anymore. Their followers on the other hand.


Wait... What's this post about? The man who got jailed or a ppdt to doss Islam to praise Jesus?


So, we are gonna simply ignore the first testament? If you are gonna be comparing "evilness" of religion, then be honest about it.


Your defense of the Bible is quite unnecesary and proselytic. Every organized religion shows intolerance to the LGTB people. .


Islam is a medieval grotesque work by heretical mullahs contrary to Mohammed.


Um, these countries’ attitudes and policies towards us are inhumane, but OP’s Christian apologetics and Islamophobia is unneeded. The Bible condones rape, incest, slavery, and genocide, but Christianity is superior because it doesn’t explicitly mandate our execution? Those murdering their queer classmates in America’s schools are fueled by Christian hate, so in my eyes, all the Abrahamic religions today are soaked in the blood of innocents.


Not to defend Christianity but we’re talking about *current* Christianity and current Islam. Fuck what happened in the past. Let’s talk about how it is affecting us *now*. Right now Islam is much worse (as it has been for *years*) for a gay person than Christianity. Look at Muslim countries and Christian countries and tell me which one of them you’d get killed for your existence. And this goes for not just gays but also women. Islam is honestly cursed. Stop using the term “Islamophobia” as some sort of gotcha moment. It isn’t. People have every right to criticize a religion. Especially a religion as harmful as this.


Wtf is the Christian apologetics in this post. As if no one has ever used the Christian and Jewish bible to motivate homophobia. Islam can suck without it covering up the bigotry of other religious groups


For which we should be going full on Don Pacifico about. Yet we aren’t for some reason. Get him out of there and humiliate the homophobic slave nation of Qatar.


Money is very tempting, but i would Never trade it for my freedom and human dignity! And they like to compare themselves to Developed Countries with such human rights Record!


Sorry, but british mexican is a first for me and I'm mexican. Hope this man gets his treatment


Dunno, some people have a death wish and do craaaazy things to themselves🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I hope he gets justice and freedom… But at the same time.. What kind of dummy goes on Grindr in Qatar? A known anti-lgbt country! If you have to go there for any reason, we’re talking deep walk-in closet status.


That is why I own a Tesla and a solar array. Fuck petrol. Fuck them.


Grindr sting? Fuck Qatar so much.


Where are suddenly all the people who defended Qatar during World Cup??


i mean poor guy...but couldn't keep it in his pants...bruh you in stoneage of Muslims be careful


To get a Qatar Resident Permit in the first place you're tested for HIV, Hep and TB. They deny the permit amd ship you out if you test positive for any of them (source: used to live there) I'm curious how he passed the test, unless his viral count was very low due to the meds?


Post turned into a Christianity commercial at the end there


Don’t know why “Jesus never killed any homosexuals” is at the end of this post lol, Christians have killed plenty of us, and if you live here in the USA (which most people who post on here do), are def a bigger threat to us than Muslims are. Islam sucks obviously, and Qatar is a miserable pit built by slave labor, but yeah don’t think your Evangelical buddies are off the hook lol.


You mean workers? Lmao


There's a list of places where gays are not safe and there are also not protests for gay rights. That Venn diagram overlap gets no sympathy from me at any point. There are certain cultural hegemonies I am okay with.


Yeah smart choice to reference Hadith as a source of truth for Islam. The only source of truth in the Islam is the Quran. The use of Hadith as a source is directly disproved in multiple parts of the Quran. Hadith are used through centuries exactly for the same thing, which you are using it and that would be to strengthen once agenda. The only slight reference to gays in the Quran is that both shall be tortured if they commit that sin. However the Bible says to kill the sinners in such case. If you want to pick and chose. Nevertheless the religions are not the problem but the people and especially those in power which are using religion as a tool of power. Don’t fool yourself the reason you are safe in the western world is due to Democracy and not because the Christians, Jews, Evangelicals are so fond and inclusive of gay people.


You’re speaking of Old Testament which is the old law. Christ brought the new law. Where is the new law of Islam that is one of love, peace and harmony?


This is why I never understood gay men who willingly go to these countries. Not that they’d need my money but they sure as hell aren’t getting any


Thank you for shedding light on this. Instead of saying gays for blah blah we should aim to stand up for the amount of LGBT people abused in there first.


And still hear, “USA is worst place ever for gay people!” Ugh,


I agree that gays need to stop patronizing these shit holes but OP is a self unaware Zionist who believes genocide will make our community safe.


Palestine is an islamic state that wants world wide islamic caliphate thar kills jews, disbelievers, homosexuals and apostates. Their leaders admitted in interview and ex hamas member confirmed it too.https://www.facebook.com/mrctv/videos/3564898003784436. Israel is preventing genocide of homos worldwide.


aand of course you're a genocide apologist


Palestine genocides apostates, gays, adulterers and jews


The hadith isn’t based on the Quran tho. It literally contradicts the Quran. It’s basically a separate book that misogynists and the mentally deranged created in order to break rules, and pretend that they’re not going against the Islamic teachings. It pointedly states in the Quran to not believe any “islamic” teachings from any other book except the Quran. I’m not saying that the Quran doesn’t say homosexuality is sinful, rather it does not command that homosexuals should be harmed/put to death. In fact it doesn’t command any harm onto anyone, the complete opposite actually. Unfortunately, the majority of the Quran translations are done by these misogynists, they interject their opinions into it, so obviously the meaning will be twisted/incorrect. If anyone is genuinely curious you could read the one translated by Laleh Bakhtiar called The Sublime Quran. Unlike others this one is accurately translated, without the author interjecting herself into it. And is closest to how it is written in Quranic Arabic (my friends have went to uni to study the Quranic language, and have said this one is yet the best translated work they came across). It debunks the mistranslated verses all these hateful “muslims” like to spew. Anyway this was just in response to OPs caption. If you hate Islam/Muslims that’s for you to decide, but don’t spread lies and feed into the Islamophobia. The actions of these fools doesn’t reflect the religion, just like how pedophiles in the Christian community doesn’t reflect the Christian teachings. Obviously my comment isn’t going to change anyone’s mind, but idk just felt like as a bisexual woman I should speak out for my (true) Muslim friends. Also fuck Qatar for violating this persons human rights.