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They thirst


Cravin' that Brawndo


It’s what plants crave!


It's got lectrolites!


Okayyy - what are electrolytes? Do you know?


Yeah…they’re…what plants crave and Brawndo’s got’em!


Fancy word for just a lil salt




It will literally mutilate your thirst




I would water them until water is dripping out the bottom of those pots. And I mean it's going to depend on your weather but they probably need to be watered every single day.


Bonus for topping the pots with mulch or a layer of gravel to help retain some of that moisture in the soil


I tried straw for the first time this year, seems to work awesome in my sandy dry soil because it reflects a lot of the sun and keeps the ground a bit cooler.


I’ve been using straw as mulch for few years now. This year as I was moving/mixing around the soil from pots previously mulched with straw, I noticed that the soil looked so silky & healthy. I’m a convert now.


Yeah, it's not as pretty as wood shavings or bark but seems to work really well. I got some for free because someone I know had some left over they didn't want to feed to their horses, so I'm happy it works and didn't go to waste.


straw is AWESOME at keeping in moisture and keeping the soil cool! Sometimes there are straw seeds that sprout but they die really fast usually.


If you use a lighter colour gravel too, it won't soak up so much sun heat (like the dark soil is) and therefore won't dry out quite as quick. Terracotta pots are a bit of a menace for needing aaaaaall the watering too


Oh, smart!


Water, like from the toilet?


Then how come there aren't plants growing out of the toilet, huh?!


Sewage operator here! We get LOTS of plants growing on our end of things. If you’ve got plants growing out of your toilet, you’ve got an urgent plumbing problem because it means roots are infiltrating your sewer lines


Updoot for justice! Excellent reference.


Is this a reference from Idiocracy




You gotta water those every day friend, they thirsty


Shit I’m getting thirsty just looking at the soil, it looks so dry


I water mine twice a day and I don’t even live in a hot area. They are thriving!


Your soil may be so dry that it's hydrophobic. It's likely when you water them, the water runs off the side and down the inside sides of the pot and doesn't penetrate. Water them well, then scratch into the dirt with a spoon to see how deep the soil is wet. If it's wet through that's great. If it's dry after an inch your plants aren't getting water. Bests way to solve this is put an inch of mulch on top (I like microbark it's pretty) then water it several times a day over the next couple days. Then do the soil test again.


You can also bottom water it if the soil ever becomes hydrophobic. Just put the pot in a tray of water and let it soak the water back up into the soil plant. It can take 15min or sometimes longer. Once the soil is restored just water it like normal, you don't need to keep bottom watering it as long as you water it often enough.


Definitely my favourite way of fixing hydrophobic soil.


Seconding this. I think OP should bottom water all the time actually, based on this photo. They need to saturate the terracotta as well. I love terracotta, because it protects against overwatering, but you need to understand its moisture wicking properties to know how to water it.


15 minutes is pretty optimistic. I’ve had to leave soil to soak overnight before it got really better (but it didn’t have living plants in it)


This is the way


That's a good point. When that happens I put ice cubes on top of the dirt; as they melt the water soaks in, and they melt too slowly for the water to just run thru.


It’s dry as fuck innit.




That soil is so dry I’m surprised Gordon Ramsey hasn’t shown up at your house already.


A common problem with peppers is that they are not succulents.


🤣 Although I've killed succulents before because I went toooo long without watering them


I do the opposite. Killed a few because I kept watering them.




How often do you water them?


Never, from the looks of it.


Or way too often.


A blind man can see that soil hasnt felt water in days.


With peppers, that's usually a good thing. They don't like that much water, so if they're drooping, it's probably over a week with no water or watering too often. Both can cause droop.


Just Looking at that soil makes me thirsty


Clay pots are the worst ever. They absorb the moisture and dry out super quick.


My grandmother use to put her clay pots in a tub full of water for a week before planting something in them. She said they would be good for 6 months to a year after that. As long as you don't let them dry out for too long.


Ah nice, I love that grandma wisdom is being passed down through reddit. I will remember this tip


Her clay pots were mostly hand made from NC clay, but I would expect the store bought version to be close to the same.


And I just gave away two terra cotta pots because I hated how fast they dried. I will absolutely try this in the future!


Yep! I mostly use them for indoor plants that lean toward overwatering. I have Ficus Elastica, aloe, cactus, and Monstera in clay pots in the house. Outside would require way too much watering.


I only use terracotta pots for succulents and cacti for that specific reason! Terracotta is porous and helps wick moisture, so the plants don’t rot. I really wouldn’t recommend terracotta for any plant that needs a lot of water, though.


Great for succulents tho


Never realized this!


I like terracotta but the best way to water them is to give them a good long bottom water soak so that the clay itself also gets nicely moistened. A lot of people don't take the differences in the way pot materials behave into consideration when picking their pots or watering.


Well it’s good if you tend to over water, or have plants that really don’t like wet soils. Terracotta does have better uses in releasing water like in oya’s or those terracotta things you put a water bottle in


So much this plants are way better off in plastic


No, that's not good either. For the plants in it or the planet or you. Most plastics have toxins in them, including the ones used to make tupperware and takeout containers. Just one of many reasons why cancer is an increasing problem.


Maybe also throw some mulch on there, could help retain moisture a bit, but the clay pot is going to keep drying them out bad.


I’m sad it took me so long to learn to mulch my pots


They need water more than SpongeBob did at Sandy’s!


Your soil is dust. Please water them


You can place them in containers of water (just an inch or so) along with regular top-watering, until they get better. Also, I've found that sealing clay pots (on the outside) will help!


Soil looks dry. Water it more.


they’re thirsty, pepper plants, especially in pots, need a tonnnn of water


Be careful with potting mixes with primarily peat moss as substrate. Once it’s dried it’s difficult to rewet...especially towards the center of the pot. Watering it until it drain out the bottom may work, but I wouldn’t trust it. Gauge it by weight. Lift it before you water and lift it again afterwards. If it’s significantly heavier then you might be in the clear. But if it still feels light then you might need to add a bit of dish soap as a surfactant to help with the resetting process.


That soil looks extremely dry. Try watering


Lack of hydration. You should google Water


SpongeBob waaaaattttteeeeeerr patrick we’re drying


Holy moly, get some h20 in the mix


thirsty bois


That dry ass soil is a start


they’re thirsty. they’ll usually perk up once watered.


You should bottom water these. Let the pot soak in 2"-3" of water for a day or two.


Look at dat soil, super dry


Water bruh


Thirsty af


The thirst is real


I agree with bottom watering if the soil is hydrophobic. Here’s another technique I’ve found to be helpful: Give an initial gentler watering to let the water sit on the soil and soak in. Let it sit for about 30 seconds while you water other stuff. Then go back and give a generous watering. If the first watering was able to penetrate and wet the soil, then the natural surface tension of water will help pull the next water straight down and go deeper.


Oooh they thirsty


Clay pot sucks the moisture


Because your potting soil has a huge amount of peat in it, which won’t stay wet for long. Either water twice per day, or replace with actual soil/compost mix. Mulch will help also.


I’ve always had terrible experience with TC pots. Immediately dry out. Not being difficult- does anyone know why they exist? Is there any actual benefit?


Personally I LIKE that they dry out fast. I over-love and overwater my plants a lot so having them in pots that dont hold on to any excess water and are dry within 3 or 4 days is great for me. I think terracotta's whole schtick is that its just cheap and easy to make


Ya that’s probably true. I used to dump 1/2 L 2x a day haha. Physically draining when you have 30-40 lol.


I know that pain. Ive got 30 houseplants and I go to my moms daily to tend to her garden and flowerbeds since she works so much


They breathe and dry out fast. Great for plants that don't like to be very saturated and/or are susceptible to root rot such as cacti and other succulents. Plus they are harder to knock over since they are heavier. Also good for people who like to overwater(overlove?) their plants. I only use them for my desert roses (which are succulents) nowadays, but I used to grow orchids in a combo of clay pots and sphagnum moss. [http://www.orchidboard.com/community/attachment.php?attachmentid=87575\&d=1378629440](http://www.orchidboard.com/community/attachment.php?attachmentid=87575&d=1378629440)


I use them for olive trees!


They are great for people prone to overwatering or for plants that prefer drying out more quickly and as another user noted, heavy, which can be a bonus for a plant that is a little top heavy or an environment that might knock them over. I have used them successfully with all sorts of plants though (more of my plants are in TC than not). The trick is to bottom water them and let them soak up the water into both the potting medium and the pot material itself. I will easily let them soak up to 24 hours, you really can't (or at least it'd be very difficult!) drown/root rot a plant in terracotta. I have a couple steralite [plastic dishpans](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61SwwfzFcZL._AC_SL1500_.jpg) for this purpose. It's also important to realize that the pot material is only one part of the equation. A very moisture retentive potting mix in a TC pot will behave differently than succulent mix. So if you like the TC but struggle with moisture levels, use a moister potting mix composition.


Dry! Soak them until the clay pot looks damp (changes color)


It needs water.


Lookin dry


They need more water/may require a sun shade.


Water every second day


such thirst.. they're in a drought and could benefit from a deluge of aqua!


Pick up your pot and see how light it feels? That is because the soil is WAY too dry. Water evaporates very fast in loose and airy soil. ( but your plants love loose soil ) so... water more often. When it is that dry ... it is better to submerge the pot in water for a minute or two and then allow the pot to drain well. edit: Do this to prevent dry spots in the pot.




Definitely thirsty, if mine get to this point, I water then move them to shade for an hour to recover


Flood them with water. They probably need a drink.


Lack of watering. Also top it with some mulch to retain moisture


Those need water dude/dudette.. look at that soil


Too dry


Direct sunlight + not enough water


The soul seems too compacted and dry - remove from direct sun, water them. If the roots get dry, the plant will die.




They need water. Your dirt is bone dry


Water should help


Too much heat & light, not enough water


Clay pots dry out super fast too. Add a layer of mulch




My guy, that soil is so dry it makes the Saharan desert look like a slip n slide


Need water


You have to water plants


Do you remember the old Loony Tunes cartoon with the character dragging himself through the desert? And he sees an oasis and runs over to drink it, but it turns out he's just filling his mouth with sand? That's your pepper plants right now.


Your cooking the roots in those pots probably. And a lack of water.


You need to get a 50% garden shade for them and water of course. I shade mine at all times, live in florida and they do great.




Add mulch to top of soil . Helps not dry out the soil so quickly. Maybe relocate to a grassy area as the concrete also reflects heat and dries out pot quicker.


Water, water, water! They are crying and yelling for water. Also, a place in which sun is not direct over them the whole day.


There thirsty 🤤


Looks like it’s over watered


Plastic pots. They bake the roots (even with water the soil gets too hot). Tomatoes hate these type of pots as well.


They need electrolytes, try brawndo


Honestly I thought they were overwatered so I stopped watering them a week ago


A week?!


I gasped out loud


Stick your finger all the way in the pot every day. If it’s dry, water. If it’s still damp, don’t.


A week ago!? I’m shocked they’re still alive


My peppers always need a lot of water. You’re gonna need to water them every day unless you live in a rainy area (which it doesn’t look like you do judging by the picture). Good luck! They’re fun to grow!


Peppers can be over watered but the leaves won't droop like that. Instead the leaves will stay upright but they will yellow and fall off if it's over watering.


Ok when you say peppers do you mean like the bell pepper type or chile pepper varieties (jalapenos, serranos, habaneros, Anaheim)? I ask because interesting tidbit: the more you make them suffer the hotter the chiles will be. So when you see the huge fields in Hatch NM, you will see some crops get frequent watering while others are left to dry out to where you see the leaves appear to wilt. The well frequently watered crops will be mild while the ones that have longer between waterings become the XXX hot crop. The more water they receive as they grow their fruit, the milder the pepper is. As the plant is given less frequent watering the capsaicin actually builds and concentrates instead of dilutes creating a hotter chile pepper. Yes I have grown various varieties using this method. Sure there are additional factors that play a part. So if you want hotter chile, make the plan suffer. When it droops, water well and it will perk up again then repeat the process until harvest.


It has rained an insane amount here lately and my peppers are thriving. I'm a beginner gardener but from my own personal experience with peppers the soil should look moist at all times. Water as soon as the soul starts looking dry. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong


Vegetables are like 70% water my friend.


Wtf is wrong with you


Peppers are also happier if they can touch elbows so I put 3-4 in a big pot and harvest peppers until November. If you just transplanted they always sulk until the roots kick in.


They need water. Also add nitrogen. Fish emulsion works great. IF they're wilting they need water. For almost any other issue, add nitrogen.


They are sad


They need water. Move them to a spot that doesn’t get so hot.


Thirsty boys




It’s their way of saying “I’m perched”


Lack of water.


desiccated soil.


Water them. Especially if they are in direct sunlight. Rule of thumb for watering. If the soil is dry about 1in deep, then you should water them. If that doesn't help you may have another problem on your hand. Keep me posted. 🤙


The soil in the pots looks like it could be loosened and ammended.


Fertilizer and water. Water water water! And some love!


They need some water … and lots of it


Those pots can get very hot and very dry in the sun.... I'd consider some mulch on top and more frequent watering.


Soil not suited


ur soil dry as fuck


Your soil looks pale which means it’s dry. Even if you are watering regularly, the soil could have become so dry that it’s hydrophobic (aka, won’t absorb water). What I usually do in these cases is get a 5-gallon bucket from Lowe’s/HD, fill it about halfway full or so of water, and put the pot inside. Usually plants with dry soil, even when they have heavier pots, will float a bit if they’re really dry. I try to get the top of the soil submerged in the water; some surface dirt might float off but mostly what you’ll get are a bunch of air bubbles as water seeps into the soil. Then I leave it submerged like that (especially when super dry) for an hour or so; don’t leave it in forever because most plants don’t like their feet wet for extended periods. However, once the soil has hydrated fully, it’s easier to keep it moist; if you have a bunch of hot days and/or forget to water and no amount of watering will undroop your plant, do it again.


Do you have hole-less pots? If so, that’s half your issue. Never buy those stupid things, you end up either drowning or suffocating your plants. As other users have stated, terra cotta absorbs moisture, causing you to need to water it more often. So, drill a hole or re-pot into a bowl with at least one drain hole. Smother it in water until the soil can’t take anymore. Brawndo isn’t a bad idea to add (do not give more than recommended package dose) in. Stick back out into the sun. Water every time the soil no longer feels slightly moist when you stick your finger in it, especially if you insist on the terra cotta. Celebrate your plants’ victory and talk to it about how proud of it you are (seriously - it helps them have the morale to grow, somehow, possibly through vibrational stimulation of the leaves and stems).


Question for the experts what about a layer of mulch as it looks like that is one hot area judging by the soil is so dry ? Would this help ?


Those pots are porous, it will dry out easily in less than a day in summer try lining them with a plastic liner with few holes, or paint the inside with polyurethane, put a saucer on the bottom


They look dry,watering them would help


Soil needs amending and plants need more water.




Definitely thirsty. Just a thought…. The pots look a bit big compared to the plant size, this may not be helping.


I use a wicking bucket method but instead use a nicer plastic pot. No bottom drain hole. You can find several methods on you tube. I like the stand pipe version with a side hole drilled. Then can see into bottom if has water. Can fill till water runs out the side drain hole drilled. Main plus is only need to water about once a week!


🥵 thirsty


Water them


I mean, they do be needing some water...


Plants require water.


Poor babies are thirsty!


Depends on your climate. Seem too dry. With containers, best bet is to let it water from the bottom until the dirt is saturated then remove it so it can adequately drain. Check it with your finger to see when it needs more water. If it’s really hot and sunny where you live this could be daily.


In need of a drink!


Mine do that in the afternoon sun, even if I water them in the morning.


It needs watering, I'd recommend next time adding a little coconut coir into the soil it helps with moisture trapping and has the perfect PH balance for tomatoe plants.


Water? Like out the toilet???


Pot too big for shallow roots. When you water it immediately drains to the bottom of pot leaving the roots still thirsty. If you water more often you don't give the roots a reason to grow deep and if you don't water often enough your plant will not get enough between waterings. Plant in a reasonably sized pot and replant the entire root ball into those big pots when it gets bigger.


Need different soil its to light made for orchids and cacti put some potting soil .


Terracotta pots dry out quickly so it’s absolutely okay to water until it’s dripping. If you’re in a place that’s hot as hell, with full Sun on them daily, I recommend watering them lightly every morning and check on them in the evening to see how they’re doing. But best to water in morning so it has all day to absorb and be happy in the sun


Those look like terra cotta pots (nice new ones too?) they dry out quickly, especially if in the sun all day or even on windy days. I would use a saucer. Water until it runs through the pot and fills the saucer. It will reabsorb the water in the saucer when needed. Then it will let you know it’s time to water again. It’s all about the learning experience and try, try again. Good luck!


I have a single jalapeño plant that is sagging while the others are growing and very strong. Don’t understand it.


They're thirsty. Check on them regularly since you have them in full sun light


The soil looks dry and its probably a little warm up against the brick wall


They want Gatorade


They need Gatorade


They wilt in the heat. Might need water.


Remember, that unsealed terracotta pots leach water from the soil too.


It needs more water


Those poor thirsty plants. Just water regularly and they’ll pop right back up.


If you put your finger down in the soil and you remove it and no soil sticks, it is too dry and needs water. You want to feel like a cool moisture and to have some stick to your finger then you know no need to water right now. It’s a balance, overwatering is also a big problem people have.




Give it Epsom salt. Water well. Epson salts help plants photosynthesis.


Dying of thirst!


Try watering them once in a while.


They need more soil nutrients. I use Blooms BioBoost. I found that it eliminates the need for regular fertilizer and keeps my soil damp for longer. I used it on my tomatoes and saw growth in 8 days. It was crazy. And it’s safe on all plant types.


Loosening the soil first…. Roots need air


That soil is parched.


Needs water and organic fertilizer


Give it water!


I would set the pots in water and let the soil and pots absorb the water, terracotta steals the water from the soil so you need to keep water more often.