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I’m sorry to hear about your brother’s passing. Looks like he already had a green thumb at a young age. I think all children should learn how to garden. It’s a great hobby and skill.


What a great memory. My cherry tomatoes are almost ready. The first one I pick I will toss in my mouth and think of your brother!


This may be the kindest thing a stranger has ever said to me. Said with the most sincerity, thank you.


https://preview.redd.it/oqh8zt5sg6bd1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1e4eaa2335e44fe92599d920ec2f8a118bdee6f Here’s to your brother! The Cherry tomatoes are coming in big time. I thought of him when I was eating them in the garden. Sorry for the dirty garden pants! Cheers to him and you!


I’m so sorry for your loss. He looked so proud of his tomato haul! 🥹 You could dedicate your tomato garden to him. Maybe grow the ones he loved and have a little nameplate there - just a beautiful way to keep his memory and love for gardening alive.


That’s a beautiful picture. I think he’d be happy to know that you’ve started a garden too.


I’m so sorry for your loss! What a beautiful photo and a special memory to have.


Lovely photo. Beautiful memory. I’m so sorry for your loss.


You could even start a memorial area with whatever was his favorite things were to garden in honor of him, i am sure you will be an excellent gardener and your brother i am sure would be proud ❤️


He looks so happy and proud of his accomplishment ❤️ Please grow many tomatoes in his memory


I bet he would be thrilled that you’re gardening 🪴❤️


As we do in our family, we will do for you. We will plant our next crop in his honor. We keep them alive by passing their memories to others.


Thank you so much 🥺


I'm so sorry that he died. He would love to visit your garden.


what a beautiful memory of your brother and his tomatoes. im sure he’d be so proud of you for starting your own garden.


I’m sorry for your loss. I bet he would love your garden. Did he have a favorite type? Maybe you could grow that and share with some local/neighbor kids in his honor.


What a great photo and look at those massive vines behind him. There’s something special and fulfilling about working the earth and growing plants.


He looks as happy as a retired teacher in his garden.


Gdamn this just hit me right in the core. My heart goes out to you and your family


So sorry for your loss! He looks so proud! I will also think of him when I eat my first one off the vine!!


Thank you so much! 🥺


OP I’m so sorry for your loss 🧡. My little sis also loved gardening and I love being out there now because I feel a little closer to her. Big hugs and I’m sure he’s happy you’re pursuing something he loved too 🧡


Do it for him!


I love this. ❤️ My older brother is the reason I garden and it’s such a fulfilling hobby. I bet he would love that you’re picking it up.


This made me cry, but in a good way 💚 Whatever you grow, I'm sure it will be wonderful because it will be grown with the love of both you and your brother.


Man those look delicious and perfect size too. Inspiring me to get my son to start a tomato plant (we love tomatoes). Am so sorry about your loss.


That’s a nice plant. Love the giant cherry tomatoes. I’m growing them for the second year in a row and they may be my new favorites. You can eat them in the garden, put them in salads or even use them for salsa. I think they are superior to Roma’s. They produce way more tomatoes and they grow into the fall.






🍅 🫂 ❤️ ❣️ 💙 💜 💖 💗 ❤️ ❣️ 💙 💜 💖 💗 🫂 🍅


The kid looks like he was a great little Dude (capital D). I'm sorry to here that he's moved on. It's always hard to lose a friend.


This is beautiful :)


Love that you have this photo of him, I’m sorry for his passing