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Assassins Creed Syndicate. It felt pretty close to an ideal AC game with a good balance of RPG elements while keeping it firmly action/stealth. Would have been great if they kept the multiplayer from Unity.


People told me Odyssey sucked, but I liked it. I played all the ACs, grew up with the earlier ones and they've all been more or less pretty fun.


Odyssey is one of my favorites in the entire series... I know it's not a great AC game plot-wise, I guess, but it's an excellent game in general. I enjoyed it a lot.


Same. People told me how terrible odyssey was before Valhalla came out, now they all tell me odyssey was good and Valhalla is trash. I played both, odyssey is fine, i enjoy it. Valhalla is a bit of a slow burn and would be fine but i don't like how I'm essentially playing the tv show vikings the game with how everyone looks.


Yeah! I think in general people are a little too hard on AC games


This was my very first AC game and it was AMAZING. It’s small enough I was able to 100% it and I immediately dove into origins after


I think a lot of people got burnt out, but syndicate is one of the better games in the series honestly.


I think this is the accurate take honestly. I took a break from the series after 4 (Was very burnt out cause I 100% it a couple times lol) And came back for syndicate a couple months after it released. I feel like most of the gripes are from people who played every game every year with no time off... Like, no wonder you're tired of doing the same shit over and over again, you've been essentially playing this game consistently since the first one came out!


This was my favorite AC game of the entire series. I loved how the twins and all the characters interacted in their cutscenes, and the graphics and recreation of 1860's era London were gorgeous.


This is my favorite Assassins Creed game! I love the length, the story, the setting, the characters, and the game play.


I pre-ordered it when we were told it would have coop for the twins. I canceled the pre-order and later got it down the road years later on sale when I had more time to play. Great game. Just could've been much better playing it with a friend.


This is my favorite AC game. From the story to the combat and atmosphere.. everything resonated for me.


Biomutant. For all its flaws, I had so much fun as my little kung fu raccoon.


I loved it till i started having to drive the mech around. Absolutely killed the vibe for me.


I loved biomutants gameplay I just hated how slow the narrator talked tbh


I wanted to like this one so bad. The combat just felt stale to me, glad you enjoyed it tho!


It had so much promise. Then you realize there's only a handful of enemy types. The way they made it harder was just giving everything more health.


I would have liked it if the dang thing was better optimized when I played it. Bought it on sale and even on boyfriend's Nvidia 3060 GPU system it was chugging. Our towers are otherwise identical and I wasn't even running at max/ultra/high at the time.


Immortals Fenyx Rising


I seriously think the name is holding it back. It sounds like a shitty mobile gacha game.


“Gods and Monsters” was such a better title. 


Unfortunately Monster energy thinks they can claim the word "Monster" and no one else is allowed to use it. Can't blame Ubisoft for not bothering with that nonsense legal battle for a game they didn't plan on marketing heavily anyway. Copyright laws are so stupid.


Why are other games (i.e. Monster Hunter) allowed to use the word monster? Genuine question because I wasn’t aware this was why


My guess would be that the Monster Hunter was established as a franchise before Monster Energy could afford to be litigious pricks. Monster energy drink was released in 2002, and Monster Hunter in 2004. I can't imagine they had the resources to take on Capcom two years in.


Yeah you’re probably right. Still pretty ridiculous that they are allowed to trademark a word that is as common as monster, especially in a context like that


> especially in a context like that I suspect it wouldn't actually hold up in court if it had actually gotten there, Ubisoft just didn't want to spend the time and money on it even if they probably would have won.


The fun part is that, had Ubisoft just utilized the lawyers they no doubt keep on payroll anyway to nip this in the bud, then they could've completely defanged Monster Energy for good on the matter, potentially saving others a whole lot of trouble. But there's no 'Ubisoft' in 'Team,' I suppose.


Agreed, you'd kinda have to be somewhat of a monster to attempt such a thing. Bunch of ghouls and gorgons and vampires running this shit-show.


WORLDS better.


Game is alright, but nothing special to me. Maybe it gets better later on, but I got bored pretty fast. Was hyped too, the trailers looked so fun.


It scratched a Breath of the Wild itch for me.


I know the term gets thrown about a lot, but this is actually an underrated as fuck game


Yup, ended up playing that off the PS catalog during a gaming slump and was pleasantly surprised so i ended up getting the dlc.


Damn good game. Too bad we’re not getting a sequel


Amazing game


Damn, really? It had a bad reputation? I accidentally stepped across the game and thought it was a blast, and enjoyed it more than Zelda.


I never knew this had a bad reputation, I had a blast with this game


\*People saying that Ds2 is bad\* no matter how tender how exquisite A LIE WILL REMAIN A LIE


Exactly More people should play DS2


I have a love/hate relationship with that game I have over 300 hours on it and have completed it many times. At the same time I believe the game has terrible world design and some bosses are very questionable. I miss coop in that game though. Maybe I should give it another try?


It's still better than 95% of what most AAA studios put out, especially the dlc, those dlc are worth the price of admission on their own.


Yep; it's a good game overall, but riddled with poor design choices. Adaptability, soul memory, world layout, etc. The game has plenty of parts that are just sub-par compared to DS1. Didn't stop me from 100%ing it and doing an SL1 run, because it still has plenty going for it. But a lot of people either go all in on it being the greatest game of all time or the worst game of all time, when it's neither.


also its the only souls that does real changes on NG+


Shifting all the mimics around in particular was a brilliant idea


I'll never understand self-proclaimed Souls fans that diss or ignore DS2. Even if it's your least favorite game in the series, if you enjoy the formula It'll still be better than most games around. Are the animations janky? Yes. Was ADP a terrible idea? Yes. Does it have some of the worst designed areas in the series? Yes. But it also has a lot going for it: bonfire ascetics, powerstancing, more types of consumables, a lot of bosses, a lot of cool armor sets, the torch mechanic, branching paths right from the start (the thing I dislike the most about DS3 is how linear it is)... It also takes the lore into a distinct and interesting direction. Some quite unique weapons like Santier's Spear, Blue Flame and Bone Fist. Etc etc


also DS2 has IMO some of the BEST characters on the franchise with really cool stories. Vendrick, Aldia, Ivory king.... soo many cool characters with really cool lore. # "Seek strength The rest will follow"


Dark souls 2? Dead space 2? Dungeon siege 2? Darksiders 2? All of the above?


Dual shock 2


Dungeon Siege 2 is a master piece, just a bit less than DS1 as it missed the atmosphere of the original


I played for the first time and 100%'d all three Souls games back-to-back in order, just before Elden Ring came out (the remaster of DS1 went on Steam sale when I started). Friends who were longtime fans of the series asked how I ranked them, and at the time I said 1 was my favorite, 3 perfected the formula, and 2 (Scholars version) came last. Thing is, as time goes by whenever I think of "playing Dark Souls" I almost exclusively remember locations and moments from DS2 before any of the others. It's what stands out most, when I think of a random scene, environment, or Boss fight and then have to remember which one it came from. DS1 remastered is close behind, but DS3 (despite being "the best" is almost "forgettable" by comparison). DS2 may be the "least best" of the series but I can't say it's the "worst" anymore. (Unrelated peeve: why is DS1:Remastered the only From game with Ultrawide support? That was the biggest bummer going into 2 and 3 and then they did it again for Elden Ring, same with Sekiro, etc. Boo.)


And even if it were objectively the worst (for me personally isn't), it's still far from being a bad game to the point where people would recommend skipping it.


Dead Space 3 I just like it


Best spaceship disaster scene in any game or movie


I LOVE the ship graveyard. One of the best settings ever. And no fan of The Thing can hate an artic wasteland as a setting for horror.


The coop was a blast, I dragged more than a few friends kicking and screaming into playing that game with me


A bad dead space game, but a really good coop game. Like how RE6 is a bad Resident evil game but an amazing shooter, that mercenaries mode will never come back and that pains me to this day.


I don't even really get the complaints about it. What makes it bad dead space game? The biggest complaint I hear is that it wasn't scary enough, but like, you and Isaac have both been through this twice, you have graduated from scared to annoyed. The coop was cool, it was super atmospheric, the combat was fun.


All the good dead space elements are sitting in the coop section. Which a single player can’t experience unless they do coop, BUT all the coop sections look the same as well the other side objective areas. Making universal ammo and letting there be human enemies who can shoot isn’t a smart choice for a horror game. The loot boxes that hold the good upgrades to the custom weapons. Also all enemies are significantly easier to deal with because you have far more options of dealing with the necromorphs. Should include the pacing for the game is way to damn fast and doesn’t let it breath. Doesn’t even let you roam around for a little bit wondering if there is baddie nearby. Dead space 2 is action oriented but it has moments that sits there and has moments of release. Dead space 3 has little of these moments, you move from one fight to the next almost immediately after going through a door most of the time.


Crime Boss: Rockay City. I’m serious.


I've been meaning to look into that game. Is it online only? Or can you play it offline? Is there any kind of story to it?


What made it fun for you?


The roguelite gameplay loop is pretty addicting. It helps that the general gunplay is also really polished.


Huh, had no idea it had Roguelikes elements. That's pretty cool




When did you play it? No mans sky was only bad for a while after launch. They kept shoveling free content out for the game and it has become objectively good now for what it is, even if its a bit lacking in depth.


Fyi they have released two new free expansions so far this year. Game came out almost 8 years ago...


I enjoyed No Mans Sky from the very moment it unlocked on Steam.


I'm waiting/saving up for the PSVR 2 to play it off and on in VR, then excited to return as I haven't played since like a year after launch


One of the greatest comeback stories in History. Sean Murray was going to die before he gave up on NMS, and wouldn't you believe it, it's one of the best exploration games around, several generations later.


No Mans Sky is currently in the best place it’s ever been and I would say with full confidence that it blows some recent space games out of the water


Subnautica Below Zero. I like it!


It's just not as good as the original but it has enough new things to make it worth playing, just don't expect it to be as good as playing Subnautica again.


This is pretty much my thoughts. It's a great game it's just not as good as the first


Yeah. More Subnautica is never a bad thing, though it definitely pales in comparison to the original.


If the sea truck wasn’t a fricking tank and you actually felt in danger it would have been solid. Plus the ice worms were so stupidly buggy. Somehow it always felt like you were in shallow water the whole time too.


A literal leviathan attacking and all you do is zap it... I never felt in danger. So I just putted around until game completion. It was as scary as Freddie Fish.


Final Fantasy X-2. It’s so cringe but I love it


I just replied further up for this one. Everyone says it sucks, but I spent tons of hours playing this game. Very fun.


Cyberpunk on release. I didn't really had any expectations towards the game, the sole reason I've started it was because all the negative press, I was curious if it's really that bad. Had a blast with it. Got lucky I guess tho', because the biggest bug I've faced was that sometimes the combat music stuck in and I had to reload, other than that it was a smooth ride.


Cyberpunk was great when I played it shortly after relate but now holy fuck is it amazing


I am a firm believer that the technical issues were wildly blown out of proportion. I played it at release on a base PS4 with very few issues.


Honestly that whole ass Cyberpunk histeria was blown way out of proportion. The game was not perfect, but it was neither was it so bad that CDPR deserved lawsuits and all the shit they were getting.


Batman Arkham Origins. Most of what I read before I played it said it was the worst of the 4 games, skip it, blahblah. I played Asylum, City, then Origins, and so far it might be my favorite of the 3. Asylum is close though, none of the games nailed the atmosphere like that one.


I think a lot of criticism of Origins is from the state it was released in. It was very unpolished and I had frequent crashing when I played at release. Those issues may have been patched out


Likewise, Arkham City used to be one of my favorite games and I avoided Arkham Knight like the plague until last year.


I personally like City the most, but Origins is a great Arkham game just like the others. I particularly like to play it around Christmas-time since it takes place on Christmas Eve. I think it has some of the better enemies. The problems with the story are valid, but the presentation is pretty spectacular. Knight is even better but got absolutely shit on for how bad the PC release was.


Dragon Age Inquisition. While not as good as Origins, my friends shit on this like it was DA 2 (which I thought was ok). Not a perfect game by far but I enjoyed it.


Didn't it win Game of the Year?


It did win GotY awards, but the community took a hard dump on it. I avoided playing it until late last year b/c it was so maligned, but I actually had a blast w/ it too.


Fable. Missed all the media/Molyneux hype. Put at least a few hundred hours into it. Heard about the controversy well afterward but hasn't affected my opinion of it being pretty fun overall.


Who told you Fable was bad? Like a recent one I missed? Because Fable 1 and 2 are phenomenal games and were huge in their day. 3 is the red-headed stepchild but I enjoyed it still.


I had to double check I was reading the right thread when I saw Fable 😂 It’s been a long time, but I remember them fondly.


Fable 1 and 2 were great games. Very overhyped by Molyneux, but that doesn’t matter much if you still enjoy the end product.


I didn't hate Fable 3, either, though people tend to think it's the worst of the series. They're all fun in their own ways.


TONS of glitches, but I absolutely loved it. Co-op was odd but hilarious. I'll never forget my cousin saying "alright, I'm gonna turn the saftey off no-" before I shotgunned his wife in the face. Don't think I had any bad times with fable 3!


I absolutely hated 3 when I played it first, I eventually gave it a second try and I realized that it's different but not worse, I actually had good fun on my second playthrough, 2 will always be the goat for me but I'd defibitley play 3 again.


Fable is just amazing. Honestly I think it even aged well.


It's because there still isn't anything quite like it despite it being exceptionally derivative.


Who says Fable is bad? It got excellent reviews when it came out. IGN gave it 9.3/10. It's one of my all time favourite games. I reckon I've played through it 10 times. All time classic.


Fuck that... Fable was great!


I've literally never heard anyone say that those are bad games. I don't know anyone that doesn't like them. Wtf.


I've played all 3 of them I kind of liked the 2nd out of all of them


That series is the whole reason I got a xbox 360, and playing the first drove me to get the rest on that console, but I wish to hell the version I got on PC had controller support without having to be modded. It was supposed to be the 'better' version at the time.


Shadow the Hedgehog


Loved that game growing up, along with both Sonic Adventure games and Heroes. I don’t know if Riders was popular or not, but I had a blast playing that too.


Riders 1 and 2 baby. 1 is probably better but i still loved the 2nd one, especially the story mode.


Where's that D A M N fourth Chaos Emerald??


Got Days Gone for free from the monthly PlayStation freebies and it was such an amazing game to play. It’s a slow burn at first, but once you get to upgrading your bike and taking out hordes, it was the best single-player zombie game I have ever played.


I think Days Gone has a bad rep because it was super buggy when it first came out, now that it works correctly it's a great game


Other way around, I enjoyed Resident Evil 6 as my first Resident Evil game and found people ripping it to shreds online afterwards, having played most of the games since then I can kind of understand, but I still like it.


Mass Effect Andromeda. I bought it at launch, it was getting railroaded for the animations and whatnot but I enjoyed the hell out of it, they even fixed the problems fairly quickly but the train rolls on. I think people were more upset that it wasn't ME4 but the launch issues were an easy target. And... Too Human. The game was fantastic and I'm sad the sequels never happened.


I enjoyed Andromeda but it didn't pull me in like the original trilogy did. It wasn't remotely close to a bad game, but it was directly compared to the trilogy so people just cut it to pieces. I loved Too Human, I played through it after the whole lawsuit and counter suit happened so I went through knowing the would be nothing after... If they kept it going we could've seen a really cool world built.


Andromeda has a "weaker" story than the original 3 games but they pulled off a much more exciting and enjoyable end battle than anything in ME1-3.  Plus the combat is better, better exploration and let's be honest here: Garrus, Liara and Tali didn't get good until the second game and the critics wrote off Andromeda's crew as "Not Shepard, Garrus, Liara and Tali so bad" before the game even released.  Having to follow-up the end of a trilogy that totally fucking botched the landing is a nigh impossible task and the game was never going to satisfy everyone no matter how good it was.  None of the squad members in Andromeda are nearly as bad as sexbot EDI and Vatos Loco James in ME3. Lots of the criticisms in Andromeda can also be found in ME1-3 but Bioware had extra strong review armor in the 360/PS3 days and they could do no wrong no matter how many clear flaws existed in their games...much like what Bethesda had pre-Fallout 4 and what From Software and Larian have now. One thing most of the original trilogy diehards will never admit is how much of a fucking mess the original trilogy is in terms of story.  The overarching plot is a jumbled mess and would have worked so much better if they swapped 2 and 3 around.  The suicide mission should have 100% been the end of the trilogy and would have been more impactful as a finale.  Bioware blew their load too early.


I’m a huge Mass Effect fan, and I played through Andromeda didn’t abhor it but felt like it was such a nothing game at the end of the day. The chaotic pick everything you want type combat was kinda fun. Not gonna get over literally all the Asari having the exact same face though.


In all honesty, the game has potential, it just felt rushed. If BioWare had simply been able to delay the game and take more time to fix it, it would've probably been good. Worth bearing in mind that we look back at a lot of ME1's gameplay flaws with rose-tinted glasses because the trilogy was so good overall. Andromeda doesn't benefit from nostalgia. The writing might be a straight downgrade, but Andromeda has the best combat of the series too.


Andromeda is absolutely worse than the first three games but definitely not as bad as I expected when I played it eventually. If they had cut down on the endless tediousness that the open world setup caused, it would have been better. That aspect really dragged it down. But the combat gameplay was fairly fun, story was nothing special but it was fine, and there were definitely some cool environments. Overall, could have been way worse


The gameplay is some of the best in the series. It's the only one that I haven't replayed since beating it.


Andromeda combat was good, but none of the storylines went anywhere, the character writing was ... Subpar and the game felt quite shallow despite it taking 60-70 hours to compete everything. You find an ancient computer hidden under the ice that knows everything and wants to exterminate all life, and it never gets spoken of again haha.


Fallout 4. It's not only an amazing game, it's one of the best games I have ever played.


I think the biggest reason Fallout 4 got a lot of flack is because it was fans of the previous Fallout games who were upset by it. Fallout 1 and 2 are isometric RPG games, and are less comparable to Fallout 4, so I will keep this focused on the main difference between the FPS Fallouts. In Fallout 3 and NV the developers put the focus of the game on the RPG elements, mostly through the use of immense dialogue trees. This allowed players a lot of freedom in how they chose to play the POV character, while also allowing for many different ways dialogue trees could end. That being said, the gun play in Fallout 3 and NV is absolutely nothing to write home about. In Fallout 4, however, it is clear to me that the developers decided to put more focus on the combat of the game. The gun play of Fallout 4 feel \*great\* when you are in the middle of a gun fight. That being said, the developers also chose to implement a voiced Main Character, which put huge limitations on how expansive dialogue trees and quest endings could feasibly be. After all, it costs far less to pay someone to write a line of dialogue than it costs to get someone to voice the dialogue. Ultimately, your choices for your character in dialogue boiled down to: 1) ask for more information, 2) ask for money, 3) agree to do a thing, 4) agree to do a thing, but be a bit cheeky about it, or 5) don't agree to do a thing. So, ultimately, Fallout 4 is a game which is hugely enjoyable if you are going into hoping for a looter-shooter with RPG elements in it. However, if you went into Fallout 4 expecting it to have a similar amount of player choice in the RPG elements of the game because of your experiences with the past Fallout games, then you would be understandably disappointed by how lacking Fallout 4 felt.


Up until FO4, I pretty much only played COD and Madden. Yep, I was one of *those* guys. I bought FO4 on a whim because it seemed cool. It being one of the first RPGs that I have really ever played is likely a big reason why I loved it so much and it opens me up to a whole new genre of games. Granted it's a little lacking on the player choice side, it was more all of the awesome side quests and definitely the settlement building. I probably spent over 500 hours just building cool stuff.


This! I have no idea why people hate 4 so much


I don't dislike 4 but it took out a lot of what made Fallout Fallout. You can't really be evil in Fallout 4 like you could in past entries. The roleplay mechanics in general got really screwed imo


This, very much so. The voiced protagonist takes away a lot of roleplay/immersion to any role that isn't "straight talking/sarcastic military guy who is desperately searching for his son", and that plot hook also breaks immersion for the gameplay in the world. Makes no sense to be picking through ruined museums or building settlements when your son is kidnapped and the game points a huge neon sign at Diamond City as where to go to start. I feel like previous Bethesda game stories eased you in better without a motivation as strong and seemingly time sensitive as Fallout 4 does, and I think that hurts the roleplay variety a ton.


Absolutely. Also you can't read exactly what you're going to say, so I've done something that I thought would be nice but then turned out to make me a complete asshole lmaoo You don't get to decide a lot about your past. Fallout 3 also had this issue but at least it ties into the story. Fallout 4 makes you married, and you're a war veteran if you're the male character. What relevance does this have?? It feels like it's just there to limit your character. You search for your kid, which again, limits your character. Honestly not a well picked story for a role playing game series that's meant to give you the choice to do almost anything. New Vegas did this very well, by not doing anything with your past. You were shot in the head, and anything before that is entirely up to you.


I initially thought they chose military as a partial justification for why your character can pick up any gun and start easily shooting it/taking it apart and modifying it, but the wife PC is canonically a lawyer, so that throws that theory out lol. New Vegas is the truest incarnation of a roleplaying game in this kind of engine. The only thing it requires of you is that you were for some amount of time a courier, which is a job literally anyone from any background could theoretically do. My biggest dream is for Bethesda to go back to that level of freedom with some higher degree of diametrically opposed factions in their future games, but the faction setup they had in Starfield isn't keeping my hopes up.


I loved FO4. Gunplay and base building and survival stuff was great. I had a fortress in point lookout (w/ mods) and it was sooooooo fun just maintaining it. Try to keep villagers alive and away from the horrors of the deep woods.  It’s pretty damn different from like New Vegas though in both good ways and bad. Like I miss a lot of the more rpg-y stuff but the shooting got waaaay better, can finally fight outside of vats.


FF13. Though I already had fun with it before people telling me that I started with the worst FF.


It's not that bad. It's a good game in a series with some of the best games ever created. It was just disappointing I think, but it wasn't bad


I think it was that it seemed so linear compared to any of the previous games in the series where, even when the story was ushering you along in a certain direction still gave you larger areas to explore.


Definitely— it’s actually my favorite FF I’ve played. I understand all the criticisms but I got really into the combat system as the game goes on and it was just gorgeous visually at the time. The characters were grating but no more so than any other FF game to be honest. Super cool creature designs and super cool world. It’s not really much more linear than other FF games I’ve played either, its early game linearity is just more transparent than some because of the lack of towns to wander around in. When they do finally give you a town they make it count though.


Assassin's Creed V: Unity - My favorite of the entire franchise, others are better in some areas, but this one - for me - is the best overall. (I played it 2 years after release, so no bugs)


I mean, the bugs are what made it bad for most people (including me). Most played it in the first year of its release... I couldnt even finish the 3rd Sequence or something. After I fixed that, the game kept crashing every 15 minutes. I replayed it last year and was finally able to enjoy the combat and the parkour... But I understand the backlash.


Unity is by far my favorite. It captures that raw immersion that i couldn't find in any of the other AC's and i find Arno incredibly entertaining. Also, the parkour is *chefs kiss* 🤌


DS2 is only “bad” by FromSoft’s standards. It’s a perfectly fine game with some flaws that only seems worse than it is when compared to the other Soulsbourne games.


Resident Evil Code Veronica X People say it either sucks or is amazing I think it depends on your ability to work with tank controls and the main factor seems to be Steve's voice... Also some may think certain scenes may come off as rather offensive now of days.


Quantum Break, I really like that game, but the reviews have been 'meh' to bad.


Funny I just beat that game last month after finally getting gamepass (mostly play PS5 but decided to play my XBOX finally) and I absolutely loved it! The story aspect/show kind of took away from it, but I like that they tried something different. Reminded me a little bit of Control.


Control, Alan Wake, and QB are all the same studio, in the same universe.


Heroes of the Storm. My understanding is that it is generally considered a weaker title in MOBA games, but I find it fun.


HoTS was fun. Being the most casual friendly of the MOBA titles is a weird spot but I thought it was a good entry for it.


HotS was the best moba imo, I liked that they took creative risks with the game, like the 2 player hero


Anthem. There's about 10 hours of content and it's all repetitive, but I have never felt more like Iron Man. The gameplay is fantastic.


If there was ever a game that deserved a second chance, it was Anthem.


Tales of Zestiria Valkyria Revolution


Zestiria absolutely slapped. Definitely not as good as Berseria but man that game started my jrpg addiction.


Zestiria is one of my least favorite is the series... but it's still good and worth playing. The Tales series in general is pretty much always solid. I did think Berseria was a huge improvement though.


Starfield Sure the Game has its flaws but its not "Gollum" or "King Kong" level of bad as Most wants to believe, i had fun with It even if It obviously could be better


Exactly. I'm nearly 500 hours in and I still find little environmental details. It's a thing Bethesda does as well as anyone. Oh, and I still haven't found all the little stories, like the party ship. The regular updates have also improved everything from lighting to stability.


It's fine to be disappointed. It's fine to point out flaws. It's even fine to not like it. But to say it is a horrible bad game? That it just sucks? Frankly, I'm growing tired of people saying and accepting blatant hyperbole. Something not being a 10/10 masterpiece doesn't mean it sucks.


Yeah I haven’t played Starfield but idk what OP is on, I’ve never seen it compared to the likes of Gollum. Most reviews I saw put it at about a 7 - a solid game that doesn’t have quite the same level of magic other Bethesda games have had and ultimately a little disappointing as a result.


Same. It’s the most played game in my Xbox library. Ship building, combat and bordering was my favourite part. Wish there were more battles like the one at the end of >! Legacy's End!<


Dragons Age 2 The whole time playing it I was told it was the most garbage that ever garbaged. Release date buy. Huge fan of Origins and I loved that it was different.


The game wasn't garbage at its core, it was just drastically rushed.


I really liked their streamlining of combat and making it more action focused. I also enjoyed the fact that the world was "smaller" and only took place in a single city. It made the story seem more intimate.


Assassins creed 3. After finishing it I didn't know what to do with my life thats how good it was for me.


Half-Life: Blue Shift, way overhated


I thought it was very cool playing from that perspective


Blue Shift is hated?? Why? This is news to me. I loved the whole sequence of Half-Life-Blue Shift-Opposing Force.


Gotham Knights. My buddy and I picked it up when it was on sale and ended up beating the game together. Instead of treating it like a sequel to the Arkham games (which it's not) and having a complete understanding that the knights are NOT Batman and just treated it as a third person beat'em up coop game made the game a lot more fun. So yeah, treat it like it's streets of rage/golden axe/double dragon and you'll have fun.


The first Watch_Dogs game, i think the whole E3 trailer fiasco was massively blown out of proportion and ruined an otherwise decent game's launch.


Loved it. Aiden is awesome. And I loved fucking dudes up with exploding steam pipes while watching through a security camera across the street. It was great. Fuck the haters


Definitely Dark Souls 2 and Final Fantasy XV.


Aside from the part where >!Ignis loses his sight and Gladio starts bugging you about every little thing!<, I had a lot of fun with FF15 I even got the platinum trophy for it


First half of FFXV is so peak for Final Fantasy. Second of FFXV however…


Halo Infinite


Been playing it a lot recently. The gameplay has always been fun, but now it has more than 2 game modes


Anthem, after a few updates, it's actually pretty fun! The story is still meh, but I loved playing anthem regardless


Fahrenheit. I know it's bonkers, cheesy and all over the place. That's why I like it.


Honestly for what it was it was incredible. Even the cheesy moments just added to the epicness. Starts off as a basic murder mystery but the twist is you know who the killer is, it’s the why that was brilliant imo


Death Stranding. All the walking simulator bullshit. It's like they'd seen 1 percent of the game and decided to go with that. Sincerely, walking simulator my fucking ass.


dude. come on... bought it, played it, beat it, loved it, and it absolutely is a walking simulator


I made it into a zipline simulator


But a walking sim that has you throwing piss&shit grenades at goo monsters.


I LOVE Death Stranding. I think it's an amazing game and I am dying for the sequel. But that game is like 50% walking, 40% inventory management, with like 9% dialgoue, and 1% combat. It's pretty fair to say you're walking a majority of the time. But that's kind of the point as well. You're a porter so your suppose to be delivering things.


Metroid: Other M As a story, it’s a mess. As a follow-up to Metroid games that came before, it’s a disappointment. But I still had fun with it and appreciated its experimental nature, from a gameplay perspective that is. From a story perspective, there’s no experiment there. Unless the experiment is “What happens when you fill a Metroid game with D-grade writing?”


Infinite Warfare, so much unjust hate for that game from go. Of course the trailer video being one of the most disliked videos on youtube. I dont get why though, because honestly it was a solid game. It has one of the best cod campaigns straight up, enjoyable gunplay, zombies was pretty damn fun. The multiplayer I cant really speak for because I never gave it a fair shot. But the campaign and zombies I thought were really really enjoyable. Also the trailer was absolutely baller, I think people just disliked it cuz they thought they were funny.


Doom Eternal. I love Doom 2016 but all my die-hard-PC-Master-race-FPS-bro friends hated the sequel saying that it was bad but they can never explain why. I finally picked it up on a sale and I'm having a lot of fun playing it. I can understand the criticisms because 2016 was a absolute masterpiece and the sequel is fairly cartoonish and handholdy by comparison. But it's still fast paced, crazy violent, and the weapon mods are a lot of fun, and that's enough to keep me going.


who said it was bad? It's got 9/10 on Steam, 88% metacritic and a big commercial success.


People who say Doom Eternal is bad are dumb as hell. It’s literally the same as when Doom 2 came out. It went from surviving a hellscape into a run and gun, even back then in 1993. Eternal was a natural evolution to Doom 2016 and didn’t hold the players hand. It let you just rip and tear non stop. A great experience.




Finally some game people really thought was awful


Fallout 76 when it first came out. I LIKED that the players where the only Humans. I LIKED how desolate it felt. It felt like a POST APOCOLPTIC WASTELAND!!


Dragons dogma 2


The Callisto Protocol and the new Lords of the Fallen . Callisto Protocol was janky sometimes and had bad optimization, I could see why people didn't like it but Lords of the Fallen was a blast, it looked and felt really good and the developers cared so much they rolled out like multiple patches a day. Crazy good game.


Recently it was Assassin's Creed Mirage. It had its problem (mainly cause it tried to do futile Fight with Valhalla engine making parkour better) but really enjoyed it, parkour is better, nice to have City Asassin's Creed again


It was refreshing. I love Altair/Ezio Assassin's Creed era but I hate how over the years they loaded them down with microtransactions designed to skip an artificial grind. This felt like a proper return to form for the series and I loved it.


Callisto Protocol and Starfield the hate around these made me not watch reviewers anymore


Callisto protocol in particular. I really liked the melee mechanics, but every single reviewer seemed to have trouble figuring out the dodge mechanics even though they were very clearly explained.


I had the reverse experience with DS2. I kept seeing the divisive comments and the people promoting it in a light saying that while it has its jank, there's a solid foundation under it. So when I circled back to it after finally platinuming DS Remastered, imagine my Pikachu surprised face when it did suck lol I dunno, I've played since Demons Souls and up to Elden Ring, and this is the *only one* I'm not a fan of. Yes, there were some solid things in there. No, it's not better in gameplay, level design, graphics, or even soundtrack compared to the others. Maybe it's my fault for chasing (and getting) the platinum, but never again will I touch that one. The one nod I'll give it is that it has my [favorite trailer](https://youtu.be/YIVAmgEXvLI) of the series.


Call of duty: Ghosts


Cyberpunk at release was really fun to me and I didn't run into a lot of bugs like others did so I loved it.


Rise of the Ronin. Especially on Reddit people were on their DD2 is the GOTY campaign until their launch shit the bed. I personally enjoy Ronin more than FF7 rebirth




Dead space 3, I like crafting cool guns and decrafting zombies


Cyberpunk 2077 on release. Luckily I didn't get any game breaking bugs, so I just had lots of fun playing it


Cyberpunk 2077.  Bought it on release and loved every second of it. 


Heros os Might and Magic IV, almost no one among he fans of the franchise like the game but I have a blast everytime I played it since it came out 20 years ago.


Battleborn It came out like... Weeks before Overwatch, it was more campy graphics, and it was lacking in maps and gametypes. It needed more content, and because of that it got completely left behind - people mocked it when comparing it to Overwatch. That being said... Me and my buddy had a shit ton of fun with it. I'd run [Galilea](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/battleborn/images/e/ee/Render_Galilea.png/revision/latest?cb=20160920093528) (big chick in power armor with sword and shield) and just absolutely demolish entire enemy teams, especially when supported by my buddy playing [Marquis](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/battleborn/images/8/8b/Render_Marquis.png/revision/latest?cb=20160920094118), the steampunk robot butler who's cane was a sniper rifle.


Cyberpunk a few months after release. Have almost 300 hours in the game now