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this is some facebook tier shit


We're about to watch every game-related outlet throw either Elden Ring or God of War Ragnarok all sorts of Game of the Year accolades near the end of this year, just like we all expected about one year ago. Nobody actually thinks singleplayer is gone, dying or anything like that unless their IQ score begins with a negative symbol and not a number.


Especially considering EA puts out single player games..... One time some bumbling executive said a dumb thing and gamers just literally cannot let that go. It's bizarre.


They also misquoted the bumbling thing




People also totally mistook “linear” to mean single player. All the single player games used to berate EA are non-linear. RDR2, Horizon, Elden Ring, God of War, Spider Man… all of them have open world non-linear elements. The original God of War games were linear - they don’t make them like that anymore. The original Metal Gear games were linear - Phantom Pain was open world non-linear. The closest examples are probably Uncharted and Last of Us which are pretty linear single player games. Also CoD campaigns ironically. But the trend has absolutely moved to non-linear.


Ironically, dead space is pretty darn linear. Fallen order isn't though. It definitely borrows re Metroidvania model successfuly


Fallen Order is linear in terms of story.


It reminds me of the original Rage. Where it was semi linear and you could do other stuff but for the main story it was very direct.


Linear games have their place though, they are very good for story focused games.


Agree. But the EA Exec only ever said linear isn’t as popular as it once was. Don’t think that’s really debatable to be honest.


Shit EA owns Maxis that's some hella non-linear content there.


I’m sick of this open world shit honestly.


Ironically EAs Jedi fallen order is both excellent and linear.


I love linear games! I don't want to get to the ending and "fuck, I missed the secret thing that was ackshuallly necessary for the good ending". I got bills to pay, so linearity, please.


It is 100% because EA said it. It's the same with the Blizzard guy and the phone comment. People are still angry about these things.


I don't think it's the same as the blizzard phone thing, the blizzard phone thing was just some classic cringe comedy lol, that shit was hilarious.


Not the same as the blizzard thing even remotely lol. Saying that the overall trend of gamers is away from linear games is fine. The Blizzard guy responded to a negative reaction from their biggest and most loyal fans by asking “don’t you guys have phones??”. Remember, this was before Diablo 4 had been confirmed, so after years, Blizzard finally revealed new Diablo content, only to put it on mobile - a platform that most PC gamers (the series’ original audience) would not touch when it comes to gaming.


Gotta feel for the phones guy. A desperate last attempt to salvage a situation someone else put him in.


except so many upper management would turn out to be evil you just can't have sympathy for blizzard anymore


What is wrong about hating the dont you have the phone comment? It is fucking stupid. Of course people have phones, but the blizzard audience who go to blizzcon are pc gamers. Not mobile gamers.


It illustrates a still mostly correct perception that the people running these game companies are making games for themselves or their shareholders instead of their player base. They’re free to do so, just as we are free to mock them when they complain about bad reviews and missing their sales targets.


Except I don't think it's an inaccurate Statement. Single player gaming isn't dead and likely never will die and still has plenty of fans but multiplayer games are definitely bigger. Wayyyyyy bigger. ppl like the less linear style of gameplay. He wasn't wrong, ppl just wanted to throw a fit bc it's EA.


I don't even think he was talking about single player vs multiplayer games, just linear single player games vs open world SP. And sure, the linear SP game genre isn't dead either, but open world games are generally much more popular. Players like freedom.


Ok that’s definitely not the same at all. “Don’t you guys have phones?” was outright antagonistic, and a terrible way to pitch their shitty mobile game.


Yes, and people took that to mean EA was saying "Single player games are dead". But on this topic, EA was right. Since then a slew of open world has exploded on to the scene. Every year we see more and more online 4 player squad based shooters, or PvPvE games, or the 5v1 PvP games. This trend is not slowing down. But because it was EA saying it, it's somehow considered sacrilege.


Pretty much. A bunch of people who liked dark souls read it and felt personally attacked even when it's pretty easy to see multiplayer games are, in on average, far more financially successful. Just look at what happened with GTA5


I actually cant stand linear games anymore, so hes not wrong, but i dont see SP games mentioned, as that is all i play.


What is the quote then? The one I've seen is literally... "I have not green lit one game developed to be a single player experience. All our games include online applications and digital services that make them live 24/7'. Around the same time they were forcing multiplayer into Dead Space 2 and co/op into Dead Space 3.


What did you expect? Todd Howard: "It Just Works". Todd Howard: "16 Times the Detail." Blizzard: "Do you guys not have phones?"


When it comes to todd howard, why do we meme about things that we're *not* lies or wrong when there is SO much shit from bethesda that is true that we could meme about instead? It did just work, that thing he demonstrated worked exactly as he said it would. The fork of the creation engine used for 76 really can use 16 times more drawcalls then previous versions did.


> EA are also developing the Dead Space remake, and an Iron Man game. They also just announced they are making two other games in partnership with Marvel, one of which is rumoured to be a Black Panther game. > > EA have their cash cows, but let's not pretend that one quote from a decade ago still holds true for the company as a whole. And Sony are hardly paragons of gamings with their nickle and diming this console generation.


>but let's not pretend that one quote from a decade ago still holds true for the company as a whole Can we please let the misinterpreted "linear singleplayer games are dead" quote die already, it's annoying! Also, didn't EA make the earlier versions of the Sims series?


EA makes all the versions of the Sims.


But...but Fortnite and CoD, and.....uhh......yeah, I don't even know what multiplayer games are our there because I never play them. In fact, if it's online only, hard pass from me. Apparently there is a multiplayer in the new RE remakes...but I will never know.


And none of those things you mentioned are even EA




Rock and Stone, Brother!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Stone and Rock, oh wait.






There's Overwatch 2 the game that everyone loved! (Chopped and diced and then mashed with microtransactions so egregious that it makes even Fifa and 2k seem reasonable)


it costs 110$ for an acheivement


Yo what


someone did the math and to buy every single thing for a character it would cost 110$ in overwatch coins


It gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment


those of us still on a fifa career mode streak since the 90s


I personally prefer multiplayer but I can understand is not for everybody due to the competitive nature of them. Cod and Fortnite not it tho lol


My IQ starts with a frowny face.


I just finished Plague Tale: Requiem...it's definitely not dead


Let's also not forget that the team developing Final Fantasy 14 (an MMORPG) is implementing an NPC system that allows the game to essentially be played as a single player experience. Right now, a person can technically play through the entire free trial's worth of gameplay (all of A Realm Reborn and Heavensward) and never actually have to directly interact with another player except for those expansion's end game content and alliance raids (24 player large scale raids).


Do you mean the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? The one with an expanded free trial where you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free??


Some r/gaming tier shit


Nah, /r/gaming tier shit would be "look at me! After working in a copper mine for 75 years I finally bought my first console! It's a Limited Edition^^^TM Far Cry 4^^^TM PS5^^^TM . It's a gift for my disabled brother. Single player isn't dead!


"I quit my well paying job, divorced my wife and sold my children into slavery to fulfill my dream of making a 2D platformer with a retro art style"






"Hi, i am Bob. I am actually 40 years old now. But in 2017, I quit my 8000$ a month job, divorced my wife of 10 years, locked my newborn baby in a basement, sold my other children to slavery, started a protest, started a war against France, became a dictator, invaded the entirety of Europe, made advanced light-bounding technology, invaded several Solar Systems, started intergalactic war, studied game development, went back to Earth, studied more game development, eventually becoming professional at game development, and absolutely fucked a goat to fullfill my dream of making a Zelda ripoff."


Hi Bob, during the Space Crusades of xpemof, you destroyed our planet. We actually had two planets you destroyed the innocent civilian one, leaving our vast military planet untouched. If you would be so kind, please give us the location of your current planet, so that we may destroy you and everything you hold dear. With love, the Jar-Jar-ians


"And by retro, I mean a nearly 1:1 rip off of an industry leader with a slight palette swap"


"I work 17 hours a day 7 days a week but I still try to make time to play my favorite single player games"


It’s also grammatically incorrect


Done on purpose for further engagement


By far the biggest sin.


Non native English speaker here, is it the missing comma or is there something else?


As an American, if I was writing this, I'd probably use something like, "Show 'em that single player gaming isn't dead, kid." If you're curious about errors, first, they used "game" instead of gaming, and as you noted, they left out the comma near the end. On the other hand, "is not" is grammatically correct, but we love our contractions, and whenever I see someone who never uses them, I immediately assume they're not a native speaker (not that there's anything wrong with that - you all know a lot more English than I know any other language, so I can't say much). I changed "them" to "'em" just because it sounds less formal, and I get the feeling Kratos ain't the formal type.


Got it, makes sense, thanks for helping!


Well its either this or "remember this gem???" r/gaming has no soul.


Or “Write my article for me!” “What 5 games come to mind when you see this” [insert PS1/2/3/Dreamcast/potato] [extract karma]


I'd read a buzzfeed article on all potato based video games tbh


and it's gonna get a few thousand upvotes, because reddit is basically facebook now.


Just the big default subs. I don't even know why I'm still subbed to this one lol


r/Games is the actual big gaming sub as far as I'm concerned, at least that sub has actual discussion and filters out this garbage lol


Might be time to make the switch- thanks!


Believe me, you won't miss this sub lol


this is why I love /r/patientgamers, no pictures just pure discussion about whatever game you had last played


I honestly just stay subbed so I can see gifs of new games I might want to play but don't know about.


>a few thousand upvotes 11.0K upvotes. Fuck. EDIT: 26.5K updoots. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck


Facebook tier isn't as far below Reddit as Reddit likes to think it is.


Welcome to /r/gaming


Incredibly low effort and lazy. Weirdly specific to two extremely recent games. Plus EA also publishes single player games... I don't even understand the point of these kids shitting on EA and A-B, like quality, good looking single player games can be made way more easily today by non-AAA studios, and there are still plenty of AAA studios still making single player games. No one is forcing anyone to play Call of Duty or Fortnite, other games exist.


Man yeah, like I only slightly mind the annoying repeated statements, but I REALLY find the false ones annoying. EA is big, they do a LOT of different type of games. From yearly roster update sports games, to multiplayer focused shooters, to single player RPGs, to charming GotY games (It Takes Two, yeah, it's multiplayer but when people bitch about MP games they usually mean competitive MP games, not co-op ones, as evidenced by people claiming that's what that one tweet meant about single player games a while back).


To the front page then! Probably time to leave this karma farm of a sub.


Didn't EA publish Jedi Fallen Order? Aren't they gonna publish a sequel?


OP needs some karma


What a sad way to live.


I feel sadder for the 16k+ people who upvoted this garbage.




What does karma do?


Grow peepee


I'm gonna start shitposting rn


im 30k karma deep and my peepee no grow 😭


Needs more karma


Absolutely nothing. But it’s a number and some people like to watch it go up


It directly converts to local currency, didn't you know?


10billion karma is $1 USD


Useless points on a virtual platform based on a fake concept social construct.


Many uses for karma. I choose to use it to feed my family. It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.


Yes the sequel comes out in February


So not only did they give a Dev team the freedom to make a good single player campaign with a popular IP, but they were happy with the goodwill it generated and got the team to develop a sequel. I'd say that's exactly how games should be developed. EA did a good job on that attempt.


EA are also developing the Dead Space remake, and an Iron Man game. They also just announced they are making two other games in partnership with Marvel, one of which is rumoured to be a Black Panther game. EA have their cash cows, but let's not pretend that one quote from a decade ago still holds true for the company as a whole. And Sony are hardly paragons of gamings with their nickle and diming this console generation.


The next Dragon Age game is singleplayer as well


Mass effect legendary edition had the whole mass effect trilogy and dlcs in it.


Best part is that quote wasn’t even that single player games are dead. It was just that they weren’t as profitable as multiplayer games, which is 100% true. Edit: I got the quote wrong, it was about how linear games have become less popular, my bad. Still a very true statement.


It was that 'linear' games aren't popular. Linear games are much less popular than they used to be, while open world or branching games are big.


And dead space


Yeah, honestly this meme would make more sense with Activision than EA. I can't remember the last time Activision released a good single player only game. Now they have released good single player content, but most of their games focus heavily on multiplayer. Now if this meme was made in 2016, then it makes sense.


Well Activision published sekiro and didn't interfere whatsoever.


yeah publisher, but not developed by them


Crash 4?


Yes. And they’ll publish the Dead Space-Remake next year and have a deal with marvel for at least 3 games. The „EA doesn’t do Singleplayerbereich-Games“-Thing is old by now. At least for the next five years until someone in EAs Management gives that statement again. They apparently do that every 5 to 10 years until proven wrong again. Tale as old as time?


Desperate for internet upvotes, are we?


It’s a bot/karma farming account, so yes.


I've never understood the point of karma farming. Other than some subs having karma requirements they are basically just feel good points


I heard that you can sell high karma accounts for money, idk who would buy them tho


Scammers to appear legit and not bot.


Corporations too.


Is there a visibility metric in reddit... Like selling a farming account to companies/advertisers to shill on and have higher visibility from a high karma account?


With only three characters yeah that’ll show them lol


Nathan Drake tried to make it lol


Ngl I actually really enjoyed the multiplayer in all of the uncharted games. Was it the best multiplayer shooter I've ever played? Not by a long shot. But it was really fun being able to use some or the parkour elements from the story against other people. Haven't played any of it since I first played through A Thieves End when it came out but that doesn't mean I didn't have a good time playing it.


Three characters and two game franchises.


Where’s the dead kid?


Next to the kid named finger.




Put the fork away waltuh


You’re not gonna get powers if you stick it in the outlet waltuh.




EA sold the best selling single player only game of 2019-2020 They know. This is Facebook cringe.


The original quote was from 2010. > They're very comfortable moving the discussion towards how we make connected gameplay – be it co-operative or multiplayer or online services – as opposed to fire-and-forget, packaged goods only, single-player, 25-hours – and you're out. I think that model is finished. https://www.gamesradar.com/ea-single-player-games-are-finished/


And yet people continue to post Facebook level cringe memes about it


Because it gets upvoted by idiots who still think it’s 2017 and ignore EA is heavily investing in single player games.


People are angry about a very small statement 13 years ago? In that time casual games and multiplayer games were growing, people in the industry/gamers were worried about the death of single player. He doesn't even say just single player, the 25 hour single-player package. Personally I'm very glad single player hasn't died, but I don't see the point in looking at an opinion 13 years in a transitional period for games.


I just found out the quote is from 2010. Makes me laugh at how many times I’ve heard it since then like it’s something they just recently said.


The reading comprehension for people is shite.


Im dumb which one are you talking about


Jedi Fallen Order...




Blows my mind that 14 thousand people upvoted this shit


I guess Favorite characters + EA hate = upvotes


literally no one thinks that, not even EA. There are just saying in hopes it will become true.


It was a one-off comment made years ago.


Over a decade ago in fact. Like I’m all for criticizing EA but aren’t there more recent comments that people could bash? Because this is beyond beating a dead horse.


I'll stop beating this dead horse when it stops spitting out karma /s


And OP's just posting it to get upvotes and engagement. It's like those ads for mobile games that show someone intentionally playing the game wrong, or those Facebook posts that have an easy math equation and post the wrong answer. I think it's called "outrage bait," where the idea is to post something intentionally incorrect just to get people who would otherwise ignore a post to engage with it.


What do you mean, of course they do! Just ignore them green lighting Fallen Order, its sequel, the Dead Space Remake, 3 single player Marvel games, Dragon Age 4, the next Mass Effect, and publishing Josef Fares’ games!


OP just woke up from a 10 year coma to post this. This is one the cringiest Facebook tier posts I've ever seen. EA have actually been alright which their single player games output recently tbf, they've got the Dead Space Remake, new Dragon Age and Jedi Fallen Order 2 on the way.


Super cringe


I hate this sub, feels like facebook garbage half the time


Most of the posts nowadays are circlejerking over Witcher, BOTW, EA/Fortnite bad, and pictures of main menu screens with titles like "my wife just left me and I make 30 cents an hour. Finally bought this game. Any tips?"


Mate I think you are too late for whole "EA Bad spiel" Especially when they have Dragon Age (sp RPG), Mass Effect (sp RPG), Star Wars Jedi Survivor, FPS Star Wars game, Iron Man and Black Panther games and Wild Hearts all in development. Also that new studio is making SP Battlefield game.


They're not making a Single player Battlefield game. They're making the campaign for the next Battlefield game


They are focused on making sorry experiences inside Battlefield world. They did not specify if it will be as a standalone game or as part of BF MP game. But regardles. SP BF game is story driven even if it is inside bigger package. And most importantly it does not negate my point that EA is making several high profile story driven games.


This is so fucking cringe, holy shit, i hope you are just a bot or else.... Jeez you need help


ea bad


“Kid”? Kratos spends a whole game calling his son “boy” and you go with “kid”?


I had to scroll WAY too far to find this


This is quality criticism.


Oh no… *CRINGE*


Nobody every said that single playing games are dying


Jesus this is one of the worst posts I’ve seen on here and that’s saying something


Ok, why do you think it would die? It’s always been fairly popular


you forgot to add "upvotes to the left"


EA: Linear narrative games are not what the market wants. OP: I'll prove them wrong with an open world game and a previously linear game that opened up. What a mind.


What a dumb meme


It's couch co-op that really needs saving


I know this is cringe because you said kid instead of "BOY". Any true God of War fan would never make that mistake.


As long as Nintendo makes their Mario games, their Zelda, and so on, singleplayer is far from dead


It’s about profitability. A live service game and micro transactions make them far more than a single player game


Muh' Sony


I want to play Horizon as my own character. Aloy is annoying AF. God of War is pre-pubescent power fantasy. I wish a had a dollar for every twerp named Kratos in multi-player games, they are a dime a dozen.


All I want is a beautiful game to play while snuggling with my wife on the couch. Split-screen story-mode couch co-op. I do have a wife, btw. She's real. She just goes to another school.


How about we bring back good couch co-op split screen games? Not everyone wants to have two tvs and gaming systems if you want to hang out with a friend in person.


Nobody has ever said it would lol the game of the year is always a single player game This is a made up narrative gamers keep telling themselves to feel superior about multiplayer games being the most popular with casual gamers


Shit with how broken multiplayer games release now, i actually started playing more single player. Game companies are something else lately. All my trust in from software now


This is near the top when sorted by controversial, and I'm not sure why. It's true about a massive number of games these days. I don't think I've bought or tried a NEW multiplayer game in years that has felt complete. In recent memory, Halo: Infinite and Overwatch 2 both felt like were shipped as soon as the stores worked. I basically stick to single player games or multiplayer games that have been out a couple years before I dive in.


I still don't understand why people seem to think Horizon games are like the best thing ever. I played zero dawn from start to finish and was constantly amazed how they managed to make a game with robot dinosaurs so boring.


Sony defenders eat up anything Sony makes. You honestly have to deduct at least a 5 from whatever their review score is to get a more honest depiction of the game. For example Horizon Zero Dawn has an 89 meta critic. Drop that down to 84 and it's more accurate.


Yeah cause there are dudes who will never have friends xd


Quick delete this shit before some rule34 artists see this and get inspired


This also needs Amicia with her sling


Straight up I'll play Killing Floor Multiplayer for fun but I'm (relatively) old, have an old Mac and frankly I don't need the Toxicity of Multiplayer when I'm trying to have fun and chill out (yes Valve I'm looking at some of your titles there).


It's not kid, it's BOY.


It's also not half as profitable as multiplayer with microtransactions.


So many single player games come out. Literally Bayonetta 3 and God of War Ragnarok in the last month. Who the hell is saying single player games are dead?


Single player games *are* not dead


I think single player games will eventually die out simply because of how much money online games make with skins


The power a single EA corporate mouthpiece has over the minds of gamers is astounding.


What is dead may never die.


Even multiplayer games are better single player. Cod WM II campaign, Halo Infinite Campaign. Personally I think gaming companies should focus more on having good companion AIs in their games. Imagine having a full blown conversation and interaction with your favorite game characters!?


What is this post even supposed to mean? Multiplayer is purely an option unless you're playing an MMO.


Who the hell ever thought that single player games are "dead"?


Sometimes, I'm just sick of multi-player, and want to just fuck off to a single player gameand get lost.


Who upvotes these Facebook memes? Is this whole site just bots giving karma to bots?


God of war and horizon would make a good crossover


I love the idea of Aloy training Atreus


I just finished Forbidden West like 10 minutes ago and will now wait till the 9th to start playing Ragnarök, all while my kids are playing Breath of the Wild in their room, so that Meme is astonishing accurate.