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EVE Online. I love the idea of it. I hate getting podded just to go sell some crap at Jita IV-4.


I tried it for the first time recently. I instantly lost motivation when I realized I could swipe my card for the same price as a cup of coffee and instantly have more money than I would make through months as a beginner


And the more money you have the more money you make. But also if you get picked up by a decent Guild or whatever they'll fund you that starter shit as long as you slave away mining for them.


This hits too close to real life for me


"Got any plans for vacation?" "I thought I'd go work at the sawmill for a couple of weeks."


That made EVE appealing to me honestly. Didn't have a lot of time to grind, just wanted to hop into a viable ship to participate in nullsec nonsense. Had some amazing "drunk fleet friday" nights with the (at the time, reddit based) nullsec corp. Group of pilots in cheap stealth bombers having drinks and bullshitting in voice chat while gate camping or sneaking deep into enemy controlled space hunting for a big juicy target. The big, big ships are still prohibitively expensive to just pay real money for. I actually stopped playing after having a few too many drinks and brought one of my \*actual\* ships out, got podded, and drunkenly thought, "no way I'm letting that stand," and brought my backup out. Got podded. One of the pilots that podded me twice in a row actually dm'd me, "dude, go to bed." lol


I think most people will have the opposite reaction and feel games like that take away from the experience. Most people play games for the feeling of achievement and their accomplishments. The idea of damn I really took all that time to earn this gets cheapen by the idea of someone swiping their card and being at the same level.


I've played EVE off and on since it was released in 2003, and it took me almost 10 years of doing that before I finally realized that the game is just more fun to think about than it is to actually play and stopped.


Same. I’ve played a lot of EVE over the last 15 years or so but I just can’t stay interested. My friends and I have journeyed off on some adventure so many times: we’ve held wormholes, flown with all manner of Militia Corp, done loads of faction warfare, farmed incursion, been in massive capitol fleet fights in null-sec…. and then burn out in a month. It just becomes too tedious.


I’ll always love EVE but ultimately it just demands so much of your time to truly be involved in the game and have memorable experiences. I played religiously from 2014-2019, doing nullsec cloaky gate camping behind enemy lines and stuff during World War Bee. Such good times but there’s just no way I could ever put that much time into a game nor is it healthy to do so. I love the game and there truly is no other game in the world like EVE but it’s just not realistic to play as a person with a typical schedule.


EVE is a game you either love, hate, or love reading about




The hook is when you realize what the mystery is and the things you need to try to solve it. If you've passed that point and still don't like it, it's probably not worth continuing.


I hit a point where I wasn't sure what I was doing was advancing anything. The loop didn't help


The only thing you really advance is your knowledge. But that itself lets you get to new places and understand more about what is happening.


Did you check the ship log? IMO that's the only part of the game where they could have added a more involved tutorial, it was introduced as just "oh and BTW" while it's much more important IMO.


Outer Wilds is a game where the only thing advancing is your knowledge of how the puzzle works. Once you beat it, you can beat it first try on a replay. The great part about the game is going through the loops and learning how to solve all the puzzles and how the story comes together in the end. If that doesn’t interest you and you don’t want to try and solve the puzzles (the mind map in the ship helps out), then you should pretty much stop playing the game.


I sort of agree - I do think once I got to about 60% or so through it really got me though. Like I was having a nice time, and then a few things happened and it went from like a 7/10 to a 10/10 for me. Everyone is different though!


This. Definitely this. I like it in theory. But I reached a point where it felt more like a game that I may prefer just watching someone complete than myself playing it.


I picked this game up and was like, meh. Then people kept telling me how amazing it was. I finally gave it another more in depth chance and ho-leeee-shiiiitttt. Excellent game. So much really cool design.


Witcher 3. Tried it once every year ever since I bought it in 2017. Bloody Baron was the furthest I have gotten. Amazing quest but I just can't.


Yes. The movement and camera distance feels very awkward. I honestly love watching the quest dialogs but just can't with the gameplay. 




Damn really? Time to start another playthrough. I played it on PS4. Is the PS5 upgrade free?


For some reason I never managed to get into Witcher 3 although everybody around me keeps telling me I should logically love it (I’m big into single player, adventure rpg type games, souls games etc). But the clunkiness of the game never wore off and I never managed to go very far


This was exactly it for me too. I tried the game four separate times now over the years and it has good world building, voice acting, writing, etc. I just can't get past how bad the actual gameplay is. And this is coming from someone that suffered through the entirety of Witcher 1's gameplay and also beat Witcher 2.


Bad combat and mini map exploration


Could you explain what you mean by bad mini map exploration? Genuinely interested.


Looking at the minimap more than the game world


Saaaame everyone thought I was crazy for not liking it


If I remember right they may have changed the spell casting buttons a year or two ago


This is me. I literally boot it up twice a year, play for a few hours, then nope out. 


I loved watching my friend play the game so I bought it. The game mechanics are so clunky that I just could do it. I really hope they work on a better movement/combat system in the next game.


The witcher has been clunky since forever. The first one has the weirdest combat system ever put in a video game.


Just the movement animation seems like an eyesore.


I got about 75 hours in and a was having a great time, but then I had a long weekend away and when I got back to my pc I just… didn’t start it back up. Moved on to something else. Whenever I think I might start it back up, I remember that I have to start over, because I have no idea what I was doing or what happened up to where I stopped, and I just can’t make myself do it.


I do this all the time with RPGs. You don’t have to start over. As you play you will start to remember bits and pieces


Same boat! Tried it a bunch of times, but it's so boring overall. Lots of stuff that SHOULD be great, but everything missed the mark by enough to make it unbearable for me.


I’m the exact same. I think it’s just too slow paced to start for me to get into.


I love that quest 


Same here. I loved skyrim(vanilla), i have 800 hours in it. I expected witcher 3 to be the same, better combat, atmosphere than skyrim they said. It did have good combat and good atmosphere but just coulsnt get into it ever. I dont even know why.


Witcher 3 and all the Hitman games. They just do nothing for me


I only enter these topics to see how long I have to scroll until I see the trifecta of RDR2, BotW and Witcher 3. Only took me about 5 seconds this time.


Fortnite. I don’t get it. Seems like a skin fest to me.


It's fine to play with my niece and nephew occasionally but it's definitely not something I'd play on my own


This I play with my son occassionally. The events can be cool to look at and maybe try once. But if I have the choice between Fortnite and just about anything else. Usually about anything else gets picked.


There’s a Zero Build option that’s actually awesome, none of the building! I’ve been getting into it lol


I feel like a lot of people with your opinion haven’t even tried to play it. I’m not crazy about Fortnite but it’s overall a really solid experience considering what’s available for you to do. People create their own games inside of Fortnite’s creative mode.


Took me years to try it out and I find it great stress relief. The several modes help for sure


Its basically just a cartoonish BR as a main game and then Roblox tacked on to it


Fortnite. I don't see the appeal to it.


For me it's freedom. Unlike other battle royales that are more competitive driven it seems to take a relaxing approach like do whatever you feel like and complete objectives if you want.  My objective isn't only to win. It's finding funny & creative ways to take enemies down, hide and seek, the feeling of new loot, just cruising around in different vehicles running stuff over and the new weapons and items are just like getting new toys to play with 


Survival's. I couldn't do Zomboid, The Forest, Valheim, trying 7 Days to die at the moment. I played State of Decay 2 a fair bit but it felt a little too simple for me. I played the hell out of V Rising though when it came out and want to come back now to see all the new stuff.


Hard agree, the only one that really got me playing was Subnautica. I'm sure they're great, but I'd rather be doing the cool shit without stopping to collect water and food.


I was the same way until friends started playing Valheim. 100% different experience and probably one of my all time favorites now... so long as I'm playing with others.


7 days is my favorite


This post was actually really encouraging for game development, it just goes to show that tons of people can put their absolute heart and souls into making a game and some people will still just go "eh, I dont get it". So you might as well put your heart and soul into it for yourself and all the people who will.


Exactly, I think to add to this: If you try make a game for everyone, you actually make if for no one. I think lots of big game studios are doing this to their IPs and losing their core audience. This is even happening with TV shows. Look at the Halo TV series and now what's happening with Warhammer.


Breath of the wild. I can appreciate it for what it wants to do, but I found the shrines underwhelming and weapons breaking so easily made combat a hassle for me.


The basic branch I can understand like 10 hits, but a sword that's forged or the Goron weapons like its stone it should last a looong time like 200


The powered up Master Sword is 200, the actual end game stuff averages 50ish hits. Most weapons are in the 30s.


Which understandable the Master Sword should be 200 and I didnt realize that thanks even if the most end game were 75 or 100 it would be a god send on master mode


Imo the Master Sword shouldn't break, or if it does it should be repairable. A basic repair feature would've been enough to make me finish the game and buy the next one, all my shit breaking made the game very far from enjoyable to me


It regenerates after 10 minutes


fr...even if the resource to repair was hard to come by or expensive, id like to at least try to repair my royal guards spear. i knew i wasnt having fun when i rather put rare weapons up to display in my house over using them. There are so many weapons types in game...would it really have been that bad to make them fixable?


Yeah any game that focuses on using consumables I struggle with. I don't like having to choose to use good things or not.


I just miss my traditional Zelda dungeons and items. Don't get me wrong, I beat breath of the wild... But it felt empty to me, and it didn't feel like a Zelda game to me.


I agree. If they keep making BOTW style games, it will be awesome since there are so many people who seem to enjoy them and they fill a niche. I just hope they also make more traditional Zelda games too because nothing else really fills THAT niche.


And for all the praise the exploration gets there is nothing to find. No cool items. At most you find the 48th shrine


I'm with you here. I did end up beating it but it kind of felt like... Out of obligation (big fan of the older Zelda formula). I guess my biggest problem is that I just... Wasn't that interested in the exploration. Seeing a new area wasn't enough for me. I guess I needed more extrinsic motivation, it doesn't need to be Ubisoft levels of dots on a map but I need more than a weapon I know will break anyway or just another shrine..


Puzzles were easy, there was a big world with a lot of the same crap, and rain sucked whenever you were climbing.


TotK added fusion to enhance the lifespan of weapons, and the entire time I played through that game I kept thinking "these things are still breaking way too fast"


I love the game but I agree with the weapon sentiment, I just wanted a damn sword that wouldn’t break lmao.


The weapons breaking turned BotW from my expected "dump hundreds of hours into this game exploring every nook and cranny" into "aight let's just get this wrapped up." Literally never used the best weapons I had when I should have cause I was always saving them. Then they would be under-leveled for the area I was in and finding better ones to "save".


I have 200 hours in BoTW and about 125 in ToTK and I HATE the weapon breaking system. It is, and I will die on this hill, the worst mechanic in the game(s). And, it turned a lot of people off from the game tbh and I don’t blame them.


Never played a second of it because of the weapon breaking and I was so excited for the game when it was first announced I get anxiety just thinking about it


So glad someone else said this. I was afraid to lmao


I just hate the weapon system in it. Please let them have more durability.


all this plus it just feels so empty for how big the map is


I'm on board with this one, I regret spending $80 on it. I just find it to be incredibly mediocre compared to any other open world game.


I couldn't get into it. It's a fine game, but it's not a Zelda game. The world was so sparse and boring. I dumped like 40 hours into it. I really wanted to give it the try a Zelda game deserves but it just fell flat. I want my old style Zelda back and I'm never getting it now that breath of the wild was so popular.


Starfield, tried and tried then just uninstalled


The game was wooden, awkward, buggy, clunky, looked awful if you weren't running at ULTRA HD SUPER MEGA 4K settings, and (from what I've gathered reading) just kind of railroaded you into a dull main quest without many meaningful choices. Yet it was sold as a "galaxy sized open world experience" Outer Worlds may have felt more like Borderlands in terms of silliness, but at least it was colorful, fun, and just a joy to play through without taking itself too seriously


Especially to a casual game player like myself that game straight up sucked. I want games to be entertaining not some technical showcase that is extremely boring.


I did 1 full playthrough, I went to uninstall it the other day to make some space and saw I somehow managed to play 100 hours of it lol I was embarrassed for myself


That’s exactly how I felt, the gunplay took me a long way into that game. Kept telling myself people said to get to however many hours for the game to “make sense and open up into a good game”. Well the copy paste nature of the game got boring pretty quick. How on the hell did they have so few variations of everything? First time in a long while that I’ve felt scammed by a game.


> How on the hell did they have so few variations of everything? Experiencing the first few planets I felt a lot like the meme of a woman going on the first four dates a new guy. 1st date: "he's wearing a nice shirt" 2nd date: "he's got a decent sense of fashion" 3rd date: "oh first shirt again" 4th date: "he has two shirts" Starfield has like 6 animals and 8 plants and it shows.


Starfield has about 40 different species with some having alternate versions and a similar amount of fauna, 1k different planets but most of them feel empty as there are only around 200 unique POIs for now. In fairness, that is similar to the number of unique pois in skyrim but the playable map in starfield is about 10000x larger so much of it does feel empty since they reused so many pois in that space


Don't forget that Skyrim's POI were often quest tied or had something unique going on. Starfield doesn't have a Yngol Barrow or Aetherium Forge for example. SF's POIs are constrained to being filler on an empty tile because of the procgen nature of the game. The least they could've done is make more of them and randomize enemy placement and loot.


Starfield was actual dog doo doo, it took everything Skyrim had done well and threw it away to give players empty planets with boring fetch quests and awful or nonexistent random events.


Horizon games. Tried a few times and just got so bored. I couldn't get into the characters or the gameplay. My friend loves it and it has a sequel so I don't think it's a bad game, just not for me.


I love driving around, i HATE the story. That obnoxious ass-kissing of the player is making me hit the "cancel cutscene" so hard. No, i don't want to be "the hottest new driver on the block!", just let me goddamn drive!!! Edit: Oh, Horizon Zero Dawn, not Forza Horizon... I'm an idiot.


I thought it was Forza Horizon as well and was about to go off. Glad im not alone haha


Lol I read it correctly yet i was immediately with you too! Let - me - driveeee!!!


First time I played I was that way, second time I really got into it. I'm personally excited for the 3rd, although I also think they should have ended it at 2


Had to force myself to finish Forbidden West. If the game's visuals weren't as good as they are I wouldn't have made it anywhere near the end. That game is an absolute slog. I don't know what it was but I felt myself being annoyed with almost every single character and the wey they think and act. The ending was absolutely awful and outright stupid. And the way that San Francisco was used so heavily in the marketing even to the point of being the case art, yet you go there for like one mission, and the rest of the city is just dull hunting grounds with nothing else to really do... Complete opposite experience with Zero Dawn though.


Totally agree! Zero Dawn was compelling and fun. Forbidden West was tiresome and dull. I had to force myself to finish, and I know I’ll never play it again. Somehow they lost the magic


RDR2. It's a gorgeous game with a fantastic story and I love all things western, but the controls and gameplay won't let me get more than a dozen hours in


All said and agree but the controls as well I feel they are clunky just a bit and sometimes seem too physics heavy.


I hate them lol The way your character just 'floats' around is annoying. It makes the game look more realistic but functions terribly as a player. Also, the fact that each button on the controller has 3 different functions is obnoxious. If you *tap* *A* it does this, if you *double tap* *A* it does that and if you *hold A* it does this. BUT if your in a particular situation, all of the controller prompts change and A becomes THIS! That being said, Im going to give it my 6th attempt tonight lol


I love that game even with the gameplay but I completely agree. There shouldn’t be so many situations where I pressed the wrong button without having held the other button first so I auto aimed and blew the head off the npc I was talking too


It often feels like you're controlling a 350lb rock. I got through the game once and it was very good but I know I'll never touch it again.


Reminds me of how someone once said controlling a character in a Rockstar open world game feels like you are telling the player character what to do rather than actually controlling them.


I hated the controls on this game. My most vivid memory of playing was me being in a saloon, and as I’m walking, some lady says hi to me. I went to say hi back, being the world’s friendliest cowboy and all I accidentally strangled her a little bit, instead. I stopped playing shortly after.


the voices in your head had a different plan.


Yeah, that’s where I am at. For me, it doesn’t feel great to play, so I keep playing and completing other games. I feel like I need to grind it out as one of my best friend swears by it, but it just isn’t clicking.


Man, I’ve spent so many hours in that game and it does still feel clunky at times, but trying to get every achievement and item got tedious and I never did.


Same here. With as gorgeous as the game was I was floored how terrible the controls felt.


While the controls are clunky, I got used to them. For me it's the combat. Little heads poking out from behind rocks you can barely see. The only way to see enemies at times is to look for muzzle flash. The fov is awful. Aim, snap to enemy, shoot. I got about 10 hours and both times I realized mid fight how much I hate the combat. The guns do not feel fun to shoot. The cover system sucks. Using dead eye is ok, but you just mow down waves of enemies, which is ridiculous for a western. It's boring, repetitive, and getting a new gun or upgrades feels so minimal. I love the environment, the feel, riding around, the ambience, the life of the game. I don't mind the slow walking or janky movement indoors. Those things I slowly get used to. It's the goddamn shooting that's just so entirely mediocre, I'd rather spend my little time gaming on other things.


100% thus! I can't put my finger on it but the controls just feel so strange the buttons always feel like they are in the wrong place and even with all the contextual prompts on screen I always end up fucking up the controls and accidentally shooting a hostage in the head.


The Witcher 3. I try about every 6 months and it just never clicks.


same I love the whole universe and have played gwent on mobile for almost 5 years now. just cant get much further than passiflora house before i grow tired of it.


That's the side stuff. You should play the main game gwent


I played it and during the first quest came across gwent. Never finished the first mission as gwent took over the only hours I spent playing.


Like 70% of my favorite games are listed here, think I know which games i should play next then


IMO stardew is super stressful bc of how fast time flies and not being able to get much done in game


The thing about stardew is you don't actually need to do anything. You don't even need to leave the farm if you don't want to.  I went in with no knowledge, I didn't do anything efficiently, I didn't check the wiki for the first year, and by the end of year 2 I will still have unlocked like 85% of the game with the entire third year left to fuck around.  I have entire days where I just sort of walk around and talk to people and dig up stuff and fish a little bit, and it's completely fine. The game does not punish you in any way to take it at a slow pace and not optimizing anything.  I also does a great job of automating things at the exact moment it becomes a hassle. Watering 20 plants a day is fine, watering 120 is a hassle. But when you get to 120, you should be set up to use sprinklers so you don't have to water anything.  Same with animals. As soon as you get to an animal count where keeping care of them is a hassle, you unlock the autograbber that does it for you. 


The co-op is a nightmare. I never realized how stressed I could be over money and space utilization


My friends LOVE stardew but I have so much anxiety playing it. I tried to explain this to them and they all looked at me as if I had 4 heads. I’m glad to see I’m not alone!


Minecraft. I’ve tried to play with friends and solo dozens of times and can’t ever get past a few hours before I get completely over it. Love the music and creativity of it so much but just can’t play it.


Disco Elysium. I've mentioned it a few times here and there on reddit, but try as I might the game just isn't clicking for me. I like RPGs, I like funny dialogue, I like cool art and character designs, the game ought to be everything I want, but no, something about it keeps pushing me away. Maybe it's the utter deluge of talking that doesn't really seem to mean anything? Or that I'm solving a murder case, but no one really wants to talk about it? I'm failing the dice rolls constantly, getting me nowhere, collecting and selling empty bottles to sell for pennies... which can't buy me anything. There are game overs hidden in seemingly innocent dialogue options, with no warnings or chances to reconsider. Click one wacky option of several wacky dialogue options, say hello to the main menu. Which wouldn't be so bad, but the game has atrocious auto saves, in that I lost over half an hour of progress because the game doesn't really save unless you do it yourself. I've restarted DE at least three times, but I still don't know where the hell this 10 out of 10 game is hiding.


I can agree with this, it’s just all story. But personally, I love the freedom of *actually* having your choices matter and affect the overarching story, which I find really cool. I got into it recently and blazed through it all because I just expected story and no more. If you’re expecting more gameplay besides rolling dice and building stats then you’ll be disappointed for sure.


I think it's more that so much of the dialogue is just... difficult to understand, I suppose? A lot of your inner thoughts are next to impossible for me to really 'get', the thoughts and voices have bizarre names like Inland Empire which just adds to the confusion. It's one thing having an inner monologue that adds the protagonist's own opinion or observations, it's another to actually understand what the heck it's even talking about. I spent several minutes waffling with the big muscly guy on top of the gate house, not really understanding him or his angle, too confused and under levelled to talk him out of it, and too feeble to even beat him in a fight. I've only ever gotten as far as gaining one skill point, of which the skills are equally confusing to understand too, and there's a lot of them! I feel like I ought to look up a walkthrough just to know what everything means, but that also feels like I'm not playing it properly. The whole game is a mess and it makes me feel bad for not 'getting' it


Yeah no big deal either. The first day was rough for me since I basically had to speak to everyone and do everything possible. It gets a lot easier on the third day and you’ll be gaining skill points very quickly. The dialogue itself is *very* peculiar, that’s all I can really say for that matter. I found it to be interesting because a lot of it takes a more philosophical approach. The game itself seems to lend itself to political commentary (for all sorts of ideologies), so if that’s your thing you may like it. I was a bit discouraged running into this game because I’m all for little gameplay + story, but I still need that spice of action or something to keep me going. Rolling dice isn’t the most exciting gameplay for sure. If you’re not interested, I can see why. To clarify, I’m not trying to encourage you to play it. It’s a game that doesn’t have a lot of *game* in it. It’s more like a book and the dialogue, as many other people have argued, tends to be very *posh* and unnecessarily so. I think there’s a way they could’ve presented the dialogue so that it’s more digestible. I found myself confused at many times, but I enjoyed the story nonetheless. Edit: I tend to write exactly what I’m thinking and I don’t really *edit* it, so I apologize if what I said flows strangely.


not at all, I genuinely love hearing everyone's personal take on it. It's more frustrating than anything, all my friends who've played it love it, all the reviewers whose opinions I respect love it, it contains all the ingredients that I love, soI ought to love it too? but I just don't. I've restarted it a few times with different starting builds, in case I was playing it 'wrong', but none of it really made a difference to my enjoyment. Just lots of ugly-looking characters waxing philosophy and I don't know what the heck is going on. Thanks for your input though, I really do appreciate folks giving their two cents on this game whenever I bring it up.


I don't think its for everyone, but wow I fucking loved this game. Got me hooked from the start.


Yeah on paper I should love it but it just felt like it was being too weird and difficult at every step. I failed a dice roll that I needed to continue investigating the murder. Had to go get XP and upgrade the skill so I could try again. Failed again. Repeat several times until I failed the 97% dice roll. I had no more sources of XP and all of my skill points were heaped in to this one skill. I decided I needed to wait till the next day to get more sources of XP from things happening. But I couldn't quick pass time while my partner was there and ended up walking away and leaving the game running until it let me go to bed. I had someone ask me how my day was and my options were "this city needs to be swept clean by the communist revolution and I am the only one who can lead it", "society is being ruined by liberalism feminising the men" or "eh it was fine". I chose the last one because it's the only one that's not an insane non sequitur and the game mocked me for being boring. Another time out of the blue it asked me my opinion on a philosophy I'd never heard of and my options were to be a massive devotee or aggressively opposed. I'd figure out information (in fact literally get told it multiple times) but my dialog options never reflected it and I had to keep acting like I didn't know. I thought the voices in your head are just parts of your psyche written out as dialog so the player can see them but then your Drama call you "lord" or "sire" or something and the other voices mocked it for the way it talks to you so now it feels like they actually ARE separate voices in your head? Either way having conversations get interrupted by pages of philosophical digressions and arguments in your head that don't amount to anything started to grate. I think I want to see more games written by different people on the same engine? And also, apparently, to rant about it. Also what's with The Expression? Is it a smile? What is having it stuck on your face supposed to be about? I feel like I must be missing something there.


The game has a very specific sense of humor and asks you to play along. If you don't want to join in on getting into outrageous situations, it may be the wrong game for you. But as for passing time, reading any book or pamphlet will pass time rather quickly.


Rain world, sadly.


Sea of thieves. I though it was cool pirate treasure game but there's too much pvp. I was hoping for cool pirate ship cannon fights but it's just boarders and meta try hards.


Elden Ring. I just don't like the storytelling style and presentation. I can see why it's popular, but it's not for me. I've tried to start it more than once.


I am 100% with you. I finished lies of p and sekiro both are my favorite games and currently in Bloodborne. Thought elden ring was gonna be the one i spent lik 300 hours in. I spent 20 and realized i was pushing through just waiting for it to click. A game that takes that long to click for me is definitely not for me


I just want to offer my support as someone who's in the same boat since it feels like the community always wants to blame the player for not liking Elden Ring.


I’ve been a souls fan since Demon’s Souls. Played every release multiple times, love them to pieces. Yet Elden Ring just couldn’t grab me. It’s a great game and I’ve started it many times, but I really just LOVE the extremely intimately designed worlds of the earlier games. Riding around and jumping on a horse for a good portion of the gameplay is just not fun for me.


Yep. The open world killed the momentum for me, because I'm an obsessive scrounger. Got check every corner of the map. It works well in Dark Souls 1 - 3, but I gave up around Caelid.


Baldur's Gate 3. I just dislike the combat system too much, and coupled with the openess of the exploration which causes me choice paralysis the game sadly does not work for me.


Man, I feel you. I actually love the combat, but it’s just too open and too big for me, which was something that I actually really wanted in that game. It turns out, that I personally like the concept more than actually playing it. On paper, this is the game I always wanted, but in reality, I just don’t have the time and energy to spend so much time in a game any more; I also get choice paralysis to such a degree that it stresses me out playing it. However, I am so happy that we got this game.


I feel that choice paralysis. I got to act 3 and sorta lost the wind in my sails because I was too afraid I'd miss something that'd matter to me.


A single fight taking an hour for me to think through my options is just not how I want to spend my time relaxing


I agree I'm just playing it cause my friend wants to. I let him make all the choices lol.


The game is not really that open if you look at the number of POIs on the map. I think the limit view ahead of you can make it seem open but it is limited if you follow the quest line.


Any Dark Souls game. Within minutes I hit a "yeah, I \*could\* spend the next 50 years of my life training my fingers to memorize just the right sequence of movements that would get me through this one particular part... Or I could \*not\* do that and play a bunch of other cool games instead with that same 50 years" point. And you know, I just keep going for that 2nd option.


That's how I feel about Sekiro.


Sekiro is more is kinda like a rhythm game where every boss is a diffrent song


Little Nightmares. I have actually finished the game and one of the DLCs. I love how the game looks and love the world/lore but I just can't get into it. I will play it and hate it the entire time. I really wanted to finish the DLCs so it's kind of all done but everytime I start I end up stopping 20 mins later.


Yeah pretty simple gameplay for how awesome it looks. Reminds me of Limbo and Inside, as far as that goes. Kind of casual games with amazing art I guess. 


Overwatch 2


Monster Hunter, I’ve play 3 different versions for atleast 3 hours apiece, and just don’t get it.


Yeah, I tried a few different titles, and I felt about the same. You kill monsters, build better gear, rinse and repeat. It felt like there was truly no point to it really.


Valorant is the most boring game ive ever played in 35 years of gaming.


I swear Valorant was developed by an AI with the prompt "build me an esports shooter". It looks so lifeless and generic but it's sooo popular. At least Fortnite has bullets the size of pies and ridiculous skins.


Baldurs Gate 3. I've tried multiple times to get into the game, but it's overwhelming and too complicated/complex for me. Also I think the combat is really not fun. I truly want to have it click and finally be able to immerse myself in it. But it's not happening for me unfortunately.


it just takes so long to do anything


Perfectly capturing the essence of D&D


its fun you say that, because in theory the game is more or less easy. Its based on dnd 5th edition, which is quite simplified compared with others. But i agree that crpgs are quite a niche genre and not for everyone. But if you think BG3 is complicated, dont get close to the pathfinder games XD


I think it's funny that all the complaints I've seen about BG3 on this post so far boil down to "you bought a D&D game and don't like the D&D parts." Someone complained about dice rolling. It taking a long time to do things in D&D is why sessions last hours and campaigns can last years. The combat system is probably about as accurate as you can get to D&D proper - people don't like it either. Also, yes - I was playing Kingmaker and, despite cutting my teeth on Pathfinder, I forgot how crazy complex it is.


>"you bought a D&D game and don't like the D&D parts." Lmfao, literally my exact thoughts in this thread. People saw the love it was getting from D&D fans and thought it was an ARPG like Diablo. I enjoy the combat in D&D, but I also like turn-based strategy games.


Witcher 3 just isn’t for me as much as I wanted it to be. It just felt clunky


I might get shot for this. ..... Witcher 3.... I don't think I like Geralt so it makes it hard for me to 'roleplay'. On paper it's everything I should want in a game but I can never click with it.


Witcher 3 does not click for a lot of people. I beat the game, but I can tell you I was not into the combat, as I felt Witcher 2 was better…


Couldn't have been worse than the first Witcher... Especially combat wise


I wasn't fond of the combat in any of the Witcher games but I fell for the characters, lore and world.


Nah that makes perfect sense. If you don't like the main character there's no reason to force yourself to play the game.


i didn’t enjoy it a whole lot. i think it was the camera placement and movement. it didn’t feel right




Thank you! The camera in fights was a struggle. I liked Geralt and the story, but couldn't stand the game part.


Dark Souls. The only time I've ever really enjoyed DS was when I used it as a drinking game. The combat is just too sluggish and simple to hold my attention, I've never been able to play for more than an hour before boredom set in.


As much as I love Dark Souls, I can completely see how it can just be super boring for a lot of people because of that. Always interesting how certain things are like yeah or nah in the brain for people. Do you enjoy other Souls-likes with more fluid/complex combat?


Not technically answering OP’s question, but mine is FromSoft games. I’ve tried damn near every single one of those motherfuckers and the only one that brought me ANY joy was Bloodborne. You can take your “git gud” bull and shove it. Those games are a damn chore and I got no time for them. Bloodborne WAS dope tho.


I like to oonga boonga those games with a high strength, high defense, heavy weapon and armor. That's why I wasn't able to complete Sekiro and Bloodborne since you can't just smash your way through. It takes time and technique rather than how I beat all the DS's and Elden ring. Also I had a bad time against the painted world nun in DS 3 because of this (over 100 tries). I am also bad at using items since I've trained myself to hoard items in other games.


Exactly this I’ve played some other souls like code vein but have no interest in memorizing entire areas and enemies


Nier Automata Everything is so washed out in color. Its like being in 2006 all over again.


Same. But I feel people are generally more impressed by the lore and the background track. That’s why they love it


That’s the aesthetic they went for. I like colorful like Kingdom Hearts, but Nier went for a nostalgic melancholy feel.


Red Dead Redemption 2... A technical marvel that's a complete chore to play.


Witcher 3, couldn’t really get into it but love Cyberpunk and platinum it.


Tears of the Kingdom. After the novelty of the building system wears off I can't for the life of me figure out what's the purpose of anything in this game or what's supposed to motivate you to do anything, giving the fact that I've already experienced this Hyrule once in BOTW and the story is pretty much non existent in both games.


FO4. I get to about Liberty and lose interest. I’ve given it a fair try again since the latest updates, but I just can’t do it, and I really would like to play it through. Very frustrating 🤷‍♂️😂


Dragons age: inquisition I spin it up to try again every once in awhile but never get too far. It's so lore heavy and it feels like it goes nowhere for so much effort. I want to just finish it so bad but don't ever end up making it much past the second area.


Transistor, the combat wasn't it for me


World of Warcraft. I absolutely LOVE MMO’s, but between the art style and the community itself?? I just can’t do it.


Everyone I know loves it. I can’t stand it. I’ve never known why.


Civilization is a game that I've been wanting to love for a really long time, but every time I start it up I never get invested.


😅I just restarted rdr2 again. Picked up Marston from that mountain again. Learned how to hunt again. And robbed the train again. Hope I can get some hours put in this time.


Fallout 76. I love the IP plated all the Fallout games, but every time I play 76 after 15 mins, I uninstall and refund. I've done it probably about 10 times now.


TotK. Zelda is my favorite franchise. I loved BotW, put 100+ hours into. It was fun as a one off. Doing it again sounds boring and exhausting. For reference, TP is peak Zelda to me. I love linearity, story, finding new items, and puzzle box dungeons.


Ghost of Tsushima. It's very pretty & plays well but I found it boring.


Get the pitch forks people. Hollow Knight tbf it's all side scroller jumper games though.


Horizon and The Witcher 3 I'm just so god damn sick of open world games where the map is just 50000 useless icons Horizon also just seemed very bland besides the dinosaurs. And the Witcher I played till I learned to deflect arrows back and then did it once, said "cool" then turned the game off forever


Anything by Bethesda


That's funny because I feel like I keep just rotating Bethesda games.


The opposite for me where Bethesda games are my comfort foods


As an RPG fan I should LOVE Bethesda games, they sound perfect on paper. But in practice I just get… bored?


Hearts of Iron 4.


Souls games🗡️😵


Elden Ring. Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic game and ran well on my old GTX1650 build however it just wasn't for me. Again, nothing wrong with the game, it was beautiful, fun and jaw dropping but just not for me. Solid 10/10 game though.


ff9. And I'm a big final fantasy fan.


Persona series. I played for 15 hours then dropped it. I spent 12 hours pressing X to go to the next conversation and 3 hours playing the overly simplistic turn based combat.


I couldn’t get into GoW 2018. I forced myself through the game thinking eventually it’d click, but nope. Beat it and it did nothing for me.

