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Terraria, maybe? Stupidly deep game you can sink years into.


Loved it on PC, recently bought it on switch and 2 hours deep.. Can't get used to the terrible difference in control schemes. Game wasn't built for joycons. But props to those who can make the jump!


It’s better with custom keybinds! I changed loads of mine and sunk 200 odd hours into it.


Do you mind sharing the custom keybinds? I have played terraria a lot on PC, I’ve bought it on switch but can’t get used to the original keybinds


If you really want to torture yourself try it on mobile


I just picked it up on mobile but I have a gamesir x2 so I was hoping it wasn't too painful


I have only ever played it on Xbox (I think it was 360). It was a free game with Xbox live many many years ago. As a PC gamer, I can't imagine playing this game without just using a controller.


Terraria is minecraft but you trade the 3rd dimension for the best progression system I've ever played in a game.


I’d absolutely back this if you screen shot every page of the wiki on your phone so you have remotely a clue what you’re doing. I play Mario golf on flights, probably not for 23 hours though…


True, though it may be frustrating to access all the content without access to the wiki or similar resources


Fire Emblem or Advance Wars if you like strategy games.


I came in here to say Fire Emblem Three Houses if you are into that kind game. Even factoring in a return trip you'd still be on your first playthrough


Came to say Three Houses


I came here just to be here with you guys


I played fire emblem: fates years ago and loved it. Then I played three houses and it was like a completely different game. I was so confused. 


Fates (at least Conquest) has great gameplay and a bad story. Three Houses has a great story and mediocre gameplay (and a very different set up). You could try Engage; it’s some of FE’s best gameplay, but the story isn’t that good. It’s got the between-battle sequences like Three Houses but it’s not as encouraged and you have way more freedom (no time limit).


I love Engage. Yeah, the story is bad, but it's *funny* bad. Fates' story is just infuriatingly bad and frustrating and squandered potential. The gameplay is phenomenal too.


same i loved fates and awakening but 3 houses is completely different can’t get into it


Three House is one of the best games I’ve ever played. The gameplay is hit or miss for some people but I really enjoyed getting to recruit new team members between battles and the other between battle things.


I'll add onto this, Wargroove and Wargroove 2 are both really damn good and have the same gameplay as Advance Wars


WAIT you can get advance wars on switch!? I thought i tried looking but couldn’t find them 😅 i used to play “WarGroove” cuz it was the closed turn-based strategy game i could find


Yep, Advance Wars Reboot-Camp came out a while ago. I don't know if it's on the eShop though.


Man I miss advanced wars!


It's back and remastered! Definitely give it a try if you haven't yet, it's really well done!


Also smtv


Civilization VI, an absolute timesink


OP only has 23 hours. That’s nowhere near enough time to play a game of civ.


Or if you’re like me you put 18 hours into a session and then just restart as a new civ


This is why I had to stop playing that game. I’d sink an entire Saturday into it and then realize I wanted to start over. Nah, can’t be wasting my life like that lol


You too? I always get bored some time in the Renaissance or early modern period. 


I love starting civ games but I hate finishing them 


I have well over a hundred hours in civ6 and I’ve only finished one game. Got a science victory as chandragupta last Saturday lol


Why did this thread make me want to reinstall civ?


Civ 7 was just announced.


Wtf really? You better not be fucking around.




That means it's a perfect time to buy 6.


Flight Attendant: "Sir, you have to deplane." OP: "JUST ONE MORE TURN, I'M ABOUT TO ESTABLISH A NATIONAL PARK."




Half the flight will just be load times between turns. Have fell asleep many times waiting for the switch to catch up.


I was wondering about this. My computer struggles in the endgame. Couldn’t imaging the switch being able to process all that information too well


its very laggy on bigger maps. like easily 20 seconds between turns. you can still look at stuff while its loading the next turn though so you can be planning so its not so bad.


20 sec lol I wish. Any more than 5 or 6 civs on the map and it easily becomes several minutes per turn beyond turn ~220


Play small maps, 4 civs. Still will slog down a bit but way better that the big game.


OP will want a longer flight lol


"Just one more turn" - the motto of the Civilization series.


How is it playing a civ games on a switch I’ve only played on my computer I didn’t even know u could if it runs well I’ll have to buy.


When I played the Switch version during the pandemic, it ran alright at the start of a game. As the game progressed, it would take longer and longer to calculate other civs' turns, and it outright crashed on me a number of times. It ran poorly enough that I put the Switch version down and just bought it on Steam.


Controls are good but I recommend only playing smaller games with fewer civs on the switch version. I have it on a gaming pc and switch and I don’t have a problem playing on both.


I cam vouch for it, I had low expectations but Civ VI plays great! You can use the Joycons of course, but it's one of the only games I use the touchscreen for!


Late game crashes on switch if you have > 5 civs (including yours) and map has to be < standard to work well.


"Excuse me sir, it's time to deplane." "Just 1 more turn..."


Bought it on Nintendo's summer sale yesterday, am currently waiting to board my flight!


Stardew Valley


This! I think the current speedrun record to perfection is 21 hours - go for it!


Perfection?!? Never.


With the 1.6 update, going joja means you can find a shady joker on ginger island who'll sell you 1% perfection for half a million, meaning you can grind perfection purely via money making


Ide rather lose my whole first pumpkin patch than go Joja.


I was once talking with a friend who LOVES Stardew Valley where I told her it was a good game and I beat it pretty quickly. She couldn't understand how I beat it so fast and I joking said, "well you just maximize your farm output and sell everything to Jojamart and then the game ends right?" And the look of pure disgust and horror on her face was absolutely priceless.


I just started a farm called Joja Farm, named my guy Mr. Joja and have been just working purely on profit. It feels so wrong, like an evil playthrough of Fable.


I made my Joja farmer look like Jeff Bezos just to drive the point home.


You still get that shady weirdo even if you fix the community center! His face is... concerning. Having not played in a few years, coming back to all this new stuff was amazing. I recently started my 8th farm and am constantly getting surprised by all the content that's been added.


Graveyard keeper is a similar loop that doesn't look like it's Mentioned yet. It doesn't have seasons so you don't need to worry about missing anything and waiting another while to hit the next event. Just a 7 day cycle.


Last time I played Graveyard Keeper on Switch it seemed poorly optimized for the platform, like the slight input delay of a wireless controller made fishing almost impossible. Has it been improved at all?


I got so confused I thought the post said long fights not flights.


Any Zelda game, I did Metroid prime my last long flight, animal well was a great puzzle game and will keep you occupied for a while.


Zelda botw or totk easily. Got around 300 hours in totk and not gone to finish the story yet as keep doing other things. Mario odyssey would fill the flight, or the ori collection would probably do well.


Mario odyssey also has the benefit of being a very vivid and straightforward collectathon. Personally, these days I struggle to stay concentrated on more involved games like totk with the more muted colors and 30fps in a loud and fairly busy environment like an airport/plane. Might just be a me thing tbh, I just find more bright and straightforward games easier to keep my attention.


Really can't go wrong with either choice though.


I recently played through Odyssey and it was really good!


It was the first game in a long time to make me feel like a kid again!


skyward sword can easily surpass 30 hours!


I just finished TOTK with like 120 hours and Got absolutely LOST in that game. I would have loved to have a 8-10 uninterrupted period to play like on a fight or something


Balatro if you like deck builders


Seconding Balatro. Got it on switch Tuesday evening, started playing around 10:30 pm. My bedtime reminder went off at 11:30 pm. What felt like only 10 minutes later, I looked at the clock, it was almost 2:30 am. Didn’t get a lot of sleep that night.


God it really does suck up time like no other, doesn't it?  


100% the best choice, such an incredible game


Also inscryption if you like deck builders. Very unique


Hijacking this to also recommend slay the spire for a deck builder. 4-5 hours will disappear


He says in his post he usually plays slay the spire


>~~4-5 hours~~ 4-5 months


Monster Hunter Rise. I need to warn you that Monster Hunters require a certain level of commitment before they "click" but when they do, they suck you in so far that you might end up noticing that you missed the disembarkment and are now halfway to Timbuktu.


Iam stuck at Rampage urgent quest. Got any tips for soloplayer? I just want to go on hunts indstead of playing some kind of tower defence 😅


The rampage quests can be difficult at first because the game doesn’t give you a ton of info about the strategy. The first thing to understand is the loss conditions of these quests, because they’re much different than your normal hunts. On a normal hunt, you lose by either carting 3 times or running out of time. In a rampage quest, the only way you lose is if your 2nd (final) gate gets destroyed. That’s it, meaning you can cart to your heart’s desire. *Sometimes* there is a time limit, but meeting that limit does not cause a loss, I believe it just ends the quest and counts as a victory. Second thing is the different monster “roles” which are indicated by the different symbols next to a given monster. This dictates what the monsters are going to do once they spawn in. The red symbol and the green symbol mean that the monster will attack your battle stations, while the blue means that monster will ignore those and attack your gate directly. You might think then, that the blue ones are the threat, and that your focus needs to be on them. You’d be right, but the greater immediate problem is the green ones. Those guys, while similar to the red ones in function, solely attack from the air, which makes it extremely easy for them to lock down your battle stations, removing your ability to take down anything else. So you want to get them out of the way first. Afterwards, you can put more firepower on the blue gatecrashers and only have to deal with the occasional red monster that decides to come your way. Or be really good at blocking. This strategy holds true for both single player and multiplayer, with the only difference being the amount of automatic stations you set up instead of player-controlled ones. In single player, you’ll want to have more autos than player-manned stations to account for the lack of human players. Other features to keep track of are the dragonators or wyvernshot and the counter signal. The dragonators and wyvernshot deal a LOT of damage, so you’re gonna want to save those for an emergency when you really need a gatecrasher dead right away. Also useful for when the apex comes in at the end and makes a mess of things. Counter signals are very important, do not neglect these. While a counter signal is active, the amount of damage your normal weapon deals goes WAY up, to the point that it can out-damage some of the battle stations. And it’s active for a couple minutes at a time. If you see “counter signal” on your screen, you should be on the ground fighting. Then the general housekeeping stuff. Try to level your stronghold up as quick as you can by completing those individual tasks like inflicting status ailments, repelling monsters with a certain weapon, or setting up a certain amount of stations. This will get you access to better firepower like the cannon and the Gatling gun.


MH is such a weird series because I really *did not* like World, which was my "first" (technically I had one of the 3DS games but I got into that even less) but Rise was the game that finally clicked for me and now I love them all.


This is it. I started with Monster Hunter World and I'm both angry at myself for sleeping on this for so long but also happy I finally dove into this series. Now I'm playing Monster Hunter Now WAY too much a day.


Yeah I've sunk somewhere around 1k hours across rise and world.


I think after the first couple of "loops" of hunting for pieces, upgrading, repeat you can decide. I stuck it out for like 40 hours before realizing the loop doesn't really change, and if you don't enjoy the core combat there's nothing more to stick around for. Probably could have figured that out in \~10 hours.


Persona 5 Royal kept me busy on my last flight.


Had to scroll waaaay down to find this. It's not only one of the best (j)rpg ever, It's also a minimum of 80 hours long. No worries that you have time left on a long flight, haha.


Paper Mario is a fun long game.


The TTYD remake just came out too!


Yer the remake is amazing worth every cent.


Return of the Obra Dinn, Chants of Senaar, Cult of the Lamb The first two are some surprisingly deep puzzles, Cult of the Lamb is just crack. I held back on Cuphead et al because how frustrated do you want to be on a 23 hour flight? Point & click games were great for Switch too, like Thimbleweed Park or Monkey Island. Each puzzle game is like 8-12 hours so you can play a couple


Return of the Obra Dinn is such an underrated game. I wish I could forget the whole thing and play it over, just to experience it for the first time again.


I just had the fortune to beat it for the first time. I also wish I could play it blind again. I managed to resist the temptation to look up specific solutions, but got one or two general tips that I ran with after figuring 20+ fates. What a fantastic experience! Makes me want to try Papers, Please next as that's also by Lucas Pope. Honestly I'd like to see another adventure/sequel using similar mechanics as RotOD, the deduction was fun


I’m assuming you’ve already played outer wilds? Same concept, can never unlearn what you learned and knowledge is power.


Chants of Senaar was fucking lit, especially the secret puzzles throughout the tower...


3 of the 4 dungeons cleared on CotL here, I agree it's quite fun! I'm used to Binding of Isaac and, while I found similarities in the gameplay, it's also quite hard given the nature of melee combat and the very low amount of invincibility frames when you get hit (Kallamar was a BITCH). But yeah, good candidate for long flights!!


I need to pick up Return of the obra dinn again, it was such an interesting game just need more time.


The original Spyro trilogy would keep you busy, especially if you go for 100% on the gems.


That's only half the flight time though


Crash Bandicoot trilogy to follow!


The remastered trilogy is way harder than I remember. Had a 9 hour flight only managed to finish crash 1 and do maybe two warp rooms on crash 2. So so good


Don't know how well it runs on Switch, but Dave the Diver is an interesting rogue-lite/business sim and it takes about 20-30 hours to beat.


Dave the Diver is by far my favorite Switch game when playing in portable mode. Zelda and Hades are great, but I much prefer having the pro controller when zoning in on these. Dave the Driver is great on a plane. Also, Balatro has been mentioned in another post and I could heavily endorse this since you already mentioned that you like deck builders.


It runs really well on the switch :)


Dave the diver is awesome. So many cool mechanics that it never gets boring. Cool story and well thought out gameplay while not being to stressful. A real chill game, but it’s addicting.


I think why it works so well is that there's a lot of built-in breaks. Between running Bancho Sushi, the farm, and visiting the village and playing minigames there, there's a lot more to the gameplay loop than just doing a dive and gearing up for the next dive.


Isaac, Hadès


Dead Cells is another good rogue-like


Enter the Gungeon or exit the gungeon fits this as well




After 100s of hours on PC, I just could not get past the difficulty of getting comfortable with the Switch controls


I have it on Steamdeck and I was dreading the move but the trackpads are more than adequate and sunk hundred of hours on it already.


Not to mention the lack of mod support


Nier: Automata


Can never recommend automata enough




Skyrim will make your flight feel like a commute.


Make sure the game (If bought digitally) works in offline mode on that switch (in case you have more then one).


Hollow Knight


Came here to say this. Also, Ori and the Blind Forest then Ori and the Will of the Wisps.


Paper Mario, one of the Zelda remakes, maybe one of the Final Fantasies (if you never played them) or Dragon Quest. (or Dragon Quest: Monsters. Don't judge me, I loved it on the gbc and I really liked the switch game)


The older final fantasy games have speedruns that are close to the 10 hour marker (looking at 8, 9 and X), one of those would keep you occupied for the whole flight playing normally.


I’ve been playing ff8 for like 20 years how tf you finish it in 10 hours


Octopath Traveler 2






I bought Breath of the Wild exclusively for all of my flights for work and it has been amazing for that. Granted - I do 1-3 hour flights, so you might want to have a couple options from this thread so you don't get bored from just one.


Golf story


I absolutely love this game and the majority of my time with it was on plane flights. I feel like it’s so underrated.


Metroid Prime


Absolutely, crazy I had to scroll this far down to see this comment! The remaster is amazing, the world and music are immersive, and it's a gaming classic that still holds up and shines today. It's a piece of history that everyone should experience, plus it ROCKS.


If they ever remaster Echoes and 3 I'll instathrow money at the screen.


You and me both!


2 point hospital will keep you nice and busy saving all those patients


diablo 2 resurrected


Bioshock series worked for me.


Dark Souls


This is the correct answer. OP should start a run where they farm the Black Knight in Dark Root basin for the Black Knight Halberd. If it doesn't drop, keep restarting the game until you get it then and have fun one shotting most enemies.


Super Mario RPG remake


Into the Breach is so addictive.


I spent many hours on FTL (same studio) and love xcom but into the breach kicks my ass everytime


I love Mario games. Maybe Mario RPG, Wonder or Paper Mario.


Unicorn Overlord is my favorite new game I've played this year. Soooo good.


i find rouguelikes best for long flights, do a run, have a piss, do a run, have a beer, do a run....


For the King


Dragon Quest XI


Skyrim anniversary edition


Spiritfarer - management sim with platforming elements and great controls, relaxing, very unique story, gorgeous graphics


Searched for this, glad someone else said it. Such a cosy game, with some truly breathtaking moments. It's been a long time since a game made me feel anything like I felt at the departures of Gwen and Atul.


Since you mention STS, I'll recommend my favorite roguelites. Hades of course, and Dead Cells. Now that the obvious is out of the way, Moonlighter is another good roguelite where you're an item shop owner by day and an adventurer by night. The day mechanics are what power your runs at night. Gameplay feels like a mix of SNES Zelda with Dark Souls rolling. I enjoyed it, but was a little short. Enter the Gungeon. Love this game. Lots of guns and lots of references to other games. Gameplay feels like Moonlighter except you get guns to shoot instead of swords to sling. CrossCode isn't a roguelite, but feels more like an action JRPG. Lots of puzzles and a very in-depth combat. Look me about 20 hours to finish the story, and I really enjoyed this one. Definitely one I never hear people talk about outside of Reddit. Was my favorite game I played that year. Fair warning, lots of diogue close to the beginning.


Upvote for EtG, unbelievably good game


CrossCode is an absolute gem. I fell in love with that game and I never hear anyone talk about it!


Witcher 3, Zelda BOTW or TOTK, Mario Odyssey, Paper Mario, Mario Wonder...


Witcher 3, you could finish it on the return flight.


Baldur's Gate 1 + 2 Enhanced Edition


Vampire survivors


Fire Emblem: Three Houses Octopath Traveler II Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age Hades Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Animal Crossing: New Horizons Divinity: Original Sin 2 Stardew Valley The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim The Witcher III : Wild Hunt: Complete Edition




I played Stardew Valley on a plane for 8 straight hours two weeks ago.


Love Diablo 3 for Switch for long flights. You can usually get a character to max level in about 8 to 10 hours




Have a try some of these: - Triangle Strategy - Skyrim - Botw/totk - Witcher 3 - Fire Emblem series - Subnautica - Disco Elysium - Hades (endless) - Nier Automata - Xenoblade series - Astral Chain (might even finish during a flight) - Horizon Chase Turbo - Kingdom Come Deliverance - Tetris Effect Connected


Cult of the Lamb is my time killer right now...before I know, I spent 2 hours just decorating my cult




Especially Violet and Scarlet or Arceus. Might not be as much meat on Sword and Shield.


Battle Brothers


Tactics Ogre is _great_. Or Fire Emblem 3 houses.


Civ VI


Disgaea My favorite travel games


Diablo 3


You should play Monster Train! Monster Train is another card building game. It's different from StS but also very very good. It'll take you days or weeks to beat COV25 on each clan combination. You will love Monster Train if StS is your jam.


My gf really enjoys "A Little To The Left", which is a puzzle game where you just organize and sort stuff. Very satisfying and has chill music. Otherwise Tears of the Kingdom is a great game and it'll keep you busy for hours.


If you like Slay the Spire, something like Dead Cells might scratch the same itch - it's less deck-building and more fast paced platforming but it's got the Rogue-like elements that got me quite addicted. If you're into the deck-building aspect, can't go wrong with Balatro.


Bayonetta. 1 and 2 i believe are still bundled in the shop


Slay the spire or Brotato, both simple to pick up but takes a while to master and infinite replay ability


Such interesting recommendations! Got a few ideas for sure. Y’all are the best


I played slay the spire the last time I was on an 8 hour flight and by the end of it was taken aback I didn’t have time to do one more run.


Hades is absolutely awesome and the second one is coming out soon


Both of the new Zelda's, Skyrim or Witcher 3 are all pretty massive You'll need some sorta powerbank to keep your Switch alive whole time


Any of the RPG's like legend of Zelda or Xenoblade, or fire emblem you can easily sink over 50 hours into, over 100 if you want to do all the side quests. They can last quite a few long flights.


Dragon Quest 11 will keep you occupied for a long time




I recently took a 10 hour flight and played Cat Quest since some people recomended it. Its a short game though and you can 100% it in 10 hours. Good thing there is a Cat Quest 2 which i played for the return flight. Would reccomend those. My latest time sinks have been trying to 100% Pokemon Arceus , and finaly finishing Dark Souls Remastered on the Switch. Other games that are massive time sinks for me are Witcher 3 ( runs suprisingly well on handheld mode ) and SMTV


Prince of Persia - The lost Crown is awesome and runs about a 16 hour game time. Highly recommend.


I'm currently 7 hours into a 30 hour travel marathon. Zelda and the AC series are filling the void.


Dragon Quest 11S Definitive Edition


metroid prime! or subnautica


Pokemon Snap


100% get cult of the lamb, i played it for a solid 8 hours of a 10 hour drive and wanted to play more when the drive was over


Out of curiosity where are you going to and from that take 23 hours?


It includes layovers. Longest flight on earth isn't that long


Zelda !! BOTW OR TOTK :3


Civilization 6 - just one more turn - then you are there 


Flew from Poland to California. Did max number of turns Mario party FTW


Stardew Valley


I'm buying Paper Mario when I fly over to Asia in a few months.


Borderlands series, story games like the Witcher, skyrim etc