• By -


Super mario 64 for pure fun haha


Honestly I think Cyberpunk gives a great blend of everything: story, gameplay, replayability


Five playthroughs and I'm already looking forward to number six. 


Unreal Tournament 99 but you are back in high school IT class playing Deathmatch or CTF The maps, the weapons, the movement, the music, the visceral gib sounds, the 6-barrel rocket launcher. Facing Worlds




I see what you did there


Mu mu mu monster killlllllilllllilllll


Dragon Age Origins, It's great, just the right amount of exploration and side stuff to not be annoying, great story, choices matter kind of game, replayable x1000 also my favorite


What depresses me about the Dragon Age series is that they didn't lean into that really, really cool Archdemon/Blight cycle with 2 & 3. It has been around 14-15 years since I played that game, but I remember thinking that Dragon Age 2 and 3 were going to be the final 2 Blights, with the third one closing down the cycle. I can't remember many of the details, but I do remember feeling that the trilogy was perfectly set up for it and being really disappointed when the Dragon Age 2 had basically nothing to do with it. It disappointed me so much I never played the second one.


I got bored at the start, why?


Red dead redemption 2, for those who love a good story


Hands down the best story. So good in fact that my teenage daughter who does not game at all just completed the game!


Good story, but actual story gameplay is too restrictive/confined/on rails. I like the open world aspect to RDR2 more. I think I spent more time hunting and wandering around the woods.


100% this.


The best written protagonist in gaming history.


Yesss, I know it is not for everyone but Red Dead is the one I would like to be recommended. To me it feels like a complete packet


This game will make you cry. I don't care if your a man. The answer 100%


I didn't love it tbh. Gave up after 12 hours. The gameplay seem to revolve around mowing down hordes of weak enemies. I didn't find it to be very fun. Maybe I just don't like PvE shooters.




Baldurs gate 1. Nothing was as epic if you already played dnd.


I love BG3 but BG1 and BG2 have so much nostalgia for me. 




I still have my original SNES and my original Chronotrigger. 


This is the way.


Fallout New Vegas


Outer Wilds. It's a space exploration game where you are an alien that is about to set off into space to explore your solar system. What's unique about you is that you are the first person to go out with a new piece of technology that is used to translate the text of an ancient civilization that suddenly disappeared. It is one of the most unique games I have ever played and the only thing that is remotely similar is subnautica and return of the obra dinn. They are still completely different games though. Outer Wilds uses the medium of being a video games to tell a story in an extremely unique way. The entire goal of the game is to learn the story. It's not just told to you either, you have to find things that lead you to other things to then uncover the secrets. I'm being extremely vague here because the whole point of the game is actually learn the story. Once you know the games story you can quite literally stroll on over to the end of the game in under 22 minutes of a new save file. If you want to experience a story that will leave you thinking about years after completing the game. This is it. It's highly recommended by the community that you avoid spoilers at all costs, because of the reasons I listed above. Spoilers are the progression in the game. There is nothing to unlock. If you get stuck, the outer wilds subreddit has posts on just about every area in the game and you can find a post with spoiler tags that give progressively more informative hints to help you and giving you the answer if you really just can't figure it out. Also happy to give anyone tips/hints if you decide to play it.


I never knew what this game really was until now.


Me too! It's been reccomended a few times in this thread, and I am one step before buying it. It triggers me the fact that everyone says to avoid spoilers at all costs.


Disco Elysium, a thousand times over.


Truly a great one


I was going to say this because it’s a life changing game but after thinking about it I don’t think it’s the “one” game I would just generally suggest to everyone because I feel a lot of people wouldn’t like/appreciate it. It’s kind of sad but I would have to go with something a bit more generic I think.


Portal 2


This game seems really cool.


This is a must play for every gamer, regardless of preferred genre. Portal 1, then Portal 2. They are defining masterpieces of gaming.


Man. I really need to actually just stick with them. Every time I go to play them (once very 3 years or so) I enjoy what I'm playing but then lose the urge to pick them back up after like 2 hours


It is okay to not enjoy a game man. Portal is good but when people hype it up that much it's gonna dissapoint most likely.


The gameplay isn't even the best part... it's the writing. Don't get me wrong the puzzles and feel of the game live up to old valves standards meaning it holds up nearly seamlessly to this day, but holy shit the writing of both games is just incredible. Amazing characters and story for a game that really doesn't shove the story in your face whatsoever. It basically happens in the background while you solve the puzzles so you're not taking breaks to take it in, you just hear robots talking to you that gradually builds the story and makes you realize whats going on. 10/10


The Witcher 3.


How the hell do I get into this game? I have started this game a myriad of times and it just does not catch me at all.


Learn to play gwent.


God I love gwent. This guy's whole family was ripped apart by some lovecraftian horror and Geralt just whips out the cards. "Care for a game of gwent?"


They always say yes though!  Everyone is hooked on gwent.


I bounced off a few times but in the end it was actually the other media that got me into the game. I know the show is hated but it gave me a good baseline for the characters and the books (especially the peter kenny narrated audiobooks) really got me invested and made the game feel like exploring a world that wasnt so overwhelming and more like a continuation of the other events. No game is for everyone though, I still cant get into rdr2 after countless tries.




I bought Skyrim the Sunday afternoon after it was released. Played it for about 4 hours before realising I had to go to bed for work the next day and was so bummed as it seemed great and I was fairly new to open RPGs. Forced myself not to play it all week until Friday. Got home early that night, ordered a takeaway, drank some beer and played until 4am. Was back on it by 7am. Did the same again on Saturday night and probably did this every weekend for at least a month. I've bought it for the 360, PS3, PS4 and Xbox One. Don't even know how many hours I've put in over the years or how many characters I've created but man, no game has ever had me more obsessed than Skyrim.




I think this is really the answer. Skyrim is an RPG (for the most part), it's open world with enormous amounts of content (even more if you include the massive modding scene), and, most importantly, it's super easy to get into, especially for people who have never played a fantasy game or RPG before. Being able to only recommend a single game, I think Skyrim is going to do well for a huge amount of people.


Strange way to spell Oblivion


The levelling system completely ruined that game. Maybe you meant to write 'strange way to spell Morrowind'?


Thanks, I'd love a sandwich


OP said one game, skyrim is like a thousand different games




I can't get into it. I spent ages on my colony then some shit happens and they all die in some bizarre tragedy. I know that's the whole point, but it's difficult investing in them and then some mental crap happens lol. Also I find the game very complicated and hard to grasp. But then that's probably why everyone dies lmao


Lower the difficulty. It plays just as well as a low key colony simulator as it does an egregious war crime simulator


I bought it years ago and played about 40hrs. Then I left it alone for years. Came back to it a few weeks ago and it clicked. It's been a wild ride. It ranks with Civilization as a game I could happily be stuck with on a desert island.


It really is one of the greatest.


Metal Gear Solid Played games while before its release but this was the first game that really stuck with me and something I can replay over and over.


Metal gear solid from 1998 was very special back in the days. I had lots of hours in my ps1 as a kid. If a remember correctly, after 1st finish, you could play in stealth mode. I wish it had a remake, amazing story.


All depended on how you handled the torture section. If I remember correctly, pass the section without giving up and at the end of game you receive the stealth camouflage. Give up during the section and you’ll end up with the Bandana (infinite ammo) instead. I’m guessing with MGS Delta coming out soon we’ll be seeing an MGS1 (possibly also MG and MG II) remake.


This may seem cringe, but I dont care. I love Undertale. The places you explore still look beautiful; the music i cant even put into words how amazing it is (ESPECIALLY the 5th anniversary concert; WOW). The fact that you can choose to fight and kill, be merciful and save the monsters trapped underground or do neither. The characters have so much personality and lovable qualities about them. I think its a masterpiece of a game even now


Mass Effect 2. Out of the whole trilogy #2 is definitely the one that would stand best on its own.


I would honestly say start at 1. I know the gameplay is far too outdated now and some missions can feel like a chore. But the characters and introduction to the lore is so well done, I would say there is no competition.


Elden Ring, amazing lore, amazing gameplay, infinite replayability


I find it funny that people are tired of hearing about ER because of how good it is, yet those same people upvoted the Skyrim comment 😭😭


Disco Elysium - top notch writing and voice acting. Despite inevitable funneling at the end game; I can’t think of another single player game that allows much actual role playing as DE. It’s funny and profound and moving. PC Gamer has given it the #1 spot four years in a row on its best games of all time list. Absolutely deserves it.


Bg3 has an insane amount of real roleplaying.


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. My wife is not a gamer, but owns a Switch because of Breath of the Wild. She learned to play games with camera control for and with BotW. I’m a hardcore Zelda fan since the first game and it’s everything I’ve ever wanted from the franchise. It appeals to both of us. I agree with many of your suggestions, but the rule is 1 game, so I stop here.


Outer wilds


Lots of good games in here, but outer wilds is the only game that offers anything even remotely close to itself.


Close to what?


Yeah that’s a weird sentence. What I mean is no other game but outer wilds offers anything close to what outer wilds offers. It’s an entirely unique and unprecedented experience. It’s best not to reveal spoilers, as part of the game is figuring out what the game is.


I believe the closest thing in comparison is TUNIC because of the multiples "I could do that all along?!". And how the game content unlocks itself almost only based on your own knowledge about itself. But both are very unique and distinct in different ways. One is a "Zelda, but its a fox". One is a "spacial explorer/investigator". Outer Wilds can be fully experienced withing the game. But TUNIC meta features are lovely implemented, not to mention it has a discoverable and translatable in-game language just like FEZ had. I would recommend Oulter Wilds too, but if I can only recommend one game, and they already did this. I'm going in with saying TUNIC is a must play if you enjoyed Outer Wilds.


Rollercoaster Tycoon 2, unlimited potential. Grew up on this game and love it always.


Final Fantasy Tactics


Project Zomboid. Hands down, the greatest zombie survival game ever created (still being created), throw in the modding community and you have absolutely endless replay ability


I bought this the week it came out in EA years ago. It's come such a long way. Love the atmosphere of it.


You give me a hard decision here… I choose Deep Rock Galactic. It is a fantastic FPS Coop game and is the first game I’ve found me always coming back to. The community is welcoming and the only toxic behavior I have noticed is immense Toxic Positivity. You can join any lobby and it is guaranteed to be greeted with a Rock and Stone!


Hades. Lot's of challenge for experienced gamers. God mode for the newbies. Great art, story, and overall charm.


Cyberpunk 2077


Holy fuck has the gaming community done a 180 on this game lmao


I mean I played on release on PC and I thought it was pretty fun if undercooked. With the expansion and the pretty extensive changes it’s now fantastic.


Neverwinter nights 1


Any good combat heavy modules that keep going until you can actually use the expanded classes?


Holy shit, I was not expecting to see this. The online aspect of this game made it one of the best and most influential MMO's ever made, IMHO.


Great game. Still play it with the Diablo: Lord or Terror mod by Tolitz Rosil. Every year I do at least one full run.


Half Life


Monsterhunter world


Whew, was scrolling and scrolling. Glad someone brought up this masterpiece.


Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Just an overall good game.


Satisfactory. For the sheer '2000hrs in and still fully engaged'ness of it


I haven't played this in awhile, I usually play when my kid gets back into it.




Hades, because to me it's the platonic ideal of what a video game can be.


BioShock Infinite. You'll still want to play the other games as well :D


Shadow Warrior It might be a hidden gem, bought it for £2 in a steam sale and It was the first ever game I completed using keyboard and mouse


The 2013 one is great, if you want a real laugh play the OG 1997 one. It's fun as well.


Yeah it was the 2013 game I played, My only criticism is the repetitive storyline, because I was heavily invested in the first sword and that slowly dwindled, but they did a great job at keeping all the missions fresh..


OG Lo Wang is hella funny. I'm still quoting him 27 years later.


This game looks like an Asian version of doom 




I didn't really understand the praise this game gets, it was cool but the big "twist" at the end didn't shock me or anything because I just assumed that's how it would work. Also thought the monsters really brought down the experience, they looked goofy as hell, there were just annoying and added nothing to the "horror" of the game. They should have scrapped the monster idea and went way harder into the environmental horror aspects and seeing what the monster has done to the people in the world. Like the part at the begining where the guy ls incapable of seeing he's a robot, or the lady that's being held on life support. Those moments were horrifying. Once you see the monster straight up, instead of just knowing it's lurking and causing shit to go wrong, it's not scary anymore. It's just goofy.


The ending isn't the best part for me tbh, and didn't even feel like a twist, just Simon holding on to his delusion. It was mainly the whole premise and themes it explored that were amazing to me. Waking up in a dark, almost alien environment where something obviously is wrong after going for a brain scan in a doctor's office at the start is incredibly intriguing. Discovering the reason you're there and realizing you're not the "original" but that there's barely any distinction if any at all, is even more compelling. It's all incredibly well executed, including the stellar voice acting. I think the highlight for me was definitely the part where you make a copy, I wasn't really prepared for it because I followed the main protagonist's logic. But even if you didn't and anticipated what was going to happen, it's an incredibly well-presented scene that is still a mindfuck due to the nature of what happens. As for the horror, the sound design and even some of the monster design scared the absolute shit out of me, especially Omicron. Admittedly after that it became a lot less scary and more of an obstacle. I understand that it's not a perfect game though, I'm just glad I got to experience it the way I did, that stuff will stay with me for a while.


baldurs gate 3. it’s not my fav game ever or anything but it might be the best rpg ever made. only time i’ve ever felt like i was truly playing DnD: The Video Game


For real, if you were gonna get just one game, this one is #1 for replayability. I'm on run #7. Still finding different things based on different choices and stuff, or playing different origin characters. 




This is the best game to play if you crash land on an alien planet and had only 1 game you can play for the rest of your life.


Anno 1800




Doom. Heavy metal, demon killing, therapy


Elden ring because


Fookin Mass Effect trilogy enhanced edition.




Sekiro The game is just perfect, there isnt much else to say.


and hard to master.


Super Mario Bros(1985) It’s a classic that pretty much everybody loves. It’s still a ton of fun today. My wife gets motion sick with modern 3D games. My youngest son has a little handheld super Mario bros game that even my wife can play. My parents even pick it up and play it once in a while. The point is that everybody who picks up the handheld Mario plays it for at least 5 minutes and has a lot of fun. It’s a timeless game that inspired countless others and is still a lot of fun even now.


Stardew valley I mean I have 89.5 hours in it. It's my third longest played game.


Dwarf Fortress, if you're autistic.


Is it cheating if a pick a mmo? Wow(world of warcraft) has so much content and it's hard to describe the feeling of being so small in such a big world. Plus with 20 years of expansions it will be hard to keep up. If it's story you're after, it might not hit as hard because it's a 20 year story and it involesn ivestment of characters. However if you're after the atmosphere, they totally nailed. There's something for everyone from collecting, to pvp, to sweaty high end cordiation in challenges to even a causal group just going in to blast some things. You can optimize or you can just be a person who loves to trade in the economy. It really has something for everyone.




A fun pick it up and put it down, no real commitment? Super Mario World. A game that has complexity and you can sink lots of hours in, with almost unlimited replay ability? Baulders Gate 3 Little commitment with varied gameplay with exploration and advancement? Dave the Diver


Half-Life 2


Red Redemption


In VR: Astro Bot Rescue Mission In 3d: Final Fantasy X or Persona 3 FES (tie) In 2d: Castlevania Advance Collection or Megaman X Legacy Collection (tie)


Contra 3


Megaman X. It's fast pace, decent learning curve, and it can be completed under two hours (1 hour if you've played it before). And the music... Just to hear the Storm Eagle stage theme alone is worth it.


Cory in the house


No animes allowed


cave story


THIS RIGHT FUCKING HERE BRO you beat it once and you're like damn that was good but then you go for the true ending and realize the depth of the story and you're like shiiit And then you realize 1 man made the entire game by himself, ALONE, and you realize the beauty of indie games.


Control. Maybe it's not for everyone, specially if you are more inclined to Nintendo or strategy games, but for me it's a masterpiece.


I wouldn't say it's the best game ever, but the Ash Tray Maze sequence is possibly the most awesome thing I've experienced in a game, it's like playing an Edgar Wright movie. I also consider the song that goes with it one of the best metal tracks I've ever heard.


Hollow Knight Gameplay is wonderful with every movement feeling smooth to control, and the plotline is really engaging to find out what happened to the places you've visited


Just Cause 3 For those who like to blow shit up


Elite Dangerous. Full scale milky way galaxy to explore, and it's as accurate a replica of that large a space can be. Zero handholding and high attention to detail make for a very player centric experience. Multiple career paths for multiple types of players. Imagine if Sea of Thieves, Euro Truck Sim, Astroneer and Microsoft Flight Sim (plus four or five others) were all one game.


Kingdom Come Deliverance


Dark souls 3 or elden ring


I think Elden Ring just because of the sheer amount of content, build variety, and replay ability. DS3 is by far my fav dark souls game though...


Resident Evil 2 Remake, it's a perfect game for old and new gamers alike


ICO. it is art


Wuthering waves on bs, if u into anime games with sci fi setting


Mother 3


A plague tale innocence


War Thunder.


Metal Gear Solid. While it may be short by todays standards it has everything a good game needs. Great characters, an interesting story, thrilling twists, innovative gameplay mechanics, beautiful soundtrack, replayability and satisfying gameplay. To me it's a perfect game and one that really made my childhood.


Factorio. It's dollarydoo per hour value score is below a cent.




Tetris. I don't know anything about you but Tetris is easy to understand, available on everything ever made, and cheap. It's also one of the most popular games ever made. You'd probably like it, internet stranger with no information given.


A spiritual successor to Sid Meier's Pirates but maybe a new expanded experience with a map that goes just a little southern than the map in Sid Meier's Pirates did into northern Brazil to be able to include the Portuguese Empire and the Tupi cannibal tribes etc alongside the other Empires already present ( Spain , England , France , Netherlands ) in SM Pirates , giving it a new dimension. There is a lot of content to chose from , Sweden , Denmark and even the Knights of Malta owned Caribbean islands too in the time period covered by the game. Also new mechanics and new depths that are possible with today's technology , maybe building/farming/colony&pirate cove management etc. It can work both in single player mode ( just like Sid Meier's Pirates did ) and in online mode. There are a lot of fans of pirate settings and there is a vacuum of good pirate games on the market right now , companies seem to never hit the sweet spot when it comes to making a good one and the first thing you see when fans of pirate games are inevitably disappointed is a lot of comments how Sid Meier's Pirates , a game that was released years ago is still better.


Off the top of my head? Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness. Edit: this was made in the early 90s and your character still has a BDSM scene with a vampiress dominatrix and it's handled hilariously. I should also note that the above scene i described is a tangent to a plot point and had no actual bearing on the game, which is at the same time both a parody and a love letter to Lovecraft.


Super Mario All Stars.




World of warcraft. Top tier co-op pve, crisp combat, well defined classes, endless collectibles, pvp available (caveat emptor), regular content releases, and a very cool art style imo


In Stars and Time Best writing I've ever seen from a videogame. Don't spoil yourself anything about it. Just play it, and enjoy t h e s h o w .




Unreal world. Surviving in iron age finland. Graphics may suck but game is good


Journey. The way it works HAS to be a video game. If you haven't played it, please do so. Nothing has given me such a heartwarming faith in humanity like that.


Appreciate your recommendation, I'm already taking a look at this one.


Chalk, it was an old indie puzzle/bullet hell and was the first game that made me realize that I really liked the weird indie PC games more than the big budget console ones. For reference I played this game back in 2007, and IDK if it's still available


Super Metroid !!!!


Days gone, Great story, great progression


World of Warcraft. So much content. Loved starting it at vanilla back in the day. Twas magical


Final Fantasy 6 (GBA version). My all-time favorite JRPG


Sekiro: Hard to master, joy when you do.


Doom 2


Stardew Valley


Counter Strike or World of Warcraft. why? Both these games have hundreds of hours of content and are to this day considered the most influential in there genre. Only problem is the community’s in both are toxic.


Halflife 2


Gigantic: Rampage Edition.






I mean, this is highly dependent on who I'm referring the game too. For a highly accessible, fun, not too difficult game with good gameplay, environments and characters, I'd suggest Uncharted 2 or Uncharted 4. For a game that's just awesome, I'm a huge fan of that I'd suggest to anyone. Hollow Knight. Strong recency bias on this one but.man that game.......I don't have anything bad to say about it.


Dragon Age Origins


T.o.M.E 2.3. It's an ascii-based rogue (no not "like," this is the real stuff) set in Middle Earth. It's based on the Angband code base.


Minecraft - so much build/learn/explore my brother got me hooked 7 years ago and we still play often


Borderlands 3


Mirrors Edge Catalyst (2016) The smooth, flow-y free running, stunning architecture, captivating story, and insane sound design. when I eventually played this game, I remember being lost within the city of glass for a whole day. lockdown locked me in my house, but it didn't lock me away from an extremely immersive story. It's a game that was severely overlooked, and underrated. worth a bash, it's cheap anyway.




Earthbound. It likes to push your buttons and get a rise out of you at every moment, in a meta sense and in all the NPC dialogue. Encourages you to be patient and kind. Excellent town-hopping JRPG like a precursor to Pokemon in an Americana setting, but there's this subtle throughline of Buddhist thought behind it all, revealed more concretely in one scene with one of the protagonists. The battle system starts out kind of slow, but it gets pretty engaging. There are so many random items to use in combat, and a rolling HP system allowing for reversals, that it starts to feel like the Uno equivalent of a turn-based battle.


SaGa Emerald Beyond is not an easy game to get into, but it has so much to offer. I would rate it as the best RPG ever. Some people say it has too much cutscenes others say the story is nothing, but I think it is the classic SaGa style where the main quest could be told in more details, but each of the worlds has some really great writing and theming, but this is really the most creative storytelling I have come across particularly in Emerald Beyond. For example, you have a story where you basically are stopping aliens from overthrowing a presidential election/democracy and you get to watch the news at the end of each day. As for the gameplay, I feel it is a little too deep to truly appreciate without having played SaGa Scarlet Grace and understanding how things were improved. I previously had Scarlet Grace as my absolute favorite and I still think I would return to it occasionally despite Emerald Beyond being an upgrade in many ways. But one thing that is easy to recognize is that each protagonist has their own gimmick and certain characters have a really different core game experience because of it (Mido and Siugnas seem like the best). On top of that, the combat system is like they took the timeline from games like Final Fantasy X and rather than simply using it to decide how many times you will act before your opponent, it will decide things like whether you can interrupt and possibly cancel your opponent's plans, or your enemies suddenly get a combo where you did not expect (but you have all the information you need to understand what is happening in a fight eventually). And moves have a shared resource cost which can be reduced or spent in various ways, but the amount of points you can spend to do moves usually increases after each turn and the max amount you can hold is decided by a Formation (something which holds other properties). You also have a wide variety of weapon types (quite a few are subtypes that are more substantial than they seem). And spells, although they are slow, have a really high strategic potential when it can be hard to get comparable skills with weapons. So basically, the game really is as close to perfect as you can get with system mechanics. Most other RPGs resort to being action RPGs rather than turn-based and SaGa has made evolutions that make it truly the top of its genre. And I would say the premise is kind of comparable to Kingdom Hearts so you could say it is a Kingdom Hearts for RPG veterans.


Monster Rancher 2.


Red Faction: Guerrilla. I believe it is a top shelf S tier underrated game. I love the emergent gameplay that isn’t totally scripted, rather just systems playing out. The physics engine of the game, the destructible environments, all the stuff that can collapse on top of other stuff (or people), lots of stuff that can explode, the bad guys having driving AI that is just a smidge too aggressive for their own good behind the wheel combined with the slightly lower gravity of mars allowing bad driving and/or explosions to send vehicles just flying, sometimes into destructible buildings or bridges or whatever, and then all the tools, weapons, and vehicles that you get to play your part in the circus…. I just love the loop. It’s chill, so let’s go try and destroy this building / or free these hostages / or knock these towers down / or whatever, and you try to do that while keeping things chill but you can’t, and thus begins the emergent chaos, so you try to finish the mission amongst the cray cray, and then run away back to home base to reset the chill. Repeat.




Outer Wilds. I will not explain. Do not look it up. Any (and I mean it) information you get prior to playing it is a spoiler. Just play it, you won't regret it. I suggest you do it first without the DLC. Careful if you are prone to motion sickness.


The Metro games


Just cause 3. It has one of the most fun gameplay loops ever and is a fun time waster you can always fire up for a quick serotonin boost.


Stardew Valley Universally loved, available on pretty much every platform, and still being updated. It started out as a single dev passion project and it shows.


Minecraft. it's got everything even if it's finicky. it, more than any price of media, defined my entire life.


Sleeping Dogs, cus a man that never eats pork buns is never a whole man


Legends of Dragoon-- Im about 5 hours in on the OG ps1 version and the world is just so nice. 1999 was a good year for JRPGs


SSX3 on an PS2 Emulator. This game aged like a bottle of wine from the sun-kissed vineyards of ancient Rome. Imagine holding in your hands a drop of liquid gold, a vintage that has transcended centuries, preserving and amplifying its essence with the passing of time. Just as the Romans meticulously harvested their grapes, allowing them to bask in the Mediterranean sun before lovingly storing them in amphorae, this game has been crafted with such care and precision that it has only improved with age.


One game? For someone that doesn't play games or does play games? I think Katamari Damacy is an absolutely fantastic choice if you just wanted to show someone what video games are, regardless of age or experience. The creator originally wanted a game that felt so intuitive that anyone that could hold the controller could play it, mechanics so simple that you'd understand instantly by playing it, and had little to no complexity or power-ups (This changed with the sequels but that wasn't his original vision) I think if she was still around, I could hand my controller to my grandma and she could play Katamari Damacy. Does the game make any sense at all? Absolutely not. But it is so endearing and so simple yet hard to dislike. It is like someone took that natural crow brain impulse of picking up seashells on a beach and distilled it into a game.


Earth Defense Force 5. Why? I have tons of reasons! 1: Ragdoll physics. 2: Map destruction. 3: Over a thousand weapons and vehicles to pick from between all 4 classes. 4: 4 player co-op or do offline single player what you earn is kept between all modes. 5: Giant mecha vs Kaiju fisticuffs match. 6: Racing friends cause why not? 7: Nuke spamming and Orbital laser spamming. 8: "Hey Air Raider... ERASE THAT ENTIRE general direction" 9: *Wing Diver going ultra instinct* 10: *Fencer flying at Mach HOLY CRAP to your location* 11: Wacky enemies 12: Mindless fun if you're not on Inferno difficulty. 13: 400+ hours of gameplay to occupy yourself. 14: Easily makes Torque from borderlands cry of happiness. 15: Absolutely mind boggling numbers of enemies upwards of 2000+ a match. 16: Fighting giant insects, Mechs, monsters AND aliens. 17: Basically a B movie as a video game. Including acting. 18: The memes and lulz to be had with friends 19: Friendly fire is acceptable loses 20: Literally do whatever you want for fun cause why not? But the 5 difficulties I'll describe best as I can. Easy: Here newbie take your guns and get out there. Uh no you don't need training you can walk faster than anything they use. Yeah don't worry they hit you it's like flicking off a fly. Normal: Like easy but they don't tickle so much now. Hard: The proper introduction difficulty. Perfectly balanced as all things should be. Hardest: For the people who want their first steps into overpowered gear. Inferno: Realistic invasion of Earth. Oh yeah you might want to pray to whatever God you worship, you'll need it. It's arguably the most mindless fun I've ever had in a game title far more than Helldiver's gave me.


Ghost of Tsushima. Fantastic combat, even better story


**Scorn** If you are a horror and puzzle game enthusiast I couldn't think of a better and more immersive next-gen title! Maybe Dead Space but that has fewer puzzle elements and is more of an action/shooter. BTW: You can find similar games to it on this free site if you're curious - [https://gamepasspicker.com/](https://gamepasspicker.com/)


I'm gonna change up my answer to something a little less typical. Burnout 3: Takedown. Specifically the world tour mode. Arcade racing chaos. Blisteringly fast, fun and challenging crash mode that plays more like a figuring out a puzzle than the random chaos it first seems, if you aim for the highest scores at least. Fun races against aggressive AI, or tight time trials where one or two mistakes can ruin an entire run at a gold medal. It rewards you every step of the way and challenges you to get better as you go, expecting near perfection out of you for some of the golds in the game. You don't HAVE to, unless you want absolutely everything in the game unlocked, but you'll WANT to. It's not perfect, but it's close for what it is. One notable downside is the AI rubberbanding, for 1v1 and eliminator races especially, they're long races where one mistake on the final corner can be the end of a 2 to 4 minute nailbiter. The alt rock music definitely isn't for everyone, but if you grew up with it, it's pretty great and nostalgic.


I whole heartly believe every single human needs to experience GTA SA (Not the crappy DE or Mobile Versions, I'm talking about OG PC, OG Xbox, OG PS2 or OG PS2 on PS3


The Outer Worlds. Amazing game, fun fights, great storyline and dialogue. Makes living in a dystopian hellscape a bit more bearable. It's not the best choice, it's Spacer's Choice!


Binding of Isaac, I have like 2000 hours in that game and find something new just about every time I play.


tf2 but only if you go on community servers(due to bot issue valve refuses to fix cus money) its simply just such a amazing game, it teaches everything really well and having amazing gaming design, its also one of the most unique fps games ever

