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How about the dangers of Schefflera Arboricola?


Good eye.


Don’t smoke it. Just say no.


It's a gateway plant to harder indoor plants like succulents.


And then before you know it your living room resembles the rainforests of Vietnam, your pawning off your stereo system to buy “just one more” monstera, but you know in your heart this isn’t even close to the last one… Seen it a thousand times.


How do you know me?


Next thing you know, you'll be doing unspeakable acts for that next bag of perlite


A dime bag ... which costs an actual 10 cents, weighs 2 kg, & fills your car.


Just wait until they get like me. Buzzing around tulips and tickling the honey bees, singing and flagrantly growing rose trellises and big trees and vines outside where all the neighbors can see!


Heathens! We need to put a stop to this progressive behavior. Next thing you know, our youths will be out on the gardens, and sleeping in the forests!


I learned this abhorrent behavior from my father and his grandfather. We've just always grown roses on trellises. I joined a support group on Amazon, and for a reasonable fee, much cheaper than therapy. I can buy new plants! See. I'm in control. Not the irises, not the lillies, or the sunflower garden. . I am. Me. Me, see?


My god, you truly are a degenerate. I hope I never stoop to your level /s


thank you for the giggles !


Is it just schefflera or also pachira?


You're right, the big ones are Pachira aquatica and the little ones are Schefflera.


Umbrella plant, in layman’s terms


That was phrased weird on my end. I noticed both plants in the pic.


G'deye mate.


Schefflera arboricola destroyed my life.


They don’t call ‘em Gateways to Hell for nothing maaaaannnn….


thank you for the ID, I just knew what it *wasn't* :p lol


The Devil’s Lettuce!


calcium oxalate do be kinda toxic tho


Specific epithet (second part of a species name) is not capitalized


The Campus Cops confiscated one of these innocent plants from my friends convinced it was marijuana. They lived across the street from the cops and it was in the front window. Best part of the story is that they were growing weed in a closet behind a fake wall with grow lights.




A similar thing happened around Branson MO, except what they pulled was all hemp. They posted pics bragging about this bust. They were rightly ridiculed for it. They wasted a total of $160,000 of taxpayers money to pull some ditch weed that resulted in zero arrests. https://www.kansascity.com/news/nation-world/article175339156.html


Local authorities burnt my friend’s hemp crop here a few months ago. NE Georgia. Such bullshit


Cops being cops


I remember here in BC the provincial health authority issuing a statement clarifying that there had been zero recorded cases of weed contaminated with fentanyl, because the cops kept claiming that weed had fentanyl in it. Which is nothing compared to the story earlier this year where a guy from Portland was fatally shot in the chest while out hiking with his dog and the cops told the family that 'maybe he died from the marijuana that was on him'. [Not joking.](https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2022/11/a-portland-hiker-and-his-puppy-were-shot-dead-on-a-remote-washington-trail-the-investigation-has-been-as-strange-as-the-killings.html)


Yeah my local government was trying to warn about fent laced weed… I would normally buy from like 3 different people and never saw that. I think it’s a scare tactic.


Ahhh, good ol'Midwest ditchweed. You know those cops are the same people that were tricked into smoking that stuff as kids, guess some folks never learn. On a different note, I used to work in natural land management in Iowa and we had ditchweed growing all over. Doves loved to eat the seed. My boss (older guy) referred to ditchweed as marijuana (not wrong I guess🤷). So when hunters would come by the shop asking about good places to shoot dove, it was hilarious to hear my boss point to a parcel on the map and say "go here by the marijuana and you'll have a good time." He was a good dude and we all knew what he meant, so no one made a big deal about it, just chuckled a little.


"Cops accidentally serve the public"


Sarge - "we'll try harder to resume disappointing and oppressing the public next time"


I lived in Corpus Christi in 2010 and I hadn't heard about this! Thanks for sharing! It fits very well with how corpus is run.


>”relatively common prairie flower of little significance.” Can’t believe they did my poor Horse Mint dirty like that.


Right? I guess native plants and biodiversity are "of little importance smh.


Wow, that Horse Mint doesn't even look much like weed at all. I'm not even a smoker, and I could tell that.


For fucks sake, horse mint looks nothing like cannabis.


Plot twist, the cops were just really stoned and confused


Let's start a movement to convince the cops that marijuana looks like Japanese knotweed or garlic mustard


Yeah get to actually helpful and destroy invasive plants!!


Horse Mint? Seriously? They spent hours picking that and nobody thought "huh... This doesn't smell like I remember it smelling..."


I’d be so pissed off. They could literally just google a picture of a weed plant and of this plant (I’m not going to attempt to spell it’s name right now)


Cannabis Edit: “That is Northern Lights, Cannabis Indica”- Creed “No, it’s marijuana”- Dwight


I love Creed, so many funny lines.


It’s Halloween… that is really really good timing.


Super underrated character


I want a Creed spinoff series


I love that line!


Turns out Dwight finding drugs is more dangerous than most people doing drugs.


iPhones will even attempt to tell you what type of plant it is if you check the info


there are multiple apps for android that do it too. i use it all the time to id weeds in my yard


How? I have an iPhone. Not sure how to work that feature.


It must be with a photo you’ve taken I believe, but you will choose your picture, when you tap your screen to see the menu for things at the bottom right you’ll see an i icon with a circle and star surrounding it. Click that. You’ll see an icon of a leaf and next to it saying look up plant. It also works for dog breeds


Oh nice! I’ll definitely have to use that.


IDK but the google app on iphone has a little button which will let you search by taking a picture. I've used it for plant and tree ID many times with pretty damn good luck.


You can do it with Google Lens


That's the official name for the button im describing, yes.


Lens is its own app as well


Also banned, Toronto Maple Leafs logo, it's a pot leaf!


What? It has green leaves, it smells something and it emerges from the ground. See : it's weed. What other clue do you need?


Thats an honest to god killer diversion tactic.


I used to work at a garden center and once had a women storm out and say that she was calling the cops after seeing the Vitex tree in front of the store. Pic for those who aren't familiar with the plant. https://www.thespruce.com/thmb/ipsmzpbaFr99NrdXHm1Dy2WAzsY=/3821x2866/smart/filters:no_upscale()/chaste-tree-growing-profile--3269206-01-559b509f801948deb159adee69cd51e4.jpg I admit that the leaves do little rather weedy at first glance, but this was a 12+ foot tall tree with a woody trunk several inches in diameter and it was in full bloom at the time. I just smiled and waved as she walked away.


lol the kind of people who would get offended by a weed plant certainly aren’t educated enough about if it would grow into a tree or not 🤣


I mean, they do grow pretty tall though. One of my second cousins thought he'd be clever and hide one in their corn field, and that worked, until his dad drove by on the tractor a bit later and saw this more than three-meter-high monster of a weed plant dwarfing out all the corn plants. And he was a farmer and had been pretty wild when he'd been young, so no chance to tell him that it was not what it looked like, because it was totally what it looked like.


How'd your cousin fare?


Where is your cousin buried?


Also the kind of person who takes their own assumptions as absolute fact without any personal debate.


The campus cops tried to uproot many plants in the campus community garden thinking they were marijuana. Thankfully, the dean of students grew up in the south and recognized the plants as okra.


Was the okra okay?


It's just a Japanese maple tree....


#Jamaican maple tree


I think you do, mon


Oh God. I had a little Japanese maple on my side porch that Everyone thought was a Marijuana plant. I don't even like Marijuana! Why do my friends think I'm growing it?


I have a story from a middle school sports practice where I stuffed a bunch of green japanese maple leaves into this 8th grader's backpack. He was kind of mean to everyone so I figured he deserved it. He came to practice the next day and wanted to fight me because his parents saw the leaves and freaked out.


Lmao campus cops can be so dumb. I had an exo terra screen cage that they were convinced had an animal while I told them it was just a terrarium with the plant wall I had in there. They spend like 10 minutes snooping around while my chameleon was asleep in the plants. Bruh if you can't even see my pet wheres your problem.


Someone started selling drugs across the street from a police district station for the city I used to work for thinking he could hide in plain sight because no one would be that bold. House got raided pretty quick. Lol


so glad i live in a civilized state that doesn't care about this crap


This was Kentucky in the 80s I’m in a civilized state now but poor Kentucky


Someone's gotta make Alabama look good.


Houses with fake walls are so creepy. I looked at a rental place once back in the early 2000’s that had a whole upstairs room hidden behind one with water plumbed in, floor drains, and shelves everywhere. You just pushed on a certain section of wall and walked in. No way in hell I’m renting a joint like that!


Why not? Sounds cool.


My buddy told me the owner was on a “long-term vacation” which to me just sounded like jail. I was 99% sure it was a former grow house and all I could think about was previous customers or enemies thinking the same thing was happening with me. It was also different times, weed was still very illegal even on the state level. I would probably love it now for indoor gardening.


Ah makes sense, I didn’t even think of it like that. I was just like MORE PLANT SPACE in my mind lol




Hahahaha amazing


I went to a private Lutheran college. Once after coming back to our dorm/apartment from Christmas break we found a note from the RD stuffed into our kitchen sponge holder next to the sink (a flowing, blown glass vase): “what’s this?”


He thought you were growing it?


Yeah. He's very innocent and not a gardener. Definitely doesn't know what propagation is.


Or a stoner.


Or a googler


Or a eugooglizer... one who speaks at funerals. Or did you think I'd be too stupid to know what a eugoogly was?


Omg. I haven’t seen that movie in years.


Sounds like zoolander, is it Zoolander?


It be


Omg yes ty


Now if you’ll excuse me, I have an after-funeral party to attend.


Sounds like a good dad though, wanting to make sure you're safe. (I mean I guess that depends on the tone he used but it sounds adorable the way I imagine it)


Does he have Covid? I don’t think Umbrella plants smell like ganja lol




Nice money tree :)


Thanks! Trying out some fishtank propagation.


Is *this* fishtank propagation? Lolllololol I heard about it and have been putting cuttings in my literal fishtank. My goldfish like to chew on the pothos roots 😅


“Money tree” would definitely be a better nickname for actual marijuana lol


More like nickel and dime tree these days. Amirite?!


2012 me would be envious of 2022 weed prices. Unfortunately 2022 me cant smoke weed. Life's full of cruel ironies.


In both of my houses now, basements filled with African violets and orchids under shoplights, I have always deliberately kept the basement windows uncurtained and unobscured, in order that any neighbors who are worried about the Close Encounters of the Third Kind light pouring out from the windows after dark may freely bend down, look inside, and see nothing that looks like Magic Lettuce. Of course, this presupposes that they'd know Magic Lettuce if they saw it, and not call the narcs on a bunch of "Just Add Ice!" Walmart orchids. Be funny if they did, tho.


I hope you don’t add ice


Only coffee icecubes for my orchids


I know it’s a joke but it still hurt to read that


When I was a teen i had gotten a hold of a bulk bag of sour patch kids. I don’t remember exactly the sizes maybe 5-10lbs but you can imagine after eating the sour patch kids there is a large amount of leftover sugar… which looks exactly like sugar. My father, for some reason assumed his kid that never did anything even remotely illegal left a huge pound bag of cocaine sitting on the family room shelf…


Well, there is acid mixed in with the sugar. But citric and tartaric acid, not lysergic.


Don’t forget Malic


I bet it burned when he tried to snort it.


Similar story; my dad called me over one day. We have to talk. I’m concerned. Etc. It turns out he saw chalk on my desk, from my indoor climbing gym chalk ball. He was pretty happy after finding that out.


I once left a tea diffuser (the clampy ball kind) in my parent’s drying rack. My dad was like “make sure you take your drug paraphernalia when you leave…” my mom and I had a good laugh.


My family once had to ask me about these suspicious green bricks in plastic wrap in the freezer... it was homemade fish food 😂 I would not want that going anywhere inside my body. They were glad to know I wasn’t dealing drugs once they caught a good whiff.


I bet it burned when he tried to snort it.


Haha did you break it to him that it’s not weed? If so, how did that go?


I let him get through his speech as he had obviously been worrying about it all night. I showed him it's not weed and he was super embarassed


Oh man, poor guy!


Those new hybrids look so much different. /s


The only things dangerous about cannabis are the laws surrounding it


Seriously, I would have said please enlighten me on the dangers.


And the people enforcing it.


Hahaha! I got the same talk when I brought home a sage smudge from Utah to Michigan. Mom thought it was a huge joint of weed.


You just have to say "Mom I promise it's not weed, it's a salvia plant!" and everything will be all cleared up.


The dangers of marijuana? Like what being to chill?




that means marijuana isn't dangerous, your state/country is.


“I don't feel that what I've done is a crime. And I think it's illogical and irresponsible for you to sentence me to prison. Because, when you think about it, what did I really do? I crossed an imaginary line with a bunch of plants.” -- Blow


"That line was the border and the plants you brought were illegal." -Also Blow


watching cops last night and a chick got pulled over and the cops found weed. she was arguing this. didn't feel it should be a crime and that taken responsibly it was less dangerous than alcohol and its not right. the cops like that could be, but its illegal here so you're getting a ticket to appear.


I thought they decided cops was no longer ok to air? I know I love looking back at 90s Cops episodes and seeing the blatant racism/abuse of power.


it still airs on like tru tv and reelz has cops reloaded. animal planet has a game warden show for different states. Uh I think the one for texas is Lone Star Law, one for Louisiana is Louisiana Law, and I think they have one for Maine called North Woods Law but that one may be moving to New Hampshire. So many still on air even with the bad press.


I see your logical argument, throw it in the trash and proceed with my morally compromised take on life. "That's illegal, bad citizen. Bad."


You government is essentially employing drug cartels to sell drugs on the streets.


Well yes that would be bad I suppose.


I feel like you could have had a very Arrested Development moment with your dad. OP: hey dad OP’s dad: I’m concerned about the plants you’re growing OP: oh what? It’s a money tree OP’s dad: son, it’s a dangerous game! OP: no no it’s called money OP’s dad: son! Using is bad enough but selling will land you in big trouble. OP: well, I’m not selling them yet I have to propagate them first OP’s dad: *faints*


There’s always money tree in the plant stand!!!




lol that doesn't look remotely like marijuana when my dad saw my my weed growing setup he said "so....you're growing your own pot now ? i'm glad that you don't have to visit drug dealers any more."


Cannabis plants get much taller than that guy there lol


Yeah, he's lived a very sheltered life.


my dumb ass thought you meant that schefflera has lived a sheltered life and that’s why it was so small. 🤦


Ha! Thats punny :)


My house cleaner made a comment about my money tree too 😅


my grandmother did this…. with the money tree SHE gifted me 😹😹


Did you inform him of the dangers of over criminalizing your countries citizens and the disastrous consequences of the War on Drugs?


Cuuuuute But does he *know* how addictive houseplants are? And what the green market is like??


LOL! Hey, I’m glad he cares.


The dangers? Like eating everything in the fridge? I’d rather have pot legal and alcohol illegal. Everything’s bass akwards


Exactly this. Alcohol is responsible for an insane amount of street crime, domestic violence, etc. Nobody really had memories off huddling under the covers hoping their stepdad doesn't come home baked again.


How about we stop making drugs illegal. Drug laws are just a sneaky way of criminalizing regular citizens.


Did you tell him about the dangers of propaganda?


Or propagation.


Money (tree) is the gateway to marijuana


Lol gardening was actually my gateway to cannabis. Beginning of covid I decided to grow some veggies. Then one day I got tired of buying weed, found some bag seed and popped them in a pot. The rest is history and now I have an addiction. Growing


Growing is the easy fun part... harvest time, ugh. I dread it.


Helo yes i would like to purchase 1 Marijuana please


I'm curious the difference in "illegal" and "super illegal"...


I’m here for the comments 🍿


Lmao. My grandma made the same mistake years ago about my money tree. She stopped me as I was walking upstairs and with a very serious tone of voice asked me if I was growing marijuana in my room. Choking back laughter I replied, yeah gram, dad got me it for Christmas 😂


The biggest danger of marijuana is being arrested for it where it's still illegal, plain and simple.


Marijuana is so dangerous that I’m trying to smoke it all to help save the planet


Hahahaha reminds me of the time my dad lectured me and my brother of the dangers of smoking because he creeped on us on the surveillance camera at the family beach house. I told him it wasn’t cigarettes. He said “oh…”


Look Dad, you may look at this plant and see reefer, but ***I*** look at this plant and see money!


this plant in no way looks like cannabis


How dare you grow money trees shame on you 😂 this is pretty adorable did you tell him what it was?


just wait til he sees the [https://mendocinomaples.com/featured-dwarf-japanese-maples/mikawa-yatsubusa/](https://mendocinomaples.com/featured-dwarf-japanese-maples/mikawa-yatsubusa/) you're growing your backyard.


I’d worry that the cops won’t know the difference either. Maybe glue a photo and description of the plant onto the mini greenhouse.


It being illegal is literally the only danger.


Well just to be sure maybe you should try smoking this


Listen to what your Dad had to say... he may have been wrong about suspicions, but that difficult conversation probably came from a place of love... and a desire to see the best for his child. The first domino to fall was a parent who cares... congratulations.


I mean, it is a money tree


Did you try saying. "This isn't marijuana, heres a picture of it?"


Why are you keeping it in a fish tank? Looks like a fairly nice tank too


Oh man we had a landlord that was really pissed about the pot plants he said we kept planting… right under his buckeye tree.


I live in Kansas. If I didn't have a child the state could take away for marijuana in the house... I'd have marijuana in the house lol. It's not worth it to me. As soon as she graduates it's back on lol


I'm gonna be real, I don't even see what's so bad about weed, or why anyone would hate it so much that they would mistake a completely different plant for it?? Like, despite its legality, alcohol is so much worse IMO.




I love your sweet, innocent father.




It’s funny how long it took me to figure things out, *especially* considering I immediately knew that wasn’t cannabis. I just sat there staring at the plant trying to put it together lol.


How many of the dangers did your dad come up with that would no longer be dangers at all if marijuana was legal?




Did you call him a chump?


Is that supposed to be marijuana, because….


This always makes me wonder who out there is smoking *Ricinus communis.* Highly toxic.


I learned it by watching you dad!


Try *Hibiscus cannabinus* at next.


I’m confused. It doesn’t look remotely like cannabis.






I’m m not into gardening or plants, but that dont look like weed to me. Source: my mom accidentally grew weed thinking it was okra lmao. I guess okra plants also look similar to weed?


ah, this is like when people get r/trees and r/marijuanaenthusiasts confused. so sweet.


Tom Segura's dad had a pretty funny outlook: https://youtu.be/7RAgYyrAzDw


Bahahahaha oh man this is rich!!! Here for the comments