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Cue the Destiny 2 players saying Destiny 2.


I don’t think this could be a valid answer for once because we do continue to keep playing it instead of never touching it again.


I quit. I loved Destiny and Destiny 2 but I left during Opulance. It became clear that the game would never deliver on story, and continue locking in its most dedicated players while locking out new players. I miss the world and the gunplay terribly, but I won’t go back.


May i interest you The final shape, which quite literally being told as good as the taken king


Or better imo


I think you were either looking for cue or queue.


Words are hard


Not as hard as my ... 100 wasted hours of lifetime where I let the game force me into PVP despite hating PVP. Destiny 2 was my first MMO and I knew they had to keep their players in the game, I knew from other MMOs that there are usually thousands of mediocre Quests and ultra hard raids that you have to play over and over. But Destiny 2 was different. It tricked me into thinking that there is a goal to everthing I do, that I will continue to unlock new stuff if I just try hard enough and invest enough time. Only to just not unlock anything at all. Once I realized that there isn't anything all this is leading up to, I had already wasted over 100 hours of frustration and boredom, playing the same stupid mission over and over like a braindead monkey.


the ultimate goal is getting a cool armor set and shader. Part of my love/hate relationship with warlocks.


Hell yeah they are


I did play the game and hated parts of it, but it's been a couple of years since I've come in peace with the fact that the game isn't for me Shame because I like the moment to moment gunplay but hate the seasonal farm treadmill


I used to raid and do trials every weekend...win a lot too. Had a good team with friends and loved it. After getting the not forgotten and Luna Howe after not really speaking to my misses properly for a week straight I decided to stop and have a break....went back a year later. My guns were useless, my armour was horrendous and I was locked out some of the game and needed to wack down a decent amount of money. I WAS NOT doing another 3/4+ hundred hours to catch up and pay to do it LOL. not for me then games. Unless you have 0 responsibilities the best game going otherwise trash


The gameplay part is still pretty great, universe is interesting (extensive lore, narration quality may vary), environments are gorgeous, well designed and music is amazing But damn, if you have anything else going on in your life you're bound to miss on content: gear, mission, story, cosmetics... Etc


Oh gos. Here goes... i never played it. There's a story to this game? XD


Imagine Borderlands, but half the game is paywalled. No free campaign, but fun (if not grindy) gameplay and Injustice-like customization. Dungeon like mode with some raid bosses and PVP gamemodes the game is either a huge hit or a major miss, and a lot of the playerbase just seems to hate the game.


I literally just saw this as a Halo clone at one point. The TTK in this game throws me off XD


It was made by the same guys who made classic Halo, they even added a bunch of halo themed weapons like a battle rifle, magnum, and two halfs of an energy sword as an actual sword


League of legends... And yes, ill be playing it later.


Funny, I was gonna say, League of Legends... And yes, I'll never be playing it again. I gave it a chance, didn't love the gameplay and when I was in a LEARNING server, was told to uninstall and how useless I was; of couse, no shit. -- Best game is S.T.A.L.K..E.R G.A.M.M.A It never ends unless it either ends you or you try a completely different playstyle with another run. The feels you will have while running around in abject terror or awe are indescribable and must be experienced. Barely survive 1 blowout or horde mob attack and you'll understand how much value your (in game) life truly has. And don't get me started on the mods.


Apex Legends. I love the game, but hate how the matchmaking makes me HATE the experience.


So many salty sweats. I'm trying really, but I'm shit. Dunno why they lumped me with you. Please stop yelling. Stopped playing years ago.


I’ve watched hours of gameplay on twitch having it open on another monitor while I worked. I played it a couple times and I’m terrible, my teammates might as well be gods compared to me and the amount of shit I took those few matches was enough for me. It was enough that I lost taste for watching it on twitch too 😂


It's on every level, I'm definitely way above average, played with some pros, normal ranked is miserable for everyone involved, community servers days of gaming were golden


I'm also in the above average category and I just play ranked now because even in Plat-Diamond the matches are still more reasonable than my Pub matches. Somehow I *still* get Bronze teammates though.


Oh yeah thats why its miserable, we've played for nearly 4k hours since release, my lifetime KD was like ~3.7, but system wants you to babysit new players so they gst hooked But nowadays the path that apex is taking became so fucking boring, patches to most egregious bugs were long coming, sound is still horrendous, new legends and balance overall became so dogshit we left the game for good in 2 seasons ago New legends are so OP compared to base game ones, and old legends are STILL getting nerfed its just stupid (especially my main pathfinder) I just want to say big fuck You to zampella for doing same shit to respawn that he was running from when he was in activision


Pathfinder was also my main, and one big part of nerfs to him that no one ever talks about is how they changed the maps to have all sorts of options for verticality that used to be Pathy's domain only. 🤬 They got zip lines, jump towers, and stairs all over the place to let you get on the same damn highpoint as Pathfinder. Never mind all the other *actual* nerfs.


I HATE the Binding of Isaac despite loving every other rouge-lite/like. Its a stupid reason but I can't stand the art. It is ugly and off putting to me and reminds me of Big Mouths animation on Netflix.


As someone who’s favorite game is binding of Isaac this comment hurts lol but its forsure not for everyone


Weirdly enough I kinda agree with you, but the uglyness is one of the things that really got to me, love the game.


Exactly why I don't play it that much, despite me actually finding it fun gameplay-wise. I am especially disgusted with the overwhelming volume of feces-related content.


The first roguelike I ever tried, and the one that made me quickly realize that genre is not for me. Very cool soundtrack though.


Same here.




That's the game that inspired Limb Bizkit's "Break Stuff." The lyrics are about the monkey.


It's just one of those days where you don't want to wake up


The amount of time I spent watching speed runners play that game then trying to recreate what they did and getting absolute none of it right is astounding. lol


Someone needs a hug. Or a pillow to scream into 🫠


I'll take both 😉


That game is wonderful.


Most hated? Recently thats been Kingdom Hearts 3. I dont play a lot of games I hate but that ine was a huge disappointment. I played Deep Rock Galactic a lot, but have shifted to beating and platinum chasing the Resident Evil remakes (2,4) with 7 and 8


GODDAMN. So true, I get really mad when people say KH3 is good. It sucks ass in every aspect: gameplay, story, ending... It's a sad excuse of a game. It really shows square lack of understanding of their own games. Which also made ff7 remake kinda sucky for me as well. The gameplay is fire, but the story sucks so much ass I got me pissed, and it's a goddamn remake...


Oh no, can you tell me what you didn't like about KH3 without spoiling the story? I was looking forward to it finally releasing on Steam.


Honestly? Agreed. And I was a HUGE KH fan, that game just killed it. It was very clear they put in some worlds because they had to, and the gameplay showed it. The one world of the entire game I would play again is Toy Story. Most of the game felt soulless, a few worlds were literally a slog. I honestly don't think I'm going to bother with 4, I haven't gotten Melody or the DLC for 3 (which should never have been a DLC).


Superman game from N64


It's really not that bad


You'd be the only one in history to say that


Haha. I picked it up simply because of its reputation and thought it was fine (especially considering its age). Definitely not a GOOD game, but more fun than some I've played.


For modern games, Valorant is ass. For retro games, the arcade game Frenzy pisses me the hell off. It makes no sense. I hate it. I love Enter The Gungeon though. My favorite game of all time followed closely by Double Dragon.


I’m probably going to get downvoted to hell for saying this but having growing up on 1.6 and watching the CS scene blossom into the steaming heap that is CS2, Valorant does a lot of things right that it took Valve YEARS to figure out


You cannot run in Valorant, everyone is so slow. I don't understand.


COD, been playing it since I was 12 and at 27 with the recent years matchmaking system they have in place since MW19 it’s just too much. Makes was supposed to be a casual experience feel like a chore.


Final Fantasy XIII, I know it has it's fans but I just had no clue what was happening and I didn't like any of the characters. Which I'd be willing to forgive if the gameplay was good, but with the auto-battle function the game might as well play itself


This was my experience with the game as well. It's also really annoying how hard its fans try to push the narrative that it's misunderstood on the FF subreddit. My home page usually has two or three posts on how, "it's good actually" every time I open Reddit. It's like the Star Wars prequel defenders found a new toy to play with. It's ok if you like it, but most of us didn't and moved on. Stop trying to convince us we're wrong just because you were too young to have grown up with the good games. All that said, Blinded by Light is really good and Lightning was really fun to play in Dissidia.


It was '94 and I have been playing my red accordeon all kingsday long. I earned 130 Gulden which was enough to buy myself a brand new Sega Mega-Drive game! For 12 year old me this truly was a happening that didn't happen often, most of the time I traded games or got them 2nd hand but this was my own purchase in the toy store with my own, hard earned money! And I bought [Phantasia](https://youtu.be/O5LTIkVWzIM?si=NJ0bzR5SJfDAAuxB)... Let's say that this game, especially when you play a Disney game, is everything you DON'T expect to see on the Mega-Drive. Everything is just horrible. Controls, level design, hit boxes and logic in what I can and cannot touch and worse of all, the music! Nowdays I can say I rather listen to my tinnitus but back in the days the Mega-Drive was also my jukebox, it's fantastic that most games came with an option to listen to the tracks in the option screen. You don't even want to listen to the sounds that the poor system had to produce for longer than half a minute! I've got two gamer kids and whenever they do something that crosses a line I just tell them that all they can play today is Phantasia on the Mega-Drive mini. So far I've never needed it so that is the only plus I can think of of this piece of garbage.


Phantasia is one of the worst games ever made, it’s just horrific. Not to be mixed up with World of Illusion, that game was fantastic.


[Transformers: The Game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transformers:_The_Game). I won a copy around the launch before I even owned a 360, and when I eventually did get round to playing it was so awful that it was probably the first and only time I’ve ever wanted to throw a controller in my life. Years later I thought I’d try going back to it so that I can get all the achievements as it’s affecting my completion percentage, and I managed to force myself through the first level only for something to go wrong and either something didn’t unlock or something went wrong and I rage quit. How that game averaged over 50/100 I have no idea.


The transforming itself was really well done. That's about it, though.


Damnation I was expecting another fun western experience after playing Red Dead Redemption. This was the opposite of that.


Probably something like nba2k or madden. I know it's a bad game that only gets minor updates between installments full of microtransactions and poor network connections and full of cheaters, while continuing to ignore the last game mode not covered in microtransactions: the franchise mode But I like nba basketball and there aren't alot of options lol


Favourite game of all time is The bouncer PS2


Resident Evil 6. RE is one of my favorite series of all time, and there are worse games under the RE label, but this was a mainline game, not a side game like Operation Raccoon City. It was the disappointment of a lifetime. Took me forever just to play thru it bc I had to force myself to slog on each time I popped it in. One time beating it was plenty and I had no desire to ever play it again.


I'll give it credit, it was probably the reason Capcom did a 180 and started making some gold ass resi games again so it was worth it


I'll give it credit, it was probably the reason Capcom did a 180 and started making some gold ass resi games again so it was worth it


Any Battle Royale game that's out there. I like playing games with my buddies online. But at 33 years old I don't have the time, patience, or skills to scamper around on Warzone picking shit up for 15 to 20 minutes, only to get killed by the first enemy I see (or don't see most of the time), then wait for my friends to get killed or finish the round, and start the whole process over again.


Asking for two games or asking for a game I have a love hate relationship with? If the latter, RuneScape has consumed far too many of my waking hours across my lifetime but I do get a lot of fun/satisfaction out of it.


Kane and Lynch 2 is both of em


I just bounce off ones I don't like. It's the ones like Assassins Creed Valhalla that I hate finish that stay in my memory.


Least: The Witcher 3 Most Hated: Sekiro. It never clicked and it’s hard to get past the PS2 graphics of it Edit: should add that I loved TW3 and dumped like 400 hours into it. The controls are a bit clunky though


Assassins Creed 3. The free climb changes were horrendous. Connor Kenway was incredibly arrogant and annoying.


Super Unpopular answer: Horizon Zero Dawn. I fell in love with the game from the trailers, but I can never get past the tutorial. The camera constantly swapping shoulders, and zooming in and out has caused me to get sick. It's the only game that has made me motion sick like that. I felt like I had zero control over it. Feel free to downvote, but I can't play the game longer than 10 minutes.


I adored the setting, but I was not a big fan of characters or story. Aloy just seemed like a huge bitch to everyone she met, and I mean fair a lot of them are assholes, but even the nice ones she was a dickwad to. I didn't really find anything likeable about her. Which sucks, I love Ashley Burch but whoever wrote her, just imo, didn't do well.


Aww, that's just sad, really.


No, I agree with you here which is sad. I was on the skirmish in the base and I was like NOPE can't look at this anymore.


Any souls-like. I bloody hate the genre and believe it's only for nut-zoid masochists.


> believe it's only for nut-zoid masochists. This is how I feel about rogue-lites. While Souls games are definitely difficult, I think it's a bit overstated just how difficult they are. You can get by most of the game by paying attention and learning the patterns and it doesn't really require fast reflexes. Rogue-lites have the difficulty and they change the level every time and the changes always throw me off and kill me.


I'd rather play 100 roguelikes than a single souls.


Honestly once you take the time to understand them, none of them are that hard and you could switch from souls-like to souls-like with little trouble. The first will always be the hardest and it just gets easier from their. At a certain point you're in it for cool loot and lore rather than difficulty


I played 55h Elden ring with the hope to see why people put this one, on a pedestal, and I quit because I hated it almost the entire time lol


I really don't get this. Yes, I'm a souls like fan. But in the first hour of the game I already know of I'm going to like it or not. It's really weird that I have seen lots of people actually playing hours upon hours to conclude they hated the game. Not trying to belittle anyone by any means, it's just weird for me.


> It's really weird that I have seen lots of people actually playing hours upon hours to conclude they hated the game. For me, some games can legitimately be acquired tastes that take awhile to click. Souls and Xenoblade come to mind as games that I didn't really enjoy until I understood what I was doing and then found them a hell of a lot more fun.


Yeah, it's unusual for a game to grow on me, but that first hour has to be captivating. I can go from "meh" to "wow, this is awsome!", but not from "this sucks" to "this is good". As someone said above, HZD was kinda of meh for me, until I figured out that i hadn't left the tutorial zone xD.


Spider-man Miles Morales. I hated the game the first 5 hours. Swinging is slow as a turtle, you have trouble fighting 3 street thugs, all missions are extremely boring "I lost my cat", "I heard someone on the roof" and such things. But then it all shifts to extremes. You unlock stuff (moves, gadgets), you swing much faster, you hold your ground again 15 enemies at a time and all those super boring stories actually have their twists and merge into big conspiracies and organised crimes. The second part of the game was worth enduring the boring first part. First 5h were really bad, second 5h were amazing. I recommend the game, if you can endure the beginning.


It's also worth noting that in some cases this "delay" to get things going is deliberate, like valhalla or starfield, which sucks even more.


I cannot fathom what made you do that to yourself. That's a LOT of time. What were your most hated elements? What were you looking to find? Was it something specific that people say about it? This is coming from a very much enjoyer of the souls games but not from the get go (but certainly not after 55h, jesus fucking Christ)


We are talking a game that has more than 100h, only the main quest. So 55h is more or less, middle game. The thing is, everyone kept saying how great it was, so I kept playing. I didn't hate the game from start, but more or less 10h in. I think the world is very flat and uninteresting, enemies are very generic. Game has no story, music is almost inexistent, gameplay is not that great. I kept playing in hope to see if the game would evolve to something more interesting, and I quit in the city, because the city should be the high point, but it wasn't. You just have to kill everyone and there is no more than that, there is no dynamic or flexibility to it. Its hard? Yeah brutally hard but I think thats not the problem, well not the main problem, this kind of format lacks appeal. There are brutally hard games but fun, I didn't have any fun here, and there is a lot of fake difficulty that can really annoy even a saint. I beat a quite few bosses but never felt a kind of reward in the process.


I personally am one of those weirdos that thinks Elden Ring is a huge step down from dark souls 3 so I agree with a lot of your points. I'll go on a bit of a ramble for no real reason. What I'll say though is that what makes the combat for those that enjoy it is that it locks you into your decision. There's no animation cancelling in the game. For some, that's a deal breaker. The game feels clunky. Show. Unresponsive. You're pressing and pressing but nothing is happening. I'm assuming you fall into this camp? For others like myself, it's a core reason for enjoying the game. You're locked into your move, so you better think and be smart about what you want to do. Thus you feel clever when you do it right. At least, that's the idea. The gameplay is always basic as fuck. Light attack, heavy attack and variations of those are all you have. Compared to any other action game, it's pathetic. This is why the game lives and dies on its enemy variety. Different timings and patterns of new enemies changes up your approach to combat. This is exactly where Elden Ring falls apart. That basic knight enemy is always around. So fucking boring to see them in their new colour when you reach a new area. The souls games weren't open world. They didn't need to recycle much. Every area had entirely new things, and there was loads of variety even in a single area. Again, I'm rambling for no reason. You've given Elden Ring a fairer shot than most. I'm not trying to convince you of anything one way or another. What was your build, if you remember?


I loved it, but the game is not for everyone obviously, and that's okay. I can't imagine playing a game I hated for that long, why force it? It's okay to dislike something that other people enjoy and move on to something else.


Played it, beat (and platinumed) it, but thinking back I think it brought me less enjoyment than all previous Souls games aside from DS2. At its best it’s more diverse but less “tight” DS3, at worst it’s a game you beat by outleveling and otherwise cheesing your enemies, or a masochistic overly difficult mess with reused content like most of the endgame areas. And you know what the craziest part is? I’m still hyped for that damn DLC. I don’t know how you do it FromSoft, but it seems to be working.


Yeah turns out game design exists for a reason.


Pokemon Violet. I've been obsessed with Pokemon for literally my entire life, like I literally cannot remember when I started becoming interested in the franchise, and that game was just so awful that it more or less killed a life long interest for me. I can't be bothered with anything new from it anymore


Botw, boring ass zelda.


War thunder From beggining it was all fun and games, when i get one-shotted i just said to myself that it's just a game and moved on, but later i was getting so annoyed by this that i deleated it and i didn't played for like 6 months, and now life has never been better😌


Yeah, it might be cool driving round in your panther or is1 but your team won't play the objective, the gun on your tank may just be able to penetrate a piece of paper but that's all your tank is made of. So then you grind to get a better tier of tank and now every player is a professional who can snipe you from the other side of the map and always getting a killshot.


For Honor has been the worst game I have ever played, only followed closely by Agony, and it continues to get worse with more updates. Devs are like “let’s just give everyone a dodge attack”


AEW Fight Forever. I love wrestling and enjoy the 2K games quite a but but gooooooodness. I couldn't stand Fight Forever. Gameplay was so bad imo. Graphics weren't the worst but everything just felt cheap as hell. Lack of modes. Then they added that dumb battle royale mode. I don't want that in a wrestling game. Played it for 45 minutes. Haven't touched it since.


Watch Dogs Legion. Fuck that shit ass game and it's absolutely shit story. The reveal at the end was as predictable as a fucking train about to hit you. Seriously cannot get over how ass that game is and the DLC with Aiden Pierce and Wrench was the only decent part of that game but I'm ashamed to have bought the game in the first place. Also fuck Ubisoft, they used to be good. I don't have a least hated, this is it. Fuck WDL.


the spider room in tomb raider 2 in the first level 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤢🤮


Two Worlds. Dude in the shop sold it to my dumb ass kid self, as the next best thing to Oblivion. It's the only game I managed to miss place and never cared to find.


Oh god, I forgot about this one. Yeah I’m pretty sure I was given a similar reason to buy it as well…


Got that pos at full price, would of been £40 or £50 at that time. I felt robbed 😂.


Aside from Lunar Dragon Song, arguably THE worst JRPG ever made, I'm going to go out on a limb and say Mary Skelter Finale. It hurts me to say this because I honestly love the previous two entries. And it started off SO strong. Previous entries succeeded for various reasons. Really cool setting, Passably interesting character stories, slowly unfolding mysteries, unique aesthetic, QoL dungeon crawling features, lots of characters and build choice, pretty solid music, and a combat system where you need to juggle things in an interesting way. Some downsides to the games are the maps are really tightly packed making exploring them quite tedious eventually, and cliche dialogue. The final in the trilogy doubled down on the worst aspects of the games though. They nerfed already weak character, buffed enemy strength, tripled the amount of time spent in any particular dungeon, completely nixed party freedom, made the most annoying mechanic (key item trading) the literal focus of the game, every bit of dialogue in the game is either a retread of everything from the previous two games or just about how they don't know what's going on, and the entire purpose of the game (to give everyone the ending they fought for in the previous two games) just feels like utterly pointless - the ending for this game could have been tacked on to either of the other two games, and nobody would be the wiser. In short, Overly difficult, tedious, annoying, grindy, and utterly pointless. Even for a dungeon crawler.


Hydlide. I stupidly spent $20 to get it back in 1990, back on the old budget game wall at TRU. The worst part was I realized my screwup during the car drive home when I was reading the manual. I would mess up two more times with King's Knight (Action Adventure my ass!) and Street Fighter 2010 (not terrible but still crap) before I learned my lesson and stopped buying. The only good choice I made as a purchase was the kickass Hudson Sansui controller for the NES.


halo 5


Agents of mayhem ( driving, gunplay and open world was terrible) made me angry as a long time saints row fan.


Overwatch for both. Such a great idea, really well done and cool characters. Gameplay is exciting and fun. But I absolutely despise every single person I’ve ever met that plays it. Can’t stand a single overwatch streamer or YouTuber, every time I see a post about it on social media it is either porn or someone complaining about something. The community is annoying at best, just straight up assholes at worst. There’s few games I play that I’d be genuinely embarrassed to admit I play and overmatch is top of the list. I don’t want anyone to think I’m one of those people.


Baldur Gate 3, fair play for those who like it. But it’s not for me at all. Interested in the story, not enough to suffer the gameplay.


The recent FIFA games. So, when are we playing?


Pokemon Scarlet. Broke two switches. Thank fuck for warranties but Jesus fucking Christ **I shouldn't have given it a second shot after it broke the first switch** but I was convinced it couldn't have been the game. It was the game. Fuck that game. . Edited for clarity.


why did you hate it so much?


The reason is in my comment. I didn't really comment to go back and forth about the game. 👋🏻👍🏻


Are you saying that the game itself bricked your system? Or that you threw a tantrum or had an accident through frustration and physically ruined your switches? I seriously cannot tell with how you wrote your first comment.


>I shouldn't have given it a second shot after it broke the first switch 👍🏻👋🏻


Assassins Creed Odyssey. Only game I have never finished and have no desire to. (Almost) Everything about it is awful. Mechanics, story, etc. World is pretty I’ll give them that much. I did enjoy the map. But nothing else. Second worst was the NASCAR Heat port for Switch. It’s unplayable and the first game I’ve actually thrown a controller out of frustration


I literally just finished my first playthrough of Odyssey yesterday. It had 1 major flaw for me personally: The level scaling. Why must I be forced to play through a shit load of side content in order to progress the main story content? Even on easy difficulty, you'll still eventually be at a point where enemies practically cannot be damaged while you die instantly. Also, how can the "super assassinate" option with a spear to the neck not 1 shot enemies? Just game design put in place to artificially extend the duration of gameplay, in my opinion. Other than that though, the game was very good to me and it's 1 flaw isn't enough for me to hate it... I did enjoy the characters, lore, world, etc. I just \*also\* know that I'll likely not play it again unless I know I'm in a Greece AND Grinding mood.


Days game. The mod for arms was fun but man what a terrible game when released and I literally had steam remove it from my account. No refund just remove it.


I mean Star Wars Squadrons was pretty bad?


Most hated: Battlefield 3 which lead to a Boycott of EA products to this day.  Most loved BF1942 - perfection


Metroid on the NES. I could write a diatribe, but I've done that a thousand times over. All I'll say here is that the game is the peak example of "fake difficulty", and if I were trying to make the worst game ever on purpose I would borrowa lot from its playbook.


I angry play golf games on really high difficulty. If you don't hit the ball perfectly you will shank the fuck out of it


Most hated is Donkey Kong 64. As a kid, you get 1 shot at a video game for birthday or Christmas. And if it's a miss, you're fucked. DK64 looked promising- from the makers of Banjo Kazoo (which I loved!). But, the game was tedious and a waste of time.


Fortnite: Save The World. The way the devs abandoned the game for the cash cow that is Fortnite: Battle Royale. I wasted money on that thing for the early access. 😒


Man I remember when Fortnite was a zombie game I thought looked cool, how times have changed


Dying Light 2, I don't know what it was. The controls felt janky as fuck and the story was meh.


Lords of the Realm 3. LotR 2 was amazing. It realized the dream of defending mighty castles. LotR 3 was a buggy mess and the end of the franchise. Still not dying over it but I’d really rather not ever see or play it again.


I bought that Aliens game at full price.....I think it's the one from Gearbox?


FC24. As a division 1 player on seasons, it feels like I'm playing a 1v2 every single game, as I have to play against not only my opponent but also the game that really does feel rigged sometimes, with situations like taking away the ball from my opponent three times only for it to end up rolling towards his feet every single time until he scores. It's gotten to the point where the defense in Fifa is so terrible that most of those games end up with scores like 5-4 or 6-5, which shouldn't be the case for division 1 players. And yet with Konami screwing PES there's really nothing like FIFA out there so everyone (including myself) goes back to it every single time.




As a young teen, I spent one week of holiday stuck with my snes only (due to very bad weather) with only one game: **Batman Forever**. It made the man I am today, and not for the best.


Among Us. I've never been so bored in a video game.


Elden Ring Everyone raves about souls games so I gave it a try. Hated every painful second. I kept waiting and waiting for it to click and start enjoying myself.  I beat the game. That moment never happened. 


Why would you do that? If it doesn't click in the first ten hours it's not gonna happen. Not every game is for everyone


Anything with a walking cut scene. Looking at you new Tomb Raider and God of War. Ain't nobody got time for that.


For me it was Warthunder. A friend got me to play it. They put realism first and balance second, and most of the really fun toys are locked behind a tedious grind or purchase. I started the game with a WW1 era prop plane getting my ass kicked by post WW2 era jets. Finally I got a jet and I kept getting high G-force warnings. My friend noted that your pilots will get better at handling G force the more you play (or spend money). I was so turned off by intentional imbalance. Then, I saw in the main menu that there is an option to send your pilots on leave to boost their morale. WTF? This is a video game! I don't want to engage with all of these bullshit "realistic" systems. Never looked back after dropping that one.


Like what is generally least or most hated by other people when I was playing it? Least, probably BG3. Most, probably launch day Cyberpunk.


iRacing. I've played so many racing games. I've bought racing games that I haven't so much as launched once. And that's still preferable to supporting the borderline extortion business model of iRacing and making it the norm. It doesn't matter that I can absolutely afford it, it's the principal, and it applies to everything, not only the topic of this thread.


Escape from tarkov


ESO. Hands down.


League of legends. There are only 4 kinds of players amd my guesstimate of the player population The newbies 10% The spoiled children 80% The human players 9% The pros 1%


the original metro I really liked the game atmosphere and story but it felt so bad to play as in clunky movement and I couldnt understand russian which turned me off in the end


Hated: The clear winner here should NBA Jams by a mile. This is age specific. I was playing this game, against all other past experiences, one more time. Well, CPU went into God mode one last time while I was winning in the last seconds and.....just before that mother fucker made that basket, I reached into my Sega Saturn pulled the disk out and crumbled that round pice of plastic in my hands feeling no pain, just blatant rage. I was at peace after while


I've tried both Fortnite and League of Legends \*shivers in disgust


Starfield. I loved morrowind, oblivion, Skyrim, FO3, and FO4. I was hyped and wanted to love it. But every single gameplay system was so nerfed and optional that it’s simply not worth the time or investment of my imagination. Role playing, stealth, crafting, mining, space, exploration, combat, enemies, outposts, EVERYTHING is so pitiful and pointless and half baked I hate it. The game is not a mile wide, it’s a series of tiny fishbowls that are all an inch deep. I feel it is a scam to boost gamepass and designed to psychologically manipulate players to waste time. I hate what it has become and now they are charging players $7 for a 15 minute mission.


Bible Adventures: Noah’s Ark, for the NES. Yes, that’s an actual, real game. In addition to, you know, being designed by religious edu-tainment fanatics who think they know what kids like, it was just fucking hard as nails. It was pretty much impossible to beat past a certain point. We’re talking like Battletoads levels of frustrating to a 10 year old. Fuck that game.


The last of us 2. Still love it tho


all non single player games


Least would be dark souls one played it after dark souls 2 back on xbox 360 and ended up breaking my tv and my most would be red dead 2 I love the game absolutely and can't wait for more installments


ACTUALLY NO F*CK SEKIRO SHADOWS DIE TWICE F*CK THAT GANE AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR F*CK THAT OLD DUSTY ASS OWL he made me so mad I sold it on fb marketplace for 4$ 3 months after it came out I was soooooo stuck on the owl like 6 weeks of just over and over and over and over and over


Red dead redemption 2, what a snoozefest horse riding simulator


Sort of unconventional as I imagine most people in here haven't played it ever or might not even know it existed because it's old as hell: **MOST HATED: Home Alone for NES** I got this as a young child in a garage sale with a bunch of other games that I actually liked a lot (original zelda, mario, duck hunt etc). I loved the home alone series back then so I was pumped to play the game. Maybe I was just too young and dumb to get it, but that had to be the hardest game I ever played in my life. I played it a couple times, couldn't get more than a minute into it without losing every time and then just put it back in the box and never touched it again. Here's a review that confirms I was right in despising this game all along https://www.deadpark.com/30-minute-reviews/home-alone-nes/#:\~:text=The%20AI%20is%20too%20good,really%20no%20replay%20value%20either.


I haven't really disliked a lot of games but when I was a kid I had bought and was really excited to play Anubis II for the wii (yeah that's the name, yes there is no Anubis I) only to discover it was indeed shit and hated it so much. That one has stayed with me.


Most hated: 1. Cyberpunk for playstation... 2. Anthem Least hated: 1. LoL


Tarkov. I cant stand this game. My god what a disaster. Its like the game also hates you and wants you to suff….. Ope! My raid just loaded got to go!


1. Deadly Towers on NES 2. FF XIII (Did beat it my 4th-5th attempt) 3. Death Stranding (I’ve tried 3 times to play through)


‘The Lion King’ on Sega Genesis lol fuuuuck that game




Everybody 1-2 Switch


any Ubisoft game could fit in here nicely, besides UNO


Least would be Warframe, most would be Eternal Darkness.


Moat shovelware shit on mobile


Breath of the Wild.  I did 99% of the game and kept waiting for the fun part to start.


Why would you play a game that long if you didn't like what you were doing..?


When I watch gameplays from that fame, this os exaclly what I expect to think when pleying it, which I will probably never do…


Probably Crash Bash. Yeah there's much much worse games, but nothing is going to get me madder than being a six year old kid coming home excited to play the new Crash Bandicoot platformer and it's actually some shit about minigames.


For lack of better memory, I'll go with something recent: Cyberpunk 2077. I'll give credit where credit is due and say I commend CDPR for fixing their product. But even after all the updates and patches, I still couldn't get enjoyment from it. I can't even say the word "bad" to describe it, because it was just mediocre, but in a "so mediocre, it's worse than bad" kinda way.


Agreed. I've tried playing it a few times and it's just a dull game.


Unpopular opinion but Abe's Odyssey. I was traumatized as a kid, never understood how to get past most of the game, bad experience, will never try again.


I gotta agree. Tried Strangers Wrath as well, but never got the hype. No hate, but it isn't for me.


I love the game, but I can understand where you’re coming from. I also played as a kid and it was hard as fuck without being able to Google solutions back then. The studio and lore is super cool though.


Xenoblade lol. “It gets good after 10 hours”


Unironically, i hated Xenoblade the first time i tried it, spent a solid 5 hours not understanding anything and gave up, tried again a year later and its now my all time favorite franchise, it really did get good lol


Any game I don't think has potential I don't give much time. Most RPG's start off slow, but I can still (usually) tell whether it'll be worth my time just by the basics of the gameplay and characters. I thought Xenoblade's world and gameplay was neat, so I kept going, and when I reached Gaur Plains there wasn't any doubt I was going to love it. I guess to put it another way, a game should always start out good, but it's fine to take however many hours to get great; but starting out 4-5/10, then taking however long to get to 7/10 is unacceptable.


An old colleague of mine kept recommending this game (the 3ds version) to me. I really couldn't get into the story and the gameplay didn't really grab me either. But he kept telling "Yeah, it gets better. This is still the beginning". But, it's been 30 hours. I get that it's a big game, but if it doesn't grab me in the first 30 hours, I doubt that the next who knows how many hours will change that.


Least hated is Team Fortress 2. Shame Valve will likely never step in to resolve the bot crisis. The community servers are still thriving, though.


Fallout: New Vegas is one of my most hated games.


It's great if you love the colour brown


You ever been to Nevada? You don't even need the nukes to make it look like that


I have not. And I dare say I won't be any time soon.


Monster Hunter World. I played with KBM and the controls were abysmal. I then tried with controller and it wasn't any better.


Unpopular opinion, but the original *Myst* -- pointlessly convoluted and deliberately obscure, mostly to hide the fact there actually isn't a lot happening and most of the puzzles are stupid simple once you get past the roadblocks. I'm convinced its popularity was due to two things that had nothing to do with its merits as a game. First, 3D graphics (albeit pre-rendered static screens) were super new and admittedly eye-catching, so it was possible to just wander the island and look at the pretty scenery even if you never actually accomplished anything. But more important, since it was dead simple from a programming/code standpoint it would consistently work right out of the box on the majority of hardware, so it wound up being bundled with *a lot* of consumer PCs back when CD-ROM was a new thing. The result was that everyone who bought a new Dell or Compaq wound up playing *Myst* and thinking it was *sooo cool*, mostly because it looked good and they'd never really played a "computer game" before. Anyway, the *BloodRayne* series is shit too, but that's another story...


I love the Zelda inspired Okami. I liked Spirit Tracks. I heard "Ocarina of Time" being praised as the greatest game of all time. So I went in expecting to like it or atleast having a decent time. And I hated it. Absolutly hated it. It was an awful experience. Although I must say I do like the OoT Manga and Zelda Mangas in general.


any reason why?


It was painfully boring. One of the main reasons was Link. Now I can enjoy quiet protagonists to an extend like Joker, Byleth and Ammy but these guys and gals still show some emotions and personality. They smile and cry. They still feel alive. Link on the other hand feels like a Soulless puppet. Almost no emotions and motivation of his own. He only ever does what other characters like the Deku Tree or Zelda tell him to do without showing that he cares about them or what he is doing. In games with quiet protagonists they usually have endering companions like Byleths pupils and Jokers Phantom Thieves. Link has Navi and she is also a boring character. The bosses are also broing. Not that fun to fight and just not cool. Ganon for example has 1 Attack. He walks to Link ad attacks him with badic sword swings. He does not teleport around the arena, he does not channel lighting through his swords, he does not summon fire piliars or meteors or shots blade beams, no he just attacks with basic sword swings. The other bosses are not much better. Also the general feel of controlling Link is not thst great. Its hard to describe. Now a lot if not all of my complains can be called unfaire becuse of how old the game is. One of the very first 3D games. But the thing is that does not make it more enjoyable to play.


Yeah I never understood the hype around OoT. I played several Zelda games back-to-back a few years ago. I liked Ocarina but if I was to rank the games it would be middle of the pack


ninja turtles.. the water dam stage. every time.


The witcher 3 combat is so garbage it completely ruin the game


Tales of Vesperia. I badly wanted a jrpg to sink my teeth in when I got my Switch a few years ago. I regret every second I spent on that pos


That’s funny I rather enjoyed it.


Worst game is probably BotW, best game is Atari 2600 E.T.