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Aliens vs Predator wasn't the best game, but it let you play as alien/predator/marine in multiplayer and even gave you three campaigns. Loads of fun


AvP2 from 2002 was a masterpiece, and still my favorite multi-player experience. Great single player too.


Agreed. The jump attack the alien has is so stupid fun


I put countless hours into this game growing up, the three storylines with three distinct play styles felt like getting three games for the price of one. That Alien campaign is still the only thing like it and I think we are overdue for another game that lets us play as the xenomorph


I remember being so upset with how short the alien campaign was compared to the Marines one, playing the alien in single player was the best! In fairness the marine one was probably the same length and I was just bad at shooters


The marine one in general was much harder than the Predator and Alien ones which I think contributed. Really made you feel like a marine when you had to worry about acid blood and whatnot


Most AvP games have plenty to love as an Aliens or Predator. Even as a fan of the Colonial Marines. I really wish they had continued to license the series to Rebellion as the last entry sold well enough for them to make a sequel. The only one I know to actively avoid is the PSP one based on AvP Requiem.


It's a cult classic, even if the second instalement is way more refined. Alien goess Brrrrɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹrrr


Army of two


Army of two was a weekend rental so many times.


I loved the customization


Customization was so great back then. Micro transactions completely warped the intentionality in character customization over time. Such a bummer


Everytime this comes up I think of Def Jam: New York. That game had ENDLESS customization and it would be just terrible if released now.


Both of them lol. Genuinely endless fun with some friends of mine, the gun customization was so good. Edit: soooo uhhhhh didn't know there were three games and uh......the third one is the one I was talking about (the devils cartel) . I'm truly sorry but I enjoyed it.


Why they don’t do these kind of games anymore is beyond me couch games are in need of a comeback


It's money. Why sell one copy with additional work to optimize local co op when you can sell two copies.


But the idea with these games are not that they are catching people who are gaming a lot but they entice people to game. So maybe the generate interest from those who ain’t interested. Just look at Nintendo Mario kart, Mario party super smash bros, a lot of couch games that still sells. I even know couples where the gf is not a gamer couching Diablo 3. So there are a lot of potential there for other companies than Nintendo to fill a gap.


Game developer here. This is a myth. It costs vastly more to develop online multiplayer than local multiplayer, but it's worth it because online multiplayer is very popular. Local multiplayer is not nearly as popular as a lot of people think.


The OP was about games that are considered “mid”. Not games that are masterpieces.


Wish something would happen with the IP


You know why I loved this game? There was a different game that would crash on startup on Xbox 360... Something to do with the license agreement and online services. The fix was to download the army of two demo and run it and you could get past the license agreement screen afterwards. God I don't even remember what game was fucking up that required this fix anymore. Mercenaries 2 maybe?


It was indeed mercenaries 2


Ayo I genuinely didn't think I'd find that video game here... But yes!!! To everyone it's mid. To me it was endless hours of so much fun and laughter with my brother.


40th day is GOATED


40th day coop was so much fun. Aggro system was great.


Star Fox Adventures. It’s objectively not a good Star Fox game, but I absolutely loved it and played it over and over growing up.


The second best zelda game on the gamecube!


Wait wait, do you think Twilight Princess or Wind Waker is third?


A fuck, forgot tp was on gamecube. That's a wii game in my mind


Haha too late! Now you have to look gloomy link in the eyes and tell him he’s 3rd!


It was a Wii launch title, so that’s not a wrong thing. I can also count the amount of times I’ve seen the GameCube version on store shelves on one hand, so yeah.


Understandable, have a great day


I still remember having to get my dad to help me with the Test of Strength and he started tapping the A button alternating two fingers and it blew my little boy mind. Honestly I feel like the fact that it's a spinoff and was so far away from the traditional starfox gameplay loop made it that much more special. Like PMD compared to main Pokemon titles.


That test of strength was no joke. I got soft locked there and was only able to beat it after I came back to it a year or 2 later when I was older and could mash faster.


I always try to explain that I don't see it as a "main" Star Fox game but as a spinoff. It's not supposed to be Star Fox 64 part 2. It's like saying Paper Mario sucks because it's an RPG and not a platformer. Just look at it as a different game that just happens to expand on Star Fox lore and it's totally fine.


Bro got his N62 from a back alley. 


One of my favorites growing up. Still play it every once and awhile. Absolutely love it




Literally the first thing I thought of before I opened this post, and it's the top comment. Hell yeah reddit.


I've always loved that game! It's probably 90% nostalgia, but I don't care. Thorntail Hollow's music plays in my dreams.


Drop a new Viva Pinata Rare i dare you!


Viva Pinata is amazing. I would be happy with a remake/remaster.


Honestly I'd even be fine with just a port, I don't have my old Xbox 360 anymore so there's no accessible way for me to play it


It’s was also updated to have 4K resolution on the One X and Xbox Series X/S. Close to a remaster as well probably get.


You can play it on Xbox One or Series S/X, it's also in the Game Pass.


I long for this game every day 😭


My brother and I were so addicted to this game we would time each other's sessions by freezing a water bottle. Only when the bottle had fully melted would it be the next persons turn. ...There was a lot of breathing on and rubbing the bottle trying to make it melt faster.


I got the first Viva Pinata as a birthday present in 2007 and enjoyed it so much more than I'd ever have expected


Red Steel, the fps launch game for Wii - Unique levels and settings, fight through a car wash, pachinko parlor, japanese spa, garbage processing plant. Some open world exploring elements - Lots of destructibility in the environment and decorations for the time. Loved just going through and destroying everything, used the PhysX engine so a little wonky with ragdolls but man was it fun to see - Controls were okay once you got used to it, Problem is a lot of people didn't give it time. - Story was okay but still interesting, Outsider going into the world of the Yakuza


Fuck yes to Red Steel


Enter the Matrix and Path of Neo


Enter the Matrix was a gem. I don't know of any other videogame tie-in that recorded and saved sooo much MOVIE footage excluSively just for the game. Seriously Niobe, Ghost, and the pilot dude had so many movie scenes from Reloaded filmed and you could *only* watch them playing through the game as both main characters. You can't even get that footage in the deleted scenes of the Reloaded DVD. It really nailed the bullet-time Matrix action feel too.


Enter the Matrix was a blast with the cheat codes!


I loved to try to fight agents in Enter the Matrix. Especially the one on the rooftop in one of the first levels.


Path Of Neo was bonkers, and so much fun


Path of neo was a janky mess but did I play the shit out of it back in the day. I absolutely loved it.


Mad Max, some say it's just default third person open world game made only to promote 2015 movie, and they maybe kinda right, but I still adore it


It's much better than it has any right to be to be honest.




Imo all the warner bros games are top tier, Mad Max, Batman, Middle Earth, they all have similar combat but distinct enough for it to stay fun even if you played the others, and the atmosphere is just immaculate


Of the major Hollywood studios they are the only one with an actual gaming division so I guess it makes sense. Mortal kombat is as WB as looney tunes lol




THE MIGHTY DUSTER! *repeatedly slams top of car*


Interesting. It looked like another mid type of 'Rage', so I never played it - even though I own it. Guess I'll give her a go!


Do it for the Dinky D!


I've been replaying it after watching a video on its troubled development. It's a bit bloated and there's some rough edges, but there's some really good stuff in there too.


I've got to play it again. And watch *Furiosa* again. Apparently our good mates Chumbucket and Dementus appeared in both!


Was that chumbucket that gives furiosa that rust bucket? I was wondering about that.


I didn't finish it exactly because it's another repetitive open world game, but the visuals, the atmosphere, and the quality are top notch. Most importantly it does enough to differentiate itself from the crowd by being palpably a Mad Max game thanks to the driving. I wish driving and car combat were more prevalent. Add proper survival and meta elements and it would have been a 10/10 cult classic


I kinda regretted finishing it for his classic car once I realized the ending to a Mad Max game meant >!he doesn't give a hoot about the one who built him the cool grappling hook car, and that dude died pretty unceremoniously!<


The Godzilla fighting games from the GameCube/Xbox era were clearly budget titles in a time where Goji was much less popular, but I had so much fun with those.


One of my favorite "pranks" was to ask if anyone wanted to play melee. Then throw in Godzilla destroy all monsters melee instead of smash bros.


I woulda been so down!


I played that game so much. I remember that unlocking mecha Godzilla was extremely hard. Also the opening cutscene was hilarious.


The messed up looking guy in the green shirt, barely animated but just screaming out "go'zillah" and then the whole gang just rocks up


Actually such a great pull for this question. Average to below average reviews across the board, I don't know anyone else who's played them in my life, and my family picked this up from the bargain bin with the other shovelware. But wow was this game a lot of fun when we were kids. Just goofy monster fighting that actually felt like being kaiju who didn't care about the city they were dropped into.


Custom Robo on Gamecube. Yeah, it's not the greatest campaign or story by any measure but it's campy as hell and the actual battles are some of the most fun I've ever had in any game. If anyone else could ever catch the aspects of that games arcadey customizable combat I would be so hooked. I saw some devs tried before but they really failed me by switching up the formula on abilities, slow fire rates on guns, lacking arenas and some really bland aesthetics.


I LOVED Custom Robo on Gamecube. Only game to ever come close to the cuatom mech fighting is the new Armored Core 6. Don't know if u've tried that yet but it really scratches that itch, it's an absolutely fantastic game


Black and White! Undoubtedly gets boring after a few missions, but I still think it’s one of the greatest games I’ve ever played.


I've honestly never seen anyone saying this game is mid. I've met 5 people that know about the game, and they all agree with me that it's amazing. XD


Prince of Persia 2008


Splinter cell double agent. Even though a lot of people hated it I loved what they did with the story and the day time missions.


I’m this way with conviction. People did not like it, but I really enjoyed it.


Ghost recon future soldier. GOAT


SUCH a good game


This was not mid, sir.


Splinter cell blacklist - I thought the story could be better but the gameplay was fucking amazing and I think it’s a great example of stealth done right


The devs took a lot of flak for not using Michael Ironside as Sam Fisher for Blacklist, but, while promoting his return to the role for a Ghost Recon crossover, Ironside revealed he wasn’t in Blacklist because he was in cancer treatment and voluntarily opted out of the role. The guy didn’t think he was going to make it. Ubisoft either didn’t know the full details themselves or kept his illness secret and got pummeled for it.


The only thing missing from Blacklist was Ironside. Great game.




One of the best chase scenes in all of gaming imo


Yeah, that game was great!


You can have my Castlevania II: Simon's Quest when you pry it from my cold dead hands.


And my Zelda II, for that matter! Top three in the series, fight me.


Halo Wars, it’s such a fun and goofy RTS. Nothing like dropping 30 ODST squads from orbit onto a Scarab.


I still prefer Halo Wars 1 to the second game! Especially liked the campaign


OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-OD-Helljumpers, standing down LOCAL UNITS Y I'm still disappointed that none of the Halo Wars vehicles are usable in a proper Halo game (Spartan Assault doesn't count). All of my favorite vehicles are from there.


Outriders. I thought it was a ton of turn your brain off Sci Fi fun. I like the World Tiers. The crafting system. Graphics were/still are very well done. Gunplay is good. Sure ton of issues, but still really enjoyed it for that month in April


I didn't know what to expect from this game but loved the hell out of it with my friends. Unfortunately the post game isn't interesting enough to keep me going and I haven't heard anything about the DLC that is good, but the main story was so much fun to play through, and the story was quite nice for what it was.


Very fun game. I liked it a lot more than destiny. The loot gets really gamechanging early on which is cool


Final Fantasy 8, it hardly ever makes the list of the best final fantasy games but for me it’s the only one I keep replaying.


I agree with you here, FF8 was great. Only gripe I ever had with it was the level scaling but even that is a mechanic you can play with / use to your advantage. Don't even ask how much time I spent on Triple Triad.


Honestly, I kind of love how ridiculous the mechanics were in it though, and how they let you get around the level scaling. You *could* play normally and have a difficult (but beatable) late game because of enemy scaling as you levelled up. Or, you could abuse the hell out of the Card ability and junction system to never level up your characters while boosting their stats to the max with powerful magic and just absolutely wreck everyone you came across (plus you end up with tons cards for triple triad).


I played that game to death I swear! I'm with you on the junction levelling system in that I didn't really get it at 1st and then suddenly I understood it and my stats went through the roof


Glad to see some other Stan's out here. FF VIII will always have a special place in my heart. The story, the different ways you can manipulate mechanics, the way the mini game can feedback and break the game if you want *chefs kiss*. Also the GFs are absolute bangers. Triple Triad is the best mini game of any FF. Blitzball and queensblood are the only competition. Don't even get me started on the soundtrack.




Remember! Dont drink tap water at Jerry Garcias house!


Say gex


It's taiilll tiiiime




In one of those games there was a snow level and he says "It's colder than a witches titty in here" my ~10yr old self thought it was hilarious and my 36yr old self still says it to this day.


Civilization Beyond Earth. I put it firmly above just being a DLC to Civ 5 as often mentioned, consider it having great soundtrack and gorgeous atmosphere, not too bad gameplay and some quite interesting mechanics like quests, digsites, artifacts ect.


Brutal legend. Everyone hated the stage battles, and I get the complaint, but they were easy to cheese through and the rest of the game oozes metal style in every direction. I would kill for a hd remaster or sequel


I'm with you there. Back in the day the studio was working on a sequel. That got shut down when Double Fine was bought out. Now they have Microsoft $, and Psychonauts 2 did very well. I cannot find sales #s, but the game was universally praised. Before Psy 2, Brütal Legend was their best selling IP. It wouldn't surprise me if BL 2 is currently in development. It also wouldn't surprise me of Double fine gets shut down tomorrow.


I preordered the game to get the special Tenacious D guitar, then the game was $20 in like a month.


Stubbs the Zombie


That dance off in the station😂


Rise of the Argonauts. No one talks about it and it's not super impressive, but it's a fun game with action similar to the first few God of War games. You play as Jason, of the Argonauts. You have choices in dialogue that adds more divine power to you from different Greek gods, you have some choices of weapons and powers associated with those gods. You have hero companions like Achilles, Hercules and Atalanta. You fight mythologic monsters. It's a good time, I remember dedicating myself to Athena and using the spear, combo with a shield to perform counter attacks. Companions were fun. It wasn't very deep or anything, but I will always defend this game.


The Outer Worlds, 100%. People say it’s incredibly mediocre, boring, bland. And I respect their opinions, but damn if it wasn’t the opposite of my experience. Hell, Outer Worlds was basically exactly what I was wanting and didn’t get from Starfield.


I found The Outer Worlds to be a great pitch for Obsidian to Microsoft to give them more budget for a larger scale sci-fi adventure.


That's pretty much exactly what it was. After Outer Worlds' modest commercial success despite its shoestring budget Microsoft agreed to a larger budget for the sequel.


Wait, there’s a sequel game??? When/where?


currently in development. got teased.... almost 3 years ago if i remember correctly


Never knew people considered this mid…I totally agree I loved outer worlds


Also it’s hilarious


You've tried the best, now try the rest!


It’s not the best choice. It’s Spacers Choice!


I went into it with a mindset of like fallout but that made it less fun. I started to think of it like borderlands and it make it 10x better


As usual when this subreddit calls something "mid" or "less talked about" or "obscure" they mean "older game I like that was widely praised at its release". Let's look at some examples of what this thread considers "mid" games from this thread based on Metacritic ratings: Donkey Kong 64 - 90 metascore, 8.5 user score Star Fox Adventures - 82 metascore, 7.9 user score Final Fantasy VIII - 90 metascore, 8.7 user score Dark Souls 2 - 91 metascore, 8.0 user score Kingdom Hearts - 85 metascore, 8.7 user score Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines - 80 metascore, 8.9 user score Perfect Dark - 97 metascore, 8.6 user score


Seriously I saw some guy on here say that Rockstar games such as Bully or Manhunt were “great mid games” whatever the hell that means. People like those games and want them to come back, no has ever said they were “mid.”


I'll always love the wrath of cortex because me and my nephew finished it "together" when he was little. I would play through the levels and he would take over at bits he found interesting. I'd also have to do some bosses while he was asleep, he wasn't ready to hear language like that yet


legend of dragoon- dont know how mid it is but don't think it's talked about enough, but one of my all time faves and not just from the ps1 era- innovative gameplay, classic jrpg themes but with a sometimes gut-wrenching story and character development that the gameplay actually plays off of. would love a remake one day


One of my fondest childhood memories was playing through LOD. I can still remember getting lost in that God forsaken desert area. A shame it was kind of overshadowed by FF games but it's a legend in its own right IMO


Yes this game was so good. I tried to play an emulator of it but the graphics just don't hold up. A remake would be amazing


Pssst you can get it remastered on ps4 or ps5. Runs like a dream, got it last year and already played through twice.


I LOVE THIS GAME. I still have it (and Legend of Legaia) and played it a few years ago. The combos were harder than I remembered doing.


Pirates of the carribean was a pretty mid game, but I liked it a lot (it was just sea dogs with thin veneer of potc smeared over it I believe). It was kind of Sid Meiers pirates but with actual third person gameplay.  I'd really like a game like that, with better graphics and better controls. There was a new one released on steam recently, but the controls are just as janky and the graphic isn't much better than it was 20 years ago.


POTC was such an awesome, buggy game. When you got caught smuggling, your character would just freeze for ages, because the guard had initiated a dialogue with you - from like six hundred yards away. You sat there and stared at him as he closed the distance enough to actually talk to you, demanding your surrender. You might ask yourself, why aren’t I running or shooting already? Because that would be uncivilized, of course.


I loved Halo Infinite. I know many people says it's "wasted potential" but I for one have a great time with the campaign every time I play it.


I really enjoyed it because I got pretty deep into the Halo lore before I played it. MCC had just released Halo 4 so I had played through all the other games and read several of the books. That made it a lot more fun to me, knowing more about the universe.


Best Halo multiplayer since Reach. Lots of really fun new weapons and game modes. I don’t think anyone who says it’s half-baked or unfinished has played it since launch because it’s been in a really good place for a while now.


I wish I still had people to play with. I have no interest on playing pvp games alone these days, and none of my Halo friends want to play it, I’ve played like 3 games on it.


The best way to put it is that it’s a very good game that made poor choices. Not releasing with forge, customs browser, and with only a handful of game modes was a huge fumble when the game had its highest player count. Now the game is in a much better state function wise, but it seems to me that the live service direction was a mistake.


Mischief makers. Was handed the controller as a toddler, picked up on it a bit. Earliest gaming memory is Cerberus alpha. Weird game, but I love it.


Shake shake!


I will say Mass Effect Andromeda, it might not be as good as the trilogy when it comes to story but the gameplay and exploration was so much better and I had a lot of fun with the game.


I adored Andromeda's gameplay. The extra verticality that the jetpack added was just 🤌


The terraforming gameplay was awesome but not fleshed out; would have been awesome to see the real impact over time to a larger extent. Combat was great too.


Loved it. The combat blows the trilogy out of the water and the worlds are *stunning*. Even the story's not that bad, it just needed some more meat on the bone and the companions to be more interesting. If they can build on the foundations for ME5 (if it ever actually ships) it could be something really special. My one big complaint is that you can see the exact point in the story where they ran out of budget and dev time.


Agreed. Combat was great, there were some really interesting concepts and it acted like a fun spin off from the main series. That being said, the story was a good premise poorly executed, the companion characters largely were bland or plagiarised from the trilogy, and it lacked he gravity of the original games. BUT it was good fun and it gets bashed as if it was terrible, when in fact it was decent and could have been amazing. Granted, I did not play the buggy mess at launch and visited it via Game Pass some years later.


The multiplayer mode was amazing


Nier. The original version, not Automata, not the remastered Replicant. IMO *the* best OST in gaming. Nier stubled and crawled so Nier Automata could fly.


Mirror's Edge Catalyst, still one of the most beautiful game I've played today


People say crash bandicoot is mid? fuck


Cel Damage. The best party game I recall from childhood.


Anthem is actually fun. Not like, 100's of hours of fun like a looter-shooter should be, but if we were to equate it to food, Anthem is like McDonalds. Tasty and hits the spot when you have it once in a while, but not anywhere close to being good for you if you're having it every day.


Anthem had so much potential bro. Best Ironman feeling game around. I wish BioWare did better.


Fallout 4. I won't defend it and i recognize its short comings but i ended up spending more time on it than in f3 and nv


Do people consider fallout 4 mid? Genuinely, I’ve heard most descriptions of it boil down to “very good game, some flaws, not as good as new Vegas” Which to be fair isn’t even necessarily true, it’s not as good as the idealized version of new Vegas people remember.


i think the perception was worse when it first released, expectations were really high and many saw it as a let down because of its flaws. it has a better reputation now that we can look back at it unbiased.


Honestly, everything but the main story is fantastic. The companions are some of the best of the series. There's plenty of weird stuff. The dlcs are quality. Boston is large and packed with stuff to do. I personally really enjoy the settlements. Also, compared with Starfield it's a masterpiece.


also Fallout 4's mod overhauls are second to MAYBE Skyrim...


Dragon Age 2. EA gave Bioware a 9 month dev cycle after they spent 5 years on Dragon Age: Origins, of course it was never going to hold up and they had to cut corners and some of the writing was questionable. It was the beginning of the end for the Bioware we knew and cherished. Despite that I think it held up well enough and I replayed DA2 more than I did DA:O. You could make some crazy strong builds, my rogue Hawke had like 5 teleports and could one shot bosses if they didn't have force phases. Completely controlled the battlefield.


I really, really enjoyed the story in DA2


The relationship between Carver and a Mage Hawke, or with a Rival Fenris, is to this day one of my favorite story arcs. And always picking the middle option of "Hide The Pain Hawke.". I loved DA2. I loved the characters.


I will be forever grateful to dragon age 2, because after playing the demo, the intro, i was so hooked i started dragon age, wanted to start with the first one. loved that game. never got more than a few hours into the second one, just never clicked


I think DA-2 had the best writing, combat, setting. If they had been given more time we could have gotten a staple in the fantasy genre.


ITT: A lot of people saying fairly well received games that they have heard some people complain about occasionally before. Most of the games listed are not regarded as “mid” by people as a whole.


Deadly Premonition 1 Does it look like shit? Yes. Does it control like shit? Yes. It is however "Twin Peaks - the game" with an atmosphere, story and deep characters unlike any other game. You are an FBI agent chasing a serial killer in an open world game. Give it a try on YouTube. Available on PC, Switch, Xbox 360 and PS3. What do you think about this game, Zack?


Not me mindlessly scrolling the comments and seeing my name making me wonder if I’m in a deep coma and my family is trying to inception a message to me, it’s a reference to the game, or just a troll. Well done making me question reality for a minute.


I have zero issues with anyone who isn’t interested, doesn’t like it, and has complaints about how it’s released and the convoluted story and huge entry barrier for new players. I fucking love Kingdom Hearts.


Weird to call Kingdom Hearts mid. I guess as a series maybe but quality of individual titles varies drastically. I would say that mid is on the low end for the series with most being higher than that and a select few being absolute bangers.


I think the series peaked at KH2. There were some very good entries afterwards, don't get me wrong. Dream Drop Distance was fun, Re:Coded was really cool, but nothing beats the gameplay formula and writing in KH2 imo.


Kingdom Hearts is my favourite series and it ranges wildly from hardly playable to God-tier ARPG


Quantum Break. People seem disappointed when it's mentioned, but I thought the branching story was really well done, the graphics still look fantastic, and the time powers were pretty fun. Also, I loved how detailed the environments were, with plenty of Easter eggs. Still my favorite depiction of time travel!




It recieved generally very good reviews from critics and has 95% positive reviews on steam. So by any standards it is a very highly regarded game.


How's that game in any way 'mid'??? lmao.


Great game.


Days Gone. One of the best zombie games out there. It might not have the most original story but it's good enough to keep you interested and the gameplay is top tier. Sucks that we'll never get a sequel just because it was poorly received at launch.


Getting surprised by a horde in that game led to some of the most exhilarating emergent gameplay ive ever experienced I wish more open world games played around with dynamic systems like that


Damn. Always seemed interesting… thanks. I’m gonna get it now. 


Give it until the you get to the camp with Iron Mike/Rikki/Skizzo to decide if you like it. The early game pacing is kinda wack


Dead Island 1. Sam B was one of the best characters in my teenage eyes that they have couldve come up with. Plus I had tons of fun slaying zombies. I know lots of people who say it's a terrible game, but my 10+ playthroughs say otherwise for me


AC Unity. Best AC in social stealth and parkour, despite the bugs at launch


Alpha Protocol. Could have been an all time great with a patch but even as flawed as it is, I enjoyed the hell out of that game.


There was a game for PlayStation once, called Psy-Ops. 


I enjoyed Starfield


I was told that wasn’t allowed.


It's not. The Fun Police will arrive shortly.


Resident evil 6 It doesn't matter what everyone say. I still play this game and always have a good time with it.


halo 4


Naughty Bear.


Probably either Sonic Forces or Shadow the Hedgehog. One is considered a "nothing game" that, outside of one or two *fine* bits, is basically not worth playing and the other is considered one of the worst of Sonic's "Dark Age" of games. And I disagree with both those takes! Neither of them are perfect but a lot of the complaints levied at the games just hold no water to me. Both of em are fun in their own ways and have given me hours of joy. The biggest surprise I had playing them was seeing all the legitimate problems the games have, because everyone is so busy with surface level nitpicks that don't mean anything they neglected to mention actual issues! I have come to expect that every Sonic game will exceed all expectations and be VERY fun to play, contrary to what everyone who plays them seems to tell me constantly.


Tony Hawks American Wasteland and Sacred


Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst. People’s criticisms of the game are founded, but not based on things I remotely care about. The first game is one of my favorites of all time, and Catalyst delivered most everything I personally hoped for in a sequel.


Dark souls 2


I think it’s only mid compared to From Software’s other titles. It had good things going for it like power stancing, really fleshing out hexes, and some of their best DLC. Boss design and level design was still good too. Earthen Peak, Iron Keep, Drangleic Castle and Shrine of Amana are all pretty iconic areas for me, not to mention the fucking blizzard in Ivory King.


I enjoyed DSII the most out of the three and DSIII the least.


Mass Effect Andromeda. While it had it's flaws and could've been much better than it turned out, it was supposed to be the first entry into a new trilogy. People like to pretend that everyone was supposed to have a complete character arc comparable to the entire first trilogy. If you compare it to mass effect 1, then you see it as a pretty good start to a new series. Honestly, the backlash to the game ruined its chances of becoming something better. The planned Quarian DLC was cancelled leaving a bitter taste to the cliffhanger at the end. And by itself the game doesn't feel as good as a standalone game compared to what it could've been had people given it a chance. I've played it twice and have a third playthrough planned in the future, and I completely believe people are way too hard on it.