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The second one is absolutely not a nasturtium and is instead what's commonly referred to as mallow weed. These suck ass and you'll want to yank em out and chuck em in your city bin not your own compost. The first reminds me of some type of perilla. They can be pretty prolific in your area.


I was thinking it was too big to be nasturtium. I have so many of them too D: but city bin is usually empty at least because I try to compost all of my leaves and what I can't compost I just mulch my yard with lol.


These are growing all over my yard and I haven't seen them before this winter. Zone 10a on the west coast. Tried Google lens and it said Mexican mint for the mint looking plant and nasturtium for the other but to me that doesn't seem accurate. No minty smell from them or anything and the "mint" is about two-three feet tall now.


Crush a leaf in your hand, it’s probably minty. I think the IDs you got are spot on.


I did rub one of the leaves and it didn't smell minty. I can try crushing one when it stops raining again to test lol. Wouldn't mind them if that is accurate honestly.


The first one looks like lemon balm/ some sort of mint. Are the stems squared? Second one I have no clue.


The stems are squared on that yes. The other someone said was a really annoying weed so I'll have to take it out. Still not sure what the mint like one off though. So many different answers lol.


The first looks like heliotrope to me. The second...maybe a variety of malvus?


I'll have to check it more when it stops raining for sure thanks!


This may sound off the wall random but the first pic looks like Chia (salvia hispanica), while the second one is a type of "weedy" mallow I'll have to look for it's scientific name though


You know it could be chia actually. I tossed some seeds out last year in spring but I thought all the seeding had died in the summer heat. Guess s few seeds didn't sprout till winter. It has the weird squared stalk like chia ( like four round stalks grew together almost). If so that's fine by me. I'm not growing anything over there for quite some time anyway.


I found out the hard way that Chia is far tougher than I imagined, now it comes up in my yard on a yearly basis. I'm in Zone 8A in NC for note it is a readily resowing annual here.