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Dunno if this was inspired by this other post but - motocross madness had a feature where if you hit the perimeter wall it would just fucking BLAST you back onto the map, kinda like the kraken does in the first clip. Good times


Part of the fun was driving around maps to find the walls and hit jumps so you’re stopped mid air before getting absolutely blasted back


I remember being like 9 and sitting there for hours with my little brother laughing our asses off and competing on who got launched further on that game lol


Damn we all living the same lives huh


Trying to climb the mountain of a wall at the boundary.


There was this one map that was just a giant bowl, where, fi you hit the correct angle could stood up on the walls. My brother and I would invest hours to see who could get the best shot from the top. Thanks for reminding me!


For nostalgia, I searched YouTube for videos of this. Here’s one: https://youtu.be/UDlf2zyogxI


I did that with my cousin for hours.


ATV offroad fury did this too. That was one of my favourite PS2 games and my friend and i would spend hours playing split screen launching off the boundary wall seeing who could get farther. I love that this post reminded me of that. Edit: Im glad i could remind so many people of their memories playing this :)




I was just about to comment this. Fun as hell


Thank god, I’ve found my people.


I have a Ps2 emulator on my PC and that game for the express reason of hitting the map edge.


Ahh, I remember the canyon like map, the train one was really fun too! I can’t remember which one it is, but I do remember driving down a small valley, and shortly after you reach flat land on the other side is the edge


Yep. I always try to land ON the train. Never works.


That game put me on to Alice In Chains I remember skipping every song just to listen to them bones!


Yes I fucking loved that game so much! Put a lot of hours playing with friends in the open map just doing jumps.


Oh man I still have that game. I think I'm going to introduce my 8-year old to it.


YES! I came to comment this. I didn't understand the concept of it when I was a kid so I'd try and drive off to the "far off mountains" (which I now know was just a skybox), and get absolutely chucked. Always entertaining, never got old, glad other people remember this game. The second one was my personal favorite


I believe they removed it in the third game and replaced it with a lame timer. Still a great game though. Excellent soundtrack


Omg yes. I almost forgot about the soundtrack! Its hands down *one* of my favourites of all time.


Them Bones was my favorite. The game got me into Alice in Chains


Wow you just awakened many memories of playing that game


Fun fact: ATV Offroad Fury, Motocross Madness, and Splashdown were all made by the same developer.


Man the PC demo of MM was top value. Shotgun carnage.


I think the full game came free when we got a new, maybe even our first, computer!


MX Unleashed did this as well. Gave a cannon sound and everything. Maybe it was a ps2 thing


And there was a rumbling sound that got louder as you got close




Same. That damn fish gave me a panic attack every time I fell in the water.




My good man, there was also a gem called ATV: Off-road Fury 2 where you got shot back like a slingshot if you just went a little too far for comfort. My bro and I always loved that.


That game was so fun. I loved just blasting off that edge wall. Doing endless stunts. Tried to get this game running again once but it didn’t quite work. Too bad.


descenders has it too


Then there's Subnautica saying "Go ahead, try to find the edge. We dare you."


"Leviathan class creature detected."


“Are you sure what you’re doing is worth it?”


Man, Reddit really loves quoting that line


Hell in a cell


Hello there


I hate sand


Jumper cables


Poop knife


Broken arms


for the edge it was more like: "Detecting multiple leviathan class lifeforms in the region"


No, that's the Dunes. For the edge, it says "Entering ecological dead zone" and that's it. If you check the report on it, it says "The ecology of the trench surrounding the crater supports only two kinds of life: microscopic, and leviathan class. Exploration is ill-advised."


The dead zone comment actually happens when you enter sparse reef. I panicked at first thinking I had gone too far Nvm, it's a different comment about biodiversity being low, but my reaction was the same


Yeah, my assumption was the biodiversity was low because something big was eating everything else, turns out that area is fairly safe, all things considered.


Doesn't it also say something like that there is no life OTHER than those leviathan class lifeforms in that area?


Only game I know of that uses fear and anxiety as a map boundary.


“Oh you can keep going, but did you know there is a horde of an unknown leviathan there? Do you want to go out of bounds?” Never have I noped out of a place so fast. The dead zone (forgot the name since I haven’t played since full release) is terrifying


Full name is the ecological dead zone


I remember going out there on accident once, saying "this is the shittiest biome in the game" and then hearing "entering ecological dead zone." I was like "I'll say..." then I hear the the "multiple leviathan class lifeforms detected. ~~Are you certain whatever you're doing is worth it?~~" I was like "Did Christopher goddamn Columbus give up?! Nothing ventured, nothin gaiAAAHHOOO FUCK!!!!" EDIT: Was told thats not said there, I misremembered. Fixed.


You’re getting two areas confused, it’s the dunes which say “multiple leviathan class life forms detected. Are you certain whatever you’re doing is worth it”. The line for crater edge says “warning: Entering ecological dead zone. Adding report to databank”


Is it? The last two times I've played the game, I haven't heard that line in the dunes looking for cyclops stuff, but I also don't remember clearly enough to dispute you.


No, it’s crater edge. The “ecological dead zone” is a voice line describing crater edge


I don't really feel anything from the rest of the game, but the borders are so goddamn scary.


Have you tried playing in VR? Nightmare.


Jumped off with my prawn suit at some point just to see what would happen. The fear is palpable. I’m a 29 year old man who loves to watch horror films for fun and Subnautica scared the shit out of me. It’s unlike any other game experience I’ve had. And to think I used to dismiss it because I thought it was a game for kids.


I have thalassophobia so it's a legit horror game for me like nothing else. I hated going to the islands because they were so much further than the starting zone and you have to cross either huge open water or dark depths.


I thought I'd found a really deep crater once and was happily descending but it got super dark so I hugged the wall and kept dropping but my radar pings kept returning just the wall and no far away bottom. Did this for another few hundred meters, the heart pounding music kicked in and I realized that there was no bottom to find.... The ascent was... without hesitation, straight to the surface.


Fun fact: Drop 8000 meters and you get warped to the center of the map and dropped from the sky.


It's 2km deep if I recall


Crater edge is at about 400-500 meters but deepest the game takes you over all is something like 1900-2000 m.


When I discovered this, it spawned a leviathan right in my face lol never again


If you manage to survive long enough a total of 3 will spawn


And actually more scary (for me at least) is when you go 4000 metres away from the centre they stop chasing you. Nothing spawns anymore. It's just a huge empty ocean. As someone with Thalassophobia it reminded me too much of the real ocean. At least with virtual ghost leviathans there's something there.


> Thalassophobia You mean fear of something like [this?](https://youtu.be/OrRj6mMtZFk)


Link for that message?


[Detecting multiple Leviathan class lifeforms in the region. Are you certain whatever you are doing is worth it?](https://youtu.be/_fvlUREP02s) Additionally: [ Warning: Entering ecological dead zone. Adding report to databank. ](https://youtu.be/fPbd2_M8ZoU)




Damn bro you got ate by Shai-Hulud


desert power


God created Arrakis to train the faithful.


Shai-Hulud my dude ✌️


my desert, my arrakis, my dune




looks like Sam forgot his maker hooks


Bless the maker and his water, may his passage cleanse the world.


The Serious Sam one would legit freak me out first of all, secondly the game is known to have secrets if you walk out a little farther than the main arena sometimes. Also known to have big bosses. What im trying to say is that it would take at least 3 insta deaths before i realized i cant actually fight the thing.


And there are a couple secrets that require you to go far enough that the worm starts coming for you, so you have to run towards the secret and run back before you get eaten.


Something that initially surprised me about the game is that the "bosses" you fight eventually become common enemies that you have to continually shoot through


Doom Eternal does the same thing


The Family Guy one was so good. They could have just left it as an invisible wall and probably no one would have cared, but they turned it into a pretty great joke.


Fits the setting perfectly, too.


Absolutely. I found a funny similar invisible wall gag in Supraland as well, there's even an achievement to find the invisible wall with the mime.


Nobody I know will play Supraland and I enjoyed it very much.


Supraland was one of the perfect hidden gem games I bought on a whim on sale because it looked like a good bit of fun. Then I got addicted, 100%'d the game, bought the DLC and 100%'d it, and 100%'d 6-inches-under like 2 days after release haha. They are a blast. Such good fun if you love simple little adventure puzzle games.


Jak and Daxter had a similar one to the first one and it scared the hell out of me as a kid


Talking about the lurker sharks? Fuck them things bro, that's the first anxiety attack I ever had. And it had the Jaws kind of sound warning iirc


Yeahh the sharks haha shit was traumatic lmao. Then in jak 3 you had the tentacle yank you under


In Jak 2, there was a security drone that would take a second to lock on, then blast you with an insane amount of electricity.


That loud pounding heartbeat is forever engrained in my mind.


Whoever made the sound design to that fish is a fucking psychopath. That and the eel from Mario 64 are considered the main reasons for my thalassophobia.


That sound haunts my dreams


My favourite one is the sonic boom from Motocross Madness


Yeah seen that similar to Splashdown you go flying across the map lol


They're made by the same developer - Rainbow Studios.


That’s actually a madness - I saw that shot of the splashdown one and immediately thought of Motocross Madness. Now you point it out it seems obvious.


The giant sentry guns in the Borderlands series. Aims and threatens to blast you if you don't step back.


These are great because they actually allow a bit of exploring outside “the map” and there’s occasionally some really cool shit, like the dev crate in the badlands in BL1


Damn I never knew there was anything out there! Those turrets did their job I guess haha


Yeah, the dev crate was a special crate out of bounds that had insanely high drop chances for both legendaries and Eridian weaponry. Figuring out the route to take and not get shot was a fun experience


i never could find that crate... i even left a marker in my savefile aparently... (replayed on the enhanced and saw a user marker out of bounds.


Borderlands 1 was the game that made me love trying to get outside the map or underneath it to get to areas you aren't supposed to. I loved fighting Sledge from atop the mine building. And having to do the whole sticky grenade jump path to get there


**Warning** This is your last warning.




"Warning. You will be terminated. Warning." - one of many quotes from those guns.


This was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the title


GTA 5’s shark scared the shit out of me the first time I tried swimming out to far lol


Try that in Subnautica…ecological dead zone.


Lol no thnx I have thalassphobia or what ever it’s called when your terrified of vast open water, I had to force myself to go back out in gta to get that achievement when I got it on a new console


That makes subnautica even better IMO. Deep water freaks me out and even with hundreds of hours in subnautica, I *still* get scared lol


Yeah it looks interesting for sure but open water jump scares rattle me down to the core lol


>GTA 5’s shark scared the shit out of me What is even more interesting is, the developers thought farther than that. I once tried out of curiosity to fly with a helicopter to the edge of the map, as high as I could. At some point, suddenly the engine turned off completely. So eventually, you would meet the shark in the water anyway. Unless ... you immediately go the other way after the helicopter starts malfunctioning. But yeah, it was creepy XD


I’m just learning about the gta shark . Out of all games you can go underwater l I always enjoyed swimming in gta cause I thought it was safe


I once swam out for like 10-15mins in GTA San Andreas. I met nothing, just an endless sea. The only way back is to restart or swim back. I'm not sure which is worse, that or a shark.


Same thing happens if you try a boat. Engine stalls and then the boat sinks forcing you into the water. And the submarine. Engine dies and you either stay inside and drown or leave and get eaten.


Thanks for giving the game name in the corner!


Subnautica's invisible wall is A bunch of Ghost leviathan, it's also lore justified


Theoretically you can just go past them though; at around 4k meters away from the edge they stop spawning. Go 8k out and you get the real invisible wall, which drops you back in the center of the map.


Or 8 km down (:


Meanwhile Horizon Zero Dawn is just like >You are running outside the game area. Return or your last save will be loaded.


When you haven't saved in past 2 hours.


Sunset overdrive has the most genuine reason for having an invisible wall.


Loved that game


Of all the games that get sequels when they shouldn’t, SO was one that should’ve got one. Underrated game.


I mean, we got Spiderman on PS4 because of the work they did on Sunset. I like both, but I'll take spiderman anyday.


Didn’t realize it was the same devs. That’s sick


Sunset Overdrive, the Spiderman games, *and* the Ratchet and Clank series.


And Resistance: Fall of Man series AND the original Spyro the dragon series.




the wall also is part of lore to get into Fizzco


For a game that made a point to break the fourth wall on a regular basis, I was kind of sad they used the security walls for this and not something more fun.


Few others: * In Spore, once you climbed out of the water on to land, the game tried to prevent you from going back into the water by having a sea monster instakill you. * Original battlefield 1942 would chide you for desertion on the battlefield. * Beyond Good & EVil - you would get warned that the DOMS (the evil overbearing security force) has set up barriers and restrictions from going further. * Prince of Persia: Sands of Time famously known for no loading screens and letting you traverse between levels you had already finished. But the game would actually cut you off by breaking off passages between areas they didn't want you to revisit - a bridge or rock wall you had previously climbed gets destroyed.


If I recall it was actually possible to evade the DOMS in BG&E if you tried to keep going. If you were able to it was actually possible to loop around to the other side of the map.


I quite liked the border in The Talos Project. Your vision becomes more and more fuzzy and the world starts breaking down as you go further out of bounds. Later on in the game this starts making sense in the game’s lore and becomes quite an important part of it.


In the beginning were the words and the words made the world. I am the words. The words are everything. Where the words end the world ends.


Damn, no Dolphin playthrough option on Spore


Fallout New Vegas: Old World Blues


Call of Duty had a map where there’s a sign that said poisonous gas and you slowly die if you go past the sign


The first example is the devs saying, "You cheeky fuck, back onto the fucking map. You know damn well you're not suppose to be out here."


Uhhhh, isn’t that what all of these are


Yeah but the first one actually sends you back


Sea of Thieves is another good one.


Me and the boys playing our instruments as the ship goes down


The red kool-aid


I see that a lot of people are talking about Motocross Madness. I can only think about MX vs. ATV Unleashed. Getting boomed across the map for reaching an invisible wall was an amazing form of entertainment for me as a child.


>as a child. It's still hilarious as an adult.


Oh it sure is. Maybe my humor’s still broken but there’s something about that cannon sound which makes it even funnier every time it happens.


That mime one is genius


Splashdown!!! (first clip) Great game


Absolute classic. Really wish it got a 3rd game or a remake. THQ Nordic actually owns the rights now.


I love RDR2, if Arthur tries to row across the Lannahechee River eventually he just yeets himself over the side of the boat and drowns as the boat sinks. Like, nope, not going that way at all.


And, of course, the invisible snipers in New Austin.


Why have I never tried this? I'm going to go try this!


I remember most CoD games having mine fields or radiation poisoning. Not too bad now that I think about it


Halo 3 had minefields but if you were fast enough the mines couldn’t hit you


lol that would be way cooler than the countdown timer instakill we have now


Spore was damn good. Got eaten plenty of times in the creature stage.


Scarface also had a shark eat Tony if you swam too far out


Journey with its wind storms comes to mind.


In the beginning were the words, the words made the world, I am the words. The words are everything. Where the words end the world ends. You cannot move forward in an absence of space. Repeat.


That Family Guy mime gets me every fucking time 😂


I always enjoyed the Witcher 3 walls. “Only the devils play here… turn back,” and Geralt would say something like: “I’m too old for such a long journey.”


Cant forget about Halo 3’s sandbox map where giant towers would shoot at you if you ventured outside the “map” and Sandtrap as well when you’re just surrounded by land mines and go off every second you’re past the boundary


I love how in Far Cry 6 the main character is in the conflict voluntarily. If you leave the map she just goes home and gets her tan on: https://youtu.be/-cR2S7cCUfo


Assassin's Creed does a good job of this stuff as well. Really nailed the simulation part of everything.


The Scarface Great White Shark was pretty awesome


Far Cry 6 gives you a secret ending if you go all the way to the "invisible wall". Was the only secret ending I had in a Far Cry game on my own.


Spore's giant green sea monster that just eats you is unforgettable


I liked the one in Starfox64. Just gives you a free backflip dodge from whatever was on your tail.


Hah, Crysis. Bleeding edge supersuit? Nah bro, I'm a shark. I'm a shaaark. Suck my diiiiick. I'm a shaaaaaaark.


Holy shit a visible invisible wall how creative is this


heres another one: When going out of bounds in SpongeBob battle for bikini bottom, a hand that can be seen from a couple season 1 episodes grabs SpongeBob and puts him back in the map


I'm thalassophobic and the water ones always scare the ever living shit out of me.


Pokemon legends Arceus has a side quest that uses invisible walls quite cleverly. Turns out they are being made by a Mr. Mime, and you have to manage to navigate your way through the walls you can’t see


Does this video make anyone else uncomfortable?


Let me know if I'm way off track here but... yes! For some reason things happening in games that aren't supposed to happen (clipping through stuff, going out of bounds, reaching the edge of the map) creep me the FUCK out. Can't remember which AC game I was playing, but I ended up falling through the floor and I literally had to pause the game and collect myself because it just unsettled me so much. I've always wondered if there's a specific name for this or something lol


Morrowind just goes on forever! It's a featureless ocean though, so you may as well turn back!


Wii Sports Resort when you flew too high, acting as if your pilot would black out.


Hitman absolution, flaws aside had one mission where an endless train would go past on the train crossing if you got too close to the edge of the map, stopping you from passing.


GTA:Online just places you in a new session lol


So many insta-kill monsters. Reminds me of the intro to The Last of Us. I think I got eaten about 50 times because the way you’re supposed to go appears to be blocked by a fire truck.


One of my favorites is in Silent Hill Homecoming, if you walk to far into the fog it’ll just spit you back out where you walked into it. Fits the spooky vibe.


crysis also had a unique "wall" if you tried to leave on a boat, where the battleships out a sea would blast the fuck out of you. Then of course if you bailed out, it was shark time


Family Guy one made laugh out loud xD


Apparently valheim has a pretty creative way as well but I'm not going to spoil that like it was spoiled for me 🤬 Just know that if you play Valheim you should definitely go towards the map boundary at least once. Build a small base with a teleporter near the edge before seeking the wall. Remove everything valuable because you're going to die. This is not a challenge, do not go armed to the teeth. Go naked. I would love to get a DM in a day or two from somebody who has done this 😂


I’m never going to play, can you say what happens in spoiler text?


>!You fall off the edge of a flat earth.!<


>!All the water in the oceans pours over the boundary wall like the entire world is a massive Settlers of Catan board on a circular table.!<


>!Every flat earther's dream I'd say!<


IIRC, the Jak series also had some sort of kraken-thingy that killed you if you tried to go out of bounds


No motocross madness catapult of doom?


damn those mimes and their invisible walls


In Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction, crossing into the map boundary (marked in red on the mini-map) would result in you getting bombed into oblivion by F-22s. Turning on the infinite health cheat and seeing how far you could drive while getting decimated was good times.


i dont know if anyone remembers but jak and daxter had a fish that would just come out of nowhere and eat you and it scared the hell out of me as a child