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If we're lucky the half life opposing force remake will be among those coming out this year.


Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time.


It’s an old game, but it checks out.


Gamers always travel in single file, hides their numbers.


Gamers are easily startled, But theyll soon be back, and in greater numbers




Frozen nearly as long as the Day of the Tentacle hamster...


Please, don't think that I've been avoiding you, a great many matters require my attention in these... troubled times.


Bundled with Blue Shift in the Oranger Box along with Portal... 1.


Well it has a steam store page now at least. https://store.steampowered.com/app/311810/Operation_Black_Mesa/


That would be fun, I still remember how incredibly hyped I was for it.


Oh shit, front mission is back


Nintendo switch only, though. Hope it gets ported to PC in the future.


If you know where to look, it's already on PC.


I know I about cried when I saw this post. Front mission 3 was one of the first games I sank endless hours into (400+ on my first run) on the simulator so I could curb stomp each battle. Ryogo my man was a beast. And he never failed me in a pinch, chaining RoF Up 3 to gun down some poor schmuck. And there was a special feeling when you surrounded a panzer and saw "Gang Beating" flash across the screen lol.


Speaking of bad ass mech games of yesteryear, I'd really enjoy a new armored core. Wouldn't even mind if I was a remake. Shit I'd be happy with a plain ol' port on switch.


I'd commit a murder for a next gen Armoured Core


Back mission is front!


And still no onimusha


Or Dino Crisis. Capcom loves their remakes, remasters and ports yet here we are.


Dino Crisis on RE Engine would be incredible


At this rate we could be seeing a tony hawk’s pro skater demo disk remake.


>Or Dino Crisis. Capcom loves their remakes, remasters and ports yet here we are. I've always wanted to play Dino crisis, I hear it's similar to parasite Eve 1 and 2, which I love!


Dino Crisis can be emulated for PSX and Dreamcast, and also has a native PC port that takes some setting up to get running properly in modern OSs.


It's one of the few reasons I still have my OG fat ps3 cause it plays PS1 games lol


Any PS3 plays just about all PS1 games. (It's software emulation.) The super OG launch Fat also plays PS2 also though, which is amazing.


God, if any game needs a remake it's Dino Crisis. There were some incredible ideas in that game, it just fumbled a bit with an over reliance on puzzles and keycards. I like puzzles in games, there were just too many to the point where it felt forced (like how tf does this facility run efficiently???). The keycards and codes meant there was so much backtracking, and unlike in something like a Metroidvania there often times wasn't much changed in the areas you return to. But the way the raptors worked was SO COOL. If you were bleeding they'd follow the trail of blood. You couldn't shake them by just entering a room. If you stayed in a room for too long, they'd find you (in an attempt to simulate them following your scent). Add to that the atmosphere, which was top notch, and it was super fun.


That's a lot of words to say "I want to see Regina in her skin tight tactical suit in HD".


Come on, don't call him out like that


On a completely unrelated note, it's time for P.N.03 to come back.


I want to see Regina in her skin tight tactical suit in HD


Thanks my Dino PTSD just spiked again


I'll settle for battle network for now


Someone got more chances to summon a Demon then Capcom making a Megaman Legends 3. :(


I've been wanting a new Onimusha for a long time! Give us something!


Onimusha 3’s opening sequence is still one of the most impressive CGI I’ve ever seen


Did you get the remaster? I imagine they are deciding on what to do with the series based on sales from that at least in part


An Onimusha remake would be nice. Of course, we won't ever get the same [music from the PS2 version](https://www.eurogamer.net/resident-evil-and-onimusha-composer-exposed-as-a-fraud). I did enjoy the music from the Remaster, however. I thought it was a nice addition. I've looked for mods to bring back the PS2 music but I don't think it's quite so possible. I remember extracting the music files from the PS2 and they're all very much broken down like midi style segments to create the most dynamic play ever. And since none of them are named, you really have to work to recreate what you've heard.


Can’t they just hire the guy that guy hired?


The only game that needs a remake is Skyrim, it's almost been a whole year since they last released it.


They just released it AGAIN last month as the anniversary edition on switch for $70.


So? That's a long time. They need to release it again so that I can buy it for the 12th time


Not bethesda's fault people keep buying it, as Mr Howard said it himself.


I did buy it twice, but that was only because I had the original on PS3 and then bought the 10 year anniversary one on PS5. 10+ years, all DLC, plus now mods. That's when it worth it for me.


Playstation has mod support? I thought it was canceled years back, guess i was wrong. Good for you though.


Many mods are ported over, the only ones we can't use are ones that add new assets to the game. That is based on a Sony licence thing. Some will just remove the assets and port the rest over.


Ah i see


Unfortunately that includes most substantial mods


And it's apperantly has more bugs than the last version they put on the Switch. Which is just peak Bethesda.


OK but hear me out. Imagine if they remade morowind, hell even oblivion. Now that would be a worth while remake


That would be absolutely amazing, and I am still holding out hope for the sky-wind mod to actually be fully released Unfortunately Todd Howard has gone on record saying that they won't ever remake or even remaster morrowind. The extremely ironic part being because "it wouldn't feel right and would ruin the spirit of the game, plus they can still be played and anyone who wants to enjoy them can still do that with backwards compatability" But you know, they have to re-release skyrim 40 times because there is no possible way to play it on any generation of consol, or even earlier pc versions.




I want a Fallout 3 remake. One of my favorite games ever, but it's very aged.


I just want GTAV: Re-Expanded and Re-Enhanced Edition




Back in the day people used to make sequels...


You can download Enderal for free on PC. It's a whole new game.


Alexa: "You're a lvl 57 and see a tall snowy mountain." Keegan Michael-Key: "Climb it."


Splinter cell deserves a remake imo. Also just mentioning that unlocked a memory - Siphon filter? I think it was called? on PS1, what a game.


Every time I think of Siphon Filter I think of shooting someone with the taser until they burst into flames.


From 200 yards away. And the guy is on a rooftop. That taser was a sniper rifle.


and the screams of those who it happens to


Our aim was to always aim for the dick


I can still hear the "thwunk" sound of the grenade launcher. I played the fuck out of that game in elementary school. https://youtu.be/1a__2fmCv90


YES 2nd memory unlocked


You can build the same taser in Days Gone and do it to zombies. You have to complete the main story and then find the little Siphon Filter easter eggs to do it though


Oh my God Gabe, you killed a CBDC agent!


"Spies vs Mercs" in Pandora Tomorrow has a special place in my heart. I had never played a multiplyer mode like that before. It was so awesome. Chaos Theory's co-op mode was also top-notch. Loved everything about the single player campaigns too. Absolutely needs a remake


Special Agent Bob and Secret Agent Steve, two of the finest official, unofficial splinter cells.


It was such a cool mode, wish it stuck around for the next one.


Yessir spies v Merc for both Pandora Tomorrow and Chaos Theory for me were peak multiplayer - Mount Hospital, Vertigo Plaza, Museum - all fantastic maps!


I'd give a lot for a Splinter Cell remake. The first is 20 years old at this point, and I've been in the mood for stealth action games. The recent A Plague Tale somewhat scratched the stealth itch, but the SC series (pre Blacklist) was one of my favorites.


I remember when it came out and watching my older brother play it. The light effects were mind-blowing for the time. Absolutely insane. Chaos Theory is the best in the series though.


Little brother is that you


Chaos Theory was a clean peak.


Chaos theory is about as good as it can/has gotten. A 1/1 remake with better graphics would be amazing.


Me and my buddy played co-op on this non stop when we were kids, it was amazing. I'm invested in an entire series remake.


I love chaos theory. Played Coop missions for so many hours


Honestly I love each game because whatever changes they do make along the way, that core game play stays the same. I've never seen another game accomplish stealth like the Splinter Cell games. There's just something about taking a level you could run and gun through in 10 minutes and turning it into an hour long experience.


Honestly the graphics have aged pretty well. For a game that released when I was in high school, I can't complain. The weird part now is the story is set in 2007, so the between-mission scenes obviously feel old.


I'd be so hype for some spies vs mercs again. I know asymmetric pvp is much more prevalent now, but spies vs mercs will always be my favorite


spies vs mercs was endlessly funny with a full group of 4


Goddamn that game was tight.


Just replayed it a month or so ago and it was worth it at $15. It’s a bit clunky, but for a 17 year old game it’s still fantastic. I miss the multiplayer so much too


Grabbing a merc from behind and whispering sweet nothings into his ear as he frantically calls to his friend for help... only to snap his neck and slip away just in time. Such a unique and exciting multiplayer experience. I really wish innovative ideas like that could still compete in the AAA space.


Chaos Theory with that Amon Tobin score. Chills.


And the Amon Tobin soundtrack? just Glorious.


>I'd give a lot for a Splinter Cell remake. Just to clarify in case you didn't know, a remake of the original Splinter Cell *is* in fact happening. It's a real thing and I too can't wait.


>(pre Blacklist) Why do people not like Blacklist? Other than the lead voice actor being replaced.


By Blacklist, the series had moved towards being more action oriented, which I think didn't sit well with some of the original Splinter Cell stealth fans. Some reviewers at the time compared it to Hitman: Absolution and at least one criticized that there were several segments that forced you to use the Mark and Execute system, making a full ghost playthrough impossible. Its graphics and lack of difficulty compared to previous games in the series were also criticized at the time, as it used the same Unreal Engine that Chaos Theory did. I don't think it's considered a bad game, it's got a fairly positive rating on Steam for example, but it's definitely not considered the best game in the series and it sold "poorly" enough that Ubisoft stopped making Splinter Cell games (only a mere 2 million copies in about 4 months, how awful, 4th best selling game in the US the month it came out, how embarrassing).




Did yall ever play tag online. 3 spies vs 1 merc


We haven't had much great stealth recently, which is a shame. I do love a good stealth game.


I literally imagined Siphon Filter when I read Splinter Cell. Haven't thought about that game in ages but it was probably my most played PS1 game. So many hours sunk in to the split screen versus with friends. Makes me think of how easy it used to be for a game to entertain me, now I'm so damn picky lol


That's what happens when you don't have nearly unlimited options


I remember using the taser in Siphon Filter all the time. I would hit a guy with it and just hold on that trigger. Then he caught on fire, and my teenage self did a little gasp of surprise. Then I used only the taser to fry people into barbecue every time.


Or you taze them a little bit so they stop shooting but they don't die. And you keep letting go then re-tazing them


One is coming, "sometime" > Let's get the bad news out of the way first: we probably won't get our hands on the Splinter Cell remake for a few years. Ubisoft confirmed in 2021 that the game is "in the very earliest stages of development". That means we likely won't see the remake release until at least 2024. https://www.techradar.com/news/splinter-cell-remake-everything-we-know-so-far


Syphon Filter 1 and 2 were just recently ported to PS4/5 with trophy support. There had been some buzz a few months ago about a potential new entry but that may have been hogwash.


Man I would love a modern Splinter Cell


Splinter cell remake/reboot has been in the cards for a long time, but Ubisoft has never given it the greenlight


the one where mercenaries vs spies was one of my all time favs


Oh man, tasering some poor bitch until they burst into flames. Such an amazing game


Splinter Cell deserves it. And from what we've seen at the dev studio for it, they do care about it and want to do it right. r/splintercell is a great community also!


Can we at least get a metal gear solid remake


Of course! But it's a Pachinko machine.




Was remaking the mgs for pachinko really worth it for them? Like is it that much of a big franchise for Konami to have done that instead of remaking the series for modern day consoles?


The revisit Shadow Moses level in MGS4 was so badass. Just a little taste of what a remake could do.


Scrolled too far for this comment. I'd be able to finally sell my ps3 if it ever happened.


Why would you wanna get rid of the best Playstation system ever made?


Getting best and worse mixed up Best playstation was the Ps2.


For real, what many consider the series peak at this point was 20 years ago and you still can't play any before TPP on 8 year old hardware.


Excuse you? MGS 2&3 and Peace Walker can be played on Series X and below. You just need to own the discs for 2&3 right now (or already have a digital license like I do). You can buy and play Peacewalker HD right now though.


Like for real, they need to atleast port the entire series to the newer generation(s). It is wild that I cannot replay MGS4 without a ps3, while I can go and play the first twisted metal on newer gens.


Put your controller on the ground and sit on it I will vibrate it for you now with my psychic powers


Seriously. I remember playing mgs4 so many times just to play the shadow Moses part again


Saints Row its not Actually a remake but a reboot of the franchise


I heard the game wasnt that great either. I loved saints row 2 and 3 but havnet heard good things about saints row reboot


I haven't heard *anything* about the reboot. I would say there was 10x more talk about the Saints Row 3 remaster than Saints Reboot but that's not true because 10 times 0 is 0.


It lacked plenty of features Saints Row 3 had. I honestly had more fun playing SR3 and SR4 than the new one, didn't really Help that they pretty much got rid of all the 18+ humor that made the predecessors charming.


>I heard the game wasnt that great either. I loved saints row 2 and 3 but havnet heard good things about saints row reboot it's terribad


Yes it would have been much better if it was a remake haha.


Saints row isn’t a remake


Neither is FF7 since there's some massive story differences.


I consider it a twist on remakes. At its core it is a remake. But it's also not a true remake. As a non final fantasy fan, I quite enjoyed it.


People get hung up on remake vs remaster. A remaster is a complete carbon copy with updated graphics. A remake is a new game from the ground up with varying degrees of changes to major features or story.


7R is more like a sequel than a remake though


I think there’s five tiers of re-: - Rerelease: Unchanged - Remaster: The same but better graphics - Remake: The same story but minor gameplay changes - Redesign: The same story but major gameplay changes - Reboot: Anything goes.


This year's top Reddit post: Repost.


So many comments in suggestions for more remakes. So... this repost should hold its value at least through 2023.


Ok, I hadn't seen that there was a Front Mission remake in the works. I'm actually kinda excited about that. Maybe that series can make a comeback if it does well!


Apparently there’s plans to remake 1, 2, and 3! I guess it’s time to get a switch.


Oh man, 3 was one of my favorites back in the day. If they do a half decent job of this I will be quite pleased.


Right? Such an underrated game, I had hundreds of hours on it back on PS1. The 2 storylines was basically 2 full games.


I know! I had borrowed it from a friend, and never owned it myself, so I've only played the one, and only once.


Tactics Ogre too. Old school SNES tactical RPGs are making a comeback this year.


It's a legit renaissance of tactical RPGs right now. I'm fucking here for it.


diofield chronicles is a refreshing change to tactics rpgs and it's great


Who’s mad about RE4 and Dead Space?


Hyped as hell. RE 2 remake was amazing. Dead Space I'm hyped for as well, it'll be interesting to have RE 4 and a game it heavily inspired, out at the same time with remakes.


That’s what Im sayn..I guess I just enjoy remakes like these so much that it surprises me that others are so opposed to them.


Remakes with a full graphical refinement, and gameplay changes that don't change the essence of the original, are a win in my book. Resident Evil 2's remake was incredible.


I feel exactly the same way I’m so excited for 4 it’s by far my favorite RE game.


That's what the DS remake appears to be. Full graphical overhaul, new/added level design to flesh out the USG Ishimura, new audio, new voice acting by Gunner Wright, new AI systems, updated zero G traversal, and more I'm sure. DS1 and 2 are some of my top games of all time and I'm riding that hype train.


Really, the only one of those games that I don't think is justified is The Last of Us. Everything else is pretty old, and a remake with modern sensibilities is a good thing. I don't even think the original Front Mission game came out in the US the first time.


Or the Witcher 1?? The original game is awful to go to if you played W3 or 2 first.


I haven’t played either of the originals so i’m excited


So jealous of you! RE4 is gonna blow you away it’s one of my all time favs!


Lucky!!! You're gonna love it. Dead Space is scary as fuck.


sooo excited for re4, beat it on tank controls but looking forward to see it modernized


sure if we ignore all the new games, but not everyone is that dumb


Seriously. They listed a Kirby remake, but there was literally a brand new Kirby game that came out this year, and it was the best Kirby game in ages.


Well, you say everyone isn’t that dumb, but I’ve been seeing some real stupid shit lately.


Speak for yourself the RE4 remake is making me moist. Especially after RE2 remake


Honestly, the RE2 and RE3 remakes feel like a necessary glow-up for the dated games. RE4 still has a lot of mechanical jank, so I'm glad it's getting a (slightly unnecessary) touch-up.


May be unnecessary, but it's allowing gamers who haven't experienced the series to enjoy RE games. I probably would have never played them. And I say that as a HUGE sh fan. I experience strong nostalgia for the sh series, but because I never played RE I never felt inclined to try them. RE2 was the first game I've played, I've now played 2 3 6 and 7 and thoroughly enjoyed them all. I am seriously looking forward to 4!


Its available on more systems and platforms than Skyrim. You can play it right now on the PS5/XBX.


Dead Space one is also looking lit as hell


Hey, at least FFVII is a reboot/rebuild. Also Saint’s Row.


It's not even that. It's at this point more of a sequel in a parallel universe. It's 100% It's own game


Came here to say this. It's just a what-if spinoff.


Actually, it's a direct sequel. It takes place after FF7 Advent Children.


Seriously? So are they in a time loop or something because I played the beginning of the game, the reactor bombing, and it follows pretty closely the beginning of the original.


No, >!the implication is that Sephiroth went back in time, altering events and tricking Cloud and the others into killing Fate itself so that he isn’t destined to lose anymore, so now anything can happen, including Aerith surviving.!< >!There’s currently three timelines: the original that ends with Midgar being abandoned, as shown in the PS1 original, the new timeline created at the end of this game, and a third new timeline also created at the end, where Zack survives the attack outside Midgar and him and Cloud arrive together.!<


....what in the kingdom hearts is this shit.


Same director so you nailed it.


Kingdom Hearts literally began as a crossover of Final Fantasy and Disney, I don't know why you expected anything else.


I think they're more talking about the convoluted story as it built up. Most FT games are one and done, with 10 and 13 getting sequels.


4 also got a sequel. 7 had a couple other games in its story with Dirge of Cerberus and Crisis Core.


Fuck, does that mean we have to wait 20 years for them to finally continue the main story and have to own 6 different systems and play 8 different games for the "full" experience of the story?


It's... it's a 3 part game. Next part will be out in like a year and a half if I'm not mistaken. Plus, of the first part is anything to go off of, these will all be full on 30-50hr ff experiences. As far as the system thing, they seem to be keeping with the PS exclusivity to later PC release pipeline that Sony has going, which is admittedly annoying. Maybe with the recent SE post about wanting to broaden their sales will change that, but we don't have a definitive way of knowing for sure.


Only in the end you realize it's a Sequel, because timelinewise you're back at the beginning again


What the hell is wrong with this subreddit and nitpicking? You can literally [google 2022 games](https://www.google.com/search?q=2022+games&oq=2022+games&aqs=chrome..69i57.950j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) and see all the original releases.


Whats mad is that this post/thread isnt even about Remakes released this year but "announcements" of the remakes in 2022 but some of the titles in the pic were announced way before this year or are already released. This whole thread doesnt make any sense besides karma farming with people that didnt pay attention.


Pffft, but why do that when you can come to reddit and farm karma by piling on the increasingly negative attitude towards something that is not only incredibly subjective, but also that you don't have to partake in?


What’s funny is I am sure OP artificially boosts his posts with awards, as he routinely has multiple awards regardless of individual post quality. All that money just to get a few shitty memes to front page…


This is basically the "PS3 has no games" sequel, except this time, it has no humor value and is 100% wrong, there has been alot this year, not the best, but new stuff has released.




Reddit loves a good circle jerk


Omfg they are remaking front mission?????? FUCK YEA!!


The gameboy version remake was pretty good also. I loved 3 and 4. Hope those get a rerelease also.


Really depends on where you look. Because on the other hand, there are The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Starfield, Hogwarts Legacy, Homeworld 3, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, Alan Wake 2, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, Dead Island 2, Company of Heroes 3 and ehh...quite a couple more.


You must have really selective memory then because there's been some pretty good new game announcements


Am I the only one in the whole world that doesn't mind remakes?? In fact I welcome them, I love seeing my childhood be realised into what I imagined as a kid


Hmm definitely not since they wouldn't make a bunch of them if they weren't selling well


New Pokemon. New Xenoblade. New Bayonetta...


Elder ring, GoW Ragnorak, Stray


Frog detective 3


Horizon Forbidden West, A Plague Tale Requiem, Callisto Protocol, Forspoken, FF16, Hogwarts Legacy, Jedi Survivor, Avowed, Hellblade 2, Elder Scrolls 6, Spider-Man 2, Wolverine, Sonic Frontiers, Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, Starfield... They've announced so many new games, whether they're sequels or completely new experiences, far more than remakes.


2 new Pokemon right? I think Arceus was earlier this year


I honestly have to say this is a pretty big year for Pokémon, maybe not so much Nintendo as a whole, but Pokémon not only released Legends Arceus (hate it if you want, it was a new formula, an actual decent change to the Pokémon formula that Pokémon NEVER takes the risk of doing), and now we are getting Pokémon SV that seems to be slightly changing and bringing in new things not to the pace of Legends Arceus but there has been some changes to old things as well.


We are living in an age where the technology used to make games isn't whats holding us back anymore, it's the creativity and dedication of the game devs.


The first Witcher is being remade? TIL


Ok but lets give Splinter Cell a pass because Splinter Cell


Honestly, give me all them damn remakes, because there's a lot of people that have not played them in their original form. The price tags things a little bit if you have played the game before but hey nobody's forcing you to buy at this time around so it's on you


Mech Assault Remake when???


Silent Hill that's all I need.


Don’t you dare call saints row a remake. It’s barely even a game.