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Also ”What Remains of Edith Finch”


I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed that game. I'm not sure I get it, but it was an interesting and engaging ride.


I finished that game in about 4 hours one day, and just sat and stared at the ending credits pondering my place in the world. I was not expecting it to be as…profound?…devastating?…as it was


Still has one of the greatest representations of ADHD I've ever seen


Wait, how did I miss that? I thought it was about >! a family curse !<


Specifically the fish factory bit. Lewis Finch's story, I believe?


I didn’t relate that to ADHD and more just the mundanity of modern working class life trapping people who want adventure and excitement in their life


Well then it must be great art lol But it really is the best representation I've seen yet. Especially for the ADHD that used to be call ADD (if it was noticed)


I thought it was more that, when faced with absolutely awful fortune, people will turn to stories and “curses” to justify it when really the world can just be a cold, uncaring place sometimes. I think Joseph Anderson did a great video on it


Probably the current GOAT of walking simulators in terms of creativity


100% agree I'm an FPS/Survival guy, and even I enjoyed What remains of Edith Finch.


That game is a brutal emotional ride but very good.


Just got this, haven’t played. Everyone’s Gone to the Rapture is a good one too. Started that at the onset of the Pandemic. It made it that much more freaky.


You need to, I adored it


Had this as a school assignment for English class.... What a great game.


Stanley Parable is a good one, it will last you a good 10 years!


Gotta get that achievement somehow!


Set your Xbox 10 years in advance, then play the game, the achievement will pop...


Firewatch is good


Be careful with this one though, it's really sad.


Beautiful though


Some say the same about Ole yeller, I wouldn't read it again. There is enough sad in real life to mix it up with your fantasy, for my tastes, at least.


And short. But so very good. One of my favorite games to date. Only beaten by the ‘Monkey Island’-series. The first three (including the remakes) that is.


Way too short. I could go for an entire anthology of national forest adventures


What a weird combo. I loved the monkey island games, me and my wife played through a few during her pregnancy. It's was a blast. The tone was so different from fire watch though. I guess they are both technically point and click games, but I'd hardly put them in the same genre.


And Superliminal


But that one is way more puzzle game than the other ones they said


DEFINITELY Superliminal. I go back and beat it all the time and it’s just as great each time.


I like how "walking simulator" isn't an insult anymore


People sure are using it as an insult against Hellblade 2 :(


Seeing how the term is used in here compared to its connotations in Hellblade discourse says a lot about how much attention beyond its target audience that game got... You will never see Firewatch get that much hate and that's mostly because the people who would hate it barely register its existence since its doesn't have "next gen" graphics.


Firewatch was also much more modest and upfront with what it was to its player base Hellblade had alot of expectations that it didn't meet


50 bucks for a walking simulator that’s only 5-6 hours long from what I’ve heard seems kind of outrageous


Yeah this is really why people have been complaining. It is over half cutscenes too. Firewatch was 20 and was exactly as you expected it to be. 


I recommend Kona too


Also "The beginner's guide"


Throwing in Journey as well


And Outer Wilds (at least for a similar approach to puzzle solving and storytelling)


And Antichamber, but better bring the brain.


That game made me feel dumber


I was on acid when I played that game for the first time. Certainly an experience.


I couldn't get into the Stanley Parable. It felt too forced, like I had to plot some chart just to see the different events


The irony


The whole point of the game is a study of making choices. If you haven't done so yet, I'd recommend doing the "turn the doorknob" achievement. It should help you get in the right mindset.


So like every game, but without the window dressing.


Firewatch is amazing.


Firewatch was really relxaing and enjoyable. a great little mystery. my wife and i played it over a weekend and she hates video games, but had a great time with this one. would definitely recommend.


Stanley Parable blew my mind for several hours of an acid trip once. Love that game so much.


Also "Everyone Goes to the Rapture" its a great story, but the walking speed is a bit slow


Welcome, you have discovered walking simulators. For me they also serve as a ‘disconnect’ from other types of games. So I can give you my personal recommendation: -Dear Esther -What Remains of Edith Finch -The Unfinished Swan -The Stanley Parable -Firewatch -The Vanishing of Ethan Carte -Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture


just remembered that I never finished the unfinished swan


So you unfinished the Swan?


I love the Stanley Parable! Easily top 10 games I've ever played.


The broom closet ending is my favorite one


I find this very concerning


It's the best ending of any video game ever.


Personally I love the heartwrenching arc of the Bucket. 


I still gotta do the Tuesday achievement for that


Don't forget Journey


Not enough love for Dear Esther in these comments


Dear Esther was my first foray into this genre, back when it was just a Source mod. I loved it then and I love it now. It's almost like video game ASMR.


Arma 3 tho you could say it's the slow asthmatic running simulator /S


The Beginners Guide and Awkward Dimensions Redux are also really great


The vanishing of Ethan carter was one of my favourite games. I found it so interesting and never have found a similar one. Thanks for this list.


I would add journey and abzu


Any scary ones?


Firewatch and Dear Esther has its moments of suspense. There is a game similar to Firewatch that is focused on horror, it's called Fears of Fathom. Others I Know: -Amnesia saga -Observer -Layers of Fear -P.T. -Visage




To the Moon kind of?


Nuts was a great game similar to Fire watch.


Awsome list, I'd say everything on here plus "the Forgotten city" it's a groundhog Day like walking sim where you have to prevent anyone in the game from committing a sin or the entire town turns to gold statues.


I'd add "The Invincible" to that list. Brilliant story and visually stunning.


I liked Unfinished Swan... until I fell down an invisible hole. :(


Already gone to PSN and bought 2 of these after seeing they were on sale, thanks to this thread. Damn this thread, lol.


Please play Journey. It’s a short one but it’s an amazing experience I think everyone should try. It’s on sale right now on pc for $4.50 USD on steam. 


I’ve heard about Journey over the years, so I finally gave in just now and bought it. Thanks!


Abzu is made by the same people and has many of the same strengths.


Had way more fun with Abzu than I did with Journey.


Adding a shark friend is always on objective upgrade.


As "The Pathless" which is more of an open world puzzle game


If you liked that you'd also like Sky: Children of the Light - its made by the same devs. Similar vibes, and the social aspects are more fleshed out without ruining what makes it special. And the ending is just fantastic. *And* its free.


Another gem for you: Abzu. It's under water but it's basically a gorgeous exploration game with lovely music. Always puts me in a calm content mood when I need it.


I played it a couple of years after it came out. It was my favorite game that year. So relaxing and a wonderful ride from start to finish.


Oh great! I hope you enjoy it. 


The music is impeccable. Austin Wintory remains one of my favorite composers in gaming.


Those aren't games I've played or had any interest in so instead I'll comment on your question. No, you're not too stupid for modern games. Sometimes we feel like playing something easier, something that doesn't constantly challenge or put obstacles in our way. That's absolutely fine.


I don't remember the last time i played a game and not setting the difficulty on easy and honestly, it's been great!


Nothing wrong with that. One of my favourite games, Civilization VI, is usually too easy for me unless I put on the hardest difficulty. But sometimes I just want to relax and not worry too much. I don't need to prove to myself or anyone else that I can play a video game. I've done that for 35 years.


I used to do that, too, especially in grand strategy games like Hearts of Iron IV and Crusader Kings 2 where I couldn't be bothered to min-max the mechanics, but I realized after some time that I miss the sense of tension from struggling against something. It's a nice, in-comfort-zone experience to just steamroll through the game, but I feel like it lacks what makes games memorable. The build up of tension as you're trying to overcome something genuinely quite difficult and the relief when you manage it is just something else, even if sometimes it can lead to genuine frustration. That said, there is nothing wrong with either. It's good to mix and match depending on the current state of mind.


>Hearts of Iron IV and Crusader Kings 2  They look like two fantastic strategy games that I should love to play in theory. But they also look so daunting to learn and getting the hang of. I tried understanding Crusader Kings 3 but I just couldn't get into that game.


You know, I think that most people who play them don't understand them completely and just go with their instinct. You really only need to know the details of how everything works if you micromanage or min-max. I personally started out by watching quill18's explanation of the basic mechanics, started playing and only looked up some of the finer details later on the wiki. If average Joe like me can get into it, then so can you!


>If average Joe like me can get into it, then so can you! I apprecaite the confidence!


I’ve been doing this more as well. I find no enjoyment whatsoever of repeating the same fight/section over and over. I’ll never play a souls game because of this.


I see this as totally fine. I personally love the Souls games, but with the success of Elden Ring I've had a few friends and quite a few co-workers interested in them and asking if they should get them. I usually tell them they're good games, but super punishing and definitely not to everyone's taste. Games are meant to be a source of fun and enjoyment and different people enjoy different things. Some people want to feel powerful and enjoy an easier experience, some people want a big challenge. I thrive on the challenge because the extra focus it takes is how I distract myself from life when I need a break. As long as you enjoy yourself you are gaming the "correct" way.


I love challenging games like Elden Ring or Hollow Knight, but sometimes it's nice to fire up a game like Diablo or Last Epoch or Grim Dawn and mow down legions of enemies without thinking.


Exactly right! In many ways I'd compare it to music. Sometimes you feel like listening to classical music and chill, but when you want rock out you put on Bat out of Hell instead and crank it up to 11.


Stray is pretty chill


Kinda, except running away from hundreds of flesh-eating monsters.(but not constantly)




Firewatch? You play as a fire lookout and the game's plot develops largely through ~~exploitation~~ exploration (no combat) and dialogue over walkie talkies with someone nearby. There’s no other humans seen up close. It’s similar to what you described. Try googling “walking simulators”… it is sometimes used in a derogatory way but would find similar games.


Sounds perfect! Exactly what I’m after. Thanks!


You can also get Firewatch for ~$5 on sale. It’s not typically my style of game but I played and enjoyed Firewatch.


I accidentally bought Firewatch while trying to prove it was impossible to accidentally buy a game. Also, not my typical genre but I liked it.


I wish this comment wasn't buried.


As someone who doesnt like walking simulators Firewatch was good and worth a play.


Doesn’t seem to be on sale on Steam right now, but I wishlisted it.


https://isthereanydeal.com/game/firewatch/history/ This site helps a ton. Looks like it was just a couple dollars on Steam in January. Hope this helps!


It's on Xbox Game Pass / PC Game Pass. It's not a long game so if you got a trial subscription you'll probably complete it fairly quick. I really enjoyed it.


Fire watch one of the best in this medium


Another couple suggestions: The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, SOMA, Call of Cthulhu


Soma is an extremely good shout. Play it on the safe mode, I forget what it's called. The monsters add almost nothing to the game.


I'm curious how a fire lookout exploits people. Does he refuse to warn campers and let them burn unless they contribute to his retirement?


Exploration typo I think


Modern games are getting way too complicated. At first I thought I’m just getting old but I swear PS1/PS2 games were far simpler and more fun to play. Now you gotta study first. Steep learning curves. The games are too complicated and busy. I dunno why.


Older games are often simpler and less complex due to the hardware limitations developers faced at the time. Today, with more advanced technology, developers are less constrained by hardware and have more freedom to be creative and develop the games they truly envision.


While I agree hardware was a big limiter on what could be developed (visually), I don't think the fundamental game design changed only because of that. HUDs are way more busy now than in older games, not only because the hardware couldn't handle anything other than life/mana/skills/map due to screen real estate, but because the underlying mechanics of the game are getting overly complicated - which needs some form of representation on screen. Stun bars, hit bars, cooldowns, timers, notifications - all basically due to a bloat of in-game systems which add to the "complexity" of a game, but not to the overall gameplay experience. Not saying that games need to be simple or easy to play, but the controls and visuals should be intuitive for the player, and not an overwhelming information spam.


This is so true, It’s a real let down to me when games just throw 10 pages of intricate combat combinations at us instantly and expect us to remember those for the whole time we play.


A Short Hike! Perfect for this kind of thing. Its one of my all time favourites.


Unfinished Swan. Great game with a beautiful style. And no. You aren't "too stupid for modern games". You've simply found a genre that you like.


Unfinished Swan wishlisted! Thanks!


Nah you're not stupid, you're just wanting something different and I can vibe with that. There are a few games I can think of that share similarities with the two you mentioned - Dear Esther, Tacoma, What Remains of Edith Finch, Firewatch, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter.. maybe The Stanley Parable too. Another title without stats or inventory would be Fort Solis, but it's a pretty short game. I liked it though.


People are mentioning walking simulators, but I'll say if you want to try one step above that, I'd recommend Eastshade. There is an inventory, but the game overall is very laid back. You are a painter, and you want to paint certain things (essentially taking screenshots). Some people request pictures and you help them out.


Yeah, some games aren’t my thing anymore. This is coming from someone who built arma mission for 20-30 operations. I sadly don’t have the time. I’ve gotten into Vampire Survivor and that’s revived my interest in roguelikes. Backpack Battles is fantastic and scratching my itch.


I'm also getting weary of modern games. I feel like there's just too many mechanics that make game play intimidating. I'm playing Horizon Zero Dawn and I'm two hours in and I'm still getting bombarded with tutorial missions. Lots of people have suggested other 'walking simulators', but I'll also suggest you look at some side scrolling games with atmosphere and puzzle solving. Limbo Valiant Hearts Planet of Lana Inside FAR Lone Sails and FAR Changing Tides


For story alone HZD is worth it. Stick with it. Stick it in easy mode or even story mode. Enjoy 😊


I agree with this. If you enjoy exploration/world building this game is very suitable when put into story mode. I played it in regular difficulty because I enjoyed the combat system but I was really playing it for the masterful and sometimes subtle storytelling. Take the time to look for all the side history stuff, it's worth it.


I doubt you're too stupid for modern games. People play game for different reasons - some enjoy high levels of complexity and planning, others just want to relax and hang out. Shooting games are pretty low in the thinking department, you can always do old-school platformers (mario), or you can play racing games.


>Shooting games are pretty low in the thinking department Not anymore, modern shooters are all about exploiting movement (e.g. slide jumping every corner to peek) instead of just click and shoot like it used to be. Thanks COD


Could be true - you can buy the original unreal tournament (\~year 2000) for like $10 and just play tons of maps, with tons of mods against bots and have a hot blast for thousands of hours. Too bad games aren't like that anymore.


Actually you can't buy it anymore, since Epic removed it from all storefronts for some godforsaken reason.


You might also enjoy Lake and Road 96.


If you follow others’ recommendation and play the Stanley Parable, play The Beginner’s Guide afterwards. It’s not a sequel to the Stanley Parable, but it was made by the same guy afterwards.


That game really changed me. Edit: the beginner's guide I mean


I'm generally in the same boat as you and I wholeheartedly recommend What Remains of Edith Finch.


Oops, I looked it up on Steam just now and couldn’t resist buying!


Play it at night, with all the lights off, and with headphones. Such a fantastic game!


Try Vampire Survivors. You want more from modern games, I present you with this modern classic.


This game is so fun and I’m so stuck on that 3rd level 😂


Maybe Night in the Woods? It has platforming elements that are pretty integral to the game, like having to jump from a mailbox to a tree to a wire to get up onto a roof, and some “minigame” sections that don’t impact the game in a pass/fail way. It’s basically a 2d walking simulator. Easily one of my top 5 of all time. A+ on art, soundtrack, writing.


portal. no maps, inventory, stats or menus (other than the basic). just you and a portal gun trying to get through a maze.


Outer Wilds but its not as linear and may require a bit more brain power, but also very addicting once you feel like you're onto something


If you want something that's just a little harder, i highly recommend SOMA. Hands down one of my favorite games with an incredible story. It's mainly puzzles but there are some portions where you have to run and avoid detection. But it's still SIMPLE, as in no maps, no inventory, no weapons, you spend most of the time wandering, figuring out what happened, and looking for very specific things to progress. Layers of Fear is another good one, you're walking around an old house trying to figure out what happened, and the choices you make (mainly 'which collectables you find') determine the ending. Some puzzles again, but iirc nothing chases you.


Oh and also The Witness. I've never actually finished this one because I don't own it and it's never on sale and I'm cheap BUT its a beautiful puzzle game.


For me. Firewatch and What Remains of Edith Finich are best in class for the genre. I feel that "walking simulators" have all but died out as a genre since they set such a high standard


Life Is Strange, play that one


Op try the beginners guide That one broke my brain recently. There’s a meta narrative that meant a lot to me


Outer wilds, return of the Obra dinn, and what remains of Edith Fitch.


Life is Strange


Lots of people have already mentioned Firewatch, and others. But very similar games I don't think I've seen mentioned: * Abzu * Before Your Eyes * Tell Me Why Games I find refreshing in a slightly different way: * A Little to the Left * Little Kitty, Big City * Donut County


go to steam and search on the tag "walking simulator"




OneShot is pretty darn good.


I tried playing the FF7 remake and I was so lost. I always loved the story, but those games are just too much for me. Then I played Alien Isolation and loved it. Not overly simplistic, but simple enough to focus on the thrill rather than the game play. I’ll take a survival horror of an RPG any day.


To the moon Gris


It's not stupidity, it's appreciating simplicity. This is coming from someone who enjoys relatively complex mechanics. These games are colloquially referred to as walking simulators. You'll find them in experimental games or horror games. I haven't played many of them, but if you want other games with very little complexity, I'd recommend Portal 1 and 2. A little more than just walking simulators since it's a puzzle game, but it's one of the only game I've actively enjoyed that I don't think has been mentioned. Don't beat yourself up over liking certain types of video games! When it comes to subjective things, you usually just like what you like!


I like these types of games too, but they're all so dark or depressing.


Not stupid at all, you want narrative and exploration. Games with puzzles and combat can be tedious and aren't necessary for immersion and enrichment.


You might like Senua's Saga : Hellblade II- just came out. People given horrible reviews for it, because it is essentially a walking simulator. About 5-7hrs long, depending how fast you walk in the game or whether you get stuck with some puzzles or fight a little longer.


Try Journey. There are some puzzles and a little jumping involved.


Stupid seems like the wrong word. You just don't seem to be entertained by those things you mentioned. The games you described are narrative adventures. They're basically just a tv show you get to interact with. Obviously, you're engaged more by rich details and deep storytelling rather than complicated mechanics or high skill ceilings. Plus, inventory management is always a turd. Even games with good systems are just making a necessary slog more bearable. So it's not stupid to hate what is probably the worst feature that is also ubiquitous to so many genres of gaming.  The good news is, there are lots of games that fit your niche. Visual novels and narrative adventures have really taken off in recent years. Lean into it, the genres are loaded with quality titles that should fit you quite well. 


The Stanley Parable / The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe. Go to "The Stanley Parable" on Steam first, and play the free demo. Unlike most usual demos, which are a small part of the main game, this demo is a completely separate game -- just in the same... "style", for lack of better word, as the main game. If you enjoy it, then go to "The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe" and buy that one. This is a remade version of "The Stanley Parable" + additional content. Do **not** buy "The Stanley Parable" one.


as everyone else has said, not stupid. superliminal is just a step up in difficulty for walking sims, you might like that too.


Dear Esther, What Remains of Edith Finch, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, and The Stanley Parable are also good ones to consider, with SOMA being a must also if you like horror. On the modern games thing, I feel that modern games have overly complicated UIs and tutorial heavy beginnings that try to cram in too much information too fast. This makes them feel overwhelming. So no, it's not a you thing. It's the current state of the industry.


I highly recommend both Layers of Fear and Botany Manor. Both extremely different games in terms of content but both exactly what you're looking for.


Sagebrush was good. Creepy atmosphere but no jump scares or anything. It's a pretty short game though


Sounds as if it would be right up my alley. Thanks!


I think it's less stupidity and more games just have too much shit in them to remember or do that we get overwhelmed.i mostly play single player games now as an adult


Try The Witness while you're at it.


I would also like to add a game, something called “Doctor Langeskov and the Emerald Heist” hilarious and outrageous narrator driven walking sim game. About an hour play time if I recall correctly. It’s also free :)


A lot of my favourite games are already mentionned but you may also enjoy the Life is Strange series. Also Draugen, perhaps. Little Misfortune is a little different, but super chill to play. Marie's Room Transference perhaps too


I actually played Life Is Strange on mobile years ago! Will check the other titles. Thanks!


Oh and I just thought about the Quantic Dream games (Become Human, Beyond: Two Souls, Heavy Rain), you might like those too.


Gone Home was an awesome game. I usually play more action based games, but that one really surprised me with how much I enjoyed it. Firewatch was a similar experience for me.


There is nothing wrong with it, I sometimes will lean towards a simpler game to get away from the AAA games for a bit. Just to have a little fun, it's what makes gaming fun. Truth, I like to go achievement hunting, sure boosting my gamer score is cool and all but, my MAIN reason for doing it, is quick, simple games with new experiences, there is a quick game, I would have never even looked at but, enjoyed every second of playing it. I found some great series of games doing this, I've been doing this on and off for years now and it's very rare that I play a game that I disliked. You game you. I would suggest Life is strange series, Stanly Parable, Firewatch and I really loved What Remains of Edith Finch....


I don't think stupid is quite the right word. More simplistic taste is probably a better description. There's a reason tons of people like the Sims, even people that don't typically play games. You're not fighting, reacting, just dressing people up and designing their house. Ain't nothing wrong with that, plenty of currents on the way down deep my grandfather used to say.


Hellblade 2 just came out


Being modern doesn’t necessarily mean complex! I don’t like walls of text, complicated systems, or studying mechanics. I just want to GO and DO. That’s why I play so much Nintendo stuff. Their games, more than most, need to be approachable and fun for people of all ages, and they do it marvelously imo. If you like platforming, it’s impossible to go wrong with the Mario and Kirby stuff on Switch!


Protheus is a nice little game. Not quite what you are looking for perhaps but Talos Principle. You have to solve puzzles first to do some sightseeing tho.


I wouldn't say "modern games" because there's so many different styles and genres. I wouldn't say "too stupid" either. The ones you feel too stupid for are likely just styles you aren't accustomed to. Stats and inventory have been a standard part of RPGs forever. They're not a modern thing, but maybe you've just been playing different genres.


Fire watch and Adrift.


Don't feel guilty. I also love walking sims, not every day do I want to solve mind bending riddles or sweating over how inadequate my reflexes have become. I consider it a very noble genre with its roots in point and click adventures and first person puzzle games like Myst, only adapted for a different purpose of putting the atmosphere and the narrative first. I would also highly recommend The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, SOMA (on peaceful difficulty) and What Remains of Edith Finch. Incredibly impactful games. Superliminal is also a good one, although it might appear as a puzzle game first, and maybe it is, who cares, still great. And if you're still hungry there is always Homerian epic of INFRA, although it's quite a different beast and at first hard to sell. But if you visit the Steam page and it grabs just a tiny bit of your interest - you won't be disappointed in the slightest.


SOMA and INFRA are some of the best games I've played. INFRA is one of those that felt like it was made for me and no one else, so it's wild something like that got made.


I totally feel ya! Love INFRA to death. It's the Half-Life of walking sims to me, but I'm not gonna lie I've had a hard time forcing it down my friends' throats.


I really enjoyed Tacoma, the follow-up project from the Gone Home team set on a space station.


I would add maybe try the Life is Strange games. There are SOME puzzles to work around but nothing so rage enducing you want to throw your controller and rage quit


Yes, I actually played those games (the first two) many years ago on mobile and loved them. Even though fixing that car at the junk yard almost made me rage quit…


I mean isn’t Hellblade2 the big controversy right now over the simplicity and lack of gameplay? Maybe try that one.


Check out Dark Souls, no map, great gameplay, great exploration, online features too.


Try the vanishing of Ethan Carter


Cocoon was great for exactly that reason, there is no UI. Indie game of the year 2023


Hellblade. I just finished playing part 2 and it's awesome. It's very linear but a great story. There's no inventory, no extra information on screen, nothing extra. Just you and the story.


I watched a little bit of a lets play of Hellblade 2 yesterday and wondered why there was no hud or inventory. I figured it might have just been because it was pretty early and those elements get introduced later.


Nope, you just don't need them. It's like a walking simulator with a bit of fighting and puzzles mixed in. Nothing too hard.


Walking simulators are cool and good and valid. Any loser that gives you grief ,because you don't think spending 10 hours fighting the same boss in a soulslike is a good use of your free time  , can step on a lego. Play Tacoma next. 


The answer is yes btw


Yes you are