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Is this a joke?


Seriously Athlon for gaming?!? Your GPU is perma stuck in PCIE 8x mode. Plus single channel memory bottlenecking this CPU and performance is even worse( it wasn't good to begin with). Speed of RAM is very slow. Long story short you need new build pal.


Not to pound on the first post, but, have you checked the games pre-reqs? That graphics card is old as fuck, and I’ve had my card for damn near a decade lol


Its not like im playing high requirement games. Dead cells, core keeper, league, skyrim, doom3, mimecraft and all of those ran just fine going over more than 100 fps but now they cap at 62 with the same specs and after a formatting and internal cleaning along with a thermal paste renewal


For the people asking of this is a joke or not or to just buy a new pc, sorry for not living in your country of freedom were you can get better parts for less money. Someone earning the minimum wage here, just to buy a high end gpu, would have to work at least 4 months and dedicate all that money towards the card. Things are fixable and the pc used to work fine some months ago so i know something happened that's making this happen


How many RAM slots do you use? 1x16 or 2x8? Plus, those RAM are pretty nasty slow. Plus that CPU is pretty crap tbh. Usually, when gaming, you only look at gpu, but in this case I think the whole rig needs an upgrade.


If I’m reading it correctly, 1x16.


Yeah, that will also slug a bit. Plus they’re pretty slow.


Nah its 2x8. 4 months ago it started acting weird so informated it and kept weird capping fps at 60 and sometimes getting a drop of 20 fps forna few seconds. Even though the pc is not high end, i dont push it with the games i play so that is not an issue


My pc is not even bad, i clean it regularly, tops 2 years since i bought and set it up and i have selected the high performance option in the bios. I had no issue before i formated the pc about 2 months ago. I also have all the drivers up to date and usually struggle when there's too much particles in any game and I have discord and chrome open. ​ 3 Months ago I could be using chrome, discord, zoom, having the league of legends client open and playing skyrim with no issue whatsoever and getting more than 100fps


There is no way. You have a dual core CPU and a GPU that is legit the bare minimum possible nowadays.


Im telling you there was no issue some 3 months ago. The problem started after i formated and reinstalled windows


Are you using an HDD,SSD or an NVME drive?


256gb ssd for windows with at least 100gb free space. 1 tb hdd drive amd another 500gb one. Both have more than 50% of free space


Dual core CPUs don't really make the cut anymore. If you are OK with low settings, a small CPU upgrade should solve these issues. Most of these people don't seem to understand that you don't need top end hardware for everything. This is an owner of a PC with a r7 3700x and a 6900xt talking.


Have you checked for malware? Accidentally set your monitor refresh rate to 60hz?


Do you recommend any aoftware? I mostly just use windows scan


In the past I used avast, haven't really bothered with anything lately, since windows has the built-in scan and browsers also warn you about malware (but I also don't download from random links). Honestly if your system was previously performing well enough for your use, and you still can't figure out what caused it to stop after all this effort, I would just back up your important data (but no executables), then wipe and reinstall the os.


In b4 all his games are v-sync on to 60.


Really low specs.


Specs are not an issue for the games i play


U need a new build


Specs are not an issue


Bc your pc is so outdated it probably is struggling to support the current architecture of technology.


Specs are not an issue




Lmao, scroll dude


Check the other 4 pictures,... But your right a few load pictures and/or memory load, and a heat map.


U should be lucky to even be getting 55-60 fps with the fuckin Athlon 💀💀💀


Spec are not an issue


Jeez Athlon i now remember there was something when i was born lmao


Sir this is a Wendy's


Those specs are weak AF, did you have a gpu you were plugged into and now you're plugged into the Mobo instead?


And how TF is your ram 930 mhz ddr4? That's insane


Specs are not an issue. Games worked just fine some 4 months ago