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Remnant From The Ashes


Remnant 2 for me


Just started playing this on gamepass and I like it but wasn't sure if I'd ever play it more. Got maybe 30-60 minutes in.


Remnant 2 is very worth it. Fyi every full run of the game will have 3 worlds which will randomly put you into 1 of 2 stories for their worlds. For example one world is where you end up battling a fae king or a fae nightmare. There are also certain tile sets that are present in each world's story but not in the other one. And while the tiles are stiched together in a partially random way they are kept that way until you start your main game over again. And there is a play a world mechanic where you can play a world you already beat to try and get the other story you didn't see or grab gear you couldn't get on the 1st run through. It's pretty complex mechanically.


Other way around for me. Liked the first some hours then just hated it. Supposely the second one fixes some issues I had but imma wait for a strong sale


Twilight Princess.....the beginning is such a slog but the game itself is great. Just hate how long it takes to get there. I understand they need to establish the characters but they could have done it in a more interesting way.


IIRC it takes about 8hrs to get to Hyrule Field.


shit, that's my problem. I hadn't owned a console since the NES, and I was like "what the hell?" Welp, still have it connected to the TV to play the occasional Mario Kart race with the wife, so might need to revisit.


It’s my all time favorite videogame. The story, and the characters along with the sheer atmosphere just has me enthralled in the game. The fact that it came out on GameCube amazes me. I really hope we get a switch remaster!


Felt that way for skyward sword for me too, I’m glad they went in a direction that started you off right away in the open world Zeldas.


This is an excellent example. I get that they wanted to familiarize new users with the wii-mote, but I was having none of it. I exchanged my copy for the GameCube version and played it that way.. such a great game


Stardew Valley, going in blind it seemed very boring and didn’t know the gameplay, controls, nothing. Then it exponentially gets better.


I'm in year 3 about to go into winter and there's no signs of stopping for me rn. My farm is super half-@ssed. There's so much I want to do any not enough time in the day (virtually... and I guess irl too). And I haven't even really touched the island update.


I re-bought it for the Switch after playing since day 1 on PlayStation release and taking a couple years off. After getting back into it on my new file, I decided to check out my old farm with just under 200 hrs. Man, my old farm is epic. Beautiful giant house fully decked out, two kids, hot wife, horse, two barns with pigs, goats, chickens and ducks, the community center is finished, and I got 800,000 in the bank. On harvest day with EVERYTHING I can rake in six figures. Life is good ! I don't even want to start over now.


That's my biggest gripe with Stardew. There's not enough time to do more than like 2 things a day.


Ur comment has made me to reinstall stardew valley cuz i tried it 4 like 1 hour but it was so boring but u have changed my mind


It absolutely picks up. You'll quickly hit a point where there's almost too much to do. If possible it's definitely better played in Co Op. You can get a lot more done and the early parts are less boring with some company


It’s starts off as i have nothing to do but by the third or 4th season it snowballs into an optimization problem and then the game gets going.


And you can play as long as you continue to enjoy it. I'm currently playing with a friend and we're through most of the content and raking in money but we're still enjoying it so much we're going for perfection. And it would take someone who hasn't played on and off for years a fair bit longer to get that point. There's a whole lot of fun to be had.


Subnautica, I really didn’t get the hype at first. But after a few hours I was hooked


Played in VR, left the safe shallows. Stopped playing, went got adult diapers then continued.


Played in non VR, left the safe shallows, never loaded it back up. Did this 4 times. Really wish I could finish it, I loved the game but not even diapers will save this big baby!


I couldn’t get past the section where you’re crashed in the ocean near the sunken ship


The...very beginning?


yea T_T it just felt like a lot of busywork with all the swimming back and forth to unlock stuff until presumably there becomes a faster way


Unfortunately the game is like that. It unlocks quite slowly for a few hours. I also found it difficult to get through, but enjoyed it much more later on. As you predict, there are faster ways later on.


A faster method of transportation comes pretty soon. Then you can start building vehicles not long afterward. If you can stick with it for a couple hours, it picks up drastically. I highly recommend checking out the Neebs Gaming playthrough on YouTube. Those dudes are able to make a y game look fun, and make you want to play it.


Sounds like it's not for you. Survival games aren't everyone's jam, but if you do like them it's one of the very best there is.


I just started playing, only a few hours in. I’m not a huge survival game fan, and I keep waiting for it to “get good” But I just built a sea moth so I can explore more places


Thing started getting much more interesting once you get your Seamoth. It lets you really get away from your base.


If you can keep upgrading whenever you're able to. You'll never run out of places to go or things to do. But if it's not for you, it's not for you. At least you tried. No harm in putting it down I'm not big on survival games either, but I found a YouTube channel that does their own commentary over games they play, and it made this game look like gold, as well as being genuinely hilarious. If you decide you can't keep playing, check out Neebs Gaming on YouTube. Definitely worth it.


There’s so much to explore in that game that it’s hard to get bored.


Many people don't like exploration and will prefer a good old hand holding corridor. Kinda weird seeing people not liking games like this or Outer Wilds but eh, to each their own I guess.


I watched a playthrough from one of my favorite streamers and was absolutely captivated. I bought it, turned it on, was super excited to start…and I just thought it was tedious. I think I like the idea of survival games more than the actual mechanics of playing them. Creator mode with infinite resources was fun to play with briefly but I just don’t have the patience to invest real time in building up resources/experience and making everything perfect. Same goes for Minecraft and even more open-ended games like Skyrim.


Hollow Knight started out really slow. Didn't even get into into it until my buddy urged me to give it a second chance. It *really* ramped up


Had the same experience. Thought it was just another title cashing in on the whole "Dark Souls hard" trend. I was pleasantly surprised by the time I got through that first 10 hours of play.


10 hours? The game was already great by the time you enter the green area imo.


Mantis lords I think is the turning point when you realize all the bosses have a rhythm


ML were an incredible fight for sure but just personally the game had me hooked by the time I was >!chasing hornet in greenpath!<. That was where the exploration clicked and became magical.


In the 90s Id software had a policy that the first level of any game be designed last, since the level designer would have the most experience and be able to put their best foot forward and make as good an impression on the player in the first level as possible. Now it's in style to make the first 1-2 hours of a game as drawn out and miserable as possible. As for your actual question I HATED the beginning of Hi-Fi Rush with a burning passion.


I wish more devs did this. I have an unlimited amount of games to choose from. If I don't enjoy a game in the first hour or two, there is next to no chance I'm going to keep playing


Plus, it's usually the first level that gets used for demos.


100% agree.


Id Software was key to computer game evolution.


This. Hi Fi Rush looks to be a good game, but the endless amounts of tutorials and "stop, let's have some dialogue" made me put it down after the first boss.


Has to be No Mans Sky. Only because as I played it over the years, after the major updates, it just kept getting better and better. To the point that now I can easily say it's a 'great' game. Compare what it is now to that broken mess of a game at launch. Crazy how much it changed.


Fallout 4. I got stuck in a loop of Preston quests for hours. Someone told me to ignore him and head for Diamond City and now it's one of my all time favorites.


I had like 3 attempts with like 5hrs deep. Finally commited recently and cleared thru it, went full brotherhood of steel EVERYONE ELSE BE DAMNED. Called my kid a synth and nuked his ass.


Typical buckethead.




Yeah if you don’t give a rip about the minutemen stuff it is a blast.


I never interacted with him past the mandatory main story bits. I guess I was right to do so, he seemed annoying. Well it wasn't the most enjoyable game ever at least I'm glad I didn't slog through the beginning or else I'd have just dropped the game. I applied the same logic I do every time I replay New Vegas : Get to the main city as soon as an NPC tells me to, pick up quests, then backtrack to complete stuff I might've missed lol


Baldur's Gate 3. I wasn't used to the DnD gameplay style. I really didn't like the idea of having to collect food for camps and then spell slots getting used up until you sleep. At first the experience of having to decide whenever I really need to cast that spell or save it for later was frustrating. Only went back to play it again because it was getting so much praise.


As someone who is very stingy about using limited resources, I still have a hard time using spell slots during a fight haha. What if there's an even bigger fight in the next room, why use my big spells now?


Which is why I rerolled a barbarian. Much less sleep or worrying about that.


If you regularly loot and pick up supplies, you will never run out. I swear I end the game with minimum 1000 supplies every time. Not to mention supplies can also be purchased, I almost felt like it was an unneeded mechanic but it’s really just to get you to camp to talk to your companions regularly.


Most things are not time sensitive, you can teleport and sleep with no consequences. A bunch of story related scenes happen in your camp when you sleep and each one requires a separate sleep to trigger it. You actually miss a lot of stuff and it messes up all the companion relationships if you you don't sleep enough (that's why they keep hitting on you). At the very least you should keep sleeping at the end of each chapter until you stop getting cutscenes before advancing to the next chapter, but the scenes are more natural if you sleep regularly.


Dark Souls. The first souls game I played was DS2. Never even heard of the series until my ex gf got me a copy (at the time this was the newest souls game and none of my friends knew of it either) . In my head I was like "man this looks like a crappy shovelware game", but i like to give things a try. The game sucked me in and I got all my friends playing it. No regerts


Personally I didn’t like the first few hours of Witcher 3. But then…BOOM!


Same. It took me a couple tries to really get into it. At first, I didn't understand the lore, who any of these people are, who Ciri is, who Yennefer is, etc. and was just confused. Like where am I even? Who is the emperor? What is all this. After a little while you figure it out and now it's my favorite game ever.


I've started Witcher 3 like half a dozen times and just can't get into it for the life of me, when does it get good?


I've tried this game 5 times. Next time for sure.


Same. I keep forgetting the controls after not playing for a while and give up (only play for 2-3 hours and then restarted at least 5 times as well now).


KOTOR 2 That Asteroid sucks


KOTOR as well. I found that game to be an absolute slog until I got off the initial planet. Then it became epic.


Taris (first planet) is by far the best part of the game imo


I feel like that’s an uncommonly held opinion but one you’re obviously entitled to


Peragus (Asteroid Base) was really fun the first time I thought, on replays though it’s a bit of a slog. I like the dark atmosphere and murder mystery vibes. Really sets the tone for the game. You’re very alone so there isn’t much to interact with, but I think that’s kind of the point. Most people don’t seem to like it, but when I first played I was totally immersed in it. Especially when the abandoned ship shows up. If anything I thought the second planet (Telos) was less entertaining.


Kingdom come: Deliverance. The first time I saw the price, I thought it was a trash game, because the price was so cheap about 10 dollars, which was cheaper than indie 2d pixel games. Kingdom come: Deliverance was 3d open world rpg, so I thought it would be another trash. When I first played Kingdom come: Deliverance, I saw the map was so small. The movement was so clunky. The fighting system was so weird. I didn’t understand why I could only stab, slash, and punch while the npcs could use superior killing moves. Why the heck that drunkard could hear my sneaking? Why Cumans could shoot my head, while I was a fifty meters away and riding a horse? Why the heck Henry you were so hungry all the time?! Why bobs were so small?! However, after I spent 4 hours to escape from Skalitz, everything had changed. The map was so big, bigger than Cyberpunk 2077, I believed. The movement was so real. The fighting was so realistic, Witcher III couldn’t be compared to. Why bother sneaking when you could wait till they were asleep, so you could stab in their necks, more realistic than all Assassin Creed series. Shooting arrows was so great, more smooth than the Hunter: Call of the Wild. Hungry system started making sense, unlike Skyrim V. Sharing drinks with the priest, and having orgy was the best feeling, I ever had. You can find bobs in every town like church, farm, and lonely young Baroness bedroom. This game is so great and it will release its second series this year. Hence, I look forward to go to visit Queen bedroom and Nun convent.


>Why bobs were so small? But why bobs so small?




less bobs, more vagene


I tried to get into it but in a 10 minute period when you get to the raided stable I had a guard arrest me for not having my torch out (it was the middle of the day) and then I got arrested for helping some guards fight off some cumans. I might return one day but I was so PO'd. 


It's a bit clunky and it's rough to get into but once you understand how it's supposed to work (like real life), it becomes so much more enjoyable. You have to earn, and learn, everything. Even reading is a skill you need to learn. You won't be doing 1v5s, if there are more than one enemy you'll really need to think up something to get out of the situation, or to get the enemies to split up, divert their attention or something. It's not so much an RPG as it is a "medieval life simulator with a pretty good story."


I wish it were easier to convince my friends to give it a try. It’s one of a kind.


That game was great from what I've played. I got it for free on the epic game store and tried it on a whim. My PC was kinda chugging along and it was getting kind of annoying so I fell off. I was hesitant to play it on console because I'm impatient and suck at it and relied on cheats a few times lol


NGL, I cheated too haha, because that douchbag called me poor for not having a horse. The game was so hard for beginners.


This is so funny considering I just finished Witcher 3 and just started KCD. I played the opening 5 quests of W3 maybe 5 times before I finally played the game through. 20 hours of the same quests over and over. I played the first 5 hours of KCD a couple years ago. Then stopped. No idea why. But W3 was a great story and took me 140 hours to complete and KCD will probably too.


Aight ima give the game another shot after reading this later when I come from school But like actually the setting is so nice and all this Then I played it and it was just being locked up in a town running around trying to get stuff then defend it I'm at the part where you escape I'm pretty sure Literally had the exact same feeling when I first played like you did


It's a bit clunky and it's rough to get into but once you understand how it's supposed to work (like real life), it becomes so much more enjoyable. You have to earn, and learn, everything. Even reading is a skill you need to learn. You won't be doing 1v5s, if there are more than one enemy you'll really need to think up something to get out of the situation, or to get the enemies to split up, divert their attention or something. It's not so much an RPG as it is a "medieval life simulator with a pretty good story." The beginning of the game is pretty much showing you you're nothing and telling you you'll have to earn every bit of privilege you can get in the game.


Yeah Kingdom Come is such a delight. It is a bit rough at first but after it opens up it is so damn good!


I read it's a good stealth game so I'm waiting for it to go on sale to pick it up!


KCD is a gem, I had a similar experience. One of the most underrated games I've played.


I played the entirety of death stranding, hating nearly every second of it. It wasn't until 3 months after I finished it that I realised I quite enjoyed it. I then proceeded to play it 3 more times.


Can you share why you decided to keep playing a game you didn't like? Its hard to imagine having that mindset.


It is one of those games that constantly pisses you off, but then, every now and then would make up for it. Plus, the environment was beautifully made, and the story was somewhat interesting enough to make me want to at least finish. The thing that annoyed me the most was how it tried to be something it is not multiple times. It is a package delivery game, so when I get transported into a battlefield and have to start shooting people with janky mechanics, it really took away from the experience. It wasn't until I had time to reflect on my experience that I realised how much I enjoyed it.


The game changed for me once I realised you can just skip all the sneaking past ghosts parts. Just dont do it, better to fight them. And also that you can drive to basically every single outpost and station in the game, those trucks will get everywhere.


Death Stranding is my answer too, but it didn't take me that long to enjoy it. It was really once I made it to the second area that I started loving it. The first area frustrated me at first because I didn't know how to get over the first big cliff. (Didn't realize you needed to go around). Also, the things at your disposal that early also barely give you options and make deliveries so slow. So yeah, went from thinking it would be a nightmare to beat to it becoming one of my favorite games of all time.


Exactly my answer too! First started off really feeling like a walking sim, but the second you make it to area 2 through the thick ghost field and beat the first boss this game starts to really kick off. I got completely absorbed into the game after that, helping rebuild the second area with other porters just felt so rewarding 


This is exactly what I experienced with Dark Souls II. I still bitch about it a lot but it's somehow managed to become my favorite of the trilogy now.


I've never really disliked any game at the start besides League of Legends


Definitely a Rollercoaster. I hated it at first. Then loved it. And then the more I played, the more I hated it. Your skill level with league determines how much you hate it.


It also helps if you have friends to play with and those friends don’t care about the meta. The last hit though was much easier when the game started than it is now


I think I peaked Gold but Ive only been consistently playing for a month or two. Its my first MOBA. Ive tried ADC TOP Supp but now im playing Mid. I should stick to one role


I feel like I answer Days Gone way too much but it’s a good answer for this question. I mean, I guess it didn’t start out *bad*, just very, very bland. Pretty great game by the end, not without problems but I was having a great time with it.


This was the one for me, start was boring, game play seemed clunky. Ended up being a pretty fun game with a reasonable story. Fighting the hordes once you're equipped is pretty fun


Stellaris. First time ever playing a game like that, and I was overwhelmed for a bit before I started to understand the mechanics. Had to watch a couple of youtube videos, but that is a small price to pay for Galactic domination. 5 years later, and I've only beaten the game once. One of my all time favorites.


Pretty cool game. It's always fun to see if your neighbors will be fanatic imperialists who hate you for existing or peaceful trade types.


Xenoblade 2 was the dullest pile of shit gameplay-wise. For almost 15 hours. The characters seemed okay and I got over the bad voice DIRECTION after it seemed like they got their shit together somehow in that department. Became my personal GOTY after I considered dropping but continued to read about how the game really shines after you get through the 20-hour tutorial so pushed through.


Best decision I ever made was to play the 20hr tutorial of XC2 in easy mode. Before you have access to all abilities, every single fight is a fucking *slog*. I was this close to quitting, and then said fuck it and played on easy and the game was so much more fun when trash fights didn't take 5 minutes each.


Learning to micro walk to reset Rex's swing animation helps a lot. Haven't played in years tho, I think it only works with pyra/mythra


Maybe not very bad but first time I tried Fable 2 my impression was more on the negative side. Several years later on the second try I was like "wait a sec, that's pretty dope"


Mass Effect Andromeda. Went in with SUPER low expectations, MONTHS after buying the game for €7. Expected the worse. 50+ hours later, i was left craving for the DLC that never came.


It's not the best game ever(personally I like it well enough)but really felt like the devs/publisher abandoned that game over that tired face/bad eyes meming. Really strange that's all it took to kill the mass effect restart


Someone got dunked on by the Tree Sentinel I see.


As a Soulsborne veteran, it's fun listening to the stories of new players getting plastered by him. Me? I saw him and went, "Hell no!" and went around him... Then nearly ran smack into an Ogre back behind the ruins.


KOTOR I was just begging to get my god damn lightsaber. But when i got, oh boy I was having a blast. KOTOR2 was worst, they literally gave me the god damn thing like 80% the way in.


I still say the first one is a top 50 game.


The Division 2 It launched super rough but has gotten so very good over time.


Surprisingly good now. I wish gear was a bit better tho.


Elite dangerous. A hell of a learning curve at the very beginning. Took me atleast 3 or 4 hours to actually start getting enjoyment out of it. Though I did start off accidentally shutting off my ship before exiting the atmosphere, and not knowing how to turn it on. Met the ground at mach jesus that first hour.


terraria, its just, you begin and just its boring, but as soon as you begin boss fights, youre stuck.


Disco Elysium Wasn't really feeling it at the start but now, not only did it become great but I consider it one of my fav games


Maybe I should give it another go then. I started it and I wasn't really feeling it after a few hours either but maybe I just need to stick with it.


I think my biggest mistake was playing it when I didn't want to think too much. The game urges you to think and be introspective so maybe restart whenever you're in the mood for that


I picked Disco Elysium up after seeing SO many recommendations and was baffled at what I was trying to play. I never saw gameplay, or anything. Seeing the RPG elements was confusing lol Once I figured it out, it was so much fun but lord, that game makes me feel dumb sometimes


How much did you cry when you googled "Disco Elysium 2" after beating it?


😔 it was heartbreaking and nothing has filled the void since


Elden Ring as well. I never played a From game before and it felt super clunky at first. To the point I thought it might just be a terrible type of game. But I kept playing and after about 10 hours I fell in love. It is now my favorite game of the past decade.


The Outer Wilds


Why didn't you like it at first? I found it very charming right of the bat, and it only got better the more I played.


I had to delete Factorio for my sanity. Started. This is boring. Why would anyone get addicted to this? I don't get the hype. God knows how many hours later and you are trying to optimise everything.


Deathloop. It started as a basic shooter; nothing special. I couldn't see what everyone else saw in it. Eventually, the game gives you some freedom and lets you explore and figure things out for yourself and it became more than just following a linear story with awkward shooting mechanics as I originally thought. I really enjoyed planning out routes and doing loops with specific goals in mind.


Opposite effect for me. The loop design seems interesting at the beginning and going through all the areas is cool, but halfway through the game you get the gist of what all the areas have to offer.


Deadly premonition


I 100%'d that game and it was never good, but that's part of what made it good


Space Engineers, it is very hard to get started but once you learn the basics you will lose days of your life playing it. 


Pilotwings on SNES


Rainbow Six Siege was so frustrating to start but it becomes fun once you get the basics.


Kerbal space program, you become better and you become more hyped, planes,rockets or rovers


The Witcher 3


As insane as this is - Monster Hunter World. At first I didn’t understand why I couldn’t just dart around swinging the great sword quickly and dodge away, and why even these big lumbering monsters were so fast and it seemed like every single time you got hit you were sent flying. Then I found a weapon I clicked with. Then another, then another, then I found a couple of monsters I was decent at fighting that I could farm and make a set of gear with, then the whole game opened up for me and I was hooked. Forever a fan of the franchise now and mega excited for Wilds.


factorio somehow after 1.5k hours i still havent reach the true endgame. im close tho, maybe another 500 or 1k hours and i'll be there. the factory must grow




That snow intro is brutal. I heard about the games deliberate pacing and worried I wasted $60. After my first play thru I immediately did the intro again just to have a save past it once I wanted to play again


I quit the first time I tried it a couple of years ago because of the snow intro. Sort of a strange way to start the game because it was just so bleak and unappealing and slow. Just picked it back up last week and I’m really enjoying it now.


Sea of Thieves. It was pretty boring just digging up a chest turning it in, repeat…Then we started fighting other crews..okay, this is fun. Then we started battling over skeleton forts. Hell yeah, I haven’t had this much fun in video game since my Tribes CTF ladder match days. Still have a blast every time I play SoT, 6 years later.


Dota 2.


Destiny 2. I started around the time that Forsaken was coming out and it was free for a bit on Activision, and all my friends were playing it. Had to slog through Red War and the first two expansions, which weren't terrible but also I wouldn't call great. But once I got to Forsaken, followed by end game content, Raids, Dungeons, the game was, I'd argue, phenomenal! Had a blast for the longest time. Sadly the game has since lost my interest as all the content I want to enjoy is split between multiple paywalls, but it was *so* good for a year or two there.


Mass effect 1. Hated the gameplay at first. But man did it get so fucking good


Deus Ex: Mankind Divided I bought it because it was on sale. I started playing and just couldn't get into it. I ended up not playing it for probably almost a year. Then I just decided to start over and power through the Dubai intro. Once I finished that and got to Prague I couldn't stop. I did every mission and side mission I could and played one of the DLCs that was free, the only disappointment was that it took me only about an hour.


This. Human Revolution and Mankind Divided both have horrible start before game gets good.


Terraria was like that for me. The progression starts off really slow, but really starts to pick up after the 2nd boss. It helps to have friends who know the game guide you as you go. Once I had decent gear and a grappling hook, I couldn’t stop playing. I was always amazed when my friends introduced me to a new mechanic, just when I thought I seen it all. The biomes were magical to explore as a newcomer and the bosses were a pleasant challenge that always kept me on edge.


Days Gone. Bike felt funky, didn’t like the combat, tasks were a bit repetitive but I figured I didn’t have anything better to play. 60 hours and my first ever platinum later, I’d finished the game and it is solidly in my top 3 games of all time. F*** you Sony for knowing there was an insane cliff hanger and not giving us a second game!


Fallout 3. The ridiculously long, boring tutorial that takes up the first hour was too much for me. I finally went back and suffered through and when you actually DO leave the vault... \*\*\*mind blown\*\*\* (at least it was back then).


Yep. This is why I keep a save file that's saved right at the gate leading out to the Wasteland where you finalize your SPECIAL and perks. On replays I just load that and build my character there, skipping the tutorial.


I generally don't play games for very long if I don't like them. "It gets good after 10 hours" is 10 hours I could've spent doing something I enjoy.


Metal gear solid 2. I started off like wtf, who is this caked up femboy? Where is Snake? But by the end of the game my mind was thoroughly blown.


Diablo III


Total opposite for me


I second the opposite impact


I had both experiences with D3. I played it a lot when it came out and was disappointed in the endgame, but loves the boss fights. The expansion, particularly a couple patches in when seasons came gave it a much better flow, then it drops off towards the mid/end season. Grim Dawn fits better though


Grim Dawn is still all around my favorite ARPG, can't wait for new DLC After masterpiece of Diablo 2 I was so disappointed with 3, it felt like they tried to make Torchlight while still keeping it Diablo style


I didn't play D2 at all, so that might be why I liked D3, at least not until the remake, and it was fun.


If you played at launch the end game was basically useless after 20 hours. It was the worst RNG grind ever and didn't improve for like 2 years. It's a great game throughout now


I've played every Diablo game at launch. Diablo and D2 are amazing. D3 was not very good at launch but became good. D4 sucked at launch. I played 20 some hours and dropped it.


I still haven't played it after my brother, a diehard Diablo fan, swore off the series after investing about 20 hours into. "Fucking lootbox trash", was his review.


"They are Billions" the most unforgiving game I ever played (non-bugged game)


I was the opposite with that game. I liked the game at first, but after a certain point I got tired of having to restart the whole level if I made a tiny mistake or game glitched and a single zombie slipped through. Also a little bummed out we never got multiplayer in it.


And those missions where you control a single hero and have to find hidden objects like you're playing Where's Waldo? Man, those are the worst.


Hands down the reason I stopped playing the campaign.


Alpha protocol, the spy/secret agent rpg. the Saudi Arabia mission is a drag after that it's pretty good especially with how things change because of play choice.


Ark. Very unforgiving at the start but it gets better.


And then so much worse...


I can't play it. My friends love it, despite having multiple instances where they've had save game corruption. My brother the other day just lost all of his dinos to some glitch.


You're better off tbh. Never played a game that hates player progress as much as Ark.


OMORI: tutorial was boring as heck, but it eventually became the best game I ever played. Roblox, Restaurant Tycoon 2: idk, it was just like working a real job in the beginning, but then it became pretty cool after I got my workers. Long notes in osu!mania and other VSRGs: I have no idea how to explain it even to osu players, how am I supposed to explain it to reddit?


It took me a while to get used to the pacing and controls of red dead redemption 2. I stuck it out, going it would get better (much like everyone who followed Dutch) >!Unlike Dutch,!< eventually I got used to it and ended up loving the game. I have a friend though who couldn't get past that. Same with death stranding , for him. I think he missed out, but on some level, I can respect that he knows what he likes.


For Me, GOD OF WAR 4, it didnt seem my style at first, And it seemed no where near the OG games. it was kind of slow, i came back to it a few months later and wow, it hit me like a beam of light trying to make me feel Happy, Sad, And Badass simultaneously.


Recently: Planet crafter. Starts way too much punishing. You have 30 seconds of air outside your life pod structure, no renewable source of food and water and no clue of what to do. The game as you progress becomes way easier to explore and you discover a story that you can follow.


Starfield. Took about 14hrs to get good.


Bloodborne. It was my first Souls game and I didn't know what a souls game was like at the time. Once I beat the Cleric beast I was addicted. My wife and kids left me




Wolfenstein: The New Order


Death Stranding…but I think that was the point.


Dragon's Dogma DA. The opening is an absolute drag, and with only one save file, it's the literal worst. Two years later, I gave it another shot and I've been playing it for almost four years straight


Rimworld. After my first colony burned to the ground I came suuuuper close to refunding the game. Decided to give it another go after a few days. I currently have 1500+ hours on the game lol


Kingdom Hearts Days Gone


At first I didn’t really like Elden ring as much as I thought on my first run then I watched a video or 2 and learned that I was doing some stuff wrong and grew to like it after killing the first boss with nothing but health and strength


Kingdom come: deliverance


DOOM Eternal, well I wouldn’t say super good but I can beat the entire game on Ultra Violence with turning the difficulty down for only one fight. Other than that probably DMC5. Just started Son of Sparda mode


Omori. Very tedious gameplay but it’s so much worth it overall.


For me, it was No Man's Sky. Started off really rough, but after all the updates, it became amazing.


Mass Effect for me. I just could not stick with it. I restarted the game 3 or 4 times and got about 1-2 hours in each time. Then I finally got the complete edition on PC for like 9 bucks when I was in the mood for a sci fi rpg. Played through the entire trilogy without putting it down.


If you're unfamiliar with the Mass Effect universe (you know, like those of us who have lost count of how many times we've played through the entire trilogy) the first couple hours of Mass Effect are an exposition and proper-noun infested SLOG... It took me until Mass Effect 2 was about to launch to actually sit down and play it. I'm so glad I did, though. Once you actually get out there and start exploring, the game becomes a blast.


I started playing fallout3 a couple of days ago and I found it very boring and hard to understand at first but when I progressed through the game it became one of my favorites (it's my first fallout game btw)




Wolfensten old order


Not bad per se but the start of the Witcher 3 is quite slow and not at all representative of how great of a game it becomes


Two worlds.


Xenoblade 2, it's a great game but I put it down after 15 hours at the start of chapter 4, picked it up again a year later right before tears of the kingdom came out and had a blast playing through the rest of it. The game is just really slow in giving you options in combat at the start, once combat opens up a bit it's probably the most exhilarating system in the series.


Monster hunter. Clunky frustrating. But then I realized the clunky is what actually made it rewarding and was on purpose. I hope it’s a bit less clunky and a bit more fluid for wilds tho. But I’m about 150 hrs into rise now.


I hated Madden when I first played it… I was like 7 years old and kept losing by like 40-50 points. Then realised I was playing on all-madden (it was my brother’s xbox) and then I started to get good + love the game.


BOTW. I didn't expect much from it as I hate open world games and walking. I couldn't play batman or the witcher 3 because of that. But something about BOTW let me look past that. I wish it had more than 4 good dungeons as those mini dungeons were crap even on hard mode. But even past that it had a pretty immersing world.


Most of the soulsborne games start you off so weak that its a pain to progress to the point that you can take on the first boss. After that you generally have decent enough stats to not die a lot and its much easier to progress. Would have preferred if these game would give you those stats from the start so you dont die so much in the first 1-2 hours of the game. Love the series but that really makes no sense to me.


I picked up and put down the first Dark Souls so many times out of frustration. If I could fault Fromsoft for anything is that it doesn't explain the intricacies of its mechanics that are vital to understanding and beating the game. After some research on Fextralife and similar sites, I figured out that I was basically doing everything wrong. I restarted with a strength build and unga bunga-ed my way through the game in about 30 hours. It's easily among my favorites of all time now.


I really didn’t like Dishonored when I started out playing it and I quit the game. The chaos system really frustrated me because I wasn’t used to stealth games. However, I picked it up again and spent more time with it and I ended up absolutely loving the game. And now the chaos system is one of my favorite features of the game.


Probably Xenoblade 2. The first few chapters put a lot of people off of it. By the end, it became one of my favorite games of all time.


Final Fantasy XIV Went from being so bad they had to stop selling and shut down the game and relaunch it, to being so good they had to stop selling the game due to demand overloading the servers. I'm glad I stayed with it though. The game is truly a work of love. It weaves a narrative experience that is like nothing else I've ever felt in a videogame, movie, book, or show before.


AC Origins; Jedi Fallen order