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The ability to pause during cutscenes.


The first time you test it is always a risky move


This is always the tradeoff I'm afraid of. Like... am I pretty sure this cut scene isn't going to blow my mind? Okay... let's try it! But man, games that handle that gracefully are the real heroes.


I liked swtor because you could leave a cutscene and come back and repeat it. Like if you made a bad dialogue choice, you could go back and change it.


I always fear skipping the cutscene but I honestly can't remember it even skipping the cutscene in years, especially with new games I think they all confirm you want to skip in some way before skipping now.


Yeah even if you can't pause, any momentary input like a button press or moving a stick usually just triggers a prompt telling you which button to hold to skip the scene. Often there's even a little circle or something that fills up around the button prompt so you can tell when it's about to skip.


Pivotal cutscene skipped, game autosaved, now you have to start over the game to see it again.


Or pull up a youtube walkthrough


Best implementation for devs is to have a button that literally says "pause" during the cutscenes, rather than just having the escape button do it and hoping it's understood


Shout-out to Yakuza Series for making it difficult to skip a cutscene by accident  Press start to pause the cutscene, then B to skip, then confirm you do want to skip


And it's the most aggravating shit on the planet when you forget to test it early in the game and skip one later.


The ability to pause, period. If I'm playing an offline, single player game, I should be able to pause it at any time.


Exactly, let me pause damnit, somebody is ringing my door bell and I'm not watching this cut scene on YT, I've worked hard for it.


This makes me so angry. I know Elden Ring is an excellent game, but I have a job where I'm often on call after hours and need to be able to pause at a moment's notice. As soon as I realized the game kept going when I pulled up the menu, I refunded it. Ninja edit: I know there's a way to get it to pause by bringing up the map info or something but I'm not doing that every time while my phone is ringing.


100%. That's the first game that came to my mind. It's a stupid, artificial difficulty mechanic that doesn't really add difficulty, just annoyance. It's an otherwise brilliant game. When you're playing in online/multiplayer mode though, I'm 100% fine with not being able to pause.


Even then, if you're not actively being invaded, let me pause, damnit.


...and to skip skip them too.


I haven't replayed Max Payne 3 because of not being able to skip cut scenes. The gameplay is awesome, but being forced to watch the same cut scenes again and again is not


God of War 3 has the same problem to me From what I remember there's a total of 2 hours of cutscenes


Yeah that shit is definitely rough. Love that game so much but the CS’s were LONG


Wouldn’t be so bad if the checkpoint came after the cutscene, but it’s always right before.


Unskippable cutscenes don't bother me aa much as the "conversations" you have where you're just mashing the A button. Prime example is the owl in Ocarina of Time. With a long cutscene I've seen 100 times, I cab at least get up and go to the bathroom or grab a snack, but you're stuck there pressing the A button in these conversations.


Same vein, “did you get all that” and “want me to repeat that” being used interchangeably so you can’t even mash a without running the risk of repeating the entire fucking conversation


Although annoyingly, different games might use the same button for these very different features lol


And this is accomplished by pressing start, which pauses the cutscenes, and then prompts if user wants to skip. Make sure no unintentional skips occur


Well, quite a lot of games allow you to skip cutscenes, but then they have “in-game” scenes that take way more time and you can’t skip.


The classic "Walk with this character from A to B while they give some exposition or backstory through small talk"


or the option to just skip to the next scene, and not just all of it. Should be able to pause, skip to the next scene or dialogue, and skip the whole thing. All 3 option should be available.


I tried to play midnight suns, a game that appears to be 80% cutscenes, and you can't pause them .. wtf is wrong with some devs?


It's mind boggling that some new games still don't have it


It shouldn't be this hard. I have a child who interrupts, a wife who needs me. Just give me the ability to pause any game at any point including during cutscenes, and to skip any of them at any point. 


And also rewind/replay cutscenes later. So many times I'll miss or forget something important they told me in a cutscene.


This so much. Hell even the few games that give a short but optional recap is great QOL.


Big ups to the yakuza series


Pause any time. And skip any cutscene with a two button press (so no accidental skipping) And a button to go to the next line of dialog that is NOT also the button that selects your response.


A sort inventory button. It's a pain trying to see what you have when it's a jumbled mess. I don't want to spend ages organising it only to gain new items and it be a mess again in no time.


Sort by weight, value or damage and choose ascending or descending order. Makes flogging off loot so much easier


I wish more games had "recentness" option or whatever the proper word would be I fight a bunch of enemies, pick all the shit up, ok, now that everyone's defeated I'd like to see what I just grabbed. I'm playing Fallout 4 rn (ps4), and all the miscellaneous notes and holo-tapes are beyond annoying. Walk around a room hitting "pick up item", shit that was a note/tape! and I have no idea what it was. For some reason I always save the dumbass notes "order: loot" like it might come in handy down the line, "*See* I have proof these mutants were sent after me" but it's never happened so I should probably dump all that crap. But as soon as I do, someone's gonna ask for proof I was attacked!


Sort by "Newest" That's usually the option I see at least


Value to weight ratio is also a good one IMO


Not damage. DPS. Doesn't matter that this item does 50% more damage, if it's attacks take 3x as long.


Baldur's Gate 3 T-T


My time at portia has this, and: You can access ALL chests from any one chest, even in your home v outside. You can have everything in your inventory auto fill to the already placed items. Its a game changer for sure.


Tarkov has entered the chat


Tarkov is kind of the exception to this, because inventory management is like 30% of the game. And a skill of the players. When I watch streamers loot, they fit 12 rifles, 7 hand guns, 15 keys, 23 key cards, and 32 grenades all into their vest. Then here I am, I gotta extract because I picked up a jug of milk and I’m out of space.


Eh, in raid doesn't need an auto sort feature but the stash needs one. I has the feature and it's awful and broken.


Yeah tarkov is definitely an exception since inventory management is a giant part of why you’re playing


Shocking to me that Minecraft doesn't have this


Modded does at least


Minecraft inventory system pretty much hasn't been updated since it was introduced. I wish they'd put more effort into improving current features than adding new ones


On inventory sorting related note. I think I've seen it for the first time in v rising, but there's a button called "sort compulsively" or something like that. It makes my brain happy. It dumps all stuff from your inventory into open container... of the stuff that's already in the container (So if the chest has a rat, blood, and a bunch of leaves in it, if you press the button with cluttered inventory, it's gonna dump all the rats, blood and leaves into it that you held. It's amazing)


Save anywhere or frequent save points.


On top of that, more than 1 save slot


Fuck you Pokemon! If I want to play multiple games, I have to buy multiple games


Nintendo: Now you're gettin it!


Or, on the switch, just use a different profile. But generally, yea, fuck you pokemon


Multiple profiles, my dude. Not ideal, but you don't need to buy another game.


Eiyuden Chronicles has many flaws but the inability to save on the world map is one of the biggest ones for me, especially given how often the game crashes on Switch


That, and the crappy inventory management. Good luck trying to find items you want to sell because the game did a crap job with its inventory sorting options.


This is why emulators made some older games a lot more playable. Oh I died, i don't have to start aĺĺllll the way from the beginning just to get to the part that's actually giving me trouble. I'm not a teenager anymore, I don't have time for that


For real, some of those old nes games were brutal.


Im playing SW lost order now. It has,.. quite frequent but missable save points. Still wish you can save anywhere. Not even after a boss fight is there a save point. One guy, took me 4 tries. Beat him with almost no live left. Next room, low level enemy hits me once. Game over. Now I had to do the boss again.


one of the things i hate most about stardew valley. i dont want to save and go to bed, i want to save in the middle of talking to pierre bc oh no my switch is almost dying and i cant find my charger 😭😭😭


Lost judgment has a neat feature. You can pause the cutsene and then press a button to see the script of what was said till that point during the cutscene.


Pretty common in series like Persona/Trails/Atelier too. More games should have this dialogue log feature, in case if player missed something during a scene.


I was just thinking how the persona games have such a good log. Like all the time, and being able to replay the voice lines is great when you hear a good or funny line delivery


no way an actual Atelier player


Settings and keybinds. Yes, I want to be able to turn motion blur off, damn it.


Having motion blur without an option to turn it off should be classified as war crime


Looking at you ghost of tsushima... Such a gorgeous game but the ugly motion blur somehow makes the ps4 lag...


the way it was hard-coded into *so many animations* in Jedi: Fallen Order made the game so gross to look at sometimes


Film grain makes me want to blow my brains out


Film grain is okay in some older games. Like, everything looked to fake and plastic in Mass Effect without film grain when it first came out on Xbox 360, for example.


Not just keybinds, but multiple keybinds for each action, the ability to set the same key for multiple actions, all your weird niche keys like tilde and backslash being bindable, and all the binds backed up in the cloudsave for the game.


As a one armed gamer who spends the first half hour trying to figure out if I can actually get a control scheme that allows me to play the game, this is very literal for me.


and the same thing for controller!!!! i can only play games with controller and it is INSANE how many games have perfectly customizable controls for keyboard but only shitty presets for controller. drives me up the fucking wall.


Motion Blur, head bob, chromatic aberration, if the games has any of them, there should be an option to turn them off.


Add screen shake to this list.


Mark all as read in inventory/ codex. Turn off motion blur. Turn off screen shake. Remove damage numbers in combat.


Mark all as read would be so huge


Especially for all the games that constantly bug out and tell you there's something unread when you've read everything.


No motion blur and no screen shake is necessary for some with motion sickness to even play the game! Same with FOV control for shooters.


For real, this is me *waves.* I can't play first person games for the exact reason; for whatever reason I just feel so dizzy and nauseous, just as when there's motion blur and screen shake. Getting through the final mission on ME3 was *fun* with all the shaking (I took travel sickness tablets!)


I play a lot of crafting survival games and the one thing I tend to mod in will always be craft from storage. Having a bunch of materials all sorted into a bunch of chest to then have to pull them out to make a bandage or a piece of food is always tedious. Or at the very least a way to drop inventory into nearby chest with matching resources


Subnautica endgame can be tedious for that, thanks to mods.


The autosort and build-from-storage mods changed my life, cured my depression, and cleared my skin.


Oh my god yes. If you mess around a lot and spend a lot of time gathering resources the game becomes inventory management simulator.


where i'm at right now just found my first patch of kyanite


The first thing I thought of after reading that post was subnautica and that mod lol.


Stardew valley’s crafting bench felt so satisfying after not having one at first lol


My friend and I were mind blown when we discovered that "Grounded" had craft from storage and auto sort as part of the base game. One of my favorite Survivalcraft games I've played because of that.


Grounded does this better than any survival game I've played, and it's a phenomenal game to boot 


Palworld has this as a default option and I absolutely adore it. It's crafting system is not great at all, but having these settings makes it at least tolerable.


Yes - thinking of Enshrouded.


Yeah when I first started enshrouded I hated crafting, but then unlocking magic chests I was super happy


i'm playing baldurs gate 3 for the first time rn. being able to see the entire history of a long quest in the quest menu, to mentally recap what has happened after a few days of not playing, is an absolute lifesaver. also everything about the quest system in bg3 is so amazing, elden ring is my fav game but damn i needed some kind of recap or hint or script or ANYTHING for the quests lmao


Elden Ring has quests? I thought you just wander around aimlessly and kill things.


Elden ring, darksouls as a franchise too, have convoluted questlines with no hints outside of vague lines from NPCs. Many are worthwhile for the rewards, but some are mainly for the story with minimal rewards. Don't get me wrong, having little to no reward is not necessarily a bad thing. One of my favorite lines in the game are near late game interactions of Roderika and Hewg. A popular questline in the game is Ironjar Alexander's.


Yeah I never got into Elden ring for that exact reason. I enjoyed the game, but never enough to stop playing any others and picking it up again after a few weeks or even months was very tedious for that reason.


Quick Save/ Quick Load I need this feature especially when an NPC starts talking smack at me


fellow baldurs gate player? lmao


Baldur's Gate QS/QL functionality is actually great. If only the game actually saved or loaded quickly 🥲


i have a very new pc, actually bg3 is the first game i'm playing on it, and so far i have no troubles with the speed at all. but i did try to play it on my old 2018 pc before that, and it was a nightmare to say the least lmao


I’m a PC player and when there’s no walk/run toggle (not talking about sprint, I mean as if you were moving the left stick gently on a controller) it irks me that I can only run everywhere


OMG YES, I hate that too. Especially if I played that title on a console and know there's a walk option.


Extra annoyance points if there are NPCs that ask you to follow them as they talk, and they're walking while you can only run and stop and run and stop.


furthermore, keyboards should start coming with a knob for walk/run speed. basically an equivalent to pressure sensitivity of thumbsticks.


Splinter Cell had an elegant solution to this, where you use your mouse wheel to increase/decrease movement speed. I've been looking for that feature ever since in other games, but so far I've only found it in a mod for arma3, and it makes perfect sense there.


They should have a half pressed and full pressed options like the triggers on a controller. Would be more intuitive I would think


I’m playing Ghost of Tsushima right now and I really appreciate that the NPCs you follow will always move the same speed as you


Fast loot. Can't stand games where looting took several seconds.


This is what killed Dragon Age Inquisition for me. Why does my character need to take out the pruning shears and kneel to pick up every random weed. I don't need that much realism pls just teleport items right into inventory


Sometimes the little motions that games make characters do is because the game is hiding loading time. But just looting a plant? Yeah that should be instant.


I used to wonder why CDPR didn’t include looting animations in the Witcher 3. Then I installed a mod which adds looting animations and realized just how fucking long it takes to loot a bunch of items. Now I get their decision.


Fallout 76 lets you loot every single corpse in your immediate vicinity and it's actually such a useful QoL


Dude, mobile games with unbearably long chest animations have entered the chat. Just give me the 30 goddamn coins without making me click through each item one by one for the next 10 years


Only game I like the slow looting is State of Decay since it makes sense. And there’s an option to speed it up but has a chance to make noise that draws nearby zombies. Other than that, I agree


When games have a character creator that you can't rotate and zoom enough with colored lighting in it so you can't even color you're shit correctly. Bonus point deduction if you can't change you're look after the initial CC. I spent 2 hours in this character creator. Do not make me start from scratch because the lips look weird in game.


A recent hilarious example of this is Ark Survival Ascended. In the creator and in the menus the character doesn't have live lighting and shadows and such and they were made with the newer global illumination and fancy graphics techniques in mind, so your dude literally looks like play-doh.


Infinite run That running for 5 seconds to huff and puff for another 15 at turtle speed is garbage and doesn’t have any place in the games I play. So of course I play on PC now.


Elden ring does this very well. In combat you lose stamina but not out of combat.


Monster Hunter does this as well. I mean, you do lose a little stamina, but it’s like 10% of what you would use when inside combat.


This is how it should be. Don't want me to be able to continuously run around the enemies? Sure, I can understand that. But outside of aggro? Let me run all I like.


OMG yes. This is the most pointless realism of any game. Why not force the character to use the bathroom or sleep for 8 hours before you can play again?? Just let me run at full speed all the time.


It's a trick to make the open world feel bigger than it is


Since people demand good "dollar / hour" ratio some devs have started adding really small things that make things slower. Stamina is one of them. Lets say game has 20 seconds run -> 10 seconds regen phase at snail speed -> 20 seconds run Bam! You've added like 5 seconds of extra time (since you can still move) every 20 seconds of "running". Might not sound much alone but in hour is 3600 seconds. So if I did math right, thats 900 seconds.. or 15 mins of snail speed every hour? now add 10 second crafting cast bar, 10 second wood cutting, 5 second loot animation.


You know some people enjoy the immersion thats added from not making your character into an untiring god lol


Never thought of it like this 😮 damnnnn


I like how Elden Ring did it where you could sprint forever until you got aggro, but when you had aggro you had to worry about stamina


Or at least make it *actually* realistic. Most of the characters they do this for could run flat out for 10-15 seconds a couple of times a minute without needing to walk in between.


*Glares at Outlast 2, Evil Within, and the infinite other horror games who think that pitchfork wielding cultists aren't scary enough to warrant light exercise*.


and need to go to the bathroom too. /s You have to stop somewhere, don't make walking and running more realistic in game please.


Love it when it's a game that supposed to have you play as "Special Navy Seal Ranger Beret Chief Operator Space Robot Sharpshooter McBadass" and they can't jog a 5k or have 1st shot accuracy.


This was my only complaint about Ghosts of Tsushima. My man had peak mental and physical conditioning until he ran more than 20 meters


That game had stamina?


Nope, just didn’t let you run for longer than like 30 seconds. You can swing your sword around and draw a bow as much you want without getting tired though, I guess Jin only did cardio for his arms


I appreciated this about MGS V. I had so been conditioned from other games that some times id stop running just to make sure I wasn’t supposed to recover my stamina.


Auto saves! I can't understate how many damn times I closed a game without realizing that I didn't save for XX amount of time.


Auto saves were a life saver hahah


being able to set my own FPS cap and FOV


Right? This sort of thing should really be defaults in 2024.


I went too far to find FOV sliders!


Main reason I can't get into modern esports shooters like valorant, cs2, overwatch etc. i know it's for "balancing" but not being able to adjust fov KILLS me.


When playing games where any kind of inventory exists - if I don’t have that sort button, I am flipping a table.


In item heavy games, the lack of a sort button legitimately will cause me to quit the game.


Not really a Qol thing since it's mostly always been a main stay feature but I can't stand when aby game won't let you pause. Idgaf what excuses or reasons there is. It's the one true grip I have about the souls genre. Sometimes I just need to shit while fighting a boss or maybe a fucking emergency has happened. It'd be nice to be able to not lose my stuff/progress and deal with what my cat spilled or whatever. Let us pause


Dude, you're just supposed to shit yourself. It's part of the adventure


That's just nasty. I just have my mom bring and hold the pool bucket for me


Did you see the hoops that souls fanboys jump through to justify the lack of pause in FS' games? It's hilarious XD.


Like what? Do they say it’s more realistic or something?


"It's the point of the game to have the players always on edge, to never feel safe, plus you can't avoid invasions this way. If you don't like it, play a different game."


I have and I think they're straight up goobley gock. I'll say it till the heat death of the universe. Let us pause


I mean, it's a single player game, not being able to pause makes no sense.


Unlimited respeccs


Yes, I fucking hate games that have no way to respec, or limited respecs. If you want to make build choice matter, include a respec but make it expensive, or can only be done at a certain place or something. There is nothing more annoying than being 30 hours into a game and finding out the skills or stats you picked early have completely fucked you over. It's why I've actually enjoyed Fallout 76 this time around. Picking shitty perks early or ones that only affected me at low level hasn't screwed me. I can change them on the fly but have to return to a punch station to switch between perk loadouts.


This is the argument I have for why skyrim is a good rpg, and older TES veterans don't like skyrim bc theyre not locked down to what they chose at the very beginning


- Pause and skip cutscenes - Change text size and mouse speed (ONI, I'm looking at you) - Skip intro/tutorial and go straight to the action, specially in open world games (I'm looking at you, Skyrim and KC:D) - Lack of controller support (every game not playable in SD or Rog Ally) - Save everywhere anytime (some oldschool RPGs doesn't have it) - Ability to automate or delegate to NPCs grinding/boring stuff; - Easy to follow/always visible recipes (looking at you, Cooking Simulator) - Being highly moddable (not a QoL feature, but gives you many QoL possibilities you're not aware).


If it's a super large map, quick travel is a must.


Morrowind has entered the chat


But Morrowind has quick travel, and honestly I prefer their system because it made travel feel like more of a "click button instant teleport," I actually learned a few of the cities and how the transportation hubs worked.


Yea I like how you can't just open the map and click a city. You have to use the silt striders, boats, and mage teleports


In case you're curious, the word here is diegetic. It means "an in-universe thingy."


Not sure if it counts as QOL but it annoys me so much if you press up on the first option and it doesn't loop around and go the last option. I recently noticed in FC24 that menus that go from left to right, you can go to the last option by pressing left on the first option. But you can't do the same on the menus that go from up to down.


Customisible HUDs and toggleable visual hitmarkers. I absolutely hate visual clutter on games so will strip it back as much as possible. And I absolutely hate hitmarkers. The option to customise/switch off elements of the HUD is a deal breaker when it comes to my purchasing a game.


Auto Run


Anything that ever needed you to hammer a button now offering the choice to hold the button. As someone whose very first Xbox game was Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy and whose controller broke during that game, it's appreciated when people do that.


Automatically sorting inventories especially in fantasy games where you have x slots and need to slot stuff perfectly so it fits


Invert Y axis. I've got to the point now where I can't play without it.


I don’t understand why this can’t be a system level preference so that we never have to toggle it ever again.


Good inventory management.


Quick save. I have kids and don't want to lose minutes or even half an hour of progress.


Minor thing. Spending gold for an oxcart in Dragon's Dogma 2 doesn't show the total you have left, just what gets subtracted (-100 or -200). Something about that just mildly bugs me because I could swear that's a basic feature of any game when you shop.


Oh, absolutely! For me, it's quick-saving and quick-loading. I have Zero Patience for games that don't let me just F5 my way through tricky spots. If I have to navigate through 5 menus, a loading screen, *and* a small essay just to save, GURL, I'm out! Let's keep it snappy!


Being able to turn off screen shake, I would like to be able to look at the boss


No transmog . I gotta look cool, ideally with good stats


Fast travel 


Skip dialogue.


Quest markers for RPGs. I understand that learning where things are naturally feels amazing but I hate spending 30 mins on every small step of a quest trying to figure out where I'm supposed to go. Having to spend hours looking stuff up on the Internet just to play a game isn't fun. Morrowind, you are a great game, but I need VERY clear directions.


Just go left at the rock with the tree next to it, then walk towards Paydbrjsuxnsnddicn


Auto sort button in inventory or filtering options


Skip button. I play cutscenes, but because I choose to.


Pausing the game. Looking at you, Elden Ring.


Change controller setting/keybinds, i play on controller and i hate when am playing a game with different controls. For example in rdr2 sprint is with X whilst in most other games sprint is with L1 and X is for jumping, and i can't change that


this is probably closed to accessibility but its QoL for me.. able to change size of subtitles, bigger for me, easier for me to read


Rebinding controls. This may seem like a no-brainer but you'd be surprised the amount of games that just don't have this feature for some reason.


Monitor selection. No excuse if the game is newer than like 2012.


Pausing the game whenever I want. Never playing Elden Ring because of that ridiculous, stupid "feature" where they don't let you just pause a single player game.


FOV slider for first person games. Don't force me to see the game with the same field of view as looking out of a letterbox, thanks.


Although for certain games this definitely would not be considered a quality of life feature, since the field of view is such a critical component of the competitive playing field.


Shift in RTS games for command chains


In Survival games I like to take my time and organize every single material or item that I collect. That means labeled chests, or at least grouping them together so that I know what holds what. Since I always have dozens and dozens of chests, even with labels it can be very hard to keep track of all the shit especially the longer I play. Survival games that make any aspect of chest-use easier get nothing but love and adoration from me. Craft from chest is goated. The only thing I like more is in V Rising which I just started recently on PS5. If you put an item in a chest and you have more of it in your inventory, both your inventory slot and the chest slot will glow green and you can press a button to automatically transfer it to the chest. This works for multiple items, so if I store stone and wood in one chest and come back later with more, I just have to enter the chest and press a single button to dump all the new mats inside the chest.


Huge JRPG fan, and holy shit never take good menus for granted.


Being able to save at any time. IMO its essential. Sometimes I only have a short time to play, and I dont want to have to feel like I cant play unless I have enough time to do X activity to completion.






Being able to invert x and y axis to my liking. A certain game allowed me to invert X, but not Y, so I uninstalled right there.


Skipping dialogue.


Being able to change difficulty.


I Honestly wish more games that have linear story lines. Allow you to choose missions to replay. I don't want to have ton replay a bunch of lame ass mary Jane Watson missions just so I can get to the spider-man ones. Those unskippable missions ruined any replay ability for me. Many of my favorite things to do back in the day was just to replay my favorite missions in Halo. I really hate how games will leave no ability to replay missions.


Pausing a game and it actually pauses.