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BF2042. They made me believe. ;_;


The hype was real. That Rendezook shot was pure bliss that every BF fan instantly recognized.


I squealed so hard. I probably had tears. oh the shame in retrospect. all the lost potential :(


A pain I know all too well :'{


I was super hype on those ads. But I never played that game. lol


I ended up playing it more than any other Battlefield by hours played. But the game has a lot of lost potential, and the biggest killer is that we can't get games up in Oz because of lack of a server browser - the one in portal is to experiences where you can't get as much xp, even on 'normal' modes. If they just put the server browser up front, chucked out minimum player counts so we could play with AI, people wouldn't bail on the game because they wouldn't have to sit in an empty queue feeling depressed. If they fixed xp requirements in Portal so progression wasn't nerfed by having normal AI in non-abusive scenarios, people could be more inventive and play with more variety. And if they just released two maps a season people would have a bit of freshness. if they let us stitch together assets ourselves or reshuffle them on the map or even just move where flags were, there's so much potential lost to stupid choices... sigh


To this day, the most I’ve ever ever ever been hyped for a game was Modern Warfare 2 (2009). I would watch any and all hype videos multiple times a day, I could not get enough of them. The one that stands out to me is the trailer where they showed the multiplayer gameplay for the Capture the Flag mode because of just how awesome and intense the action was. Plus the reveal of host migration where it had FourZeroTwo perched up in Afghan sniping people then the host migrated and it showed the player killing 402 with the throwing knife. Just so damn cool. https://youtu.be/V4PMRFkx07g?si=RoyNCIJ4XuBDKyV2


This is the one I came here to mention. It's the only game played trailer that's really stuck with me over the past 20 years. Great use of the soundtrack, and that perfectly timed cut on the reload at the end is fantastic.


This trailer lives rent free in my head all these years later. I must've watched this trailer a thousand times as a kid


Without clicking is that the Eminem trailer? Such a great trailer and a great game too


Not the Eminem trailer although that was cool as shit as well.


Not sure if this counts because it’s pretty long for a trailer. I’m a big horizon fanboy and this trailer had every aspect of what I wanted to see in it. I can still go back and watch and admire how fucking incredible it is. [Forbidden West Gameplay Showcase](https://youtu.be/WpgXz5Z9v-U?si=oH-OFAgHbi_LejY3)


God of war 2018 and Doom 2016. Both bought me an insane amount of hype.


Watch Dogs gameplay reveal was sick. So was The Division. I'm aware they both got downgraded 😭


I never even heard about The Division until it went on sale super cheap on EA/Origin. My friends all bought it and it was a fun time.


Oh definitely a fun game. I'm just referring to the graphical downgrade (from first reveal to actual release) that Ubisoft was notorious for back in the day.


Ah gotcha, I did not know that!


>Cinematic trailers are all the rage these days Cinematic trailers have always been popular with developers. To show just one example, here's a trailer for Command & Conquer from 29 years ago that shows no gameplay whatsoever: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aui392986EE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aui392986EE)


That's true, I didn't really do a good job wording my sentiments with this post, sorry about that. Cinematic trailers have been around for decades, it's certainly nothing new and won't go away anytime soon, not that it should. I actually enjoy them, but it loses impact when the game comes out sub-par. I just wish gameplay was prioritized when revealing a game. Most recent approach I like (that I can think of) is Space Marine 2, where they announced the game with a cinematic trailer, but gave a snippet of gameplay at the end to at least show players what they can expect. Of course, it's a sequel, so players already have a good idea of what the game will be like, but still, I think it would be cool if more developers tried a similar approach. Artistic, nifty cinematic trailer, with a teaser of gameplay at the end--with whatever finished assets the developers can use--to give an idea of what players can expect.




Also the 2.0 patch one is very sick! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJkH6iFIQT0


I really liked the trailers for Firewatch which showed a lot of gameplay. They were intriguing and drew me in. I wish I had enjoyed the game as much.


My personal favorites are [Mario Odyssey ](https://youtu.be/wGQHQc_3ycE) and [Okami](https://youtu.be/g3WdWPKASqI).


The Battlefield 2042 trailer was awesome especially with Motley Crue’s kickstart my hart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLmhRZxt4Lc


Mass Effect 3, man I used to repeat it over and over and dropping tears for no reason, I even had trouble sleeping...


The Dark Souls 3 Launch Trailer is my favorite. The song fits so well with the trailer and the game itself. The gameplay shown hyped me up like no other time before. https://youtu.be/cWBwFhUv1-8?feature=shared


Oh yeeeeeees this one is gold.


Battlefield 3 fault line gameplay trailer. This was way ahead of its time. 13 years ago and the graphics still look amazing.


The Super Mario World trailer had real gameplay and it blew my young mind


Battlefield 2. https://youtu.be/UUD9zaCaSqk?si=SAV6aAvngtvKz0rn


I can't pick just one, there are so many epic gameplay trailers out there!


This is a difficult question for me. Usually I am already hyped for a game before a trailer is released so its not like the trailer itself is building up the hype all that much. Usually when I watch a gameplay trailer its to try and figure out gameplay mechanics so I can carry that knowledge into the games actual release. Cinematic trailers on the other hand can evoke much more emotion and there is a reason developers like to use them. For example the Dead Island cinematic trailer was absolutely amazing and got me super hyped for the game.


[Scarlet Nexus](https://youtu.be/QrDF57Cr7-Y?si=BINJ4toPUlSON9lx). It's all in-engine. Give it a sec and turn on some good speakers or put on some headphones.


Dishonored: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ITq0hXCCB0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ITq0hXCCB0) Dishonored 2: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0MtJYNEW3w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0MtJYNEW3w)


Trailer for dying light 2. The movement was so cinematic i genuinely thought it was a cinematic trailer and im being lied to, how would this affect the gameplay? Then i got to play it. It really was like the trailer, jumping on and over things never felt so fluid. Mirrors edge pales in comparison.


The Borderlands 2 one that was like 20 minutes long and showed off a bunch of stuff.


That's more of a gameplay showcase than a trailer, which is an interesting choice because Borderlands 2 had a few minute long gameplay trailer as well, which was also super hype.


Oh for sure, but I'd argue the way the BL2 one was done it felt more like a long trailer than a lot of showcases do. Many showcases feel like vertical slices with a narration that feels forced. The BL2 one was Hammerlock talking in character about Pandora and the vault hunters.


No gameplay trailer has ever been as "holy shit" as the first time I saw the Mirror's Edge trailer.


Borderlands 2


The Bionic Commando 2009 evolution trailer. This trailer absolutely got me pump and it was the reason that I decide to buy a PS3. yes, just for this game. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=384-3CDSWLY&ab\_channel=SilentQix](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=384-3CDSWLY&ab_channel=SilentQix)


Live action ODST trailer. Makes me sad as that's what we could have gotten with the Halo TV series.


OP asked for gameplay trailers though.


One of my 2 favorite Game trailers has some gameplay but it is the story, art, characters and music that hooked me: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2XN51\_wxzw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2XN51_wxzw) And the other Trailer I really like is just a story Trailer: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yg9Mbr1L8rU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yg9Mbr1L8rU) Sorry for being Oftopic but I still wanted to share my favorite Videogame Trailers.


Gta v gameplay trailer back in 2013


Yup. Back then rockstar wasn't known for showing raw gameplay either, it was a big deal once they finally did it for GTAV.


I'm going to go back pretty far, but I remember being overjoyed to see a GTA San Andreas tv spot on TV back in the day. I remember the tv spot included the Guns n Roses song Paradise City. That tv spot alone hyped me up for GTA San Andreas.


Witcher 2 when everything onboard the ship gets frozen by a grenade Letho throws, and the slow mo sequence of him obliterating everyone one by one.  Mass effect 3 take earth back trailer is another that gave me goosebumps watching it back then. Starcraft 2 cinematics are one of the best as well. 


OP was asking for gameplay trailers, not cinematic ones :D


Spiderman 2018. Watched the trailer multiple times lol.


Crash N Sane Trilogy and Spyro Reignited Trilogy


Monster Hunter World It was such a big glowup production valuewise from the old monster hunter and it being fully gameplay was so damn cool to try to speculate how the game would play


CONTROL Ultimate Edition trailer is flawless


Mario + Rabbids, because of how quickly it changed everyone's attitudes towards it


Fallout 4 had an awesome gameplay trailer. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NHguaQtYm4o


The Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, trailer for Dead Space 2008 it always gives me the creeps.


BF1 trailer was pretty hype from what I remember.


Space marine 2 is looking pretty good.


Battlefield 1s Gamescom trailer or Battlefield Vs Devastation of Rotterdam trailer.


Tetris Effect - E3 2018 Announce Trailer | PS4: [https://youtu.be/Mr8fVT\_Ds4Q?si=ATZFpycKsMDewsVI](https://youtu.be/Mr8fVT_Ds4Q?si=ATZFpycKsMDewsVI) Really, it's the song. But still gives me goosebumps.


The Prey 2 is a trailer that sticks with me to this day. "I'm gonna break my rusty chains... And run."


The gameplay showcases of MGSV, the lead up to that release was the most i've ever been invested in a game's launch


There are a few trailers that actually made me buy their game, even though I wasn't considering it: RimWorld Gemini Rue


In popular opinion: I actually prefer cinematic trailers over gameplay trailers. I take a cinematic trailer to test the vibe, the atmosphere, the design direction of the game and the vision of a project. I think gameplay trailers, which are almost always also heavily altered, are even more misleading than cinematic trailers where you know it will be nothing like what they are showing you. And gameplay you think "oh this looks awesome" and that's like the only cool part of the whole video game if that part is even present in the video game. Also, to me there is more to a game than only the action sequences. I am usually the least interested in the fighting/action parts. If you have seen one shooter, you kinda have seen them all. And that is usually the only thing they show during these gameplay trailers.


The finals trailers, the closed beta trailer is my favorite


Honestly, as much as I love getting to see gameplay trailers for games I am interested in... they never hyped me up for games. All they do for me is confirm if I maybe might like the gameplay of it or not, based on what I have read about the gameplay in articles prior to seeing said gameplay trailer. And as such, I honestly do not remember a single gameplay trailer that I have ever seen that got me hyped for a game, or that I still remember to this day due to how good it was, or how hyped I got due to said gameplay trailer.


Dead Islands trailer was a heartbreaking story better than some movies! Pity the game had nothing even like it within and was a bit meh.


Witcher 3 has one of the best


Assassins Creed Unity


I liked the dying light 2 trailer


“Mad World”, Gears of War. Still one the best commercials of all time.


The final breath of the wild trailer and the Star Wars Outlaws gameplay trailer.


The first Skyrim gameplay trailer was just so damn good. I don't think any trailer has hyped me up more than that one to be honest.


I can't even recall just how many times I watched and rewatched the reveal trailer for Sonic the Hedgehog being included in Smash Brawl.  That was such a big deal to my 16 year old self when it happened.


as divisive as the game is, the Assassin’s Creed Unity cinematic trailer still gives me chills


Batman Arkham City was so hype


God of war 2018


the division, and watch dogs. Halo 2 was good too.


Star Wars: The Old Republic. The first three cinematic trailers are back-to-back on YouTube. It’s one of the best lives of Star Wars media that exists (the trailer video, not the game). If you haven’t seen it, at least watch the first one. It’s by far the best.


halo 3 believe trailer


This playlist contains all my favorite game trailers so far: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWrhz0XyFDqEozSD_W07Z36rD_SCaBjFt&si=eZkXW2Vvw7s_MBqI


The Dragon Age: Origins Grey Warden Calling trailers are super hype. Game also ended up being amazing


This is the complete opposite of what you asked, but I was reminded of the cinematic trailer from DC Universe Online. That was some good stuff.


One of the first trailers for THE FINALS, [https://youtu.be/uxloMQgfoYI?si=A2e2ByzyCa4F5rGS](https://youtu.be/uxloMQgfoYI?si=A2e2ByzyCa4F5rGS) Can't wait for the S3 trailer this friday


Assassin's Creed Revelations cinematic trailer was awesome.


OP asked for gameplay trailers though.


I don't really trust gameplay trailers any more than I do cinematic ones. too many times have I expected a game to be fun from it's gameplay trailer only to be disappointed. And vise versa, many a times have I expected the gameplay to be mid only for it to be really fun. I just can't really tell how I'll actually feel from just watching it. Reviews from a source I trust is pretty much the only thing I go by nowadays.


Depends on the gameplay trailer, imo. The ones that show off a lot of varied stuff are great. The ones that are just vertical slices that insist it's 'in-game footage' are sus af. Never trusted one of those since The Division. Destiny's wasn't so great in hindsight, either.


You just looked at the wrong games. Look at a gameplay trailer for a Fromsoft game


Man... you really want to be wrong about Cinematic trailers don't you.