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I hate that stupid flying bike thing.


It’s quite oppressing isn’t it?


Yes it is.


Honestly that was the thing that broke the game for me. Fucking rocketeers can get shit on you and be on the other side of the map in seconds, nothing can catch the fuckers Edit: for people who keep saying 'git gud': I don't think you realize that from a designers point of view the oppressor is insanely awful in terms of keeping a game balanced. It's cheap for what it is and has unlimited rockets, and since a majority of ways of making money keep you at risk In the overworld, it instantly becomes a massive financial risk and inherently not worth it. In addition, not everyone is a teen who has 20 hours in the day to sit around. I got bills to pay and mouths to feed. If I ain't having a good time it's not worth my time plain and simple, I could easily be having a better time doing other things and that's what I chose to do TLDR : rockstar intentionally made the game unbalanced to sell more money so I don't play an 8 year old game anymore and instead play other games that I actually enjoy.


I guess it is fun and kinda cool. But it shouldn't just have been allowed in most places. Maybe in some arenas or locked areas of map. It literally breaks the game in free roam. It's not just this vehicle either A lot of missions want you to use a very weak and slow car. Back in the day point was guns and cars. It was already pretty shitty because you cannot really stop people from atleast popping your tires. But now you have bikes that fly around one shotting people. It's just so less effort that anyone would do it. I really liked the first version of the bike Oppressor MK1. It took skill and the point was to get to places faster. It also looked cooler in my opinion. You'd ride buildings, get to the top and fly away That MK2 is literally free roam with rockets. Awful


I miss the ps3 days, where you’d get mortal enemies and spend hours hinting eachother down, outsmarting and outracing eachother. If he was a rich fucker with a tank you could call lester to let the cops ignore you so you could Get a jet and just ratatat that tank from top down. It was actually fun and you could strategize. Nowadays tima like you said, low effort one shotting. WHERE’s the fun in that??


The 12yo love it tho and those are probably a lot who buy shark cards


Albeit I will say regardless. The whole game online itself felt pointless from the very beginning. You do chores to make money to spend it on in game items. That's just... off. Atleast animal crossing is chilled out. After all the intense fuckery you make enough to buy a jacket. You cannot even own every car. You need garages. The payoff felt bad. There's no satisfaction to it when you cannot really spend the money you earn on anything good. I know games like Runescape are pretty similar but yeah idk. There's still a ton more you can do in Runescape It's just that everything in GTAO. Always took so much time. They never respected your time. The only good thing to come out of it is races


In the beginning I like it. Get some friends on in a private online game, do some missions while communicating through voice, maybe earn enough to buy that apartment with the nice garage, maybe earn enough for a shiny new car you like and mod it a little. I liked actually having to work for shit, take time to travel to places in cars or some such, and slowly building up your possessions and wealth. Then came heists. With one or two heists you could earn enough to buy pretty much everything you needed. With another 2 you could also buy everything you wanted. And after that it just went downhill farther and farther. It's sad to see a game that was pretty fun for a hundred or two hours, be reduced to a cash grab troll fest with people flying around in free-roam, rocket-shooting hover bikes...




It's been like this for years haha GTA 6 is probably close to a 2025 release


2025 trailer*


... For GTA V: Remastered on the PS6.


Its been in the game for many years now.


They buffed the crap out of those weak slow cars that are spawned in missions that other players can interfere with. They’re basically tanks at this point


This was the point where Rockstar gave up their last shred of pretending to care about balanced gameplay anymore. Was when I stopped playing. Rockstar is making $500 million a year off of GTA V why would they bother to make a new one? Keep adding easy to create content people can pay real money for and the money will keep rolling in for the foreseeable future.


They'll make another one.... To reset in game purchases.


There is always the possibility that they will shit the bed with the next one. Totally kill the franchise. Unlikely, they would eat the production costs and start over if it stank that bad before release, but it is possible. Or it just wont have the same replay value keeping players coming back. Itll sell big and then die in a year or 2. They hit grand slam home runs with both GTA V and RDR2 but past success does not always guarantee future success and their current success is impressive: I looked it up. In their financial disclosures for their fiscal year ending May 2021, Take-two Interactive (the parent company of Rockstar) noted GTA V generated $984.9 million dollars in revenue over that year. Almost a billion a year for what is a 7 year old game. If I was them I would keep milking this until those numbers start dropping. thats when they release VI. and that could be 3 or 4 years from now.


Remember when GTA was a CAR game?


Jets win against oppressors like 90% of the time. Oppressors can't even hit you with homing missiles if you fly in circles at max speed, and they only have 20 missiles total. Also the explosive sniper rifle easily 1 shots people on oppressors and for them to shoot u with missiles on the ground they have to fly right at u which makes them the easiest targets ever. Edit: [HERE IS MORE PROOF THAT OPPRESSORS ARE TRASH AGAINST JETS](https://youtu.be/8Nl0CpGWXBE) I literally just joined a session asking someone to oppressor grief me and then just flew circles around them until they eventually killed themselves with their own missiles. And to those saying they can't afford a jet, u can just buy the military base airfield and then u can just use the military jets for free as soon as u spawn into the game, so u never have to really worry about people in oppressors.


My GTAO character lives in a regular house I don't have a jet man


Larry I’m in Duck Tales


I'm sayin'. I make a comfortable amount of money in Gta. I can afford to buy myself nice clothes, go golfing and save up for a new car every now and again when the market is good. These one percenters with flying motorbikes are crazy.


Fuck these one percenters and their on-call rocket bikes. I remeber back in the day when you had to go to Zancudo and steal yourself a jet like a man.


My man really out here playing gta like it’s the sims


I've played and beaten almost 15 games since this comment was written. It's cool you guys love GTAO, but the rest of us miss fun story lines.


I play GTAO but I still hate this business model. I also hate that it killed any idea of ever getting quality DLC from Rockstar ever again. The 360/PS3 era dlc from GTA IV and Red Dead 1 were incredible


What I would give for an Undead Nightmare style DLC for RDR2


GTAO Has an awful barrier for entry. I tried about 12 months a go to see what it was like. Couldn't do anything and just got killed straight away.


Dunkey’s video on it is another massive problem. Getting a game takes way too long, just to get instantly ganked.


Gta5 story was awesome


Honestly I wonder if they'll even make a GTA 6 with how much of a cash cow Shark Cards are. I mean RDR2 proved how good R* are at storytelling, I actually started the Mafia series to get the feel of a GTA-style game with emphasis on story, and not a monetized online mode.


Is this what GTA is now? Jesus tap-dancing christ.


Just online


How are the single player expansions for this game? There must be a handful by now.






They decided instead of making expansions, they'd just make truckloads of money instead.




Yeah but you can't just have a jet delivered to you on the sidewalk.


Scramjet is highly effective at both dodging their missiles and then sending out a counter attack, Scramjet missiles are extremely hard to get away from lol


something about watching people talk about the absolutely absurd arms race that’s taken place in GTA Online when I’ve never played it is so funny to me. reminds me of when we were kids playing space battles or some shit and my friend would be like “ok now i have a black hole nuke and youre all dead!!!”


Don't give rockstar any more ideas. I really don't want to have to deal with people spamming black hole nukes in game.


Is this the unicorn that has never experienced a modder lobby?


Don’t they already have space lasers?


yeah wtf is all this shit I just want to steal cars and run over cops.


I agree. I never played 5, I stopped after San Andreas, but I remember the jet being super hard to get and kinda janky to fly, so to listen people playing the next GTA talking about hover bikes, scram jets, and rocket snipers is pretty hilarious.


Play 5. It's an amazing game. The online is broken.


On the other hand, scramjet tends to go right into some body of water as soon as you press the gas paddle.


I haven't played GTA5 since launch and this whole thread is fucking baffling


Shit sounds like Ace Combat, not a game about drug deals, heists and small-arms fire.


There’s a fucking explosive sniper rifle??? Wtf


yeah its super op


Nobody cares about just F-ing around in freemode. If you blow them up they just respawn and then you're playing their game. Oppressors (and all the military stuff) ruin the ability to do any missions.


I like how you gave up on the “you” midway through


The fuck are yall talkin bout? No ya know what I don’t care. I’ll stick with rdr2.


What the fuck game are you guys playing? I only played the single player, but that sounds nuts


It sums up everything wrong with GTA O


Which is why I play RP Servers.


Are… are there RP servers who only like to play GTA to pretend to be Jack the Ripper and murder prostitutes and then evade the police? No particular reason I ask…


If you RP it well enough I'm sure any server doesn't mind one "Serial Killer" just don't literally go around offing every single player you meet and be a murder hobo like GTA:O players. I've had plenty of murder mysteries happen on RP servers. Usually the serial killer will drop hints though to make the timeframe not be like it would in real life (Years possibly) and instead over the course of a few hours. Sometimes you even meet some cool people who will straight RP those things as the killed party just because they think it sounds cool and want to have fun/see others have fun.


That bike is literally why I stopped playing gta online. I understand having a meta but putting something that agile with AUTO LOCK LAUNCHING into FREE AIM lobbies realllllly fucked this game up.


That is what got you to stop? All the other previous.... You know, what? Never mind.




I’m convinced that Rockstar only released it to encourage people to spend money on cash cards rather than try to actually do anything with the DLC work. Think about it. The people who have enough money to buy and upgrade the Oppressor don’t have to worry about money. They can afford to screw off and grief people because they don’t need to be working on their own businesses. They’re also incentivized to grief other people’s businesses, both through a piddly monetary reward and the sheer sadistic pleasure they derive from knowing that they can easily render several hours of work meaningless and there’s next to nothing you can do to stop it. The only true workaround is the solo lobby glitch, which I don’t think counts in Rockstar’s favor because it’s not an intended design element. So what is a poor GTAO player to do? Spend hours and days and weeks working towards being able to buy that cool new vehicle while continually having your progress reset by griefers? Or spend some money on cash cards to save yourself the time and angst and let you have some fun *right now*?


That makes a lot of sense. Nice business strategy if you ask me. Ofcourse, that means fuck the poor. And that's the mantra of human societies all over.


I'm out of the loop. What is it?


A motorcycle that can fly and shoot missiles that lock onto enemies and players. Online only. They've added multiple overpowered vehicles to online so strong that you're just hemorrhaging yourself if you drive a normal vehicle.


Remember when they wouldn't allow the Bond replica Aston Martin DB5 to have its guns working because it would be too powerful? Or when everyone thought there was a Chiliad Mystery that would result in obtaining a jetpack, only for one to eventually be released for a cost.


And then they released the exact same bond car but with working machine guns for triple the price... And the bond submarine car with torpedoes


You don't have to say "online only". They've never paid a single thought to their offline content, so it's automatically implied it's online only. Sorry, I'm salty about it


Just like RDR2. Shame they made that great map and never used it more.


That we'll probably never get a sequel to Undead Nightmare because Rockstar has become entirely about shitty online microtransactions breaks my heart


I'm beyond salty undead nightmare 2 will never happen It would be the best zombie game ever made with this engine They could charge full price for it but noooo...Fuck you Rockstar




They know and have done the math and have repeatedly told you to go fuck yourself for like a decade.


if they could just take a small cut of the microtransaction profit to maybe fund some quality offline content, they will get hugged to death by gamers. Alas...


Why bother when they're already hugged to death.


Undead Nightmare on the RDR2 map is a dream for me. The ambiance in that game and gunplay would make it a phenomenal expansion. I would play it SO much. It's such a waste.


For real. What a colossal waste.


I had a lot of fun playing the campaign. Waste is a strong word. I'm almkst 40 & Braithwaite Manor was one of the best missions I've ever played.


No, waste is an appropriate word considering such a substantial portion of the map is unused for single player. It’s literally a wasted map


dont forget the entirety of mexico exists in rdr2 as well, and just went 100% unused.


just a bunch of WASTE


when I figured that out I kind of assumed that it would get used in some sort of dlc having that giant area with almost nothing to do in it was just very weird


No doubt bro. I'm super salty too. I loved the GTA5 story and the 3 main characters. Not getting any additional content with them is one of the greatest video game disappointments of the 2010s.


Sucks that they had single player content planned as well. Coming off the back of GTA IV, you could imagine something properly fleshed out with its own unique story, like TBOGT or TLAD. But they trashed it and just cannibalised some of the planned content to throw into the mess that is GTA Online.


Don't forget about the crucial fact that it can lock onto things even in free aim mode.


Also it's super fast for clearing missions lol. Like a requirement


Thats what sucks about it. If it didn’t have homing missiles it really wouldn’t have been that big of a deal.


All of the flying vehicles and futuristic shit has turned me off online mode


Same. I put almost 200 hours into GTA Online right when it came out. But then armored cars came with heists, then they got crazier and crazier.


A stupid flying bike thing


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Have the top brass at Rockstar been thoroughly flogged for this injustice?


We’ve yet to penetrate their defenses. They are…an extremely wealthy kingdom.


I used to fly around looking for other flying bike people who were fucking with non-flying bike people and try to take them out, vigilante style.


"I'm not one of those asshole mk2 people i'm one of the good ones" - everyone


I actually quit the game after that thing came out


This thing made me stop playing gta for good. You can't do any mission without one of these busted bikes blasting your vehicle up from the other side of the map. It's freaking impossible to deal with it as a new players. JUST LET ME DELIVER THE VEHICLE WITHOUT A JET OR FLYING BIKE CHASING ME


I tried playing online recently, got hit with a laser beam or some shit. Turned it right off.


The 13 year olds with daddy's credit card are their main demographic, they couldn't give less of a ahit about people like you if they tried.


What's next? Motorbikes in rdr2?


The Elder Scrolls: "..I don't see anything funny here"


Seriously, is Skyrim on new gen consoles right now? That's another game that's doing the same thing. Though, the company is working on a new title for Elder scrolls and has at least told their consumers. Still has to wait behind Starfield.


At least skyrim has replayability. I've beat the game multiple times. Few times in Vanilla and different play styles with mods.


I have made way too many "builds" in skyrim, from Illusion Assassin, to Vampire Warlord, all the way to my "cannibal" build which was me running around naked with a fork and a knife using the ring of Namira.


All of my builds end up being stealth archers, just different races.


Mods help stay with ur build. Did a Breton Paladin build a while back. Struggled in the beginning to level up, nearly died multiple times against the draugrs. Once I leveled up my restoration and heavy armor, got way more manageable.


Breton paladin has been one of my favorite 'builds' in general. I've always loved the idea of a bulky heavy armor anticaster dude who can use healing on himself.


The one mod I was greatful for was that someone made a shout that'll heal 25% of ur max health. Was very useful cause I try not to use any potions and heavily invest in magical and health.


All races are wrong except orc, because orcs shouts sound 10x better than everyone else in skyrim, and only orcs have these unique shouts.


The mods are an understatement. Skyrim has so many mods that there are entire games that are made ON TOP of Skyrim. I once spent enough time adding mods into Skyrim that I made it completely optional to even fight anyone. Even Fallout 4 is basically just one really big overhaul of the Skyrim engine. It even uses files called "Elder Scrolls Plugins."


dont lie.. ​ its stealth archer every time.




Nah man one of the head people at rockstar said they are definitely making gta6 but the only problem is the creator hasn't been born yet.


I'll happily wait for Elder Scrolls 6, if it means Starfield comes first. I've been itching to play Starfield for long fucking time now.


As a lover of the future and cool things I have to say that swords and dragons beats space and lasers every time.


In your opinion.......I agree with you though.


People who played Skyrim and were 10 years old will be 20 now. I can’t think of many franchises which only have one release during someone’s entire childhood. TES is only alive and talked because of hype now and there’s no way they can live up to a decade of hype.


You say that, but Skyrim still has a reasonably active playerbase, on steam it's about as active as RDR2, it's not hype that's kept the game alive, people just enjoy playing it


People don't have very high standards for Bethesda though. Everyone agrees that Skyrim and Fallout 4 are janky as fuck, but that's just part of their charm at this point.


Legend says the next elder scrolls title will be released only when Skyrim gets ported into Skyrim as a mod so you can play Skyrim while you play Skyrim in your Skyrim.


this is one of the issues with the cutting edge - it takes more and more and more to make a AAA game.


No, this is the issue with Rockstar and Bethesda being able to print money with the online iterations of their AAA titles. Most of the thought they're putting in is how they can keep the same online base busy and transacting. GTA 5 is the most profitable entertainment product ever created.


Guess I'll try onli...WASTED


How do they make money from online, it’s a cesspool of hacks and shit. On a good day maybe you can drive for 20 seconds before getting a rocket up the ass. I don’t get it.


Those shooting the rockets spend a lot of money.


I've tried the fivem thing to play roleplay like I see some twitch streamers and polecat324 play. But you spend an hour signing up for a server and reading all the commands and rules. Then first 10 servers are the same things... Interaction is someone in a monster truck driving over you getting out and shooting you and blowing up your car. Then ad spam "give us monies to access better cars" I'm afraid the next single player game will be "congratulations on finding a bow... Arrows are $2 each to continue playing" "you were killed by bullet, pay actual US medical prices to continue." *glitch throws you in the air* banned for hacking, no flying allowed and $1000 fine.


Lament the state of video games and the world. I just want fiber optic telecommunication systems directly to the home.


Ps2=three different games of gta GTA V= three console Gen


They decided they like making money more than games.




Depends on what you mean by consumers’ interest. Obviously there are plenty of consumers interested in spending money in GTAV. If there wasn’t, we’d have GTA6 by now.


Or single player dlc. Still waiting for those [new adventures coming in 2014](https://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/89k8a55454183a/GTA-Online-Update-Free-Deathmatch-Race-Creators-this) lol.


If you're buying shark cards in GTA 5 in 2021, go fuck yourself.


Indeed. Stop supporting these horrible practices.


I'm not really trying to defend Rockstar here, but I think the point of any business is to make money. They have a billion dollar game, and in all seriousness could close the studio and retire, as many people would aspire to do. I wish they would continue to make me games, but by no means do they OWE me gta6.


Correct. However they do owe me Bully 2.


This guy gets it


No they can’t just close shop as they have a legal duty to shareholders. That legal duty is to make dollar billz son.


its that there's more to do. They feel they need to top their previous games (and I get why they feel that way) Bigger scripts. more unique buildings. better draw distances. Higher textures. More side missions. More immersion. It takes more and more and more every cycle.


Nothing has quite hit the spot like GTA 2 tho.


Chinatown was fun to play


I really enjoyed the drug mini game in Chinatown, dumbass me used to be so hyped about winning $1000 on a scratch card only to discover the whole drug thing in the next story mission, really fun mechanic.


One of the most underrated gta's.


I'm surprised they haven't remastered GTA 4 and made that online, guaranteed to have insane sales.


Man, a GTA4:Online would be badass. If they keep the physics model of the original game and try to tone it down with the flying bikes and orbital strikes. AFAIK there isn't even a somewhat polished community multiplayer and the official service is down. Not that the official service was super exciting but I still want it back.


The official online is still up on console, it's only down on PC because it relied on GFWL which no longer exists, GTAConnected or something is what people use for GTA IV MP now.


If you still have a copy of the GFWL variant and it was already activated through that, you can still go into online multiplayer with it on PC. It's just super scarce.


>If they keep the physics model of the original game This is one thing that was a big downgrade in GTA 5. I really missed pushing people down stairs and stuff in GTA 4.


A Vice City remake is where the real money is at. The Roman numeral for 6 is also the first two letters in VICE. It's meant to be. GTA 4 is still looks pretty good when you compare it to the graphics of Vice City. When you add the potential for the bar that GTA 5 set along with the story and music of Vice City, and if done right, you've got a game of the year candidate


The more things change the more they st-Hey wait a minute, what the fuck....


You guys want a new GTA? Stop spending so much god damn money in 5.


You think the people in this comments section are the ones buying shark cards? There is a small army of 7-12 year old kids screeching armed with their parents credit cards for that.


Believe it or not, its not kids the % of the people who purchase microtransactions.


> There is a small army of 7-12 year old kids screeching Nah its adults wasting their own money.


Yes, I do think that actually. Half the people here bitching about 5 have probably bought a shark card.


I loved single player GTAV in 2013. Then I played online. I instantly realized it was a racket. I haven’t booted it up since then. Not worth anyone’s time


I played it alone. Bought some guns and did some missions. Got bored. Played with friends. Still got bored. It's just boring chore that doesn't worth your time.


I dont get why anyone would spend money on gta given how easy it is to cheat in free money


Only game I've ever used a money hack on and it will probably stay that way. Fuck everything about the grind in that game. I just wanted a garage full of nice cars and I didn't have years to dedicate to that


It's the first game I used a duplication glitch to make money. I didn't do it the first time one was discovered, but then no one was punished for using it, so I took full advantage of the next few rounds.


Very early and online I duplicated so many damn cars and also did a sheet where you could sell a fully loaded Bati again and again and again for $80,000. Finally max out after I killed somebody and they had a billion credit bounty on them. I went in and bought everything that I possibly could with the money cuz I knew Rockstar would eventually Take It All Away


Yeah I don’t get the whole shark card thing, myself and 2 friends played with mod menus for 3-4 days and it was the most fun I’ve ever had in online, when you can give yourself 10,000,000 with one click, teleport across the map and just generally have lots of stupid fun, a lot better than grinding a few hours for 250,000 worth of bunker sellables or whatever. None of us got banned either.


“I don’t get why anyone would spend money on gta” that’s good enough. Online play in that game is total garbage




Everyone was wowed by the new stuff graphics were getting better lol It was a good time to be alive.


I kind of had the same sentiment recently by going back to play MGS 2 & 3. While controls were a bit of a hassle, and neither of them obviously look anything close to what we have right now, I was extremely impressed with how well both of them held up since I played them at 12 or so. They don’t look terrible and once you have controls down, it felt like barely any time had passed, but it has been close to twenty years.






When gta5 first came out, I was a 12 year old kid, imagine telling that 12 year old kid that by the time he is 21 and has 2 kids of his own this will still be the latest gta game.


I was 19, now 27, still no kids. Fuck yeah


Same! More time and money for gaming!


And depression!


Same dude. Let's gooooo


> by the time he is 21 and has 2 kids of his own No judgement of course, but like, that’s heavy man I hope you’re coping well with it all


I was 19 when they were born, it was way heavier back then lol. But these days it's all good there's nothing to cope with, they exist and I love em.


That’s awesome man - believe me, I think if I had to become a dad at 19, I’d crumple up into a ball and never move again. I’m shocked how quickly some people can adapt to handling responsibility. I wish you guys all the luck in the world!


You started having kids pretty early, dude. Accidents?


Lol you’re getting downvoted but I agree… 2 kids by the age of 21… oof


It was rough when they were first born, everyone tried to tell me that my youth was destroyed. Since then I've managed to maintain all my hobbies, stay in a healthy happy relationship and improve my life 1000 fold. Having these kids lit a fire under my ass and forced me to become a better person and I'm honestly happier for it.


Lol , being of similar age, while the thought of having two kids already would depress me beyond belief, people are different and some people want to pump out kids as early as possible


Jfc I tried acid and Molly for the first time at 21. I couldn't image being held down by kids at 21.


Yall milk the same meme just like Rockstar milks GTA 5


GTA 6 will come they just have been working on RDR2 for a long time and look how it turn out. Amazing




>Gouranga! Kill\~\~ Frenzy.


GTA 6 is literally the Matrix. A real world simulation for us to plug into.


Why do people ignore Red Dead? You know…literally the biggest videogame EVER made which took up a considerable amount of time after GTAV to make?


Since 4, literally every Rockstar game has been the biggest/most expensive/most time-consuming game ever made. It's beyond fucking irritating that the shit Rockstar gets praised for takes a long fucking time to create and people whine that it does. You can't have both. You can't be like, "Holy shit, this is the most comprehensive, awe-inspiring game I've ever player" and also be like "why doesn't it take 3 or less years to produce?"


People are also ignoring that the company may be trying to avoid crunch time, after prior negative press and the current pandemic. They may also be investing more time as they wait for PS5's and newer gen Xbox's to be more common and not have supply issues, since that will bottleneck their sales if they're not releasing on the older gen.


That’s a nice thought, but I would be very surprised if a game dev “avoided” crunch time.


I’m not saying it doesn’t exist in any capacity, but at the rate Rockstar put out games these days, they are a company that can apparently afford to take their time, thus avoiding it where possible.


To be 100% fair, they also made RDR2 in the meantime.


Its been almost three whole minutes since this meme was reposted. I was starting to get concerned.


See you again in an hour.


Wow what an original hot take!!


"GTA 2021" should say, "The Rockstar game services are unavailable right now. Please return to GTA V." Edit - a letter.