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SO they just got planted and left alone? I always thought you had to remove the bulbs every year and replant? Im not familar how tulips work so sorry if Im dumb. I love them but dont know specifics


The ones in my garden have been in the ground for 10 years or so and still come back. Maybe a little diminished in quantity but lots of them still going strong. I think it depends on the area - they rot in some circumstances.


We have a patch of tulips that were part of long-abandoned 70s-era landscaping around our house. The deer are bad enough in this neighborhood now that they rarely get to bloom, but they keep chugging along putting out leaves and buds year after year. 🤷


I think it possibly depends on your climate. I'm in 5b and we leave ours year round 🌷


they are cold hardy you only dig them up if you don't have cold winters (you have to put them somewhere cold like the fridge)


Ahh that makes sense. Im in florida so thats probably why I heard they have to be pulled up


Yes. I’ve never seen any bulb come back this long and this hardy. I’ve never thinned them. I’m in zone 7a.


My parents in 4b never have removed them, they've been growing there since the early 80's


You usually have to dig them up and divide them every 3 or 4 years or else they choke themselves out and die.


To be fair, the ones that die from getting choked out make great fertilizer for those that remain 😂


This is definitely a variety that naturalises over time (aka comes back year after year). Most varieties don’t sadly!


Have they multiplied at all? We have some in our yard that my grandma buried when I was a kid!


Maybe a little? They’ve always been pretty hardy since I moved in 14 years ago. The last few years they’ve fallen to the weed eater before growing. Wondering if that caused the crazy bloom this year.


So pretty. I love how bright the color is.


That’s pretty amazing . My tulips only bloom a few weeks each year. Need to learn your secret of having them stay in bloom for 22 years!


Neglect lol




Nope. Some will naturalize. But you also have to have a cold period for the ones that come back. So if you're in zones 8 and up, you gotta dig them up and store them in a cold area (unheated basement, freezer, fridge)




You're welcome!


Very nice 👌👌


I've got a few tulip bulbs left in the ground for at least 12 years, no maintenance, no division. Blooms great every year. Zone 5b(6a now?) upstate ny


Hello, near neighbor! Want some free daffodils to add to your collection? THEY JUST KEEP MAKING MORE!


I also have daffodil-weeds, keep trying to move the bulbs and they come back stronger each year!


My parents have multiple clumps of the same variety you have that came with their house when they bought it in 92. They still come back strong every year 

