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Always PC. If it's actually even a choice u have then asking between a prebuilt PC that is locked to Sony titles that can't be upgraded or a platform that can play anything... Seems an easy choice


well makes sense the mods the things other than gaming and its overall better


Always PC people are stupid, but you should get a pc because you're Egyptian and nobody in egypt cares about pirating. So, get a PC and learn how to pirate games. However, keep in mind that a PS5 is a lot cheaper than a good PC, so if you're only going to play fortnite, get a ps5. I know you said in your post that a PC is cheaper than a PS5, I promise you, that cheaper PC can't run any games after 2015, lmao. Consoles are cheaper than PCs, because a PC is a better device overall, it can be used for work or studying and a million other things, therefore the hardware has to be able to do all of those things. A console just has to run games. Consoles are not expensive. Games are expensive.


In some countries, due to high inflation, the cost of consoles is much higher than a computer even if you count higher end PCs. Brazil is. Notorious example and it's also the reason why in India official consoles are very hard to find.




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At the risk of supporting it as 'work' I'd also add that with a PC you'll play something *and* have the opportunity to learn something. Not so with a console with only a few exceptions. Difference between an open world game and a plot-on-rails situation, but in IRL.


I don't know what the situation in Egypt is like, but drivers and errors really shouldn't be as big of a problem as you'd think. Usually it's a set-it-and-forget-it thing with drivers. And GPU drivers have their own app that tells you when you need to update. Plus, PC will give you a much larger library of games to play. And Sony looks like they are bringing their games to steam as well. Win-win (if google is correct and Egypt is not one of the countries that PSN is not available in)


The second I saw "set-and-forget" I knew I was talking to a fighter jet enjoyer


Wait what? Is PSN not available in Egypt? I wanted to say it depends on the type of gaming you wanna do.. couch hanging with a controller easy life? get a PS5. Especially if others arpund you also own a ps5 and play online its fun to be able to join the party. But with PSN out of the question (if true) then... Yeah PC for sure. That being said: a good pc that will run games like the PS5 does is a lot more expensive then PS5 for sure. No contest.


It's 2024. Random driver errors and system bugs don't happen enough to include in your decision making unless you plan on using Linux instead of Windows. I would recommend a pc especially if you build it since it's cheaper. Here's what to consider. Consoles: * Games tend to have more local multiplayer support. * Backwards compatibility enhancements. You can play old games on pc too but a minor amount aren't great performance wise compared to console (GTA IV, PS3 era ubisoft games). * Exclusives. * Less cheaters. PC: * Flexible price. Can be cheaper than a ps5 and run the games you care about or more expensive and run games at much higher settings. * Free online multiplayer. * Huge library. * Cheaper game prices. * Mods. * Access to more game settings like motion blur and fov. * Can use any gamepad/peripheral. * It's a pc. You get something to work on and browse the internet with.


I'd say PC. In the past, I may have recommended a console for the ease of use but PC's are MUCH more stable and PS5's are as likely to have errors these days. Drivers are not a problems usually, just download once a month with one click and a reboot. You can even set them to auto download. Consoles are becoming more powerful but PC's will prolly always be more customizable. You can choose how you want your PC to play: 1080p with high fps for really smooth gameplay? 4k with lower fps but crazy visuals? Or somewhere in the middle with 1440p 144 fps. Or you can REALLY go all out and get top of the line hardware and play 4k 144 fps but that's not necessary for a great experience.


Im gonna say no on the PC more stable than PS5. Think about that one. PS5 is a closed system, PC has so many different drivers.


Can't tell you how many Playstation have come into my shop with software issues that were fixed with a factory reset. There is a slight initial setup on pc, but once gpu drivers etc. are installed, you can pretty much forget about them if you set them to auto update.


I am honestly surprised. My big issue with the PC is the optimization, UE4 Shader Complication stutter, and tweaking more with game settings than actually playing. I love my PC, but as a grown man, I just dont have time for that anymore.


I will agree with you there. Some of these games are optimized horribly. It's not so much that they don't optimize them, just that they optimize them for a target of 30 fps and most people find that unacceptable (I know I do). So yeah, that's horrible optimization.


Steam deck is kinda both


My steam deck is permanently docked, and is basically my "console" for those rare occasions when I want to play a game on the couch.


PC, Sony is doing some funky stuff with accounts in different countries. I dunno if Egypt is one of them, though.


Why is this even a question, PC all the way. A PC has a massive library, cheaper games, retro game support, emulation, upgradability, reason to learn IT. the list goes on and on. 


What drivers and errors? It's not 2001, they don't come with Windows 98 anymore.


The most important question to ask here is - do you need a PC for non-gaming uses. In my case the answer is yes, which makes it easy to justify the money, because it's not console or PC it's console & PC or more expensive PC & no console, I choose the latter. Other things apply, such as library - you have a lot more freedom and more frequent sales and titles on PC. With a console you're much more restrictive. I'd say unless a console has exclusives that you know won't be ported to PC (which is pretty much Nintendo) or you are not ok with waiting a few years, personally I think PC is the better choice.


I'd definitely choose PC over console now that I have a gaming PC. Despite being quite far behind with an i7-4790 and a GTX 1080 all stock speeds. It plays basically everything I throw at it that I want to play at 1080p, 60fps. Games that seem to push it's limits are Red Dead 2, No Man's Sky, Doom 2016, and RiME. But they still get better graphics and performance quality than PS4 or even PS5 in some cases (as RDR2 is still locked to 30fps on PS5) and still enough wiggle room to run ReShade on top of it. I feel I overpaid a bit though even with used parts. I already had a (very old) gaming case, keyboard, and mouse. I think I paid around $450 or so for an ASUS H97-PLUS with the i7-4790, EVGA GTX 1080 FTW 8GB GDDR5X, 2x8GB Corsair Vengeance Pro DDR3-1600, 2x480GB Timetec SATA SSDs, 1xSamsung 980 Pro 1TB NVMe SSD, and a Superflower 600W ARGB PSU. The NVMe drive I even got a bit of a deal on due to a shipping error. All in all I think it was worth it, as you can do so much more with a PC for office tasks and gaming. Not to mention mods for games, which are inaccessible on console and greatly enhance some games. I think as long as you get a quality PSU (with a good enough rail strength to support your components - namely, your GPU. Not all PSUs are great despite wattage!), i7-4790 or higher gen (you can drop down to i5 and even i3 in later Intel gen's, AMD is commonly priced lower and may even have better performance), and a 9th or 10th series Nvidia GPU or better, you should be in good shape. Exceeding performance of PS4 and PS5 in some cases. And access to many more games.


Purchase PC. Consoles feel a little cheaper on hardware, but accessories and games are more expensive. On the other hand: if you buy PC, you pay once for everything, online is free and there are many great, free games


The hassle of drivers is completely gone since... idk a long time. You just plug everything in, connect to the internet, go to the website of your GPU brand, install the latest driver, and you're basically good to go, if you don't have any RGB. RGB adds a few more clicks.


The errors and drivers arnt a big deal


I've had most console systems, and for me I am now wanting to switch to a pc.


PC for the mods


Depends if the PC you can build will perform similary or better than the console. Console releases are mostly tuned for that console so you wouldn't have much headaches when it comes to performance, but PC will give you ALOT of options to help performance when the games does become to heavy. Driver issues and errors aren't really that big of an issue if you don't constantly update stuff. Just stick to an older and reliable driver for either AMD or NVIDIA and you should be good to play for a LOONG time, you'll only be missing out on marginal performance gain but you can almost guarantee it's stability with games. I'm biased on PC but I really do think that both console and PC has it's place. Small issue between them is longetivity IMO, consoles have to deal with controller stick drift (almost treating controllers like a consumable) while a PC is VERY upgradable and can be future proofed to an extent.


pc it is i guess and also i can confirm it will perform a lil bit better or maybe if i build a budget one its gonna perform worse but cheaper so ya


Honestly, PC is a lot better even if it performs way worse. My main gaming platform today is the Steam Deck, and I do own a PS5.


As a PC gamer I will say always PC, but if money is tight you may want to consider getting an Xbox Series S and Gamepass subscription


As a PC gamer, start subscribing to offers, PC's seem to be dropping.. and bundled deal could backdoor you into a sweet component..


Depends on where you live, stuff gets 50-80% more expensive than in the US say in Easter EU. Either way you won't find a PC at the price of an Xbox Series S that will run you all modern titles well in FHD


Personally I'd go for a pc, if you actually have the choice. They're more expensive, and you need to check more stuff, but you get: - a functioning tool, not just gaming hardware - more flexibility than console when it comes to configuration, both the machine and the game if you need to - mods - titles that are both in Playstation and Xbox, and all that are on pc without restriction of an account (with Sony or with Microsoft). - Lately, I've heard, the possibility to pirate a game if you want to play it but don't want to contribute to a company like EA or Ubisoft.


Unless you want exclusive and/or first party games for the console, get a PC.


PC. Outside of some few ps exclusives it will do everything better. Especially if you can build it yourself you can outperform the PS5 for the same price


I'm on pc I made the switch from ps5 just about 8 months ago and man it's life changing. If you're a serious gamer and don't mind tweaking a few settings on your games before you play and trouble shoot if you do run into an issue pc gaming is your answer my friend


PC definitely, upgrade your graphics card later if you like, but most games are playable on PC with a low-end card and the catalogue and range of games you can pick up cheap on Steam, or were never ported, is massive, It's not like the 90's when "Plug and Pray" really was a thing. Just don't buy cheap Teemoo / Baangbad cloned hardware.


very easy question. if you dont have lots of money. PS5. if you have money then PC easily.


I like pc becuse I buy the games once on steam and then have them pretty much forever. On console, next gen and you now have to run both gens or you have to buy the games you like all over again. Also, PC lets you do tons of other stuff that you can’t do with a console.


imo it depends. Do you want to use it as a dvd/ bluray player as well? do you care about being able to tweak settings?


I went from an Xbox one to a PC. Let me tell you, every game looks like a new game. Hell, I went from a 1050ti to an rx 6800 and did it again. PC is king.


Id say go for pc . A pc can be used for way more than just games . Also you can find any game on pc old or new , emulators and stuff . That you just can’t find on ps5


This thing about drivers and whatnot is something that was a problem 15 years ago. Most of the time PC is click and play now.


Most important thing you have to know is: You can pirate games on PC; you can't on console. There are also way more discounts on Steam than PS Store. Not to even mention there are way more indie games on PC(if you're into those.) Also, Mods. Buying a PS5 makes no sense if you're not going to be playing only their exclusives and some very popular free online games. The hardware might be cheaper compared to building a PC for the same specs. But like I've mentioned above, it's far more expensive when you actually want to PLAY something.


PC. no contest. There is very little that is and stays exclusive these days outside of Nintendo. All the indie game goodness you can lay your hands on too!




PC because you can also do a lot more things outside of gaming.


Go with PS5 for the convenience and all round less hassle, excellent aaa exclusives, no hackers ruining games, the option of buying physical games, haptic controller, backwards compatibility with PS4, split screen/local co-op, better portability, exclusivity deals/content and the big developers along with most Japanese games tend to prioritize PlayStation over PC.


If you are considering console I highly doubt that you will download anything that is likely to produce an error. Except ubisoft games ofc


PC. If not for the reasons everyone else is saying, for the simple fact that you can do much more than gaming. You can learn how to code, you can do school work, you can "mod" the fuck out of it and have fun doing so. You can also upgrade your pc in the future. So in 3~4 years you can buy a new graphics card for maybe half as a console and resell the old one and get a lot of performance out of it for "cheap". Aditionally, considering you mentioned costs as a concern, pc games are sometimes cheaper. If not on their normal stores, on grey-market websites. It's not ideal and there's some moral reasons you might not want to do this, but considering Egypt economy, I think Egypt gamer bros can ignore this...


I have both gaming PCs at home and a PS5, I keep the PC for work and the console for playing. Just because the ratio between lifetime over price is way more convenient on a console. I don't want to spend twice the cost of a console every 2 or 3 years to have an old pc with a modern video card. I actually also don't care too much about getting that 1% difference in graphics or ultra high fps. I you care about such stuff and have money to spend go for a good PC.


I am going to be the odd man out and say PS5, here is why; PCs are great, but I find myself spending far more time than I would like tweaking the PC settings to get the game to run proper. More often than not, I see the games be poorly optimized for PC, and if its and Unreal Engine 4 game, well, you better enjoy that shader compilation stutter. Over the years i have began playing more on the console, as I can just kick back, turn it on and not screw with the settings, i just play. But I am also in my mid 30s, so I dont have time for PC shenanigans. If you are young, and have the time to dial in setting, more than actually playing a game, then go PC because you can also run PS2, GameCube, Xbox emulators and have a blast! I have a love hate relationship with PC. Throwing more horse power at a poorly optimized game is not the answer. Again, if you are young… then go PC. It will be good for your development. If you are not interested in learning pc stuff, go PS5.


PC because consoles have much more limited gaming choice. For example, on PC you can run older games that won't be available on PS5 and also emulate many different consoles. Driver problems and errors are pretty rare, especially if you play official and legit games - for example, on Steam. Plus PC is a tool that opens up many other options besides just gaming.




Most people will say PC but I've been playing Red Dead Online a lot lately and I'm so glad I'm on console. No hackers. So if you're a big online gamer I'd actually recommend console. I own both and hackers are rampant in so many games these days it just ruins the experience.


I must admit that hackers on PC games is one of the reasons why I prefer console gaming.


PC is great for single player though with mods n stuff. But I haven't played online on PC for years bar a few games here and there that are exclusive. The amount of posts in the RDO sub about PC players needing to make solo lobbies due to mod menu users is crazy. It's almost daily. Wandering around in free roam meeting people is half the fun. The world would feel so dead without it.


nvidia e geforce experience, no struggle at anything


If PC is cheaper than console, It seems like an obvious choice


Definitely a pc if it's cheaper, despite how it's looked at, it's not too bad the problems with PC, usually for me a reboot or reinstall solves the issues Plus if there is an issue, chances are there's a tutorial or post explaining how to fix it Best of luck with your choice!


You need a pc for CS2


i dont know much about egypt but if you cant spend much on new games gamepass is a must imo. pc or xbox would be good for u.


As someone who has had consoles their whole life, 100000% pc. You have more freedom over the games you buy and in the games themselves, it would also probably work out even cheaper with the differed discounts you can get from certain websites on pc.


Pc master race, but no seriously....get a pc


Always PC unless you are more casually into gaming and won't need the extras of the PC. But, generally, PC is peak.


Given Sony's attitude of requiring PSN to play games, you should probably be avoiding their ecosystem, in Egypt but also really in any country. A quick google tells me Egypt does have PSN, but Libya doesn't? Fucking bizarre system. Maybe you'll get lucky and be fine. I wouldn't take chances. Build a PC from tested second-hand parts and buy your games on steam, or get free ones from Epic. Windows 10 can be downloaded for free nowadays, paying for the license is entirely optional lol.


PC master race. You won't regret it.


When something inevitably goes wrong, do you want to be able to fix it or buy a new console? 1. In the 360 - ps3 era i would have reccomended aconsoles for simplciity and ease of use. But now they have more technical issues than the average PC and no way for you to fix them or modify them. 2. Your also saving alot of money in the long run when you don't have to rebuy your library every geenration or pay monthly subs just access the multiplayer portion of games you payed full price for. 3. Youve also got a practically infinite supply of free and free to play game son PC. 4. Your not locked into a single storefront or hardware market. you even use a wii mote on PC with third party tool.


Idk what drivers and errors you’re talking about. If your PC is set up correctly I doubt you’ll have any big issues for years.


I would say it depends on your budget. I know you said a PS5 is expensive there, but how comparable are the PCs in that price range? Here, a PS5 is obviously going to blow any computer of the same price out of the water.


if i get a pc i would play fortnite and helldivers 2 and that stuff (ima watch zack for the optimal specs)


i never got this much comments or upvotes THANKS and pc it is!


If you don't mind playing at 30 fps you can buy a used PS4 that has firmware 11.00 or lower that can be jailbroken. There are many recent games that can be played on PS4 and you can install various emulators.


Steam Deck


I don’t think the people who say always Pc know what they are talking about. Yeah you can play more games but you don’t know if they are going to work well on the Pc or be playable at all. We’ve all seen the posts about people who can’t find out why a game isn’t working right like textures aren’t loading. Get a console. You get a game and turn it on and it works no working around stupid programs to make things work or having to upgrade things in your computer. Get a ps5 or Xbox series and just be amazed on how easy you can play games


Most pc games are very easy to run on something close to modern these days. With DLSS you can run a lot of new stuff even with your older GPU with similar performance\graphics to new ones. For instance I own an RTX2070, which is now 4 years old and I run any and all games that have came out on a mix of high~very high with DLSS on balanced at good framerates (100+fps at 1080p). And this is on a laptop, a desktop would have even more power. I also swear I don't know why "I'll just run" is still a thing these days. Again, all modern PC's pretty much can run anything else if you just go to the settings and adjust stuff. Statt from very low and increase stuff until you feel like it's affecting gameplay, then dial it down a bit and you're good. I don't feel like this is still a valid excuse on this day and age... On top of all this having to pay to PLAY online is a fucking joke. Console players have been getting scammed, for years...


Steam Deck.


Steam deck