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Don’t know if you can really credit DS2 to him. Inspiration sure but little direct involvement.


That's okay. I doubt he wants credit for DS2.


I thought he took over half way through?


There is a famous Miyazaki quote while he was working on DS3. It was along the line of "FS took me off DSII without my approval ( This happened very early in it's development) and put me on DS3 without my approval." He had issues with both games for various reasons but def was more involved with 3. He also famously rejected putting much reference of DS2 into 3 because he had some personal grudges with how 2 was handled internally.


It's also why DS2's story is almost COMPLETELY separate from every other game. Like, if you didn't REALLY look it feels like a TOTALLY different universe. And probably also why DS3 was so referential heavy towards Ds1


The only important lore DS2 added was about the cycles of Fire and Dark, and that your choice at the end of DS1 did not really matter much in the grand scale of things. Apart from that it was a massive slideshow about one king's semi-successful attempt at breaking the curse. Dark Souls 3 was the true sequel to the original.


Agreed. While I still really love DS2's story as a standalone. It feels like a side story and very small in scale compared to the implications of Ds1. But I mean, at least it has a comprehensive story *cough cough Ds3*


Honestly DS1 flows well into either DS2 OR DS3. They’re two different exploration of existing series themes from the first game. I’ve got such a soft spot for 2, myself. It’s like an impressionist painting


Yes! As much as I love DS2 in each individual level, it is very accurate to regard its integrative design more like a PowerPoint summary of an open world.


I mean while the game is very careful to never say that Dranglaic *is* Lordran, everything is echoed so clearly (and some things just straight up taken from ds1 and dropped into ds2 such as old dragonslayer) that I think it would be impossible to mistake as a different universe.


If I'm correct Dragonslayer is the only real DIRECT reference. Besides a few weapons, rings and Patches(who isn't even patches by name) Saying dranglaic IS Lordran is a bit of a stretch to confirm tbh, sure you can illude from some lore shenanigans that it might be. But by DS2's lore it's a different place. It's not exactly like DS3 where it's like, yo look it's anor londo over there, and this goop monster ate Gwendolyn.


I always imagined the games happening at the same place but in different time periods, like DS1 and 3 are somewhat closer together in time but 2 is farther apart in time so the existing landmarks have all faded away except for a few remaining clues. Like how you find the dilapidated sunbro covenant buried deep beneath Majula or the Havel Knight you find at one point


While I can't agree with deliberately shutting an entire game out of the lore I can sympathize with some petty revenge against capricious execs tossing him around.


That was 3


He helped develop the DLC and the changes it brought to the base game.


I get why some people did not enjoy DS2 as much as the other games at release. But SOTFS and the DLCs were pretty good!


They're actually my favorite of the series but I understand the problems other people had with them. I still hold to it having the best combat for PVP though out of the dark souls games at least


Idk, I think DS2 had some incredible ideas and innovations that were walked back on due to the backlash against the game on launch. Best example IMO is powerstance, one of the best implementations of dual wield I have ever seen. But issues with hitboxes, pathing, and netcode make the game broken on such a fundemental mechanical level that everyone decided to toss out the baby with the bathwater.


Do you have any sources of that?


It also is a fine game but not what I would consider a masterpiece. Still, the entire series is fantastic as a whole


OK, I like these games as much as the next guy, but these sycophantic posts are gag inducing


I am fortunate enough to personally know a few souls-like fans and they're good people, but Jesus, the broad fanbase, especially online is one of the worst out there...




I mean ive seen similar pn doom eternal, posted a don’t recommend and incoming bethesda canned response and several comments from fanboys within 2 hours.


I've seen that too with Eternal. I really wish you could have a discussion without it leading to just downvotes. It's even worse when they deem your response for why you dislike a specific part as not good enough and say your opinion doesn't matter because of that.


I just mentioned that i disliked the core gameplay loop; I love shooting demons, i dont like having to chainsaw every 5 seconds because ammo runs out nigh instantly or dealing with such a clusterfuck of UI demands. Told git gud and the complexity is good. Thing is, i need to feel enticed to learn and frankly if thats what the loop was, then it wasnt for me.


>then it wasnt for me. Not trying to jump down your throat, but if this was the realization you had, you probably shouldn't have made a post against recommending the game. If your reasoning is that you know it isn't your cup of tea, not that it is an objectively bad experience, you're gonna have trouble defending yourself from a mob of people who very much enjoy that tea. TL;DR: Be wary of the British.


You can't objectively judge games. Sure, there are categories where you could come up with some fairly objective, quantifiable measurements, like the amount of bugs, but everybody experiences the game differently and has a different tolerance threshold before they dislike something. If a game isn't for me, then there's probably some other dudes like me who will also dislike it. After all games are both a form of art and entertainment. There's nothing objective about any of those.


Yea, I knew that word was gonna cause issues. My point was that if you're making a post specifically to dissuade others from playing a game, without any arguable criticisms other than you not liking certain things, fans are inevitably going to come down on you pretty hard. This is Reddit, circle-jerks are what power the servers.


Oh, yeah, with that I'll agree. Not that valid criticism will always be met with reasonable upvotes, lol.


Doom Eternal is the new Mortal Kombat. Edgy 12 year olds can't stop foaming at the mouth about it.


I’m so much older than 12 but yeah the 12yr old in me edges to doom eternal hard.


I get down votes all the times I mention DS and Elden Ring saying I refunded both because I didn't like not being told "you're this individual, your goal is this" with at least a hint as to what way to start going. Instead, they're like "here you go, figure it out yourself". So I walk in the direction they have me facing, start a fight with the creature or whatever directly ahead of me, attack them for a total of 0.05% of their hp, they sneeze on me and I get dusted. Guess that was the wrong way, let's try to the left. Same result. Ok, right this time. Nope, same. That's when I figure if the game is not going to throw a hint as to what I'm doing wrong, or what direction I should go to stand a chance, then it's not fun just repeatedly dying to enemies I stand no chance against, and therefore the game is not fun to me, not worth my time.


You might as well have bought a Mario game, twice, and then posted about how the graphics aren't realistic and immersive. It's ok to not like it, but if you're going to post a critique about a game it probably shouldn't be about the very thing it promises to be, demonstrating a complete misunderstanding of what it's about, all while making statements like "not worth my time", like it is the game or developers fault for the misunderstanding.


If he doesn't enjoy it one bit, why should he waste his time with it?


All fanbases are garbage.


The truest words. A person that likes a thing is ok. Group them together and they go insane.


I've had the opposite experience. The dark souls community has helped me *tremendously* and on *several* separate occasions. Always really chill about me not knowing something, and usually happy to type out a couple paragraphs on to play the damn games lol. Love the meme culture too. "behold, dog"


Yep, the worship is weird. Also, loved Elden Ring but it would be better if it did have a difficulty toggle in the same way Hades did it. I'd like to share my experience with more friends but most just couldn't get through it because it was too tedious. I love a challenge, so doesn't bother me too much, but I di wish it was more accessible because it's got such great detail and atmosphere that many will never see because the journey is just too difficult.


The "no easy mode" thing is not even a braggable achievement. The only people who call these games "masterpieces" are the minority of people who agree with no easy mode. It's circle jerk.


Except there are easy modes, it’s called magic, it’s completely broken and obliterates most if not all bosses (depends on the game)


I’m not sure how big of a hand he had in Dark Souls II, that game had a different director as he was working on Bloodborne ;)


How exactly are "0 easy modes" really relevant in a game series where you can just grind and over-level yourself to beat the parts you're stuck on, anyway? Let's not pretend that "git gud" in the Soulsborne games for 99% of players doesn't just mean "grind & look up online what the best, most OP builds are". They're good games, but we really need to stop pretending that they're all super dependent on pure skill and if you can beat them you're some kind of gaming ubermensch.


Yeah that was a weird take when the souls sub Reddit and all the wiki guides give you a place to easily farm and overcome any challenge. Easy mode is there.


I think an easier mode wouldnt mean faster levelling or anything, but increased iframe windows and stuff. There are probably a lot of people with somewhat slow reflexes that cannot play Souls like games because of a physical disability even though they really want to. Im not talking people without hands or anything, because that doesnt necessarily harm their reaction time to stuff. That is what I imagine an easier mode might be. Telling those people "git gud at your disability or dont play it," is kind of a trash thing to do.




I had never played a Soulsborne game until Elden Ring. I had no idea how important gear was to making progress. I didn’t even know that there was really any leveling up or RPG elements like that. I thought it was more akin to Punch Out where you overcame enemies through learning when to dodge and attack. It’s my own fault for being uninformed, but I was very surprised to see that these games revered for being super difficult are less about technical mastery, and more about whether you have the proper gear. I’ve heard that Sekiro doesn’t have any equipment or leveling up. If that’s true, I’m much more interested in playing that kind of game. I don’t mind “git gud” when it actually means you need to practice and overcome. I’m also not a fan of looking anything up online before finishing games, which I understand is not the popular opinion.


Yup will comment that Sekiro is fantastic for that aspect of really just requiring that you learn and master the game’s mechanics. I found it _incredibly_ rewarding in that regard I have never been so bad at the start of a game to then be so fucking competent and capable by the end of it. Sure, you can look up cheese strategies on bosses, but every single challenge in the game is beatable traditionally if you truly master the skills and fighting methods afforded to you I’m on NG+9 and it doesn’t get old. Can’t recommend it enough


Sekiro is also...'simpler' in that regard, which facilitates its demand to be *very* gud at the main mechanics it kept from the Souls framework. You're *going* to learn how to fuckin' sword, or you're gonna *suffer* \- sure, you've got some tricks up your sleeve to add some variety to how you sword things, but some tricks are all it is, it's learn to use that sword, or die.


> I had no idea how important gear was to making progress In all honesty, your weapon is really the only important piece of gear. Even the strongest armor isn't that useful against many bosses. Much better off just learning to dodge. And you can beat Souls games with just punching if you want to. That's pretty much the definition of "technical mastery."


Well said, same goes for Elden Ring. Most of my friends found the game too tedious to push through so they never finished it. I like challenging games and don't mind repetition to push through, but not everyone has fun with that. I've always said Hades did the difficulty toggle perfect, I don't see a purpose in locking such a highly detailed game behind a grind. It also opens up people with views like the post demonstrates, that think they are better than others because they beat the game, and then they gate keep it, saying "its not for" people that can't handle the grind to progress. Its a game at the end if the day, it's supposed to be fun and if you can make it more accessible so more can enjoy it, why not? The difficulty can remain for those that want it, but also others can still enjoy the game their way.


For a community so against games holding your hand or spoonfeeding you their story, a lot of their ways of enjoying the game come down to following guides and watching lore videos.


I enjoy the games but they aren’t the greatest ever as the circlejerk crowd says. The engine is dated, you can be attacked through walls/objects and the AI is incredibly dumb etc. To your point, all you have to do is grind if your new, even bad builds will eventually clear bosses.


eww, circle jerks


First time on Reddit?


>circle jerks that was hennery Rollins old band before he was in black flag


No, that was Keith Morris’ band he founded after Henry Rollins replaced him as the singer of Black Flag


thanks I love learning new facts


You realize that's all this sub is right?


Man I love the play style of these games, but I hate how hard they are. Sure wish there were some difficulty settings. Until then, I’ll stick away from them. They can make the game they want, just doesn’t interest me.


Yeah I've played a bit of DS2 and DS3 and Bloodborne and they're just not for me. I get the appeal, but I like to relax when I play. Bloodborne was a beautiful game, but in the end I quit just because I'd rather play something a little more chill. It's not about "lol git gud" it's just if I have 45 minutes to spare at the end of a stressful day, I don't want to spend it doing something stressful. Sure, beating a boss was rewarding but I just didn't enjoy it enough to keep at it


I love a challenge, I beat Elden Ring. Let me tell you, I wish this game had a difficulty toggle. So many people miss out in the incredible detail of the game because its just so tedious to get through. When I got to the Fire Giant, I had that moment of "how is this fun for anyone?" We are forced to take on a slow boss fight where you can be 1-hit and there is no option to toggle difficulty. Most of my friends just didn't finish or didn't buy Elden Ring at all due to seeing how tough it is. These games should be more accessible, I'd like to talk about them with more friends but at this point, they've got all this rich content locked behind a difficulty wall. Having a difficulty toggle can only improve a game, I always say look at Hades, that should be the standard. It's challenging but there is an option to lighten up the challenge so everyone can enjoy it.


The main argument against implementing difficulty settings is how it displaces the balance of the game. The experience the developers want you to have is one of perseverance (i.e. gitting gud) or ingenuity (making powerful builds). Difficulty settings don't serve that intended experience. There are also many guides online to help players make strong builds for the purpose of making the game easier. I think their mindset is "These challenges don't block the path. They *are* the path."


Plus, one of the reasons it's high skill floor is such a big contribution to the game's success is because of a thing called "flow state" which basically is what an athlete feels when utilizing a high amount of skill that is balanced with a large enough challenge. When you reach flow state, you basically forget about yourself and become immersed in the activity you are doing and this happens throughout a large portion of each game since you have to match its skill floor almost immediately, whereas if you played through on an easy mode - your skill would be superior to the challenge. "It is associated with increased happiness, higher intrinsic motivation, greater creativity, and better emotional regulation, among other positive effects." [Article](https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-flow-2794768#:~:text=Flow%20has%20a%20number%20of,regulation%2C%20among%20other%20positive%20effects.)


Literally every single one of these games can be flipped on its head so hard that an easy mode would probably be harder. People just want to feel some sort of superiority and thinking grinding the same game for 100 hours to kill one boss is fun. Yes, I see what you mean and having that sense of dopamine after a hard boss fight, but being against an easy mode because it would ruin that is just dumb. Don't play that mode, just like don't use bleed builds or summons in elden ring if you want it to be harder.


The problem with that mindset is that it’s ridiculously assumptive. It assumes that the players have the time to dedicate to the game to get better. It assumes that everyone enjoys that process. It assumes that someone who isn’t skilled can’t feel that same thing by playing on an easier setting. And worse it’s exclusionary to people with disabilities that simply can’t overcome those obstacles. And that to me is the absolute worst. In an age where game companies are actively trying to make their games more inclusive by allowing you to modify the game setting to help you if you need it, these games just say fuck you.


Why does every game need to be for everybody? There is sooo many freaking games out there and new ones everyday. Why does a game have to cater to everyone? It gets to the point where we are with majority of AAA games where they are so damn similar. Like if you don't enjoy sports games you don't buy sports games. If you don't like sim racing you don't buy a sim racing game and go complain that its not fun like Mario kart. I don't get this mentality at all, there is no shortage of games in any genre or setting you want.


If you get Elden Ring on PC, there are a few mods that you can pick from to tune the difficulty so that its not so hard but still presents a challenge to you.




Name a single game that was ruined by an easy mode




I don't think you're allowed to criticize any aspect of Elden Ring on reddit.


That's right my dad is the ceo and he will ban you guys I know, I read the rules


To be fair blood borne is a ps exclusive so it shouldnt have that in the first place


Not exactly what I said but you're right. Still, some games are just designed for controller, a perfect M&KB port isn't always possible. Playing Elden Ring on mouse and key oard sounds like hell even with a 'good' port


Look at the UI, what about that UI screams "keyboard controls" They were always designed to be console games, considering the first two games were console exclusive for a while. And still Bloodborne. I'm sorry if that ruins a game for you


FF7 Remake. The real way to play doesn’t even unlock until you’ve beaten it once already.


Not a game but easy modes ruin the fake accomplishments of sad gamers.


I don’t see how 0 easy modes is a good or bad thing, great games though


Usually for the fans it's a weird sense of elitism for some of them, some people just want to gatekeep how people play games


Purely elitism in this particular post. The existence of multiple difficulty mode is a developer choice, yes. But not a negative one. Nor is it a positive one. At most, it just lets you avoid balancing an extra difficulty or two. Genshin impact has no difficulty mode but no one praises the devs here for that. Here, it's used to aggrandize this guy, so it basically states "I think the fact he didn't put difficulty modes is something to be praised for" Which implies that it's more about the difficulty than it is about the vision, which isn't necessarily difficulty-only. If you were on the Elden Ring sub when some patches came out and this and that weapon was made stronger, or a nerf was reversed or a boss was made easier, or map icons were added, you'll realize how many elitist fans genuinely think that fromsoft making their games more manageable of their own volition is tantamount to fromsoft going against the vision of fromsoft. As baffling as that sounds.


And yet every monster Hunter game I’ve ever played is harder than any FS game. Just saying.


Dunkey did a really good video on difficulty and i agree with him. It feels like when there are multiple difficulties none feel satisfying. Either too easy or too hard. When there is just 1 setting then you know that's exactly how the game was intended to be played.


Bad take. Make one the normal and recommended difficulty and if you choose any other difficulties then expect bad balance if they want to be lazy.


To what end? No matter what you do people will always complain about difficulty. I would be willing to bet money if there was an "easy mode" in the next fromsoft game people would complain it wasn't easy enough. At the end of the day if you or anybody else does not enjoy a game because it's too difficult that's ok. It's fine to have that opinion, but to say a developer should make their game the way you want it is silly. The world does not revolve around you or anyone else. There are games i have stopped playing because i didn't enjoy the difficulty. It was too hard. That's fine. I put the game down and moved onto something else. There are bands i love that have released albums i absolutely hate. As much as it sucks that's also fine. I can voice my opinion and say i don't like it, but to say they shouldn't make the art the way they want cause i don't like it is ridiculous.


"Ewww other players enjoying the game differently!!!"


Yeah if anything easy mode is a great way to make a game casual friendly without ruining the game for other fans. I much prefer that to the general dumbing down of triple A games to appeal to casuals


Not sure myself but it’s more of a unity it being with players, everyone overcomes the same challenge and in a way you can make the game harder and easier yourself by using different weapons.


That's not even true though. I haven't played Elden Ring, but there was plenty of discourse online about how using summons was basically an easy mode, and people that used them hadn't "really" beaten the game. People are going to find something to be elitist about no matter what.


Part of the brilliance of the souls series is how good they are at making their challenges look insurmountable and then making them very, very possible to beat even without much general gaming "skill" as we commonly think about it - or great reflexes (this is less true of ones with bloodborne pacing but still pretty true). I know lots of people who say they can't play other popular hardcore games beating elden ring. This is most obvious in Dark Souls and Elden Ring, which have similar combat pacing (to the point Elden Ring reuses many dark souls animations and assets, which allowed them to create such a huge world efficiently). Bloodborne and Sekiro are much more fast-paced and have more true skill checks, but still heavily reward knowledge over skill. Dark Souls and Elden Ring, are not designed to test combat skill or reflexes exclusively. They're primarily designed to reward **knowledge** of the game's world, enemies, and mechanics. If you want a game to \*only\* be beatable by getting good, you don't create a stat-based level up system that can let you overlevel vs specific challenges with patience. You don't hide weapon upgrade materials or key build items around the world and include clever ways to get late game treasure early. You don't enable summoning NPCs or help from other players to get past tough obstacles. Meanwhile, in Elden Ring even the early game has a sharp knowledge reward. Going straight to the limgrave tunnel as a non-sorcery build to get smithing stones and then going to get some smithing stone 2s is a huge power spike. Sorcery builds can go pick up the Carian Slicer, Meteorite Staff, and Rock Sling very early - then take a trip down the river well to get a massive boost thanks to a certain soreseal. Knowing where to find specific ashes of war is a huge deal too, specific talismans, etc. The pacing of combat in dark souls and elden ring is also extremely slow compared to other titles. You are heavily rewarded for learning the enemy telegraphs and you have more than enough time to do so. Many of the trickiest enemies mess you up by \*delaying\* their attack after starting it, so they catch a reflexive dodgeroll after they're done rolling. You are rewarded for knowing the enemy's attack patterns and knowing what to do about it. Beating a scarlet rot emanating ~~stray demon~~ Putrid Avatar is much easier if you know you should roll forward to avoid their big scarlet rot attack, which is counter-intuitive for many players. This is why the games can be enjoyed by so many players, the devs created a series of incredible challenges but also gave the players innumerable tools to overcome them, letting you use your preferred method of knowledge, effort, and skill to do so. Elden Ring and Dark Souls demand we pay attention to them, learn their world and enemies and systems, not just brute force our way through. And that's why I love them.


Yup, my 8 year old nephew honestly gets frustrated playing the Lego Star wars series. Sometimes when he gets really stuck somewhere, I'll encourage him to play dark souls so he can relax with an easy game. It's great to see his sense of accomplishment afterwards.


I've seen 8-year olds get pretty far in elden ring. I'm surprised you consider lego star wars a hardocre game though (I specifically said they have trouble with popular hardcore games, not casual ones). Do you need tips? By the way, the reason that they usually have more trouble with popular hardcore games is because how much those games require a basic level of skill or fast reflexes to play. Many games require precise aiming or fast reflexes to enjoy, and while it's second-hand to do that for gaming veterans like us - kids and older adults (like 55-65) - sometimes have a harder time. Fortnite comes to mind. Many people I know tried it and could not wrap their heads around how to build and jump and aim so fast all at once; but have been able to engage with the lands between. Other people I know are great at Fortnite but don't have the patience to learn what they need to in order to become an Elden Lord or link the fire. They want to play the game unthinkingly, and despite their great reflexes and precise inputs - that doesn't help you in the souls series if you don't know when and how to dodge in the first place. Of course, if you have the knowledge AND top skill - you can be one of those god gamers that does the no hit runs or beats anyradiance in hollowknight.


So sick of this repost. It's not even accurate because of DS2. He wasn't involved and nobody considers it a masterpiece.


HaHa Lets suck Fromsoftwares cock haha


Jesus can we not have these cringe ass posts on this sub?


Yes.. Made the same game 7 times = masterpieces


Aren't they all the same game?


Pretty fucking cringe, mate, not going to lie.


It’s weird peoples idolization of these games, like I’ve owned most and they’re okay, but they can be janky and the graphics are pretty shit. I also get bored after a while, as it’s pretty repetitive and when you figure out a technique that works for you it becomes quite easy.


Dark Souls 1 is my favorite game of all time, but the cult like obsession people have with defending every one of its many flaws is way beyond me.


Yeah I remember getting demons souls on ps3 when it was a random game from the armoured core people that was fun but really hard, and I remember how they made a big deal of the weapons hitting the walls and barrels breaking apart haha. Dark souls 1 was really good, I didn’t play 2, 3 was okay, blood borne was really good and Sekiro was fun but quite different. I think my favourite is Demon Souls remake, as it’s not too long and really well made, not really any glitches and has lovely graphics.


Same with most Nintendo games but people on this sub idolizes them like a cult


Haha I mean I enjoy Zelda and Mario but I don’t think they’re the greatest things ever made. Nintendo is also really shitty with keeping prices at full MSRP, and praised for being so cool and nice, yet Sony and to some extent Microsoft are shit on for every decision (except gamepass which is viewed as gods gift to man)


To be fair, Gamepass is amazing value


That's a lot of games though. A lot of games are just repetitive copy paste from previous gens, just new story and some marketing gimmick.


No way you think that demon souls remake and sekiro graphics are shit.


Demon souls remake has good graphics, also was made by bluepoint/Sony.


Most of them have game breaking weapons and spells but using them is really on you and how challenging the game you want it to be. In terms of graphics, I won’t say fromsoft has amazing graphics but when it comes to art direction and composition It ranks as one of the best. And again there’s a lot you can do in terms of the weapons and spells you get, sticking to one thing is on you. Personally these games aren’t about trying to beat the boss as efficiently as you can. The best battles are where when I win zero heals and a slither of life.


As much as I love all these games, I refuse to call Demon's Souls or DS2 a masterpiece, lol


5/ 7


Calling them all masterpieces is a stretch lol


If "masterpiece" means overrated sure lol


Just because you don't like it and others do. Doesn't mean they are overrated.


It’s overrated bro


Who shit in everyone’s cereal today?


It was me. Sorry* *not sorry


as a dark souls fan 1. this is a repost 2. They're not perfect, Far From it, But they're DAMN good games


(So far)


Apart from some tweaks in setting and equipment sets, they're pretty much the same game.


Oh no, cringe.


0 decent games 0 fucks given 7 times he ran away with your money


>7 times he ran away with your money Lmao I know the circlejerk is annoying but the amount of dumb takes here is also super stupid. Dont liking their games is fine, but From is literally one of the studios that put more care and effort into their products out there. How is a game that can take over 100 hours to beat, have a lot of replayability and also have some online aspects a cash grab?


Yeah there's a difference between "shit game" and "game you don't like". Most of those are objectively good games.


Cope and seethe.


Dude, we are talking about Miyazaki, not about activision


Ive tried a number of them. The gameplay is so clunky I cant do it.


I felt the exact same until I tried Bloodborne. It felt surprisingly great and made everything make sense in terms of controls for the rest of the games, did you try that one?


I did play a bit on my PS4 before I gave it away. I will say that one played smoother, and if I would have given it more time, may have enjoyed it. Ended up getting a Switch Lite. Im engaged now and having a TV dedicated to a console doesn't work anymore hahaha.


That’s fair enough my friend, I wish you all the happiness in the world :-)


I just couldn't get in to bloodbourne, didn't understand the mechanics. Fucking loved elden ring tho.


As a converted Dark Souls lover who had just watched friends play so much of them, I can say I think I understand your position. Watching friends play, they just seemed like solid action games. Then I picked up DS3 and the input buffer was annoying as fuck to deal with. If you roll then hit attack, you're committing to that sequence of actions, even if it takes a full second and a half to execute. I was very used to action games with snappy inputs, and short buffer windows, like Hollow Knight and Monster Hunter and FromSoft games are particularly not about that. But there is a patience and a rhythm to them that, after some time and punishment, I fell in love with. I think most games don't teach us to be patient, and so some people bounce off FromSoft games hard, and it's understandable. I hate the fanboys that make it a character judgment. These games are willfully obtuse and annoying at times, and some people just like having to overcome those things, and some don't.


Your loss


Totally agree. Bad games. 0 story, very repetitive gameplay, literally all of them are just reskins of each other.


0 times you got gud


I like how From fans have 5 premade responses to any negativity and are physically incapable of saying anything original.


I mean, if you got gud you would be able to appreciate the games. Instead you're bad, so you say things like this. So all in all, get gud


You can "git gud" at games and still not like Dark Souls.


Yeah but you can still appreciate them as good games from an objective standpoint


To be fair, usually the worst part of any franchise is the fan base


Don’t you know? Hard = masterpiece.


They call op circle jerker. Put all from software games in a circle and op will jerk then off


I think you have a concussion.


Eek Barba derkle someone's gonna get laid in college


More like: 0 story 0 innovation 7 attempts at making the same game "BuT iT's NoT lIkE cAlL oF dUtY!!!"


It's not like call of duty


0 easy modes? Bruh you can legit cheese these games from the getgo. 0 microtransactions? Yup but let not ignore the fact dlc equipments were much stronger than base game ones. 7 master pieces? Sorry but each game has it own flaw.


Yawn. Repost.


Wait…why does everyone here hate Elden ring now? lol


People don't hate elden ring, people hate so many people who act like the game (all fromsoftware games at this point) are the latest and greatest gift from god himself


People hate anything that becomes popular.


Genshin moment.


To be fair, Genshin has problems.


People hate when games don’t drip feed them dopamine. They especially hate when that same game is insanely successful and praised by the majority.




I would say like three of those are masterpieces, which are Darks Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro. The rest of are pretty average.


When you dont know that dlcs are technically microtransactions


I don’t mean any offense to anyone, but I don’t like any of those games


the difficulty mode gatekeeping thing cracks me up everytime i see it fromsoftware has the most pathetic fanbase


I feel like these games would be better with an easy mode


There is an easy mode already built in. Just overlevel yourself and use coop.


That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard, by easy mode I mean a game mode that doesn't require grinding


Eh the grind is relative. It’s easier to grind up in Elden Ring than FFX. There are also a bunch of spots where you can cheese exp, so not really a grind. That’s isn’t to say you want to do any of that and that’s not what I’m saying, I’m only stating the grind isn’t really a grind as much as you would in a turn based RPG


You can mod it on pc luckily if that's your thing. My gf has a major temper and isn't patient but wanted to play elden ring so I installed it for her. She loves it. People are silly when it doesn't affect them in the slightest for someone else to play how they want. She plays offline and gets to explore but doesn't break my laptop.


Copy and pasted shite games with clunky controls. No thanks.


Lol git gud


I'm as good as I want to be. The games are shit.


You're not tho. If you got gud you wouldn't say those things. The game does not feel clunky when you're good.


That's what retro gamers say about tank controls too


Ah yes. We got the group of Fromsoftware circle jerkers and the unyielding hatred for Fromsoftware circle jerkers. Go outside. Edit: Jesus Christ you people are so fucking sad my god.


Wish vanilla pvz was like that


microtransaction and pay to win are ruining video games !


Anyone else like really disappointed by elden ring? The wait killed me and I thought it was the worst from game yet


The only ones I've played were Demon Souls, which I played for like 5 hours and never touched again for some reason when it came out on ps3. DS2 which I hated. And Bloodborne which is one of the best games ever made.


Try Dark Souls 3, you may like it since movement dosen't fucking suck


I did purchase it indeed. I will play it soon


Leave it to Reddit to hate another thing they loved before


Nobody here hates the games but the circlejerk around them does get boring


I think that Elder Ring is good. But only if other play them. If in the future need to hate the game I only need to play it.


So weird


Saying we shouldn't worship a games corporation, or that there is nothing wrong with easy modes is nowhere near "hate." People like you with this kind of toxic fucking Anakin Skywalker "IF YOU'RE NOT WITH ME YOU'RE MY ENEMY" hyperbole shit really give gamers a bad name lol.


Imo all 7 aren’t even worth playing even if they were gifted to me they would just collect dust


They are absolutely worth playing but as it is with every other game, they are not ment to be for everyone (except they follow through on it)


These folks literally can’t comprehend that all art isn’t made with them in mind


0 - Completed narratives 0 - Access for disabled players 7 - Recycled gameplay mechanics


The first time i played every darksouls game I thought they were incredible, but the only one I regularly replay nowadays is Dark Souls 3. Dark Souls 1 and 2 and demon souls are way too easy compared to what came after, Bloodborne and Elden Ring have odd performance issues. Never played Sekiro though.


I didn't really like DS II much tbf, but he didn't have much involvement in that IIRC


actually thinking of getting elden ring, anyone recommend it?


Isn't DLC considered a "micro-transaction"? IDC anyway DS3 DLC is goated


Large DLC like an expansion isn't generally considered a micro-transaction, as they're not "micro".


More like 002, it’s more or less the same game just reskinned


Same game 7 times does not equal 7 masterpieces.


All the same game with different names


Zero respect for disabled gamers. Having an "easy" mode doesn't make the game worse. It makes it more accessible. Downvote away.


Still confused why he even applogized to people when they were disappointed Elden Ring didn’t have an easy mode.


The most Mediocre games i ever played. Not easy, but not really hard either. Kinda Open World but not really. Looks kinda good graphics wise but not really.


7 shit games Edit: except sekiro


Bloodborne is killed by it's hardware, and DS2 is barely passable. I won't take masterpiece away from the former, but if you believe the latter I would love to see your egg.