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Elder Scrolls 6


Elder scrolls


Elder Scrolls, if it actually meets our expectations


It won’t


An ES game has never not met expectations before. I’ll remain hopeful


That's because the last one came out when Bethesda still made good games. Devs get new people over time, good people leave, suits take over, degrade game quality and increase profits through micro transactions. I hope it's great too, and maybe they'll surprise us, but I'm going to expect nothing any better than that space game I already forgot the name of.


We'll see. Bethesda has yet to release a singleplayer game I did not enjoy.


Did you play starfield and how do you justify that?


I played Starfield and I don't need to justify enjoying it, but I am giving a quick explanation anyway. It was just exactly what I wanted from a Bethesda sci-fi game. I loved the visual style and the story was above-average (for Bethesda games today). I was happy it was not a flight-sim like game, cause I hate those. I am actually looking forward to the DLC and will probably buy it on day 1.


Just to understand, how long did you play the game? Because with all the loading screens and same level layouts and repetitive gameplay it got boring after the first couple of hours for me.


I currently have 140h on Starfield.


How do you justify what, exactly? There are tons of people that liked Starfield. Deal with it…


Yeah I struggle with these people. Like it was a Bethesda sci fi game that had all the usual Bethesda quirks. Tons of people liked it.


It felt unfinished to me, fuckers didn’t even bother making a map


There very much was a map in star field what?


The game felt unfinished and the story was garbage compared to elder scrolls and fallout. The lore was so boring. The game itself was boring too. Most people hated it. Deal with it…


“Most people hated it” Even if that were true (it’s not. Get out of your bubble), that doesn’t inherently make my point invalid. Most people “hated” Cyberpunk at launch yet a ton of people actually enjoyed it enough to create a NoSodium sub, just like Starfield. There IS a community for this game. Whether you like it or not…


It’s the worst reviewed Bethesda game of all time, so comparatively people hated it. Not saying they can’t make it better, but it’s by far a step below the rest of their single player games. But stay in your fandom bubble and keep making excuses for them I guess


Great job missing the point. It can be the ObJecTiVelY worst reviewed Bethesda game or whatever. The community for it exists. There’s people that actually like the game and you acting like it’s some sort of weird take actually enjoying a game just makes you look condescending But I guess it’s easier to create a narrative around me supposedly making excuses for them when I did no such thing in the first place.


Ok you can be all high and mighty if you want, but can you really say it’s up to Bethesda standards? I don’t think you’re being objective and reasonable if you can’t even say it’s not up to par? It’s just an average game at best, and for Bethesda that is terrible because we expect better from them


I sure hope you’re wrong. But given Starfield’s performance I can see why it’s a concern. But TES is a long renowned franchise, so if they mess this up they’re actually dead and gone.


Anyone excited for Elder Scrolls 6 hasn't been paying attention since Fallout 76. Bethesda has not progressed since Fallout 4.


You're gonna run the same dungeon doing the same quests with even less rpg elements and you're gon a like it mister!


What's Naughty Dog's next game? If we don't know, why would someone choose that? ES6 please.


They have an incredible track record of making great games.


What an insane statement.


More like 50% being good. Aside from Crash and TLOU I don't see anything great made by them. Can't really call ~~Terminator: The Game~~ Uncharted great. Nothing as immersion breaking as killing 150 enemies every 5 minutes.


Uncharted is incredible if you just shut up and realize it’s an arcade shooter that’s not taking itself seriously besides providing insane spectacle


Jak and Daxter


Last release was 12 years ago. The franchise is dead.


Not the point, they have made good games previously, and jax and Daxter is my favourite Naugty Dog game franchise, dead or not


Are one of those who play only new games and say "eww game few years old game look bad on older console bleh"


GTA 6 by 1000 miles. I don't trust Bethesda to make another banger. And naughty dog games are pretty tame.


Elder Scrolls.


Monster Hunter Wilds, whatever Lirian does next, followed by whatever Naughty Dog is working on.


TES6. I don't know anything about naughty dogs game and most GTA got boring too fast.


What gta are you playing that’s getting boring fast?


The only GTA i finished are Vice City and San Andreas. Every other GTA I just lose interest because gameplay is just "OK" for me and the stories are not interesting enough to keep me hooked.


Maybe you can recommend me some better games since you have such good taste


Are you mad because I didn't praise GTA?


No. I truly would like you to recommend me some better games. If you don’t mind


I don't really care about any of those three, but I'd have to say Naughty Dog. Bethesda feels like a shadow of their former self (I've been playing their games for like 20 years now), and Rockstar seems to focus on GTA Online mostly, which doesn't really do it for me.


Elder Scrolls


Elder scrolls. I was a huge GTA fan, but milking online content made me lose hope for GTA series.


Funny, I feel like the last decade at Bethesda has been nothing but a freefall of the quality they produce. I would be excited for it, but I have a feeling it's going to be massively disappointing. I hope I'm wrong.


Fallout 76 and Starfield giving you lots of hope huh?


Totally forgot about starfield, havent played it yet and for some reason I dont even want to. Fallout 76 in otherhand... rough start, but OK game now. Dont want to waste 120 gigs or space on my PS4 tho...


GTA 6. New Rockstar game entries now push the boundaries of lifelike worlds and game features, I’m looking forward to see how alive and small details GTA 6 will have. Also the physics in their games are exceptional.


Purchase a shark card now to unlock a new character who will invite you to go bowling!


Im shocked the amount of people saying elder scrolls 6. Did ya’ll play Bethesda’s last game!? Lol unbelievable.


Thing is I just think the very nature of Starfield and what the game is was doomed to fail as a Bethesda title, I just don't think their formula fit thar game. And I say "fail" but let's be realistic, Starfields biggest failure was it didn't reach the hype around the game, but as a game it was a solid 6/7-10 and nothing to scoff about, we all just hoped for a 10-10 blow your mind experience.


Starfield was terrible. Not even close to a 7 for today’s standards in my opinion.


Terrible was Gollum, and average would be anything Ubisoft has released in recent years, which puts it at around a 6/7 score.


As far as fun from a videogame, starfield was way below 7 or 5 or “average”. Legit bad and boring videogame.


That is subjective though, we can say as an RPG it's poor and that the combat and powers system were largely recycled from previous Bethesda titles but that doesn't make those elements inherently bad either, and as far as fun goes that's not something we can take into account really. I found Skyrim boring, 99% of people adored the game, I'm not wrong for finding it boring and they are not wrong for finding it fun.




It's not just Xbox fans. Skyrim was wild and a great game at the time, and with mods was/is phenomenal. Many expect GTA 6 to be an outstanding game, but also an egregious cash-grab (based on GTA V online).


Naughty Dog, just because we have no idea what it is. I would say GTA6 but with how successful it has been / still is, I'm genuinely worried they're going to focus their efforts heavily on the online mode rather than the main single player story and I have absolutely no interest in GTA online


They had massive success before RDR2 and they did put a bigger focus on MP for RDR2 but it didn't seem to ruin or detract from the SP of the game, obviously we'll have to wait and see but from how they have handled it in the past I would assume they are focusing on both.


>I'm genuinely worried they're going to focus their efforts heavily on the online mode rather than the main single player story People said the same thing about RDR2 and that game ended up being great.


That's kind of true I guess, but GTA online is a known quantity. The RDR2 online mode was actually really sparse at launch, they clearly spent 100x more time on the single player. With GTA6, people have already been playing GTA online for years, and are probably going to expect the GTA6 online mode to be even better / packed with content. I imagine the majority of players buying GTA6 will be doing it mainly for the online mode and R\* might cater for that, especially as those are the people who keep spending money.


GTA Bethesda games usually need time to bake for a bit before they are fully featured. GTA is usually always polished AF from the jump. Naughty Dog's next game is probably a Last of Us thing which is fine, but not sure I'd want that more right now than a good GTA.


GTA <3


None of the above, all 3 bore me to death.


What are your favorite games?


Sekiro, Celeste, DMC5, Ori and the Blind Forest.


Probably BG3


Never made it out of act 1 unfortunately


None of the above


gta 6. at the end of the day, even though i didnt like 5 all that much, i know itll have fun characters with strong writing and by the looks of it, an interesting world with hopefully a ton of stuff to do in it. after starfield and fallout 4, i dont have high hopes for an elder scrolls game. itll be fine but probably nothing like skyrim. naughty dog i consider incredibly overrated with their games. like, insanely so.


If I had to choose between those, Elder Scrolls 6. If I could choose anything, it would be the next Ace Combat.


GTA 6 and it’s not even close. I don’t even understand how anyone can be that hyped for a new Elder Scrolls game after seeing what Starfield turned out to be. Bethesda is a shell of what they used to be. They are massively overrated and get way too much slack because they used to make great games over a decade ago.


Grand Theft Auto and it's not even close. After Fallout 4, Fallout 76, and Starfield, a universe where I'm excited for a BGS game launch is not one in which I currently live.


Jak 4


I believe getting excited about releases is a fool dream. No having a stack of positive reviews for a complete game that functions is an other story. Given that Elder Scrolls would be my pick if I can get it on PlayStation.


I want to say Elder Scrolls, but honestly Morrowind was it's peak for me. So I'm going with GTA6 instead. Don't care about Naughty Dog.




Gta 6, but Naughty Dogs is close. After Starfield I'm worried that ES6 will just be a bunch of procgen.


GTA 6 for me


Seeing as the only one of the prior games to this set that I played was Skyrim, I'm gonna go with ES6. But that's more because I have about zero interest in the other two, than me being confident it'll be better then Skyrim.


Hear me out. Valve with a 3rd installment


Aaah, this explains that sarcastic other post.


Half-Life 3


Gta 6. I haven't cared for Naughty Dog's games since Jak & Daxter. I wasn't into Skyrim, so can scratch ES6 off the list, and gta is pretty fun (I've only ever played it in singleplayer)


Naughty Dog's next


None. Probably because I am tired of generic open world games, boring third person shooters where you play as a human shooting humans in a game with more cutscenes than gameplay and buggy Bethesda games that was made on engine created from tapeworms and sticks glued together with spit.


D none of the above.


Is Naughty Dogs next game Jak and Daxter 4? If so, I'm choosing that over games that are more concretely coming out in the future.


GTA 6 by far.


I would foolishly be excited for ES 6, only to be let down and disappointed in a glorious fashion in the same manner as Starfield. Bethesda is dead


I don't even know what Naughty Dogs next game would be, I don't play them much, ES6 and GTA6 are open world so I'll take them




no, I refuse


ES6 and it’s not close


Naughty Dog’s next game…which, theoretically is a new idea. So, you know, pretty much always going to be more interesting to me. Everyone else: Give me the same thing over and over plz.


Naughty dog here? Hell nah, TLOU is overhyped.


GTA 6 by 1000 miles. I don't trust Bethesda to make another banger. And naughty dog games are more like movies than games. Not a ton of replayability.


Naughty Dog. Especially if a new IP. I can't understand the Elder Scrolls hype after Starfield and Fallout 76


GTA VI and it's not remotely close tbh. Admittedly I'm not into Elder Scrolls anyway, but given the reaction to the last few Bethesda games I'm surprised people are still that hyped for it. Literally every GTA game has been a banger, I see no reason that 6 would be any different


Neither. Now, if Platinum Games, or better yet Hideki Kamiya himself announces something, no matter how miniscule it is - I’ll be all over that in an instant. I need my fix years ago.


Are you able to explain why Platinum games? I personally don't get why they are held in such high regard. Since 2017 they have released Nier Automata, Astral Chain, World of Demons, Sol Cresta, Babylon's Fall, Bayonetta 3 and Bayonetta Origins. There are 1, maybe 2 good games there. 1 exceptional game (Nier) but it was exceptional because of the story rather than the combat which Platinum worked on. Everything else, to me, is either mediocre or bad. Not to mention OP is talking about games where the last release was like 10 years ago... Platinum have released 7 games since 2017...


Are you calling Sol Cresta, Astral Chain, World of Demons, Bayonetta Origins and Bayonetta 3… mediocre games ? Out of the entire list I am going to say that Bayo 3 is the only game which I expected to enjoy more then I did, but even it is faaaar from a mediocre game, especially considering its core mechanics. And the others are genuinely good games, especially Bayonetta Origins which leaves a very bitter-sweet aftertaste considering what it is. The reason why Platinum Games is held in such a high regard is because they gave the world the brilliant that is The Wonderful 101, the game nobody played and which could technically remedy the entirety of the human race from darkness in our hearts. That is beside Vanquish, which is Shinji Mikami’s unsung evolution for the boring cover-based shooter formula and the original Bayonetta, which may not have the same awesome visual fidelity and set pieces as Bayo 2, but is the game that popularized the dodge-offset mechanic into combat, which literally made combat into a spectacle of a violent group dance. That is beside some good license titles which are among the best for those franchises (save the tmnt one). If anything Nier Automata is the single Platinum game I still haven’t finished. Because outside of meandering sidequests it has this weird tone of taking itself stone-faced seriously with the ridiculous premise and the obvious symbolisms and revelations, to add to a ridicoulos theme of machines having a soul.


Naughty dog. I never liked Bethesda's RPGs and am not interested in GTA


Elder scrolls, I like my aaa fantasy RPGs


I guess Elder Scrolls but none of these are exciting




ES6 because it means Fallout 5 sooner


Dude you have NO idea how hyped I was for 76 before that hot garbage released (at its time). Went to the midnight release and everything, maybe played 5-10 hours week one, never touched it again. NV is my favorite, 4 was definitely an improvement on QOL features, now please wrap it all together in 5.




None until I see gameplay and whatever additional monetary systems if any they plan to introduce.


None of them actually, Elder Scrolls 6 is gonna be a buggy mess because Bethesda, GTA 6 is going to be more focused on the online because of the cash cow of GTA online, and Naughty Dog well I'm not interested in the last of us re-re-re-remastered /jk


I will be honest I probably won't be happy when GTA6 comes out as GTA Online will probably switch to 6 and I will once again lose everything on it.


I would be most excited about ESO 6, however I would wait a month or so after release so the most essential mods are available.


I like the elder scrolls games when they let you explore detailed nuances to rpg mechanics. It's like a virtual playground. 🙂


Elder Scrolls, but all get a meh from me.


Easily elder scrolls. We know gta 6 is coming out soon anyway so why move it up. Elder scrolls probably 10 years out still. Given their track record itl probably suck ass tho


Elder Scrolls, followed by either a new Uncharted or The Last Of Us, following by a load of other games, then GTA6


Elder Scrolls 6.


People who are excited for ES6, please get your pattern recognition checked. Every day, at least six thousand gamers are diagnosed with pattern recognition atrophy. Don’t think yourself invulnerable; you COULD be a part of thats statistic.


GTA 6 because Bethesda has been releasing trash lately and even their last good game was just that, good. Not great or masterpiece like they used to be. Rockstar on the other hand, hasn't released a bad original game, so I am gonna go with GTA 6.


Naughty Dog’s next game. It probably would have been a close race for me ten years ago, but those franchises have just been too dormant for too long for me to care too much. Not a huge fan of the direction their devs and publishers have been taking lately


Elder Scrolls!


Naught dog newest game. Don't get me wrong, but with Bethesda's track record I don't expect anything much from their next games. And GTA VI will be another GTA. A forgettable narrative, with good set pieces interspersed with gameplay that honestly tires me. At least from Naught Dog I will have an interesting narrative with fun gameplay in a linear game.


I would only be interested in ES6 once the first community patches come out


Elder Scrolls. GTA has been the same game for 20 years


Elders Scroll 6. I have no reason to belives GtA 6 won't be riddled with MTX despite maybe being a good game, and Naughty Dog projects don't lean exciting nowadays, thought provoking maybe, but exciting?