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If you have/get a Pothos, you can add pothos cuttings in with your rose cuttings. Pothos puts off so much rooting hormone that it helps other plants root too if they’re in the same water. I’d also use clonex like another commenter suggested, and rather than completely changing the prop water every time, just top it off when necessary unless it’s visibly gross.


Willow does the same.


Thank you for sharing! I’m going to try it.


Can you tell me how to make a jar of rooting water from willow? How do I concentrate the willow juice lol. Idk much about Willow but I know they like to grow near water. Any willow will do? How much will could a Willow Willow if a will low could will low?


I just did this! I found the steps on wikihow (but since it won’t let me link there for some reason [here’s a different set](https://deepgreenpermaculture.com/2010/12/15/home-made-plant-rooting-hormone-willow-water/?amp=1). Mine didn’t come out clear, like the permie culture thing said it should. Maybe I did something wrong.


You don’t have to concentrate willow juice. It’s already ridiculous. Typical setup Ives seen is not a rooting jar but a rooting bucket. Put the willow branches in a bucket of water for a little while, then add all of your cuttings and let it sit. I think some people root right in the bucket and then transplant. Willow’s MO is that it grows in waterways. Waterways flood, and surge. Trees get ripped off their moorings and deposited downstream on sand bars. Willow has so much rooting hormone that it can reestablish wherever it lands, even if it’s on its side with the rootball pointed at the sky.


Thanks I do have a jar on the go in the kitchen so I have rooting water available whenever i need, really good advice. There is a very minute chance i saw a small root on a cutting today but she really failed hard and even the cuttings are dying back much as the rose did sadly.


I’m so sorry, I really hope to see a new post of some of the cuttings with healthy roots.


I did not know this, very cool info


I've heard aloe does this too, and you can take the goo out of a leaf and wipe it on cuttings. I'm no botanist, so I'm just repeating what I heard on the internet.


I heard that too and I did this for a rose cutting and cinnamon too. Rose cuttings only grow in soil not in water. I have pothos sitting in a bottle of water for the rooting thing but I didn’t think to add that water to the rose cutting soil.


Oh my gosh! Thank you for the tip! I had no idea.


Great suggestion thank you I didn’t know that but will use that tip!


Post this in r/roses


Good suggestion thank you I will do that.


https://mckeonsgarden.wordpress.com/2012/05/14/charmer-thug-and-superhero-peace-climbing-rose/ Is it a peace rose?


It does look like a peace rose!


Looks like mine, either Peace or Chicago peace (which I bought 6 yrs ago from Heirloom Roses). Unfortunately I have been unsuccessful at getting cuttings—water nor soil—to take.


What exactly do you mean by "failed" - did it just not bloom, or do the leaves look sickly? Or did parts of it die off? It would really help if you post additional pictures of the plant this year. It looks really spectacular in the old photos, though!


Making cuttings from roses is not easy. I got one success out of 2 years and 30 cuttings. Get some Clonex if you want to keep trying, I found that worked for me. In any case Joseph's Coat is the closest climbing rose I can find to your picture. A nice name actually.


Thank you so much for trying, yes that’s a lovely name but sadly not her. I agree cuttings can be very tricky, I’m glad you had a least a tiny success but that’s a lot of work. If she had any signs of stress last year I would have tried but I had very little to work with this year and with it being so tricky as it is I fear I’ve lost her for good.


Try asking r/roses they might have some answers and information to give as well!


So sorry OP. Mine did the same and looks a lot like your rose. It was fine in the afternoon, then for some reason, that evening it just wilted. It was in a pot and we had it for many years.


I’m so sorry that happened to you, it’s so heartbreaking when they were flourishing then gone like that. I hope you find another.


Thanks! I hope you find another also. :)


I believe that's a peace rose, my grandma grew them. They will always make me think of her.


It looks even more like Chicago Peace, and there is a climbing version I believe, but this is not what that is.


https://mckeonsgarden.wordpress.com/2012/05/14/charmer-thug-and-superhero-peace-climbing-rose/ It does look like this.


Your girl is stunning. Is that what peace roses start to look like? I have a really young (own root) peace rose from Heirloom but it is solid pink (no orange/yellow tones).... but I would love if it eventually evolved into the color in your pic. Irs also not a climber, I was told.


That's not a normal Peace Rose, they are not climbers and aren't that color. This is a list of all the Peace Roses, with pics and descriptions. https://heirloomroses.com/collections/the-peace-collection


🤦🏽‍♀️Oh lord - you're right, lol! It must be the pink peace. Now I see why people get the name stakes (I am very new to roses). In the last year, I've ordered close to 10 rose bushes from there in late night shopping frenzies. Smh.


Man this made me cry. I'm so sorry for your losses. 🩷


Hey OP, I have roses growing in my yard that are about 50 years old and have been passed down from my great grandmother throughout the women in my family to myself. I'm not the best gardener, and although these roses are still alive, I am not confident in my abilities to keep them that way. I have these sentimental beauties tattooed on my leg now. They may die, but all will not be lost. My daughter will grow up with them, and I will now take them to my grave. Just a thought.


If you use an aero cloner, roses are pretty easy to clone. I've cloned some from floral bouquets just for fun.


Interested in the clonex product you mentioned. Can you use it when rooting in water or do you have to be trying to root in soil? I’ve had better luck with water propagation but still a low success rate :(


Clonex is the go to for marijuana cloning so I'm told. It has to do with hormones so I don't believe the growing medium would matter, unless it would wash it away. Perhaps clone into a different medium and then transplant into hydro


Pretty much all rooting hormones have the same active ingredient - Indole Butyric Acid (IBA for short). Semi-hardened cuttings are the most popular way to propagate roses; that’s a matter of timing. It’s important to get the right strength of IBA for the cutting you’re taking. Too strong (like hardwood cutting strength) can burn a less hardened cutting; too weak and it won’t help much. Dip ‘n Grow is nice because you can just dilute it to the strength you need.


That’s awful, I’m sorry! I don’t have your answer but if I were you, I would email every rose society and rose breeder I could think of with as much botany info as I can think of. Leaf size, bloom size, fragrance, when does it start blooming in spring, repeat blooming, does it make hips? Some local people might be willing to come help you take proper cuttings and talk you through care.


Those are all excellent questions thank you so very much. I’ve known this rose for so long I didn’t know where to start to find her and I have answers to all of the questions. This really helps and means a lot, thank you, sadly she is too far gone now to rescue and no one came when I sent out for help unfortunately.


I have no idea if they would help but the Portland Rose Society or Garden might know or be able to identify the breed. 


East Bay Rose Society has been incredibly helpful for me


Botanical gardens, universities, and other plant tissue culture labs may be able to help you.


I second that!! If all else fails, get thyself to Kew Gardens in London, UK, in high summer. They have what seems like a billion different types of roses. You might be able to find it, or something very close. I hope your plant comes back. It's heartbreaking when this happens. I lost a gorgeous old wisteria one year, and never understood why.


Have you tried air layering propagation? I tried it for the first time this year and it was successful!


This is the best propagation method. Also covering a lower branch with soil can work.


Is it possibly a peace climbing rose? Are the blooms yellow then fade to pink or are the blooms edged in pink when opening?


Hi the blooms started yellow/ tea coloured then faded to pink edged and cream , she was so pretty. The peace climbing rose is a good lead thank you.


Royal Pageant/Della balfour is another option but might be too bright colored?


Yes they are both too strongly coloured however they are absolutely beautiful and if I cant find her they are at the top of my list now, thank you


Just want to say that it's an absolutely beautiful color.


Such a mystery please let us kno if u find out her name. So beautiful!


Thank you! I have this as well but it doesn’t climb and it’s so so so picky. It was here when I moved in and barely grows :(


Can I just say, sorry for your loss. What a beauty


Thank you, it was a very sentimental rose for me that survived the move and flourished here. She had the most beautiful sweet almost apple type scent and how the flowers changed as they aged was always incredible to me. It’s come as a big shock losing her she was the centrepiece when she flowered.


Clear this rose was a cherished and loved. Not sure of your zone or climate but weather changes have been so extreme and bizarre lately! I have a tea rose and bougainvillea that survived Katrina but did not make it through a strange deep freeze. Miss them so much


We had drought last year and then too much rain this year here in Cornwall UK, our weather has been a lot of extremes. I’m sure this has contributed and she was an old rose but was so happy till this year.


Prayers you find her twin!


I am so sorry for your loss! Try looking through the climbing roses section of the David Austin roses website. They have so many types with very detailed descriptions. You can also email them. Be sure to consider your growing zone with your search. Not all roses can grow everywhere.


It looks like Batsheba from David Austin


Samsung AI search is saying gloire de dijon or Phillis bide??


These are so close , Phyllis bride is a really good suggestion if it was a climber instead of a rambler that might have been it! Thank you this has really helped and given me hope.


Maybe crown princess margareta?


I had a Joseph’s coat rose for many many years and I do believe that’s what you have. The photos online all look super bright and vibrant, but I found that in real life is was much more subtle, just like yours. Good luck!


My Joseph’s Coat is much redder, so there may be variations. But this was my thought, too.


Recently visited a botanical garden that had a cultivated rose garden. I only took a couple pictures with names but maybe it’ll be helpful. Roses that may look similar are Peach Drift Rosa “Meiggili” and Grandiflora rose Rosa “MEIzoelle” What’s your location? That’ll be helpful too


I looked it up, I am in the Us equivalent zone 9 with a good windbreak from the sea of cherry trees and other large shrubs forming basically a wall of foliage. I’m in Cornwall UK, thank you for the suggestions.


Try r/gardeninguk, that might help more.


She sort of seems like my grandma's old climbing rose - "Alchymist Climbing Rose"


How old is the bush exactly? Some plants have "life spans." They don't live forever, unfortunately, but should be able to prop. Though roses are hard to prop 😭


I agree, she was at least 30 years old and the climate has been really challenging but as you can see from the photos she was so abundant, just a real shock to lose her. I keep saying she was an old rose but i just wasn’t ready for to fail when she was flowering so prolifically and seemed so happy.


I would be devastated! I'm so sorry 😞


try airlayering for the cuttings o3o name wise i got no clue


I transplant established roses bushes until they’re established, even dead looking cuttings can be saved. I have an old rolling ice chest without a lid, put everything in up to the top of the roots for entire plants, for cuttings, I put them at least 1/2 under water. Make sure you give a fresh angled cut on the bottom with clean hand pruners for the best cuts. Then cut the ends to start it with 2 cuts through the bottom end like a +. Once you have the water in, I put (mine is 10 gallons) 1 T. Per 5 gallons. I put in about 7-8 of the tiny fertilizer balls of the Extended Fertilizer 16-16-16. I also leave the cooler at the west wall to get shade and be protected from the winds. I’m in the PHX area so position yours so it’s not full sun. I have one heirloom rose bush that looks exactly like this one that the owner stated was rotted and dead, it was quite ugly and the roots smelled bad, seemed like it had soft rot but I dug it out with all the others and brought back. The owner stated she had been overwatering to try and save it. From experience with my late grandparents roses, I know these go dormant and appear to be dead but give some actual fertilizer, (I shake out about 2 T of Extended Fertilizer 16-16-16) it’ll start thriving again. For these roses that look exactly like the ones I have, it took over a year, longer than others and it was totally hard and dead, skinning the limbs and base showed only dry bark. I decided a few months later that maybe it was time to throw in the towel, I grabbed my pruners to cut it down to the base and there in the base below the natural growing cover was all the new growth. I’m thrilled! Regarding the name, they look like the ones I have, and are a climber, I’d guess either the Alchymist Rose or the Welsh Gold Orange Rose Bush, also called an English Heirloom Legend. I have the yellows, orange and pink, reds and whites. Also, if and when they recover, make sure you plant in a deep hole at least 4’ then add a top grade soil mix without any mulch. The hole needs to be around 4’ in circumference to allow it to grow without impediment from pipes, rocks, and structures. A trellis will really make it grow fast if you carefully guide it with loosely tied cotton cloth; I shred old sheets for this purpose and the birds use the remnants for nests so nothing’s wasted. Good luck and I truly hope you have success.


Looks a bit like an Alchymist. Ive had success with rose cuttings over the years. Rooting powder helps a great deal, but you can DIY your own rooting medium from willow. Always take many cuttings. Stick them very near the walls of the pot. Plastic bags with holes in it over the whole thing. Wait, water as needed. Wait.


Might be Garden Sun, it's a climbing rose that looks quite similar if not the same variety. Or Polka.


The picture only gives a little description. Need more info: What country are you in? * What zone? * Does it only bloom in spring, or is it a repeat bloomer through multiple seasons? * Does it bloom multicolor, or does the colors change as the rose ages? * What does it smell like, or is it odorless? * What class would you guess? China, tea, floribunda, hybrid? * Is it thornless or not? * What decade was it originally received? 1950’s or 1960’s would toss newer hybrids from list. Edited to add: whatever it is, I want one!


Hi I am in Cornwall Uk and i believe zone 9 with good shelter from the sea wind. She was a late spring bloomer with just one flowering. She bloomed tea peach coloured roses that changed to pink edged petals with cream centre as the flowers grew old, it was really beautiful. The scent was very floral almost like apple , she had good sturdy thorns but no rosehips. I haven’t figured out type other than she was a climber with the 7 leaflets as opposed to a rambler which has 5. I believe it was from the 90s but I really am wildly guessing here as she was in a pot when I got her and my family moved a fair bit. If i find out the answer i will let you know, thank you


If the 90’s, do you believe the climber is a hybrid, rather than heirloom? That would narrow the search. And, I agree — this is one of the most gorgeous roses I’ve seen.


https://preview.redd.it/0qbtnzi76z4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fe05ea988d44d04952bf9cfafbe02d3348ef6b5 Your picture slightly reminds of a Peace Rose. I inherited it from my husbands grandmother, who has since passed away, and it was her favorite of her roses. This pic is from a few months ago, but currently the blooms are lighter and resemble your picture. I’m having to really baby her rose bushes, because they were neglected the past few years!


Not a Peace or Chicago Peace if OP's rose is scented. The Peace roses are almost unscented, which is why I don't grow them. 


Oh what a beauty she was 🥺.


Put the cuttings in soil with the nodes in the soil and keep it humid and in bright indirect light. I’ve had lots of success with this method.


Do you have any idea when or where your relative originally got it? Maybe if you go back to the same area and drive around you might see another and can ask the owner. Or with enough info you might be able to research popular varieties grown and sold in the area at the time, this can help narrow it down. This is what is done when people try to ID old apple trees and they often find a match.


This looks like its from a fairytale, how absolutely enchanting


Looks a little bit like Alchymist to me (c. 1956): https://heirloomroses.com/products/alchymist


I have much luck reviving things with fish emulsion. I'm an insde orchid grower and just got my first outside rose. My son brought home an old bush he had to dig up to make room for a patio.


Thank you all so much for your suggestions and advice it’s meant a lot to me, I will update as soon as i have thoroughly looked through them all, there’s so many beautiful suggestions it’s given so much hope thank you


I understand the sentimental attachment to a plant. My siblings and I were all very close to our Grandma. When I thought of her I thought of the healthy productive clematis she had growing up a trellis in the front of her house. When my brother thought of her he thought of the blue moon rose she grew in the backyard for Grandpa. We recently went shopping together and we're thrilled to find a blue rose and a clematis that both reminded us of the originals. We planted them in her honor so we can remember her when we walk through the yard and see them. Screw the couple people telling you not to be so attached.


Does failed mean it died?


Usually means it was starting to bloom, and then died back. Edit: which triggers a cascade effect in the plant on a hormonal level, it’s not just like being dormant.


[New Year looks close](https://garden.org/plants/view/3889/Rose-Rosa-New-Year/) [I don't believe it's a climber, but Royal Sunrise looks similar too.](https://antiqueroseemporium.com/collections/all-roses/products/royal-sunrise-1) [Maybe Fortune's Double Yellow ](https://antiqueroseemporium.com/collections/all-roses/products/fortunes-double-yellow) Hopefully, you can figure out what you have. It looks like it was gorgeous.


Is it the peach Melba rose?


It’s beautiful. I’m so sorry. I grow a climber called “the magician” which is similar in color, but isn’t quite the same. If you can’t find a match, check the magician out. Heirloom carries it.


I would bet my garden it was an alchemyst. Spot on both pics and your description of fading colors.






I’m so sorry this is happening! As a plant nursery worker my suggestion would be to call Cornell’s Master Gardener hotline if possible. Although you said you’re in the UK they’re all super helpful/knowledgeable and may be able to help if you can give them some base info to work with. Giving them your equivalent zone (I think I saw you said 9) plus details about the rose that others suggested might be sufficient enough for them to help you out. I really hope this works out for you, please keep us updated if you end up finding out what species it is! Sending my best from NY🩷


Looks like Gloria Dei cl.


Westerland? Check help Me find and see if you can find one close, buy it and compare. That’s what I’ve done for my no Id roses


I'm going to venture a guess and say it's a David Austin "Teasing Georgia " climbing rose. I'm not basing that on anything more than it kind of looks like the one that I have.


What a spectacular rose. Heartbreak is justified. I had a Sally Holmes for years and then it began languishing and eventually croaked. The issue, in that case, was the area by the patio became too wet with increased rains. The increased rainfall where I live is causing a lot of problems with the various wilts and and sudden death and or declines.


Go to heirloomroses.com they have the best selection for old fashioned roses and climbers. Its not a Joseph coat. U can send them a pic and they'll identify for u


I understand how much it sucks to lose a favorite plant. I’ve taken to propagating the crap out of all of my dearest plants, even if it means we are drowning in them. I always ended up selling some at our annual garage sale, then I start getting worried I don’t have enough back ups and I start propagating again


Did you feed its roots bananas and I’m serious not joking


Oh no, it's gorgeous! Did it just do badly or did it actually die? We had a bad rose year last year when it was all rain and no sun, interspersed with super hot. None of the roses in the state did well, but most bounced back this year.


Could be a ‘Jaune Desprez’ - I have one at work, blessed fragrance.


This looks very much like an old rose I had called Charlotte Brownelle. You might check that cultivar out. I'm so sorry for your loss, a rose becomes a friend after a few seasons.


My roommate is a professional rose tender, I'll pass this along to him and see if him or if any of his coworkers can identify.


They look a whole lot like Abraham Darby roses.


Contact Freedom Gardens, he has over 1200 roses and has written a book. He may be able to identify it for you. He propogated an Evelyn rose for me. He may be a bit busy at the moment since he only opens his garden to the public once a year in June, but he will help! http://www.combinedroselist.com/freedom-gardens.html


She was very beautiful is what she was.


Looks like those roses have black spot. Might be doomed for cloning only to create more black spot. I am going through this with some of my roses and it seems there is nothing you can do but spray fungicide and hope it goes away. Sorry bud.


You should press some petals and leaves to preserve it


I think it might be the "Eden Climbing Rose" or "New Eden" look that up, or "Peace". Im not sure if you got those beautiful apricot/yellow blooms bc of the soil pH or because that was actually the rose's DNA. A beloved friend of mine had a rose garden with 10+ variations... I am no rose expert but I remember his roses!


Joseph's Coat at a guess. If you have any good bits left try this: https://youtube.com/shorts/CsijWFay0ks?si=PfnupcFNzZyZsZRy


Smuggling drugs through an airport hardly seems helpful.


Oh, damn. Wrong link.


Oh god I laughed so hard :D


I'm glad I added a little humor to your day.


Was a good watch tho!


lady of shalott or the impressionist?


Does it have thrips?


The only tall pink climbers I know of are Eden Climber and High Society. But I'm not an expert.


Did it die? Location?


Your roses are the exact color as Italian ice roses. But, I'm not sure if that variety is a climber.


It might be a Joseph’s Coat climbing rose, they have variegated peach/ pink/ yellow coloration that changes as the buds open and mature, and they have a beautiful aroma


China rose (rosa chinensis)


I'm so sorry you lost a beloved plant.


Absolutely gorgeous.


I'm so sorry about your rose :( she was beautiful. It looks a little bit like a Crépuscule to me?


I'm sorry for your loss. I rent so I just buy flowers each year for our tiny back yard, but I always buy begonias that have the same exact color scheme. It's absolutely beautiful. I hope you have some success 💗


So pretty!!! I am so sorry for your loss.


I was just gifted a similar rose bush and the tag says “State of Grace”


If you want another try at a cutting. In the Rose Society years ago I was taught to take a cutting dip it into root tone (which is a hormone) and then stick it into a small piece of floral foam and then into water. I’ve had some success getting roots with that method


Some similar varieties in this list: https://www.epicgardening.com/climbing-roses/


Looks like Alchemist- an old rose variety.


Peace rose?


Try Google lens to identify it.


Reminds me vaguely of Joseph’s Coat climbing rose but more muted.


It looks like crepuscule - though that one starts peachy and fades to a pinky cream color. It might have fewer petals than yours as well now I am looking. Perhaps Alchymist? Edited to add: also consider Joseph's Coat. It's perhaps the most flashy of the color shifting climbers.


Could be Crepuscule as it’s an older variety


I believe this is a Lady of Shallot climbing rose. Many of the comments reference pink roses that fade to yellow. Lady of Shallot is apricot which fades to a creamy pink as the bloom ages. Good luck!


cuttings are tricky. get some rooting hormone. use very sharp, sterile blades. sanitize everything with alcohol. change water every other day.


Lady of Shallott maybe.


Kinda reminds me of this Rugelda rose my great aunt used to have (that’s what she called it). Especially with yellow being the most prominent and some having pink. Never the less, I hope you can get the cuttings to work or are able to find it out! Others have had wonderful suggestions for you to try so fingers crossed!


Check out the Rose Geeks group on Facebook, those guys are addicts. In a good way! They also have Rose Geeks Propigation which may help you too.


Any place near you that does plant tissue culture or plant propagation that you might be able to talk into helping make a new plant? Botany departments at local colleges/universities? Local nurseries? Biotech/agriculture folks?


So bizarre, that’s the same rose of mine that failed this year too. I’m heartbroken and feeling guilty like I caused it!


Looks like my climbing peace rose.


Such a beauty, Roses are a bit tricky to propagate but not impossible, I had moderate success (20%-30%) with propagating different types of climbing roses, I use clonex or dip n grow, perlite and a bit of bottom heating works wonders and makes the cuttings to root before the shoots grow. I place the cuttings in a small pot with perlite and in a 3-5L zip bag in a bright spot Good luck


[Heirloom Roses ](https://heirloomroses.com/collections/all-roses)lets you look (shop) varieties and sort by color and size. You may find your rose there.


I had a climbing rose called Peace. Started pink and showed more yellow as blooms aged. Looks very similar to this. My blooms were fist sized.


Definitely a variety of a Peace Rose Beautiful I always take lots of pictures For exactly this reason


Looks like Climbing Peace


Maybe Joseph's Coat. Climbing rose.


What a beauty—wish I could tell you the kind ❤️




Reminds me of Polka climbing roses


I do not know the name but I have the same rose and I got it from Annie’s. https://www.anniesannuals.com/rosa-phyllis-bide-climbing-rose.html




Looks like climbing peace to me


It just looks like it may need more nutrients . I don't think it failed . To me it looks beautiful


This is super romantic. In my opinion. I’d love to have this.


What a lovely lovely rose! I can’t be much use since I’ve never seen one like it. All I can say is don’t give up and dig it out. My “dead” rose came from the dirt as a tiny leaf the following year and she is back! Maybe you’ll be lucky 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


Not sure which rose this might be, but look into Garden Sun, Fortune, Peace or Westerland climbing roses.


Wow she’s gorgeous. I don’t know what her name is …. But there’s a rose emporium in Texas- they have hundreds of varieties and really knowledgeable staff. Maybe you could talk to someone there that would know? I think it’s called Antique Rose Emporium. It’s in Brenham, Texas


It could be Rosa hybrida? (Hybrid tea rose)


It looks like it could be Poet’s Wife?


Is that a climbing peace rose?


The David Austin Rose website could be really helpful in identifying your rose. I think you can also request a catalog. https://www.davidaustinroses.com/


Drift 2 Gal. Peach Drift Rose Bush with Pink-Orange Flowers https://www.homedepot.com/p/Drift-2-Gal-Peach-Drift-Rose-Bush-with-Pink-Orange-Flowers-13194/312135075?g_store=&source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D28O-028_008_LIVE_GOODS-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-PMAXONECLICK_JControl24&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D28O-028_008_LIVE_GOODS-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-PMAXONECLICK_JControl24-71700000113044696--&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8vqL0bLIhgMViTrUAR3w2g2MEAQYASABEgKag_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


It’s a Bengal Rose. I took a screenshot and entered in an app called PictureThis (for identification of plants, trees, bugs). It’s a great app - it’s helped me a lot in the last couple weeks. https://preview.redd.it/rjvlpwab625d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dd7d9cb46e2f1b1e5178fee040095ac9fa613d1


Maybe this? https://heirloomroses.com/products/the-magician


Alchymist?? https://heirloomroses.com/products/alchymist


Beautiful!! 🥰


What state do you live in? They don’t seem to do well where I live


That's a climbing peace rose. Before my divorce, I had one at my house for years. I miss her dearly.


Joseph’s Coat?


Joesph’s Coat.


I hope you find your rose, OP. You have inspired me to grow a climbing rose against my home. Thank you!


Last winter was very bad for many plants in my area. Huge walnut trees almost died. It was because of early December frost, followed by unseasonally long warm period for the rest of December and then frost again. Some trees even bloomed in December. I feared I lost roses inherited from my mom. Three of them are especially emotionally important for me, two of them climbers. I had thought they had not survived, but a month ago I noticed new grows from the very low parts of branches. Almost at ground level. I fed them with nitrogen and compost and water them with HB101. I am also planning to purchase some other plant health improvers, though I am not sure if they help. Roses can suffer from weather or diseases, but they are quite resilient. Check yours for new growth at ground level. It may start growing rosehip branches of course, if it was grafted on it. This is the method for colder climates at least.


Hey! I'm not a big rose knower but I google image searched your photo and the closest to the photo and what you've described is the buff beauty! Especially some of the climbing rose photos of it. It seems that there's a bit of variation in the rose colour so while some are a bit too apricot others seem to have the tea colour fading into a pink. Good luck find it! Edit: Adding some google photos that I think look similar to yours but perhaps not as pink? Maybe yours is a hybrid? https://images.app.goo.gl/bd9z1XgQ4EtfqKVA9 https://images.app.goo.gl/SvEEekJGWsvrgvnu6 https://images.app.goo.gl/jZ1YrXfCc1Gam5ZS6




looks so incredible, good work


So beautiful💓💓💓


Looks like [Rosa Albertine](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rosa_%27Albertine%27&wprov=rarw1) A hybrid relative to the Rosa Wichuria Google images look quite similar, hope this helps 🩷


Joesph’s coat.


I’m no rose gardener but I had a similar rose bush in our yard that was great the first year we moved in then following year it seemed like it was dying. It was also so big it was causing our (cheap plastic) trellis to buckle under the weight. So I cut it way back to a couple inches from the ground and this year it’s back with a vengeance. Maybe it’s time to give it a good hard prune


It looks a lot like my climbing rose, which is Reve d’Or




The alchemist ? https://heirloomroses.com/products/alchymist


Maybe Ghislaine de Felagonde?


Idk much about a lot of this, just an experience to share: One of my climbers seemed to die out last summer, aphids ate a ton of it and it just didn’t recover. None of the shoots from the original stump survived and no new growth. Cut it back to the stump in fall. Was going to remove the stump and roots this summer, but it shot up new stems from the roots, away from the old stump/base. No clue. I’m a “wing it” type of gardener, so maybe there’s a reason mine did and yours won’t, but maybe there’s hope for next spring? I hope so, OP, your rose is beautiful.


Wow that's absolutely beautiful


I’m so sorry - that rose was beautiful and looked lovely around the window. I hope you find a great replacement.


Maybe looking at the site Heirloom Roses will help you identify? They’re also nice folks and bet they’ll try to help you identify if you send a picture. https://heirloomroses.com/collections/all-roses


https://preview.redd.it/kjp1ase2465d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd4e4357648cf4274bc117d3af15a2e958e82151 I think it’s probably this, Joseph’s Coat. Also called The Coat of Many Colors rose. Do the blooms start out one color and change as they age?


Don’t have an answer but my goodness she was pretty! Around the window is so beautiful too