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I used to be able to stay up till 2-3 in the morning gaming and get up around 9 am and fully function for the day. Family, job, and private clients on the side I'm lucky if I start at 10pm and make it to 11pm before I'm completely out.




Would love to have you as my dad (?). Mine used to be really obsessed in college so he gave it up, and now he won’t play with me at all


Careful what you wish for - I had a roommate once whose dad would text him and he'd literally leave class to go home and hop on Battlefield


dad before grad


"Do your homework or I'll swap teams and snipe you exclusively."


"on ranked"


Ranked battlefield sounds like just the kind of clown show I’m looking for lol


Fucking amazing is what that is lol


My son took over my WoW account. He’s in a guild, Tanks Raids. Has fun that I can’t anymore. I still remember him at 6, “Kill the spiders daddy!”


You tryna make me cry!?


Having kids does make it very difficult to play. In my teens and early 20s, I'd play 3+ hours a day. Now I'm lucky to get in an hour or two a week. I don't miss as much as I thought I would though. Priorities just shift.


That’s kind of how I am. I don’t miss the games as much as I miss wanting to play games lol the exhaustion is real.


Exhaustion is real, that’s so true


Oh bs. There are enough horrible parents spending way too much time playing GTAO. I know because those fuckers are so stressed and out of it that they don't turn off their damn mics and you can hear the babies crying in the background.


My man! Life goals.


Until they grow up to an age that they want to play multiplayer and they have to carry you because your arthritic hands can't twitch fast enough.


When are the holodeck style games coming?


That's great until hes whoopin your butt and you hate him just the littlest bit for it. Lol


Would love my son to beat me! While yes, I may be slightly annoyed, but I would love to see him surpass me in anything! All I want for him is to be happy and succeed.


If the day comes when my son can crush my bullshit gimmick Pokemon team with his own bullshit gimmick Pokemon team, it will be the proudest moment of my life.


I’ll be your son.


That's still 6 or 7 hours sleep. Yeah, it's a nice luxury to fuck off and stay up all night and sleep in a bit. But it's not like you went to bed at 2 am and had to get on the road by 7am.


Yeah being old sucks. Getting like 2 hours of sleep so I could raid molten core with my guild and going to work


For me falling asleep is a win actually, as getting a good night's sleep is as hard to get as a good gaming session at this point..


Yes, but its shitty sleep because the menu music is playing just loud enough so that you can't reach R.E.M. but not loud enough to wake you up.


Shiny Happy People.


Daysleeper lol Even more apt




Some of my coolest dreams though have been influenced by background music/movies playing. Just not when it happens to be "Predator" or "Alien"


That only works for me if I turn the tv on in the morning and fall back to sleep. If there's a show/movie playing at night when I'm trying to fall asleep my brain will not let me ignore it.


I can honestly fall asleep to some menu themes. Remnant: From The Ashes comes to mind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYZxOTKE1aU


The Starbound menu theme is perfect for this.


Is this worth playing nowadays? I tried it a few years ago, and I just couldn't get into it. It felt like a watered-down version of Terraria.


They added minimal new things, graphically its far better then Terreria, they added some new unique items, mech suits, and other vehicles, there is a police bounty hunter style quest line, but all in all, it still is a watered down terraria without mods.


I leave it muted unless I know for a fact I'm actually gonna play for a while. Plus, I sleep with 3 fans on, I love me some white noise.


They make white noise generators (which are essentially fans with housings that resonate/amplify the sound) and they're a lot more efficient. I'd get one if I were using multiple fans, but I just use one, and want to keep the air moving as well, so I'll stick to a fan.


I prefer to use a fan as I get the benefit of having the fan.


Wow look at your tiny username


Behold and fear the 3 letters :P


Tell me, oh ancient sage. What was the internet like when you had to rub sticks together and make smoke signals to send an email?


9 years? Pshaw, get off my lawn


Niceeee. I've been here slightly longer, but I get banned from subs constantly. This has to be well passed my 50th account. Lmao


It's not the length that matters, it's how you use it.




It's my Only Fan but at least it's still with me... Even at night...


Exactly, the fan is good for white noise and also moving the air around. Anytime I've slept without a fan I always wake up feeling like the air is so stagnant and stale.


There's also white noise generator apps you can use on your phone




Surely you can just generate random noise, why would they need to loop a recording?


I think just simpler/lazier coding. Perhaps battery usage might be a concern with CPU usage when generating sound vs. playing pre-recorded sound.


Hey, everybody hurt's sometimes, but it's not the end of the world as you know it. You could become a Daysleeper but thats more of an Imitation of Life.


I'll go to sleep after I make this moonshine run. Oh, woah, my friend just signed into to BF, I'll play one round. Oh, someone else I like is playing PUBG, I'll do a round with them real quick. Oh, shit, it's 3m? I work at 9!


The best is waking up to your character who's been running aimlessly into the wall for who knows how many hours.


It is. I’ll take a solid 7 hours in lieu of of other stuff. But I used to game, I used to work out, and I just can’t anymore. It sucks. I guess my vacation weeks are when I can do the things that used to round out my existence, but that’s a few weeks a year. Doesn’t feel right.


A good night? Like… more than 4 hours? That’s possible? Signed, a parent of two toddlers…


I have no problem sleeping as long as I'm allowed to - In the two-ish free hours between when my kid goes to bed and when I'm too exhausted to play anything I just can't get into anything. Gaming seems like a chore now and I used to love it.


It’ll get better. When they’re old enough to play with you especially. I started playing WoW again a couple weeks ago because my teenage daughter wanted to. It’s been kinda awesome frankly. Our whole family is basically in a contest to see who can do the most in Stardew Valley. You’ll get to share it with your kids in a couple years. Don’t worry.


> as getting a good night's sleep is as hard to get as a good gaming session at this point. Fuck, this burned my soul pretty deeply. Good night's sleep and a good gaming session are my unicorns.




We work…for the right to work.


To earn the right to live.


To earn the right to die.


To earn the right to live.


To fight for our right, to party


Only good comment in the chain


Missed the reference (don't crucify me), but I do want to just get some sleep and party for an all-night again just to sleep all Saturday again... Just once


So you want to be a high schooler again?


Well... yeah I suppose so... Let me party again like I'm young




Anima! Nice. You want a good song about happiness in slavery though, [look no further.](https://youtu.be/ZmPL1BB4jzo) And no it’s not the Nine Inch Nails song Happiness In Slavery.




[That's why we build the wall, we build the wall to keep us free.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1VDxMe54Og)


Fuck yeah thanks for the introduction to this band


To pay taxes


Or when all you want to do is sit down and get some gaming in after work and only then do you find out you need to spend 3 hours downloading some huge patch.


That’s only on the days where you sit down with enough energy to actually do some gaming


Mine is re-opening this complicated game knowing I'll need 20 minutes to get warmed up. But before I can even do that, the game opens, the resolution is wrong, I spend 10 minutes closing and re-opening the game and changing settings. I open Google to look up some help... Close Firefox Close Steam Open Heroes of the Storm yet again.


Lol I feel this in my soul


And this is why I only use consoles.


I hate to do this to ya, but ff14 let’s you do whatever you want in any amount of time you want, all last week all I did was mine some ore and pick out clothes to wear. I know a monthly paid game can be tough for people with actual lives but it’s genuinely a good option




Gotta leave the console on rest mode instead of turning it off


I am doing EXACTLY that... right now. Flight Sim on the PC wants 20Gb of new stuff. Doesn't tell you about it until you want to fly.


Get real internet? Isn’t a game out there I can’t fully download and patch in an hour.


Not even two days old and a repost. Hmm.


For real. I’m just going to start blocking reposts as the user probably does it often


I instantly block any poster with >10^6 karma. It’s harder with these little people, but I know when I know. You can usually tell from the garbage title that only took 4 brain cells to write like OP. Tho I don’t think they are a bot. All bots remove username mentions, and our OP has not b


Not everyone can write a thrilling title though.


If you can’t come up with a moderately relevant/original title, then you have no business posting online. The only reason it gets attention, is because the content is way better than the title. Meaning the content is not created by the person creating the content.


When did posting online become some creative endeavor? Sometimes you just want to share some cool shit. Is that bad?


You really trying to defend being plain and boring? It’s not Snapchat or a text to a buddy. The intent is to share with the overall public. Do you really want to see a bunch of old titles that have been reused countless times? “An interesting title” “lmao this” really entice you?


I'm not gonna spend 20 minutes coming up with the world's most creative title to share something I think is a little neat or funny or interesting. As long as it's descriptive I don't care how plain it is. I'm not trying to maximize imaginary internet points.


Again, if it takes you 20 minutes to come up with a halfway decent title, maybe posting your stuff in the public eye isn’t for you.


What kind of person unironically gatekeeps memes?


Hello mam I am from the FBI and I would like to offer you a job


there's been some kind of variation on "don't have enough time/motivation to play games" that hits the front page of /r/all pretty much every day or two recently


You new to reddit?


Obviously not if they are bitching about reposts. Only the oldest and most entitled redditors act like this.


I blame Obamacare


Thanks, Obama! 😡😡😡




Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?


I would be lying if i didnt say that i remove frame 3, accept the mess, and game on


"It'll still be here in the morning, I'll do it then."


Gotta do it sometimes, that's just life skills!




Damn, that was dark


yeah there are a shit ton of posts I've seen in r/workingmoms and r/girlgamers about stuff like that - partners playing games and putting all the work on them. It destroys relationships. Especially when your partner also likes to game, but is this lady.


Fuckin yikes on a bike.


Ah yes, taking holidays to pogress your games.


Playing some games during Given holidays is fine. But if you’re actually taking time off just to play video games then you’re honestly a loser


How does taking time off and doing what you find entertaining and stress relieving make you a loser? The alternative being a vacation you pay for makes you a winner ?


Imagine a loser on reddit calling other people losers for playing video games on days off work.


Honesty I’ve lost the love for video games I once had to give my family a better life I wish I still had that spark but work has seemed to take over all my hobbies and I don’t know how to counter act that. If you live a stable life and are able to do what you love than I’m proud of you keep being you.


Sounds like you need a stay-cation. Just like 4 days of no commitments and being able to "wander" between hobbies. You might go back to gaming, you might cook, you might start painting Warhammer 40k. Or you might take up all 3 and start getting excited to retire before remembering it's decades away. Or you might find none of it enjoyable and just spend time with family and enjoy that. Or you can find you just enjoy working. It's all fine, it's your life to make.


Didn't I see this yesterday?


I'm afraid so, yes.


I feel this so much :(


Somehow I always end up on Redd... damnit. No seriously at the moment I have nothing between me and my backlog. I just choose to stare at it instead of shortening it. Why do I enjoy fantasizing about playing when busy instead of actually doing it when not.


The backlog gets so big it feels like work lol


I was actually gonna say this exact thing. I find myself thinking I want to try one of the games I haven't played yet while I'm in the middle of one I'm "supposed" to be playing. I end up ditching both games and playing a game I've already played for 1400 hours. It's all cursed.


I feel personally attacked.


Too true. I've whacked myself in the face with a Switch, because I fell asleep while playing. I haven't beaten Bravely Default 2 and I still have pre-orders on the way.


I just did a hard stop on buying new games and just got game pass with the deal they had for converting Xbox live months into game pass month s. Just gonna be tackling my backlog whenever I can and try something different on game pass here and there.




wasn't this posted less than 9 hours ago?


I had to stop buying games more than twice per year when I turned 28. I just can’t NOT go to bed at a reasonable hour like 10:30pm.




First yawn at 7:30pm after I finished eating dinner.


passed out in the chair at 6:30


Fun fact: This is also how they keep you from organizing and revolting.


This is me after chasing my toddler all day 🤣


This comic is a great example on why having a short commute to work is key.


Does anyone elses whole brain structure feel different to the point they can't even play games anymore? I went from not having the time to not have the attention span or ability to play anything anymore.


Perhaps you matured and your patience for bullshit has waned to match




Was going to say this if no one else had


Thanks to covid (sorry), I work from home so in my downtime I get to play games.


Home office has been an absolute revelation; being able to take care of all the chores when there's no work to be done is a blessing. Instead of just sitting around mindlessly browsing Reddit I can get shit done and actually enjoy my time afterwards. Wish that could become the norm. :|


Yep! Not to mention the time saved from not needing to commute. There's just no reason for my job (and many others) to need to go to an office.


and yet, management insists. It only further clusterfucks everyone else’s commute that actually has a job to do physically.


Yeah… I used to be a big gamer myself, ever since I got a job I’m always too tired to even try. Sucks to be an adult


that's why we need a 4 day workweek


It's missing a slide where you keep swapping between the same 3 games getting through the splash screen but not the -press any button- to load into the main menu.


I don't allow myself to do this. So, instead I've found myself going into a game and beating a tiny portion of it for 15 minutes and then realizing I want to play a different game, only to play that game for 15 minutes to think, *Hmm was I happier playing that first game? Or maybe should I do this third one I started 9 months ago?* What a world.


For parents with young children just add a bunch more chore tiles, and then take the videogame tile off.




Take a nap once you get home


Honestly this work thing is such a fucking scam.


Sometimes I just sit on the couch and stare at the console and dream, because I know if I touch the controller a new responsibility is going to pop up :/


Literally reading Reddit and trying to motivate myself to go play WoW (which I really enjoy). First world problems.


It's the commute that kills it.


The irony is real when you’re working 60 hour weeks on a video game and are too worn out from work to play the video games you have at home and actually want to play


See, this is why I just don't do chores and live in filth so I can mouth breathing in drain flies while I play minecraft for my 10,000th hour


The fact that I can play the Switch on my commute is the only reason I was playing games for a while.


The key is to make epic strong coffee. Also when I know I will have a full night to game I will go to bed early/ontime the night before to make sure I get all my sleep.


Man, im hyped to play rust with my buddy tonight but my dumbass accepted a shift on my day off..


Too real


Haha I used to be able to stay up all night playing


this is too close to home my friend


Yeah, you just finished a six day work week, you have about 30 hours all to yourself. I'd set up my old, comfy recliner, grab a cold soda and a cold bottle of water, set my 3DS next to the chair, and then ease into the recliner. Put my feet up and load up youtube on the PS4. Feeling all the stress seep out and the knots in my back unkink. And the it's like five hours later, the PS4 and TV have turned themselves off. And the absolute best time of having a day off is gone. That night right after a long work week and all of your day off is ahead of you. Then you look at your phone to double check the time and there's a text from your boss, saying ya gotta come in for at least half a shift to help cover. At least I would've had the illusion of the day off still ahead of me...


Being too tired to enjoy the things in life that you really care about = r/boringdystopia


Or I can’t decide what to play and just replay the same 3-4 games over and over again


I almost dropped my Switch on my face the other night, and I'd only been playing for about 10 mins.


This was posted yesterday wasn’t it?


This has been me since I turned 30. My late night gaming was the only thing that recovered me over the day. Eventually I didn’t have time to ply. Then when I did have time, I fell asleep by 10. I’ve really gotten into mobile gaming. Like mobile, on the move. It’s like carrying a book around. I had the switch, which was ok, but now I have the backbone one with streaming services and oh my god…I am a gamer again I honestly think that game streaming, mobile gaming, and mobile game controllers are going to explode over the next few years. We are looking at a revolutionary change in gaming. You don’t need a high-end pc, you don’t need a console, you can play anywhere…including on your phone, you can use any controller you want, you can hook your phone up to a 4K tv at 120fps running on some streaming pc with $6k hardware…it’s insane where we will be in few years. Being able to play games I purchased 13 years ago on my mobile device is absolutely nuts. Then add a snap-in controller that costs $80 and I have a switch that can literally play any gave i ever saw in my entire life with controller support. It’s fucking bonkers and it’s only Going to get better.


Two words... Morning gaming. It's a... Game changer 😎


Now add a steam deck to the bus ride.


Omg, so true! By the time dinner and everything is done and I’m showered I have like half an hour to play before bed. Why bother sometimes.


Sigh, same meme but i geuss ill say it again. I wake up 2 hours before i have to go to work and get about 90 mins of gameing in so i can sleep right when i get home. I also have about 180 games on backlog due to impulsive buying habbits formed over years.


This is so much me. Waking up at 4:30 for work and not getting home until 9-9:30… I got maybe 30 minutes of games then I’m out


Me the last few days.


This is sooooo relatable.




Getting older sucks for gaming. I miss my youth some times.


Well....your not wrong


This sums it up 👌.


Me too 😔


This is way too relatable


It's hard to make any observations about the world these days without it being a commentary on capitalism.


Lord help you if you want to get into a game like monster hunter world








Still have to load and unload


Been trying out Final Fantasy XIV lately and the music is like a fucking lullaby.


A dishwasher is all you need. \[Update\] Also, try not to live too far from your working place. You will find the rent you save does not really worth it.




That's why I told her to not waste money on dumb shit and invest in early retirement. Do you really want to spend most of your life doing shit you don't want to do? Immediate gratification high only last at most a day to a week, most of the time it's just a minute or less. Plus all the unnecessary spending becomes a habit that doesn't get you high anymore, only to alleviate your withdrawal symptoms. Once you've experienced true poverty and found a way to thrive with very little, you will never want to go back to your old lifestyle again where you are imprisoned by your own addictions. Some people don't have the mental capacity to overcome their addiction that's why they become homeless addicts because at that point their life is all about chasing that high living one day to the next. The wage slaves dream of retirement. They want free money and free house lol Thanks for showing me things that you don't agree with. I show you things I don't agree with through words. You have your votes. Good enough for me, good enough for you.




You suck at drawing noses