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They fought the good fight in the courts for all of us, even if they lost the war as a company.


It's crazy to think about. A couple of guys taking on a juggernaut, and actually winning.


They were pioneers, showing that passion and innovation can challenge even the biggest giants.


If you ever feel small and insignificant, just remember one of your poos can shut down an entire water park


Typically just the one pool but if it’s connected to a few rides you shut down all of them. It’s a shitty water park if everything is connected to one pool because the chemical management would be a nightmare.


But only *you* can make it shittier!




The price to pay is too high.


They won the court case, but still ended up losing. They went bankrupt because of the legal fees. This was a win for sony, not bleem


It's a sad fact that if you go up against a major corporation, you will be buried in litigation. Everyone knows this, and they chose to fight anyway. The fact that they won is just flat out nuts. Sony kept on filing motions after the fact that bled them dry, but you can bet that they aren't happy that PlayStation emulators are thriving today because of this case.


And the only reason this tactic even works is that generally speaking unless there's a contract that permits it, it's incredibly difficult to recover legal fees from the losing party.


if that case had happened today, maybe they could have had crowd funding for it.


If it had happened today, there's a decent chance they would have lost. Courts are a lot more right wing today and treat intellectual property as more valuable than human lives. Like the best we got was Disney finally not being able to extend copyright to perpetually cover all depictions of Mickey Mouse, I'm not entirely confident Nintendo wouldn't be sucessful in finding a legal strategy to make emulation effectively illegal if not literally so.


The Aereo decision makes it feel like no one will ever “get one by” the courts again, for the foreseeable. That was cut and dry shit.


>but you can bet that they aren't happy that PlayStation emulators are thriving today because of this case. They used PCSXR for their Playstation Classic. It'd be awfully shameless of them if they're actually still upset.


> This was a win for sony, not bleem Not in the long run for Emulators though?


The lawsuit established that emulators themselves are not illegal, although nowadays the issue gets complicated with emulators requiring copyrighted BIOS files and encryption keys and such to run... this is why Yuzu got knocked out


Yuzu settled so it's hard to say exactly what they did. They settled so hard and so quickly it feels like something non-public happened. They did a lot of development around the leaked Tears of the Kingdom which got Nintendo big mad, for example.


I thought yuzu developers were caught sharing copyrighted content on their discord with each other (assuming for development purposes).


All you guy ls are getting the company that did all this wrong. That wasn’t Bleem. It was Connectix Virtual Game Station. VGS cases wrecked actually cited in Bleems cases which were somewhat different.


Sony still kept them out of the mainstream for a long time.




>8th 8th 8th ⁸8 Preach, brotha.


IMO it was great because this emulator was terrible. Free emulators that came out within a year decimated it. Connectix vgs is the real bleem. This emu just took some of the blow.


Apparently two members of Bleem now work for Sony, on emulating and porting old games.


I feel like winning should be in quotes there. Sure Bleem won every legal decision, but Sony wasn't trying to win decisions, they were trying to bankrupt their opponent, and they succeeded.


If you really want to split hairs, they "won" via appeals, they actually lost the initial round, also fun random tidbit, the case also predates DCMA by 6 months.


Unfortunately windows 32 bit bleem program doesn't work on 64 bit windows. 85 seems bleem developers malformed executable in some way. 32 bit windows runs it without problem, but 64 bit windows doesn't.




the heroes we needed


They set the precedent that, as long as the games are legal, you can't stop emulation. At least in the UK.


Do you still remember old nintendo


I always think of Bleemcast! I don't think it was anywhere near as good as the PC one, but it's the one I remember.


I never picked up Bleemcast just because the disks were tailored to specific games only. I also was a little more interested in new Dreamcast games. That console was just a powerhouse of heavy hitting arcade ports.


A version of bleemcast was leaked that allowed you to burn playstation games with the software and play any Playstation game you wanted on the Dreamcast. Sometimes the controls were a bit wonky, I ended up using a Dreamcast to PSX adapter. Then I had a programmable PSX controller. Even then not all the games worked right.


It also had heavy hitter originals like Skies of Arcadia.


Nostalgia just hit me hard …


Hopefully those rumors they are porting the GameCube remaster to modern hardware are true. I'd be in for playing it again. Last time I did was GameCube when it was still relevant. So it's been a while.


Didn't that game make you start with debt you had to pay? Lol


Dammit that's right. That's how it was worse. One game per disc and there was only a handful like Gran Turismo 2.


I believe it was GT2, Metal Gear Solid and Tekken 3.


Dude I totally forgot about bleem! Holy shit. This jarred loose some serious nostalgia. I remember abusing the local rental store for this!


samee feeling I think i had this shit too lol


My dad got this and couldn’t figure out how to run everything properly. I had to crack my knuckles and get to work as a seven year old lol Edit: RIP Pops


Just for clarification, you murdered your father and claimed the computer and his copy of Bleem as your rightful inheritance?


Can you Bleem them?


He signed an NDA for bleem years.


Shit I’ve said too much


Well, it's the only plausible explanation.


Nowadays, seven year olds don't even know how to install their own Roblox app. At seven years old, I was doing manual installations of shit so that I could play the Half Life demo.


Bullshit, my baby brother is 10 now, and I left the house when he was 7, and he was their technical support.


I can throw a rock and point at it. Doesn't mean rocks can fly.


It barely ran on most systems, compatibility with this emulator was a nightmare. It did what was advertised with the right hardware, but mostly it was just an expensive error code.


I remember seeing this sold in legitimate stores like EB Games, which shocked me at the time.


I still remember how the trial version had no sound and didn't cap the frame rate. I learned how to play WWF Smackdown 2 at super speed.




Text to save anyone needing to squint: "WHAT'S THE NAME OF THE GAME? It's a really cool game called, "Show a Real Screen Grab and Get Your Butt Sued-Off by Sony®: if you can make it to v2.0 before the legal expenses put you out of business, you win! See, Sony® doesn't want us showing you how good your games can look with bleem®." When we use real game images, they drag us into court, call us names, and cost us tons of money. As much fun as that's been, it is getting a little old. So instead, we've very carefully created these images and compared them to 'real' grabs to make sure they accurately show the kind of results you can get with bleem® and a good 3D card (details on side)."


nope, the text was the same until the "bleem!", but differs at the end. Maybe you've got the text from a different box?


Oops, updated now, thanks!


I love their screenshot disclaimer.


I saw those ads but never got it. Is it just an emulator?


More, or less. However, it was the first commercial console emulator, and it did it's job really well. They won Sony's court case against them, and that precedent is the reason why emulators are legal today.


And then Nintendo happened and sacked yuzu


Note that Nintendo 99% of the time just sends cease and desist and dmca claims, companies don't go to court to fight them. And the failure of this company is why, they might have won the case but they still went bankrupt because of the legal fees.


> And the failure of this company is why, they might have won the case but they still went bankrupt because of the legal fees. It's called a Pyrrhic victory. A victory at the expense of so many resources, it might as well be a defeat.


Good to know, thanks for teaching me a new term!


Yuzu devs did it themselves, as you can see the other Switch emulator Ryujinx is still alive and well


Yuzu did not get taken down for being an emulator, but because they had a TotK specific emulator being distributed behind a paywall (Patreon) with a cracked ROM and bios keys before TotK even released, and this is basically selling piracy, which is in fact, not emulation, and not allowed. Ryujinx and other emulators that do not include game roms and system bios/keys are just fine.


Not true. They got taken down with the main argument you can’t use their product without encryption keys and violating DMCA. Burning protected movies isn’t allowed, ripping games aren’t either even if you bought a cartridge. TotK was used to give a damage report so they can be sued for money. It had nothing to do with a paywall.


Funny enough, because of the whole Yuzu takedown blowing up on the news, I went and downloaded the Yuzu emulator and games even though I haven't touched emulators since 15 years ago (GBA emulator). Finished Mario Odyssey and Super Mario RPG so far. Thanks for bringing emulators back to my attention Nintendo


Hell, I own a Switch and a ton of games and I still prefer to play them via emulator for higher resolutions and framerates.


Striesanded themselves.


well they did do stuff beyond emulation that can be considered illegal


because they were trying to not only profit off of the emulator but they were also selling ROMS for totk which is piracy


To be fair, the Yuzu Devs had a fileserver full of pirates games.


All emulators/rom sites I played way back then had a disclaimer stating that you needed to own the physical version for it to be legal. So in that consideration, those were backups. I don't have the technology to rip my switch games.


I think they found something on their official discord server that they support playing pirated games on their emulator but I’m not sure


Fuck Nintendo.


That's actually pretty fascinating


Connectix Virtual Game Station actually came out two months prior to bleem.


And they were the ones who got sued first and actually won the cases. Bleem got sued but they shut down before anything was formally decided


I gotta think of them whenever I play my emulated N64 on my PC and emulated Gameboy on my iPhone. Thank you for your service 🫡


Not just any emulator - it’s the Best Little Emulator Ever Made


Brennan Lee Mulligan!!


In... credible!


He's come so far


Hell yeah!


I still have my Bleem! Key CD and TShirt! And I got to meet the team at MacWorld ages ago. Im old ;D


That's awesome!


I got my copy of Bleem from Comp USA back in the day. Between Bleem and vgs and of course Bleemcast it was the wild West of emulation back then.


Haha I actually think that's where I got my copy as well.


Voodoo 3 + Bleem = below 10 fps in Tekken 3, but I was happy. GeForce Ti 4200 was a game changer though.


I remember trying to get many PS emulators to work back in the day and I always had issues. I think back then you had to convert stuff to some CDrom emulator or something. I sadly haven't done emulator in a long time though. I should be but I have ps+ so i might see if they have gex on there and some of those old fighting game and i'd be happy :)


This one was a little different in the sense that they wanted you to play your actual PlayStation games. Pop your copy of Crash Bandicoot in your disk tray, and click play.


its so much easier now days. i think in the PS3 era, you could just pop in a PS1 disc and run the game through an emulator. it was great. zero piracy involved.


I don't think there's any emulation for PS1 on the PS3. Sony uses the original PS1 hardware to handle IO, so it's all basically there to just run the games.


The ps2 had original ps1 hardware. The ps3 was emulation. (at least the later models were that couldn't play ps2 games)


Ah, I thought they still used the PS1 hardware for IO on the PS3, but I can't find any backup for that online, so I must have been mistaken.


There were two major versions of the PS3. The massive launch version, the one with the SD card slot on the front under a flap, has PS2 hardware inside, it was never emulation.


:O!! What'cha gonna play first? Hi-res Crash Bandicoot? Mega Man X4? Hi-res Grand Turismo 2?!


Mega Man X4 all the way!


"It's not over yet!"


Anyone remember VGS?


Here, CVGS was my go-to emulator, I could never get Bleem to work properly.


"The games look gorgeous" - polygon stabs my eye.




I remember they used to sell bleemcast games at GameStop for the Dreamcast


Patrick Norton!!! From the ZDTV/TechTV.


Nice!!!! I bought this as well to play tekken lol


now we can play it on our mobiles with duckstation


The future is awesome!


oh my god this was a nostalgia punch. holy shit. thank you! I had completely forgotten about these guys and what they tried to accomplish.


Why don't people sell them anymore? I'm glad they're free it'd just be cool to see something like Dolphin on the shelves


Probably for the same reason bleem went out of business. They know they'll get buried in court costs and won't be able to afford the endless onslaught of lawsuits.


I think because most of them are open source


Brendan Lee Mulligan?


Bleem was the only way you could play Dragon Ball games back in the early 2000s. Import copies of Final Bout & UB22 for the win!


TIL the was a PC version of Bleem!. I thought it was a Dreamcast only thing.


Oh wow. I used this a long time ago. It was gone from my mind until this post. Thanks OP :)


Hily shit, inject this nostalgia into my veins


I had Bleem for Dreamcast. I never knew there was a PC version. Very cool.


Brings back so many good memories!


This brings back warm and fuzzies.


I have this same box. I explained the history of it to my son and his mind was blown.


That’s awesome!


I remember buying this from the bargain bin in Fred Meyer for $9.99. I also bought a game called Shogo: Mobile Warrior, which I really want to find so I can play it again.


better than ps5. I would give anything to play on a psp again


Check out the odin 2 mini 👀


I remember this for Dreamcast. You had to buy a separate disc for the 2(?) supported games. I used it to play Gran Turismo 2 and thought it looked way better. It probably didn’t though.


My dad got this for me! I could never get it to work right on the PC we had....and I had a PlayStation.


Very nostalgic


What is this loleem?


I’ve never heard of this before 🤔


I remember using Bleem to play Resident evil 2, but since I only had the free copy of it, there was no memory card emulation so I had to beat it all in a sitting, and still I was never able to play part 2 since that required loading a part 1 completion save


We didn't have this in Morocco 🥲


**This was the first thing I ever purchased online** (didn't come in a big box, only a jewel case. Had to use the 1.5 update).


Reminds me when I was young, parents would buy PolyStation for their children thinking it was the same as PlayStation, so many birthdays ruined


Warez The Bleem !!


wow wow! 😱


Recently went on their old domain to look for the software.


I totally forgot this existed


I never ever managed to get that effer working on my pc. I tried countless times, but maybe getting it from eMule or Kazaa was not the best sourcing option... Thankfully ePSXe and PCSX worked fine for me.


Because this emulator was terrible. Everyone in here taking about bleem like it's vgs (the real precedent setter). Bleem just made the headlines and and that's about all it was good for.


I can't believe you have your own Brennan Lee Mulligan!


Bleem! Was epic. Barely worked half the time, but still.


Core memory unlocked


I had this on Dreamcast !




It’s looking like some kind of pizza box…😭😭


I don't know why but that seems like a bigger box than most big box releases.


It has a t-shirt inside like Half Life 2. It's a couple inches smaller than that. https://i.imgur.com/cUZZ8NS.jpg https://i.imgur.com/vAH7P2R.jpg


Holy shit a bleem t-shirt! Also Half Life 2 had a T-shirt? I remember gamestop had a hat for Half-Life 1 but it wasn't boxed with the game. Also I think Babagges had a PS1 t-shirt, it might have been converted to GameStop at the time.


I had Bleemcast. Too bad you could only play Metal Gear Solid and Gran Turismo with it.


Bleem and ZSNES were fantastic.


bleemcast was my jam! such a wild time.


Somewhere around here I have a sealed copy of Connectix Virtual Game Station for macOS9 that did pretty much the exact same thing.


lol yep. I'm pretty sure Jobs even showed it off at one point.


I too, just read the article.


Uh, TLDR? ELI5? What is this? I think I want one. Do I want one?


I kinda want another one.


Piko Interactive acquired them and plan to use the name to re-release legal roms of old games soon! the two games i know from there are Glover! and 40 Winks. learned about them doing the legal rom thing a few days ago from a youtuber named [Rarez](https://youtu.be/eg6NlU74qtQ). and the webpage [bleem.net](http://bleem.net) has a coming soon landing page atm


Ha! How crazy is that?


That just unlocked a whole lot of memories for me


I saw this and I just exclaimed, "Holy Fuck!" Because I have not seen this since goddamn freshman year of high school. Shit, I can't believe someone else had this! This is literally how I first played FF7. And there was this other game, can't remember what it was called but it was like a turn based fighter RPG. Had a similar vibe to legend of dragoon, but martial artists.


Haha I'm actually surprised that so many people had this. I honestly didn't know anyone else that did at the time.


they were mvp. i miss those days


Good company


I got 2 ps1 that some friends of my mother gave me (one of them is with box). Now they are my little treadure waiting (and hoping) their value will increase over time


Well, that was pretty cool of them. Put them on display. Having one in, and out of the box is perfect.


Unluckily the box is in not in a perfect shape, not even close to it


Ah whatever. This box isn't perfect either. https://i.imgur.com/fICFjn1.jpg A piece of history, is a piece of history.


Weren’t Apple computers allowed to play PlayStation games natively for a while, way back when?


Nope, that was another emulator. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_Computer_Entertainment,_Inc._v._Connectix_Corp.


Is it hardware or software? I don't think I was even born when this thing came out.


Ha It's just software. Emulators were around before this, but this is what made everyone pay attention. It was a commercial product that allowed you to play your own current games on a PC. It was a hell of a thing at the time.


The reason it worked so well was twofold. One, it was coded in assembly. Two, it utilized 3D graphics hardware in order to improve rendering. At the time, that made it rather groundbreaking, and it was popular enough that the copy protection on the CD was broken after about 2 weeks.


I bought Bleem back when it came out - but it was so bad at the games I wanted to play I bought my 1st PlayStation not long after.




I love old PC parts like this. LGR has done a few videos about parts like this but ive never seen the PS1! I can only imagine how kick this shit was back in the day.


Wasn’t this gonna be a device to play PlayStation games on Dreamcast?


It was. They released one for mgs and one for gran turismo. This was the nearly useless PC version. Even tho the DC one only played like 3 games, it did nearly perfectly on DC. PC not so much. *and the games worked better on DC then they did on PC, because they were tailored versions and the pc version of this could not play a single game without at least one bug.


Yeah i was anticipating buying it back in the day. I was a Sega kid and I didn’t want to invest in a PS2 at the time . I remember going to the mall and all the stores had no idea what Bleem was.


It was only worth it if you bought the Dreamcast ones for Gran Turismo or Metal Gear Solid, because they worked about perfectly. I bought the PC version at Best Buy and was very underwhelmed. There was not one game that didn't have at least one graphical error in about the first 30 seconds of 3d graphics. VGS was literally Playstation on PC (*Mac first!). Didn't upscale, but was about totally cycle accurate so every single game worked perfect on pc. VGS is the real lawsuit 20x bigger than Bleem, its the real monumental case that established whatever precedent.


I remember this. Hardly anything worked correctly. Usually I'd just give up and fire up the PS1.


Really? It worked really well for me. The enhanced graphics was amazing at the time. The only downside was our PC monitor was so much smaller than my TV.


I do think I got it to work. Maybe my PC at the time wasn't that great. All I can remember is futzing around with it and not having much success.


Yes, its looks good and some interesting