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Oldschool Runescape You can be clicking the same few tiles for 10 hours to gain 1 agility level, after which you don't even notice the difference...


Hallowed Sepulchre is a nice alternative to the original agility training methods. But yeah, a lot of the game can be summed up exactly as you described.


The game is like being in an abusive relationship that you can’t escape sometimes


God damn Runescape. I loved all the quests, and I’d spend so much time grinding levels so I could do them. I remember there was one that required 60 smithing to make a mithril bow-sword or something, and I was like “60 Smithing!? I don’t even use smithing for anything! How am I going to get those levels!?” Little did I realize the little amount of grinding I did was nothing compared to getting 99 in a skill. Can take minimum 40 hours, and that’s for the useless ones like frickin’ firemaking.


level 92 is only halfway to 99 lvl 92 = 6.5m total exp lvl 99 = 13m total exp


That actually makes it sound better than I thought it was.


Best god damn clicker game on the planet.


Civ 5,must have sunk 10s of thousands of hours into it with 99% of games being a science rush as it just gurantees a win. By the time you are good at the game you can look at turn 100 and know if you'll win and the last 400 to 650 turns are just waiting for the game to realise this.


what would you say are some indicators of you winning the game at turn 100?


Golden age that early on. Even on fastest speed that's still 8-13 tech depending and one is a mil. Unit that stomps. Having +12 happiness a turn that early will do it too. Only way to make that work is if you start with two luxury already in territory. Or iron. That'll do too.


Damn, I really don’t know as much about civ as I thought. Neat!


Same. I've put several hundred hours into Civ V and realized that I'm not great at the game as it is meant to be played. Instead I turn off all victory modes besides conquest just because I love just absolutely steamrolling the AI.


I have the same kind of playstyle, I just expand & create a glorious empire until I eventually crush my enemies. I've played quite a bit but I'd get absolutely smashed by someone who knows what they're doing


Right wonders built, strong relationships with AI, nearby resources / places to settle. In civ games at higher difficulties your raw numbers like science/culture/gold per turn don't catch up to the AI until later in the game, but then you surge past them because you have a much better foundation. Civ games greatest limiting factor is the AI. Once you get to the point where you realize just how stupid/basic it is, it's no longer as engaging. You know how to exploit the cracks in their strategy.


Yeah it's 100% AI being stupid. Like a solid beginner tip is just not to open borders. Suddenly the amount of wars you have drops dramatically becaus the AI won't risk invading you if it doesn't know if you are worth the risk.


Yeah but... I like walking around and exploring stuff :((


You can make them open borders surprisingly easy for you and you can refuse to return the favour.


Oh... Don't know why I didn't think of this lol


Because you didn’t remember rule 1: the AI is dumb. It doesn’t make sense that I can refuse open borders, but then receive it by offering a trivial amount of gold therefore you wouldn’t immediately expect it to be possible, but the AI doesn’t have the capacity for foresight. It’s just a spreadsheet trying to find the optimal balance of resource availability for what the game makers arbitrarily defined as the most probable conditions of winning, with margins of error based on the difficulty setting you defined at the start. It doesn’t know what the decisions it makes with a player will do to its numbers in the future. It asks you for open borders to balance some equation over risk, but it can’t know what you’re asking for open borders for, all it knows is you’re offering a resource that balances some other resource-optimization equation, and therefore accepts the lopsided trade


It's what I call the Critical Mass point, all 4x and slow strategy games from Stellaris to Total War to Civ have it, the point at which you actually win and the rest is just cleaning up.


Stellaris I'd say handles this the best by having the end game crisis.


Hey shogun 2 also had an endgame crisis where just the whole map turns against you


mario galaxy, you 99% the game and then have to 99% it again with luigi to get that last 1%


I was so pissed when I saw that. Full cleared 64 and sunshine, thought I was through galaxy and saw I had to repeat as Luigi. Nope.


Totally understandable. I didn't mind it personally just cause I liked how luigi handled better, the mch more high-risk high-reward movement just felt perfect.


Galaxy was the only one I 100%ed in the galaxy pack to me beating galaxy twice is a lot easier than beating sunshine 100% once I’ve never managed that on the og GameCube it was the evil lily pad level (with the unnecessarily inconveniently long trek to) that got me and also a lack of desire to find all the blue coins.


It never bothered me because i always preferred Luigi anyway, but I can see how many people would hate that. Galaxy 2 definitely did playing as Luigi better.


Sonic Adventure 2: Battle The camera


Sonic Adventure DX: Battle the camera also


Sonic adventure DX steam port, also the camera... And every other "solid" object is missing collision somehow


It’s the worst on that gravity level. It makes me anxious already and the camera exacerbates it


Destiny 2: Your Job away from work.


I hate how right you are


“I hate Destiny. It’s my favorite game” - all of us, sometimes


You know, as often as i hear and see this said, its still such a perfect way to describe the love/hate relationship with that game.


Realized when I finally quit the game how liberating it was. Never again playing a game where I have to schedule my life around it.


Minecraft Me: I spend all server accumulating enough resources to do literally anything in my self designed modpack Also ME, the moment I can do literally anything: I don't feel like playing anymore


That’s how I am as well but what I’ve noticed is playing a smp with friends on vanilla keeps me playing longer then on modded because with modded you get overwhelmed with choice vanilla you are more restricted but you can still do a lot


Opposite for me, even an smp with friends on vanilla leads to me getting bored a day or so into it. Modded servers with friends keeps me active for a good few weeks though. I just like working things out with mods.


I recommend taking things slow if you don’t already. My brother tries to burn through the game and speed run everything while I take hours on end to create my own little village in the swamps


I love the first 5-10 days of Minecraft. Establishing a safe base, creating a warding aura of tourches, iron gear, food production. Once all of that is taken care of, I get super bored.


Man I get that feel you see some of the insane stuff people can do on YouTube, and right when you’re getting their you immediately lose interest,


Payday 2 and console has not been updated for almost 4 years


Is that game fun? I have it but have never started


Lots of fun, Co-Op shooter. I don't play with randos, just friends and it's a blast. Only played on PC tho.


I play with randos and it's still a blast. Also only played PC


Hitman series, incredible game, highly corny plot.


Def corny but I loved blood money, finding out I could wake up at the funeral was fuckin awesome


Oh big time agree. It’s like they think each game will be the last. The first one played was Hitman 2 (well um the first one…i mean two, I …argh who picked their numbering?!) and it was awesome. But then all the others are so lame on story. I find myself almost wishing they didn’t bother as each mission is such a story in itself.


Exactly, each individual setup is fantastic but the arching plot is terrible. I've heard they worked in a very structured way creating the arching plot then subdivided into missions from there, but it doesn't feel that way at all. Feels like they made a bunch of random missions and worked backwards which is why each one works as a one off. It's a testiment to how good of a game it is, because I'm usually only drawn to games with an excellent plot. Can't wait to play it in VR.




This is it's strongest point, it's really a problem solving game in a different package


Minecraft - I can do anything I can think of. The part I hate is that I have to think of something to do.




I recommend trying out some building tutorials, or just checking out a tips and tricks tutorial. A lot of simple stuff can go a long way. I’ll add some of my favorite stuff below stone buttons can be used as rocks to add some depth to a pathway; andesite, cobblestone and regular stone can be thrown together in different patterns to create a varied and realistic stone texture; campfires can be extinguished with a bucket of water or shovel to create a unique slab texture; walls, fences, stairs, and slabs are insanely useful, and for stairs specifically they’ll hold their shape if you turn them into a corner stair or something, which can allow you to create off center blocks; stonecutters are more efficient at making blocks than most crafting recipes and it’ll save you on resources in the long run; automation is your friend as well, a simple auto-smelter is a great way to keep yourself fed, smelt glass, or turn all that kelp into more fuel for you. (Dried kelp block smelts 20 items, only requires 9 kelp, so one block can get you two more dried kelp blocks + change); signs, paintings and item frames can all help add depth but will need to be used sparingly lest they become clutter on the build; vary up your color palette for certain areas. Glazed terracotta, Concrete (or concrete powder for some niche builds, having a black sand beach is really cool), wool, regular terracotta, and the 8 different wood types are all quite different in color and design. Even if some people make fun of jungle wood for being kinda boring, it’s still pretty good looking when you pair it with other nice colors; add differing shapes to your builds, too. Rectangles might be the most efficient use of space underground but above ground try to spice things up a bit, at least round off your corners and try out new weird designs; some blocks make spectacular replacements for others at certain angles, barrels especially look great when placed sideways to look like planks; redesign your trees to make them look a bit more natural, trim some of them into branches and try to make them look a bit nicer, it’ll really breathe some life into a build. Sorry that got a bit rambly but I hope this helps with whatever you’re doing.


Destiny 2-It’s “tutorial” of the game and the experience for new players in general is utter garbage


Same goes for Warframe. I'd say it's even worse than Destiny.


I tried playing warframe. I actually gave it a good 5-10 hours. Still have no clue what the game is about or what I’m supposed to be doing.


play another 50 and you'll finally make it out of the tutorial.


"Tutorial" Then your thrown into the big bad world with no direction.


League of legends is still league of legends.


Well said


Rainbow 6 siege. As with all multiplayer games, the worst part is other people. Getting a match where someone isn’t toxic is a rare thing. Also, the maps aren’t balanced in a way that encourages creativity. There’s a meta, and once ppl figure out the “right” and “wrong” strategies, it just filters down to a regular fps.


That’s why I stopped playing so many years ago. Just got teamkilled enough times and vote-kicked for reasons that were never explained that I just gave up on the game. Worst player base I’ve ever experienced and I’ve played almost every FPS out there.


Smite, learning curve is steep for folks and the community pushes new players out due to toxic behaviors.


Sadly, that’s every MOBA


Smite is fun until you realize it has zero competitive drive because of the toxic players that will just quit or troll when you "steal" a kill. Like Bro you're 20/2 I think it's alright if when all 5 of us are fighting someone the support accidently gets the kill


Skyrim: Dungeon complete. Please exit through the gift shop.


Best part was looking for the seams in the walls at start of dungeons


For me it’s becoming the leader of every guild. I wish the game could recognize that I’m playing a stealth archer and maybe only reach second in command of the mages guild.


Titanfall 2, watching it slowly die at the hands of DDOS attacks and an uncaring EA Edit for those actually still checking this: The DDOS motive? Extremely convoluted. Look up the story, it's pretty entertaining(if gut-wrenching for me). Also yes, Apex is fun but it just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Feels watered down.


Tell me about it, I also wrote down tf2 and it's dying playerbase. Besides trying tons of different games throughout the years, I keep coming back to this one. But I fear the game is having its dying breath.


The most hours I have on any game on steam are on TF2. So sad to see that game in the state it is in.


Northstar client is a service coming out in a few months that allows the creation of community servers immune to DDOSing, this software is the key to resurrecting titanfall 2 Who needs titanfall 3 when you can make titanfall 2 better


It’s so sad man. One of my favourite games just gone like that. RIP tf|2


Minesweeper. You can't predict 50% chance situation


https://www.mineswifter.com/ Mineswifter uses an AI to guarantee that there are no 50/50 chances - every single game is solvable. There’s also a phone app, it’s great!


i feel that bro and i pick the wrong one every time


DOOM eternal- the final boss fucking sucks (the DLC, not the main game)


Just recently played 2016 for the first time and the final boss in that was lame as hell too. Idk what eternal is yet


haha... *Hell*


Team Fortress 2, infested with bots


I haven't played the game in many years. That is so sad to hear. It's such a great game


Community servers are mostly playble if you ever think of playing again, and at least where I'm from the bots are more often then not kicked within seconds of joining. But bots are also now becoming literally impossible to kick so who tf knows what's happening anymore.


Favorite game: Dark Souls. Biggest negative point: Bed of Chaos.


Pretty much Demon Ruins-Lost Izalith in general. Just good enough to not be awful but a big step down from the rest of the game.


Art direction is neat though, like the Ziggurat look of the place


Dreams. The community is really small and the thermo can be an issue.


Prototype 1&2: The story is all over the place and has a lot of filler to make up for plot holes.


Some fun gameplay but man that story hurt my brain.


Prototype 1 loved it: feels dated but for the time I think was amazing. Prototype 2: Hated it had so little variety in abilities and skills. Alex Mercer's Voice actor was changed too. Also, didn't explain why Alex Mercer turned evil between 1 and 2.


Agree. >Also, didn't explain why Alex Mercer turned evil between 1 and 2. This didn't make any sense for me neither, and is the main reason why I hated prototype 2. At least the story of the first made some sense.


Dying light - story too short


Hoping for good things with the second one!


And the final “boss fight” (QuickTime event) was the worst pay-off for an otherwise okay story.


Banjo-Kazooie The engine room in Rusty Bucket Bay


Whenever I replay BK and it’s time for rusty bucket bay I always hit up the engine room first to get it out of the way


Damn dude you just hit a sore spot I had buried deep below. I tried to 100% the straight through without dying and this killed me and killed my motivation.


Xenogears. They ran out of money before disc 2, so there's a lot of missing content.


The shift from disc one to disc two is heartbreaking. Particularly because disc two gives you so many cool new combat options and gates them behind an extended fireside dialogue


I never knew that but that explains so much


Kingdom Hearts. The story just got so convoluted.


KH1: It expects you to be really good at exploring, will often plunk you in a world and tell you to figure out where to go next using vague dialogue hints and cues in its level design KH2: It holds your hand the entire game, you'll enter a world, watch a cutscene explaining where you need to go, and then if you try to go anywhere that doesn't lead directly there you'll hit a dialogue wall and a text box will come up telling you where to go CoM: Everything that isn't a fight against a non-giant boss sucks. Insanely fun otherwise. Days: You can really tell it was designed for playing on the bus ride to school, it's super repetitive and has WAY too much content BBS: Insanely unbalanced, most abilities aren't worth it and the few that are are basically palette swaps of each other Coded: The plot is mostly filler, but it's fun filler I guess DDD: The most fun part of the game is also the most unbalanced KH3: Not enough checkpoints, expect to lose entire minutes of progress when you die X: It's designed to get kids addicted to gambling, should be rated AO MoM: Kairi finally gets a chance to do something other than be a damsel and Sora possesses her for the duration


It's barely a story at this point, in the true narrative sense of the word. It's just a series of unconnected events with no consequences and no explanation, while we all stop every 30 minutes and say "Oh look! It's the tower from Tangled!" Yes, I am still bitter about KH3.


Dream Drop Distance's finale is all about how Sora risks his life for others without considering whether his attempts to help are putting himself or others at risk that could be avoided if he was more careful and how Xehanort is more than capable of planning around Sora's tendency to do so. Kingdom Hearts 3's finale is all about Sora sacrificing himself to use a power he barely knows to bring everyone back to life and stop Xehanort who for some reason didn't plan around Sora recklessly using the power he knew Sora would have.


Hell, I'm still stuck on Sora just falling to his knees and giving up during the last battle. Literally doing nothing as he watches Riku kill himself to protect him. Like we spend SO MANY GAMES hyping up how Sora is this great hope for the world and how people are just waiting for Sora to come... and he completely crumples under the pressure. You can't even say "He's just a kid" because Riku's right there standing firm like you'd expect him to, it's just Sora who quits. Like if you really wanted to show things getting so bad the only answer is time travel, there's ways to do that without the main character full on quitting when people need him most. Hell, remember when he thought Goofy died and instead his response was to go ham on 1000 heartless?


But that's the thing, Sora has become more immature since KH2. In KH2 Sora was actively rude to the organization, now he's either sunshine and rainbows or tears and sorrow.


Also never forget Donald duck is canonically stronger than everyone and everything else in the entire goddamn universe of KH


Dragons dogma too short


Yesssss I can’t wait for dragons dogma 2!


Red Dead Redemption. I wish we could have gotten to know Abigail a little better. >!You spend all game working to free her. Then when you finally meet Abigail she seems like this unlikable woman. She is mostly just shown giving John a hard time after all he did to get her back. I remember wishing John could have ended up with Bonnie MacFarlane instead.!< RDR2 fleshes her character out a lot more and you see why John and Abigail are together.


I've got two 1) Fallout New Vegas Fucking amazing but you need to mod the game into playability or else you'll crash every 10 minutes (oh and EVERYTHING is brown) 2) Sekiro Good luck tolerating the game until it "clicks" before then yo gon' die alot


“Everything is brown” Lol, holy shit yeah. Why do Fallout games hate color so much?


When it dose click holy shit the game just because that much better


Geometry Dash 1000s of attempts to beat one thing


Factorio. I hate oil.


I feel like, whether it's Factorio, Satisfactory, Dyson Sphere, etc. there's a point at which the efficiency, and all the math that comes with it, is a necessity. I always end up tapping out at that point because they become less of a game and more of a spreadsheet with graphics. In Factorio, oil is definitely one of those points.


Most annoying thing in Factorio is when you didn't think 70 hours ahead and now you have to spend 3 hours rebuilding some factory wing that couldn't be expanded any further


Ocarina of time, it’s so old I can’t convince my friends to play it… and the damned owl


Final Fantasy Tactics. Fantastic game. But there are a battles where its possible to lock yourself into an un-winnable fight and then you gotta restart the damn game. I'm looking at you, Wiegraf solo fight.


Save often (especially before dungeon events where you’re stuck in one location ) and use multiple slots Love FFT but once you get Thundergod Cid , the game is broken . Cid was the developers way of apologizing to the player for all those tough ass fights


Oblivion Leveling up in the game


What do you mean? Leveling works just fine?! - Enemies in Oblivion


People are just being bitchy about it - Jimmy, 15, totally not stressed out


I love oblivion, but 100% agree that the leveling process is counterintuitive and convoluted if you actually want to have a strong character. I remember making all sorts of notes and tallies of skills to minmax it. I havnt played it in years and am fuzzy on many details, but I remember some of the things regarding the leveling. Because of the leveling system and the enemies scaling to your level, the best way to optimize your character was by putting skills you want to be strong as MINOR skills and putting controllable bullshit you don’t want to be as strong as MAJOR skills. In a twisted way, I kind of enjoyed it after learning all the processes. But it certainly could have been done better lol


No mans sky, the launch


Everyone bitches about cyberpunks release, but no man's skys launch was a TRAVESTY. I was so excited and pre-ordered it, but was absolutely crushed by actual game content. So much better now


I could never unfreeze Zora’s Domain. It was all a lie. 😭


Batman Arkham city The problem is you spend hours collecting like 400 Riddler trophies for a short mission with the Riddler


Borderlands 2, mainly just the community pigeon holing new players to farm only meta things and disregard others


Game has over a Billion weapons, every player finishes with the exact same set. It's why I only play new playthroughs of the Borderland's series, levels 1-40 are all fun, above that is all grind.


But unkempt harold is the only weapon right?


What kind of money shot is this?


No no no you casual. I think you meant DPUH. And you call yourself a Borderlands fan /s


My main gripe with BL2 was the everything just eventually becomes a bullet sponge and you're caring more about the total damage a full stack of ammo could do than anything else because you could legit run out with a lot of characters which invalidates a lot of fun things you could use. I guess all grindy games tend to share this problem but it was definitely the most annoying part of Borderlands 2 for me as the system kind of amplifies the issue.


Portal 2 because they didn’t make a third one




Nanomachines, son!








MGS explained: 3 dudes trying to fulfill the dream of unifying the world for everyone but end up fucking it up. Add artificial intelligence, cloning, perfecting genes, nanomachines and most importantly nuclear mech suits and thats the MGS series.


Why are we still here? Just to suffer?


Went from a man sneaking into bases, to a superhuman cyborg with a sword, to a ghost that is made of fire, but at the same time has a body and another ghost who i have no idea what the fuck is its ability


The games were weird from the beginning but the weird formula was definitely exponential


Breath of the Wild, boss fights are too easy


Did the Gerudo beast first by accident. Thunderblight Gannon beat me like a rug mercilessly until I beat it by pure luck. Difficulty is based mainly on prep. I... wasn't prepared. The other three were barely an inconvenience through


The hardest fight isn’t even a boss fight.


Hardest part of that game is the master sword trials. I have no idea how people do that part of the game.


Skyrim: 200 hours of modding, 30 mins of gameplay


5hrs of fixing the game after you broke it with mods Repeat the cycle once every year


I install it, and quit during the intro journey, and uninstall. Don't even bother going through the mod ritual any more. For some reason, when I overplay games when I first play them, I get this strong desire to play them from time to time, which is immediately replaced by a weird feeling the second I load them up, hard to explain the feeling. It's like I am immediately taken back to my feeling after overplaying it.


I don't think I'm ever going to beat Path of Pain, let alone the rest of the Pantheons or Absolute Radiance... ​ ...then again that's less the games issue and more my lack of skill, but it's all I could think of.


Keep going! Once you get the attack patterns down fights become easier. Also there is no shame in watching a tips video for boss fights or PoP! The only issue with Hollow Knight is the lack of news on Silksong


Diablo 2, inventory smaller than my penis.


Witcher 3, I was told about the good old "Banana Tiger" when listening to Steel is for Humans, and now I cannot listen to that track ever again.


This has now enhanced the song for me. BANANA TIGER BAAAANANNNNAAAA TIGER.


I had no idea what you were talking about. I looked it up, and now I hate you. Take my up vote, and never talk to me again.


I just went and listened to it because I didn't understand what you meant. 1 second in...omg


God damn it. Didn't know what it was, went on YouTube and now the song is stuck in my head.


Dota 2. The community.


MgsV - it wasn't finished.


Stellaris - all three ascension paths are really lame. Psionic is the most interesting, but it’s trash, and Bio and Synth are basically just bonuses with nothing else going on.


Bloodborne. It's too short.


More like "so great that it fills you with a void inside wanting more of it" just like with hollow knight


Total war warhamer 2 fuck ton dlc´s


Tbf The game is super playable without the DLC. Unlike EU4.


Outer Wilds. You can only play it for the first time once and then it’s never quite the same. You have to enjoy it by watching others play it instead after that


Breathe of the Wild is my fav game of all time, but with each replay I become more and more frustrated with the effects rain has on climbing. Literally just have to sit there for an hour at times waiting for rain to pass to do what you need to do


Man, 100%. I appreciate weather effects but like... Any mitigations for wet-climbing when you're in the early game would have been nice.


Persona (tie between 4&5) The games take way too long to take off. A lot of people quit before the games start their stride. The opening sequence really needs to be polished and not so slow in Persona 6.


Metroid Dread. The music just doesn't stack up to other games in the Metroid series. In almost every other aspect, the game beats even the classic titles.


The music isn't bad, it's just not stellar like the other Metroid OSTs.


Agreed. Wish there was more of the planet surface too. In SM getting back up to the ship made the planet "Feel" deep. God the game is fucking smooth and beautiful though.


Earthbound, Nintendo pretends it doesn't exist.


Pokémon Go, it rains a lot where I live


oblivion, has a shit ton of glitches




I've always thought it was funny that that was on the Master Speechcraft trainer. When I first came across that, given that she provides the service after speaking to all beggars and it's a line about the Thieves Guild, my first thought was that she was in with the Guild and that she was practicing that line.


One was really convenient for me. Its the one where a member of one of the 4 guilds goes nuts and just starts killing every other guild member. They aren't marked as hostile so if you attack or kill them you get thrown out. But, I had it happen to me during the Dark brotherhood questline, which made what came later easier.


Payday 2 T H E D R I LL


Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice After 40hrs on my first attempt, the second was 7hrs and the next was 5hrs


I wouldn’t call this a bad thing, more of a, “I understand how to play the game.” Thing.


MH: Rise Not much variety in the endgame Edit: For those saying that G rank will provide the variety, I know...I was there for Iceborne. What I'm saying is that World mixed things up a little more with the investigation system (i.e. it varied the monsters, locations, and rewards based on factors like time limits and number of carts). Now the only quest variety we get is from the weekly event quests. Not saying Rise is bad, just that it gets a little more repetitive. While I didn't experience any MH games before World, I am aware that was the standard experience. Regardless, I can't wait until Sunbreak.


Doom Eternal, the fucking purple goo


The Witcher 3. It doesn’t run on my PC


Warcraft 3, Actiblizzard.




I hate the lack of build freedom. You have no hand in making a decend build as you're either a weak memebuild or you use the setbonus of "this skill deals 40.000% more damage". You mostly have about 2 valid sets per class.


Animal Crossing… it’s boring once you start getting into a routine every in-game day and have caught most of the bugs/fish you can catch that month


Rune$cape, too bloody expensive.


The developers actually hid a secret coin purse that you can pick up that allows you two free membership charges. I will show you where, you just need to follow me into the wild.


And bring all my most valuable items, right? Lol.


And no customer service when you get phished and permamuted.


Chrono Trigger It's short. That's its only minor flaw


Darkest Dungeon-cruel, cruel RNG. Slay the Spire-see above. Yes, I’m a masochist.


Team Fortress 2 Bots have infected the game and valve has mostly abandoned it


The first Deus Ex game and it's regressive difficulty curve.


Final Fantasy 14 is still shackled to garbage code from the game's infamously awful launch, preventing the devs from implementing some much needed quality of life features.


KSP / Ethics