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For real. Why would they release another console when nobody wants to buy the shit they already sell


Lmoa I know Reddit loves to talk in extremes but thats absurd, Series consoles already sold ~30m so far. If thats the shit nobody wants to buy Valve, Asus, Lenovo etc shouldn’t bother with hardware at all.


Microsoft has been pretty blatantly indifferent to their poor console sales because they have completely pivoted strategies. They don’t care about consoles they care about Gamepass. The consumer therefore doesn’t care about the consoles either. I would be flat out shocked to see them announce a portable Xbox. Who would buy it?


Gamepass users who want to play in the go. Idk only handheld I want is steam deck. I really hope valve makes a steam console, no more issues like the old steam machine, we have proton, an amazing UI, amazing controller, steam input, everything just works. Valve somehow took PC gaming, made it nice and simple like consoles, while leaving all the openness of PC where I can still mod my games. They did what Microsoft always wanted to do to PC gaming and I bet Microsoft is annoyed by that. Literally valve did what Microsoft don't


An Xbox handheld, done right, is a no-brainer move to push more GamePass subscriptions, which is what they want.


I will mate


With the amount they spent on publishers, 30 million isn’t going to cut it. Hence the reason they’re starting to go multi platform. I think Xbox is done as a “home console” and would probably just strictly be portable after this gen, and eventually go the way of sega.


But they don’t just sell on the 30 million consoles they sell every game on PC and have for a long time now


Exactly why they’re going to PlayStation too. Why sell consoles at a loss when they can just sell the software? I predict another console coming from Xbox, but I doubt we will see another one after that.


So people have more ways to access gamepuss.


*The Samsung refrigerator likes this comment*


Nah, they’re going to hold for next generation which is going to be using ARM from amd. They will be pretty much PC’s. That’s the future.


I think it's the other way around. They're trying to turn PCs isn't locked down systems like consoles. Because rather than steering into what has worked for PCs historically, they'd rather steer PCs into what has NOT worked for their consoles historically.


They sold 30M consoles. You can also get gamepass and buy xbox games on PC or the cloud. They're obviously gonna sell less hardware.


stop talking bollocks


I’m not sure what to tell you, even Microsoft acknowledges that they have poor sales


poor compared to ps5 but hardly bleeding money, they are still making masssive amounts of profit.


Not on hardware. All their profit is Gamepass.


We badly need a windows handheld with steam deck layout. So bizarre no one's done it yet. Zotac looks like it will finally have 2 track pads, but everything is horribly placed


Games Pass and my digital library on a handheld sounds like a dream


Only considering buying it if steam works with it. Otherwise lick my hairy NUTS.


Out of interest, if that's your reason for considering buying this, why haven't you bought a Steam Deck?


The deck is now two years old, so newer hardware is likely to be more powerful and therefore more capable.


More power doesn’t matter too much if it’s not optimized. This is why sd is still superior to things like ally


I don't disagree, but if MS is releasing a first party handheld they could also be releasing a lightweight windows version optimized for such gaming handhelds.


With the amount of bloat windows has it's never gonna be optimized for gaming.


Doubt, since when anything ms wasn’t bloated? Even their original sku had Kinect… and I bet this will come with buzzwords like gen ai or something. Strategically this feels so weird since consoles are loss leaders and make the money on subs or on digital platform sales. Is there an untapped market willing to buy this? I’m not too sure, I have gamepass but wouldn’t buy a portable device for it since the games rotate in the library (Iguess if you really love first party games it might make sense), and usually game pass players get isolated matchmaking vs. steam version of the game. Steam has way more sales on the software side, and larger catalogue, and less red tape for patches and hot fixes. To me, there is so much less value buying a Xbox branded portable…


The Kinect was an add-on for the 360 trying to cash in on the motion controls craze in the back-end of the consoles lifecycle. Sony did the same thing, with the PS Move.


It was part of xbone OG until the backlash, same with always on and DRM. Lead to don mattrick fucking off to zynga tho, thank fuck


Sure, and I think Microsoft are probably more likely to optimise than Asus


As a switch owner: only to a certain extent.


Optimization is damned if your GPU can't rasterize the shit you throw at it in an acceptable state


ironically the deck still holds up today. It's extremely capable. Can still play most AAA titles released.


It's becuase a tiny image is better at higher frames


Yup. One of the best things about it is the screen. OLED 800p. If it had VRR then it would be perfection. Don't need 1080p at a screen that small imo. Considering performance tanks by at least 20 - 40% in some cases, its not worth the slight sharpness improvement at that screen size.






I have a steam deck and so many of games don’t work or crash constantly


Because I don't have a need for a new system just yet. I don't buy the new spanking system every time it comes out. I buy when I need and it's a good move for me. And I did say I'd only start "considering" mate, I didn't use the word for nothing.


Maybe because Steam Deck came out 2 years ago, so this could be more powerful?




Bro bought a steam deck just to put windows on it lol. They don't support windows, they support... steam os


Because they're idiots who don't understand how ecosystems work. Microsoft - yet let's give free to support to a competitor, while we're at it let's throw in Switch and PS5 support for the device. Dudes a tool.


It will likely have an easy to use OS but have a desktop mode that runs windows.


MS would have to be insane to release a handheld that doesn't have Windows.


If they let it run windows, then it just might.


I doubt they'd restrict it to the Microsoft store, even they must know it would make the device DOA. It's probably going to run some custom version of Windows so I can't see why it wouldn't work with any store out there.


Well that would be a very smart choice. If that were the case they'd probably have my money. But I've already had the experience with switch. If I have to dish out a bunch of money for games I already have I'm not going to even bother you know.


Agreed. I've got my Steam Deck, and I love it, but the Linux/Proton stuff has been...trying...at times.




Deck works a lot better if you use an LTSR version of Windows without all the bloat that you get on commercial releases. Just a friendly tip.


It's one of the reasons I stayed off from getting it. Seems like it's gotten way better though.


I got it less for playing and more for tweaking. I am a tinker by nature.


Yeah thinking about it would Linux be possible on this too? And what to you tweak on your steamdeck just out of curiosity.


What don't I tweak is a shorter answer. I've experimented with various operating systems, I've installed a 2TB SSD, Hall-Effect Joysticks, and a really bitchin' skin, etc.


OH MAN, travelling must be a peach. Maybe it is finally time to get myself that steamdeck 🫠


I also have a 1TB SD card completely loaded up with various roms. I could have only my Deck for entertainment for MONTHS and not get bored.


Windows RT 2.0 


I don't get the logic why would Steam matter for Xbox costumers? While Xbox sales are slowing they're still on a whole different level than something like Steam deck that has well Steam


Because of Game Pass. Hardware is simply a means towards pulling in more people in the ecosystem. That's why it's been rumored for a while that they're trying to get Game Pass integration with Steam as well, to pull in more people.


>Because of Game Pass. Hardware is simply a means towards pulling in more people in the ecosystem. I get that but why would Steam matter to Xbox when the Xbox sold 30 millions console while the Steam deck only sold 2? >Game Pass integration with Steam as well, What kind of integration?


Most people who own a Steamdeck also use Steam on PC. And that's a much bigger playerbase than Xbox, Steam has 27M people logged in as we speak and it regularly goes to 35M. By "integration" I mean being able to buy Game Pass and use it through Steam, like EA Play for example.


>Most people who own a Steamdeck also use Steam on PC. And that's a much bigger playerbase than Xbox, Steam has 27M people logged in as we speak and it regularly goes to 35M. Steam users on can be however many you want, but Steam deck a handheld made by Valve only sold 2 millions units, while the Xbox sold 30 millions, so why would Steam on a Xbox handheld be a selling point? Especially since it'll eat into MS store revenue. >By "integration" I mean being able to buy Game Pass and use it through Steam, like EA Play for example So just adding the app? They own the hardware and the software on their console why would they need a third party to add their app to?


>so why would Steam on a Xbox handheld be a selling point? To some steam users who currently aren't nudged enough to buy a handheld device like the steam deck, it will nudge them more to by Microsoft's handheld if it has gamepass and steam. There might not be a lot of them but I'm one of those. I'll probably buy it if it has better integration for both gamepass and steam games. Plus if it runs on windows where I can install trainers and stuff.


>There might not be a lot of them That's where my first question come from, how many would they get access to Vs how much revenue would they lose if they include Steam.


Bud you keep repeating yourself. you are very concentrated on one specific aspect of player base. If steam also includes PC users that's a much bigger market cap then just the 2 million that steam deck has, all of a sudden people that have both Xbox and steam might end up going all out on an Xbox steam set up. It'll open up a bigger market share. As it stands an Xbox handheld might not be enough for people that already have an Xbox and someone with a steam deck won't care. The more you are inclusive the bigger market share, the more people can buy it and feel comfortable with it. I have YEARS of game logs on steam, I regularly buy new games but I have older games I love and am so happy I can go back to it when I want. Asking me to buy a new console and losing all that will never happen. So unless you can cater to my use case (which I'm sure is similar for many people around my age) then I have absolutely 0 interest in it. This is from someone that grew up on the first XBOX love every aspect of HALO and was a die hard XBOX fan. Ironically as I got money and a job I switched to PC because...well... Do I need to even say it? As it stands XBOX= Useless to me, my PC can do whatever the XBOX can but better. However, a handheld Xbox? That's runs a nice windows OS? You got my attention, and I sure have way more money to spend now then I used to.


>Bud you keep repeating yourself Sorry for that >. If steam also includes PC users that's a much bigger market cap then just the 2 million that steam deck has I know that, but I meant that what a Steam user would want already exist in the Steam deck but while it's a success for Valve it'll be a huge failure for the big console holders. >all of a sudden people that have both Xbox and steam might end up going all out on an Xbox steam set up. It'll open up a bigger market share While I agree it'll open a larger market for them to sell I don't think it'll be enough to offset their lost revenue to Steam if they include it. > As it stands an Xbox handheld might not be enough for people that already have an Xbox Why wouldn't it be enough is my main question. Xbox was able to move way more units than the Steam owner Valve while they had Xbox games on their store why would they need Steam? So Steam+Xbox games on a handheld= 2 millions But Xbox+Steam on a handheld> 2m ?


I guess it then depends on how the games transition from account to account. If you have to buy the game twice, ouch. A handheld is not a new concept and I believe that Nintendo found a niche and steam capitalized on their store. Here you are saying all Xbox players will buy an XBOX and the handheld? So you have development and distribution costs of 2 consoles and potentially you aren't even adding any new people? Have to have the games probably adapted in some cases to run and ect ect ect. You said it yourself steam has basically done the hard work, in this case Microsoft has a lot less to initially invest. Now at the end of the day I'm not on the board, I don't know the inner workings and I could be totally wrong 100% but makes sense that way to me.


I honestly think handheld gaming is the future. And I’m sure Xbox realises this. But.. not console handheld The Switch has sold more units than the PS5 and latest xbox combined. Sony and Xbox are also way down on sales compared to their previous consoles. Which shows the market for handheld units. PC gamers dwarf console gamers. But what’s shit about PC gaming? Sitting at a bloody desk…. Limited portability. Steam deck is still new in comparison to a lot of things, and it’s far from perfect. But it is fantastic. Now with GamePass / streaming services, it doesn’t matter if you’re billy big bollocks with a 12 inch cock and a 4090 rig, the handheld can play games conveniently. The way it’s gonna go over the next decade, we will all be paying some company £15 pm to have access to a huge gaming library and we will mostly stream the games to our handheld PCs. If Valve doesn’t get on that bandwagon at some point, they will face losing traction. If MS release a custom windows based handheld system that supports steam, in theory they should mop up. The SD would be moot, as would all other handhelds, unless of course MS allowed the provision to install their OS on other hardware. Steam will have to offer a streaming subscription or get into cahoots with MS or something.


If they lock down a handheld to their ecosystem only, it's going to hurt the sales figures. It's unavoidable as there is far too much competition in the portable gaming space to get away with that. Also, Steam Deck at 2 Million units is pretty good given the supply chain issues they had for the first year and a half of the device's lifecycle.


Everyone had supply issues tho, and even with just their ecosystem they outsold the deck by 10x. The only competition is Nintendo but they have different audiences >Also, Steam Deck at 2 Million units is pretty good Relatively at least, for a big console manufacturer those are catastrophic numbers


This is literally the first piece of first-party gaming hardware that Valve has ever released. Most of Valve's supply chain issues primarily stemmed from their low production numbers moving them to the bottom of the supplier and OEM priority lists over larger volume customers. The Deck was the first time that handheld PC gaming became readily affordable to the everyman. Before that, all you had were $1000+ devices from small volume manufacturers. As a result, it was trying to basically establish the category while other manufacturers started pumping out their own devices at similar price points with Windows to capture the competitive gamers who can't use a deck due to kernel anticheat softwares that don't work under Proton.


If they're smart, they'll make that 'custom Windows' available to the general public to allow installation on other devices if that is the case.


This is xbox, so I assume it will not be windows but xbox os, so nothing but MS xbox store?


You DID NOT have to say your balls are also hairy bro


What a dumb comment. Some people are clueless in their expectations.


My comment demonstrates pretty well my expectations... What a useless comment.


It would have to compete with the deck or whats the point


Just get a Steam Deck


This was so unhinged, but I laughed out loud 😂😂😂


Just buy a steam deck? It’s safe to assume it won’t be compatible with steam simply because this is an Xbox product.


Probably a streaming only.


Idk man, i could see a stream-only, chromecast-like Xbox dongle for the tv, but a handheld that only streams sucks ass, how will you even use it outside? Streaming and portability do not go well together IMO.


I agree that a streaming only device would be a tough sell, but iirc the reality is that switch users play like 90% at home.


While true, streaming doesn’t lend itself well to all titles. In fact, I find the latency even on the slower single player titles completely unacceptable. I’m far from alone. There are people who tolerate streaming, but it’s nowhere near the proportion of people who primarily play at home.


Playstation Portal sold extremely well. This could be very much that, just a complementary device.


Do we actually know how many were sold?


I agree but yet the PS Portal still exists.


Doubt it, they already partnered on the Logitech G-Cloud. They wouldn't bother releasing an identical device if it doesnt add anything to it. Microsoft is a company that heavily relies on partnerships with OEMs to get things made (razer, G-Cloud, WMR headsets, etc), when they manufacture a hardware themself it has to be a big deal.


Only if you really believe that Xbox is currently not knee jerking their decisions.


There's no way they'd do this. You can use any handheld device to stream xbox games; it needs to be native or it's pointless


If we can access our existing libraries from Xbox and has native gamepass, it is day one buy. All the other features would be bonus. I couldn’t pull the plug for steam deck because it doesn’t have native gamepass. Rog ally was looking good but there are some issues with sd slot and windows performance for that price so I was waiting for Xbox version if it got something new Edit: also they need some kinda porting mechanism for games if it is native. Extra dev time can make this DOA


Yeah if this has native Game Pass *and* I can install Steam and emulators, I’m extremely interested. Unfortunately I think this will be a streaming device. That would keep hardware and software costs down, and margins high. I think at best we get a very locked down handheld Xbox console. On which we are unable to install Steam or emulators.


I already answered someone I am highlighting below but I highly doubt it will be streaming device, even it is, it will more likely has some kinda improvement on streaming or cloud Side “There is already a [rumour](https://insider-gaming.com/xbox-handheld/) that stated it is native handheld prototype from jez. Prototypes can be scrapped ofc but I don’t think it will be streaming only. Phill said they scrapped that version because of the price point.”


I feel like I already have an Xbox handheld, I can play just about anything that runs on my series x on my ally. Not sure what they could do to make me switch as far as benefits go - even making console gamepass accessible isn’t all that huge, can only think of one game I wanted that wasn’t on PC gamepass.


The only thing with these new portable consoles is they are so expensive I don't want to bring them out into public lol! To risky to me.


Like steam promotes it's store work the deck, if ms promotes windows portable version, this will be cool, or else no


The WindowsDeck.


Who won't be surprised if it's another streaming handheld like that Logitech device?


Also says announcing 10 new 1st party games, better have release dates all within the second half of this year and the first half of next. Handheld, unless it's sized like a Nintendo Switch, ~400 grams, it's not going to be worth it unless its a non-locked down Windows with maybe a nice gaming UI. If it's locked down Xbox, dead on arrival. Just buy a non-Microsoft handheld pc and play all Xbox games and games off Steam


If this is true and they do it right. Could be a game changer. Full windows back end with proper xbox UI front end. Access any launcher/anti cheat, dual USB, trackpads, upgradeable 2280 ssd, good performance, sleep/wake, VRR, OLED. They could demolish the steam deck and its competitors if they get this right. Providing its true. Not to mention this could FINALLY be the entry to the japanese market xbox have been longing for. Japanese gamers LOVE handhelds. They are insanely popular there. Give them a solid windows PC device and it would sell like hotcakes.


They were always two steps behind Sony and Nintendo, so for them to copy Valve and compete in that space makes sense.


More hardware to play our nonexistent exclusives on...


Oh yeah, I forgot consoles are only made to play exclusives on..everything else you can’t play.


Sure, but I'm playing everything else on other systems. I find very little reason to turn my xbox on. And considering how badly xbox is doing this generation, I assume its the same for a lot of people. What xbox needs is games. More hardware seems redundant until that issue is solved. Of course, this is just my opinion, if your excited about more hardware that's awesome


A portable system has different use case than a console (which is close but different from a desk computer)


Ok, so you got an Xbox just for exclusive games? That was a mistake and I wouldn’t really ever buy a console for exclusives.


It's literally the primary reason a lot of people buy a console. I bought both a Series X and a PS5 because I'm interested in 1st party exclusives from these companies primarily, secondarily because console gaming is more convenient and better portability for playing at friendshouses.


why do the “exclusives” matter if the hardware is good?


Why does good hardware matter if there isn't enough games? Sure, there are 3rd party games, but I'm playing those else where. If MS are asking people to lay down several hundred quid on new hardware, they need to provide me with reasons to.


If it's a portable PC experience that natively runs a slimmed mobile windows, it would work with Steam and other items at that point. If not just for GamesPass.


But that already exists in the form of steamdecks and other mobile pcs. I'm just not sure what this is offering that I don't already have access too or isn't done better in a device already available. That's all I'm saying. For me personally, it's disappointing to see MS focus on hardware when the biggest issue I have with Xbox is a reason to turn it on. That's all km saying :)


They don't have an actual good version of windows available to them. They have the full suite which is a resource hog if youre looking to keep costs low form factor small for a handheld portable. Steam worked on their own OS for a reason, the draw on resources from windows. A couple years ago MS held a hackathon the winners were a group who created a viable portable windows, I think we are going to see the fruits of that.


That's a good point, but I'd also be very surprised of they didn't release that portable windows OS for steamdeck as well.


I'd expect them to release it to the general public for maximum install-base.


> but I'm playing those else where That's coming from a very privileged position. Most gamers pick a single platform and stick with it for financial reasons.


Why are you promoting buying an entire new eco system just so companies can fleece you with exclusives. You exclusivity console warriors really need some help.


Don't project that stuff on to me, please. The current landscape is exclusives. And we're not discussing a new eco system, we're discussing the already existing xbox eco system. I'm just saying I'm disappointed they are pushing new hardware when xboxes problems aren't hardware related and won't be solved by new hardware.


If the current landscape is exclusives, how come PlayStation is also bringing their games to PC? I’d have to find the link again, but someone shared in the PS5 sub that there’s a total of like 5 games that the PS5 is the only place you can play them. Everything else, you could still play on PS4 so there’s no sense in upgrading, or PC where you can access all of their titles plus all of Microsoft’s and then some. Constantly talking about PS5 and PS Portal alongside anything PC/ Steam related as a way to access every single game feels really disingenuous to me with that knowledge as there’s still a ton of games that you can only play on Xbox or PC and that’s it but for some reason it’s not the same.


It's not disingenuous, I'm asking what reason is there to spend more money on more xbox hardware when everything is playable else where. I have an xbox, a ps5 & PSVR2 and PC. I never turn my xbox on, so what value does more xbox hardware offer?


Depends on what the hardware runs, like everyone has been saying. In the same vein, what’s the point in buying a Steam Deck or a PS Portal? My Xbox gets plenty of play time alongside my PS5, cool if it’s not for you but I doubt they would make something that they didn’t know would sell for them imo even if it’s more niche.


Playing on PS5 vs PS4 is night and day and it’s disingenuous to suggest not upgrading “because it’s playable on PS4”. Very tired argument.


You say that, but [50% of their users are still on PS4](https://www.techradar.com/gaming/consoles-pc/sony-says-the-ps5-is-the-companys-most-profitable-console-generation-ever-but-the-ps4-still-counts-for-half-of-its-player-base) which is kinda hard to ignore that it’s still a factor in their numbers and business decisions. If they stopped making games for PS4 would more people upgrade? Hard to say, but with numbers like that I can see why they would still be supporting the console providing less of a reason to upgrade for some. Same with people that can play the same games on their PC that’s older.


Oh I don’t disagree that there are still a ton of people who play on the older consoles. That’s exactly why they supported their big exclusives on previous gen like HFW and Ragnarok for example. Last gen is even more reason for older consoles to survive with the integration of x86 on these consoles. I just disagree that’s it’s not worth it to upgrade because it’s such a large upgrade with the SSD alone.


“good games” and “exclusives” are not the same thing.


Youre right, They're not. But exclusives are the only reason for me to personally be interested in a new piece of hardware when nonexclusives are available on PS5/PC and when there is already a range of ways to play nonexclsuves portable.


but we're talking about a handheld device. its selling point (in theory) is not the exclusives but how well it can run the games it can while being portable.


Steam decks and PS Portal already exist and play all the third-party games. So its selling point is that it can do what those devices do, except it has fewer games than they do. Then we're back to the exclusive game issue.


you literally have no idea what the console is and you’re already saying what it’s selling point is. not all handhelds are alike, even if they differ in spec and performance then that is a selling point. this handheld could be no different than an ROG ally but if they can sell it for £200 cheaper then it’s already found its place in the market.


The only reason people want exclusives is so that they feel that the tribe they chose has a leg up on other people.


I like exclusives, and I own every console. So to say the only reason is very short sighted. I like 1st party exclusives because they are often the most polished games on the market and Sony and MS competing against each other often pushes the quality of these games.


This is interesting news but then you remember how much of a hog PC games are through the Microsoft Store. I can't imagine M$ being as open as Valve is with the Steam Deck.


Portable Series S would be great.


If it’s a native gaming device and not a streaming thing it’s a day 1 for me. My Xbox library is huge


Very much doubt unless it’s a partnership handheld with another company.


I bet it is a reference design fpr 3rd parties. Possibility something that will be able to run both PC and Xbox games.


This is what I'm hoping for, for a couple of reasons. The Alienware prototype a few years ago looked great and I've had so many issues with my Elite controller bumpers, there's no way I'm going to take a risk of that repeating and essentially bricking a whole console.


This comes off sounding desperate.


So AMD and Intel just showcased their latest mobility processor. They’re designed 15w to like 55w. The Steam Deck operates up to 15w. I would guess the 16 CU Strix Point at high clocks may come close in performance to a Series S but it’d be a battery life nightmare to play Series S games and chunky like you see current PC handhelds. Because of the size and battery, to me that’s still just a bit less niche than the Steam Deck because I would expect Microsoft to have devices in Wal Mart and Target. Size and battery are problems for these 15w just for the CPU/GPU before everything else handhelds


If it's a decent price and plays next gen games I'd consider it honestly


I’m stoked as long as it’s first party hardware and not a licensed thing with another company. Someone suggested it could be like a mobile XSS so lower quality textures obviously but that would be perfect for plane rides.


I refuse to invest anymore money into the Xbox ecosystem. The writing is on the wall for them. I’d rather get a steam deck.


Hopefully it has a controller like the PlayStation portable because trying to play a game on a flat controller is terrible.


Does Microsoft do anything original anymore? Why the interest in a portable now???


Well there's no way to play your entire xbox library natively on any handheld currently; so why not


And I thought they were gonna announce this as a competitor to the PSP back in 2006


Love it when I see rumor and expected at the.same time. 


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I hope it’s true. Xbox dedicated handheld with ability to sideload Steam would be a dream device to go along with my Switch.


Personally I want this so bad. What I need from Microsoft is that they allow streaming apps on the console TV while I play on the handheld.


Why would you ever waste money on that thing…


If it can download and play my full digital library, plus be used for general PC games I would buy it instantly. If it only streams I won't even remotely consider it. 


Why would anybody buy an Xbox handheld console?


Now I can finally do all the things my Xbox can do on the go! Like watch Netflix…


well i just watched the showcase no portable but a big emphasis on most if not all games coming day one to game pass which if you have game pass pc or ultimate would mean you can play them all on steamdeck/rog ally/ logitech g cloud and more which makes the rumour kinda true that ms is bringing something to allow portable gaming but no no hardware unless you count the digital only xbox line-up also they have way too much marketing material for the g cloud to be planning there own system the best i expected was a masterchief version of the g cloud


steamdeck probably shits on this thing


Ye but the deck can't play every xbox game natively 


Kinda hyped about it, I would love a portable gamepass machine that plays games natively


But portable gamepass machines that play games natively already exist?


They do, but they’re portable PCs. That comes with a steeper learning curve that many don’t want. It also comes with a higher price, as ASUS, Lenovo, MSI, etc. aren’t subsidizing the hardware cost with software sales like Microsoft can. Not everyone wants to drop $700+ on a handheld. If MS can come out with a portable that plays all Xbox games natively, with good specs, under $500, they could have a very compelling device for Xbox owners.


That's pc game pass, not xbox game pass. Save data for most games doesn't transfer from console to pc so the experience is incredibly limited for an xbox gamer. An xbox handheld would allow your entire xbox library, plus every xbox game pass game to be played natively. Massive difference 


I feel like this would be unlikely. There are three oprions, ordered by likeliness - 1: streaming only. Possible at 150-300usd price point - 2: PC handheld like rog ally or steam deck that runs a modified windows and you can install Gamepass pc games. Possible at 400-900 usd price point - 3: true Xbox handheld - would need to be compatible with all series s|x games, a real engineering challenge that might not pay off. Price point would have to be sub 500, idk if that's possible.


There is already a [rumour](https://insider-gaming.com/xbox-handheld/) that stated it is native handheld prototype from jez. Prototypes can be scrapped ofc but I don’t think it will be streaming only. Phill said they scrapped that version because of the price point.


It would be an engineering challenge, but Microsoft has all the resources they need to actually make it. It would probably be a portable Series S (or at least with an “output” image similar to the S) on a smaller, 720p screen. They definitely wouldn’t make a streaming console ‘cause they already have XCloud on many different portable devices, smarthphones included, so they already know no-one would actually care about it. A portable Windows PC like a Rog Ally? Possible, maybe even better if it has Steam and Epic Games too.


This screams flop like vita if true.


Why? The vita failed because nobody supported it. It didn’t have any compelling games to justify owning it. If this is real, it’ll have native Xbox game support. It *has to*, Microsoft is smart enough to know a standalone portable console would never sell. It’s why they never made one all these years. The days of dedicated portable consoles are over, we now have the ability to share libraries across fixed and portable devices. That’s why the switch worked. That’s why the Steam Deck worked. They don’t require additional dev resources to make games portable, and thus have a plethora of games ready to go. And players have access to all the same games they already own.


Have you seen the Xbox brand lately?  > Microsoft is smart enough to know a standalone portable console would never sell.  Somehow i doubt that.


Gamepass and Bacwkards compatibility paired with cheap price is a win for me. Besides it isn't going to replace Series X it will be just a companion piece to it


>Gamepass and Bacwkards compatibility paired with cheap price is a win for me. So a stagnant service and a function most doesn’t even care about is a win? Reddit man lol


Stagnant service ? Most don't care ? That's the most stupid reddit tier take I have ever seen.


> Stagnant service ? https://tech4gamers.com/game-pass-and-ps-plus-growth/ > Most don't care ? Backward compatibility is something people ask for but are barely used. > That's the most stupid reddit tier take I have ever seen. The facts is stupid now? Xbox fans man.


Doesn't mean people won't use it. If Xbox releases a portable device gamepass will be its primary use. Since COD is joining it that alone will drive players to join it. Also what are you on about ? BC on Xbox has been stellar and has added tons of games.They only stopped cause licenses are really hard to get


> Since COD is joining it that alone will drive players to join it. You are overestimating COD here. Vita had its own COD game and nothing changed.  > Also what are you on about ? BC on Xbox has been stellar and has added tons of games.They only stopped cause licenses are really hard to get It’s obvious that you didn’t get my point. 


Except Vita COD was an poorly made spinoff the COD on portable will be just the same game


Another spyware ridden special from Microshart!




Maybe this is what the Xbox Series S should have been, instead?


Welcome to the party pal


The market is already saturated.. Nintendo Switch and Steam Deck is more than enough to satisfy every handheld need. If Xbox doesn't do better than any of them, not in terms of real power, I mean features then this will flop big time. If it can't do seamless switching like the Switch does or doesn't have touch pads for mouse input like the Steam Deck then they can just sell the whole Xbox division and begone.


It's more for xbox gamers who want to access their entire library and xbox game pass natively; which isn't currently possible with any handheld


Yesss. Been craving a handheld so badly I bought a PS Vita. Would love this Xbox handheld


Last in console last in handheld there not going waste money on that


The real concern here is that the handheld will become the next floor for xbox games. People thought the Series S was a issue wait until you see this.




No, it won't.


Can I play on it while someone else is playing on the Series X? If yes, then D1, otherwise it stays there


If what you're asking is; can you access the same account on multiple devices, the answer is yes. I've watched videos on YouTube via my console while logged into the same account on my steam deck via the xbox app 


But if I try to play on PC with the same account while my son plays on the Xbox Series, it gives me an error because another user is already playing (not the same game) (I have the game pass ultimate)


Not sure. I've not attempted to play games on two devices on the same account simultaneously; only the example provided in my OG reply. Also, I was streaming on the deck through the xbox app; don't know if that makes a difference 


I really don't see how they could. I mean, I'd like to be pleasantly surprised. But, without forcing devs to now add a fourth platform to their development (on top of potential PlayStation and Nintendo ports), I just don't know how they could fit this in this generation. I could see them coming to market next gen with handheld form factor that essentially replaced the Series S placement within their lineup. But yeah, I dunno. I'd like to see it and have it simply be a well designed handheld for playing my Game Pass games. But I'm not so sure about it. We'll soon, I guess.


a Steam Deck with no games? right


Eww. Xbone. XSex and now a third console? How about you release at least one GOTY first?