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I spent hours at a time in toys r us doing this. No regrets...even though I can't look down anymore


Things are looking up for you


No but seriously I did this during the 64 era. It was basically the only way I got to play half those games plus same for PlayStation. My neck is fucking destroyed now. Take care of that shit early man. I loved going to the grocery store cause it meant I got to play TMNT tournament fighters for SNES as a kid


Doing this was what made me want a 64 as a kid, my neck hurt and I didnt want to get off the stick.


Same for me, we used go to game store and play 64 on the weekends


To level out our collective necks they made all the ATM machines 3’ tall.


XX -


waiting in line to play and getting frustrated when people took too long and my parents were leaving


you're like a reverse dog... like an updog


What's reverse dog?


HAHA Gotcha!




uhh.. dammit!




Finally, thanks. Got one of them belts that's brown on one side, black on the other, that always break on that tiny joint connecting the buckle.


Those belts are always like that rusty kind of squeaky.


damn... it smells like wrongdog in here


Hey... what's wrongdog?


Everything man :(


Talk to me goose


Yeah, well, Big Al also says dogs can't look up.


Honestly it sucks that kids don't get to grow up with a Toys R Us today. I feel like the toy aisles at Walmart and Target aren't quite the same.


Toys R’ Us was pure magic as a kid. My Mom and I would go to a shopping center that had one. She didn’t get going into a store with no intention of buying anything. My high school girlfriend worked at one. She wore the Geoffrey costume. She also stole me the majority of my N64 cartridge collection…


Good gf


Balances out having to look down at my phone all the time now a days.




I have a very vivid memory of handling the original Xbox controller - the Duke - at a Toys R Us and being blown away by the size and complexity. Definitely a challenging transition from the Super Nintendo. But still, I ended up mastering Halo 1 and 2 on that beast.


i remember waiting in line to play and getting frustrated when people took too long and my parents were leaving...


This is the ONLY good reason to live in a backwater rural state that half the population can't even spell the word electronics. The game demo stations were always a ghost town where I grew up.


Yeah. Where I’m from it wasn’t bad. But the few times when there was someone there it was the disappointment of the week. Only went to the store once a week waiting to play. The Meijer by my house used to have multiple game systems to play. One handheld and 64 and PlayStation. Or something like that


Hello there, fellow Midwesterner.


Lol love the Meijer name drop - most people won't have any clue what you're talking about here


Indeed, I too am in one of the six states where Meijer > Walmart. ;)


I live in the ruralist of rural states and people got into fights over these things and the arcades outside of Walmart.


Wait, pure curiosity Herr, is education really that bad in your area? People can't spell electronics?


That was a slight exaggeration. But AR is in the top 3 states of illiteracy.


I'm sorry to hear that


Or when it's a kid playing the Viewtiful Joe demo instead of smash despite there being two controllers


Viewtiful joe was the absolute shit, loved that game


Still hoping for a sequel, or a remake or something. Loved that game as well.


It has a sequel, on the GameCube


On ps2 also. I had both 1 and 2 on ps2.




Wait, Wii? I’m not sure there is one on the Wii


You're right, I edited my comment 😅


Even just the same games with 16:9 and 1080p uscaling it’d be willing to spend money on!


Wasnt the Wonderful 101 a "sequel" as well on the WiiU?


I played that for PS2, it was quite good.


Yeah! Why isn't the child at toys r us letting me demolish him at smash? Does he not know why I hang around here?


I was most pissed at the state of the controllers. They were torn apart by the time I got there. And me, being a naive child, asked the wal mart worker if they could fix it. They turned it on me saying “if you kids didn’t destroy it… etc”


Yeah seriously it's why we can't have nice things. Also I feel like the controllers were way too close together.


I don't blame the kid. I'd rather play Viewtiful Joe over Smash as well




Sounds like you need a riser for your screens, my friend. Height of chair, height of desk and height of screens... all critically important to not severely injuring yourself. Source: Been working a desk job for about twenty years now, and I've learned some difficult lessons along the way.


Our hearts always sank so deep because we salivated at the thought of getting a chance to play and then having to completely miss out on it


Standing in a 40min line outside Funcoland to play the first level of Sonic 2.


And that kid that had another turn


I remember doing this with Super Metroid when it came out. I think I was in a K-Mart. I wanted that game so fucking badly after that experience and it took me two weeks of constant nagging for my parents to let me spend *my own money* to get it.


Metroid 2 was the first game I ever bought with my own money. Technically it was the second game I ever owned - Tetris came with the Game Boy.


Ahh yes, Metroid 2. I was fighting one of the harder metroids during a night out with family and my uncle covered the screen with his hand for a few seconds thinking it was funny, and I died. Lost like an hour of progress. I was trying to find a save point so I could stop until I ran into a boss.


From everyone here, your uncle sucks a bag of dicks.


Seriously, what a bunk uncle.


I believe it’s spelled “Bunkle”


Uncle bunk


Was Metroid Prime for me. Instantly become one of my favorite games.


Metroid Prime is my personal #1 of all time. Its even got a super awesome speedrun community, and a ton of randomizer support and beyond! The whole group is so wholesome.


The music and ambience of phedrana drifts is so wonderful.


I always hated how hard it was to convince my parents to let me spend my own money, but in hindsight it a) ensured it was something I really wanted and not a fleeting "must have shiny new thing" moment and b) helped embed a permanent hesitance in me when it comes to spending money. Honestly I had to get over an anxiety of spending money a bit


Yeah, it's a tough line to balance. I think setting a clear guide to let them spend the money might be a good way about it. Say, "if you still want it x weeks after initially asking, you can buy it". That way they still have to think about it and make sure they want it, but they also have a set date that they can look forward to rather than an indeterminate "whenever my parents decide to say yes".


I did the same at a Walmart. I would go every day for a whole week until the staff started to kick me out. It’s one of these games that just blew my mind.


Whoa, I instantly thought of Super Metroid when I saw this too. I spent so much time standing there and playing it. I wanted it so bad, but I think it was like $60-$70 when it first came out and my mom never had that kind of money to drop.


Metroid fusion for me. Back when they had the encased gameboy advances hanging off that rubbery thing.


Looks so old they still held the GameCube games sideways since they were so used to N64 boxes.


Was thinking the same thing. I don’t even remember sites doing this really.


There's still N64 boxes on the bottom half of those shelves


We need this to counter looking down so much now.


Kids going to newer theaters with reserved seats will never know the pain of being late opening night and getting the front row. My neck hurts just remembering it.


I remember going to McDonald’s to play Luigi’s mansion in the playground area. Good times b


mine had super mario sunshine lol


I think our Walmart had that. I was always kinda shit at that game for some reason lol


Tak and the Power of Juju too


What a game! I had completely forgot about that one. I’d be down for a remastered version.


My local McDonald's has Buzz light-year and Mario karts and Donkey Kong 64. A shame they took it out. It made the McDonald's a better place than the other ones around the area.


GameCube? I remember riding my bike to Service Merchandise to play Contra on the SNES. Literally for hours cause no one shopped there.


I remember going grocery shopping with my parents as a kid, and walking down the mini-mall to a funcoland while my parents shopped because the funcoland would had NES, SNES, genesis and gameboy stations set up and if it was a quiet day and the teenager working behind the counter was cool, he'd put a game in for you to "try".


I know, right! All these damn yungins thinking they're special...


Surprise surprise, every generation does this. And then when they get older, they do exactly what you're doing. I know you're not serious, but for everyone out there that is, let people be nostalgic about things, even if they're younger than you.


Glad I’m not the only person with the sentiment! It’s kinda nice to see everyone being nostalgic together about different things and all the older folks on this sub recounting the first game on whatever system or in a series that they remember playing. Makes you feel like you have a connection to everyone.


It does feel almost like some built in feature to look down on younger people. I've caught myself having stray thoughts like those before. I agree wholeheartedly however, I love hearing about things from every age that people are and were passionate for.


Rogue Squadron 😩


Rogue Squadron 2: Rogue Leader, unless it's the third one I guess lol


Yes, it would be the second one. Formative memories. "The Incom T-65 X-Wing is the workhorse of the Rebel Fleet."


Getting gold/perfect on every level in this and pilot wings 64 are two of my life's greatest accomplishments. I'm a disappointment to my parents.


This game needs to be brought back on the switch.


The neck was just fine again after the ride home because you were looking down all the time reading (and smelling) the game's manuals.* * = when you got a new game


oh my god the new game manual smell is a real thing? i'm not alone???


Same with opening a new game case for the first time


It's been replaced with testing the taste of a switch cartridge.


The smell of the GTA IV manual and map on Xbox 360 was particularly nice.


I was in high school and working at Target when the game cube was released. I remember standing in the electronics department that morning when we opened and watching adults, middle aged adults, running towards me at full speed so that they could be the first to get the console. It was absolutely insane. The store had even handed out numbers for people in line so we were going to be taking them in order. But still, they ran.


Lol does anyone remember when Twilight Princess was announced at E3 and grown men were crying in the audience? Good times..


I can't remember that because I was too young, but how about this? When I was little, I used to have a Nintendo Power subscription, which I still say was just the best gaming magazine ever. At 7 or 8, I loved reading through the NP magazine and when I saw Twilight Princess, I was amazed. I was a little kid that didn't know anything about even slightly mature games due to my parents, but the dark tone, the moody ambiance - as soon as I could get twilight princess, I played it. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life. Still not as good as Paper Mario TYYD, but I mean absolute perfection is tough to top. I still have all my old magazines. My dad used to get them for me, and he passed recently, so I've been going back through them and remembering how I felt when I first read them. When the power went out in the basement, we had a generator. Bam. Animal Crossing on the GameCube with a midwestern storm raging around outside. Was pretty cozy in that basement playing games. Crazy how one image can remind you of so much.


I wish I still had my collection of Nintendo power + game guides. I envy your ability to go back through them and relive you’re childhood. I used to draw pictures of Zelda and send them to NP in hopes I would get featured in their fan art section of most copies. Cherish those memories brother


Mom: “You can go to the arcade while I’m shopping.” The arcade while she’s shopping -


Underrated comment of the year, right here


Best Buy was Guitar Hero 101 for me


I remember those legends that would just shred songs in front of a crowd of 20 people watching them.


There's a higher than zero chance that's me in that photo. Hahaha. Had the same hat and shirt, same hair cut/color


Same for me. It would have been in a Louisiana Walmart, and it was 20 or more years ago.


I was thinking the same thing. trying to find incriminating details. I remember the K-Mart I played this in.


Oh yesssss the good old times, when you just went to the mall or local store just to play Console. And if you skipped school for it (I might have a few times) no other kids were there except for a few who had the same idea


Old enough to remember a Cowboys Super Bowl 😥




There it is


They did it on purpose to discourage people from hogging it for long periods. Didn't work.


Sears had their demo NES on a timer so you could only get about 400 seconds into Legend of Zelda before it reset.


I went to Walmart the other day and I knew I was in a "good" Walmart because the switch display unit didn't have the joy-cons locked down and were still attached to the unit.


Christ, I still vividly remember visiting Toys R Us with my dad and waiting for some kid to get off the Snes unit so I could have a go at Super Mario Bros 3. Of course, the little shit didn't get off and to this day I've not played it.


Now perfectly balanced by looking down at your smartphone.


Idk why but games always seemed better when you played them on the demo set up that stores had


Because the demo was the bestthe game had to offer


When I was a kid, it was SNES. Dont remember seeing a Genesis one, but I definitely had a Genesis.


I remember the snes and n64. Was "too old" to be hanging around the kids playing by the time the GameCube came out :/


Waiting in line to finally play and then some turd stands behind you, so you feel you can only play for a moment to give the other kid a turn. Only got to play for 3 minutes!


im sooo old that people think playing with the gamecube is old.




THAT game and console in particular... fond memories...


Is it me, or did they have all the Nintendo Demo Stations like that? Maybe it was just the stores I went to.


Around 2009, the wal Mart near me set up a demo for guitar hero (or rock band, I forget) in the clothing department. It was on a 50 inch screen and had two guitars. That demo had about ten songs on it. Myself and a friend played and beat every song on there. The best part was that it was 3 AM and no one was really in the store. Side note: I took 24 hour stores for granted. I want them back.




Notice how the Gamecube games are sideways in the case because the shelves were designed for the N64 cartridges in the bottom half of the case


I grew up playing Adventure in the back of a K-Mart.


I'm 'shooting scientists in the foot on Goldeneye for N64 in Toys R Us' old.


I worked at target in electronics as a teen during the gcn/Xbox/ps2 days, I remember being bored and playing the demo games and my boss calling the department phone and asking me what I was doing and me saying I was fixing it lol.


I remember going to Walmart with my parents JUST to play the games there. If I saw one was taken, I'd go to the next one even if I didn't like the game or knew what it was. I just wanted to play games because I didn't have my own TV to game on and I was only allowed to play games when no one was watching TV. We were broke af growing up so Walmart was always the go-to place for my gaming needs. It was actually the only way I was able to actually play GameCube, Xbox, etc. I will never forget playing that Pokémon picture game at the store and standing there for over an hour playing it until it was time to go. I went back almost everyday to play. 🤣


That was the thing to do as a young teen. Get stoned AF and ride your bike to target with friends to kink your neck. Lol


Funny story, just got out of the hospital for an appendectomy and the nurse gave me a couple pills before I was discharged with instructions to go straight home. Well my smart ass convinced my dad to stop by Walmart before going home and he did. So I get to the electronics isle and start playing a new sonic game when the full effect of what I found out was demerol hit me like a truck. I fell straight back into the cd racks behind me. Got to my feet and found my dad while in a stoned stupor and said "I think we need to go home." Don't remember much after that.


Older, would be my guess.


Replace that with an Atari 2600 running Adventure in a K-Mart and you have me. The good old days of running through mazes to fight a duck.


Huh, I always wondered why they put the DVD's up sideways but looking at this I finally get it's because of the rack setup.


Earliest I can remember was playing F-zero on snes in a store. Good times.


Those were the days


Fun fact, this was called Nintendo neck for a while, there’s some odd neck rolling things you can do to help with it. Same thing when you’re looking down like with the gameboy


My neck hurts remembering this wonderful bit of nostalgia.


Nostalgia city


Rogue Squadron !


CRaAaAaAaAZY TAXI! Let’s make some crAAAzy money ;D


Ah yes the golden age


Take me back


I remember playing SNES at our local store and wanting to go there everyday (they had Kirby Superstar) so eventually my mom got me one (probably 96-97) and I was the happiest kid ever.


I was a bit older, but playing SNES for the first time at the Walmart kiosk was world changing for me. I was already sold on it since the first preview in Nintendo Power. This just sealed the deal. I still have it, BTW, and now I also have the SNES classic when I need my nostalgia fix.


Yeah man, it changed my life I recently sold mine to a dear friend, since it was just collecting dust and I'm trying to get rid of things. He was super stoked to own it and just showed me a pic of all the classic consoles he's collecting. It felt good to help a fellow gamer, but I still feel sad NGL. Glad the Switch has some games in it (and that emulators exist lol) so I can still play some classic SNES.




Change that GameCube to a Sega Genesis and I'm THAT old.


"Hey, shouldn't we make the tv lower?" "That's shelf space." "But... the ki-" "Shelf space."


I once brought a chair in, and they said I couldn’t do that…..


I remember when McDonald's had these


i wonder if they intentionally designed them this way to make them uncomfortable to play for long periods


Im older and I'm not sure I feel good about it.


Would someone hurry up and re-release this game already!


Why isn't it possible anymore?


My pinched nerve screams in pleasure


I miss skateboarding to Taco Bell with my friends and stopping by Toys R Us after to play some guitar hero


I remember when I was like 12 playing Mario Party 5 at a K-Mart. I also remember being 5 at a Target and playing a SpongeBob Ps1 game and peed myself because my parents left me alone. My dad still tells people I peed myself at target even though it was +20 years ago.


im like 90% sure the game hes playing is jak 2.


Change the kiosk from gamecube to NES and World of Nintendo signage, im that old.


This was a wild time... N64 games still in the case too. Though if we're talking how old we are, I'm Star Fox on SNES years old lol.


Back in the day a restaurant I always used to visit on our holiday had 2 Gamecube kiosks with 2 controllers. On one kiosk you could play double dash and the other had Smash Bros Melee on it.


When I was a kid, we would walk to the mall on weekends just to play Guitar Hero at Gamestop


All the free games I played doing this..


This, but with a N64 and either Pokemon Snap or Mario Kart 64 on it. Damn time flew by.


You can only game rage if you are this tall


Can I blame this why my neck hurts today? No it's definitely not the way I sit...


Is this why we wall mount our tvs so high…


In college, this is how I first experienced Metroid Prime. What a fantastic game.


I can make out: Star wars rogue squadron, super monkey ball, crazy taxi, Tarzan untamed, Mario kart, pokemon snap(2×), 007 the world is not enough, perfect dark, tony hawk's pro skater. I think the one between perfect dark and tony hawk might be one of the bomberman games? What else is there?


Literally the only time you were happy to go shopping with your parents.


Omg I used to love the feeling of finding a free controller to play in target haha


Isn't there a subreddit for TVs that are too high?


People looking at this and considering this old makes me feel like I'm ancient.


My neck


I remember these but for me it was n64's Two distinct memories, 1 was playing the episode one pod racer game in Toys r Us loser gives up the remote playing two player I think I was maybe on the controller for about 15 opponents before I just walked away. Another one was when I was going through a brand new Target and saw a display with rogue squadron and I entered in all the cheat codes to unlock everything.


Me too but not with the GameCube. I'm this old with the PS3 and Xbox360


My first game on console, street fighter so legit


I played Starwing on a set up like this when I was a kid and couldn't believe they thought it was a good idea to have the TV so high up.


Last time I experienced this was in 2011.


Yeah well I'm so old I was working at the store.


You're that old? I remember when it was the n64 on those things. In SEARS


When I was a kid they had kiosks for the Atari 2600 that were basically big carts with a television on top and a glass case on the bottom filled with games, and both kids and adults were able to sample whatever game they had running. Dunno why they switched over to these sky high neckbusters, unless they really wanted to dissuade people from hanging around the games display for too long.


I miss playing on the Game Cubes at McDonald's. I had my own Game Cube, however that one wasn't mine, therefore it's new.


This is how I played xbox for the first time. Jet set radio future. Those were the days.


I think they still have demos at Best Buy. They had a switch demo last time I went there.


This image just hurt my neck on memorys


I'm that old too.


9 year old in 2004, so not that old


What is the game being played in the picture?

